The Spongebob Surveillance Theory

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would you believe me if I told you Mr Krabs is spying on everyone in Bikini Bottom no during an episode in season 6 SpongeBob Patrick and Squidward find Mr Krabs secret surveillance room I started asking myself why would he possibly need to do this if Mr Krabs was really using this for protection you don't think he'd have 10 cameras surrounding his money so I'm left here thinking could he really be using this for blackmail collecting information to manipulate situations in his favor or could this actually be something a lot darker than that and could Sandy be part of the entire thing the episode Truth or Square starts with everyone in Bikini Bottom preparing for the Crusty Krabs 117th anniversary SpongeBob excited as ever is tasked with decorating the Crusty Crab while preparing SpongeBob Patrick Squidward and Mr Krabs accidentally get trapped in the Crusty crabs freezer to pass the time and to find a way out they start exploring the air ducts as they navigate naate through the Ducks the episode takes a trip down memory lane there are a series of flashbacks and imagin sequences these include alternate scenarios and a play that shows SpongeBob and Sandy getting married yeah I think this scene deserves a video on its own because uh yeah anyways as they continue through the air duck they find Mr Krab's surveillance room the episode is interspersed with live action scenes featuring celebrity guests like Robin Williams pink will frell Tina Fay and LeBron James this has nothing to do with the theory I just thought it was funny seeing LeBron talking to Patchy the Pirate LeBron Jes the theory suggests that Mr Krabs might be selling this surveillance information to parties interested in studying the effects of radioactivity on the residents you've probably heard the theory that Bikini Bottom is a byproduct of nuclear testing right if that's true then every day in Bikini Bottom is like a live experiment a gold mine for anyone studying how radioactivity affects on marine life now imagine Mr Krabs not just as a greedy business crab but as a key player in a secret operation what if he's been selling surveillance data to Outsiders scientists governments who knows Mr Krabs could be cashing in on his neighbors lives exploiting the potential aftermath of a nuclear disaster the idea that he's secretly trading this information for profit paints a dark picture it's not just about his greed anymore it's about the exploitation of an entire community living in a potentially hazardous environment now I'm not going to get into too much detail about the bikini ATL nuclear testing Theory because it's been done dozens of times already but I do want to skim through it real quick so this could all make sense the theory suggests that the show's setting Bikini Bottom is a reference to bikini ATL in the Marshall Islands known for its use by the United States for nuclear testing from 1946 to 1958 this Theory suggests that the characters including SpongeBob are the result of mutations caused by nuclear fallout evidenced by their human-like intelligence and behavior Sandy Cheeks a squirrel from Texas is particularly notable in this Theory living underwater in a dome and wearing a protective suit she is seen as representing human involvement in nuclear testing the theory point out details and hidden clues in the show like explosions that look like mushroom clouds and the old-fashioned 1950s Style which matched the time when the nuclear test happened it suggests similarities between the colorful sea life in bikini bottom and a fanciful version of a place after a nuclear test the real world impact of radiation on marine life at bikini at where radioactive material has entered the food chain causing mutations and ecological changes fuels this Theory Steven hillenberg the creator of Spongebob Squarepants had a background in Marine Biology which gives some plausibility to the idea that he might have been aware of these environmental issues in season 10 there's an episode called feral friends basically there's this weird green moon that turns everyone in Bikini Bottom into wild animals Sandy is the only one who doesn't get affected and she tries to save her friends from going fullon animal mode Squidward being one of the last people affected by it tells Sandy he wants an explanation and this is where she pulls out her Smartwatch and literally calls a scuba diver but not just any scuba diver literally the narrator of the show Sandy freaking out about to explain everything that's going on to the scuba diver he stops her and tells her not to worry because he's been monitoring the whole time Frenchie you see there's this don't say another word I have been monitoring the behavior of the green moon all day uh excuse me is this the person responsible for all the cameras in Bikini Bottom consider the idea that the surveillance theory is more than just an odd plot element it's a profound metaphorical exploration of the consequences of nuclear disasters in this narrative Mr Krabs isn't just a money hungry crustation he embodies those who profit from environmental catastrophes Mr crabs' warning to SpongeBob and Patrick about the dangers of the hooks in the hookie episode might have a different motive rooted in it of itself m Mr Krabs is not primarily concerned about Spongebob's and Patrick's safety but rather about the possibility of his own surveillance activities being exposed Mr Krabs who has been secretly surveilling the residents of Bikini Bottom for financial gain fears that if SpongeBob or Patrick were to get caught on a hook they might interact with the fishermen these fishermen could potentially be linked to the parties with the surveillance data if SpongeBob or Patrick were to find out and reveal any information about Mr Krabs or his actions even inadvertently it could lead serious consequences for Mr Krabs the hooks represent not just a physical danger to the characters but also a potential link to the outside world that could unravel Mr crabs' secret activities his warnings about the hooks therefore are a self-protective measure to prevent his own misdeeds from being discovered this adds a layer of complexity to Mr crabs' character painting him as more calculating and secretive than he appears on the surface Mr Krabs often embodies the dark ER side of entrepreneurial Spirit particularly his Readiness to exploit situations and characters for financial gain in the squirrel jokes episode SpongeBob starts doing standup comedy at the Crusty Crab initially his jokes aren't very successful until he starts making fun of s's squirrel traits these jokes include stereotypical observations about squirrels which the audience finds hilarious why does it take more than one squirrel to change a light bulb why because they're so darn stupid Mr Krabs as the owner of the Crusty Crab encourages SpongeBob to keep making these jokes because they're drawing in large crowds and consequently more money he just doesn't care as long as he's making money in jellyfish Hunter Mr Krabs discovers a lucrative opportunity when SpongeBob adds jellyfish jelly to a crabby patty making it a huge hit with the customers I've got to tell someone about this sensing a chance to increase profits Mr Krabs eagerly pushes SpongeBob to gather more jellyfish jelly exploiting SpongeBob's unique ability to communicate with jellyfish initially SpongeBob collects the jelly in a respectful and sustainable manner however as the demand for jelly Burger skyrockets Mr crabs' greed leads him to ramp up production he sets up a large scale operation massively overh harvesting jellyfish without any regard for their well-being or the environmental impact or what about the countless of episodes he has served not only himself but customers of the Crusty Crab old food just to save a couple dollars in born again Mr Krabs becomes cheap to the point of insan even trying to serve a rotten crabby patty in the Crusty sponge Mr Krabs capitalizes on SpongeBob's popularity eventually serving spoiled Krabby Patties died yellow there are dozens of more examples I could show you but I think you get the point crabs can and will take advantage of any situations even if it means making 50 cents so why wouldn't he take a lucrative business idea with Sandy where he could possibly make more than he ever dreamed spying on the residence of Bikini Bottom now for the last piece of evidence to tie this Theory the Fishbowl was an episode that if at the time if you were even thinking of this surveillance Theory you would have in this episode Sandy gets super into this behavioral psychology book right she's all set to study the behavior of the underwater creatures in Bikini Bottom like come on first she tries observing them on a bus but ends up annoying everyone and getting kicked out she then spots SpongeBob and Patrick and decides they're perfect for her study she starts off by just watching them but they get all weird and stiff knowing they're being observed when Sandy ends the experiment they go back to normal Sandy then gets a bit sneaky she sends SpongeBob and Patrick to the beach to collect sand and secretly plants microphones and cameras to watch them I just wanted to observe you acting naturally so I hid microphones and cameras around your [Music] house I mean she's not even trying to hide it at this point but I want to leave this question off to you could crabs and Sandy really be surveillancing Bikini Bottom
Channel: MustardPregnancy
Views: 399,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spongebob, theory, conspiracy, spongebob squarepants, spongebob theory, spongebob conspiracy, the spongebob mayonnaise theory, is spongebob depressed?, the spongebob surveillance theory
Id: BwNsibaW8Pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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