The Spongebob Bubble Theory

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have you ever thought about the real reason why SpongeBob blows bubbles nothing sus one's frazzled nerves like blowing bubbles is SpongeBob a pack of day smoker brother what are you talking about SpongeBob is no smoker okay Mr Catman I'm about to show you proof not only showing SpongeBob as a pack a day smoker but how he also peer pressures his friends into smoking you will never convince me I want to start this Theory with the bubble stand episode bubble stand is the second episode of the series and the first to include bubble blowing the episode starts with of SpongeBob stepping out of his house and soaking up the morning Vibes in Bikini Bottom the guy just loves peace but then out of nowhere he decides to build a bubble stand right in front of his house he starts hammering away making all this noise and who do you think gets annoyed can we lower the volum please Squidward's trying to play his clarinet and SpongeBob's racket is totally messing up with his Groove he sticks his head out the window all grumpy and tells SpongeBob to cut it out SpongeBob being the good neighbor tones it down a bit and then he finishes up his stand really fast when Squidward isn't looking now that SpongeBob's got his stand up where you can blow bubbles for 25 cents Patrick comes along and in typical Patrick style he's got no cash so he borrows a quarter from SpongeBob to blow a bubble but here's the kicker Patrick can't blow a bubble to save his life SpongeBob sees this as a business opportunity and offers to teach him for another quarter which of course he also has to borrow from SpongeBob hey sponge can I borrow another quarter thanks SpongeBob shows Patrick this wild bubble-blowing technique it's all over the top with spinning around double takes pelvic thrust you name it and dude SpongeBob blows this giant elephant-shaped bubble it's massive and it ends up floating over to Squidward's house and popping there Squidward is pissed he comes out a huffy asking how can they possibly be so loud just blowing bubbles SpongeBob tries to explain it's all about the technique but Squidward isn't buying it he thinks it's all dumb SpongeBob and Patrick then get sad and leave but Squidward you know he's got this curiosity he picks up the bubble wand and starts trying to blow a bubble now here's the funny part SpongeBob pops up out of nowhere and tells Squidward he's got to pay 25 cents to blow a bubble that'll be 25 cents sir squid ends up paying anyways and he tries to blow a bubble but nothing happens SpongeBob and Patrick keep telling him about the technique but Squidward is just getting more and more frustrated finally Squidward does this mock version of SpongeBob's technique screaming into the wand and dude he blows this giant bubble it's so big it lifes his entire house off the ground and Patrick and SpongeBob are just cheering him on thinking Squidward is a bubble-blowing genius but then as the giant bubble he blue lifts his house higher and higher into the air SpongeBob and Patrick are freaking out trying to get his attention when Squidward finally looks outside he realizes he's all the way up in the sky then the bubble pops and his house finally comes crashing down now I really don't even know where to start here so to make it easier let's rewind a little bit cuz there's a lot to break down here looking at blowing bubbles through the lens of smoking cigarettes things really start to make sense first off this episode came out in 1999 the average pack of cigarettes was $3.9 with each pack bringing 20 individual cigarettes this means if you bought a pack sold the cigarettes individually for 25 cents just like SpongeBob you'd make about a 6 Cent profit per cigarette you s out SpongeBob saw a business opportunity and a huge gap in the market with no one knowing how to blow bubbles not only did SpongeBob become the biggest influence for Patrick to start blowing bubbles but he is outright profiting from something that can literally kill you when Squid's left alone and he finds the bubbles his curiosity gets the best of him and here's the thing the thrill of breaking rules can be appealing especially to teenagers now I'm not saying Squid's a teenager but a lot of smokers start smoking when they're young and this scene almost embodies a curious kid who sees his parents smoking all the time finding the pack of smoke and again letting his curiosity get the best of him I don't know sounds like a reach to me what SpongeBob is literally he's literally selling cigarettes I think my boy SpongeBob is just trying to Vibe with his homies I'm going to need more evidence than this okay what about this episode and whatever happened to SpongeBob SpongeBob has one of those days where everything just goes wrong you kind of know how it is right he accidentally messes up big time with his friends he breaks Gary's shell ruins Patrick's cake for his mom wakes up squid destroys sy's robot and even deep fries Mr craps everyone starts calling him Idiot Boy and SpongeBob is totally heartbroken feeling like nobody wants him around he decides to leave bikini bottom and it's super sad man he literally thinks he lost all of his friends so SpongeBob wanders off and ends up getting Amnesia after a fall he forgets everything about himself and becomes this guy called cheesee Head brown pants I mean what a name right now now here's the crazy part he's in new kelp City he's roaming around completely clueless about who he is it's like one of those weird dreams where nothing makes sense you know he's wandering around trying to find some kind of job he's feeling really low thinking he's pretty much a jobless dead be like imagine SpongeBob the always happy bubble blowing sponge we all know now just totally lost and down in his luck but then this happens you guys mind if I bubble the reason why these guys are freaking out I'll get to in a moment but what I really want to talk about is if SpongeBob lost his memory how would he even know to want to blow bubbles guys that's cuz SpongeBob is a pack of days smoker I mean think about it he's lost his memory but deep down the urge to blow bubbles is still there it's ingrained in him it's like a muscle memory or a deeply rooted habit that he just can't shake off even when he has no idea who he is anymore now would you please approve my theory Mr Catman your theory is not valid what yep dude chill out bro SpongeBob Bob is literally a pack a day smoker uh yeah I don't know about that okay another episode burst your bubbles so the episode kicks off with SpongeBob struggling big time with his Driving Mrs Puff is freaking out and let me just say they're actually on the road they're not even at the driving school but anyways with all of this happening SpongeBob has an idea Nothing Suits one's frazzled nerves like blowing bubbles okay so does the theory make sense now no bro what are you talking about SpongeBob literally says nothing sooes one's frazzle nerves like blowing bubbles maybe bro just likes blowing bubbles okay what about this after SpongeBob crashes Mrs Puff loses it tells SpongeBob he's never getting his license and kicks him out the boat after this SpongeBob gets really sad he sees everyone with a car even Patrick Patrick but then the next scene is literally him in the back of his house smoking I mean blowing bubbles like an addict hm okay I'm kind of starting to see what you're saying young mustard but I'm going to need more evidence before I make my final decision okay what about little yellow book it's an episode it starts off pretty chill at the Crusty Crab squid is just kicking back relaxing you know but then as usual chaos erupts when a bunch of customers roll in and SpongeBob is nowhere to be found squid starts freaking out because nobody's cooking right and he finally finds SpongeBob hiding in a barrel writing in this little book it turns out SpongeBob is actually taking notes in his work diary so Squidward as curious as he is he starts reading SpongeBob's diary out loud to everyone at the Crusty Crab totally not cool right it gets crazy when SpongeBob finds out dude is totally heartbroken runs out and starts crying and everyone gets super mad at Squidward for being such a jerk it's like the whole town is against him even Mr Krab is like dude you need to apologize but Squidward he's just not feeling any remorse but here's where it gets interesting so Squidward's Life Starts going downhill big time he loses his house ends up sleeping in a bench and then the cops put him in socks like in medieval times even Patrick comes by and just let lets him have it throwing Tomatoes at him and everything now what is SpongeBob doing in the midst of all this SpongeBob is just totally embarrassed and humiliated right so he's like I have to take my break and dashes out I think this scene is the nail in the coffin for this Theory I might as well title this Theory a [Music] fact okay yeah your theory is valid wow really mhm thank you Mr Catman anytime anyways that's a wrap on our Deep dive into the bubble Theory SpongeBob as a clet smoker with his bubble blowing standing in for lighting up a cigarette is a theory that adds a whole new layer to the underwater antics of Bikini Bottom last thing I want to bring up though before wrapping up this Theory I just want to point out how all the cars or boats whatever in the show their mufflers have bubbles coming out and in the real world what do we have smoke bro I already told you your theory is valid can you just please end it Mr Catman you need to shut up I'm about to do an outro right now yeah that's what I'm saying hurry the up so as we say goodbye keep this quirky theory in mind next time you watch SpongeBob and let me know if there's any other scenes I missed and with all that being said I will see you guys in the next [Music] one
Channel: MustardPregnancy
Views: 100,858
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Id: bcTp5-n1wkU
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Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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