Osborn Academy | Marvel's Spider-Man | S1 E4

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MAN (ON RADIO): All units report. We are in pursuit of the Jackal. SPIDER-MAN: Hold on. Let me get to a better spot, Harry. How about now? Can you hear me now? Good. What I was saying was I'm coming, Harry. I just got a little caught up in something. What could be more important than my dad's unveiling of the Osborn Academy for Geniuses? Nothing. It's just cops have all of downtown blocked off in pursuit of this Jackal guy. A jackal? Shouldn't they be calling animal control instead? Very funny. He's a supervillain who stole some Stark tech. Hold on a second. Still there? Sounded like the call got dropped. It did for a sec. HARRY (ON PHONE): Just get your butt over here. I am. I'm just waiting for the traffic light to change. And there's the green I was looking for. I'll be there soon, Harry. I have a hunch this is all going to clear up real soon, I hope. Everybody, look out. Listen, Harry, I should really go. But don't worry. I should be there soon. [GRUNTS] I'm gonna snag the Jackal with a well-placed web. Guys, we really need to coordinate things if we're going to share the sky. We just got ahead of him. We're cutting him off now. Why bother fighting for the sky when the whole city will soon belong to the Jackal? [SCREAMING] [THEME MUSIC] Focus. Focus. Got to web something quick. That's too much fan for my fanny. Uh-oh. The tail rotor's out. I'm going down. I did that. Sorry. Nice work, Spider-Man. How is it that most kids are dealing with homework and I'm dealing with five tons of precious metal? The Greeks knew that all the strength in the world would still need a fulcrum. That's why they invented the pulley. Oops. Forgot to compensate for weight distribution. Now I've got to save the pilots and the people on the street. [SCREAMING] I think I'm going to make it. Whoa. Did the Jackal just do my job for me? Thanks, Spider-Man. That's not very bad guy of him. We got the Jackal cornered. All units respond. Hold your fire. He's taking a captive. Not on my watch, he isn't. [SCREAMING] Hey, there. There you are, safe as can be. Thanks I don't mean to judge, but you know you could have just created a web fan and made a wing cushion from the helicopter's air pressure, right? Yeah. I mean, I guess, that's one way I could have done that. But you still prefer your way, huh? Not to judge, but you know you could have just ended with thanks, right? I guess, that's one way I could have done that. But do the people you put in harm's way usually greet you with a warm reception? The Osborn Academy reception. Drat. I missed it. Sure did. I'm so sorry, Harry. I-- I know. I know. You're Peter Parker. Let's just forget it, and I'll show you around. Everybody who is anybody was here, including Max and the Horizon High gang. Maybe we can catch up with them on the tour. I got to say-- I'd never actually admit it to him-- but my dad opening this school for geniuses is pretty cool. Awesome view. HARRY: Yeah. Norman converted the penthouse of the Oscorp building, so that the Osborn Academy is at the very top. Give students something to reach for. Whoa. That's a long way to reach. And that's why our students will be the very best, starting with Harry here, who has just been appointed class president, by the way? Hmm? Mr. Osborn, good to see you again, sir. You as well, Peter. Are you here to apply for enrollment? Oh. Thanks, Mr. Osborn, but I just got accepted into Horizon High. Hmm. Well, let's hope you don't get suspended for something you didn't do. Dad. Don't worry, sir. I have no doubt that'll get cleared up very soon. But it was nice of you to do all this for Harry. When it involves my son, I will move mountains if need be. Wouldn't that upset the organic balance of nature? Science is the enhancement of nature, Max. You know that. It's good to see you again. We wouldn't have missed it. Any opportunity to expand the minds of young students is always a reason to celebrate. I'm glad you see it that way. I thought you might feel threatened. Not at all. Schools should be able to coexist within a supportive environment. Not to mention, my school is filled to capacity. Well, I assure you by the end of the day, our school will be full as well. In fact, let's look in on some of the auditions, shall we? Glad to see it's not just Horizon events you're late for. There was a lot of traffic. Well, you know what they say, the shortest distance between two points is the express train. Hey, Pete, you still haven't met Gwen Stacy, have you? Gwen Stacy? I have. I mean, I haven't. I mean, I'm Peter. I know who you are. You do? Yeah. Parker, right? You saved everyone from the vibranium fire. Nicely done. Thanks. Don't let it go to your head. You still ruined my entire project. Over here, everyone. I prefer to use two-way mirrors so as not to intimidate the interviewees. I'm sure you're aware that a position at the Osborn Academy is highly coveted, so what makes you think you have what it takes to be a student here? My name is John Jameson. And not only am I studying astrophysics, but so far, the space agency has already adopted two of my ideas. While I've adopted their motto, failure is not an option. Well, as the son of the brilliant Spencer Smythe, I already have the genes for excellence. Hey, what's up, bro? I'm Flash Thompson. And my jeans are denim. Because I'm super smart is why. Don't you already go to Horizon? What? I'm covering my bases. Herman and I are best friends, so we work well together. What Clayton's trying to say is that like a chemical compound, we act as each other's catalyst for conceiving great ideas. Right. In fact, we inspired each other to create this awesome new tech. I call mine clash tech because it can manipulate sound. And I've created these gauntlets I call shockers that allow me to control vibrations. [MYSTERIOUS MUSIC] Charging. Voila. Very impressive, young man. Mr. Osborn. But do you have the drive to outshine the competition? Yes, sir. Absolutely. Good because I'm only going to take one of you. [DARK MUSIC] Wait. What? But we're a team. And I'm looking for a solo act. So whoever impresses me the most will get to be a student here. Understood? Mr. Osborn, Clayton and I have worked together a long time. And-- hey. Sorry, man. Must have slipped. You did that on purpose. I did not. You know the activation switch sticks a little. But it can totally be fixed. Yeah. It's true. It just needs a boost from my-- What are you doing? I was trying to help. Yeah, help yourself get into this school. Ow. Herman, I'm sorry. I overreacted. Get away from me. But I didn't mean to hurt you. I said get away from me. Activate safe zone. Packages in the box. Clayton, I'm sorry. We're even. Let's stop here. Oh, we are not even. Boosting. Whoa. Well, have it your way then. Is that all you got? These guys are out of control. Oh. You want more? Pete. Don't need a costume to do some good. But I can do more as Spider-Man. That's enough, you two. If it wasn't for my web shoot, some innocent people might have been hurt. You worked so hard for this day, Herman. I can't believe you're turning against me. Stop with the act. You know you turned on me first. It caused an electrical fire in the biology lab. Stop. Don't hit the alarm. He'll manipulate the sound. I'll show you the true power of sound. Clayton, I'm not against you. CLAYTON: Then you shouldn't have attacked me. Boosting beyond capacity. Uh-oh. He's about to unleash a sound bomb. And for the record, I plan on using a web fan to create a wind cushion. Or a net. Just create a net. Oh. Right. OK. Bring it on. Everyone nice and sticky? So the spider kid is auditioning too, huh? Then I need a bigger arena to show off the full extent of my work. And may the best student win. Hey. Who said I was a student? And I'm not auditioning. Good because so far I'm not impressed. But-- you-- [SIGHS] If you wanted out of this partnership, Herbert, you should have just said so. As opposed to sabotaging it like you did? You're the one who wanted out. I just didn't realize it included the friendship. Sound supply empty. Need more sound. Power restored. How are you guys going to get into any school when you're stuck in detention for 30 years? I don't know who you are, but we're here first. [SCREAMING] Pete. How does a guy fall out of a window and disappear? [ACTION MUSIC] Uh-oh. She's going to blow. Look out. Get off me. I was trying to help you. You're never helping. What did you do to my friend, Pete? I webbed him a parachute. He should be around here somewhere. Well, he's not. So help me find him, or I'll tear you apart. I got to-- I'll be right back. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Huh? Phew. Looks like we're all trying to impress Norman Osborn. Time to see whose tech has the strongest impact. I think we both know the answer to that. Hey. What are you doing? You've never had the power to do that. It's not me. Someone's siphoning the juice from our tech. Not someone, the Jackal with an assist from Tony Stark, of course. I'll take that. And I'd hate to see this hardware go to waste. SPIDER-MAN: Jackal? Don't tell me you're auditioning for Osborn Academy too. They are going to have one crazy debate club. Oh, wow, that combined tech is fierce. Don't want to feel that again. Going somewhere? That fur in your ears must be thick. I said I didn't want to feel that again. Spider-Man, aim for Clayton's chest plate. He hasn't worked out the bugs. And it can't take a direct hit there. Hey. That's a side effect of design, not bad planning. While you're at it, crush the wristband of Herman's gauntlet. That's where he houses the power source. Thanks, fellas. The question is, how do I get near him? Of course. A worker can withstand the vibrations of that jackhammer because he's wearing shock absorbers. I'm guessing about a 36 medium. Let's just go full marshmallow suit. Might not be graceful enough to get into the ballet, but it should do the trick. He rolls. he waddles. Whoa. Whoa. Hey. It worked. How? I'll take this. I need to shed a few pounds and fast. Herman, if this is it, I'm sorry. I'm sorry too. You're my best friend. Aww. I can't separate such devoted pals, so I'll take you both out. Oh man. I am not a fan of these split-second decisions. But a different fan might finally work here. That's twice now he's gotten away. We're so sorry, man. Yeah. I don't know what got into us. We just got carried away. Well, you're about to be carried back to Osborn Academy to face the music. Wait. Do we have to be airborne? Yeah, I've had my fill of flying for one day. And I seem to have used up all my web fluid on that web suit. So it looks like you're getting your way. I still can't find Peter. Hey. How did you get out of my webs? It wasn't so hard. We just whipped up a simple chemical compound. And they dissolved pretty quick. Really? And we'll take these two. I'd like to say that while they do deserve to be reprimanded, these boys helped me get the stolen tech back from the Jackal, so I vote for some leniency. No charges need to be filed. I am responsible. I egged them on. They were merely giving the type of audition I'd expect from a student of Osborn Academy. That being said, welcome aboard young man. Your shocker technology is very impressive. Yes. Better luck next year. This is no way to run a school, Norman. Pushing the boundaries of science is one thing, but crossing ethical lines is not something you want to encourage. Competition breeds excellence, Max. I'm surprised you don't know that. But you run your school the way you want to. And I'll run mine the way successful people do. Let's go, everyone. [DARK MUSIC] Wait. Whatever happened to Peter? Oh, he landed safely a few blocks away with one of my web parachutes. Oh. All right. Then let's go. By the way, I wound up using that fan maneuver you suggested. It helped save the day. Of course, it did. Too bad I couldn't help you stop the Jackal from getting away again. Ouch. But I got the Stark tech back, so that's it. Who am I kidding? She's right. It's not a win until I bring the Jackal in. Aww. Web fluid. Today feels like a long way down. Trouble, son? I just don't trust that guy, dad. He's been nothing but bad news. And I'm sure he had something to do with me getting suspended. Put it all behind you, Harry. This is a brand new beginning. My work, my research. I invested a lot of time at Horizon High. Now I have to start all over. Walk with me, Harry. Son, the Osborn name will always be associated with genius. Take today, for example. When the smartest school around no longer wanted you, I created an even smarter school to save you from the embarrassment. And if I have to take action to ensure that your research from Horizon is lost, I'll do that too. My experiments from Horizon. Whoa. You stole them? I appropriated them. If Horizon High can't assure their security, I can at least make sure they don't fall into the wrong hands. I don't know what to say. There's nothing to say. You're my son. I expect great things from you, Harry. So don't mess up again. Hey, Uncle Raymond. Sorry I'm late for dinner. I've had quite the day. That makes two of us, my dear. [DARK MUSIC] I don't know. As I was coming down, the wind changed direction, and I landed directly in the East River. I still can't get the smell out of my clothes. I'm telling you, that Spider-Man is no good. He saved my life, Harry and yours too. Didn't he? Didn't someone say he saved you or something? I'm still not convinced. So we'll just have to agree to disagree. That's the great thing about us, isn't it, Harry? We can disagree about things and still stay best friends. I can't believe those shocker and clash guys turned on each other the way they did. I know. To let something like school get in the way of their friendship is ridiculous. Let's never be like them. Never ever. [THEME MUSIC]
Channel: Marvel HQ
Views: 406,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel, comic book, comics, superhero, super hero, geeky, nerdy, iron man, spider-man, tony stark, cap, captain america, kids, family, entertainment, cartoon, children, animation, avengers, villains
Id: TZ7tGf1yGvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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