UNSC Armament - Project MJOLNIR

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this video brought to you by gamefly goto gamefly.com slash halo cannon for a 30-day free trial stick around to the end for more details [Music] the owner powered assault armor is a staple of Halo almost as much as Spartans and Master Chief hell until halo reached Spartans were pretty much only known by their armor and even then the armor of Spartan chooses to wear is almost always going to be synonymous with their appearance but the owner is more than just a set of armor it's the culmination of human ingenuity and today we're going to dive headfirst into its history and development within the Halo universe mania was the brainchild of dr. Catherine Elizabeth Halsey creator and head of the Spartan to program the ulnar was developed alongside the Spartans meant to turn the child soldiers into the ultimate weapons prior to project Mjolnir however the materials group had attempted to create powered exoskeletons to enhance its soldiers on the field the first of these was the mark 1 exoskeleton begun sometime prior to 2,500 the suit took 10 years to develop the result was a powered exoskeleton that allowed a user to lift up to 2 tons and move at speeds up to 32 km/h or 20 miles per hour for extended periods of time it was equipped with a 30 millimeter chain gun and could be linked to the user's neural lace providing tactical and communications data unfortunately the armor had to be tethered to a power source limiting its range and thus usability on the battlefield 40 suits were known to have been created though none would see combat many were converted for use as heavy loaders and docking bays while others were dumped into reaches titanium mines some of these would be found and used by trainers of the Spartan two candidates following the latter's augmentations though ultimately not a match for the Spartans the suits provided much-needed protection for the trainers after mark 1 came the mark too similar in many ways to the mark 1 the mark to featured a slimmer profile increased speed a refractive coating to disperse heat from explosives and enhanced self-sealing in case the suit was ever exposed to a vacuum once again however its reliance on a tethered power source ensured its fate alongside its predecessor the final iteration of the exoskeleton was the mark 3 platform which was introduced in 25:10 the notable improvement in this model was the use of wireless power transmission not unlike the system used by Orbital Mac platforms unfortunately the suit had a limited range and worse the loss of power could trap a user in the suit and so like its predecessors the platform was abandoned developed parallel to the Spartan tube program dr. Halsey in the materials group launched project Mjolnir to create a brand new powered assault armor to be used by the Spartan twos palsy would ultimately throughout most of the exoskeleton designs and developments as Milner would approach enhancing human ability from an entirely different angle rather than powered motors to enhance strength and mobility the owner would use a liquid metal crystal piezoelectric when an electric current was passed through the material it would structurally deform altering its shape which in turn greatly enhanced the natural abilities of the wearer this material was injected into the capillaries of the Nano composite bodysuit in addition the bodysuit featured a number of other revolutionary technologies including a hydrostatic gel layer this layer regulated the suits temperature and could change density to conform to the wearer's body this meant that Mjolnir generally didn't have to be custom-made for each wear but could adjust itself to the user and keep things comfortable the gel layer could also be pressurized to varying levels potentially saving in the wearer's life if they encountered high g-force or a high-velocity impact the gel could additionally lock up the suit in the event of a high-impact fall protecting the wearer's joints and muscles force multiplying circuits located throughout the body suit these do what the name suggests and boost the force a user can apply reactive circuits these circuits connected directly to the wearer's neural lace increasing the reaction speed and making the armor overall easier to control a pressure seal meaning the owner could operate in a vacuum or underwater and finally the titanium nano composite layer which rested on top of everything else protecting the technology within and the user from damage it could also disperse heat something very useful against covenant weaponry on top of this bodysuit lay the titanium alloy outer shell the majority of milliner's actual armor plates of alloy covered the majority of the body while leaving other areas exposed to allow the user to retain a full range of motion the helmet specifically also contained a number of important technologies including a communications array and a full heads-up display or HUD the HUD would SmartLink with the wear neural lace and weaponry providing any necessary information including ammo and grenade count aiming reticule health monitoring motion tracking radar and so much more powering the suit would be a new micro fusion reactor one of the major drawbacks and what ultimately led to the shelving of the exoskeletons was their limited range due to a static power supply with Mjolnir the power source would reside in the suit itself numerous early prototypes for me all near would be produced by materials group to test the various technologies that would be integrated into the final model in February of 2525 a functional prototype of Mjolnir was sent to Naval Special Warfare for testing over the next four months the model would be tested and evaluated though intended for use solely by Spartan operators nav spec wore decided to test the suit on an unarmed nted volunteer when activated the suit amplified the smallest of muscle twitches a positive feedback loop continued to amplify the users movement resulting in a broken spine and bones without the necessary augmentations and training the armor was unusable to the average person despite this disastrous test however Mjolnir would be approved for a limited production run by June 30th of 2525 on November 27th of that same year the Spartan twos would receive their first sets of mule near armor their already impressive strength speed and ability was amplified making the Spartans the most capable soldiers ever produced by humanity the early versions of Mjolnir came in several designs as the materials group and dr. Halsey worked to create their final version of me linear several of these early designs would see battlefield use in the early years of the Covenant war by 2531 however these had largely been replaced among the spartans with a generational upgrade one meant to better combat the Covenant threat though not known to be present in early versions of meal near the 2531 model is known to have integrated thrusters Halsey had always intended to consistently upgrade Mjolnir deploying upgrades and technology as completed to both make Spartans as efficient as possible and break through technological barriers more frequently and efficiently by 2531 however Milner had become one of the most expensive items ever produced by the UNSC the cost of a single suit at one point noted as being close to that of a destroyer as such by 2535 own II force dr. Hall to implement a Marc system similar to what had been used for the original exoskeletons the current version of Mjolnir would be retro actively labeled Marc for establishing its relationship with the three exoskeletons that had come before in addition 2535 would see the release of the final production model of Marc for standardizing its baseline appearance and features going forward this final model heavily resembled the 2531 model 14 variants of Mjolnir had been fielded by this time and more would follow as the project progressed these are known to have included Air Assault close quarters combat or CQC explosive ordnance disposal or EOD grenadiers commando operator pilot and scout it would be almost 26 years until the next mark of Mjolnir was released the first version of mark 5 entered service on November 24 25 51 primarily to select Spartan 3 operators this was a privately manufactured variant notice mark 5b alongside with general upgrades to many existing systems this mark 5 featured a major breakthrough energy shields the UNSC had been working on developing personal energy shields for decades by the release of mark 5 with mixed results breakthroughs had been achieved with the development of the drop shield and bubble shield two types of stationary shields however experiments with personal energy shields had continued to fail in 2536 an intact Jackel shield gauntlet had been captured by the UNSC by chance though it would take 15 more years of research and development the technology was eventually reverse engineered and successfully integrated into Mjolnir creating humanity's first personal energy shields for almost a year this first generation of mark 5 would see action primarily by Spartan 3 operators such as Noble Team old variants of Mjolnir would be upgraded to work with the mark 5 systems and new variants would enter service these included close quarters combat or CQB gum near hazop security military police ODST recon and extra vehicular activity or Evie a there were also a number of excess Oriole armor pieces and attachments along with prototypes for the final mark 5 helmet and the mark 6 helmet deployed during this time the mark 5b would prove itself in combat many a time providing valuable feedback to Halsey in the materials group for the development of the second generation of mark-5 this version was introduced on August 29th 25:52 primarily for use by Spartan two operators as part of Operation red flag a final ditch effort to end the war with a covenant along with previous upgrades this new generation of mark 5 included a new layer to the under suit a memory processor superconductor this would allow the suit to house a smart AI the AI could further enhance the connection between the user and suit along with providing cyber warfare support in the field proper utilization of this required an upgrade to a Spartan standard neural lace on August 29th Spartan john-117 the Master Chief was the first receive the new mark 5 he would also be introduced to Cortana a smart AI created from the clone brain of dr. Halsey the two would be put to a live-fire exercise to test integration between the mark-5 platform and an AI the test was more than a success the next day August 30th the remaining 24 Spartans that had been called back to reach also received their upgraded armor for reasons unknown the integrated thrusters of the mark 4 were absent in the mark 5 one could speculate however that the mark fives bull gear design larger power pack and introduction of personal energy shields did not allow for the integration of thrusters at the time of its release unlike the mark 4 platform the mark 5 would see a very limited usage period with the next iteration of Mjolnir being fielded on October 20th 25:52 as the mark 5 was being developed a parallel project was developed in secret in song name Korea codenamed me all near black the skunkworks prototype integrated a number of technical advancements they weren't yet available in mainline meal near after extensive testing in real combat against the Covenant notably by the Spartan twos of Black team y'all near Black was inducted into the main Mueller line as Mark 6 after the fall of for each one of the few fully produced suits of mark 6 was tested by retired Spartan Maria o 6-2 for use by john-117 who received it not long after his return to earth other Spartans notably Fred 1:04 and Linda o58 would also receive mark 6 upgrades though there's would be more experimental prototypes featuring components and technical upgrades that would serve as the baseline for the later Gen 2 version of Mjolnir mark 6 once again featured upgrades to several existing systems such as improvements to the liquid layer.that enhanced his Spartans speed strength and reaction time it also featured automated biofilm injectors the armor had its own supply of bio foam that can be deployed automatically when the wearer received damage rather than the we're having to find a bio foam canister and apply the injection port this meant that a Spartan can keep functioning longer after sustaining injuries despite its brief time in the field March 6 I a number of variants be they new to the mark 6 platform or upgrades from previous variants these included rogue Argos CQB centurion Zod hoplite security ODST recon scout and II VA the baseline mark 5 helmet also received an upgrade allowing it to work with the mark 6 platform though the mark 6 would quickly be replaced by the new ulnar Gen 2 platform within months a prototype of the plan to mark 7 was known to have been developed and fielded used by Spartan - Naomi zero-one-zero this prototype is known to a featured limited energy shield shaping and a nanotechnology repair suite the latter of these upgrades could automatically repair the armor even when the wear was in cryo it can also alter the appearance of the armor the mark 7 issued to Naomi is known to have heavily resembled the mark 5b armor due to Naomi's personal preference following the end of the human covenant war the UNSC began a new Spartan program called Spartan for the latest Spartan program focused on augmenting adult volunteers pulled from members of the UNSC armed forces with the advent of this new program came a new direction for Mjolnir known collectively as Gen 2 when the Spartan 4 program prepared to produce hundreds of Spartans Gen 2 would have to meet new demand to do this the UNSC a materials group greatly expanded the use of private contractors for me linear design and manufacturing though such practices had been in use during the Covenant war the scale was expanded greatly for Gen 2 with several companies involved on various levels of development for example Arkady group was responsible for the mammalian class Mjolnir the contracted Korolev had the industries to produce the armor itself and license the BIOS from applied heuristics in terms of design the Gen 2 platform was fairly unique compared to the retro actively titled Gen 1 aka marks 4 through 7 Gen 2 was later weight while being introduction advancements in technology allowed for integration of certain vital hardware directly into the tech suit as well his spiral development model would be used for faster and more efficient evolution and implementation of armor systems for example the Sprint AAA module of the mark 5 which allowed Spartans to run faster than normal by overriding safety protocols was directly integrated into the suit another example would be the 25:58 iteration of Gen 2 which brought back the integrated thrusters of the mark for those significantly more refined and capable almost ironically between the spiral model and dropping of the mark systems Milner Gen 2 would in many ways fulfill the original intentions halsy had for the project though they received more overall augmentations than their predecessors the sparta force physical augmentations were less extensive likely due to the late in life augmentations rather than being augmented at a young age as such Gen 2 was designed to compensate a Spartan 4 and Gen - mule nerve was said to be is physically capable as a Spartan 2 and Gen 1 the armor integrated a number of new ad-hoc modification systems including tactical packages and support upgrades collectively called armor mods and armor abilities while armor abilities had been introduced with the first generation of mark 5 they only saw widespread use with the Gen 2 platform many of Gen 2 systems utilized basic onboard ai's to help run various systems such as BIOS and visor taking incoming data and simplifying the chaos of the battlefield some would also be able to aid in administrative tasks such as automatically filing paperwork for munitions expenditure battlefield damage assessments kill reports and more with Gen 2 Spartan fours were given more customization options than ever before based either on mission needs or Spartan preferences a Spartan could customize individual components load up packages and armor colors like it's genuine predecessors armor variants from the mark 4 5 & 6 platforms could with hardware and firmware upgrades also be used with Gen 2 systems by 2558 Gen 2 had had over 100 variants during its lifetime in some form of development with numerous accessories and attachments and that's the history of Mjolnir at least for now it's quite an extensive history that spans the Halo story as ingrained in the war as the spurns them and crazy enough as in-depth as we've gone there's still plenty that had to be left out for the sake of time and flow so what do you think of me all near what's your favorite version of the armor and what's your favorite variant let me know in the comments below thanks for watching as always and until next time this has been halo cannon thanks for watching also consider checking out Gamefly with over 8,000 new releases and classic games for current and previous gen consoles and even some older consoles Gamefly is a great way to try of games without buying them goto gamefly.com slash halo cannon to start your 30-day free trial
Channel: Halo Canon
Views: 455,501
Rating: 4.9315777 out of 5
Keywords: halo, canon, halo3, halo2, haloCE, CE, combat, evolved, anniversary, Halo1, bungie, 343, 343i, Guilty, Spark, xbox, 360, gaming, Halo (series), Halo: Reach (Video Game), Video Game (Industry), Master, Chief, Cortana, official, ToaFreak, Toa, Freak, Lore, didact, librarian, forerunner, One, CEA, ODST, Orbital, Drop, Shock, Trooper, Halo3ODST, HaloODST, Archive, HaloArchive, books, comics, games
Id: MOFSSuUckzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2018
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