The Spectacular Spider-Man | Persona | Season 1 Ep. 10 | Indoor Recess

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foreign [Music] they discover alien life and you're not watching oh Peter aliens are bug-eyed monsters who say take me to your leader this is a mud stain on the space shuttle like mud organic mud living mud from outer space NASA's not releasing images but if we zoom in on this shot of the shuttle right there on the hall that dark patch is extraterrestrial life primitive obviously but organic earlier today the alien life form was flown to Empire State University where it will be studied by the country's top biogeneticist Dr Curtis Connors hello that's right bro the Ooze has landed and uh Dr sees back in the game he's been kind of lost since you know the lizard thing discontinued most of our research but we're back in business again I I have to see it can you hook me up no go bro Dr Martha's spoken no visitors no reporters and sure no photographers she already knows she can't trust as usual Peter Parker's out of luck but maybe Spider-Man's not after all spidey's got a zoom lens and the lab has a skylight and now a peek at our Strange visitor and our Strange visitors visitor [Music] please [Music] On The Rise looking up with no surprise arriving in the spare time [Music] spectacular spectacular Spider-Man [Music] spectacular spectacular spiders [Music] the school locker has better security perfect I stop a crime in progress get pictures for the bugle of me and a hot cat burglar and slap my peepers on the Ooze hat trick thank you gee I never thought I'd be rescuing the icky alien from the beautiful damsel wow I do believe it's Spider-Man easy cat lady I don't want to fight name's Black Cat and cats don't fight spiders we just bat them around [Music] foreign [Music] don't worry it comes off with ice or peanut butter lovely you've got a sweet little skill set there Spidey you want in on this gig we could split the tape gig take these words are strange to me a certain Captain of industry offered an indecent amount of cash to steal that slime said something about unlimited scientific potential are you sure he was a full Captain of industry and not some industrial Cadet showing off for the girls I know when a man's showing off so what do you say hot stuff want a slice of the mud pie this is tempting but then I'd have to turn in my superhero discount card too bad I don't like us together we only just met and I'm not that kind of spider give a cat a chance and she'll make you that kind of spider stop I'm blushing what in the Dr Connors Two's Company three is a corroborating Witness the life form where is it black cat she must have when call the cops I'll go after her this gig Bad Kitty maybe I can still find her oh heck I never even got a good look at the gun Read All About It spider thief and accomplice Steely tea Spider-Man's coming through the Skylight before yes but never to steal anything I actually thought Spidey was a hero and I actually thought Pete was a human being but he was here last night taking pictures and couldn't even be bothered to call the police but don't bother Gwen bro had his second chance I'm done Ram or two words scram kid or 17. get out of my office in 2.3 seconds or I'll staple you to a flagpole how did you count so like never mind I I can't believe you're printing flat out lies lies you callow and subordinate pump the bugle only Prince facts and whatever it takes to connect the facts together yeah but I was there and taking pictures from the roof Spidey was trying to stop Black Cat from stealing the Ooze she got away but they didn't leave together look that way to an amateur like you but it's standard crook Behavior they met up later to divide the spoils ask Dr Connors he was there last night read the article kid Connors didn't discover the theft till early this morning what why would Dr Connors lie [Music] Spider-Man must be quite confused right about now [Music] hello General no regretfully I have no alien to deliver a known competitor beat my team to the lab by mere minutes of course your down payment will be refunded goodbye so no paycheck no paycheck story in the bugle it sparked an epiphany Mason I'll need all your mechanical ability [Music] Beck your special effects expertise yeah so what else is new which Captain of industry or high ranking political you're posing as this time chameleon this time I have someone a little different in mind [Applause] black cat must have taken the market okay so there's no proof in any of my pictures but I know I didn't take it and what would doctors see if Spidey saved him from a permanent case of lizard breath how could he betray the old Webhead that way how am I ever gonna clear my friendly neighborhood name [Music] and the crazy thing they think I stole the alien I never even got a good look at it oh that's a good look for you and flatter truly see I knew we made a connection you you're the real Thief because I steal your heart heard it before swinger I know I don't like being blamed for crimes I didn't commit or any crimes really bad for business so the frame up must really annoy an ex-primary color guy like you huh yeah steal the Ooze did you I didn't short dark and handsome you were there so unless you took it I didn't take it calm down I didn't think so but if you're fed up enough with a thankless hero thing to match your image to mine then I have to ask are we going to be bad guys together partner or just plain bad was it something I said guess I found the Ooze it found me faces fighting alien life has permanently bonded itself to your suit best case you're in for one monster of a dry cleaning bill perfect now I'm flying a glider gotta ditch in Central Park Eddie and I lost our parents in a plane just like that I made that link I hope I'm strong enough for this trouble is I'm not close enough to a building for my web to carry still nothing to lose slick but did I do that or did the Ooze actually upgrade my spiderness I can use the booze to help more people as Spider-Man and not incidentally earn a bit more photo money it's Peter Parker maybe it's a it's okay that I sort of unintentionally stole the Slime from the Conor's lab and maybe it's better for everyone if I don't return it course it's not really my call obviously it was the right call yeah I could get used to this hey Aunt May it hit me what's wrong oh Peter I'm sorry I didn't mean to frighten you I it was just the heat from the stove and I am a little tired I'm not surprised hey you've been cooking Non-Stop there's some food here to feed the Rhino I'm testing recipes we can give the extra to the food drive come on let's get you to bed [Music] cut it out oh what's the matter flashy does the truth hurt it's not the truth I mean it's not true hey if it's make fun of flash day how can I help Widow flash is mad because his hero turned out to be a big Quirk I told you the guy in the pictures ain't the real Spidey any guy can put on a costume puny Parker wore one last week Community Park a stick to walls and sling webs face it Flash the bugle has undeniable photographic evidence get the bugle there's no way I'm ever gonna believe Spider-Man's turn to Crime then you're the only one hahaha no sudden moves friends friendly neighborhood web shooters in a frisky mood my insect early warning system's tingling [Music] fill her up foreign [Music] perfect tomorrow's front page Mr Jameson these pictures are you late Parker got all the pictures I could ask for best of all Joe Anonymous has let me have them for free as I predicted the weapons turned out to be just another Thug in a mask soon he'll be caught jailed and run out of town how could it be jailed and run out of town and Getty is a school girl I never thought I'd be on the lookout for well or me hey crimesbury I was hoping you'd swing This Way Again cat listen I'm innocent obviously doesn't that imposter know black is the new red and blue I turn it black and blue find him well as it happens [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] how can you be so sure he'll hit here I think like a thief a boat full of overdressed Fat Cats is a can't miss proposition wait now Waters is wearing the Stuyvesant tiger I want it cat no door prizes try focusing on how we get aboard please I'm a professional I come prepared hello so glad you could make it I'm wearing a fortune and borrowed Jules Captain let's get this boat moving before a certain arachnid decides to crash my party I still don't buy at your honor I've seen Spider-Man in action I can't believe you started a crime believe it Stacy the bugle's been saying for weeks the webhead's a fraud now that I'm proven right I assume you've taken the proper precautions don't worry Jonah my officers are all on alert for Spider-Man size if he was coming he's too late now Norman abusion then I'm investing in an honest politician now if you'll excuse me [Music] demita sergeant sweet ride haven't you heard crying face I'm not listening almost there hold on tight don't worry I don't slip not why I said that uh work we're close enough the kitty senses all right I guess cat was right and so I raise my glass to thank you for all your support and after the election your city will thank you too as will your friendly neighborhood spider Thief do it [Applause] fill them up folks take him [Music] your honor if you hold that tiger too tight I bite [Music] It's Too Tall this guy's a fraud Spider-Man is not a fraud I can't believe I just said that behind you oh that's spider strength people think I can fake that actually I do and who are you supposed to be Spider-Man the real one the real one you don't even have the costume right I'm in mourning for my buried wreck just like picklepuss will be when he's forced to printer retraction retraction lesson weapon nobody tells Jake Jonas see even the Jolly one himself knows I'm the genuine article [Music] now that's spider strength except no substitutes Demeter Spider-Man [Music] we need to go [Music] we'll let them settle the Spider-Man to Spider-Man thanks cat I owe you one whoa whoa a new onesie I can feel it balancing me compensating for the boat is that the water everything [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] how about a taste the spider crunch please tell me I'll sound like that or at least when I offer a higher quality twist [Music] s a one and only got my hero [Music] heard me a retraction but on page 42 or Point font I'm satisfied you're innocent Spider-Man we'll find out what chameleon did with the E.T actually I sort of what are you doing you tell the truth and they'll take the suit away and you need its power to help people I sort of figured you'd say that then I'll say this too as long as you wear a mask some folks will always wonder night Captain Captain Stacy the tiger it's not here all right chameleon where's this remember doing it [Music] you made a pretty good team maybe you should change sides okay then why did you help me you really don't know [Music] okay I had no idea you felt that way uh cat here kitty kitty kitty oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Indoor Recess
Views: 341,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoons, cartoon clips, 90s cartoons, retro cartoons, classic cartoons, jumanji, jumanji cartoon, astro boy, astro boy cartoon, godzilla, godzilla cartoon, dilbert, dilbert cartoon, the critic, the critic cartoon, jackie chan, jackie chan adventures, jackie chan cartoon, men in black, men in black cartoon, full cartoon episodes, spectacular spider-man, spectacular spider man, spectacular spiderman theme, spectacular spider man intro, spectacular spider man full episodes
Id: birI9HhnuJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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