Tried to Cover Up a Vicious Crime… TWICE | Nikki Entzel

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[Music] hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this whole video what I have for you today it is a classic right it has a you know you got the setup you got the mess up and then you got the good old trying to destroy evidence right in front of an investigator which is very funny you don't have to be like that about it this whole story takes us to North Dakota and much like the the movie you know set there Fargo like I'm the city I guess you could say too they share a lot of DNA and what I mean by that is this one kind of plays out like a dark comedy I think every case have actually covered that set in North Dakota plays out like that and there's a Canadian involved in this one too so you know what that means that's the real air flag means death [Music] in the middle of a frozen dakotan winter there was a smoky fire which Unearthed a steamy Affair which led to the cold and Grim shackles for more than one person two star-crossed lovers who wanted to spend the rest of their lives together which ooh they gonna be doing now damn straight this is a story of once again you know a nice lovely couple they had it all till one wanted a little more it's a story of greed which you know gives you stars in your eyes and a knife in your hand though not literally in this one we have all the evidence to kind of know what happened here and a crime scene like that and what happened in chat could have been done by someone that could be construed as a monster or it could be someone that if if they had a reason for that but it would need to be explained otherwise it's going to look like it was done by someone who was a monster this is a story of lies of shrinking into yourself in the hopes that this will all go away that maybe they'll feel sorry for a little you it's a story of the many shapes cruelty can take and how you can cry with one hand hold a knife in the other and still consider yourself a human being it's a story of wanting it all it's a story of doing it all and then kind of like deservedly so getting nothing in return you know what I mean or you will let's give it a goo right smack dab in the middle of North Dakota lies the city of Bismarck baby home to about 74 000 people been there done that I guess you know when it comes to kind of listening out what uh you know stuff of a Bismarck right the story of Chad Isaac if you remember that one that one was set there the dentists Who Loved this side of blood so much he had to keep the party going with a knife or Doug Carlisle that was another one upset in the series I'm telling you guys every time we go to North Dakota [ __ ] gets weird you bet although it is kind of strange that I just know geography true murder like you list the town oh yeah that guy was killed there that's probably kind of worrying anyway here's another one on the 2nd of January 2020 a Thursday at roughly 5 20 pm and 9-1-1 call was made that call was coming from a house located at 4 900 43rd Avenue Northeast about 15 minutes from downtown Bismarck the remote side of town surrounded by fields and flats and not much else oh wait there is more snow January North Dakota temperatures get down to minus 28 degrees Celsius minus 18 Fahrenheit that's freezer bollocks off temperature right there emergency 4 900 43rd Avenue Northeast okay and is that a house it's a house can I get your name on the line was Nikki Ansel she was checking on her husband Chad who she hadn't seen in uh quite a few days when she arrived to that house after work outside the house looked great but then she ventured bravely ventured inside and the smoke was unbearable so she came outside as she called uh the emergency number that is 9-1-1 it is and so I'm coming here to check and I'm working and I opened this oh I'm sure and I walked in in the house is Smokey I can't get in the door it's no Smokey in the house okay so you see and like our watch was in class and like if it's smoky in there and I can't get in the door okay do you see any Flames at all the call which uh I mean God loves the operator quickly devolved into this so calm down to me I'll spare you anymore because that's painful so the house was on fire her husband was within or believed to be within and uh you couldn't see Jack's [ __ ] Nikki what's your husband's name yeah swiftly fire emt's police all arrived to that scene firefighters going in first to see where the fire was and what was the extent of the damage and as they walked through the house upstairs in the back bedroom not visible from the front of the house that's where they found Nikki's husband his name was Chad enzel and he was naked and he was dead on the floor of the house laying on the bed was a shotgun tonight's top story part of 43rd Avenue Northeast east of Centennial road was blocked off to traffic for hours and here's what we know at this hour according to the Burley County Sheriff's Corporal there was a structure fire effect I guess single-family home but there is only minor damage inside there was one victim involved but would not answer any follow-up questions about their condition on the ground lay a propane heater much like this one and those heaters here we got to be dangerous especially on around this time of year Lads house go poof in like two seconds and that seems to see what happened here only with a shotgun involved huh it seemed like the propane heater was the source of the fire where it started in the bedroom the only question was did it happen before or after Chad was dead on the floor as I said this was on the 2nd of January so Happy New Year going through the house further in the basement of that rural home there had been another fire it was smoldering and it was on top of the furnace in the basement from initial glances it seemed like self-inflicted shotgun wound Chad he had enough and then careless use of propane heaters made the house go poof uh or at least get very very smoky and 42 year old Chad Ensel he lost his life Chad Ensel was in North Dakota and born on bread raised in the small town of Halliday North her North Dakota into oil lands he went to school he went to college for Drafting and he later ended up in Bismarck working at interstate Power Systems a truck engine distributor and mechanic what Chad really loved though was coaching the Little League he was well you know he's well looked up to by little Leaguers and he was also in the bowling league but Chad was known you know rent Andrew's a nice friendly happy happy chap in 2016 he married Nikki Hines Mickey Ansel and he also helped raise her two boys from a previous relationship Marcus and Christopher his Missus and the one who found him was Nikki she was 41 years old and she worked as a transportation clerk for U.S foods she had always been involved in transportation they actually hadn't been together that long they met in 2015 at the racetrack of course they did and one year later they tied the old knot Chad who had a daughter from a previous relationship now gained a wife and two teenage Sons a waifu who loved her herself he's the you know the ones with the filters and the Very flattering angles I mean come on this isn't 2006 but what Nikki really loved see Chad wasn't the only one with Hobbies not at all uh with sweets Nikki had her own uh business her own little side hustle Nikki's Savory seats here's a hot tip if you're going to advertise your business on your Facebook profile maybe spell it right she made cake spoons all the things you know because every great event big or small the food is the first thing talked about let's make your it ends there there is no more let's make your what Nikki so by January 2nd when he was found Chad had not been seen by anyone in a couple of days not by his wife Nikki nor by his co-workers at interstate Power Systems in fact uh get this a welfare check had been done to that exact house uh a couple of hours earlier if you can believe that at 1 20 p.m um his his friends from from work not having seen him they called the the cops asking would you go have a look see you know if he's okay we haven't heard from him a police officer arrived they didn't see anything wrong because the fire was in the bedroom at the very back of the house and it wasn't that big it was just very smoky seemed fine he left then four hours later Nikki walked into the house herself and yada yada me okay Mickey Chad was last seen on the 30th of December three days before it had been a regular day of work for Chad and after he'd gone to the local bowling alley he was in the league there playing away and he was out the door at about 10 30 pm the next day he was in no show at work Nikki called in for him though you know saying he was he was under the weather he had the flu uh which you know ran this time of year everybody gets it that was December 31st the following day was New Year's Day Day off work so that's fine then um though by the second still his friends texting him calling him to no response they find he was a no-show at work so they finally I'll call and see if you guys could do a welfare check on one of our employees sure his wife called the next big for work opportunity and we haven't heard from him since uh called Nikki Nikki said she was busy she said she hadn't seen him but she would check on him after work which she did here we are she banned him as did the firefighters when they were going into that house they found Shad they found the shotgun they found the heater also spread around the room where bottles of whiskey perhaps Chad had been having a few sips before he did the deed while Nikki was at the scene she was sitting in a police car with a police officer while the firefighters were doing their thing and Nikki said it was no coincidence you know she wasn't in the house for a couple of days and she hadn't seen him in fact she'd been staying at a nearby motel for the last couple of days for two reasons one was that uh the furnace wasn't working and she couldn't stand the cold and two Chad was a horribly abusive son of a [ __ ] he was a mean drunk and he was like that a lot she even had photos of the abuse on her phone raring to go ready to show the police officer here look at this look at this the kids were with her grandparents at the time and Nikki was making plans to get out of there she was going to move to Texas she already had some interviews for jobs lined up down there she was 85 000 my friend so what happened to Chad um was tragic but I guess you know it's one of those situations where it kind of just works out for the best for everybody in a way so that was uh until a while Nikki was telling the police officer of their relationship and the abuse and how she was in the midst of leaving him um the you know the EMTs were getting Chad's body out of the house and they turned him over and they saw huh on his back they found some more injuries though see he had shot himself in the face with a shotgun but he also had a had bullet wounds on his back so whoa what did he do with the shock and another thing was that the shotgun was like a little too far from his buddy for him to have done it himself it's like he shot himself and then threw the gun up in the air it went off midair and landed on the other side of the room they also found a box addressed to one Earl Herod now it was like an Amazon box addressed to an Earl Howard obviously it was Chad and Nikki's home so who was Earl Howard then two days later Nikki was calling to claim Insurance house insurance for the for the fire damage that had been done hello my name is Bobby McMillan I'm calling with Homesite Insurance uh this is regarding I uh regarding the claim that was reported uh I'm the adjuster assigned just wanted to update with you to look more information I was getting ready to call you um our next steps needs to be I've been working on my wrist um okay uh yeah I went to the house I went to the house yesterday and Tiffany took me out there uh photos or anything like that with my husband passed away in the fire now the insurance had only been purchased on the 26th of December only a couple of days prior to her house Going Up in Smoke whoa look at you good timing and for Nikki it was time to move on with our new boyfriend it didn't take too long for the police they were curious about his name Earl Howard but they rediscovered it pretty quickly when who he was well maybe they kind of could guess because Nikki told the police she'd been staying out of the Staybridge Suites uh in town you know while she was trying to escape her abusive husband but the room she was staying at was in Earl Howard's name Earl Roy Howard was a Canadian fella from Bellwood Ontario downtown middle of nowhere Bismarck was a bustling Metropolis for him himself and Nikki had been having an affair for over a year by the time our Story begins and Nikki would say she had left Chad for good reason Chad you know she told the police he was abusive and she was telling everybody that he was a mean ass drunkard having a schnifter fist soon followed especially for her and it was on the regular and she had pictures to prove it he was always a drinking God knows where and she was spread into words to anyone who would listen and as you know the word is the on the 7th of January five days after Chad died well was found dead now it's believed he was murdered Nikki was questioned by the police [Music] I cleared my schedule and I might have to jump out to take a phone call here now then just because I can't completely head away she was keeping pretty quiet about everything um not just about the affair I mean literally everything she mumbles and Whispers through the entire interview she has this kind of like little quiet shy girl routine kind of going on um see how well that works out for her I can't tell you I'm sorry I am okay that's me I'm sorry um she was the dutiful wife though after all it was deep in mourning for the husband she hated so she talks like that pretty much through the entire interview I won't keep it so the interview kind of goes on like that kind of forward and drags out and then um you know detective is soft following her then a Bureau of Criminal a BCI agent comes in and he doesn't take any [ __ ] from Nikki but Nikki she's immediately like this is Criminal investigations he turned up the propane heater if you will the biggest thing you need to be doing right now is you gotta be honest about it we have a lot of information I was at the crime scene um I helped process the crime scene Chad knows it all okay are they friends they've met they hung out they you know so he's came over and they didn't chat they could be going and staying in a hotel room with their own Chad didn't think anything of that really I I'm a married man myself that would not fly with I don't know any guy that would fly with that okay what would you have done if chatted went and stayed with their own wife in a hotel room while you stayed home again I'm sorry I can't understand you yeah we'll give you an ID you feel bad about what would happen don't you won't win what's happened in the chat on this the longer time goes on which you do it's not going to get any easier I'm not trying to be mean to you I'm not trying to be disrespectful to you in any way but people who lie to me I feel that's being disrespectful to me in your continuous lying isn't working Nikki would kind of sort of confess to what happened that night or what she knew happened she would say she was staying at a motel with Earl her and Earl went over to the house where Chad was they were gonna gather the last of Nikki's stuff because they were going at it well she said she was going to Texas so they're getting out of there but when they arrived to the house Chad was there and he was drunk and his boyfriend was there now that bat came way out of the blue that he had a boyfriend she also decided to mention that he also had these horrific gambling debts anyways um that was one story she told one that's still not making sense to me and honestly the reason someone's not being consent is because you keep lying to me almost everything I've asked you about the events you lie about she she essentially kept coming out with more and more [ __ ] until she finally said okay her and Earl they went to the house Chad was there she left she heard a gunshot Earl came out she doesn't know what happened but Roman's the only one in the house that time okay that's not what I asked you don't answer questions that I didn't ask you I asked you so Earl London is the only one that went in the house you didn't go in the house with their own so if if you were in our shoes what would you do they hear now how am I supposed to do that and I'm getting to the point where I'm struggling and not think that maybe you're the one who did it's all the exact same [ __ ] Nikki would even give the police a handwritten confession detailing that for like five minutes because then she tried to do this see things are becoming pretty clear at this point what happened to chat CCTV showed that the day Chad was last seen while he was bowling Nikki and Earl had gone to the house and collected a load of their items good thing too because the house would soon go open fire they brought all these back then to the Staybridge Suites Motel all the things Nikki could not fare to see go up in flames of course all these little items she had collected over the years she had Earl her husband's not so much then they left Chad arrived and around 1am from the lock system they could tell the door was opened and then they left out of a tree again most likely shooting Shad as he slept see the cameras had been deactivated they could tell by Nikki the cameras kept a record so they had no footage of them going into the house in the middle of the night but the lock system that told otherwise Nikki when asked about this said she was just going in to get some of her medication you know her bits and Bobs as she was in the middle of leaving Chad she was doing that in the middle of the night and then the fact that she spent over two hours in there well come on now the presence of an accelerant was also detected at the scene and it's believed some cigarettes helped the fire grow the same brand of cigarettes were found in Earl's truck they also found this video or a link of it sent from um Nikki to Earl which is kind of like if these teeth came out earrings are the best you can you this Christmas and you can just follow them out the [ __ ] door [Music] [Music] hmm gleefully killing your spouse in a fire and a thin Chad he had taken out a [Music] six hundred thousand dollar life insurance policy a year before in 2018 with Nikki being the sole beneficiary along with like twenty six thousand dollars in house insurance I told you it is all the Hallmarks of a classic it's all the exact same [ __ ] so it's kind of like clear enough um the only thing that wasn't too too clear was Earl wasn't clear because he had done a runner on the 8th of January the day after that interview on Nikki's confession a warrant was issued for Earl Howard watch out he's Canadian Burley County authorities are looking for this man Earl Howard he's been charged with killing Chad Ansel on December 30th officers found ensel's body on Thursday Nikki Ensel is now being bonded on a 500 000 cash Bond the following day on the 9th of January Earl was found and he was arrested in Port Huron Michigan literally right across the border from Canada he was gone home see Nikki and Earl that had the plans they had the big plans that involved life insurance it involved house insurance and it involved both of them going up and out to Texas to live large you know with Spurs and beers the only way they could do it was to get rid of Chad and get some Shin so as I said they shotshad twice while he slept but they took one of these shotgun shells after all he couldn't shoot himself twice uh so it had to make it look like he did it to himself they strategically put whiskey bottles in his bedroom to you know back up Nikki's story of him being a drunkard and then they put a propane heater right beside him in the hopes that you know it was close to the bed hoping that it would you burn away any evidence of murder and you know just leave a skeleton there then they left but then they kind of hit a snag um because the following morning on the 31st of December um Nikki and Earl they got up you know they're like huh shouldn't the renews of the big fire we were starting maybe in the news somewhere something no no the fire didn't start so guess what happened then they went back to the house again they moved the propane heater to try and hopefully started the fire a bit better and they also started another fire in the basement on top of the Furnace that didn't really go anywhere I'm not kind of too sure what they were trying to do there but this time it just got a little smoky and then Nikki was kind of sort of forced into checking on him on the 2nd of January by his friends who were asking all about him the photos of the abuse they were faked not sad to make them for you and then she called in for Chad on the 31st of December New Year's Day Nikki and Earl knew no one would be looking for him then but the 2nd of January well that's when the word spread Nikki and Chad just hoped that by then the house would be a smoldering wreck they were [ __ ] ass wrong and finally to say Chad was a sweetheart uh everybody who knew him said you know everybody knew much longer than Nikki he'd only been married to her for like four years by this stage um they'd seen him in every sort of scenario he was not a violent nor an abusive person Nikki and Earl were both charged with the murder of Chad along with well everything else however the actual charge of murder wouldn't be applied to either of them because essentially um they couldn't say which one of them pulled the trigger and actually did the deed they were due to sound trial together but shortly before that could happen Earl pleaded guilty to the charges of conspiracy to commit arson arson conspiracy to tamper with physical evidence and conspiracy to commit murder he was sentenced to 25 years 43-year-old Earl Howard of Ontario entered a plea agreement that would sentence him to 25 years in prison with additional suspended sentences for three of the counts if he violates probation Friday he pleaded guilty to four charges Nikki yourself went on trial in 2022 the prosecutor called over 40 witnesses to the stems the defense zero it will show that Nikki Sue Wenzel and Earl Howard agreed to kill Chad Ansel agreed to set the house on fire to collect the insurance benefits and to cover up the murder and agreed to tamper with evidence by destroying or disposing of that second shotgun shell and setting a fire to cover up the evidence of the murder you will find at the end that Mickey enzel is guilty thank you the defense was though that it was Earl Earl he did everything because see the Earl wants you to to be a witness but the prosecutor never called him so the defense was saying well why didn't the prosecutor call Earl you know probably because he could say something that would exonerate Nikki though why the defense then didn't call him I'm not so sure the picture doesn't come in the full view because we're missing the biggest most important piece his name's been mentioned how many times why did we not have the electrical conspirator here testify it's the one guy that can give all the answers the defense though was like a weak fart no power no Rumble no presents we the jury Julian paneled and sworn to try the above entitled action to make the following finding regarding the defendant Nikki Sue Melissa Insel conspiracy to commit murder as to the charge of conspiracy to commit murder we find the defendant Nikki Sue Melissa Insel guilty conspiracy to commit arson as to the charge of conspiracy to commit arson we find the defendant Nikki was found guilty after two hours of deliberation Nikki Ansel still has not been sentenced uh that's to come though likely she will be facing life in prison so once again we have a story of you know just get it of oh wait no [Music] that's why you don't want to get a divorce though you know if she hadn't just messed up the murder of her husband so badly she could actually be living large in Texas I mean the fact that you did it did it shitly and then had to go back the next day and do it properly and it still didn't work out is batshit his body was still found in decent enough condition they could tell he'd been shot twice I mean if the fire had just been a little bit worse you know no autopsy would have been done because they would have you know believed it was self-inflicted and Nikki and Earl would be sipping Cowboy juice in Texas instead they're sipping spit I don't know in prison anyway something [ __ ] Chad was not aware his wife was cheating on him Chad was not aware she was staying in a local motel with Earl she had told her husband she was out of town on a business trip doing her thing that's why she wasn't with him for these few days over New Years Chad had not a clue what was coming so I kind of guess it goes uh without saying that Nikki was a pretty horrible person selfish would be uh an understatement I think I mean selfish is is hogging all the chocolate not um well you know I mean cheating on Chad with Earl okay right that's one thing but then plotting with Earl to brutally murdered Chad and cold blood is something else doing all this just to be able to move down to Texas together with his life insurance he'd only taken it a year before Nikki's gears started grinding probably right then that takes a special kind of Cruelty and Chad had no idea this was coming at him like a freight train no idea to duck out of the way so they killed him messed up the cover-up of the murder and then when Nikki was confronted she went into this kind of a little girl routine oh who me it's like she she's back in school and the principal is shouting at her she shrinks she lies I don't know is the only thing that comes out of her mouth whispered in the hopes that this will all go away that maybe they'll feel sorry for her and leave her alone the only person to feel sorry for is Chad and then of course was her move to try and rip up her own confession in the interview room with the detective sitting right beside her I mean what was her hopes what was she thinking she was gonna do maybe something like this thank you so much for watching I really do uh appreciate you taking the time to be here with me it always really does me a lot um so yeah here I'll see you as always I mean look at a long story short I'll see you as always real soon in the next little video coming real soon but until then please as always um take care of each other take care of yourselves because I love you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,803,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, nikki entzel, chad entzel, earl howard
Id: BZhEyo08fws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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