How CHAMPIONS Play Haven | Optic vs Loud | Pro VALORANT Breakdown

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today we're going to break down how two of the best teams in the world play Haven welcome to map 4 of the VCT Champion's Grand finals Optic versus loud but first I want to thank valentracker for sponsoring this portion of the video Vando or Phantom here's the answer Phantom is objectively better but recently more top Pro seem to prefer the Vandal at the end of the day it's personal preference if you want to climb use the rifle you're personally better with but how do you know which rifle you're better with well this is where valent tracker comes in on the track wrap I can pull up my weapon stats compiled from thousands of ranked games and it seems like on average I get more kills and do more damage with the Phantom over the Vandal this tells me that next time I should probably think twice before you go buying a vandal and just buy the phantom to get more kills and climb faster valonchaka also offers a ton more stats that you can mine insights from to take your gameplay to the next level so download violent tracker for free using my link in the description below optic open with everyone Garden they want to keep it simple and just execute a they have a chamber trip to hold their flank as for loud they open with 1C 2 garage 1B and 1A they're set up heavier towards the seaside of the map with a chamber chip holding both chokes on a loud's game plan is to lock down the seaside of the map and play retake on a but they don't want to make it obvious that a is their weak side so sassy is starting a lung he wants to show some presence with his fade util before backing off and playing full retake both teams have done an immense amount of research on each other the strats and anti-strats have led to this pistol opening let's see what happens the barriers drop crashes fade eyes short marved Omen smokes deeper long this fate I will detect any short aggression from loud preventing them from taking An Early Peek into a main and this deep Omen smoke denies the fenders all info into a long Landing attackers post up in a variety of angles or creep up all the way to the choke the only downside to this smoke is that it gives Defenders cover to sit up in a crossfire so this is something the attackers need to be aware of Sassy's fade isopy and it scans Finessin yay but loud don't move a single inch they're sticking to their game plan sassy backs up to play full retake on a while Optics silently walk up long behind the cover of their smoke Optica grouped up in a long smoke everyone is in position the execute begins Marv smokes off Heaven crashes fade powers to clear all the close angles this should be quite concise to plan clearing out the close corners on towards sewer but no one really paying much Minds because we see it louder playing a little bit deeper one towards CT one towards seven Victor gonna take the space force him away and actually take that space himself doubling down on that is also crashes for both huge opening pick from Victor numbers image and Optics favor victim crashes then settle into a double graffiti setup this is so smart Victor is going to hold wide if he dies loud won't expect a second player playing in the exact same position and might not properly clear it finesse is like hey they could smoke off our trip I'll go hold our flank and his teammates are like wait bro you have the spike playing that first at least he's like oh crap you're right on my way back Lil does finesse know his intuition was right pincada is ready to flank but he uses his only smoke to smoke off short for his teammates to retake and he doesn't have a TP so he's stuck behind this trip finesse eventually plans to spike but louder already in position to fast retake loud stun default in graffiti hitting three optic members Marv instantly responds by counter open blinding CT but less swings in one tap's a red before he gets blinded yay's dead his trip deactivated pincada pounces at this opportunity and immediately starts flanking Sassy's fate eyesight and scans all four players of optic pincada knows all of optica on sight so he speeds up the flank don't see true but saw he's still alive it's Sonic to connect towards Victor down a three now Zach waiting on the player and towards graffiti gonna get him in time back on a cries away after that and it's all on one in loud crushed optic with their beautiful retake optic open with four players eight and killjoy mid they want to hit a again but this is a little different than their pistol round hit Vanessa starting grass he's going to place his killjo turret on the close crate this culture turret will detect any Defender aggression from garage and V it'll hold the map control in mid for optic giving them the option to go back mid if a is looking a little bit Saucy but sassy might be an understatement because look at loud's opening setup they have their raisin Fades starting along these two agents have incredible Synergy with their tether nade combo this utility combo is especially deadly when used in a confined space like a main to make this even scarier static is starting a link from this position he's able to stun all of shore naming ensuring that attackers can't rush through so loud have a deadly trap prepared for optic but surely optic are aware of this possibility let's see how both teams approach this round we got to see this real matchup go down another tournament and what a reply would that be Revenge truly served best when it's cold at this point it's already damage an optic fell right into the trap Statics breached a delayed Optics push keeping them in their main aspass and Sassy actually delayed their combo in a long making the Optics think that there wasn't going to be a tethernay combo so when the combo hit it hit hard Marv here's all that utility from long he instantly has a read aloud's a setup he knows there's an opening in short so he decisively walks up short to get a timing for a flank but loud seemed to be aware of this imagine that the December again the walking wounded left mobs out Dallas on what quick handling of this Saucy fired up now two Sonic's there it's comfortable in the end softened at the start huge frags from sassy and sadak Marv got a great pick but had to reload after sassy here's a Reload in a melee swings the trade but he doesn't wide swing so he's not exposed to Victor and yay and before optic can process what just happened to Marv sassy instantly peeks again to catch up to golf guard and finds Victor with its flash out he gets a kill Dodges The Flash and then Jiggles a before backing off sassy jumps to the right to reload yay can hear that and is honed in on that spot so Sada walks out into the open in an off and go and punishes yay who is preemed at sassy sonic instantly preems long expecting the peak and finesse swings right into his Crosshair a very successful anti-equal round from loud Optical been with 3C long two mid and an alarm by a they're doing a c and mid heavy default and leaving a open at the start they know loud as bonusing so they want to systematically work the map to make sure they don't make any mistakes as for loud they start with a 302 setup this is actually incredible they have three towards C precisely mirroring Optics default look at Les's chamber teepees he has a TPA Link in CT this tpn a-link tells us that Les is planning on getting aggressively short he's comfortable with this aggressive play because loud haven't read that optic aren't going to go a off the start so loud have three players towards C exactly where optic are in the one part of the map optic aren't working they have a player aggressing there to take the space the counter-stratting from loud is absolutely amazing the Bears drop offset just hold for a few seconds just in case loud decided to push they didn't flash a corner taking the Spacey long no Defender spotted Victor Farms along orb Ceylon controls Optics he places a deep chamber trip to maintain the control object then leave to work back a while afterward taking C long control FNS uses his killjoy turret grass this turret helps optic maintain control of mid so just 15 seconds into the round optic have systematically taken C long and mid control now they're all regrouping to work back a but less is pushed up shortly posted in an off angle unless perfectly premiums the off angle and takes down crashes loud nose Optics Tendencies like the back of their hand with crashes dying optic no they need to make a play to stabilize around yay starts walking up mid while FNS starts taking space a loud call to play retake on a and keeps three towards C and it seems like FNS has a read-on-loud's call because optic are all regrouping a it's cool as it stands noting that we do have uh there's less on the other side it's that deep towards kind of the stairs almost CT back up towards heaven so there should be a plan here I do wonder if they try and get some potentially early towards CT or get a little ahead of it and looks like they're trying that absolutely I feel they've been given a little bit of Freedom here how much space do they try and take finesse maybe set up Victor a little here but see how diligent they are on the way back in once again loud are notoriously good at this but pinch come soon I can Lester found kills that's fast over the top now he's found yay he's a foul mob it's just instantaneous a stunning retake from loud beautiful util usage clearing out every single angle object could possibly be playing and that was loud's bonus round Optics economy is in shatters and loud's economy is about to snowball out of control optic are saving this round but they've managed to squeeze out just enough credits to buy two Stingers in a guardian louder on a full buy and less bottom up this op could get enormous value especially against Optics worst weapons will optic be aware of this op-by or will it get farmed by it optic open with everyone towards mid they want to start off by working mid control but look less is playing at an off and go top B with a zop and at the angle he's playing he won't be seen by finesse who's going to use his killjoy Tire window to get in full of front B this could be devastating for optic loud is opening with four towards the a side of the map and playing full retake on C they haven't read the optical and a let's see how this round plays out the berries drop finesse kills you towards that window the turret doesn't spot anything sassy fade eyes Garden finesse and Victor were ready for it and instantly breaks the eye this is optic showing presence aside while the majority of the team Works submit the guardian two Stingers to work with here for optic look simplistic straight through towards garage moves in your garage the instant they do allows a players immediately start pushing up they know that a lot of optic players are taking garage control so loud know that worst case scenario there'll be two optic players guard into holding them with weaker guns allowed have an advantage even in the worst case 2v2 scenario so aggressively taking space a is a good player they gave up garage to optic but take a main control in response loud aren't giving optic anything for free after optic take garage control they back off and leave crashes in there to maintain their control they now want to work the B site but will they expect the op everyone else sat towards the bottom middle but it's over towards day long they're exploring potentially know that so well played from updick optic were aware of the op and the offing Oles was playing so Marvel white Peaks to bait out the op shot while yay short peeks from a different angle for the punish super solid double pick from optic they no less has a reposition now and Victor just got info for the ash pass and Sassy were pushed up all the way a main so optic kadu immediately hit B threaten that b side remember Victor actually props to run it back nice off and actually the spam comes through Victor he's found the kill but sadak's here static is here and they have no idea they have absolutely no idea the static among them he's gonna find one if it has Falls quickly to the frenzy but he doesn't get it where's the spike in all that was crazy optic kills less than sadak to take the B side while that was happening Marvel is pushed up all the way a link to catch the a rotators and crashes is pushed up all the way deep sea link to catch the sea rotators and picks off pincada give optic a niche and they'll take a mile aspass and Sassy in a 2v4 what can they do the close range here this thing are going to cause real problems on the way back through onto B site we'll try and find something here at least we'll catch one in the season I'm gonna pull the trigger now finds pass y trying to get away with this potential to do a little bit of damage but an optic clawback to find a round when under save round after two back-to-back 50 rounds both teams are finally on four buys how will these teams approach this first gun round Optics start with 2z long and three mid mid control is a priority for optic finesse is going to kill joy to her grass at window crashes one to prowler out mid in Victor will flash off the prowler's contact this is how optic are going to take mid control Victor also has his Phoenix out how they use it could make or break this round as for loud they open with a one two two setup they have the Nate tether util combo towards a less as opping B again except unlike last round where he was posted by the mid this round he's posted on window instead and because less is holding window this enables sadak to walk down mid to look for pick grass and look sadak has his breach all this round so loud is calling you play Heavy mid in a and retake C with that breach out pincottish is gonna jiggle for infosy long before backing off let's see how this round plays out the berries drop crashes fade crawlers out it detects Sonic and stops his mid push Victor flashes off that and blinds both loud players and with his tiny window gained Victor instantly Phoenix holds up at this exact moment yay picks off and caught us along with his op expected yeah he's down he wants to get it Optical ready in garage and sea optic new loud had two players b and they gotta pick on C so they immediately deduced that they have a small window before the rest of loud rotate where C is the weak sight to extend that window Victor Phoenix Ultra B to fake plan keeping all of those attention on B while the rest of the Optics storm on the sea this is truly a master class on misdirection the operator now noted forced to back but looked it up Tick already on the site there was nowhere to run for him and nowhere to hide the spike now can be delivered and the plant gonna come through yep what come on I found that kill how the Rolling Thunder gets posted as well as fast looking to close the distance but doesn't go to stop at default just catching his shins on the way through but looks for the fight still yay Winton of course he does days are confused it doesn't matter enough to take the first gun round of the game optic on the four by Loudon a save but aspass is actually going to Hero right for this round he doesn't need to save because less is guaranteed to have his chamber out next round this means that loud only need to save enough credits to buy four rifles instead of five allowing aspass to buy a rifle this round but hero rifles only offer a small chance of an upset will aspass be able to find Value from this buy optic open with an a heavy default they want to show presence and take a control while Marvin and finesse passively hold control of the rest of the map loud open with a 302 setup they're on a safe so they don't want to spread themselves thin they have three players taxi and the last two players one with the hero rifle on nay the berries drop Victor Molly is a short to prevent an early Peak from loud crashes fade eyes a long it gets instantly broken Sassy's beta's Garden which also gets instantly broken utility has been traded but yay successfully posted along with the zop it's looking quiet so crashes fade Prowlers long which gets immediately shot down up to keep playing it slow they know if they make noise towards a they may be able to bait out an aggressive loud push from CN mid which which Marvin and finesse are both ready for loud have zero mid round info right now so sassy runs short to power for info up to here's the prowler yay knows that an enemy probably short means fate is short and maybe another player following that Prowler this means at this moment a longest week so yay inches up long to take the space onto the angle though that's best conscious of that rifle start me sharp for it wow and aspass insta kills yay massive value from the hero rifle but the round's not over yet yay is down but Optics still have a major weapon Advantage optic node that allows hero rifle is toward day so they called it NC but that's exactly where loud are stacked can bring so much damage on rounds like this like look at the buy it is Stingers uh you know the the Headhunter for Less sure and the rifle for us first but be able to activate him of all people is is essential to outcome I'll take just all three players on C they know race and fade were a b is the open sight so optic all a merely rotate B but as fast and Sassy were one step ahead they're already a link and the rest of loud are already shifting towards B that link rotation coming in the two players kind of peeling away from the outside they're ready for this B fight they're here so fast as fast he is faking himself such a problem the pain shell on the way out but he's done the damage FNS has three to find and loud is shut down optic from the moment aspas got the opening pick with his hero rifle loud had opted in the palm of their hands loud perfectly adapted to Optics mid-rounding earning them a Thrifty round win optic open with four Garden in one mid they want to show presence and take control of the ace out of the map as for loud they're opening with a standard widespread one player holding each choke to tether nay Convoy along the berries drop optic Phoenix Molly and fade Prowler short the Molly stops defending some people's tour off the start and the prowler gets info and shows presence yay has a knob looking to post up on long but he's not peaking just yet he knows when firsthand experience allowed have insane world-class Aim so he doesn't want to Eagle Peak them he waits for Mark to smoke off long before taking the angle loud instantly respond with their tether nade combo but the tether landed too short and marved and lives with his life Marv gets spied by the prowler he knows Lao knows he's in this cubby so he TPS out to reposition but while all this noise was happening on a look at the rest of the map crashes has a spike and Optics are sending three players mid but allow no Optical masters of misdirection so without missing a beat aspass and Sassy immediately start pushing short for Mid round info is nothing optic know this so they just hold ready to punish any over aggression from loud to entice loud to push a Optics mid players activate I don't push through but at least denial of information there thank God what pincada spams crashes through the garage door to draw First Blood up to go down the player they know this isn't good for them so Victor swings in your garage to look for a trade no one's picking him so he was across while backing off this Phoenix wolf denies Defenders playing on C all info into garage it threatens the garage window push and it allows attackers to double peek in to see from both sides of the choke three players allowed are Seaside now from that pressure alone but look at optic with all the noise made in garage they've already started taking space a short and long finesse has a spike in his running towards a optical calling to end a while leaving Victor as a lurk as for loud they have no one on a they know they're up numbers and they have Fade Out to retake sight with so they're calling to lock down B and C and play full retake on a as for optic they're down numbers and they know loud are incredible at retaking a they need to find picks to come back into the round this lurk from Victor needs to work exploring towards eight and I would have been happy to give this up because they could take it easy exactly yeah now the team looks so comfortable in these retakes Victor pincada was ready for the look and takes down Victor 3v5 loud with a major advantage Marv knows this he knows he needs to force a plate or else optic are going to lose that's a problem the downstairs but loud read him like a buck rolly down so low and this retake again still looking as refined as ever happiness at least could be back looking a little healthier but yeah really good for one now it's on FNS he's got so many problems he can't get away from any of them in loud cleanly you take the round optic take a timeout what's rats will both these teams Brew up Optical bin with a mid heavy default with four towards mid and alarm by holding C and yay passively holding a with this chamber up as for loud they're starting three on C and two on a leaving garage open and B tripped since last and pincada are hugging the barrier we can tell loud wanna aggress down C along they haven't done this before the berries drop optic begin working mid Marv default smokes top C to deny loud info but pincada caused Optics Bluff and he walks right through it he's inserted into the sea cubby Ceylon controls loud meanwhile on a loud smokes of garden and Sassy's fade eyes directly in AIM in the eye sees nothing aspass immediately runs up to take the space wait what the loudest reading optic like a children's book they had to read the optic we're going to do a mid-heavy default so they confidently aggressed and took space in the extremities what an incredible read from loud now the question is how will both teams use the space they've just acquired yay shifts towards window to holding it with his chain drop Marv swapses the aid to hold the potential APUSH while the rest of optic Begin work in garage control add insult to injury as soon as of course the reasonable answer would be to adjust and look towards C look towards B where they found success there's already a stack there and you've already lost the back line to try and slip up behind this wall but it's posted up less massive pick from Les Victor why did he try a high risk play his plan was to catch a Defender off guard by posting at an off angle out in the open as his Phoenix while drops but less was Premed right in the middle and was rewarded with probably the easiest kill of his career at this exact time towards a Marv catches ass past riding in the close corner and gets a kill 4v4 now optic heard less TP to CT after his kill on Victor so they know the op stop posted on them letting them walk deep in your garage Vanessa poises killjoyalt but Sonic's right there so he should be able to easily break it with his Aftershock this is why kyjo is unplayable against a breach no he misses the Aftershock max value killjoy all incoming less his Trap Back sight pincada Force out of the cubby less how much more can you do pressure mounting deleted crashes is there but there's still a player on long I don't think they noted the one player alone thank God has such an opportunity but all you see is one is these two and they scatter away from him but a 1v2 you got yay posted towards long ready for the Post plan you got marved on the way around supporting probably through garage here but sadak gonna try at least get up towards plant Clear Sight sees nothing looks towards garage notes nothing after paranoia as well oh trying to beat the shot there team yay now he's seeing yay an optic take the round objects like guys are medieval work last round let's do the exact same thing again so optic opening with four towards mid and one holding the a push loud is like guys our cineblast round was honestly fine let's just do it again so loud open again with a 302 setup their heavy stacking C leaving mid open and they have their tethernate combo a the Bears drop optic begin working mid they do have variety to this because once again you're gonna see a quick wait do you hear that loud smoked off a main off the start and use their tether nade combo yay is coming to his team guys loud just did their combo a main I think they're taking a control so optic can merely begin taking space garage these two players are on that a site but already a lot of present started but have they got a plan in mind I want to see if they've read smoked off no worries they already made noise garage now they want to start working up B but look at the map as fast and Sassy are both a link already after they use their tethernay combo a main they instantly rotated off a so this Wizard game plan all along look at louds they have breacho and razor online these two alts are great at retaking sights so loud the game plan is to show present day with their tether nade combo then a merely rotate to stack B this way a loud have B and C site completely locked down and if optic were to go back a lot will have two massive alts to retake with how will optic deal with this the success on eyesight and giving up they can stack three towards garage and see and actually Less on the operator what's up I mean they also have a two-man hold on B optic broke allowed's chamber trip on beat and Sassy's response with his feet power because optic broke the trip allowed to have three players b already what will object do I think consider how quickly that problem became committed they've got to have noted they pulled the players away this early it's actually a lot of information being found just by seeing this utility already committed they could I guess they could go back towards a but optic ultimately decide to end day after showing some presence B they can also see that loud have breaching result they have a read aloud's game plan what tipped them off was probably because they saw sassy who's usually the a player already in a link optic is like okay loud if you want to give us an open sight and play retake so be it we'll take on your challenge Russia anywhere else on the map by this point now you can't blame them they have to be diligent it'd be you know we'd be blaming them for not clearing their Corners if they didn't so in they go similar scenes and now we have to see if they can withhold can they withstand loud in these retakes optic plants and everyone plays off site this could be the adjustment that actually finds them converting one of these rounds could be the best plan they've had so far there's that showstopper coming in both of the key components you were talking about that's only one on the side so trying to get a note one maybe two up towards heaven as fast posts it finds a recipient that's gonna be crash he's gone and they're gonna know this now if you're allowed you know they are sitting deep on this one the smokes can go in the paranoid there Victor you gotta get on this so let's go and stop this finally the deny was abused The Flash is great Victor's still alive and three's Still Standing object not out of this one the adjustments worked they found their answer an optic finally beat loud's incredible a retake loudest saving for next round except they just happen to have enough credits to buy two whole rifles and they have their chamber up online so this round is actually very winnable for loud loud open with a standard widespread they're on a weird half by so they may not have a specific set strap for the scenario so lounges want to be flexible and adapt to Optics mid-rounding optic open with a 113A heavy default their game plan is to show presence in work map control a and then transition to working space garage Victor has his Phoenix out this round let's see how optic decided to use it the barriers drop optic Molly and fade eyes short Omen smoke long this is Optics a default loud Omen smokes a main and Sassy also fade eyes into a main which gets instantly broken both teams are defaulting 8 with their utility and without missing a beat Optica immediately rotate away from May to begin working mid they alleviate to hold a main at an off angle SAS is left with zero info towards a and he spams a long smoke to show a little bit of presence meanwhile optic begin working up mid garage towards B not lose players obviously easier said than done is pankada he's posted on this one so close yeah look at the Flash and the prowler combo great to take space we actually really like the combination between fade and Phoenix here jokes but less is posted with the operator that's gonna be a shot not Landing that he would have wanted slowed down but certainly not stopped and now the Press starts about he's got one Victor isolating the fight towards pan card waiting what's aspass huge kills from loud but wait look at the map what happened years on a and the rest of optical rotating to the free site let's rewind optic storms in your garage at this point sassy already rotated it off a to stack towards BNC Victor merely Phoenix halts out the wall gave him a lot of space on site while Victor was creating Chaos on C finesse knows there may be a gap on B so he walks up kills sassy and gets traded by sadaq crashes swimsuit trade but Sonic is already out but Sonic heard crash's footsteps mid so he devises a plan meanwhile Victor is still creating Chaos on C aspass finds Victor's return point in garage and campsit back in mid Sonic Waits a bit then breach flash to Peak mid but crashes Turns The Flash and takes down sadak while World War 3 is happening towards mid and sea yea uses the cover of all the noise to walk onto a he's telling his team guys if a kamehameh loud in an incredible job responding to optic making it a 2v3 but optic with a great macro have taken so much space much more than loud even realized it says goodbye but it is Ash pass unless up against three look where that Spike's going and look where yay is this is foot just fantastic progress can see on a deeper angle yes Advanced positioning let him set up in it off and go to pick off less as pass into 1v3 attempts to get some exit tracks let's go to Dick came out first that has to be the first scalp to claim and already time slipping away from him very well played from mobdeck this round shows how a world-class team like Optics squeeze out the maximum value from Phoenix Salt not only did they use Phoenix L to entry and create space on site optic pushed it to its limits by also capitalizing on the holes that opened up on the rest of the map the score is now tied up five to five Optical bin with a 122 default they want to show a bit of present day and transition into working mid control again except this time they're going to start working mid earlier than last round changing up the tempo oh so slightly as for loud they're running a standard widespread but this is a little different aspects is starting garage this round instead of a unless with a zop is starting short this round he's got the aggressive short TP setup he's going to go for an early pick short on the round optic decide to focus more towards mid less has been spot on with his a aggression reads but crashes the defaulting a off the start his Fey util May completely foil Les's aggressive push the Bears drop crashes fade Eye short Marv TP short the eye scans less is forced to back off the prowler baited out an op shot Marv barely missed the window to capitalize and he repositions all this noise short makes loud think optic is actually heavy defaulting a so startup wants to get proactive and take space elsewhere he's bleached son's window and swings but Victor was ready for it Dodges is done and takes down sadak off the pick after begin working up B but they've met with the gnomen smoke trying to gain an advantage on the back of loud being so eager to find some space elsewhere behind this early present show four optic stacked up outside beat smokes go up now let's warm the other side not full coverage here though actually the paranoia in the paint off the spike tab loud Omen blind and resonated everyone on site asbest swims after you tell he gets one gets two while chaos was happening on B marked here's loud's a players trying to rotate out and tries to catch him off guard to the spider but Victor looking to get aggressive Bob now with the back belt but less with this crispy aim takes down marved optic in a 2v4 now their b-plane denied a lurk shut down your deaths were not in vain though Marvel 2 on a aspass kill two players b in pincada's open blind came from C link so optic no C is the open sight all the kills though three of them can like an absolute travesty but pincada was ready for it HP in 48 seconds in in loud tear down optic Optical been with the mid and a heavy default they want to show some presence a and then immediately focus on working mid-control loud open with a mid-heavy setup they sense that Optics been favoring mid a lot so they want to take mid control off the start by smoking mid window and breach stunning grass and look at loud's a setup it's the exact same as last round less still has a knob he's thinking optic won't expect me to aggress Short two rounds in a row I just have to watch out for their fade eye off the start the Bears drop Sonic stuns grass and runs up to take a fight optic are stunned so they don't peek out meanwhile at a optic open smoke long Fair Eye short Omen TV short but Optics fair was thrown too deep unless Dodges it by tucking into the cubby Marv didn't expect less to be so close and he gets picked off Marv dying means optic have no more smokes they need to quickly make a play to restabilize the round Optics speed up their mid take they power up B while working garage at the same time ahead of getting into position so where do they go now Rock in the hall it plays pancata holds it down static in the fill the void quick flash to buy some time but the pressure's still mounting it's now working louder winning all their 1v1s optic in a 2v5 can they make a miracle happens less is everywhere once paranoia is coming through everything's gonna look good for loud in this round probably leading into the half on this one it looks inevitable in this crashes turns on a dime and does that for less as well as less is encroaching towards us he's still got a minute yeah he's got a lot of time to play with here and he got close in that last lives you found some room for himself but two of the opposing players are playing right next to each other I mean they're gonna read this as he's pushing spawn right if he's not gone for this plan you have to assume he's playing aggressively does he see anything no crash is just cleared see long in mid he hasn't read that louder probably doubled up towards C and that a is open so he takes out his knife and Sprints to a and finally now loud starting to figure it out there's a problem it's been giving away 30 seconds left Joseph is all online though just one shot it's all loud need to land trying to play the timing going around the world it's spin up towards long if he wants it they're sitting so pretty both of them on such good HP and they're clearing methodically they're checking every single corner horn goes towards long that will at least keep some confirmation he's not there instantly they turn and look towards so well played from loud before they even stepped onto the site both sassy and Lester are walking from deep in CT they wanted to give crashes no info especially because they know crashes may look to push them CT meanwhile crashes knows loud has to retake from either CT or a main so he plans to spike for short and then pushes short to hold the flank again loud Wanna Give crashes zero info so they both just hold hands and walk onto sight they systematically clear all of sight they know crashes has to be either long or short Sassy's fade eyes long eyes is nothing so Lao know that crashes has to be short information he's not there instantly they turn and look towards in loud Ender halftime with a 7-5 lead [Music]
Channel: Airen
Views: 1,166,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yig0c9DnTVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 58sec (2038 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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