The Spectacular Spider-Man | Episode 5 "Competition" | FULL EPISODE | Hall Of Heroes

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[Music] [Music] first time I've ever blown my way out of a store yeah Marco biggest score we ever made I'm loving it I'm loving there's no Spider-Man down here to cramp our style didn't know you had any style hi you boys two bags full of cash and we lost them I can't believe it I can't believe we lost to that pathetic little web creep again Bale's been paid guess ponum can have friends who knew [Music] get in boys oh and welcome to the big [Music] time living on the edge spinning W swinging from the highest ledge he canap above my head [Music] ah vills On The Rise and the city's victimize looking up with no surprise arriving in the speed of time spectacular spectacular Spiderman spectacular spectacular spectacular spectacular spectacular [Music] spectacular you talking to me and say hello to my webs Peter uh just a second may I I got to straighten up a bit my goodness you did straighten up I've never seen this room so spare where's the Clutter shoved under the bed as usual hey I'm not five anymore I don't need to resort to tricks well I'm impressed Peter and not just with the room you have been very good about getting home by your new curfew and as a reward I've decided to restore the old rules you can stay out until 10:00 and call if you're going to be late what's that what this this is just a flyer for the uh Midtown High fall formal but uh I'm not going I don't have a date oh Peter you lead such a sheltered life why not ask an Watson's niece Mary Jane this wonderful personality uh yeah let me think on that right now I got to get to [Music] school what about oarn this is a so good job and the big man's had his eye on you Marco the big man do I do I get to meet him no one meets the big [Music] man okay I'm here with my two best friends and neither's talking to me should I change seats H don't be a doof so you couldn't help me with my Cal test I'm over it good morning students coach Smith here with a quick announcement after the injury of our starting tight end and the academic suspension of our backup the Midtown Mustangs will be holding three days of tryouts starting this afternoon perfect I am so there uh Harry you know I'm all about being the encouraging galp pal but the words catastrophic bone breakage do come to mind here yeah here youve seen the size of those guys come on if you're that worried how about a little moral support try out with [Music] [Music] [Applause] me uh I'll pass no pun intended hey Kong Osborne's trying out cool cool hey I need another tackling dummy broke my last one [Laughter] hey here on second thought tryouts I got your [Music] back so uh doc what's with the arms these uh well they allow me to multitask uh manipulate difficult objects and of course maintain a safe distance you need a safe distance what about me actually there are our concerns Marco relax procedure is simple painless and totally worth it show them he yes well uh the subject is infused with millions of microscopic silicon granules creating subdermal silicon armor now in theory he'll be able to pass through metal detectors well undetected and he'll be impervious impervious what is that a good thing yeah means nothing and no one can hurt you including Spider-Man all right ladies listen up I only have room for two of you on the team one starter one backup don't worry Brown you're in we'll make sure of it all right helmet's on let's play some football [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] some real talent out there your buddy Hobie he's good but those uh two skinny little Juniors they might just be better sure giving King Kong a rough time they're not the only ones grow up Kenny why would I date someone too immature to play fair but Glory I'm serious cut it out or we're history please Mr Osborne this lab it it it was is assembled so rapidly and the equipment it's it's substandard at the least I I need more time the the experiment's never really been tested this is the test press the button doctor [Music] the magnetic field waking the Silicon overloading we must aboard not yet [Music] what have we done what do we do we sweep up and we try again wait what's going on in there [Music] what have you done to me I know you're in there answer me hey Mr the Sandman Chell there you go you got your sand legs your sand clothes hey and now you're in color see it's not so bad not so bad stuff happens and results the same you got power no one else got not even Spider-Man not now you can get revenge for all those times the Webhead put you behind bars yeah now wait revenge is for Chumps I don't care about Spider-Man all I ever wanted was the big score and now I got the power to get it now listen you little nobody hey Flint Marco was a nobody but everyone will know the name Sandman you're taking this calmly I thought big man wanted a super super villain to fight Spider-Man big man wanted the bug distracted you think that boy won't make a good distraction you haven't been paying attention yeah I could get used to this I mean sure I went a little arach notic on Kong but it's not like I cheated no one yells at flash when he uses his natural talents oh man Marco this is so getting old where's your partner don't think I need a partner anymore what just happened I happened Sandman happened no that's just wrong [Music] [Applause] uhoh no no no no no no not a good time to run out of web let me guess you were on a reality show Changing Faces or completely ridiculous makeovers nice huh the big man did this to me to get to you big man who's the big man uh that that's need to know only look cleaning your clock's been fun but I got Banks to Rob oh man my money forget football soon as school's out I'm webbing up Sandman once hey pety nice moves yesterday heard it's down to you Harry and Hobie Brown good [Music] luck of course Sandman will still be around after tryouts right [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that was a good day I haven't made a final decision but I'm leaning toward Parker as our new starter with Osborne a second string anyone wants to change my mind has one more day of tryouts to do it unbelievable the Geeks are inheriting the Earth you didn't even want to try out yeah who knew this was my dream Pete you're already the smartest kid in school you really need this too Harry I guys we're headed to the Silver Spoon one come sure uh my treat hey if you insist uh rain check [Applause] say aren't you football star Peter Parker how come you aren't hanging with your new friends cuz I like my old friends look I know you think I've been acting like a jerk I put taking photos for the bugle before more important things but I promise it won't happen again so can you forgive me already you're forgiven it would take too long to train anyone else so Peter the dance is only a few days away and I asked Miss Brandt from the bugle wow that's great um you don't actually call her Miss Brandt in person do you never mind you know I'm sure you two will have the best she turned me down well she is totally missing out besides she's not the only girl who would doesn't matter there's no way I'm going anywhere near that stupid formal right stupid formal [Music] I got to go because the bugle will want photos except I just promised you I wouldn't put the bugle before our friendship it's okay just be careful thanks Ginn you totally Rock glad you [Music] noticed surprise G web head if I'm over here who's [Applause] [Music] [Music] driving J [Music] good thing I refilled the web shooters a all webbed up and nowhere to go who do you think I am Flint Marco spider tricks don't work on the Sandman but do sand tricks work on the Spider-Man oh this can't be [Music] good then what happened okay so so then he gets in a second accident at the toll booth I mean wor chur we ever had I thought my dad was going to like you know pop a vessel maybe the chauffeur wasn't the problem wow who knew being super rich was so tough yeah well I I mean I mean no I mean it's okay I'm just teasing you better get used to it way you played today you and Parker are both you'll be spending a lot more time with this crowd yeah but not tonight come on Glory let's hit it oops sorry Kenny what are you six look I wanted to be your girlfriend not your babysitter Oh Glory it was a joke you're not going to break up with me again what do you think come on Harry take me home this ain't a problem we can fix cordon off the area and pray Spidey can handle the [Music] freak you know I hadn't planned on coming after you but you just determined to be the cloud hanging over my Sunny Sandy Beach time to change the weather forever [Music] [Applause] all right Sandman show me what you got better yet I'll show you wow you sure showed me the hammer thing's getting old pal I can keep this up all night can you web [Music] head I guess if I'm going to win I'll have to take a dive [Music] literally it's over Spider-Man when you were the only one with powers you had me beat but now King Sandman Reigns Supreme your majesty allow me to build a statue in your honor Michelangelo eat your heart [Music] out hey Mom Dad Harry what happened to you and what's with the helmet going to a costume party I'm trying out for the team football not really your strong suit is it guess we'll find out tomorrow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here's what we got Osborne your first string Brown second Parker maybe next year yeah if we're desperate I guess yesterday was just beginner's [Music] luck hey if I wanted all the glory I wouldn't wear a mask so Harry gets his dream and I watch from the sidelines ice cream of course that has its benefits too [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Hall Of Heroes
Views: 14,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hall Of Heroes, Superheroes, Superpowers, Super Villains, Villains, Spider-Man, Venom, Iron Man, Blade, Marvel, Marvel Comics, Marvel Cartoons, peter parker, spider man, black cat, green goblin, 90s cartoons, full cartoon episodes, spectacular spider-man, full episode, peter parker spider-man, spider man cartoon, black cat spiderman, black suit spiderman, spider-man cartoon, spectauclar spiderman, spectacular spiderman theme, spiderman sandman, sandman, spiderman cartoon
Id: NNrx24PilLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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