The Story of Minecraft's FIRST Piglin...

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This is the story of the piglin, how they  started out as normal pigs, went into the nether,   evolved into the piglin, were forced to mine  gold, fought a heroic battle against the wither,   and led an enormous revolt against the people  enslaving them. Let’s start from the beginning...  This is Billy and his friend, Brutus.  They are only baby pigs right now,   they will soon become piglins. They  are eager to explore the outside world.  “Brutus?” “Yeah, Billy?” “I’m sick of being in  these tiny pig pens. Let’s escape.” “I’m not   sure man, we’ve never been outside these fences.”  “C’mon, let’s escape. I heard there are pigs out   there who are free. Maybe we can live with them.” “Okay, but how are we going to get out?” “Hmm…   can’t we just-” *pig oinks* Billy and Brutus figured   out how to open the fence gate and they ran  around- finally able to enjoy freedom. *dancing*  When Billy and Brutus escaped, the old man who  owned the pigs quickly tied a leash on both of   them and brought them back into the pigpen. “Ah well, it was worth a shot.”  But as the old man was putting  them into their pigpen,   a messenger came and asked something surprising. “Hey man, don’t put those pigs in their pen,   the king is actually looking for pigs to test an  experiment he calls operation ‘Nether.’ How much   do I need to pay you?” “It’s okay, money  becomes less important when you’re older,   I’ll do it for the king.” “That’s pretty humble  of you, you can watch the experiment with us,   we have no clue what’s beyond a Nether.” The messenger, the old man, and the baby   pigs went together to meet the king. They  found the king and a few scientists with him   in the middle of an isolated plains biome  where a huge portal was constructed.   The portal was built far away in  case it exploded or something.  Billy and Brutus were struck with awe when they  saw the massive portal. Being the adventurous type   they were, they were immediately eager to go in. “In theory, it should activate it once we light   it,” a scientist explained, “But it’s very risky.”  “We have no clue what lies beyond the portal…”   “That’s why we’ll use the pigs as literal  guinea pigs and see what happens.”  The king prepared to light the portal, the  others hide behind some protection just in case.   As soon as the portal ignites,  the earth begins to shake,   and netherrack and lava start pouring out of the  portal. It’s still unclear why this happened.  “It’s now time to let the pigs in…” There was no need to hold Billy and   Brutus onto a leash, as they immediately stood in  front of the portal, looked at each other, nodded,   and went in. Hopefully, they would  meet each other on the other side.   Billy and Brutus entered the Nether  Dimension. “We’re alive!“ said Billy.   “Where are we..?” said Brutus. The baby pigs  looked around and noted how hot the place was.   At this time, the Minecraft nether  didn’t have crimson and warped forests.   The Nether looked like what it was  before the Minecraft 1.16 Nether Update.  “I wonder what we are standing on,” said Brutus While Brutus was examining what we know is   netherrack, Billy got a  little too close to some fire…  Billy started burning, Brutus quickly oinked,  “We need to go back!” They quickly rushed to   the Nether portal. They only have a few seconds  to make it… will Billy survive? *time ticking*  Billy and Brutus burst through the portal, the  others are amazing and terrified. A scientist   quickly pulls out a water bucket. “I had prepared  just in case something bad like this happened.”   He also threw a splash potion of healing  on the baby pig. Billy barely survived.  “Do you think it’s safe?” said the king.  (Remember, the people can’t understand what pigs   say yet.) “I’m not sure… those pigs didn’t even  stay in the dimension for more than five minutes.”  They decided that since the pigs were able  to come out alive, they sent more pigs along   with some humans into the Nether. When they  entered, they were shocked by the ‘new frontier’   they had found. Researchers started coming in  and they documented the vast quantities of gold   that were present in the nether. There were rumors  that there was a material stronger than diamond,   which angered the diamond priests. Naturally,  people saw this as a golden opportunity to ‘get   rich quick.’ People from all over started coming  into the nether, but most people early on made   careless mistakes; for example, strip mining  in the nether with your face next to the wall.  Around this time, biologists discovered that  mushrooms were able to grow in the nether,   and pretty soon mutations of the mushrooms  were able to flourish in the nether.   The Nether was being terraformed. Billy and Brutus were adult pigs by now   and they were amazed by how quickly the Nether was  being industrialized. Bastions were constructed   as a base of operation to mine gold and the gold  would also be useful in making netherite. Pigs   were brought into the bastion too, proof of this  is that some bastions are called “Hoglin Stables.”  “Wow, things have really changed,”  said Billy, ”This place used to be   a desolate wasteland.” “Yeah it’s quite  incredible,” said Brutus, “What do we do now?”  Even though Billy and Brutus had successfully  completed their mission, they were still as   hungry as ever for more adventure. The pigs  met a blond-haired scientist who needed pigs   to experiment on to create the first living  humanoid pig. He noted that when a pig was   struck by lightning in the overworld, it would  become a zombie piglin. If they could replicate   this in the nether, who knows what might happen? “We could become like the Minecraft humans!”   said Billy. The pigs were put into laboratory  tubes and the scientist flicked the lever. The   ground started to shake once more.. and it  was successful! The pigs were now piglins.   Billy and Brutus admired their arms. After  the successful experiment, new piglins were   being created. And the first piglins lived  happily ever after, right? Unfortunately, no.  The king was worried about the rapid number of  piglins that were reproducing on their own now.   He had a devious plan to use them to mine gold. “Attention, piglins,” said a guard, “There’s been   a change of plan, you are to head to the bastion.  The piglins in the town murmured but agreed. When   all the piglins got there, the entrance to  the bastion was locked. The king came out:   “You are to mine gold now, here are your  pickaxes.” The piglins were horrified,   Billy and Brutus felt betrayed, was this  not the same person who helped them before?   “How much do we get paid?” said a piglin. The king  said nothing. Billy and Brutus now had to work in   the mines. It quickly became very boring. A group  of piglins tried to create a union, demanding pay.   Unfortunately, it was violently put down. The gold that was mined was put into the   center of the bastion. Some rebellious piglins hid  the gold they mined into the walls of the bastion.   The piglins were held bondage. But soon enough,  things would get better for the piglins.   In the ancient builders experiments in creating  life, they had accidentally created the wither.   It started to destroy everything in  the bastion. In their desperation,   the ancient builders decided to arm the piglins  to help fight the wither. The piglins were given   weapons and crossbows, the commanders were the  piglin brutes. Fun fact, piglins will attack   the Wither in vanilla Minecraft. Billy and Brutus  were recruited, and they were excited once again.  “Alright men,” said the piglin brute, “we’re  going to defeat this monster.” “Piglins with   gold swords in the front, archers in the back.  Flankers on the sides. March in 2 by 4 formation!”   The piglins marched head on into the wither, the  wither was out of reach to most of the infantry,   so the archers did most of the damage. The wither  was destroying the whole bastion, which is why it   is now a “ruined bastion.” A huge battle ensued.  The big issue with their battle formation is that   the wither could swiftly move wherever it  wanted. The piglins weren’t mobile enough.  The archers were slowly chipping  away at the Wither’s health.   The battle ensued. Unfortunately for the piglins,  the Wither was winning, and it was destroying   the bastion from the inside out. The piglins  became a disorganized mess and the people fled.  The wither moved elsewhere to continue its  rampage. “I can’t believe it,” said Billy,   “We lost…” “It’s alright,” said  Brutus, “at least we’re alive.”  The masters quickly regained control of the  bastion and threatened the piglins to work in the   mines again. The piglins realized though that this  time they held the real power- for the masters had   armed them with weapons. “Why should we listen  to you anymore?” said a piglin. The king,   sitting down, talked to the piglins face  to face: “We don’t make you guys mine gold   to make us wealthy, there has been a big  plague that we have been trying to cure.   Players have been turning into zombies and more  keep coming, the only cure we know of is using a   golden apple and weakness potion. We need the  gold to save our people. Please understand…”  The piglins murmured between themselves, some  of the piglins had pity on the ancient builders,   while others said that the players were not  their problem anymore, and that they should   finally be free. Billy decided to step in,  “Piglins, my friend Brutus and I were the first   to enter the Nether. We saw firsthand how  us pigs were used as a cheap food source,   then as free labor, and then us piglins fought  a brutal war against the wither which we had no   reason to fight. The king has betrayed us. It is  time we finally become free from the influence of   others!” The piglins cheered. Their cheering was  abruptly stopped when the king yelled, “It is war   then!” Staring directly at Billy and Brutus,  he said: “I trusted you…” Then he walked away.  The piglins were happy and anxious at the same  time, they finally had freedom, but they knew   the players would come to attack them soon.  Billy and Brutus reorganized the piglins,   recreated the old battle formations. They  used their now huge quantities of gold   to create more weapons and armor. To make sure  the piglins wouldn’t accidentally hurt each other   or other secret allies, they were told not to  attack anyone wearing gold armor. And the day   came when a large army of players started coming  out of the portal; the king was in full netherite.   The final war broke out, the plague the players  had was infecting some of the piglins, zombifying   them. It was a bloody battle. After hours of  fighting, a group of piglins assaulted the king,   he survived but was at half-a-heart. Brutus  realized this and prepared his final shot,   the king panicked and started charging at him…  Brutus only had one chance. - - Brutus kills the   king but Brutus is killed as well. Billy looks  over and is horrified, not even able to move or   say anything. The other players flee, and the  piglins cheer, except Billy. He cries in agony   over the loss of his friend. The king’s now broken  netherite armor was put into the center chest.  The piglins were now free, some decided to stay in  the bastion, while others moved into the crimson   forest biomes, the biome most habitable for  piglins. Another variant of the pig, the hoglin,   had evolved there. Thanks for watching, and if  you enjoyed this story, consider subscribing.
Channel: Dragonic
Views: 2,280,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft piglin, piglin brute, zombified piglin, piglin, minecraft story, minecraft theory, story of minecraft's first piglin, story of minecraft piglin, dragonic, minecraft piglin life, minecraft piglin brute, minecraft 1.16, minecraft movie, why ghasts cry, story of wandering trader, story of herobrine, minecraft piglin farm, story, minecraft piglin animation, minecraft creepypasta
Id: zfTZFwTgfSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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