The Master Manipulator | Michele Williams

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[Music] hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this old video we are we're talking twists you guys and also the the lengths uh people will go to avoid The Slammer I mean I suppose I get it it's a bit like what the dog says uh in there but maybe then don't be bold no definitely don't be bold lie about it tell the truth about it and then tell that lie again on camera it won't end well this takes us to Dallas once again as a story of another America I never understood the point of that saying because what's the point in having a cake if you can't just give it a go [Music] in north Texas a story which once again you know even I wonder why so many of my stories take place in Texas in Florida and in Ontario I don't pick cases you know based on where they're set I just follow the stories which I think are most interesting why they always come from there I mean Florida kind of makes sense because uh well it's hard God will there's bound to be some weird [ __ ] there Ontario uh well I guess the Canadians are such lovely people that they need to vent in some way and usually it's extremely gruesome Texas uh well hey Keller uh that rhymes with you know well I mean who am I always talking about dwellers yes and in color there was 50 000 dwellers if you can believe that Holy monkey Keller sits in the Northwest area of the Dallas Fort Worth Metro one it's close to the airport the business center and boats downtown Dallas and Fort Worth it has good schools plenty of [ __ ] to do malls it's very safe and clean and it's just freaking delicious guys it's desirable I don't know what else to tell you for that reason which I think we could all agree is goody gum drops that's why the Williams [Music] live there them being Greg with two G's and Michelle with one L and some kids they lived in what may be referred to as a mcmansion in the Twin Lakes Drive area and the couple had been married for three years by this stage Michelle she had three kids from previous marriages and together Greg and Michelle would welcome a fort a daughter Greg was a wealthy man entrepreneur Michelle she enjoyed that and she enjoyed being treated like his Queen but get a load of this she did not uh if you can believe it enjoy calling 9-1-1 she called 9-1-1 at about 4 40 am on the 13th of October 2011. 911 where is the emergency [Music] that night Michelle had been sleeping soundly when a booming sound cut off those Z's in the darkness of that Early Autumn morning in a house that was dead quiet after whatever jolted her awake she walked slowly towards where the sound came from like someone was breaking in while Greg lay sleeping then as she inched closer into the Hall out of the dark came a whack a crack she was hit hard right in the kisser she managed to stumble back into the bedroom and saw Greg with a man dressed in black beside groggy she heard a loud true blurry eyes she saw Greg have been shot dead he was still lying in the bed and on the floor right beside like a handgun Michelle she didn't have the easiest life and she didn't make it the easiest for herself but trying to convince police and prosecutors that she wasn't involved um in this would be the hardest thing yet [Music] Michelle Zan from Hearst Texas was 17 years old when she had her first baby two more would follow over the next seven years two boys and a girl from two husbands both marriages ending on a not the best terms she would claim they were all cheaters men are pigs but they would later give her the old reverse UNO card have a look at that her kids would say the same that her marriage has ended because she cheated you know she would be with her husband she would start cheating and leave her husband for that guy and rinse and repeat in one instance her second husband found her cheating well caught her cheating with not one but two two dudes and so he demanded a divorce and in retaliation she killed all his fish and tried to poison his dog so well adjusted and to support herself and her children she would work as a dental assistant then after being fired for stealing telemarketing and eventually turned to stripping work sexy will work and uh they'd be living from paycheck to paycheck sleeping on couches and motel rooms until in 2007 she met Future Husband Greg Williams they met actually on one of those websites with the whips and the leather and the daddy and from there the grave train said choo choo [ __ ] they had the 800 000 house the matching cars the pool Greg himself two marriages behind him also two daughters he had been successful in the IT industry he created the company dfwit Pro and was earning the big books something which Michelle took a liking to you don't mind if I do I'm Michelle uh she was a very sexual woman to which Greg he said the very same as she did that's just kind of like the way she was you know very sexual sexual woman just the problem was it just wasn't always with Greg Greg's brother-in-law his sister's husband and uh Greg's best friend Brynn one time Michelle called him up to the attic and when he got up there she was waiting for him she's completely Billy box he did a double take and then said that's [ __ ] up I know he later committed suicide um in a case where Michelle's name will come up more than once they lived they worked they loved [Music] Greg even buying a frozen yogurt shop for her to to run just to give her something to do here that'll keep you busy for a while Michelle's two grown sons they helped out in Greg's businesses for a time and they say he treated her right to spoil her run though they themselves weren't too keen on him they weren't huge fans of him uh at all like I said not not because of any way he treated their mother he did that great it was just everything else about him he acted like he was a you know 21 years old on some like college frat scene not 45 years old he was the big dog type or or thought he was anyway he would he would he was a bodybuilder he did steroids he did Karate he would have these big major parties sometimes inviting not people you know who were too cool drugs was all the time you know he was the kind of guy who would get shit-faced and then try fight but the whole thing didn't last long three years after they tied the nut then the you know they became one big family Greg was shot dead in bed but by who hmm police arrived quickly on the scene a wrench was found on the ground exactly the type that good crack would leave that Greg had been shot once Winston ahead when the police investigation sprang up uh like I just said going through the background of the folk it wasn't exactly a shortage of uh who could have done this one of the first people Michelle mentioned was Kathy Kathy Williams that was Greg's first wife and they did not enjoy each other's company she said they had been fighting a lot [Music] determined should I hear The Gunshot did I see the person I don't know what I saw first I heard and sound I get up I got hit by something I could see it it was a male in dark stuff dark clothing she neglected though to mention who she knew actually hated Greg her two sons who were both in the army or were Veterans of the military though Michelle's idea is suspects didn't go too far the police weren't sure anyone without the name Williams was in the house that night there was no signs of a disturbance nothing was stolen and cash was lying around Greg hadn't fought or moved yet Michelle said the crash was loud enough to wake her up the scene from what Michelle said it didn't match at all at neighborhood CCTV didn't show anyone coming or going no force entry and why leave the weapons the murder weapons even were Greg's own it all looked staged and Michelle you know when confronted she said no no no no no there was someone there absolutely someone killed Grace I swear on the Bible those facts and everything Michelle don't add up you had nothing to do with it you didn't try to cover up the scene lose a gun or anything touch the gun touched the ranch or any of that nature no I did not touch anything I had nothing to do with whatever happened there you either did it yourself or something so you need to you need to tell me if he's self-inflicted you need to tell me I mean this is it I don't you know we're getting wits in you've got to be honest with Michelle If he if he did it and he's covered it up just tell me either he's a self-inflicted and you covered it up or there's potential that you may have been involved [Music] iron itself all I have is what I have that's all I can say one of the two things will happen that is until she finally automated it after a couple of hours that he killed himself [Music] she said she was on the couch heard a bang and walked in I was lying before that wasn't the truth now I'm telling the truth and I'm not lying so why the story if it was a suicide if Greg killed himself why invent a story of some kind of Hitman well she said she cleaned it up hit herself made it look like not what it was but kind of what it was because she wanted to protect her daughter and his reputation she couldn't explain why he would kill himself though the police let her go they thought her story was well stinky but no evidence to to tie her to it nothing was found on the weapons she already admitted she cleaned the scene so there would be no evidence and then they're like they can't charge her because there's no evidence wow Michelle Williams told Keller dispatchers an intruder killed her husband Gregory Williams police began their search for the Intruder we called the K-9 from Bedford out to uh see if there was a any scent of an intruder but after hours of questioning Williams changed her story went into the room and found him dead and then she proceeded to clean up some things police say she confessed to staging to break it by tampering with the back door hitting herself in the face with a wrench then she cleaned her husband's hands and the gun well first of all the gun's not gonna end up on the floor by the back door and there's some primarks that don't match up all she said because she didn't want her daughter to know her father committed suicide they simply charged her with filing a false police report and she was at the door after that and a woman who don't need no man especially no because she just liquidated all of his assets the frozen yogurt shop she sold that on Craigslist she sold his whole Client List she was generally just I found a good time you could blame her as all this was going on the autopsies on medical examiners reports while the ink had well and truly dried and Greg's injuries were not consistent with a self-inflicted gunshot wound in fact it showed Greg in addition to being shot from about a foot away also had a large dose of sleeping pills in his system their young daughter the only other person in the house who slept through everything so couldn't say anything was never tested for any sleeping agents so we can probably guess she had some too also at the time of Greg's death they were about to purchase a 4 million dollar home the problem was the loan they had acquired well it had been done through some bogus means someone had been altering the account numbers see Greg earned really good money and Michelle was really good at spending that money she in fact was spending it quicker than he was earning it he also had an 850 000 life insurance policy so on the 9th of January Michelle was arrested for murder tampering with evidence and making a false police report her bond half a million somehow uh after a week in jail though it was reduced to 85 000 and she was out [Music] three two one kettlebell workouts have been around since 1704 the Russian military actually started with it to strike through their knives it's used for lots of sports specific workouts I'm a personal trainer and I've been teaching kettlebell with other routines and I decided to pull it completely out of the gym and put together a 30 minute workout that's very intense cardio strength building and lots of fun it's very upbeat it's fast everyone really has a good time with it and you get the same amount of results that you would in the gym and have them meet Shelley Williams kettlebell lift guide person reinvention is the name of the game especially when you have an 850 000 life insurance policy you're trying to get your greasy paws on of course though she wouldn't be able to claim it the insurance is the insurance company would turn her down because uh well you can't give it out to an alleged murderer there is also a suicide clause in some of those life insurance policies at least Michelle really wasn't a bright spark now Michelle is what some some might call a manipulative attention seeking real piece of [ __ ] not me though no no no no of course not I think she's one swell gal and so too did her next boyfriend he was also thinking something else and it rhymes with milk uh no it doesn't that's actually the word her next ACT was her next relationship with whom she was setting up kettlebell Fitness business with well it was a guy named Gene Wallace wow you're in a group atmosphere so it pushes you more than you push yourself especially with the type of instruction that you get from Shelly who was her son's best friend 15 years her Junior so she had a young boyfriend a Fitness business fun nights out and uh court dates she also began to mention to those closest to her you know um I actually think he was murdered and you know who could have murdered him maybe uh she tried to say her son had killed Greg and then Kathy had killed Greg the police uh they vote were both followed by the police didn't bite the case wouldn't go to trial not yet she actually got a plea deal the reason she got one was uh well because the evidence was kind of non-existent and it was difficult to prove Beyond A Reasonable Doubt without getting anything physical amazingly as I said this was after she admitted cleaning up the scene said he had been murdered then said it was a suicide and was now gonna say it was it was he she had killed him she pleaded guilty to tampering with evidence and deadly conduct essentially that she in fact killed her husband 18 years in prison [Music] with a plea deal I'm looking at a couple of years before I'm out for parole and they say if you make first parole I'll make first parole I'm walking a straight line um anything they tell me to do I'm gonna do it um it's a set guarantee time for this terrible nightmare to end sorry it's okay I'm trying to mentally get there you know right now while I'm here some people think a private cell would be awful and scary it's the safest feeling you could possibly imagine because I'm not a criminal and the fear of being in with people who are what and this is a big old booty she couldn't actually be sentenced yet you know she was expecting to get about 18 years but the actual sentencing would have to wait I want to know why because she was pregnant pregnant with twins she couldn't stay in jail obviously and maybe you give her a bit more of a favorable deal you know woman accused of murdering her husband two years ago is pleaded guilty to deadly conduct and tampering with evidence Michelle Williams was sentenced to 18 years in prison but she won't have to go to prison right away because the 44 year old is pregnant with twins prosecutors have now agreed to wait until after Williams twins are born for her to report to prison this is just the latest surprise twist in this bizarre story this lasted a couple of months poor you know While She Was Out and then the police and prosecutors had a look at her gpsd of her ankle monitor she had to wear hot diggity dog she had gone back to stripping while out on Bond and while apparently pregnant they found out as they could trace her movements she never once went to a doctor now as NBC 5's Scott Gordon reports there is doubt about whether or not she was ever really pregnant they also noticed there's a couple of days when she never moved like even in bed you would move and this wasn't moving she had discovered a way to take off her ankle monitor and quote it's like priority and have a great time losing track of the lies over here so when the police learned of all this uh the lies the removal of the GPS the her going back to stripping the fake pregnancy fake pregnancy uh they back to jail no bond in jail uh Michelle of course she said she miscarried so now there's one more twist in this case of uh Michelle Williams but before I get to that I want to mention another guy talk about another guy I just mentioned in passing Brynn Fletcher he was married to Greg's sister remember Michelle tried to moan him in the Attic in 2010 a year before Greg's death Brynn died officially suicide unofficially something else it was December 20th and Brynn was driving to Waco when police received call of a suspicious car parked on the side of the road all day off Highway 34. Brynn was inside in his own truck dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the Head Michelle Williams of course she would have been kind of hosted in his family he was Greg's brother-in-law but he was also Greg's best friend and she immediately said it was a suicide before anything she said it was a suicide Michelle Williams was also listed as the best person to contact regarding the case which was weird because the reason why that is Bryn's wife she was also named Michelle so maybe there was like cross wires or maybe Michelle Williams is wanted to really insert herself into the case of this guy who killed himself wink wink what were the odds of something like that would happen to her husband later on Michelle said he tried to commit suicide once before his wife disputed that saying he wasn't suicidal and never carried a gun either the reports of his death were conflicting he was shot once in the head with some reports State forehead or I or meth it says he did it with his left hand when he was right-handed there were some items found in his truck that didn't belong to him Michelle Williams ordered him cremated as soon as it was ruled a suicide Bran's wife she was too upset to argue at the time at one point Michelle Williams led the whole gang to the exact spot where brand killed himself uh and was like here look at that this was despite the police releasing to this day almost nothing about the case when asked how did she know that she didn't brynn's wife thinks that maybe Brynn learned something about Michelle that Greg wouldn't want to hear and so while awaiting her a day to go to prison essentially for the plea deal you know sentenced to 18 years maybe out in five she agreed to an interview with the TV show 48 errors this would be a huge mistake Greg treated me like a queen he was the most amazing father to Michaela did you murder your husband Greg no I did not who shot Greg I have my assumptions and that person is letting me sit here how long do you think you will spend in prison a couple of years if I went to trial with not having the representation that I feel I needed on this case I could lose the case and go away for 50 to 100 years uh so yeah in that interview she said she didn't do it but may know who did yada yada now uh she had already agreed to a deal where she admitted she killed him no I did not no I did not no now on national TV she's saying she didn't she's saying something different don't play games with yourself with your lawyers or with the system the judge he wasn't a fan of that her plea deal was revoked so let's start with a simple question are you in fact factually guilty of that offense no I'm not I can go on Judge depending on your ruling I will uh if you're not guilty of tampering if you're not guilty a deadly conduct the answer to that question is a trial by jury of your peers at a hearing in February another surprise she claims she was pleading guilty to get a lighter sentence but maintained her innocence a jury trial was now about to happen to her you know if she hadn't said that uh she may have gotten out in five years well because of that interview she'll now have to wait a hell of a lot longer she sees the killer of her husband every single day that she gets up and looks in the mirror every single day so you betched your bottom dollar that she knows who killed her husband because it's her Michelle Williams shot Greg Michelle Williams shot Greg as he was laying in bed working on his computer he had fallen asleep he was laying back in his bed and she picked up his gun and took dead aim at his head her defense went back to the suicide motive he had he had money problems his friend Brynn killed himself apparently and that really upset him he was doing steroids to bulk up and you know that messed with his mind but her defense attorneys say it was suicide and that is why her story kept changing she's not a career criminal ladies and gentlemen this is not something she had time to think about she panicked the worst thing that our system can do is to convict and then it's a person the medical examiner could already say he didn't do it to himself so what happened a green Martian came down and did it how do you do that how do you get your hand to do that and uh the interview she did for 48 hours didn't help because she essentially testified against herself this is like the fourth time she changed her story Mr presiding juror it is my understanding the jury has reached the burden is that correct yes Williams if you stand please the verdicting cause number one two six six eight four six D says we the jury fund the defendant Michelle Marie Williams guilty of the offense she was found guilty on sentence to 60 years in prison [Music] you know one thing during my having a goo at this story was that Michelle's dad he also had an addiction to the theatrical right uh he should have just gone to Community Theater but instead of what he would do is he would get jobs on construction sites and have an accident or he would show himself in front of cars that sort of thing the kind of stuff that uh well it deserves a legitimate injury so I guess it's not really surprising Michelle turned out the way she did she pulls her own stunts just a little different from morale fella and it's not surprising that they eventually as hard as she fought against landed her in prison where after her lie after lie after lie well I'm not lying when I say she belongs there no thank you so much for watching um I really appreciate you taking the time to watch this whole video with me and the rest of it um here go on please take care of yourselves I love you I'll see you as always real soon in the next one you know what my cow [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 2,315,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, michele williams, michele williams keller
Id: OxNM82Q9pmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 13sec (1693 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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