The Spectacular Spider-Man | Episode 1: "Survival Of The Fittest" | FULL EPISODE | Hall Of Heroes

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[Music] tell me there's something [Music] better go ahead try how I Spent My Summer Vacation by Peter Benjamin Parker I can sum it up in one glorious h word Spider-Man I Am The Spectacular Spider-Man only one thing missing it's my last night before school starts and I can really use some [Music] [Applause] [Music] action did I tell you one getaway jump to the next building and we're a million bucks richer this ain't no million Buck Hall not after the big man takes his cut anyway I shut up and jump oh no not again yep again what is this Marco like the third time this summer just wait till I get my hands on you you skinny little creep okay so Marco now tell me the new spider signal too much it's my first night trying it out and I'm just not sure it's screens friendly neighborhood Spider-Man be brutal I mean it's a guy with a lot of experience getting thrashed by well me I really value your opinion this is a live feed then I've seen enough summon the enforcers already on their [Music] way [Music] City VI up with in the speed time spectacular spectacular spectacular spectacular spectacular [Music] spectacular I've never been so pumped for the first day of school because today everything [Music] changes it isn't getting any easier Anna we're almost out of money but may I'm sure van left van Parker was many many wonderful things but a financial wizard he was not I miss him so oh but listen to me go on we'll manage and please not a word of this to Peter I wouldn't want him to be concerned hey Aunt May how's the most beautiful girl in Forest Hills this morning Peter now hurry off you don't want to be late on your first day no ma'am I blame you for this you told me to bring my magnetic Air transport system to ort I know you you arranged the meeting with Norman Osborne and I I had the best intention he studied my ideas and rejected them then announc his ozcorp Tech flight 4 months later I I am sorry Adrian don't you dare apologize doctor Oscorp has nothing to apologize for nothing to Osborne you stole my work that's dangerous talk Mr tombs dangerous and unsupportable listen you buzzit you've been at this for decades without one success to your name if you never accomplished anything as a Young Man who' believe you created techlight as an old one boys show Mr tombs out good news I don't blame you [Music] anymore all right The Parkers are desperate for cold hard cash but I'm not letting that spoil this moment hey Pete Harry Gwen how'd summer treat you science camp was fun yeah well the world tour stunk my dad spent the whole trip locked in boardroom so I spent mine locked in bored um I should have stayed in town with you Pete at least we could have done nothing together but now we're back so you ready for the torture that is mq cubed it'll be different [Music] [Music] now really cuz you spent half sophomore year stuffed in a locker uh uh Pete uh where you going to face my destiny Peter Parker's a wall crawler not a wall flower and my life is about to change uh Sally what's he is he I think he is are you damaged he did why in the world do you think I'd ever go out with Midtown High's Champion geek hey Rand puny Parker's hitting on your girl Rand I I didn't know you two were cool cool you don't care why you want to go out with him I want to walk on a parker- free Planet thank you very much lucky you didn't try this with my girl Parker if your geek sweat got within one mile Liz back off flash I won't be your punching bag anymore things have changed you hear him threaten me dude ner thinks he's Spider-Man pound cake my [Music] lunch come on the big man wants a word it forces all present on accounted for boss thank you Hammerhead gentlemen I'll get right to the point for the last 4 months a pest has plagued our operations at first I could hardly credit the reports thought the boys were trying to stiff us had to get a little rough to make sure they was sincere establishing patterns of movement took all summer but last night we had confirmation the Spiderman is real and you want the enforcers to Wrangle up this here spider no Montella I want you to squash it chapter one by tomorrow ladies and gentlemen Mr Parker Miss Stacy a word I wonder if either of you remember a field trip we took last year to the laboratory of Dr Curtis Connors at Empire State [Music] University [Music] trust me that's one field trip I'll never forget me neither Dr Connor's research was was thrilling I'm glad you feel that way because he's offering two internships to promising high schoolers I recommended my two star pupils you start this afternoon [Music] thanks for letting me kill time at your place Harry I'm not do at the ESU lab for another hour I'm just surprised you're not hanging at the school paper aren't you their star photographer or something not anymore someone else can take pictures of flash prancing around the grid iron I'll be too busy raking in the green is this part of the same reality where Sally aals your a minor setback but at least this lab job solves the Parker money problems I mean look around all this belongs to your dad and he's a scientist boys come out here I couldn't help overhearing I'm sorry Mr Osborne I don't you dare apologize son I never do so what's this about a lab job at ESU working with Kurt Connor Connors huh quite an opportunity don't suppose you were considered for the honor Harry uh no sir it's totally not a big deal Mr O but uh thanks we'll uh we'll get out of your way [Music] nowor [Music] Dad what do we do I call the cops Do It Go [Music] tell the truth Osborne can your Tech fight do [Music] this tombs not tombs now I'm what you called me I'm the vulture I called you a buzzard what you can't even get the name right ah tombs stop what will any of this accomplish a means to an end Osborne something you know all about you will announce to the world that Adrien tuns is the genius behind Tech flight you will pay me all that I am owed and you will publicly apologize for stealing my invention I never apologize old man I may be an old man but I'm not a patient one no oh guys you play Hot Potato hardcore what is this these skies are mine now he may be right I really just ran what are you babbling about put me down dude you are the bossiest damel in distress I have ever rescued also the ugliest heaviest and the first who are you why I'm your friendly neighbor neighorhood Spider-Man of course Spider-Man I thought you were a myth I need a new press agent he's not helping Stan the pery nabs almost always [Music] walking what's going on explanations inside [Music] now look Bey I admire anyone who dresses up as their favorite animal better still you can fly so I got to ask you heard the one about great power coming with great responsibility waa baky don't fly away mad the name is vulture that's great Harry I'm I'm glad that your dad's safe me well uh you know I tried to follow them on foot and I I ran for blocks but yeah I guess that was pretty useless uh hey look I'm late and uh Gwen's giv me the look so uh bye I so was not giving you the look but I am late right always bro Eddie hey Gwen bro what are you doing here work here I'm the Conor's personal lab assistant not bad for a frost huh Eddie Brock's a freshman College freshman little man but I'm guessing you're missing me at Midtown High huh no one to keep Flash Thompson off your back stole your shoes again huh Peter Parker or Gwen Stacy I'd like you to meet Dr Martha Connors Eddie's told us great things about you both said you wore clean underwear lucky I didn't say socks C stop hiding in the office New interns are here I'll be right out Peter Gwen this is esu's resident genius my husband Kurt it's an honor to meet you Dr Connors you look familiar son weren't you the boy that was bid by the science bug you know it now we won't overdo it the first day Eddie will show you around the lab but the real work can start tomorrow so questions welcome uh here's one uh what does this gig pay Pete you're high school kid with zero experience you're not getting [Music] paid Aunt May needs my help I don't know what I'm going to do Pete don't angst okay it'll come to you well I'm waiting you got to admit the girl knows her stuff [Music] today's been One-Stop shopping for disappointment no money at home no cool at school I nearly pavement Splat fighting a wacko with wings and now Daily Bugle security won't even let me use the elevator but may and Ben Parker didn't raise no quitters any quitters you get the idea Roby where's my layout foswell I ordered that rewrite 12 seconds ago Lee I'm not paying you to sit on your keer and you me yeah you I sent you for my bagel and shmear 9 minutes ago you sent Benny Mr Jameson and it's only been 3 minutes uh actually sir I've got something better than a bagel oh yeah what's that a proposal I think I can get you pictures photos of Spider-Man in action I bet it would sell a lot of newspapers what do you know about selling papers you're a kid worse you're a teenager Miss brand call security get this wailing infant out of my face out of my city room out of my town hey what the bugle needs is photos of Spider-Man in action now that had sell newspapers huh today officially reeks not one thing's gone right and now the Amazing Spider-Man is reduced to sneaking around for his shoes all clear osbor go go you want Escape me again my thought exactly Target cited at last no location boys let's squash us above trick or treat I mean you are celebrating Halloween in September right or am I not one to [Music] talk strangest darn gig big man's ever slid our way we are flying with the freaks now boys I got no idea what that Big Bird's about but I am mighty glad he's keeping our bug busy Target locked W my spider sens is [Music] p ax P Dan you're [Music] up look P if you needed a breath mint you just had to ask oh that's not good [Music] boys need a work C now no turning tail seriously who are you guys I think we lost [Music] them it's not that I'm running but there's this vulture guy out there so if we can just postpone you're strong strong point taken but can you do this didn't think so now I know you can tear right through that but I wouldn't recommend it son you're making the enforcers look bad I can't have that you will apologize I won't man this is a sweet ride that sunroof come standard why did you defend that Thief Osborne uncool do you know what these spider suits cost never fought anyone like this group of bozos I one thing I know for sure I can't let Harry lose his dad the way I lost Uncle Ben Surfs Up woohoo W there the car park go go no this is all your fault two birds one [Music] stone where'd that farming get to [Music] now did you really think you could hide from me [Music] there my my wing I I can't steer yeah but you're still Airborne how does that work exactly yo vult you're hump huming you idiot you doomed us both you so have not been paying attention [Music] H well three out of four ain't bad especially on bizarre bad guy Knight now if I can just get my [Music] shoes oh perfect end to a perfect day Aunt May you're awake sit down Peter we need to talk I know you're a good boy I'm growing up to be a fine young man the man of the house now but you're still my responsibility I can't have you out till midnight you're to be home by 10:00 that's my bedtime but a May if you're late you call before 10 if you do call it' better be to say you're on your way home that's the law in in this house Peter do we understand each other sure and me that's fair lovely now how about a slice of banana cream pie okay nothing went as planned today understatement of the year but I'm still Spider-Man and still undefeated and I still have this amazing person watching out for me tell me there's something better go ahead try [Music]
Channel: Hall Of Heroes
Views: 203,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hall Of Heroes, Superheroes, Superpowers, Super Villains, Villains, Spider-Man, Venom, Iron Man, Underworld, Blade, Marvel, Marvel Comics, Marvel Cartoons, peter parker, spider man, green goblin, retro cartoons, full cartoon episodes, spectacular spider-man, 90s cartoons, cartoons 2024, full episode, cartoon clips, the invisible hand, spectacular spider man full episodes, cartoon, doctor octopus, full movie, spiderman cartoon, superhero cartoon, rhino
Id: IoR55NPjgXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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