The Staudte Family Murder

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[Music] hey you and welcome my name is mike and in this whole video we are you know once again looking right at a story that is just off after all it's after all right get a load of this one but but i will say we haven't looked at a little old one like this though you know quite before steady right what a name i wish i could say that was the most interesting uh thing about them as do they springfield misery is our home today and uh like i said uh though this one is just a little bit more unusual than usual so hey come on let's stop kicking the tires give it a go [Music] springfield missouri home for us today you know we've been there a couple of times before uh once when those three women went missing the something tree i don't know gypsy rose also moving on [Music] the queen city of the ozarks is home to about 170 000 folk and it's ranked in the top places to live in the us while it has some rough crime and isolated spots it's a growing youthful city and not too far from some beautiful you know cliffs rivers trees and it's an up-and-coming city full of things to do and places to go great so maybe you know a little less misery in missouri but not so much for our family today's family that's the steadies that's that by the way's theory that's german for an english word google translate uh wouldn't tell me stouter dang it but you know before those days there were some happy days trademark abc 1974. [Music] these stoughty family were made up of mark and diane high school sweethearts in kansas so let me just pump the brakes there for a second i'm describing them as high school high school sweethearts right mark and dan because when i was researching this topic that's how they were they were generally described there was a 10-year age difference between mark and diane so later marrying on the 28th of december 1985. these stoughty family would eventually grow to six if you can believe that with the arrival of sean in july 1986 so that was a shotgun wedding followed by three more children three daughters he got sarah rachel and brianna diane she worked as a clinical supervisor for united healthcare in springfield and in her spare time she did a bit of fingering the organ at the local uh redeemer lutheran church mark himself uh you know just work work what come on yeah [Music] he was an axe man and boy could he shred the harmonica [Music] messing with destiny was the gang a rock and roll country dance band only in the springfield branson area on the side though he would occasionally pull pints where he could to get some sweet green a musical bunch both diane the real breadwinner you know in the family diana was always described as a little quieter maybe a little um you know standoffish right next to gregarious l mark over here some crack their children grew up in the area living in a small house on west page street three bedrooms for six people rachel seemingly by far diane's special girl she posted pictures of her non-stop the youngest daughter rihanna she had some learning difficulties while the oldest son sean he had autism sarah graduated from the missouri state university graduated and that was um kind of end of list she was struggling to get a job now she was out of college and back home back home only this time with a big old minus in the bank account as i said diane seemed to be a big fan of rachel who made the dean's list time and time again i was into religious music like her mama [Music] so far you know interesting uh family dynamic seem weirder though but hey you know i hear your barking big dog right when is this going to get odd and weird as [ __ ] well i retort just wait in april 2012 messing with destiny they are about to get messed with by destiny rock on the band we're doing pretty decent the gigs becoming more and more commonplace in the bars in branson they were making a name for themselves on the 6th of april it was a friday the band were getting set up you know to do a couple more gigs rock on they noticed mark was a little it was a little off he was a little green around the gills you know as they say who fish he just wasn't himself his friends would say as it went on his skin took a yellowish tinge your jawness kinda he appeared wrong and he was wrong it was easter sunday that year was the eighth of april that a police officer was called to the story the steady helm mark was dead [Music] it was the day after he turned 61 years old when questioned diane said he had been feeling weak the last few days eating less sleeping more that day that sunday shrouded she had been checking on him and every time she did he can only grunt her sometimes not even manage that she said he had three seizures that day the last one 45 minutes before she found him dead after she returned from a church service when asked why the [ __ ] you know she didn't call 911 he needs medical attention he needs a doctor uh she said mark you know he had told her he didn't want to go he had a ring of blood uh around his mouth which was kind of hot but other than that there was no signs of trauma no signs of injury and i was basically just chalked up to um natural causes you know what those causes were well no autopsy was done marky didn't have the healthiest lifestyle he wasn't uh he wasn't like a drugs you know or alcohol but he he didn't exercise he had like [ __ ] so they they chalked it up to that it was a sad time uh for everyone you know mark you he was beloved by everybody his band they played at a memorial forum and as hard as it is life just kind of went on hmm [Music] and hey little something for your troubles a life insurance policy all right but not the usual you know cha-ching we see uh it was only like 20 grand i mean nothing to sneeze at but not like these half million things we tend to see in these you know i know what you're thinking not that it was big enough that two months after mark's death diane bought a bigger house in a nicer neighborhood for the family only a 10 minute drive from the old place a familiar visit would be made to the new uh steady home an ambulance on the 2nd of september 2012 less than six months after mark's death a 911 call was made as a family member was not breathing it was 26 year old sean diane had once again you know come upon a dead family member when she returned from church at 12 30 pm she had spoken to him the night before she said he was feeling sick nauseous aches diarrhea things he had been experiencing for a few weeks at this point and i checked on him a couple of times the nights before before heading off to grind the organ once again there was no signs of um trauma injury on his body he had once again he had a ring of blood around his mouth but other than that it was you know death by natural causes prior medical issues is what the medical examiner would jut him and sean like his father was cremated a couple of days later and the family became even more isolated you know more kind of a standoffish crazy and tragic that you know in less than a six-month period two a father and son would both die of the exact same causes you know natural causes it seemed unnatural that they would both die of natural causes you know but nothing seemed untoward what a year of change indeed six months later sarah was in critical and i mean shite condition in the hospital another tragedy to strike the family in just over a year [ __ ] now obviously diane saw this coming maybe sarah had been ill for a few days weeks like her brother and dad so fool me twice etc etc it really did not seem like she would pull through her kidneys shut down pancreas was out the door leading in the brain and all the while this was going on the police they received a call anonymous the caller said that diane diane right was responsible for possibly two maybe even three homicides what this anonymous person mentioned mark and sean by name we go as the two and presumably uh you know sarah was gonna be the tree and so after the call the detectives they went to the hospital following up and spoke with docs and nurses and they were telling the detective that yep she was in a serious potentially fatal condition and they didn't know what was wrong with her they also told the detective that diane had visited a few times not staying too long and had been acting inappropriate joking laughing unconcerned with sarah's concerning condition in fact she was more concerned with a trip to florida she was gonna take in a week you know not given two shits about her dying daughter you know she just had palm trees in her eyes one of the ducks then said you know how he thought he was he had suspicions that this was suspicious all tests were coming back negative and so that left really only one conclusion poison the deaths of both mark and sean were then were then re-examined and you know going through the medical examiner's reports the fact that you know they both died of what appeared to be the exact same uh thing you know his symptoms were the same ring of blood around them was the same and now this same thing was affecting sarah coincidence me box [Music] things were starting to look better for sarah around the 18th of june she was out of the icu the police then decided to speak with diane is it stout saudi diana and mark weren't as happy as others thought but they they loved each other it was not what you call a good marriage so he wasn't a very good guy yeah i know you know i've had friends who told me i should kick him out but i couldn't find myself kicking him out why not i was afraid he'd kill himself but she didn't do anything to anyone only thing is she could have taken sarah to the e or sooner but it wasn't that bad i mean i've seen the flu bug worse have you been able to talk to her oh yeah and she doesn't remember she doesn't remember she doesn't remember anything sarah's a difficult child to deal with i understand and i've been kind of putting pressure on her to you know you need to get out and get a job your college bills are coming due i don't want to pay for them you know after all you get tired of doing everything for your kids and it's like you need to step up and do it as far as did i do something to or i didn't do anything to her i mean i i guess i could have taken her to the er sooner but i didn't know i don't know i don't know i know i didn't do anything that was the first you know crack the next was her admitting that they had drank antifreeze because she'd given them antifreeze [Music] i'm a horrible mother and i cut it really short and sweet i knew they were drinking antifreeze and i was so mad adam i didn't want to take them in you knew diane that they were drinking antifreeze because you were giving it to them i didn't know what else to do i really didn't i should just kill myself diane researched antifreeze as a poison on the internet and then over a tree day period put it in mark's gatorade a few months later she put it in sean's coke over a two-day period she did the same thing to her oldest daughter how long had you been giving them the antifreeze before they finally got like before sean passed and before sarah maybe a couple of days and what were you putting it in coca-cola what else how much would you put in just a little bit and why just a little bit i didn't want to hurt them when did you start with mark i do you've got to be honest about everything again let's not keep going over this because we're i'm just when i feel you're finally starting to do the right thing you've got to be honest with me about everything when did you start with mark a couple days before okay i guess it goes without saying but if you slurp down uh some antifreeze you're not gonna you're not gonna have a good time it's easy to poison with two because it's odorless ah it's a little bit sweet so you know if you put it in like uh you put in gatorade you put in a coke you ain't gonna know a few hours after you suck it down you'd act drunk then after about 12 hours you'd be in deep [ __ ] it absorbs into your system real quick and in your kidneys crystals form you'd act more and more drunk tired groggy slurn your words puking then it'll begin attacking your kidney your lungs your brain your nervous system rapid breathing heart will go crazy convulsing then coma then death and it doesn't take much only a couple of tablespoons we've seen this we've seen this in a case before stacy caster she also used it as a poison on multiple people now right you're asking what's the motive you know what why what's the why there wasn't a huge amount of you know that right 20 grand from work right not really exactly enough to murder someone um four you know and there was nothing for the other two the two kids like it's not like they had life insurance policies so she wouldn't get anything out of that financially i knew her reasons were more uh mundane to be honest she just kind of [ __ ] hated them just a lot of arguments both shawn sarah would just basically and um trash the house they would do whatever they wanted to do and never helped support or even contribute she hated mark hated that he did nothing hated that he could get angry at times it wasn't about the money was it just about hating him so much well to be honest i don't know he would throw things at me he would throw things at the kids [Music] and i guess i just had enough so were you there kind of pretty much checking on him regularly to make sure when he was and then when he finally did die then you called okay hated he didn't help support the family hated that he was there drinking with his band while she earned the bread and went to church sean she viewed him as a pest nothing nothing more someone to get rid of someone she'd be better off without he was dead weight and then sean how did how did stuff get started with sean sean would be interfering with whatever i would do to the point where he was getting into my work and i would have to tell him you need to leave you know go to your room go do something you would just how can i explain this i'll explain it you get to the point where you just pull out your hair [Music] because i didn't know what else to do with them so if he was just a constant bother he wouldn't leave you alone i think it's more than a father would a pest would that be a good word for it it was more than that sarah much the same because she couldn't get a job and had student loans and then with sarah you talked about you know she she wasn't getting a job and then she had these student loans and you're gonna end up having to pay for them that's pretty nice and you just had it with her as well more as diana would put it dead weight to be cut from the ss study i regret doing it i really do i've i've screwed up everybody i've screwed up my whole family and it turned out that diane had not acted alone her favorite daughter well it turns out that they may have in reality been as thick as thieves take us take his murderers actually see when they were searching the sturdy home they came across a diary in one of the rooms describing the planning of the murders planning of over a year in june 2011 she wrote it's sad when i realize how my father will pass on in the next two months shawn my brother will move on shortly after it will be tough getting used to the changes but everything will work out the next day rachel was interviewed she admitted she had been involved with diane with her mother sean we argued on a lot because i still think we could have put him in like a assisted living but she wanted him out what did you say when she talked about killing sarah sarah was equally unneeded you could have find someplace else for her she was very adamant on that sarah was just a burden that sarah needed to be taken care of they had both researched different ways to do it from pills to strangulation to even some what they thought would be magic wicker whatever uh witchcraft i'll say that right now so how are you guys getting her the drinks without her knowing about it she's on the computer a lot on youtube a lot on sites like that a lot and she's easily distracted it wouldn't take much to like get whatever drink she did have and just slip it real quick is that what you did yeah i'd like to know why you guys eventually took you know when sarah got so bad i know you guys said you thought that she was pretty much dead but why did you take her to the hospital i didn't want another one to die in the house and why is that because houses are nasty after somebody's died in it okay what does that mean what do you mean what do you mean by that i get a lot of nightmares like after sean died i moved into his room and it was awful awful awful in there i kept feeling things in there just didn't want that again i didn't really think i would get caught stupid now that i think on it but no i didn't really i think i would did you want to just be you and your mother yeah and why is that because she understands me she doesn't annoy me prosecutors say that both her and her daughter rachel killed diane's husband and rachel's brother with antifreeze it's a complex case in that it involves three different crimes committed over a span of time her motives were her mother's motives let's get rid of these shite bags so we can be free it's like natural selection only there's nothing natural about it you gotta earn your keep and by keep dying meant life not only was her diary found when she was arrested in her handbag a poem also which read once upon a time there were six now there are three only the quiet ones will be left my mom my little sister and me whoa we saw down there insert famous poet they were both charged with two counts of first-degree murder one count of assault in the first degree and one count of armed criminal action it turned out it was her pastor uh by the way diane's pastor you know from the redeemer lutheran church who was the anonymous phone call i guess she should have you know not been fingering the organ it didn't work out too well for her it's not like she even said it he just had his suspicions about how she was acting and called in sarah survived just about but she had difficulties neurological damage from the front of poisoning she had to relearn how to walk and how to talk in 2016 diane she took an alfred plea one of these again jace she didn't acknowledge any wrongdoing only that there was enough to convict her her own words will will just about do that this however allowed her to dodge the death penalty and she was sentenced to life without parole she also took the alfred plea because rachel plead guilty in a deal with prosecutors agreeing to testify against her mother she pled guilty to two counts of second degree murder she was sentenced to life in prison with parole [Music] i wrote the statement sarah in mind today rachel stouty had to face the sister she tried to get away with murdering she told her sister she's learned no one should be surprised with the evil humans are capable of what's really amazing is the desire of the bad that there are those who choose to forgive the ones who hurt and that takes a rare kind of bravery should you have for your mom would you say i forgive her for what she did to me not only she took away my dead brother but she took away my livelihood independence i am a christian and i believe forgiveness is the only way to go the fact that diane could do it to her own husband of so many decades almost three decades and to her own two children is just about insane more insane than usual is what i mean and for no motive at all you know at least with the financial ones as f'ed up as it is you can kind of see it and this one she was just pissed off at them there were pests to her you know you're out of life she was so matter of fact about everything as well it was creepy as [ __ ] for someone who was supposedly a completely normal person up until this point diane murdered two members of her own family and tried to do it to a third one because in her mind you know they were they were useless when in actuality it turns out that diane was the biggest sack of [ __ ] waste of space of all [Music] thank you so much for watching i really appreciate you taking the time to do so and be here right now listening to me yeah yamaron uh here listen go on uh please i'll see you know as always real soon in the next video until then please the only thing i ask is that you take care of yourself [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,658,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, staudte family, diane staudte, rachel staudte
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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