Story of Anduin Wrynn & Saurfang (2019) - ALL Cinematics in ORDER

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that's the last of the soldiers will be calling up farmers mixed when this war began I thought we were fighting for peace but we're just fighting you're doing all you can to stop her your majesty my spies report that varrock Safa has escaped Alliance custody he been held in the Stormwind stockades since the assault our Lord should the boy kings forces locate safa no doubt they will kill him on sight while some within our ranks have questioned the high overlords loyalties we cannot allow him to fall back into enemy hands I expect you to find him before they do Dharam Juliana is an exceptional tracker she will assist you on this assignment now of course my lady [Music] just outside Stormwind's walls keep to the shadows why didn't you kill me good do you know I spared you because I believed you have honor was I wrong do you want more innocents to suffer the Horde eyes of the recovery turn for the horns for its qulet and Sylvanas is destroying it destroy everything what I want is my heart back Sarah facts tell me why you spared my life or hoped you would stop her I can't [Music] not alone [Music] let's take a look at that lock seems we have found his escape route hmm there is mutter on the lake we should check for tracks the mud has been disturbed someone tried to disguise their route amongst the reeds let's keep moving heavy footprints too large for a human it has to be staffing his trail needs east I must report back to the ward chief you are to take no further action until you hear from me again understood hey man over here I've been needing your help you are guilty of treason against the dark lady exit the heart or I will burn it down like that tree your alliance friends loved so dearly you ain't got a shred of Honor between you how you're gonna turn your box on sapphire after all he's done for the whole champion you and that troll me to stay out of this My Orders come from the war chief herself and what orders might those be you turned your back on your duty to the Horde stop bang and worse after you abandon your people you conspired with use against your war chief you will throw down your weapon at once and come with us or you will die in the swamp alone not alone I see you still have not learned to fear impossible odds my young friend it is an honor to stand at your side enough of your prattling dark Ranger if you came seeking a fight you shall have it for the honor of the Horde Oh God what a battle this Yanam sparks at me suited to remain in the Banshees favour she needs to believe that I defeated you but it has to look like you put up a good fight ready take a deep breath I fear I lack practice in pulling my punches good you are still alive bruised but derive return to the banshee queen tell her that I will be no more spawned the Khan I need you to remain in Orgrimmar let those who wish to restore the honor of the Horde know that they must not give up hope no way man I'm coming with you where the high overlord go I hope not today my friend this path I must travel alone go with honor you will see me again we better who we be counting on you okay Hiro performed more enemies so on let me see if I have this right sarva single-handedly slew my elite forces and a veteran dark Ranger how fortunate that you escaped with little more than a bruise fortunate but disappointing let me be perfectly clear you will find the traitor saw Fang you will deliver him to me and you will not fail me again now go remember your duty to the horde we have a war to win and what of the countless debt of the families that will never be whole again the Caldor I have been loyal to the Alliance are we now left to fend for ourselves I wish things were different High Priestess but with the war raging in both a Raffy and zandale are an assault on dark shore would stretch us too thin my people need action not excuses we will not languish in Stormwind where the Horde defiles our lands I vow we will recover teldrassil before the war is over but we face dwindling resources and rising casualties if I can ask your patience for a while longer no we will reclaim our home now Tyrande we shall have vengeance for the slain and show Sylvanas that she has not won and if the Alliance will not aid us we shall do so alone [Music] he intends to wrest it from the Horde herself I see champion our forces and solders are have not yet begun their assault with your aid we may be able to succeed on both fronts ta'rhonda ship was last seen at Azure and strand we will start there the Night Elves saved my people from our curse they offered us refuge and our gnosis after our kingdom fell I cannot stand idle as they endure the same fate we did Gilneas will fight by their side I don't mean to defy you but if I didn't give the order I think mio would charge off to battle without me I understand again like me with you we got to get these supplies to our soldiers by Dawn [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] shall we she must have destroyed it so she would not be followed Loretha will accompany you we are not alone out here the rest of you stand guard we move no further until we search the area [Music] could it be the night warrior the ritual will kill her we depart for dark shore immediately with me there is little time we will not leave Tyrande on her own behind enemy lines move what ritual do you speak of Maiev who is the night warrior she is the incarnation of a lose wrath even witnessing the ritual to become her would put our lives at risk and the only life Tyrande wishes to risk is her own and watch over her was she watching over us Estell Giselle burned we must not lose faith in the goddess that is just what the Horde wants Sara you stopped the shoreline while the rest of us head inland we will find her andhe and meet you at Lourdes Annelle as you command he won't be with you sister what happened to them they tried to stop her this was once a place of joy and laughter now only silence and death remain this way I was stationed here many moons look out George Apollo the bride thrower push forward let us hope ta'rhonda is still there we are too late ah but you're just in time there it's so hard to find good help these days Brides eights [Music] stand back your strength has grown sister vengeance is a powerful weapon wait do you hear that survivors Angemon adore [Music] are you alright we will tend to her wounds free the others Asha where is Tyrande she has cast everything aside only the final right at the well of purity remains ready yourself sentinels the High Priestess requires our aid come champion mashaallah can bear both of us easily Maiev what makes this ritual so dangerous legend says that long ago a loon bestowed her fury upon our greatest warriors to secure Kalimdor in a sacred ritual the strongest among them became her avatar the night warrior our victory was Swift none who have attempted the ritual since then have survived balloons raw power tears them apart there she is Kalume your people loved you yet you watched distant and a loop that they died in torment I served you for millennia but tonight I do not come as a maiden mother or even priestess now I was certain only if you grant me justice this is your right open to the north show them no mercy from the east the Lord is everywhere which will nears completion champion unleash the eyes ancient words I invoke your most ruthless piss off I demand to wear your darkest now we shall trust us the night warrior news [Music] prepare our forces for war champion with me the funnest flight column lurks nearby was true of the banished Queens volunteer we will kill them all teldrassil burn because I chose to spare Sophia's life countless innocents were murdered entire families erased in moments the time for mercy is over is not here your tree was just the beginning this entire straw will fuel I failed to protect my people but I will avenge them both the earth swallow let us strike as no wait for my signal before you attack take light color the valkia of mine leave you to rot he does not deserve a clean death we will hold this ground for the Horde there he is is she now that we have the preliminaries out of the way we can begin the ritual right well this is inconvenient protect about care our booth for the queen of the trio's is it no I suppose the hunter what exactly do you mean over these days I am I am the contour lines you are nothing raise them soon share the fate of your dear friends serie and the noble Dalaran charlie barosky's [Music] you hide from me forever elf we do not stand know what your end us in the name of Sylvanas the banshee queen I restore this gift upon you you shall pay dearly panting laughs let's move we are forsaken our forces gather we will settle this another day what happened light color heat lives but at the cost of one of his Queens Valkyr the time has come to reclaim our home Maiev you will command our forces place much faith in me we cannot dwell in the past not with our very future at stake lead our people to victory as I say to the night warriors wrath wait where is Sara she is not with you she Maya I must speak to you alone [Music] the return of its vomited Navy has emboldened them but soon those tide born curves will pay the price for defying us for the Horde Derrick proudmoore the corpse you recovered from the depths of the sea it shall prove a valuable weapon in our war against call terrors but dagger to plunge into the very heart of house problem when the time the Lord has secured the might of the Zandalari fleet all that remains is to finish breaking our folks then we will have victory in this war [Music] every cool terran would gladly lay down their life bringing daylan's killer to justice and our warriors are withdrawing make your way back to West Wing week you did well Zelly until we meet again is there any news from my family how are they doing is it wise to dwell on your former life are you sure you want to know I do more than anything your family as well your wife purchased a small home with an Arab stamp in trust for and her children are well fed that's it's good but how we spend everything we had before my death I mean my transformation who asked Lillian Foss that baby taken care of she made sure they were miss Vause I will have to thank you and you as well Rex huh for indulging me it sets my mind at ease knowing they live well it is nothing stay safe selling and remember this is now enemy territory for you Lord Admiral don't start and rude it still feels strange to hear people call me that it always assumed Derek would become the next Lord Admiral I but such was not his fate and I think of those hordes savages seizing his body and hanging it on display it was a ploy to provoke us to goad us into making mistakes we will not give them the satisfaction part of me wonders what our brother and father would make of all the cult teres has been through all that we've endured as a family I fear Derek would be disappointed by how I behaved especially toward you Jaina father could be hard but I do think he'd be happy to see us together again we've all made mistakes but will weather this storm dear ones together we're so glad you're home Jaina I believe that we was this incoming Admiral the Horde is attacking angle point Worf the Horde attack on Norrington's place emboldened them it was only a matter of time before they struck again we will teach them there is a price for attacking call Terris mother I need you to mobilize our infantry and medics I will get them moving to angle point at once Jaina tandra take our best ships and sail out to flank them aye-aye lord man where will you be I will be facing the horde head-on that they don't stand a chance give em hell sister Jaina you should not stand alone take our champion Antalya at the very least wise counsel mother champion Talia with me we'll cross t regard sound meet me by the canal Talia what's the situation of angle point do you think the Horde means to take out the seat I do mom when we caught sight of the azurite explosives we knew what they were planning the outriggers and my patrols looked hard but the enemy was relentless overwhelmed Gale hearts our swiftest Griffin so I was dispatched to sound the alarm I didn't want to leave my company but it was the only way to get the word out you did the right thing Talia sometimes sometimes there's no way to save everyone but we do the best we can and we never give up get ready we're almost there [Music] call Tara [Music] one eternity later okay hold on I just gotta figure out which button makes distinct flow there we go yeah better hang on cuz this thing it's gonna zoom it's fueled by a sir a baby hey hold on I think it's going to bad [Music] you this baby can really move imagine what it will do to the Alliance they ain't expecting us to team up in a gmod and create some chaos and if anything goes wrong roadside assistance will come and fix it hit hangar my guys to throw in a warranty at no extra charge [Music] [Music] quickly gather around I will create the disguise even my magic is not potent enough to cover up that smell you've been on in for this one the prize in de officer this is the infamous hoard criminal or --xr he belongs in the deepest darkest corner of this dungeon you're taking this a bit far watch that joy back there prisoner we'll take you to the brick you're on your own from there maybe afterwards we'll give you a proper tour it's a lovely place [Music] proud mores finest at your service this one - veins here I told you before you will get nothing from it seems the time for subtlety has passed you are to come with us Ashley release my men they should prove quite adept to keeping the guards occupied begin [Music] thank you I suggest you move away from the wall it is about to get considerably hotter you have to clear the time [Music] bro that ship is like something [Music] you only broke me out of that cell because you need something from me very perceptive lady Ashman I believe we have mutual interests to discuss such as the way of things this war has taken many turns it seems to me our current path parents the Horde is at a crossroads once again [Music] a few moments later the Treasury is well protected but Magister unbreak and I have a way to get the team inside without setting off any alarm we can call upon the boy to conceal the magic lady Jana will use to open the portal we believe we have eliminated any potential side effects by side effects you mean the shadowy tentacles or the descent into madness asking for a friend this is a serious mission fair wind I am being serious have you met my friends madness might be an improvement and the tentacles in some cases say are we allowed to make any additional withdrawals from the Treasury captain fair wind Magister I think we're ready to get underway give me a moment to shroud our actions from their wards I have it it will take a moment to find the path through ah there it is good luck lay tail I'm awful I was don't worry you can count on us almost dad's a complicated mechanism disabling it requires patience and this finesse a bit faster tips I've disabled a few traps before a few mystical masks too much for the infamous wind farewell while your concern is it'll take more than a few Kruger masks and angry stone columns to get the best of me you come to think of it an angry stone drop by my last ex in we stay focused I'm almost done with the last set of traps the last trap is disarmed hmm passable work fair wind careful don't worry they've got this [Music] [Music] [Music] do we worry nope nope now we run [Music] goal is to draw them north in tune as Muir will hit them with guerrilla tactics and rile up the blood trolls my people will form strike teams to provide support and hi tinker Mekkatorque Sinjin ears will assemble a few surprises for the Horde the tide sages will use the abyssal scepter to conceal our true intentions beneath a thick layer of mist meanwhile the fleet will invade Azhar alone from the south I will lie not everyone will be coming back from this we need the Horde to believe the attack is real sacrifices will be unavoidable but if we are successful we can bring this whole war to an end in a matter of weeks this be giving me a bad feeling why bring the fog if there be no ships to hide it does not make sense unless they wanted us to be in as Mia deceived us my father stands alone to defend this city those giant snakes under feet [Music] this jumping right into our nets good good those ballista will be firing any second continue our approach captain I Lord Admiral lady Proudmoore the mission was a success our stealth agents are clear of the area Thank You spymaster hi tinker are you ready activate our surprise just as soon as we're in range steady [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] does the mighty Rustica needle once on this help yet again Etta's or you will be the law of a ruined kingdom with no one to remember your name [Music] rise fallen ones and Allah [Music] yeah [Music] this is lunch No no please stay stay with me and slopes [Music] [Music] [Music] some day yes my queen what have you done to me oh he didn't tell you about our bargain the majesty danaiah dogfight Skippy [Music] ah thank you for coming champion Zelda's ah is still reeling from the Alliance attack my people's faith has been shaken and so has my I to know the pain of losing your father if there is anything I can do please do not hesitate to us you have seen firsthand the treachery of the Alliance let your grief be sated by vengeance against them this is not the time to speak of revenge black color enough the war chief has arrived my condolences on your loss princess excuse me Queen tell on G titles mean little to me now I must mean the do's and Allari may be in ruins does the Horde intend to abandon us we do not turn our back on our allies too long G the war campaign has taken an unfortunate turn to be certain but our cause is not lost my queen reports are coming in from all our posts the Alliance is tightening its grip victory is within their grasp perhaps we can open negotiations with the Alliance slays the leader of the Zandalari and you speak of negotiations no this war will not end until we stand victorious until the little liar kneels before my true meet me aboard the banshees whale I have a plan to ensure the Proudmoore family pays dearly for Rustica still [Music] Sylvanas what reason could you possibly have for this madness Derick Proudmoore was a hero to the cult earrings they are sure to stage a rescue attempt when they learn of his fate and once his mind has been properly conditioned we will allow the proud Mo's to recover their long-lost Prince so he can slaughter them in their sleep how many times must we forsake there can only be victory or death for us and death is mine to master [Applause] what is this why am i four of you why Lord Proudmoore I've given you a chance to reunite with your family you should be grateful [Music] please help me I I don't know what's happened what's been done to me I remember the battle Hokies jagan riders and eggs consumed by flame I first place agony and I am not quite alive and yet I don't understand this how is this possible tell me tell me where is my father my mother Jana attention please I'm so alone don't don't leave me alone this is wrong there is no honor in it [Music] her deeds disgrace us all we must set things right before the hold loses everything that made us strong my king the attack guns oldest are was the resounding success the Horde is losing on all fronts the Alliance should achieve victory in a matter of weeks yes but at what cost so many fallen including Mekkatorque whose life hangs by a thread and i fear the death of rustic on will ignite a fire in the hearts of the Zandalari he was a casualty of war and 'when a king must be willing to sacrifice himself for his people without doubt or hesitation i know that again as well as anyone but our mission was to drive a wedge between the Zandalari and the Horde instead we may have strengthened their bond more than half the Zandalari vessels were destroyed in the initial strike and the Horde fleet is in disarray their remaining ships cannot hope to stand against the cold tear in Navy the Horde has never been more vulnerable we should strike hard before Sylvanas hatches another viral scheme press the attack as the Zandalari mourn their fallen king that would make us no better than the banshee she's the real problem here I imagine she's already finding ways to turn this to her advantage we must continue the fight but as we push toward victory we must never lose sight of who we are and what we stand for Jaina is there anything you can do for Mekkatorque I'm sorry the mechanism preserving his body is unlike any magic I have encountered our priests feel just as helpless history will say we won a great victory insult Azhar yet I find little cause for celebration it was a costly Babel in many ways but enough of that how are you faring you held off the hordes finest warrior so our fleet could withdraw you risked everything for the Alliance Jana still recovering but I'll be fine you have enough on your mind without worrying about me it is good to have you back with us aunty I missed you so much transpired while I was away Anduin I've heard rumors about an old friend of mine call Youm Menethil what happened dinner Ozzy there is much to explain some I still don't fully understand but I'll tell you what I know thank you let's find somewhere quiet to talk the spirits have granted me clarity of vision nice para leave mean a will not understand what's the law Steve powder - our doors and Oh [Music] [Music] Vol'jin son of sangeun once Warchief of the Horde hear my voice and appear before us to lungi your voice be a mighty one this is really dude my old friend just like a fire be glad the demons didn't teach you Sylvanas led us to victory in the war against the legion but since then she has done much to strain the heart and finds the hold together I must know when the voice spoke to you bidding you to name her war chief what spirit wasn't this be dark the memory not be what it once was was it one someday did he crave the death she would bring the memory he'd be denied me by the shadows shadows said that be coming for you watch out some tin not be right that day that demons deplete sleep pass me God [Music] this is the Lord themselves like Debbie do it now honey for me two voices of in law decided concordant upon something for a long time [Music] holy beet juice aflutter Hamza I remember Dane I remember keeps in the other side I was expecting to see old one Sunday Posada oh hi reek he near a law there was a presence something moving in the shadows something powerful I remember he taking me somewhere but the memory of where be hidden from me to keep me from sharing the truth the truth that it might not be the law who ordered Silvanus to be war chief but something your combi you Lowell death your servant well gene has caused tumors yet you have turned a deaf ear to give please didn't speak when was it who first thought to mention wanna sports manager old man are you be talking with your father why would you want a banshee queen in charge I'm an alpha Warren did but that's it she is beautiful balance besides that one got a nasty habit of keeping which kills the award she's the new friend to hold one son the woods are trouble Steph our speaker of the whole [Music] Lich King the voice I heard as I be dying telling me to Neve Silvana's war Keith was it the LG breeze skis wet in the balance I had no hand in them and me spirit the entrapped in this world is that you're doing Vol'jin your soul has walked on the other side and returned [Applause] altered more than you know you are neither undead Lord and you do not belong here leave this place at once I suggest we go strain the choice is yours Lena de partir my spirit was sent to the other side Dean returned was this door to a Shadowhunter you are no longer a mere spirit but you have become is something beyond my power to forge who be having such power could it be the same one who beat me to name Silvanus war chief you have been touched by the hand of Allah such a noble force does not scheme for mortal Thrones so whoever we split him is not the same as who seek me back you have been granted all the knowledge I am willing to share leave now and never return back declaimed she don't gotta motor one sunday PS confused his wrist of us and nana day were he could a Cecil pharmacy charge no matter the circumstances she is Lida of dehorned I will do all I can to ensure that her rule is a just one Xander nasty stands because of your courage tell Angie their father is mired in the always saying that of a truly entire lost time would you be the first to looked at a future to see what the truths can become be young but you'll be righteous call on me spirit if you ever need advice from a new chief dare gonna keep searching the answers if there be new enemies gathering in the shadows did I miss D hunting team before they'd be hunting us a sacred fire of untold power it saturated every fiber of our being in the warmth of its glow we thrived until the shadow of death fell upon us this is where the end began my company was patrolling the forests near Suleiman when he received word of a scourge invasion we were wholly unprepared for what we encountered quoth alas had enjoyed year's idyllic peace and suddenly we were facing death itself I lost my eye in that battle and would have lost my life were it not for held on words cannot describe that devastation our people suffered that day but any of us survived to tell the tale is a miracle one that we can't afford to waste [Music] [Music] Sylvanas Windrunner was our kingdoms protector and she and her Rangers not met Arthur's with such fierce resistance our people might no longer exist she paid the ultimate price so that enough of us might escape to rebuild our fallen kingdom [Music] [Music] [Applause] when Arthur's raised her as a banshee and turned her against both of us it broke all our hearts I've had my share of disagreements with Sylvanas but I will never forget her sacrifice she was the Ranger general of Silver Moon nothing will ever change that for thousands of years the Sunwell meant everything to our people Arthas dealt us a grievous wound when he defiled it my faith was shattered when silver moon fell I lost sight of who I was but by the grace of the light I found Redemption before it was too late let this monument serve as a reminder of what it means to be sin Dora that our every deed may honor the sacrifices of those who came before us no matter how much pain we endure we will not lose hope in the face of darkness look always to the eternal Sun you will burn for your actions you may have been formidable once but I sense your soul fading your lifeforce flickering weakly a flame I will gladly extinguish at least I have a soul you despicable monster [Music] not for long [Music] people would have soon suffered the same fate that we remain linked to its magic with a heavy heart Prince Kael'thas decided to destroy the Sun well the time has come may the light of the Sun guide us to the very end sound of cannons the amani have landed on the shore we must hurry cut down enough undead for us to pass and leave the rest for the trolls that will buy us the time we need the Sun what has he done the soul of our people now a desecrated font of decay it worsens and each sunrise liadrin guard the entrance let none pass we shall hold the line until the very end Salameh a Shaolin order protect the Magisters we must reach the Sun where the ritual appears to be working Magisters maintain your focus [Music] [Music] Roma teleport us to safety and so ends the most tragic saga in our people's history follow me champion it is time to return the lantern to silver but our people are not defined by tragedy but by our ability to overcome it from the ashes of the past we carry the flame of hope into the future it's my honor to present you with the regalia of our greatest heroes Malone o Solari Melora Endora rise champion of the sindoor I [Music] [Music] and that concludes our demonstration any questions welcome back to Jana in the morning we're here with Mal venture off hunter of night and his girlfriend Kim now Kim you think you're here for a makeover right um yeah now why don't you tell us why you're really here well Tim Jake I love you but I have something to tell you ah I'm a demon actually more of a bit lord I thought you said you work for the post office well I moved my oh I hate these running gags
Channel: Athelarius
Views: 506,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 8.1, Tides, of, Vengeance, World of Warcraft, Battle for Azeroth, Complete, Story, Movie, All, Cinematics, Cutscenes, patch 8.1.5, Battle of Dazar'alor, Fate of Saurfang, Night Warrior, Tyrande's Ascension, Alliance, Horde, War Campaign, Jaina Proudmoore, Sylvanas Windrunner, Derek Proudmoore, Quest, Rastakhan's Death, WoW BFA, Athelarius
Id: 8X0kNLgKypk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 48sec (3888 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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