Teens Break the "No Relationships" Rule and Get TOO Close - Full Episode | World's Strictest Parents

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[Music] seventeen-year-old school girl lizzy relationship with her mum linda has completely broken down no come on i want you out of bed i'm not gonna keep shouting all the time come on yeah right come on liz when was he was born i was in such a high it was like a gift from heaven to have this little girl lizzie was wonderful until she reached 13. and almost instantly she changed it was almost like she was possessed the relationship with my mum out of 10 it's a one lis mom's scammer i'm not getting out your room at all your friends can go out scott you can all wait downstairs now don't get lost go towards my mates like that come on downstairs while they are come on guys we're going in after years of mostly getting her own way lizzy's parents have all but given up trying to control her lizzie he say don't be late well lizzie has no respect for me at all this is why i think sometimes it's easier just to let her get on with what she's doing and get into a major argument where we fall out and don't speak for days the relationship between me and my mom [Music] we don't really have a relationship as such because orders argue with little hope of reconciliation mum and daughter are both at the end of their tether mum would be probably happy to see me go i don't know if she'd be happy to see me come back i can't imagine anyone making lizzie do something because if she doesn't want to do it she won't do it so this is really going to be very interesting and a big eye opener [Music] seventeen-year-old stefan is driving his mother mad if he's asked to do something you can ask and ask and ask and ask and then nine times out of ten i do it myself because it's just easier quieter and a lot less painful you know mum does everything that's what mum does i don't want to change it rather than make him help around the house mum debs allows him to live in a shed at the bottom of the garden i don't think stephanie shows me enough respect at all and we're far too more much like friends so the mother child respect isn't there steph uh come on get up steph and it's seven o'clock stefan's mum and dad split up when he was two recently debs is feeling powerless to control him i want your brush i want your washing come on give me a break it was my day off yesterday i did everything you said you were gonna do the washing up you didn't get up get up he drives me up the wall and i'm not quite sure you know short of locking him up what to do to sort out where he is my mum's hoping that i'm just going to come back here and be a lot more helpful around the house um a lot more like respectful of her and stuff i'm hoping to prove it wrong [Music] things are about to change both families have agreed to send their kids to live with new parents i'd like you to come back with slightly less of an attitude [Music] and just a bit like stunned if you get me like what's gonna happen stefan and lizzie will fly to ghana and live for a week as african teenagers under the control of parents who wield absolute authority very very nervous psychosis it suddenly hit that i'm sending my little baby off for a week with complete strangers and i'm gonna cry the uk parents have struggled to discipline their children so what will a fresh approach heal that was horrible [Music] i'm going to miss him for lizzy's grandmother maury seeing lizzy's lack of discipline has been a frustrating experience i blame linda and les for this really at least i know this is going to go out and linda's not going to like it but they give in to it too easily i didn't bring my girls up the way unless he's been brought up they did it if i asked them to do something they did it and they knew they had to do it three thousand miles away in ghana west africa lives go and get it go inside and get it you know i don't like it either if my child talks to me and talks back and talks back i don't take it lightly and i'll come down strongly on it [Music] are a typical middle class ghanaian family head of the house is richard a part-time pastor his wife is a businesswoman and her three children are 19 year old trouty 14 year old joshua and four-year-old nathan i do think i'm a strict parent and i don't feel guilty about i rather feel very proud the strict regime boyfriends and girlfriends are forbidden children work for hours around the house and parents are always right i see a children answering back to their parents and virtually insulting them walking over them you can't do this in africa it's impossible you'll be disciplined immediately as a result you gave their children are obedient hard-working and respectful we can't let mommy sleep and do everything you also have to do something i like it start dating on your child and letting your child get away with lots of things doesn't show love it's being strict and firm and putting them in the right in their right perspectives of life that is what is love [Music] after a six and a half hour flight stefan and lizzy touched down on their new home accra the capital of ghana the majority of ghanaians are about christians here western teenage behavior such as drinking smoking and pre-marital is forbidden saturday night go by clubbing we've gotta try and try going on a saturday night we're gonna sweeten them up and then say look we're going clubbing [Music] it would be nice if they try and stick to the way we live in our home and maybe they could learn any key things from us and that's the most important thing that i want as a mother so if there's no breaking of rules and everything goes nice i think we'll have a nice time [Laughter] [Music] hello so this is our new sunny hello hi mom oh my god [Music] you are you don't have to be why i'm not groggy now let's put this now this is joshua hi this is troudy stefan and lizzy thank you very much why don't we go to your rooms we'll show you two rooms and then we get something comfortable here live in a three-bedroom house so the teens must share rooms with veda's children [Music] lizzy's only been in the house five minutes and her choice of clothes is already attracting vedas disapproval it was very revealing a lot of bust revealing all over even before she could get out of the car the bus the bus oh you know bosom was out already and i don't like that in this house there are a couple of things that i don't encourage no short dresses skirts or revealing clothes and the men and the boys especially those ones that the trousers come up to here yeah but i don't yeah they're okay but i don't like the ones that you everything shows even before you're you're out but you do they're just because they're so easy yeah no lazing around of course it's cool i wake up very early because i come banging on the doors and i don't want anyone making me shout my head off no use of mobile phones no insults or swearing no answering back or any form of disrespect you can't explain yourself but don't explain i talk you answer i talk you answer no no then it means we're getting into a fight then no drinking and smoking drinking as in alcohol we don't drink alcohol no one nope no no we never drink alcohol feel free okay this is home don't act be yourselves thank you it's so scary it's so different i i had no idea what to expect and even without anything to expect i didn't expect all this it's always so mad [Applause] [Music] early rises so by nine o'clock everyone's in bed tomorrow the teen's experience begins in earnest i think they're being good because it's the first night and i think it will get to a point that the tiredness will start setting in you know the the real thing will start showing up for the rest of the week stefan and lizzy will live work and go to school exactly as vida's children do it's now 5 10 and it's their first day of going to school so i'm going to wake them up and then um let them get ready for school the gun away time to wake up where are you again joshua stefan your duties you excuse your room yeah go sleep where you have to sleep and then come and leave very very tired it's good to be punctual because teaching them punctuality it helps them when they go anywhere they excel on a typical day vita's children will do at least one hour's housework before school by the end of their stay vita wants the routine to be second nature to lizzie and stefan you know and this is how we do it here we're up and everyone's getting ready it's a bit stupid that you've got the choice before you go especially child he hasn't even got school and she's gotta get up at five o'clock and do chores i think that's stupid this is your room lovely roommate introduction to your room so now what we're gonna do is you gets out all this time [Music] and i do out here all out here by myself today you and joshua are doing it by yourselves malicious this is mad it's like someone got any time in the morning i'm in that garden with a bunch of tweaks sweeping your driveway this is unbelievable i should still be asleep some people start with their arms first either way you get it done joshua go and wear your clothes that's what you do you wear your clothes before you come to the table [Applause] [Music] [Applause] time is up yeah the wind will dry the rest that's cool you ready for it so look what i look like come on with the teens in school uniform they're finally dressed to veda's satisfaction they do look like children now with this uniforms here difference now with lizzy and she normally looks older the way she dresses and looks and now with the school uniform it sort of brought her down to her you know to the scent that she is [Music] lizzie and stefan are attending joshua's high school alpha beta christian college [Music] [Applause] it's a traditional private school with an emphasis on order and obedience ghanaian culture itself it values respect especially respect for elders whether it's your teacher whether it's your mum whether it's your dad there are certain things you're not allowed to say or do even if you think that you are right and the adult is wrong you still have to show the adult that respect if the teachers are going to treat me with respect they'll get respect back it's when they start talking to me like i'm a little child or something like that so it's like start getting stroppy the teachers don't knock me talk a lot and i can't concentrate anywhere and i tend to get like a bit excited and go on a little bit about anything class pupils are expected to be polite hard-working honest and loyal we ask you to do your homework you do it prefer to do your homework we do what we punish you all right if he asks you to do your homework and refer to do it you become what i did not write it hallelujah it seems like he's gonna be a very strict guy oh no yes again pupils study for eight hours a day often sat at the same desk the timetable is robustly traditional as children are expected to go on and succeed in medicine law and business [Music] by contrast after seven years in private education lizzie wants to work in the beauty industry you can have these two signs together the plus and the negative side should not be together so you have to make it to become one so here it means a positive multiply a negative what do you get negative so be active okay that's my observation though steph please come here help us to work out number 10. stefan has nine gcses his ambition is to be an actor i don't think this one is correct yeah there's a problem that there's a problem here like like because it's not good oh my god oh god my god wasn't doing that well then all right let's see whether everything is well done or but that is a 76 so let's let's watch i i feel so stupid right now public humiliation [Music] with the exhausting first day of school over at least the experience is bringing lizzy and stefan closer but vida is uncomfortable with any displays of physical intimacy kissing and hugging and touching lying on each other's legs and all that that's what i think is excessive because i wouldn't allow chowdy to get on like that with her male friends i would have come in and say hey and i think she told you before i even taught us how to hug as a young baby because if you don't hug properly you're suggesting things and when it starts coming up it could come on in the form of a rape or in any other phone she doesn't like fraternizing she doesn't like boyfriends for now she she once told me i could start seeing someone when i was around 24 or something and i think i'm okay with that if fida thinks the teen's behavior in ghana is worrying she'd be shocked at what they get away with back home i will admit i'm a bit of a tarp tart slash four to be honest he's a ladies man he is a real charmer he's not being short of girlfriends and he doesn't seem to stay single for very long don't go in the pool but people try to pull us but it just depends if they feel or not because i'm not but most of the time you can't really tell can you bear goggles she's always got lots of different boyfriends who she says are just friends but i'm not too sure about that jesus has committed christians take their moral lead straight from the bible they attend church twice a week with services lasting up to three hours the bible does tell us like the pastor said that you train up a child in the ways of the lord and when he grows up he shall never depart from it i believe this level of community church fellowship is not as strong in the uk and i bet you that's why there are a lot of problems [Music] it's not long before richard sees the teen's behavior over here in africa we don't accept two young people and fraternizing to that extent you know so i will talk to them really really seriously about this and let them know that what they're doing is quite dangerous armed with a copy of the bible richard decides to tackle the problem head on i saw the two of you sitting on the bed doing you know doing your math homework you know and it's something that we don't allow here chapter five verse one and two rebuke not an elder but entreat him as a father and the young men as brethren the elder women as mothers the younger ancestors with all purity the possibility of over fraternizing with the opposite sex was very very high and that was where the danger lay and i have come across so many people who due to sexual immorality have virtually lost everything let us keep ourselves pure it's very very important that was the biggest of bullets i've ever heard in my entire life the rules of the house now are there's no holding hands um not too much hiking allowed because it'll need something else oh she's not allowed to sit on my bed anymore so it's a lot of bikes it's stefan and lizzy's second day in ghana and there's no respite from veda's regime as a working mother vida can't afford to let anything slip you know me i will put you into the car with you put the hanger hurry her relentless pressure is starting to get to the teens here it's like whatever she says just go without a thought and i'm finding it really hard to adapt to the fact that we've got to just drop everything through exactly what she wants like this hurry father is probably the streets that i've ever met in my whole life because the kids that have freedom the kids have to do everything for her if you're not out of here in one second that car will leave you okay have a good day today at alpha beta it's compulsory pe not a subject lizzie normally excels yes [Music] [Music] lizzie's lack of effort is starting to show the week has barely begun and she's falling behind in academic subjects as well we are supposed to present this where is it it's not there i didn't know we had to finish all the questions you didn't know so you think you can just do parts and leave the rest you have to do it again if you don't do it i'll punish you [Music] back at the house vida has made a worrying discovery well this afternoon i found this letter and it was from stephen to lizzie just to quickly say i'm so glad i was put with you i'm very lucky you're a great girl lovely personality and very bubbly see you tomorrow nice and early p.s you look great too stefan for the next so that tells me that what i was seeing is what i've seen and it's quite a suggestive letter it could it could end up anyhow in any way and i don't want to think of the west ending up where the two of them will get intimate in the house no so what i'm going to do is i'm going to talk to stefan and get him to realize that no not in this house yesterday when i saw you and um um lizzy i thought i realized that you were a bit getting a bit close and then i picked up this letter oh yeah yeah okay sounds suggestive because you said ps you look because you know it's just she's been sad she looked ugly all day she was just trying to make her cheer up a little bit if you wanted to have a relationship with lizzie i don't think you should start anything no i don't know nothing would happen anyway don't worry that's why most of the relationships these days are breaking up yeah because it's not carefully started it's like yeah by the guy's drunk or a guy who fancies you a bit he you know he goes out and the girls are so easy you're a man you're a young man yeah the girls are so easy so at the end of the day if you get a girl and she's easy would you want to go and ask her hand in marriage it's like you've gotten everything already yeah you know but yeah you need to have that something to make you want to marry this girl want this girl yeah see so i don't deny the fact that she you could like her you could get along no no it's nothing like that honestly it is just when i saw that yeah that's a chaos worried about it that's that's fair enough you guys always that was funny i still don't actually properly believe it because i think it's absolutely ridiculous but we haven't done anything at all to say we're going too close apart from talk no wind up just because she's far far too much in control of all of her kids it's unbelievable it's like her oldest daughter's 19 and that's the reaction that got from a note like the reaction that okay if she had a night out or something like that would be unbelievable so it's just it's just run this place like a dictator like a nazi camp we're not flirting we're just gonna like over exaggerate the fact that we are overly friendly [Music] the first opportunity they have to wind veda up is on a family outing to the beach lizzie and stefan are playing a dangerous game lizzie all right lizzy what do you have under a volcano what's your belly button a belly bar really it's styling who's gonna look down there anyway stylish for me to touch veda has asked lizzy to remain modestly dressed what she's wearing now is all right because normally i'm sure lizzy would have wanted a bikini on her top but because she knows i'd like her to cover up that's why she wore that sarong-like you know dress and i appreciate that my mom taught me to dress like this [Music] but as soon as lizzy is out of vedas reach it's off with her trousers is great there's not very much of it really is it so wonderful finally veda has had enough lizzie i think you started being a little insulin to me and i don't like him i know the two of you are alone but don't get funny ideas we're friends like he's the only person that i can talk to on the tree to me yeah but as a person that always met no no no no no no no i've even got a boyfriend at home yes but that's you but i don't like that and it's wrong for you to do that but you don't know you're only six or seventeen for goodness sake charlie is 20 she's not what a boyfriend she has friends like you can play with boys you can dance with boys yes because because it's wrong that's your that's your character you know what i was worried about having a boyfriend at home that i've been with for 10 months right because you're going to marry me but then if you don't marry that guy you know who's who's who's had you cheap that guy has do you think your mom would let you do that but to have a boyfriend well she's allowing it because you're so saucy because you're doing it to me right now i won't let you cheapen yourself in front of me i'm going home seriously i'm going home i don't care what you sign up i can get it out bye seriously [Music] she thinks she can walk over me and that's it but i'm not taking that maybe that's the way they carry on in the uk but that's not the way we carry on in ghana and if some kids do in ghana that's some kids but in my home and in my boundaries i do not allow those things we're really religious and the fact that she's just spoken to like just 17 year old girl like absolute crap shouldn't give how i felt how what my culture is like or what i feel like it's just like gave it to me teenager the dividers hugely hugely overreacted i mean gosh she's having tears for the last half hour so this is ridiculous i don't cry it's just she's she's too powerful she doesn't want to kiss her life [Music] in the household mother is always right but despite their argument feed has decided she doesn't want to give up on the uk teams just yet i'm not sorry for it blowing out no but i owe it to these children to help i owe it to their parents who have left them all these mouths to reach them reach the children for their sakes me and lisa have done a lot of talking over this and we've decided that it's got to be trying to be moved on and we've just got to try and get behind it put it all behind us and try and move on so we've got six days left yeah it's got to make it livable [Music] can i talk to you in the room i think something happened yesterday [Music] and it put all of us in a very bad mood but at the same time it got us all to know the very bad side of every one of us knew lizzy the part that i said that if you had a boyfriend and you didn't marry him and i'd find that very cheap i meant it from my heart in that i wouldn't want anyone to just come and mess up with you and leave you along the way so i want us to try and let the rest of the days work not because we're acting i hate acting i'm doing this with a passion because i want to impart something into you that you can always one say hey i remember antibiotic could you remember she said this to me my mom has never said this to me but she did she had the she had the guts to and she had the guts too but it it it's it's made an impact that's what i want with everyone making an effort tension in the house slowly begins to subside now where are you clean and stuck before you go and pack them clean and if you break a plate [Music] yeah yeah quicker quicker as the heat will stay in one place for too long it's day four today there's shopping in town to be done for trouty and her friends it's also a chance to find out about stefan's life back home i've slept with three people in my life it's just made you all look even worse how different was the first one from the second one and how different was the second one from the third one i don't know he's fighting are you ready to do your father sir i'm already father no i know so you shouldn't have a girlfriend in the first place we've grown up to this age and we've not had are we dead we're not there we are still alive we are still kicking you've gone out with so many different girls are you saying you were in love with all of them i i can say i've loved two of them the one of them was a regret that i shouldn't have slept with and i know that do you wish that you were in our shoes i do sort of wish that i could have been out and i saved myself for the special person i've married and it's kind of like hit home that maybe i don't treat girlfriends i've had quite as good as i could have done [Music] i feel so bad for the way i've treated girls now listening to them and their stories about how that girl should be treated and i think myself my god i've not tracy any girl as good as i thought i had been as white she should have been treated so i was like i'm gonna go and try and find every one of my exes and say sorry to them now i don't feel like such i think stephen is changing growing and changing i'm really happy he opened up and told even though he didn't know my two friends he told them everything and i really liked that the family are starting to have an effect on lizzie and stefan and the british teens are beginning to feel more at home lizzie came to africa because her relationship with her mum was a breaking point trouty wants to know how things got so bad at home [Music] i do loads of chores compared to men i don't do anything who does all the work in the house my mom yeah the right thing to do to appreciate your parents you can't buy them a house you can't buy them a car you can't do any you can't pay them back for taking care of you the only thing i think you can do is just help them with the house like take some load of them so they feel appreciated how do you show appreciation i do i seriously i do wash up every now and then and i do put stuff in the dishwasher but it's the way my mum talks to me it really really like it's really rude i also never used to get along but then one time we sat down when we talked and after that we became best friends i think she sit and talk with her mom tell her everything she does she doesn't like and listen to what her mom also has to say maybe her mom does that too with some pain because of what her daughter does to her because she wouldn't tell me what she does that her mom doesn't like she will only tell you what her mom does she doesn't like that's what we all do and make ourselves look good and the parents look bad but talking to her mother is the last thing on lizzie's mind i don't like talking to mom at all because i know everything that we talk about just ends up in an argument but i just block it out and have fun with my friends rather than carrying on blood being like oh blah blah blah it's upsetting so i don't like thinking about saying stuff because it's not good [Music] he doesn't want to talk to me he's not going to talk to me not at all i have half given up really we've given too much rope and we should have pulled her back in way before now really and i've probably left it a little bit too late being in the household is giving lizzy plenty to think about i don't not like my mom but the fact that we argue all the time and it's like i don't actually bring the arguments done i can actually say i do sometimes yeah but most of the time it's my mum being stupid like any of my friends i like to do anything for but my mum is like why should i want to do stuff for you and you're like that to me [Music] it's day five in ghana the british teens and the family are gradually drawing closer together slowly but surely the boy who never lifts a finger at home is turning into a productive member of the household please yourself they look very snazzy don't they i've done well let's take your dishes okay yeah squishy actually i didn't think actual squeaky clean existed wow i have realized over this i'm actually quite lazy around the house children here do a lot more work here than i'd even dream about doing at home so i just sort of feeling a little bad that maybe i'm not doing what i should be around the house which is the one thing i said i'm not going to come out here and feel bad for being lazy at home and it's actually happened it's quite strange how are you finding your experience here great gone is actually really cool i was a bit worried about how much like there was shop the culture would beat her sister or at least i'm starting to really like it and also how do you feel about back home seeing how much the children respect you it's made me realize that i don't really respect my mom as much as i should be it's gonna be weird going back now why it's like going back to this new knowledge of what i've been like and what it should be liking me really weird there's something that has really snapped in you changed so don't wash your hands okay great guy you're running you're in a hurry they'd basically just ask me how i'd feel about garner how i found like back home differences and all that and it actually got me really emotional because it really did hit home just how different over here is to home and how much different people treat their mothers and fathers over here to how i do back home it's made me feel quite bad actually about how i do treat my mom at home [Music] we're ringing i'm gonna cry she hasn't asked the phone hello hello i'm fine how are you are you missing me yet oh i'm i actually am i am i'm missing you i i have actually realized how little i do do around the house it's quite scary coming over here doing so no shout it's all this i'm doing around here and it's like my god i do nothing at home i've finally realized that actually you don't sit and do nothing all day i it was a bit of a shock to work that one out yes i'm a lazy git yes well i must make a move i will you have fun doing whatever you're doing at home bye [Music] it was great being out with homes again that was great i might realize just how much i missed her as well and she's lucky she's got a son with a heart and big heart wonderful heart [Music] but when lizzy calls home it's a different story hello mom i'm cool how are you um it's okay we have to go really early though oh my god my bed he's just like a piece of wool my looks are deteriorating die boy die i look hideous mother and daughter can't get beyond the small talk all right i've gotta go anyways they're attacking me bye bye you know the phone's sweating my ear how did you feel good yeah how was your mum's response did you sound like she's missed you i don't know is phone call to her mum told me that there's not much relationship but i know it can build it can build because she just needs to hear a few truths i was an only child and i came from a broken home and it was really frustrating and sometimes i couldn't talk about it to anybody and so what i did was i built walls around myself i'm telling you a secret of mine and i'm telling you that secret because i know perhaps you share the same sort of emotional imbalance in you sometimes our moms are at fault you know sometimes our moms are really at fault she doesn't really talk to me at all it's like and if she does talk to me it's all about her or how she's had this and this has happened to her and it's like she never talks about anyone else i've kind of built a barrier up against it all it's not all lost you can still work it out lizzie and a mum have to let go of all the heads since i hate both of them and start again it can work [Music] the next morning amvida sends stefan to school without lizzie [Music] now these are some stuff i want you to take them along through her church rita regularly helps with christian charities it's something she also encourages her own children to do today she wants lizzy to drop off donations for the local orphanage soul experience hasn't really reached lizzy yet you know the experience about her home with her parents her mom and dad but i do hope when she goes to the orphanage it might jolt her to realization that she's much much you know she's much blessed and lucky the word is for what she has and i appreciate it a little bit more welcome hi i want to give you a hug this is peace and love orphanage and academy it's an opening so you are welcome thank you i'm grace i'm lisa i have all sorts of children here some are abandoned you know like if there's a young woman who who by mistake has a baby they will just deliver the baby some of them put them in a policy bag and deposit the child on the on the rubbish dump there are some also rules maybe the father or the mother is dead from hiv this little baby over here was abandoned about a week ago it's sad isn't it gorgeous oh he's so cute yeah [Music] they must be really desperate to leave something that's gorgeous across town and stefan is saying alas goodbye to his classmates we would like to invite stefan alvarez to come and speak to us i'd like to thank you all for making me feel really welcome in your school that's both the teachers and students the atmosphere here the atmosphere is amazing at alpha beta school it's so different to anything that i'm used to back in england it's not just this school it's the whole of ghana everyone in ghana seems to be really friendly i feel great that i have been able to be part of something so good and so friendly and kind thank you okay i feel like i'm really part of the school now i'm leaving i'm a bit like i don't want to go hello [Music] lizzy is also relishing her experience at the orphanage and just as vita predicted it's making her think about her own mother back home in england i really don't remember that song she got me hooked and said olivia i really don't remember ages ago years probably because i really don't remember it feels like she doesn't understand anything besides her so when i do try and say like let's talk and stuff does your mum not really understand you at all is he that's what i feel with lizzy finally opening up veda feels it's the right time to chat with lizzy's mom linda hello hello how are you in the beginning i did have a bit of a tip no she wasn't ready to let me in and i think you experienced a lot of that as well i did i did she she always builds up berries around her well that's right there's like a big tough shell there isn't there yeah but you know you would never be able to get through to that straight away that's right yeah take some chicken away above everything else lizzie does have a very big heart she has got a big heart yeah she does have a very big heart it's just that her emotions i've gone in the wrong direction and it's a bit to do about the fact that she doesn't have much of a relationship with you she's run away from everything else with the word that you don't love and you don't she's never she doesn't have any relationship with you [Music] you can start by forgetting all that she's done to you that's hurt you so much yeah you know in the past you understand how of course i understand yeah yeah and yeah i know you you're a wonderful man i know because you have brought up a wonderful daughter yeah god bless you bye bye well sounds like she's missed me after all i hope she'll be here soon so i can't wait any longer why are you getting upset because i'm getting upset because lily really believes i don't love her and i don't know why i feel that way about her i think we're gonna have to start over again we're gonna open a new book and start from scratch it's the teen's final day in africa and to mark her guest's departure veda is throwing a farewell party for all the family [Music] this week has been quite a week it's been full of lots of events emotional events i play thoughtful events as well and i think everyone's had a hard time so this is to get everyone together you know and have some fun foreign [Music] [Music] if i could bring all my family and like the friends i know if i could bring them all to here and live this life i probably would actually because of just how how wonderful the experience is over here in ghana and how wonderful ghana is itself i've learned so much from everyone from every single person and every single thing i've learned so much it's been great it's been wonderful you have to see bye-bye now i think you're a lovely woman i'm really doing that because i'm really gonna be [Music] [Music] you really are gorgeous people and i'm never ever ever gonna forget you and i definitely am pulling back i'm definitely i'm gonna be back i'm gonna miss you i will miss you too i'll miss you too and you know what when you go back please prepare a relationship with your mother i will say that be good okay bye mom [Music] it's like your own children leaving you now there's been so much bonding there's been so much you've taught them as a mother you know even though they weren't your own children and that now they've gone it's this little vacuum they feel a part of you or yeah a part of your school night there's one thing left to do veda puts in a call to stefan's mom hello hello good morning debs hello good morning how are you hi thank you good are you too how's been your week oh it's been so peaceful yeah it's been extremely quiet you do have a very wonderful sunday oh thank you and i think this past week he's learnt a lot he's learned a lot of beauty he's learned to love actually he was crying and he told me that he's realized after being here how much of an advantage he's taken of you yeah yeah because i do i do give in for the easy life so i've let him i've let him get away with far too much and i only want you to encourage him yes with what he's learned well that's it i know it's there it was just getting it out yes and i know it's going to work because stefan well you will see it yourself i know it's going to work [Music] i hope i've got a changed man he was i am i'm a man i'm no longer a little boy anymore he was fantastic before he went away don't get me wrong he was brilliant and he was wonderful but he was a lazy little sod and what i'm hoping is the week away has taught him that things need to be done and i do need help and and he's going to help me [Music] and a bit more respect i've learned more respect for myself more responsibilities for myself the way i helped around the house helped me out a lot with my responsibilities knowing that i do have someone i should have some [Music] oh i've been missing there with all my heart really he's always been my little girl yeah i've missed her terribly despite all she's been through lizzie is less upbeat on her return home what kind of hog as well yeah mom can you get me through the door oh god at least mother and daughter are optimistic about the future we've got a lot to rebuild obviously you know our relationship now is going back to square one i think we both need to change a little bit and show that we do generally love and care for each other i'm kind of glad to be home because it was hard work in africa i hope things are different i don't argue as much she's one of these that doesn't show a lot of emotion but i'm sure in her heart she's missing although she wouldn't really want to say [Music] you
Channel: World's Strictest Parents
Views: 700,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world's strictest parents, world's strictest parents india, world's strictest parents barbados, worlds strict parents, worlds strict parents full episodes, strict parents, scared straight, world's strictest parents usa, world's strictest parents uk, worlds strictest parents, that'll teach em, mr drew's school for boys, world's strictest school, world's strictest parents where are they now, the adega family, the africa family, the south african family worlds strictest parents
Id: M28VozKqbFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 40sec (3280 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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