The Disturbing Brittanee Drexel Affair

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and we know that from the evidence from what they're telling us here's our suspects what do you think should happen to these people honestly I believe that they should be held for four days with some guys doing the same exact thing to them but that's the military you mean that's how I am at heart you know what I'm gonna call the police in a second you better split can you just tell us I got nothing to say to you you understand that hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this old video we have I have a story for you I mean it's a mystery it's a saga and it's it's one that went on for over a Dozen Years perhaps even at Baker's Dozen we start off in New York before going down to South Carolina which are I mean New York and South Carolina that's two heavy hitter States right there so you know we're off to a good start and this is a story about you know of twists of turns of rumors of false allegations and you know you got some good old like me slapping incompetence like thrown in there for good measure this will cover from April 2009 to May 2022 and it is about a uh an evil monster you know you look kind of like professors trying to find your other words to use instead of like the usual but sometimes you just gotta go with the classics and evil monster works pretty well in this case I'm itching to get into this one so let's do just that let's give it a gift [Music] we start off in Rochester New York and we're going to the town of Chile though it's pronounced Chile Wiley where in 2009 17 year old Brittany Drexel wasn't was not having a great time of it air Brittany was born October 7th 1991 to John and Dawn as teen you know unmarried parents you know things things were tough and pressure uh made the couple uh make like a banana and split before Brittany was born Don later ended up meeting and falling in love with Chad Drexel who would go on to adopt and raise Brittany as his own daughter Chad and Don in fact got married shortly before Don gave birth to Brittany that shot he served in the U.S Navy but he would eventually leave that behind for a life on City street and the family settled in Charlie the couple went on to have another two children giving Brittany a little brother and a little sister Marissa and Camden thank you now Brittany growing up you know she was she was like a girl's girl she had the hair did always perfectly you know the nails painted but also she was like on the soccer team she was on the track team she could she's got one of those people who makes everybody else look bad she could do it all she was known for her blistering speed and the ability to outrun everyone she competed with by the way Britney is like distinctive Sapphire Eyes uh that was actually the result of a condition she was born with she required several pretty serious surgeries when she was still an infant and that would leave her blind in her right eye she'd wear contact lenses to counteract the eyes tendency to wonder and that gave her eyes that extra Sparkle like it wasn't a filter her eyes genuinely looked like that unlike mine which just looked like I am dead so let's kick and by Kik I mean punch this story into gear and that was April 2009 now things were rough Brittany's parents were going through a divorce and Brittany was not taking it too well at all it took a huge total honor two times Brittany took overdoses of her mother's medication such were the struggles that she was enduring now Britney's father later told an interviewer that Britney had actually taken much less than they had initially thought and the doctors and family were now of the opinion it was more of a cry for help than any attempted finding a definitive ending as is so often the case you know Brittany she just she just wanted to be woken up in a situation that was better than the one she went to sleep in which she never was on the 22nd of April 2009 17 year old Brittany asked her mother if she could go to Myrtle Beach with her boyfriend John grico and a few older girls she knew uh understandably her mother said nope as she didn't know the people Brittany was asking to go with she can trust that they would look out for her and she was only 17 years old after all Dawn just wasn't happy with the complete lack of Parental supervision so far away from home and family well we all know you know what happens in South Carolina right and none of it is good ever and my bias here is it's most definitely not you know influenced by the amount of murder cases I cover coming from that state I don't know what you're talking about you sound like a crazy person right now this meant for several hours the mother and the daughter not really talking just exchanging a few Angry Words every now and then you know but it will pass new in the end Brittany said yeah well if you're not gonna let me go down to Myrtle Beach can I go to a friend's house over in Rochester and things will this will just both cool off being away from each other and her mother said you know what that sounds like a good idea but of course Dawn wanted to talk to Brittany's friend's mother to you know confirm that Brittany would actually be going where she said she was going but of course you know what you know come on Brittany just got her friend to pretend to be her mother and then she was like yeah things will be fine wink wink I hope she didn't say wink wink she told Don you know everything you could imagine she would want to hear and then Don said right off your head you know and then with that Britney headed with her friends down to Myrtle Beach South Carolina in the end John Britney's boyfriend he actually couldn't go due to work commitments um but she was going you know with some of her old some of her some of the gals she knew you know from 10. so she snuck off you know despite her mother for bidding it which is you know nothing strange at all for a teenage girl to do but you know it's not off to a great start here either wait till you see where it ends [Music] Myrtle Beach South Carolina it's at Party Town especially over the spring break when our story takes place drinking partying chicks hell yeah shortly after arriving Brittany calls her mother Dawn saying guess where I am well no she didn't actually say that she just said she just told Dawn her mother that she was at the beach to which Dawn presumed she meant the beach in Rochester 20 minutes down the road not the beach multiple hours down the road and several states away and so when Don heard this she was like hey glad you're having a good time to stay on the road you know with I'm cooling off myself go out you know enjoy yourself have a good time but only a day into her trip Britney started feeling kind of alienated from from the friends she went with all the girls were a little bit older than Britney and so they were you know a little bit more heavily into the drinking and the drugs and all that kind of stuff the traditional you know spring break party scene and Brittany was like all to stick to the Bud Light thanks so she started to do more things alone and went for walks took the time to relax by herself thinking okay maybe this is kind of like a now everybody's off their tits on drugs a little bit sick of it hey Brett what Britney and her boyfriend John were in constant regular contact with each other barely five minutes could pass without a text being exchanged so when John messaged Brittany and he didn't receive a Ply within the normal couple of minutes he quickly got worried and even sent a follow-up text telling Brittany that if he didn't hear from her within another 10 minutes he was going to have to call her mother and tell her the truth about where Brittany was and what she'd been up to those 10 minutes must have felt like a lifetime to John his phone you know ringing out without buzzing so then John called Don to let her know what was really going on Don quickly went from Furious as you can imagine two absolutely frantic when she herself could not get through you know to her daughter and she was calling her friends nobody else could get through to Brittany I mean you know she's all the way in Upstate New York her daughter you know hundreds of miles away like going out of your mind is like the words that comes to mind being in Rochester 14 hours and 800 miles from Myrtle Beach Don was in a difficult position she couldn't even call the police and report her daughter missing directly she had to have a friend of Britney's who lived in South Carolina drive over to the Myrtle Beach police station and file a police report on the Family's behalf the police knowing a miner was involved and with Britney's you know history of depression they they did quickly spring into action you know searching to try and find her they didn't like faff about too much they started with the Bar Harbor Hotel where Brittany was staying but they found nothing out of place no sign of a struggle and all her clothes still in her suitcase in her room her phone and purse weren't found in the room so investigators knew whatever had happened to Brittany probably hadn't happened in the hotel that she'd been out and she hadn't come back last anyone knew was her texts with Jon but before that there was a phone call in which her friend asked for a pair of shorts Britney had borrowed so that was where she had gone to bring those shorts back to her friend she'd actually been with another friend at their accommodation when she got the call [Music] all along the Route she would have taken to return the short CO2 to the friend CCTV was it was chat they got lucky when they found footage of Brittany leaving the Blue Water Resort 10 minutes after she arrived she went to visit a friend at the Blue Water Resort got a call from another friend asking for the shorts and then she left but I was the last thing anyone could find other there was nothing more she'd just gone vanished [Music] Brittany was in her hotel she went then to a friend's room in a different Hotel then she got the call to go to go and bring her her friend's shorts back so she was leaving this hotel to go back to her own to get the shorts but she never made it somewhere you know during that short couple of minutes walk he's gone no more footage could be found along the Route so investigators say that they began to theorize that maybe she'd gotten into a car which then begs the question did she get in willingly or was it unwilling was she taken was she kidnapped as the errors passed concerns grew and the search broadened investigators started talking to Brittany's friends and family focusing on those who'd gone down to Myrtle Beach for spring break there was one friend from New York who grabbed their attention in particular as I said he was a friend all the way from Rochester and his name was Peter brozowitz sharing a similar group of friends in Rochester Brittany and Peter had known each other for around five years Britney's boyfriend John was actually relieved when he heard Peter would be there because you know he was like well I know Peter right she's a sound like you know now he has somebody who he trusts who can you know keep an eye on us on his girlfriend just to make sure you know everything's okay they hadn't planned on meeting up in Myrtle Beach but had bumped into one another at a nightclub and then they had arranged to meet up the next day rosiewicz along with four of his friends was the friend Brittany was with when she got the call asking for her to return the borrowed clothing the five were staying at the Blue Water hotel and were admittedly the last person to have seen Brittany before she disappeared roswitz became an early suspect when in a piece of suspicious timing he and his friends would suddenly pack up and leave Myrtle Beach get out of town even leaving clothing and the security deposit behind them before layering up immediately back in his arrival in Rochester huh interesting there is breaking news tonight at The Disappearance of missing chili teen Brittany Drexel suspected of being um present with Brittany um knowing her whereabouts investigators in Myrtle Beach have three to four Persons of Interest in the case they say they're closing in the last time anyone heard from Brittany Drexel was on Saturday night when she sent a text message to one of her friends without getting permission from her mother's seventeen-year-old Brittany Drexel left Rochester New York for his spring break trip to Myrtle Beach South Carolina Police have now identified Peter broswick the last known person with her as a person of interest in The Disappearance so Petey you're the last person to see Brittany allegedly I mean what seemed though like from like the outsets to be kind of obvious signs of guilt was kind of what just everybody would do themselves if they were in his his position like some of the things that were like oh we were guilty you know the clothes that were left behind that was like some bathing suits like that the reason they didn't get their deposit back wasn't because they were nurse they tried to get their deposit back they just couldn't get it and then of course you know lawyering up well I've covered quite a lot of criminal cases and it's a good idea never speak to the police without a lawyer luckily for them they left a paper trail in some emails back and forth with the hotel management which was eventually enough to convince the investigators the thing things weren't quite as they had been reported and they cleared Peter as a suspect and he cooperated with them fully throughout the investigation so they had to look to other leads as to where Brittany had disappeared too the largest coordinated search for Brittany Drexel is coming to an end two weeks ago the 17 year old vanished from Myrtle Beach and still tonight no one knows where she is well the streets of Myrtle Beach offered no answers it leads disappeared like the crowds do after spring break is over for the next seven years there was little movement in the search for Brittany Drexel investigators would come up with several names of people of interest but none of them went too much further certainly not far enough to bring charges in June 2016 maybe to keep the case alive and in people's minds the FBI held a press conference and announced they were now working on the theory that Britney had been held for several days before being murdered and the body dumped we believe she traveled to this area around McClellanville and the North Charleston south Georgetown area and we believe she was killed after that we're here today seeking the help from the public from you the media and helping us get the word out about that we know this is a great Community we know there's great people here we know there's people that saw something heard something that has information that could lead us to closing out this investigation and bringing closure to this family who's dealt with this awful tragedy after this we urge anyone with information no matter how insignificant you think it is no matter how small if you think we already have that information to please call in to the tip lines and let us know [Music] now they didn't put any names out there or kind of cite their sources for why this would be their leading line of inquiry and their and you know the theories but they did offer a 25 000 reward for you know any information unsurprisingly it didn't take very long uh you know dollar bills will kind of do that for a huge influx of tips to reach the FBI with one in particular catching the FBI's attention foreign ER inmate named taquan Brown told his bond hearing and eventually investigators from the FBI that not long after Britney's disappearance he had gone to a Stash House in McClellanville a small fish in town just over an errors drive from Myrtle Beach while he was there he claimed to have witnessed The Drexel in a house with like 10 other guys on to this Monday uh April 27th so the girl in the Stash House yeah it was a 8-12 guys in there Brown says Drexel had a black eye and was being sexually assaulted did you recognize her right away no I didn't even know who she was I didn't know who she was until actually like a few weeks later when everything started coming on the news over the phone Brown described the Stash House to me and it was consistent with the house I saw when I went to McClellanville to investigate then he changed his story to Brittany being assaulted by a man named Timothy DeSean Taylor now Taylor would have been just 16 at the time and Brandon said he was at the house to pay back a debt to Taylor's father Sean Brown went on to claim that after he saw Brittany try to escape the house she'd been pistol whipped by Taylor and as brown was leaving the property he heard two gunshots which he presumed was Drexel being killed he naturally said nothing bran said he later saw what he thought was Drexel's body being removed from the house wrapped in a carpet he thought it had been disposed of in an Alligator Pit now despite Brown's word being the only you know evidence to go on the police were like we got him ladies and gentlemen we got him with nothing else supporting bran they still went after you know the tailors you know Junior and senior full force now taekwon round was serving 25 years in prison for voluntary manslaughter but you know you you could be you might think they might have taken his allegations with like pinch of salt just a little bit after all as soon as he gave these tips he was like could I get some better food and maybe some revisitation and a better place and yada yada yada kind of with the demands as in this is foreign Taylor had already served out a sentence for his part in a robbery of a McDonald's in 2011 in which someone was shot Taylor had acted as a getaway driver and after pleading guilty he was sentenced to parole and by 2016 he had finished serving his sentence so he did have a history and the FBI decided to use that against him you know during the investigation into Brittany Drexel's disappearance the FBI decided to bring the same charges against him in federal court this time now I hear you're barking big dog you know good old wolf coming out of you what a double jeopardy he can't be tried for the same crime twice he already went on trial you know he was already got his sentence yada yada how can they bring it back you know to him again well there's also a law which says that if you you know are tried and convicted and sentenced but if the sentence is kind of deemed unduly like lenient they can bring it haul your ass back in and say no you actually that's that's not enough for you no we we gotta tack on some more years onto whatever you got what Timothy Taylor just got probation while the other two people involved in in that robbery they got much more you know significantly longer sentences one got 25 to life so they were like well Tim you know you kind of got off easy here maybe a little bit too easy so they said put it back on trial this is insane with Taylor getting parole it was easy to argue his sentence wasn't harsh enough in comparison and unfortunately for timoth Taylor again because he'd already pled guilty uh you know during the original sentencing hence why he only got parole well that were kind of supersede anything else he would say so if he'd ended up going back like he'd be automatically would plead guilty again so he was kind of f-u-c-ked with a the other like he was God he was done so basically the feds had him kind of over barrel and they knewed and they were using this against him as in where's Brittany Drexel where is Brittany Drexel you want to go back to prison for many many years where is she I may as we'll start with the obvious question did you kill Brittany Drexel no sir I did not kill Brittany Drake so were you involved in the kidnapping of Brittany Drexel no sir it was not [Music] were you with Brittany Drexel the night she was she disappeared in April of 2009. no sir what do you know about taquan Brown do you know him no sir you've never met him never met him never personally met him I wouldn't say I I know I don't know him but if I did met him I don't remember him or anything but basically the feds had him over a barrel and they knew it knowing that they had him in a corner they started pushing for information on Brittany Drexel facing years maybe even decades in prison Taylor continued to insist he knew nothing about Brittany and he was subjected to multiple interrogations and lie detector tests and he would pass these lie detector tests but the police would come and say no you know what they would go to Britney Drexel's family and say he's a line bastard he's failing these which was unsure of course you know as we all know we always talk about lie detector tests right and they are they are inadmissible that's absolute there's a million reasons why you could fail a lie detector tests that have nothing to do with whether you were speaking the true true or not so that so but what they were using this was just an intimidation tactic you know they were just beating this into him any way they could they were Hammers and he was a goddamn nail an all-new Dr Phil missing at Spring break she's seen on a traffic cam then she disappears The Jailhouse informant said she tried to flee they caught her we were told they shot her and then she was put into an alligator bed you believe you've handed a flyer to the man that killed your daughter I don't think I know I did for the first time the man accused speaks out do you know who killed Brittany Drexel in an appearance on the Dr Phil show her father Chad would allege that he had encountered Timothy Taylor earlier in the course of hunting out flyers when Britney first disappeared I handed out flyers to cars that passed me a couple cars have passed me they took him nicely and left then the very last car it was half two-tone car was white in the top like in the bottom and when I stopped the car they didn't want to stop at first in the air I am standing in The Middle's dirt type Road in a rural neighborhood and they finally stopped just before me and I handed the flyer to the driver the two people in the back were Whispering something and then I put my head in and I said hey have you guys seen this this missing girl I'm I'm her dad do you guys know anything about this and they laughed and I said well could you just take this anyways to the driver he took it that's when they crumpled up the flyer and threw it out and sped off as they were all laughing now he was leaning on the car like this so I could see that there was no arm there well that was the key factor when I got back to the Department of investigators they said you know you just met I said no um that's Timothy Deshawn Taylor Shad said he was absolutely certain that it was Taylor and he was so sure of Taylor's guilt he publicly called for violent retribution for all hell to rain down on the tailors and unsurprisingly it did he is leading the whole blood snatcher let's keep her the raping he's the person that's doing all the bad and we know that from the evidence from what they're telling us here's our suspects what do you think should happen to these people honestly I believe that they should be held for four days with some guys doing the same exact thing to them but that's the military you mean that's how I am at heart Timothy Taylor's mother lost her job his father's business fell apart and his sister she was you know so many allegations about her in her workplace where she would go in people would be whispering and talking about her behind her back like ruin your life type things got so bad for Taylor family that at one point Timothy and his dad Sean they considered maybe we should just confess that even though they knew they didn't do anything they were like our lives are being ruined regardless maybe if we just confess this will all be over like the FBI used considerable resources to search the alleged Stash House in McClellanville as well as several alligator pits in the area all to no avail detailers were never involved in Britney's disappearance it wasn't until very very recently and when I say very recently I mean 2022 with huge advances in like mobile you know cell phone tracking technology that you know they finally were able to get something and shocking shockingly it had nothing to do with the Taylor family at all the investigators were able to pinpoint a very narrow window to when Britney must have been taken finally 13 years after she vanished they could start to nail down some aspects of the case and try to come at it with fresh eyes this led them to a traffic camera on Ocean Boulevard where Brittany had been walking and to the image of a vehicle that had been passing this vehicle the sister of the owner of that car was somebody they spoke to like a decade before her name was Angel Voss an angel was dating a registered sex offender classic a piece of name of Raymond moody moody was actually one of the names raised all the way back in 2011 as a person of interest this was because a relative of Moody's called the police suggesting they take a look at him do you know anything about the missing teenager no I do not can you tell us where you were back in April of 09 goodbye you know what I'm gonna call the police in the second you better split can you just tell us I got nothing to say to you you understand that that report coupled with him staying at a motel in the area and his long history of violent sexual offenses towards young girls in particular he was exactly the type of piece of they were looking for unfortunately that's as far as their knowledge of his movement at the time went even though they searched his place there just wasn't enough to move his name to the suspect list even though Moody's partner Angel she told the police that this was exactly his sort of thing receive that they mean nothing to you they're just like a toy in their toy box he's gonna break them for hours dreams of hanging somebody from a tree and then cutting their guts open and letting the blood run away they just took the sign down from McDonald's because we were there the other day and he said something about oh they took the fire down and I looked up and I said what time when did they take it down she said I don't remember I was tired of looking at it every day when I had to drive back and forth we're off in their house in the middle of the day now the police were thinking that maybe Angel herself was involved in whatever happened to Brittany maybe they were in it together they once almost made the suspect list now they definitely made it with the car being in the same area Brittany was taken they spoke to Angel once more who wasn't really having any of it I mean she wasn't really having any of it because they initially were asking her questions about 62 year old Raymond moody or her partner um you know piece of sex offender who you know they had spoken to her about it before but now they were kind of like well you can see Shield storm out and she'll quickly come back in when they're like oh no we actually have questions about you like were you involved in it did you have any involvement s we just did not because if you're trying to accuse him of anything then I'm not gonna be involved yet because I say he didn't okay I say you didn't know I'm not yeah you are that's why I'm I'm straightforward no I'm straightforward too I don't think you did and you're not going to involve a minute you can't do it then it doesn't hey hold on one second okay air conditioner's broken into my office it works in years we'll kill it yeah um and then they searched angel on Raymond's place at which point Raymond he went to the police and he said whoa boy whoa boy have I got a story for you you're not gonna believe this [Music] pretty much out of nowhere during an interview with Moody on May 5th 2022 he confessed to the kidnapping and murder of Brittany Drexel in 2009. at the direction we're working walking on the sidewalk a smoking pot did you noticed that walked over through the door and said something about that smells like good weed so yeah you want some sure get in she hopped right in the back without a problem when she got in the vehicle do you know it was for a bad purpose no not at all that didn't even cross my mind things got out of hand and I panicked and she panicked and I strangled her in order to corroborate his story Moody told detectives exactly how they would find Brittany's body he told them she'd be roughly four feet down naked and buried face down he even told them which direction she was facing Britney's remains were found in a gated private drive on the outskirts of Georgetown South Carolina on May 11th and 12th around 33 miles from where she had vanished now Moody had already served 21 years of a 40-year sentence for the kidnap and rape of an eight-year-old girl in California so yeah this guy what's really terrifying about Ray Moody's that we have no idea what he was up to you know during those 13 years he's clearly a repeat you know violent Defender and usually those tend to be escalations and they don't usually tend to take 13 year-long breaks you know what I mean he would have been doing oh he could have been up to all sorts of or during those years whether they just weren't reported to authorities or Ramos is never considered a suspect in them we will never know rayon Moody's version of events was that he was driving in Myrtle Beach with his girlfriend Angel and they just happened to see Brittany walking along the road the three of them they start shooting the and they were smoking and they asked they're smoking smoking the devil's lettuce and uh they asked Brittany hey you wanna you know have a puff puff pass brother she got in and then they're like Hey listen you want to come back to our Motel chill for a bit she says yeah basically the point being Raymond's story was that Britney got in his car voluntarily he'd no kidnapping no sorry they then instead went out somewhere in the woods chill for a bit smoked a little bit more sometime later in the evening angel left Moody and Brittany alone Moody tried to make a move on Brittany and obviously the 17 year old girl wasn't interested in him and rejected his advances which made him Furious Raymond Moody assaulted her before strangling her in a fit of rage how much of Moody's again is true will probably never be known but I mean I'll Hazard a guess that it's very very little Moody insists you know she got involuntarily that his plan was never to hurt her or to do anything to her you know she didn't want um which judging by his previous uh uh it seems very unlikely uh I think it was probably his plan all along um Brittany was also not really into doing drugs or even stuff like weed and that's why she wasn't enjoying her time in Myrtle Beach that much because all of her friends were so the fact that she would get into a stranger's car and do that kind of stuff also seems very unlikely his one requests to the police while admitting all of this I mean admitting bullshitting all of this was that they they don't go after Angel which is like hmm should they be maybe they should why you know he swore he was not involved and had left before anything happened between him and Brittany detectives simply told him they had no interest in Angel and didn't think she had anything to do with the crime personally whether or not she was involved we don't know um before the fact after the fact who knows though it seems you know just theorizing here that it seems unlikely she wouldn't have been aware about what was happening she was never in a vehicle with you now never a vehicle was me no Beauty I mean she probably weren't a little bit of a further look she was there with Brittany that day she just happened to walk away uh when Raymond decided to attack her then even in the days after um you know when Britney's disappearance and it was all over the news like this was huge that she disappeared she never once you know saw a billboard with Britney's face on it and thought huh I seen her and I've seen her Raymond Moody and he's also a real he's a predator he's a piece of that's odd the proper statement that Vos she does admit that she indeed was in the car that night that when they picked up the teen now she was also with them at the campsite where Moody then raped and murdered her though both have maintained that Voss was not there at the time she told investigators her son had called and she had left for a period of time before for returning now no charges have been filed against Voss and the solicitor's office has not mentioned any intent to do so however it is learn if it's learned later on that she was not being 100 truthful during that proper statement charges could still be pursued in the future where in 2022 Raymond Moody pleaded guilty and was finally sentenced to life plus 60 years in prison for tree felony charges relating to the murder of Brittany Drexel I was a monster I was a monkey man and that was a monster and I took Britney Jackson's wife there's been some speculation as to what prompted his sudden confession especially after he appeared at his sentencing looking frail in fact he's lost one eye already to illness good leading to some speculation that he's suffering from a serious you know life shortening or fatal condition so yeah sometimes bad things do happen to bad people [Music] so that's the sad story of Brittany Drexel and you know it's the case with a lot of victims in it I mean obviously you know as Brittany herself who's the main victim here but you know you're the the Taylor family subjected to horrific allegations you know and rumors and all this stuff for years and years and years I mean I was going to make a video about this case I think back in 2019 and he was still the main suspect then if I had made a video about it I probably would have been like pointing the finger at him like everybody else but just that just goes really absolutely to show you you never know how these things will turn out but it's also a story of a real piece of an evil monster who's hiding in plain sight for over a decade and of course young Brittany a girl who was just starting out in life who just wanted to blow off some steam and enjoy time away with friends away from the watchful eye of her parents who were going through turbulence which had caused her a lot of difficulty she just happened to run into a monster couldn't have happened to anyone so try and I guess make sure it doesn't happen to you stay safe thank you so much for watching I really appreciate being here with Misha watching this little video uh guys you know it always really means a lot so thanks lads and yeah I'll see you like soon you know I mean kind of doing two videos a week well you know it's like two videos most week most weeks yeah sometimes it'll be one video a week because it's a lot making two videos a week so um I don't want to like get our dad again or anything so yeah I'll see you when I see you but it'll be soon don't worry I'm not going anywhere but until then please take care of each other and yourselves because I love you [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,332,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, brittanee drexel, raymond moody
Id: eEssFtdfb5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 47sec (2267 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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