They Call Cops on Teens as Swearing is a Crime | Full Episode | World's Strictest Parents Australia

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then you give me the packet of cigarette 18 year old uni from brisbane is an expert at either ignoring or abusing her parents when he's extremely volatile and very very belligerent i'm there as their guest so they can do what i say i reckon it'd be pretty bad my baby towards my parents but like towards other people i'll be happy her parents hope a week overseas with a strict family will knock some sense into her ernie needs to learn to take some responsibility for her own actions and to realize that in life she can't just be given everything that she wants my biggest fear is that she'll never get out of the hole she's in you know she'll never stop smoking dope or screaming and ranting and raving the family obviously i don't reckon i'll listen to them at all [Music] bottoms up when you run fun is getting high with my friends i smoke it pretty much every single day get on smoke some weed get high we adopted her when she was five months old she was a really lovely child but she was always prone to tantrums you just spoke to me about two seconds ago mum when she wants something she wants it immediately oh dad you already said you're driving me so you are sorry when i first my parents i smash everything in the house i smash windows i break chairs there's a hole in the door there's a hole in the floor it's real in your face bullying my parents treat me means and give me money when i want it can i put some more money no you can't have any money 60 dollars isn't enough for me she's been caught shoplifting several times she takes anything that she wants ipods phones money and i've sold a credit card off at my mum before she's got parents who love her she's got a nice place to live really everything that she wants could become hers but it doesn't work for her well you're in there harry so you've got to live by their christmas they're not going to treat me the right way i'm not going to treat them the right way her traveling companion is 16 year old sam a drama queen with a bad attitude so you've got everything yes i got everything if sam doesn't get what he wants his home becomes a battlefield we've argued in the last nine ten months you know constantly argued she'll go on and on until the point where i have to snap and i don't want to hear it i feel that he does bully me and he can be verbally abusive when it comes to people telling me not to do what i want to do then that's when i get a little bit you know out of control it's just got to the stage now where i just can't do it anymore with him if he's going to live as part of the family unit then he's got to go by the rules i will do things my own way yeah like i'll do what i want i'm rebellious i'm a very loud person this party is amazing [Music] my idea of fun is just going out with friends chilling doing what we want to do if people don't accept my sexuality then i will just tell them to i know he's sexually active and i know he doesn't use protection i've tried to talk to him but he thinks he's indestructible i can choose if i'm going to leave the house at 12 at night i can choose if i'm going to smoke i can choose if i'm going to drink whoa you know i'm a mature person and i can do what i like most days when i'm coming home from work it's like um walking on eggshells if you're gonna get in the way just go downstairs and yeah i'll go downstairs to my room son i get so angry with my mum that i have to smash things when she doesn't listen to me you have some respect for me and she feels like oh really unsafe so she has to call the police card so what no you just don't don't you get it you steal it i know he's 16 but he's got to learn consequences while shooting this story the family hit a major hurdle three weeks ago i suffered what we call a mild heart attack so sam was moved to sydney temporarily to live with his father he's shown very little concern it's not my responsibility to look after her because i have my own things to worry about i have faith that my beautiful son will return one day i do care but then again there's that little bit of me that says oh i don't [Music] have a good time look after yourself okay make the most of it see guys the teens are heading to the beautiful caribbean island of trinidad and the suburb of laventille a melting pot of race and religion they'll be living with the family who are of indian descent dad omar runs the family hardware business mum kumari is office manager at the store their children andrea amanda and aaron are still students omar's mum rita completes the family that has a no frills approach to parenting the key to bringing up children is that they need to be disciplined who turn it is to do the dishes tightness who's going to do it so we had divisor method of counting from one to three who didn't make the bed one two from the time you reach three it is guaranteed that you will get the lash you can't say i don't want to wash it i don't feel like it you have to do it because it's your thing to do amanda did you finish with a washing i'm doing it now mom what are you waiting on and it has to be done properly or else our faith has been i think the most important thing in keeping us together family that worships together stays together they have to understand that we are their best friends but we could be their worst nightmares how are you getting through there never mistake my sweetness for my weakness [Music] where's all the beaches out yeah i know we'll find them our teens are actually heading away from the caribbean surf but sam and his sense of direction is all over the place feels like we're in africa i'm so tired that i don't know where i am are you excited honey yeah they offered me bong it's nearly 48 hours since her last hit of marijuana and oni has just one thought on her mind imagine if a deal lived next door to this family's head we'd be over there is not exactly a key caribbean holiday destination it's one of trinidad's poorest neighborhoods and is notorious for its high crime rate oh my god they've got barbed wire on their fence this is nothing like what i expected yeah i know we're screwed as the teens enter the family compound reality hits hard i'm refusing to stay here i'm one cone look at these parents the mom looks so scary there's like this nut this is screwed in the head i'm not standing here i want to go home hello hi hi holy and both teens are desperate for a cigarette we don't allow smoking so that's definitely a no no no smoking let's go outside i'm not saying it's the thing is it's not safe outside it's not like you could walk about here it's all right it's all right we i know we can defend ourselves oh you might be able to defend yourself but not from we have five meetings no you're not going to smoke you're going to finish that but you're not going to smoke i am going to smile no you are not going to smoke i am that's a no no i'm going to smoke right no you are not yes i am going to smile this behavior is totally unacceptable i have never experienced anything like it yeah right if you asked to finish we left you're finished this is unbelievable i don't want to stay here this is really kumari decides she needs to show these teens exactly who's boss with everybody on edge decide to take control there's a few quick rules that we have you need to treat each person respectfully and we've got it so we have to get respect back you need to earn that respect you chose to be very simple things doing the dishes excuse me i don't listen to my parents at home when they tell me to do chores so i don't think i'm going to listen to you money and sam are more used to giving orders than taking them once you do not follow these rules you are given punishment i haven't been punished in three years so what makes you think punishment's gonna work on me unless you can actually physically chain me to a chair and say uh restrain yourself no you can't work definitely no cursing our children don't curse we don't curse at our children because sin is not part of our vocabulary sometimes it just comes out sometimes we can't really control ourselves so no smoking drinking no drugs i don't drink right well that's good good for you yeah i do smoking well why would you do drugs does it make you feel good well well that's why people take drugs no that's not why people take drugs they take drugs because they have mental problems it's not their job it's a vice hold on can we just stop talking about drugs stop talking about drugs really i would really like a cone right now there's an ocean of difference between these teens and their new family and it's not going to be easy to navigate i know i'm talking like an adult not a not a six year old let's go sam all right there we go again so there you go again sorry it's crap what the controllers we can't handle they just seem to be misguided and i think we can sort them out i think i need some extra hail marriage seriously this family is rude i'm really really pissed off because you can't do you can't do anything around this house without getting in trouble sam's right their quick cigarette leads to an immediate bag search you miss any of that ups whatsoever and i will go off my tits you are saying you would be respectful so you you betrayed your own trust i'm having my own time okay let's go let's go get go i said let it go let go i said i feel like i'm in a parallel universe to everybody else i mean if my friends would have seen me and i was like mari what did you get yourself into when you're not your kids like it and i have the key and then i throw the key away they're feeling insecure they're feeling threatened but we are clear and understanding that okay they need help and if somebody don't help them they're going to eventually harm themselves you are pointing your finger at me i've never had that kind of behavior that kind of i mean i would use it with hatred thrown at me so i'm feeling emotionally strained i'm feeling broken within hours of the teens arriving the entire household is in meltdown they are literally i can't deal with people telling me what to do i want to go home if i have to put up with you i'm going to have a nervous breakdown you cause this upon yourselves by sitting at this table having a go at us and trying to get answers out of us it doesn't work hello we didn't bring you from australia for this reason you know you came here because you have a problem but strict parents kumari and omar are not intimidated they are custom manipulating everybody they deal with so they are looking for kinks in your armor they have pushed us to the absolute max they're gonna be in trouble trouble trouble they're gonna have a tough time they're gonna have a ride yeah this whole family is screwing their head we can't do anything sam and uni's biggest fear is that their cigarettes will be confiscated but if they have one great talent it's hiding things from parents behind the clock behind the clock what's for dinner devil would like to thank you for having sam and uni we pray that we may all get along well and we may all see each other's point of views and perspectives as we say in australia two four six eight bulk in don't wait [Music] maybe hoping for a ceasefire but the culture clash continues we're having dinner we have to eat with our hands an indian thing god [Music] it's really spy say hi oh my gideon [Music] now i feel sick if they probably try a little bit harder it might just be a little bit easier on everybody because i mean it's not just hard on them oh they're just doing the dishes while i'm touching up they have to step up right now they feel that they are smart and we are silly where's the tea cups is that okay if i have a tea and a cigarette on the deck or outs down there sam still seems to believe he can control these new parents this is my routine i do it every night this is mine [Applause] um if she tips my tears i'm gonna be doing a night slap no no sweetheart you already can't have i'm going down the bottom no that it has one cigarette he's about to learn he's not the one in control i said no don't touch don't touch me i'm not touching do not touch me you're in my space this is like imprisonment this is stupid no i'll jump out the window then well you break a leg i'm craving weed right now so badly since i haven't gone a day for so long without it so i think that's why i've been getting all worked up today and breaking down tears we don't even lock our gates i mean we did it because of the way they were carrying exactly we have never loved them we have no desire to lock them in but uni and sam are determined to shut the family out you are not allowed [Music] could be seriously hurt the hospital i'm perfectly fine it didn't even hit my shoulder i only cried to make them feel bad because they're bloody pain in the necks when they realise she's been play-acting the gloves are off i will get you in your face if i want to you do not come in my house it is hurtful to me that's this little boy the way he's i mean call me hello you've got something wrong in your head and so does oh i have something wrong with you something wrong yeah he does it i am hoot i am very good sam and uni have vowed not to be separated even to sleep done and this time successfully lock the parents out we are busy omar's elderly mother is very disturbed by the teen's insolence even though we had the key we decided not to go in because this would probably make the situation more volatile ah the parents they're complete they are utter unnegotiable people we probably take it with them tomorrow so you all can go ahead and sleep now the kids i reckon they're brainwashed because they're just doing exactly what their parents tell them without any hesitation which i find pretty weird i'm thinking of i want to go home right now because i'm over there already someone else in the home has also had enough hi mom i mean i'm so mad my mother-in-law is leaving and to make an 82-year-old woman leave the comfort of her better because she's afraid i mean she's scared and she's also scared for us i don't really care about the grandma leaving because she never really spoke to us and she's not our grandma she just sits in the back room on a little couch doing nothing she is a worming squirming pile of vomit after such a disturbing first day the parents have decided to let the teens stay together boy these parents are so they've given up on the first night but omar has a clear plan for tomorrow it has become apparent to me that they're using their behavior as a bargaining chip they think that if they behave badly we give them what they want so we have to do the opposite of that you behave badly get treated badly we want to be able to help them it's still my hope that that we could do that but after tonight i'm like whoa you know i don't know i just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings that's it [Music] it's 6 a.m seems to be very strong at sleep a time our teens are more used to going to bed than waking up good morning [Music] okay omar decides he's had enough and it's time to bring out his secret weapon we have been nice to you since you come here all right you need time guys you can go ahead and spit only like i have a bucket of water stop the cursing oh my god you need to stop the cursing when they finally do get up sam and uni's first thought is to have a cigarette you have to keep looking at ways of enforcing your authority without going overboard or extreme omar is determined that today these teens will follow his rules including no smoking my cigarettes just fell out oh my god don't need to come out that's anything talk about this okay suck my life 10. you are smirking no one's just talking if you would like i will also be removing the door from the bathroom if i come back here and you all are not out i'm in the toilet sorry other than that i will call the police oony's police record means this is a serious threat she could end up in a foreign jail okay we're coming out now i feel like you can't read kumari is allergic to cigarette smoke no well that's what you're doing to me right now your cigarettes are affecting my sinus i can't breathe thank god outside no no this is my house why should i the teens seem allergic to telling the truth we're not used to this we're not used to getting bossed around 20 47. i'm not gonna sit at the table and listen to their kind of back chat and and the things that sam is going on with i'm very sorry that we can't abide with what you think we should turn a blind eye because yeah kumari believes the constant onslaught of swearing is verbal assault you can't control what i say you can't never had anybody curse me like that i am so so mad right now and i've decided i am not going to cook because of the behavior and i think peanut butter and jelly is food that's not going to stab and they can make that themselves can we have breakfast you can't stop someone from eating they're not feeding us properly they're not giving us cutlery i'm going to push these pants over the limit the emotional turbulence is high so omar has a plan to defuse the teens we would like you all to have a little bit of free time from one another a marker respect for the disobedience yesterday we need you to pull out two bags of gravel you were going across with me to the store we packaged screws and stuff i'm not a child slave uni is used to handling bags of marijuana not bags of gravel are you literally kidding me too hot at this rate she'll be here until nightfall can i stop now oh i could marry omar's father started the family hardware business 40 years ago there is everywhere good i'm working with scrap yeah what am i going to see and learn from counting i'm continuing we learn patience we learn tolerance these simple things wow yeah omar's assistant felix is overseeing sam count screws into piles of 25. do i put these in other bags it's a simple job sam is making very complicated what so i just count them in 25s and put them in a bag put them all in the bag i just took them out of the bag do i need another bag i just took them out of the bag and he wants me to just count 25s and then put them back in the bag i'm so confused i don't know what to do i'm gonna work where's omar ooni's complaining just as much not even halfway at full yet but at least she's having a go it makes an annoying sound though [Music] almost done yeah what i do okay you're cursing again yeah i don't care could you count up to 100 probably not i am drug [ __ ] okay it's illegal to use profanity to the annoyance of any person or persons counting nails we are dealing with the laws according to china and tobago not australia not wherever we have to build our laws why the police here for kamari sam's relentless swearing has crossed the line and they've called the police to give him an official warning it is not an offense where you are from however here it is once you use obscene language annoying language insultive language so you call the police about it this gentleman keeps the peace he keeps the peace we have customers that we are standing here with a gun i was advised to larger reports apparently him and it can't cope there man it is crime in my way i really don't care but at some point you're gonna have to start caring so i've come to decision if they continue to curse swear at me at my husband i am going to press charges definitely one of the first charges the seriousness of his situation is starting to dawn on sam why the police here why it doesn't make sense i told him i'm not counting nails you haven't listened to a word we have listened to everything no yeah and you haven't taken it in you've just it's just gone right through your thick head profanity if it doesn't stop it will be serious if charged sam will be taken to prison yeah i understand that this is one situation he cannot control oh no i don't want to be here i am really well i'm still mad about it i am not going to put up with it if the police are called again our teens will be charged with verbal assault and they will end up in jail where are you all trying to try i will give you respect if you give me respect she hasn't given me respect so i'm going to go tell herself after this cigarette with sam outside take the opportunity to tackle only alone he is using you to fight his background that's what he's he's not using he doesn't he's using you i do stand up for myself though and when sam reaches his voices when you tend to get agitated but i mean look at you now he's gone and you're like calm it's not what ooni wants to hear but they have hit a nerve [Music] i'm just choosing not to argue with oma and kumari because i just want to cope with this and i just want to make the week go faster can you come with me the next morning kumari decides she can no longer cope with the teens i told my husband i said listen this is your thing you're gonna deal with it because i was so upset i couldn't really think i'm like i was so hurt i couldn't think straight so one of the instructors agreed to do a class outdoors to give kumari a break omar has a plan to get these teens moving and toeing the line i love sports i hate it [Music] hold on let me start my watch and see what we can do [Music] oni actually seems to be enjoying herself oh my god i'm really proud of you but as usual sam is resisting i'm just tired i'm just being honest i'm saying i'm tired i'm jet lagged that family won't feed me it's like a dog when they're naughty they don't feed you and even is starting to tire of sam's constant whinging just chill out this is good for you he's finding it difficult to cooperate i'm not trying to be mean to him like i'm only helping him as a friend what yeah blisters when people seem to push him he gets really angry and like he just gets worked up about and then that just causes fights there's no stopping it's all pushing all the way sometimes it thinks it's not as bad as we actually think it is there you go different isn't it very different to what you know uni can be the catalyst for change in that she's more receptive she can get sam to toe the line a bit i always say in every person there's a measure of good after such a difficult start to the trip horny's now striding ahead i haven't had any marijuana while i've been away the first couple of days were very stressing and depressing for me like i got really upset easily over nothing just worked myself up i'm feeling just like a lot more happier like i don't need weed to make me happy being drug-free but high on exercise has jolted oony into a whole new awareness and she decides to apologize to kumari well i'm sorry for my behavior and the way i've treated you over the past couple of days at last this pair is really communicating and kumari shares why she hates cigarettes they killed her father i've never seen my father sick and then i fought it um that was it he just came home one day and said i'm i'm not feeling so well my time he reached the doctor i was like i'm sorry [Music] if this would take me being really really mad and really upset i would sacrifice my feelings if at the end it's going to bring out something better in them you don't have to tell me what to do okay well yeah i've worked in a hair salon for a year but outside omar is still battling with sam it's clean the back no you can do it then do it yourself do it yourself i've gotten off my ass i'm cleaning i'm actually cleaning uni but relations with uni are completely different kamari believes she now deserves a letter from her parents do you mind staying with me sure do you need when we wave goodbye [Music] dear uni when we wave goodbye to you at the airport you look very smart and confident and i thought [Music] there is a girl who has a bright future if only she would realize it i know that you have a lot of ability and that deep down you're a really nice and lovable person when you shout at us or call us insulting names it makes us feel very sad we try to talk to you and you tell us to shut up when all we're trying to do is to help you and find out how you are feeling do you read it now you're good to read it now sure when we adopted you as a baby we were so happy to have you as part of our own family we loved you from the first moment we saw you being carried on your korean foster mother's back in the streets of seoul you were such a loving and affectionate little girl we'd love to have that old morning back you know that we love you and we'll give you all the help you need love mum and dad thank you and was welcome i used to always do everything with my mum now we don't get along at all we love her and we just want it's best for her none of us can continue living like this because i don't think that she could possibly be happy living like she's living just reading it made me realize that what i'm doing is hurting them so much i just like to tell them that i'm so sorry for the way i've been acting and i've realized that what i'm doing is hurting them so much and that i'm just willing to be prepared to just change and go back to the old woody [Music] because i miss him so much [Music] ooni has made huge steps now i don't need to be told how to do it because i know how to mob stairs but sam's another story all you need to do is shut your mouth no matter how you do it even if you aren't looking the stairs will be spotless but what the we're about to find out is he's hiding a deep painful secret but strict dad omar is determined to help this troubled team this wouldn't happen if you cleaned up the dog crap you just need to have a little patience when you're doing stuff yeah you know all right i know it's okay you wanted to get through with it but yeah it's a little patient there's a child in there and he's just a young child he doesn't know the way forward somebody have to come in there and help him come out omar hopes a trip to the slums of laventille might open sam's eyes hurry up and hopefully reveal a softer side [Music] oh my god they're having a bath or a shower if you have a family living across here that has lost their jobs you find the owners of the property would come and remove the roof and break the walls and evict them oh no that's sad for once something seems to have broken through sam's angry defenses and omar believes sam's been masking his feelings for far too long when he puts on makeup he's hiding inside himself he's covering himself up because he feels vulnerable makeup covers my face pretty much because i'm not happy with my self-appearance so that's why i choose to wear it and yeah i get a lot of self-confidence out of it when i look at the person and i see makeup i say okay they have something that they hide and usually the more makeup i see i say wow they have so much of themselves that they need to hide i don't want to go there about people i've been through the argument about wearing makeup and why you shouldn't it's listen it's my choice i'll choose to wear makeup no one can stop me from putting it on my face the discussion about makeup has brought back some painful memories for sam high school was a load of rubbish because i got bullied for no reason and it gets me really angry because people just don't understand i have anxiety towards what people think so i do everything possible to make myself absolutely perfect and even when i do it doesn't work it just and people rub it back in your face what do you receive from other people it may be bad things may they find him different they find him difficult whatever it is he has to look inside himself and see if he finds if he can live with himself then he can accept himself [Music] having shared a long-held secret of not feeling good enough sam makes a massive decision i haven't seen myself without makeup for two years because i go to bed with it i wake up with it i put it on before i go to bed behind all the makeup you know it's still me i'm still the same funny person i know different this is a huge step because i've just taken it all off and had to stand in the mirror for five minutes and look at my own face [Music] it will take time and love for sam to feel totally comfortable in his own skin and it's his mum he'll need the most hi sam i hope by the time you have received this letter you are settled in well with your new family i miss you sami your absence around your absence around the home has affected me more than i thought it would the house is so quiet now that you're not around you'll read it [Music] i don't think you appreciate how hard it is for me as your mother to say this if things don't change you cannot live with us anymore it tears me apart i desperately want us to stay together but but that can only happen if we see real change in your attitude to life with the family all my love and missing you mum i tell her when i get back that i'd appreciate her a lot more and thank you for everything you've done to help me still putting food on the table and washing my clothes when you know you haven't had time or money and just little things like that that i haven't ever appreciated that i now do i've observed a drastic change in him i have observed sam stripping off his himself his old self and coming out of that and i can only hope and we will pray for him that he has the strength to continue they need to love themselves because if you love yourself you really won't want to hurt yourself because they are beautiful people they are beautiful children and they need someone to to tell them they need to be true to themselves it's taken a full week but sam and uni have both come to new levels of self-understanding in celebration the whole family is spending the day on the neighbouring island of tobago oh my god i'm in paradise i want to move here [Music] [Applause] it's the perfect way to end the week but will the strong family lessons learnt in trinidad survive the journey home [Music] it's the final day in trinidad and for both the bay shoes and our teens the emotions are bittersweet you bye i found yuni to be a very soft very kind person she understands that you don't need substances to help you get through the day i'm glad i lived with this family because i don't think i would have changed without the advice they gave me and we really want for you all to be happy thank you the sum of today is a very different guy to the sun that came here a week ago i look back and i think i wish i'd never done all those things i did on the first two days i'm 100 responsible for every one of the choices i make you know if i stuff up then i have to suffer the consequences which i've realized i'm going to miss you all we'll miss you all too help the change in me so i'm very thankful i am proud to say to all my friends in australia that i have a beautiful and loving second family in trinidad i'm going to miss them so much that is love well you have to keep this yes we made a difference so this one is samsung this is from i cannot thank you enough for having me stay at your house and for showing me the things you have i have learned so much on this amazing trip about family happiness and finding who i really am as a person this trailer is so awesome he is awesome [Music] it actually felt like i was part of their family i know so lorraine's crying with me trinidad sad that we're leaving [Music] i'm really excited about getting home i can't wait to see my mum [Music] until last night i wasn't too sure i had mixed feelings but i'm actually feeling really excited about sam coming home today the trip has made me realize that i've been very selfish and rude towards her so i'm hoping to get off to a good new start i missed you [Music] it felt really good to hug my mum because i haven't seen her in ages and yeah i missed her heaps sampson oh paris is so quiet without you i guess it's just up to me to you know show her that i do respect her and show her that i love her i plan to do that by just doing things like not raising your voice talk things over and just yeah things like that i'm sorry about the behavior that happened in the last year or two how long do you i was here i think he has chains i can see in his eyes i am very excited about the future um getting a job earning money buying my own things i'm just excited about us being together as a family in the future and i'm ecstatic yeah i'm really pleased it feels so good to come home actually because i've missed it a lot i've missed my family first thing i'm going to say to my parents will be that i've missed them we've have mister what time should you do past 11 i think i'm hopeful there might be some changes we're hoping a nicer person will walk through the door but time will tell i'm looking forward to having having a [Music] back [Music] it's good to be home it's good to have you home and i'm sorry for the way i've treated you i actually do reckon it's the start of a new winnie i'm going to start it fresh like just get my life back on track with my makeup course and just like getting along better with my family the trip sounds like it's had an effect on her it sounds like she was moved by it the funniest thing happened i'm glad that i did go on the trip because it was such a good experience made me realise just to be happy with what i have the uni that we've just seen now is different to what from what we've seen for quite a long time so i'm hoping that um she stays be great you
Channel: World's Strictest Parents
Views: 3,245,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world's strictest parents, world's strictest parents india, world's strictest parents barbados, worlds strict parents, worlds strict parents full episodes, strictest parents in the world, strict parents, world's strictest parents full episodes uk, scared straight, world's strictest parents usa, world's strictest parents uk, world strict parents full episode, worlds strictest parents, that'll teach em, mr drew's school for boys, the bachew family, the caribbean family
Id: PgaQy-jWDy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 50sec (2570 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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