Aussie teen drives off in stolen car - Full Episode | World's Strictest Parents

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the cranberry mini dress because you'll miss me so i'm not calling you a new dress while you're away when adriana quit her private school last year her relationship with her mum went from bad to worse i'm always nice no attitude do i ever have attitude she seems to think because she's 16 she can come and go and do exactly as she pleases and if i say no she says well i'm doing it anyway um i don't listen to my mum when she tells me what to do so i don't see how this lady or this family is going to change me because i'm not really going to listen to what they have to say either [Music] i would say adriana's a princess it takes me about two hours to get ready what adriana wants adriana gets [Music] i can sort of always manipulate people we went out on time and i got strangers to buy some alcohol for free because i'm young and when i dress up i look good people will just do it she drinks every night [Music] she drinks to the point of where she passes out and she'll pass out in the bush and quite happily stay there i'm not a baby anymore i don't need constant care she had a really serious liver infection the doctor told me that i wasn't supposed to drink for three years that i just drink anyway i'm waiting for her to drink herself to death we're going to this party and i passed out at a beach drinking green and the next minute it was five o'clock in the morning and mum was yelling at me in the hospital the ambulance came and she was on the beach passed out cold by herself anybody could have found her and hurt her if i physically try to restrain her from going out i want to go with their mom she will lash out at me mum you know i'm gonna hurt you you don't need to go out i call her names like she's a dog tell her to [ __ ] off but usually i end up walking out and just going you're being stupid [Music] i'm worried my daughter's going to end up on a slab in a morgue dead be crying see ya feed my cat will be good i'll see you in 10 days yep love you our teens aren't headed overseas it would be embarrassing instead they're being sent to tyrone station a property west of charlevoix in remote outback queensland if you really love your children you will discipline them you will put those boundaries in place we have traditional values we are by no means ashamed of that dad mark is a grazia and the local pastor together with wife grace they're proud parents to 20 year old elizabeth and 13 year old matthew mum and dad are firm and there's no getting away with anything at all really we do believe that it is right to use a corporate punishment you know example of stick you have a rule if you don't work you don't need the property work is basically the men's job the woman's job is to support him but she's usually in the home and looking after children and teaching the children the empress in rome we control the environment here and bring up our children with high moral values and they only receive christian satellite tv channels you wouldn't have somebody come in your house shooting everybody we don't want children seeing things that we want to protect them from for adriana and nathan city life will be a world away if you want to escape it's nearly 30k to the back boundary so you know where to run way too is he [Music] there's cow [ __ ] on the floor everywhere what a waste of [ __ ] land as if you don't know this i don't know how they live out here there's no civilization no nothing hey guys [Music] i'm grace adriana nice to have you here mark nathan adriana how are you hello i'm all right how are you good thanks welcome to tyrone yeah are you working red okay grab your bags and we'll drag them through the dirt okay guys we'll take a seat and the first cab off the rank adriana and nathan has given me some boundaries guidelines that we live by here number one we want to have respect are you guys respecting us and will in turn respect you this is a drug and alcohol free zone we have a philosophy here and if you don't work you don't eat the property of vehicles are to be used only under supervision and if you're spending time together in each other's room then the door stays open at all times there will be consequences for not adhering to what we do here and they'll be they'll be severe and you won't like it so i'm not sure if you guys have got any stuff whether it be drugs alcohol or smokes that you want to give to us now oh yeah i've got a couple of drinks all right you better hand them over right yep that's all i got so you would guys won't mind if grace goes through your bag now that you've handed over all your things though yeah i've got more drinks here guys this is an example of the respect we're talking about honesty is a part of respecting somebody so we freely gave our trust to you when you walked in our house you broke that trust so from now on it's like well we don't trust you so you have to regain our trust and that's through your behaviour this week obviously came loaded for a bit of a party i think they will try to test us because i think so um that's just a normal part of being a teenager i think they're just a bunch of [ __ ] country people i really don't get along with i don't think i will get along with it at all i want to go home not really a red dirt kind of girl this sucks i don't know how i'm gonna survive here we got no chance of doing [ __ ] yeah i know you do i'm [ __ ] pissed off i'm not gonna work at all damn their farmers work up their off well no work no food [Music] looks like this could be a hungry week for at least one of our teens oh they don't even have a tv [Music] the next week though they'll be pitching in around the property at least that's the plan don't get too close that drum there nathan oh that's sick what is it oh we're gonna put these baits out for the wild dogs and dingoes so we're going for drives you guys want to jump up in the back yeah whatevs the fresh kangaroo meat here it's disgusting very soon it's hot getting covered in dirt nathan do you want to have a turn to throw in the media no adriana they should probably be doing more than what they're doing now they're just sitting down it isn't that hard on the job i mean you've got a love on you're not even touching it really i'm not helping out because it's disgusting it's got all like blood and poison on it [Music] hope for dogs to come along this track here and have a good old feed and i don't want to kill any dogs pretty important for us out here that our sheep survived and our cows survived it's our livelihood the enthusiasm levels are a bit steady on the old station living yeah i don't plan on lifting a finger or doing any farm work i can't be bothering the [ __ ] stinks around here i don't think i'm gonna be able to handle another seven days of this but it's so just different and depressing [Music] our troubled teens have been living with their new strict parents for less than a day and already they're about to test the ironside's house rules just get away from him to go to bed before i can't smoke what do you mean until then i'll have to pretend i'm sleeping you're all's broken you're both in the bedroom here together and the door's shut that rule is just really really ridiculous are you supposed to be here are you supposed to be in bed oh he's being serious but me too all right nathan that sort of relationship we don't encourage at all in our house we stated that they were not to be in each other's room with the door closed by themselves tonight that reel was broken i think it's ridiculous i you know shouldn't have to set the rule in the first place i mean if two people are going to get it on they're going to get it wrong whether you lock the door or not they're going to get up the ship the ironsides are up at 6 00 a.m every day hey biana okay but before they start the day's work there's the little matter of adriana and nathan's late night rendezvous to deal with i think breaking a rule is serious because as we explained to the children yesterday that um it's the trust factor that's there too by breaking a rule they are losing people's trust but just so you guys know we're serious they're going to be some consequences this morning all right because she went into the room after you're supposed to be injured adriana you're going to empty out all the dog's dishes and getting them to scrub out fresh water and nathan you're going to clean out under one of the dog pens so because if you finish breakfast you can move the table [Music] his dream and if he thinks i'm picking up dog [ __ ] that's not happening cleaning out cattle dog [Music] cans it's the worst punishment on the property empty the waters there so we get fresh water and we'll get a bit of fresh water and wash them out oh don't like getting dirty [Music] it's not too bad yes it is it's sting right nathan it's one that one pin they're really really cleaned out good yeah i don't think i really want to do that i really want to touch [ __ ] no you're gonna do it okay no yep go for a walk we'll just wait you come back we've got all day mate having a smoke as well can't just meet me then demand all these things it doesn't work like that smoking swearing and refusing to do his punishment that's three strikes already and nathan's day has barely even started the distances here are so great so there's no water he's got no water with him so it won't be long he'll be back we'll deal with it then i don't feel bad at all they're not my dogs it's not my farm i shouldn't have to do any of the work around here nathan's kept mark waiting for more than an hour nathan's now made it worse himself we're going to do two pins not one and i don't think either of them is going to give up anytime soon that mark guy's [ __ ] persistent still here at the dog shed waiting probably thinks i'm coming back hey nathan yeah can i breathe go get my boys dude i have to [ __ ] wait for you why because go inside when it comes to you know not not doing the tasks i suppose the next thing is to perhaps miss a meal pretty tough [Music] one of our teens is headed for a showdown with his new strict parents nathan's refusing to do any work at all it's just rude arrogance to walk off while an adult is talking to you so you just got no respect for us at all you just can't do what you want to when you want to to whom you want to and there's no consequences i've only known you for two days so i don't really have any respect yet that is your choice in that sense but you're making it difficult for yourself because i really want you to do that and you will do it okay but i'm not going to chase you in the paddock i'm not going to play silly little games okay so there will be no lunch today and no food on into the evening until you decide to do it [Music] it's very important to stick to our word and if mark says there's no lunch for nathan then there is no lunch for nathan and a story for nathan it appears as though the message is not sinking in i can see what he's doing is going to affect him in later years if he doesn't change his ways that's really what's in the bottom of my heart about it no i'm still not doing it i don't care what they say they reckon it's inevitable or something i reckon i'll have to do it eventually i'm just delaying but i ain't doing crap today our teens are supposed to be helping with sharing instead nathan's now made things worse he's locked himself in his room [Music] nathan open the door no you're being selfish huh well you should start giving it's not just about you oh whatever i think we fistly go and pick him up out of bed with brute force um we'll just have to leave lately that's what he chooses to do a little bit disappointing like we're supposed to be doing all of this stuff together so i'm sharing shape by myself i don't really think i should have to do it but i'll do it anyway [Applause] [Music] i've never done hard work in my life but i guess i'll have to eat [Music] that's it beautiful adriana's going great with the shearing first time i think for her she seems to be participating quite well and enjoying the shape and the wall yeah doing really well it's so cute it's not as bad as i thought it was going to be it's fun just playing with like the little lambs and stuff forgot about what i was wearing my white shirt is now brown doesn't matter though this is actually pretty fun back at the homestead nathan's finally emerged from his room but not to help out you hold it yeah wash his legs up grab his legs you are my best helper my best helper you are my best helper yeah great job it's a kilometer to the front gate and if nathan drives past it he'll have more than just the iron sides to deal with if he goes out and gets on the main road it definitely becomes a police winner [Music] the boredom here is crazy so you've got to do crazy things to entertain yourself and if you thought things were bad before just wait till he gets back what are the consequences going to be they can try to make you do things that's not going to work the worst consequence may be locked in my room well nathan that could be just for starters [Music] why did you go to my room get up now you don't dare touch anyone's handbag ever i didn't touch a handbag don't go to anyone's room privately and touch their stuff handbag keys nothing what you've actually done nathan is you've stolen i understand i am going to ring the police now right now and tell them that you have been staying with us have gone to grace's handbag taken the keys out of a bag and driven the car right you came into our house we gave you our trust we opened our home to you and you've come and you treated us like this what are you going to get out of it i didn't steal it so why did you do it um i was bored i realized there's like nothing to do out here there's lots to do for you we're waiting for you but it's no good you're sitting here being bored and then going getting yourself in trouble and doing something illegal why because you don't want anything to do with the family we have shown you respect and being very gracious to you and this is the way you treat us well usually i wouldn't be in the military so i wouldn't be so bored you didn't have to be bored that was your choice nathan it all comes back to your choice but there's nothing to do out here we just want to report this that the young fella has actually found the keys in my wife's handbag in our home here he's a teenager staying with us nathan come and stand right here stand right there thank you have you got anything to say to grace and i [Music] yeah i didn't steal like i had no intention of like literally stealing and going away it is stealing taking someone's car it is stealing when you take the keys out of a lady's handbag it is stealing i'm not mucking around son yeah i know the police already have your name written down in the notebook in town i don't want to have to come and visit you in a few years time behind bars i don't smile i don't want to do that i won't go to jail for that it happens all the time and we have had young people in our home that have come here waiting to go to court they are waiting for a place in boys home because they have already been through court or a delinquent centre and places like that we've had the boys like that here we don't live out here in isolation and don't know what's happening out there in the cities and in the towns because we work with young people from those places all the time they want all the pleasures of being adult where they don't want any of the responsibility you can't have both and it's sad to see what you're doing to yourself even for this week you've decided to make it hell for all of us i think that's a saddest thing grace and i do care for you and you are a good man if this carrying on will get you nowhere i didn't see it that serious because it was like only like right there serious it's really serious um yeah i do apologise for it are you going to keep rebelling and refusing our authority i suppose not or are you going to come and get involved in our family activities i can get involved so you might just need to give mark and i time now to think and talk to each other about the police manner so we can make our final decision [Music] nathan's not the only one on the receiving end of some home truths adriana has been given a message from her mum hello my baby girl i hope your new family is treating you well and you are having a whole new experience i really want things to change when you come home i want us to be able to talk to each other and for you to listen to me and realize that i'm not being mean by saying no to you adriana when you say stop talking and you don't love me it breaks my heart you really hurt me when you go out drinking on weekends because you become a completely different person to the wonderful sweet girl i know you are the wonderful sweet girl i know you are it really scares me when you drink and then pass out i take the phone to bed waiting for a call to come saying you've been hurt or in an accident as your mother i beg you to please stop drinking adriana i want so many wonderful things for you i want you to know that i love you very much i can't wait to see my beautiful girl i miss you love mom [Music] my mum's always been there for me um because she was a single parent it was just always her i always wanted to have my dad in my life but he would never be there for me i've always held it against her because i didn't have a dad um but it wasn't her fault worried that i'm gonna get her because if you're helpful because of the people you're mixing with because of people in my health yeah so beautiful adriana not only on the outside but your heart's beautiful and it would be a pity to think that in a few years because you kept drinking that you'd be in hospital something worse had happened to you i just did it so that she would stop caring and then i wouldn't feel like i'm letting her down mums will always care no matter what we do to them because of yesterday's attitude i'm going to get you to clean up the third underneath the third pin as well i thought it'd be a good time for you to um come over and hook into it and i just i thought i should just do it the boy who vowed not to lift a finger has finally given in how do you poo so much that's just wrong [Music] that's good breaker out it was too bad like no it was a lot easier than i actually expected the consequences for going to grace's bag and driving a vehicle you can't pay that consequence wouldn't matter if you had six of these to do because i'm going to just forgive you end of story finished and you're all done i didn't really want to see the boy have a criminal record i think he's better than that i mean prisons are full of people being penalized and doesn't make him better people so forgiveness is where we go the ironsides have dropped any police action against nathan but let's just hope their forgiveness is not misplaced there's no farm work for our teens today grace is taking them an hour away into charlevoix we're meeting a group called the aussie helpers they give parcels of food and presents to people that have gone through drought and all that sort of stuff today we're getting some campers together to take out to a small community a couple hundred k south of here if you just want to maybe grab one each and wander into the shelves kinda i do charity work every week and i think it's very important to the life of the community i think it's great that adriana and nathan would see this side of things [Music] i feel like santa claus [Music] those little pancakes on your arms the teams are delivering hampers to families in an area hit by severe drought for most of the last decade days like today are really important here in the outback it's been pretty dry and it's pretty rough for them so us coming here today and bringing some goodies just to help them out and just show that we are with them and we understand what they're going through i think it's really important hi everybody [Music] there are dozens of families here some have come from remote properties as far as two hours away it hasn't been much rain for the last eight or nine years have been a bad drought and it's good all the children come together and meet because they don't see many children not like in a city when this is their opportunity once a month to come together and actually interact which is really great out here everyone has to think about everyone because if they don't think about like everybody else then like the community won't survive they sort of seem to worry about the important things like food rain all that stuff and yeah that's made me think a little bit you know i don't want to be so self-absorbed my mum loves the bush does she she loves it so you take care of your mom um yeah you're a good son yeah eli and this is sunny you only got one mom [Music] no i suck miserably at tennis it does feel good to sort of provide food and just support someone that needs it in the city you find a lot of people are more focused on themselves and getting themselves places out here in the country you find a lot of families helping out other families and everyone sort of helps each other to get jobs done it's always a good feeling just to make someone happy waiting back at the ironside's property this time there's a letter for nathan from his mum [Music] to my darling son nathan it's always only been you and me mate i think at times it's been really hard on both of us over the past 18 months your personality and behavior has changed so much it scares me i feel as though i don't know you we had such great communication and now i seem to be talking to myself what happened it worries me that we don't talk anymore nathan you're so secretive about everything and that confuses me i don't know what's going on inside your head you treat me with no respect you talk at me instead of to me there's no manual for being a parent and i'm trying really hard i do make mistakes and i'm sorry [Music] i'd like us to start working together in rebuilding our relationship and be able to start communicating better you're my pride and joy and i miss you dearly i love you so much and i'm looking forward to you coming home all my love mum [Music] i feel pretty [ __ ] about how i've been treating her and i'm the only person she has so she must feel like she sort of has no one coming here they care for one of those to help each other out around the home instead of something that would be good to bring back into my family with me and my mum i have to be active in a way to sort of fix it i can't just leave it up to her [Music] saturday morning and adriana's already getting stuck into her chores not bad for a girl who would normally be sleeping off a hangover right now today's the first day in about four years that i haven't worn makeup so good usually it just helps with that little bit extra confidence and today i feel sort of confident without it you know yep i'm not missing alcohol in the parties at the moment my mom's i'm just finding more ways to have fun being around animals and being with family you just find new ways to care about things i'm puffed now [Music] i believe i've seen again grow and change because just the conversations now and i believe that they are to be genuine she's saying that she wants to mend the relationships with a mum and others that's positive because you don't have to say that nor do you have to go away and do that so to us that's encouraging still early days yet what she does with it but we hope that she follows through the week-long stay in outback queensland is almost over for our teens there's definitely been some hard times um it hasn't really been an easy week their life isn't for me at all they love the country life and that's for them but i'm glad i eventually got myself out there and sort of tried things that i usually wouldn't do oh there it goes i think nathan was determined not to enjoy himself and that made it a little bit hard oh it burns his sunburn again does that matter but the last few days he has relaxed i have that spiral i think nathan has probably and hopefully learned some things that'll help him become the great man that's already inside of him that needs to come out we're feeling pleased about the way the week's gone and the way adriana and nathan both responded to us and our environment that we live in here and we're feeling a little bit sad that it's over so soon tomorrow adriana and nathan will go back to their old lives hopefully with a new attitude after a week of living with strict parents in outback queensland our teens are ready to go home i hope they'll always remember this experience and see it as a positive experience in their life like a fork in the road where they've chosen to take the best road i'll write you a letter to say thank you for sort of having me and yeah oh thank you you have to wait till i leave okay they are both great young people with lots of potential [Music] thank you i hope the future's big sacred thank you i hope the future is bright i hope they can fulfill all their dreams i'm definitely going to miss them even though me and mark didn't get along that well it was still kind of sad leaving [Music] it's litter from adriana thank you for all that you've done grace you've taught me to be kinder to my mum you have shown me that it's not hard to help around the house and i should do it more often you are one of a kind to mark thank you for spending time with me i've never had a father figure i can see now that there is more to life than drinking imparting i want to actually become something and do something with my life i make a promise here and now [Music] that i won't let you down love always [Music] adriana that's so nice supposed to get home i hope i can be better with my mum just so we can have that communication that we used to have i think it'll take a bit of time to sort of build mom's trust she'll sort of think it'll be short term i've just got to stick it out and prove to her that i can do it i'm hoping that the break between us will bring us closer again he seems to have lost his way i'm hoping with this break he might bring him back hey hey honey how's your trip that was good interesting interesting it was very isolated like one of their rules was if you don't work you don't eat [Music] i missed out on lunch a little bit so did you miss me yeah i did i think i'd definitely take mum for granted i think i've pretty much taken her for granted my whole life it's definitely something i want to change um she deserves the respect so it's going to give it to her i've got to do lots differently when i get home i don't want to worry about what other people think about me i sort of didn't have respect for myself before i went away and knowing that i went away and i did all of the different things it just gave me a little bit more confidence in myself and knowing that i've changed as a person it's just a good feeling even if she changes just a little bit even if her attitude towards me has changed i'll be really happy that's what i'd like the most [Music] took lots of photos for you this is where we first got there it's very dry doesn't it that was a baby lamb i fell in love with it it was so cute really cheap i helped share all those she seems to have really enjoyed it so i'm very proud of her i'm really proud and happy that she had a go so how do you think you'll change now your home i don't want to drink anymore really you're not going to drink anymore not yes promise not drinking anymore she seems to have done a lot of soul-searching while she's away adriana seems a lot more relaxed a lot more happier within herself a lot more calmer [Music] so i hope i hope that she stays like [Music] that [Music] you
Channel: World's Strictest Parents
Views: 2,763,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world's strictest parents, world's strictest parents india, world's strictest parents barbados, worlds strict parents, worlds strict parents full episodes, strictest parents in the world, strict parents, world's strictest parents india full episode, world's strictest parents full episodes uk, world's strictest parents usa, world's strictest parents uk, world strict parents full episode, worlds strictest parents, that'll teach em, mr drew's school for boys, the ironside family
Id: QMvcbEOoqrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 8sec (2348 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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