The story of Chuck & Blair

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oh you look ravishing if i were you man i wouldn't need cruz to find her truly i am proud and you are my toughest critic who's that girl i have no [Music] after being broken up with my boyfriend for exactly 20 minutes i succumb to inebriation performed at a speakeasy and surrendered my virtue to a self-absorbed ass the only good news is that he's a total piglet [Music] all this for your own enjoyment and didn't care what would do to me which is exactly why you and i can never walk down there waldorf you make me sick this thing between us it's over for good wait wait i didn't mean don't talk [Music] probably but i choose you you know what i'm tired of this go ahead and tell him really you want me to tell him how you slept with me and then faked your virginity for him i'll just tell him you're lying [Music] did you sleep with her huh you son of a [ __ ] can we talk about [Music] yes nathaniel i took what blair kept throwing at you and you kept throwing back but somehow you screwing left for sport is my fault it wasn't for sport she needed someone and i was there oh so you cared about him guys have broken up how long a week an hour look i'm sorry i have no one to turn to but you actually you don't even have me sex with him in the back of the limo several times you know they say if you love something you should set it free oh you say when you hate something you should slam the door in its face i love it when you talk to her never enjoys their first time except you saved me a dance now that georgina is done so are you and i she was the last thing we had in common i was in love with blair and i'm sorry i said you loved her never heard you say that before [Music] he brings out the worst of me and weirdly i think i bring out the best in him [Music] this is all your fault i would have never needed a james if you had stood me up at the airport in the first place you made me use him i didn't make you do anything i will fight until my last dying breath because any resemblance to you is something i would hate about myself [Music] i'm scared that if we spend the whole summer together just used give me a reason and i'm chuck bass doesn't count not good enough [Music] [Music] is i'm not laughing it's just so obvious you're not over blair come on this is your body's way of telling you i don't have a romantic bone in my body [Music] but i just want you to be sure [Music] [Music] despite whatever this digital attraction my body may feel for you my brain knows better you catch in my room in one hour [Music] egg letters three syllables say them in a mirror but i'm already yours and you're ruining the move with all this talk you can't say it you wanted it for me i'm prepared to settle [Music] [Music] we'll never say those [Music] [Music] i went to tuscany alone i was the one who asked you to say it first you were on your way out with the count did you really think i was going to say it then yes but when you did and i wanted to die don't tell where you brought me all the way to brooklyn for this i thought you're ready to tell me how you really felt now my heart is maybe in the future i suppose there could be some excruciating pleasure [Music] deep brown eyes let me splair that's you no that girl is out there and you better hope for your sake that i find her dance with me [Music] you said so remember it's not for us maybe but it wouldn't change us not if it meant losing what we have and what do we have chuck you tell me tonight darkest thought you've ever had i will stand by you through anything why would you do that because [Music] i do don't you understand i'll always be here i don't want you going anywhere i couldn't bear it so whatever you want to do to yourself please don't do that to me [Music] please [Music] [Music] today when you call me your wife made it sound like the ugliest word in the world [Music] please [Music] want you to be sure what are you doing with this answer having the time of my life thank you very much i'll wear [Music] i did hard and for a long time so please forgive me if now that we're over i'm exhausted it's stupid for you to want her to be anything other than jesus [Music] then man up and tell her otherwise you gotta cut her loose you gotta cut her loose and you gotta do it for real this time man because i want her [Music] or if it's just a game if it's really [Music] just let me go you take me from the dark your arms making me steady so nothing could fall apart and i will find [Music] now my heart is [Music] because i love her [Music] oh i can't believe blair won yeah who even voted for me but i just want you to be so sure it consumes me i love you i know you love people [Music] tell me you love me and everything we've done all the gossip and the lies and the hurt tell me [Music] you say that but i know you you're chuck bass i'm not chuck bass without [Music] then how can you be so sure because you believe in me forget your blair waldorf remember i'm chuck bass [Music] because i kissed somebody that wasn't you if you really think i've never kissed again [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] you ran away because you couldn't handle death i think it's because you couldn't handle feelings [Music] but you're not like that anymore you're strong [Music] you're becoming a man [Music] when i used to be afraid [Music] for sexual harassment what obviously there were incidents with room service at the palace but that was my father's hotel i was a kid i would never do that now not in my hotel not to you not everyone's willing to wait 18 years and here's the kicker it wouldn't cost me that what are you talking about i'm saying chuck can have the empire and all it would cost is you spending the night with me did he offer you anything nothing i would ever consider and if i'd be feeling heavy you take me from the dark i told chuck i take either you or the hotel [Music] weren't there for you because i thought it was the only way that would save your hotel now my heart is already fun i just did anything to help you all you had to do is ask losing me [Music] the darkest thought i ever had [Music] would be to me you went up there on your own you and i are magnetic you can feel it our pull is as undeniable as ever [Music] it doesn't have to be i love you [Music] saying it was hard but i did and i've never looked back so now i'm asking you please do this for me [Music] everything you said last night was true [Music] we do belong together we're both sick and twisted if you think about it we're incredibly fortunate to have even found each other claire i don't want this to be you settling some sort of consolation [Music] at least we won't be lonely in hell that's not what we are i can't keep pretending and i can't lie to you darota chuck and i aren't happy i never thought it was possible to love someone too much but maybe it is [Music] i don't like who i've become with you why blair don't love me [Music] heart is ready to burn i suddenly realized that the way to get over you wasn't by hooking up with some random guy or pretending like we didn't happen [Music] you and i loved each other and then you broke my heart i did the most dangerous thing i could when i said i love you it was worth it if i got through my fear for you you can get through yours for me [Music] you have until tomorrow [Music] what [Music] so you brave enough or aren't you i've been waiting at the top of the empire state building you can't affair to remember me if you're not there tomorrow at 701 i'm closing my heart to you forever when you show up i was resolved not to every bone in my body tried to slow [Music] i am so sorry for the pain i've cost you and i know i can't take it back but i want to try and make it up to you even if it takes me the rest of my life there love you have you lost your mind what the hell i thought you didn't love me anymore i didn't care if i lived or died jenny humphrey don't say your name or anything [Music] this else didn't happen [Music] i don't love you anymore but it takes more than even you to destroy blair waldorf [Music] your world would be easier if i didn't come back that's true but it wouldn't be my world without you in it i just can't stand to see someone finally change me and it wasn't you is it possible [Music] you just brought back my worst self this means warm wear chuck me versus you no limit that will make you happy you lost the moment you slept with jenny i'm free and that was the best thing that ever happened to me because [Music] i got over you forever [Music] we don't have to we have to [Music] summer i only found out because i was desperate for news of you [Music] all summer when i was pretending not to care i wanted to know where you were i paid a private it's going to be a long day of immersion therapy if blair and i are going to end this we'll have to have sex as many times as we can in the next 24 hours for the next 24 hours no matter what don't miss blare me the only way to be done with this thing once and for all is to have a bad thing to fall apart what conversation are you referring to today three one syllable words that under the circumstances you may or may not have meant do you want me two men if they were true i would want to know [Music] of course people do lose their rational thought during sex they bark and scream [Music] i will i i mean i do say we go up in flames together i'm sorry but i have to be blair waldorf before i can be chuck basta's girlfriend i love you i love you too i don't expect you to wait two people were meant to be together [Music] it was life changing because it made me realize i wanted to be with you are you prince when your heart truly lies i'm telling you tell me oh yes i mean i'm married [Music] i said it's over i know you think the masses are evil trust me i get it i love chuck for sure [Music] let [Music] if that's what you want it's the right thing to do you really love him don't you yes but not like i love you but i need to let you go [Music] i will always love you i will always love you [Music] there was a part of me that really wanted it [Music] i'm sorry [Music] sorry for not waiting longer than the empire state bombing [Music] most of all i'm sorry that i give up on [Music] us so i don't get it you kissed blairis which you think you hadn't changed the only way for blair to move on is if she thinks i never will i had to kiss her too is that her friend that may be the most selfless thing you've ever done [Music] the night of the spectator launch i left the engagement ring i bought you on the doorstep and walked away i appreciate you trying to make me feel better but i have my answer you're the lightest thing that ever came into my life [Music] you survived without me become the man she wanted and she's already chosen another one i'm too late i still love her huh i can't imagine the day i will do you think you could love another man's child why are you [Music] [Music] [Music] i thought it was selfish if i was the one to tell you to break up that was the moment you chose not to be selfish timing has never been our strong suit but with you just because louie is the father of your baby does not mean you should be with him you should be with me [Music] you sure you want to do this i mean a prince a fairytale wedding this is all you ever wanted you're all i ever wanted to say but i just want you to be sure [Music] [Music] i promise i'll keep my vows just because we can't be together doesn't mean i still love him i feel like it's not fair he's alive but i feel dead inside without him if i broke off my engagement and [Music] you sat in the car and you said you'd never go we were going to spend the rest of our lives together now you can't even look at me now you don't even care enough to tell me why i saw what was important and i made the only choice i could if it's not unfair with humphrey something else changed you what was it because love does not just disappear we can never be together please just just move on and be happy you can't be in your eyes until i know why i won't stop i will use all of the power i have to find out the truth some things are more powerful than even you will find my strengths at my mind [Music] all day long i have had this feeling that i had forgotten something and then i realized what it was [Music] because it should be awesome there and you know it it isn't that simple it's only that simple you told me you love me i know it was true it is [Music] i love you more and more every day if it's even possible to love someone that much get out of here with me right now we can go anywhere just as long as we're together i know you can't understand and i don't expect you to but even if i weren't with you [Music] i can't let you buy my freedom if it means getting rid of them it's worth whatever the cost i made a promise and i need to keep it to god please you broke that promise when you left louie and look i'm still standing chuck i can't stand the thought of you with anyone else i don't care what it costs where we have to go i just want to be with you [Music] and as crazy as this all's gotten i know why you did everything because i love you and i love you i always will but that doesn't mean i'm in love with you at least not right now not the way you need me to be not the way you deserve i'm sorry keep feeling close hey my dowry i told you that tell me if it's true why does it matter i knew it you thought you could buy me back just like you thought you could sell me for your hotel got it all wrong that's why you showed up with that ruse today about friendship [Music] you bought my divorce and you came to collect your prize joseph you look like you need a friend he has a friend this new romance with dan is fun but is cultural stimulation enough what if i never love anyone more than i love chuck i play this game anymore i spent the whole year waiting for you i need to move forward with my life now of course [Music] there's something else you need to say i've made my choice i know who i need to be with i'm on my way to tell him now [Music] i'm here because it's time i was honest with you i have tried to kill it to run away from it but i can't and i don't want to anymore so what we can be together [Music] you said i always bet against you but this time you are better going our separate ways i would never have agreed [Music] we have much to do maybe our pact is just an excuse for us not to be together claire i love you with all my heart and that is the reason i cannot take the chance of messing myself blair you are a distraction because when we're together you're all i think about and i won't give up my empire [Music] mind body [Music] no business in the way of us being together [Music] i always feared he was the better man no one's better for me than you [Music] but i just want you to be sure [Music] stop lying to yourself [Music] my mouth [Music] text me and said she's here we've done something blaire is fine okay she's upstairs what are you doing i'm gonna live with myself if anything happened to you but i'm fine because i'm leaving it's a small price to pay for your safety i don't want to be safe i want to be with you come on let's go together i'll have to rotate my face i have to go alone i made a deal those were my father's terms just have faith in me this one last time i've waited too long i need to be with you now trust me letting me go is the right thing to do i know what my father is capable of but he would never try to kill his own son [Music] when i used to be afraid of the words but with you i've learned just to let it out now my heart is ready to burst cause i i feel like i'm ready for love [Music] will you marry me do you chuck take blair to be your lawfully wedded wife three words letter slayer you take chuck to be your lawfully wedded husband one word three letters yes then by the power vested in me by the great state of new york i now pronounce you man [Music]
Channel: Scottie Salvatore
Views: 158,371
Rating: 4.9160223 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 52sec (2512 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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