Fire on the River 2021 10/8/2021

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[Music] sir [Music] let me hear you shout out to praise god hallelujah can we sing that bridge together one more time saying we are the biggest [Music] is [Music] [Music] is is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] um [Music] amen how many of you came expecting something to happen tonight tonight and tomorrow amen y'all know me man i'm a i'm a wild guy so i got shout all up inside me right now i don't know man i just think god really digs shouting i think he shouts so we're going to count it down well i feel it does anybody else feel the shout [Music] i'm gonna count to three and all of us are gonna let it go amen now you may be here and you may be thinking well you know shouting really is kind of not my thing well tonight it's your thing this is a good opportunity for you to break free from all of that amen god's not giving you a spirit of intimidation so here we go one two three [Applause] wow [Applause] [Music] oh accepted me [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you guys here for the river tonight [Music] [Music] blood of heaven is [Music] [Music] [Music] we're [Music] from the heart of god the flood of heaven is crashing over us the tide is [Music] [Music] [Music] we come me [Music] [Music] sit [Music] [Music] nothing can stop this [Music] [Music] up [Music] uh [Music] [Music] set all the captives free [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we come alive [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] i'm alive in the river [Music] [Music] [Music] i've got nothing new how could i [Music] as i often do [Music] i praise [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] i've got just [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] see [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] bye jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] let's just sing in the spirit right now let's raise our voices to our king he is in the room [Music] [Music] come on [Music] get up and praise the lord [Music] come on my soul don't you get shy on me [Music] get up [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hey for me come on let's worship a little more can we just worship the lord can we just can we just take whatever time is necessary to lift up the name of jesus let's just praise him let's just worship him [Music] uh [Music] wow [Music] um [Music] [Music] me do so so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] yes [Music] god [Music] keep going on thank you lord bless you god bless you god you know dutch has been telling us that we can expect times where our schedule our agenda just gets thrown completely out of the window i think he's preparing us for that one of the things that he wants i think in this in this season is he's wanting us to be okay with spending time in his presence just not allowing ourselves to get in a hurry and just run through the pieces the parts that you know so father we welcome you here we welcome you here more than anything we want to be in your presence can we let the holy ghost help us sing come on let's sing in the spirit for a few more minutes you ready come on [Music] come on let's go [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] moscow [Music] foreign [Music] foreign i hear the spirit of the lord saying tonight that i'm stirring the pot i'm reaching down into you and i'm beginning to stir things within you that have been dormant things that have laid and laid and laid i hear the spirit of the lord saying this is the season of stirring you up you've stepped into a new realm into a new sphere tonight the spirit of the lord is stirring you he's stirring you he's stirring you you're going to begin to leave this place in a new way for i'm taking the things that were old the methods and the strategies and the operations that you're used to says the lord and i'm stirring them and i'm pulling them out of you and this night i'm going to begin to deposit within you my new way for this new era says the lord you've come expecting you've asked me you've said we can we have this father can we move in this and i hear the lord saying tonight yes you're moving into this position yourself get ready tonight for the stirring of my spirit in you like never before watch me as i reach my hand into you and begin to pull up out of you a new well of my spirit a new bursting forth of who i am in you for i've said that i was going to begin to burst something new not just a fire on the river but a river of fire from this place says the lord that's going to begin to burn in every region that it touches you will carry the flame back to your house from this place says the lord hear the lord say that i'm repositioning you i'm changing your stature i'm changing your condition i'm giving you and bringing you into a new posture i'm moving you from a defensive posture into an offensive posture you're no longer going to be known as a church you're no longer going to be a entity that is in a defensive position but i'm raising you up and causing you to be a standing ecclesia and you're going to stand on your ground you're going to stand your ground on the word you're going to demand that change takes place and change is taking place all day long i have felt this word just stirring in my heart this is a word god gave me the very first fire on the river we ever did and this week god brought this word back up i think the thing that we need to do in here tonight before we go any farther is to change our mindset from coming in here for a conference and realizing god is making deposits in us for what we're about to step into this is like our upper room moment the upper room wasn't just about a shout and a feel good it was god putting fire inside of his church to walk out what they were about to go through so god is talking to us tonight not just about these meetings but about what we're about to step into hear the lord the time has come for you to move into the place i have for you as i have told you it's time for you to be what you have been becoming this is the moment when i will begin to release through my people what i have been doing in my people and you will rise to a whole new level of power and demonstration and operation of my person and my purpose i am pulling you out of the narrow place and the pressing place and i'm bringing you into a place of vision and a place of being i am separating you unto myself i am calling you deeper into an encounter with me and from my presence you will be launched my presence is your command center and this place i have chosen and this time i have chosen this place this time is a place of launching and a time of launching this is the point of no return the page has turned come on somebody the page has turned my plan for you is forward don't look back don't hold back yield yourself to me i will stretch forth my hand through you and i will make myself known father i decree over this house tonight we will not leave out of here like we came we will receive what you brought us here to receive and we will go out of here as the ecclesia who is marching into this nation taking our place in your plan doing that which you have called us to do and we will have the victory that you have assured us that we will have we are the triumphant reserve and we will triumph in christ's name i hear the lord saying there was a time in this state that the term conscientious objector called the news but because of the heart change in a man that one that stood as a conscientious objector became a hero but the lord said in this meeting are the first responders and there will be a heart change tonight and a mantle released and the first responders will become a conscientious objector to the unrighteousness that is trying to envelop this nation says the lord for those that conscious out of their conscientious objection they shall rise up to be the heroes of this nation says the lord for i will release tonight this new mantle that will come upon people and they will learn how to frame the world frame this nation bring it into a manageable boundary says the lord and in doing so they will release the words of confession the words that shall be decreed and declare for watch and see heaven touch earth in a greater capacity watch and see by the time that the demons come out at the end of the month watch and see do i not release the fire that's been prophesied here this night that's going to burn away the darkness saith the lord for you are the first responder but will you let the conscious conviction of your heart speak and will you let your voice be heard not just in church services not just in gatherings like this but in the public place says the lord for in releasing your voice there it shall cause the darkness to crumble and light to flood in says the lord doug let's sing that one more times [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] now every time we say hallelujah what that word does it creates like a whirlwind up in the heavens right above us it's actually what the world word means it means this turning wind that comes down from heaven and begins to blow on us it creates a portal let's sing it again one more time because there is a portal stirring in this place [Music] foreign [Music] spirit of god just come down on us [Music] [Music] stir within us rise up within us [Music] let's sing it one more time just let the spirit of god move through your [Music] and again [Music] wow wow wow now let's thank god and give them a clap offering for the place we're at and for those that are hosting us the luck shoes lord we thank you right now we thank you for this judah team that has brought your spirit in here father we thank you for the anointing that's here father we thank you for how you're moving with us tonight now i want you before you're seated you heard the prophetic words that came forth and i saw a picture when we started when you asked us to start singing in the spirit we started singing in the spirit and all of a sudden it was a word of knowledge blazed across this place and it was in the heavenly realms and it said circuit and all of a sudden i saw the lord reach down inside of us and he pulled the circuit you heard gina's word you heard uh you heard a mr hood's word force and all of a sudden he began to take his hand and re-circuit individuals and then all of a sudden he began to re-circuit this region and then he began to re-circuit our nation and you know what happens when you know when you really uh kill a computer that's the easiest way to say it is you see the computer stores all sorts of trash within it and it really just by you turning it off and turning about gone doesn't get rid of the trash and the garbage that has stored in various portions of it so you have to go in and you have to kill that circuit and then bring it back up again and the lord said i'm going to make my people so in line with my purposes and so thinking this word was given gina gave it earlier so thinking the way i'm thinking that they can only start walking in a new way and then for this nation as he was recircuting it i saw a date that came in on that circuit and all of a sudden it popped back up on october the 18th so i wanted to say from this place here beginning october the 18th get ready the word circuit i think means line it means a line that's gone out a message that has gone out a current that's gone out and it originated somewhere and then it came full circle back in and the lord said you will know beginning october the 18th in this nation that things have come full circle you will also know that i pull the plug on things you've been asking me to pull the plug on and i say when that plug has been pulled i say i'll bring it up one by one but the messages that have gone out in the past will not be the same messages that i allow to go out in the future i say know this because you are in the right place at the right time tonight because you have come to and gathered at the place i called you my line is going out from the heavens and as my voice goes out on that line i say to you it will not return void and what begins tonight in tennessee will cause a nation to be circuited again with my message now just look at two or three people before you're seated and i'm going to share a little that i'm going to pass it back to randy and randy's going to bring dutch up here and before you sit down just tell them you know god's pulling your plug for a little while but then before they get up tell them he's going to replug you in again [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] now let's clap our hands and thank god for them [Music] awesome awesome awesome what a blessing to be here i was supposed to have been here last year with you and uh you know when i start listening to certain things that the lord says to us it you know it makes you a little nervous and you say i wonder how that's going to work out but you know last year right when i was ready to get back moving as i thought the lord had different plans this is one of the first places really we were able to come back out and come to and move forward in and all of a sudden because see when we started going through what we went through last year cindy jacobs gave me a word at the beginning of the year last year and she said you're i don't even know it was that starting the year off right in front of all these people and all over the world she said you're not going to be traveling this year and she said i have no idea how the lord could be telling you that now my life since the 80s has been traveled sometimes 500 600 000 miles a year so that tells you what my life has been i've been working in other nations since uh the 80s and going and traveling and then periodically i would get to pull aside and be with someone like dutch sheets and we would get to go to all the 50 states let's thank god for dutch sheep and it was really interesting but then by march of that year of course you know no one traveled and i s and my wife said this i don't i don't know how god's going to do what cindy said in your life but he told me that at christmas that you're not going to be going like you have gone in the past and she said so i'm just going to watch him do it well you know none of us went anywhere you know so that was okay you know the first couple of months you're trying to break out and go somewhere you're trying to figure out every way you can defy the law you know you know well some of us come from that background and you know you you don't like to just say here we are being confined and yet all of a sudden i heard the lord say to me i have determined this time for you to submit to me i'm going to do something new in you and i said lord i don't even know where to start with this new thing because you know i had been teaching and prophesying over the new era we had entered into tim sheets wrote a book on it i when i pulled aside charisma in march they called they said could you write a book about this time it's out there it's called the passover prophecies because i had prophesied that by passover we would have a historical moment throughout the earth and i said you know i don't really have any they said could you write it in about eight days i said well you know i don't have anything else to do might as well write in eight days so i wrote this book and uh that was okay but the lord said i want you to start in your backyard and work your way out and because you know this concept of new is not always our easiest concept we hear it a lot we hear it all through the word of god a lot behold i do a new thing do you not perceive it well a lot of times we don't perceive it because we don't take time to watch for it and i would when i would get back from a trip i would go to the israel prayer garden there at our place and i would spend time with the lord and brush off all the creatures that had gotten on me from the last trip and really get ready to go again but this time he said i want you to start here in your backyard and work out i am doing a new thing so you know i would build a fire i i got into intercession for dutch for a couple of months but you know that sort of wore me out and i said lord i gotta move on from this someway and because i just couldn't go like he just wouldn't let me i had to work out from my backyard i thought about my upbringing you know i had grown up on 600 acres and knew outdoors wasn't my bag but dutch would always say you know maybe we could just go out and spend a week praying in a cabin and i said at the waldorf maybe i mean you know just you know my life had been so different and the lord started showing me things then when i was ready to come here i thought you know i'm ready to go i have really submitted i was clearly in the lord i i think i'd reread i read the bible since i was 18 for sometimes three or four times a year i thought i was ready to come and all of a sudden it was like i had a knife in my ear well of course you know i thought it was the devil we always think it's the devil and i couldn't couldn't even cope with the pain it was so bad and it was i we called randy and we said you know the doctor's not going to let chuck fly and i just watched the lord shut things down i had shingles in my ear now think about how painful shingles are and the lord said i'm still talking to you you know it was exactly what he said so you know he can get you in enough pain that you'll listen and so i finally submitted last year and it wasn't until i mean i've gone a few places since then and gone through more things with him since then but he didn't let me go back to a prayer meeting till today you know just interesting my whole life was going all over the world 160 nations praying in every god-awful place you could imagine and through all this process he didn't let me go on a prayer journey till today when he said now i will determine the path you take let me have go and speak on occasion but today when we went to red river meeting house i knew i had seen the root of where he was going to take us and it began here and like clay said some way each one of us in this room have decided to get in on it you wouldn't be here if some way holy spirit and said i'm just going to bring you to a place that i can start you moving new and fresh in faith and that's what i see tonight as tomorrow i'll share what i see in detail for what the lord's saying to us in the year ahead but tonight's different it's really what you said it's something about tonight where he starts us back and there's really no return see don't just listen to words i think we've gotten real used to prophesying and prophecies but i had to learn to re-listen to every word being said i have a mind that works okay and it remembers most things forever but tonight really is that word because before you said it the lord says said the new circuit begins tonight i think of some of you electrical people you got to get that wired properly so it can cause the light to come on and then return to the place that initiated it and it's something about today where the lord says i'm returning you to the promise that i started you with i'm returning you back through some of the minefields you had to walk through back through some of the trash dumps you had to go through back through some of the awesome moments that you experienced but i'm returning you back and then i'm going to rewire something in you that will make the light come on new and fresh so what you couldn't see as you journey to this point you'll start seeing from this day forward you'll uncover some things that i said that you heard but you pass by you'll understand why you had to go through that laughingstock moment so you could laugh in a new way in days ahead you'll even understand why your sons and daughters made certain choices and you'll watch them choose again see god started speaking things like that to me because my kids have all done awesome things and yet there's this tent revival out almost when you get to oklahoma and one of my kids that had journeyed away from the lord who was one of the most devoted ones to the lord he was driving past it and the lord said to him it's time for you to return he came he didn't keep going he came back to our house that night and said i have to help help to get back where the lord wants me i don't need help to get back where my wife wants me where my kids want me even where you want me dad you and mom i need to get back where the lord wants me i said well you know you've always had more sense than what you've normally had lately but i hope you don't think this is some failure because it's probably the most brave thing i've ever seen you do is to come back now i'm here to say tonight and then dutch is going to lead us in a message this year that we're in we're in a new historical area era i think we all i think we all know that i don't think anybody has to say it or convince you it started in september 2019 it continues it will intensify i've written books that take us to 2026 so the lord's not coming back right now so you can just chill out over that he might come back for some of you right now some of us he might leave here you never know but we're we're in a we're in this incredible moment and then we're in this moment nobody teaches better on it than that sheets where we're all of a sudden tonight starts we start being replugged in but not without him recircuting us and showing us a path some way we've missed something on i saw the lord once i had a friend whose son had a motorcycle wreck his brain was some of his brain was on the ground and so they gave this kid no hope and they took him straight on to houston from south texas and he was in a com a coma for over a year i mean no activity whatsoever and his dad called me one morning when i was leading prayer and he said he was crying i could barely understand him and he said they just said there is no hope for this kid i said i don't know how to tell you this but this morning when i was leading prayer and you know if you'll just move without bypass some of this put your hand right here and say i'm gonna bypass some of this i'm gonna let my spirit go forward i said this morning when i was leading prayer the lord spoke to me and i never have taken those words lightly and he said let me show you what i can do and he stuck his finger down in john's brain and started rearranging it and i said he's not going to die and i thought you know you get off the phone the anointing leaves you think oh my gosh i've devastated this man's life you know he almost got to houston and all of a sudden he gets a phone call during the time he called from maybe corpus to houston this boy woke up and said i want to call my dad and all of a sudden there was his son talking to him after a year on the phone now that's what's about to happen there's parts of your brain that has kicked in that he's going to have to move out of the way and there's parts of your spirit that all of a sudden you're going to feel moving in a way you've never felt it moved before you're going to say i'm alive you're going to think it's a baby and you're pregnant and guys you're just going to have to go with this you're going to think you're pregnant and all of a sudden i felt the movement of that child for the first time inside my heart inside my spirit so i'm going to reiterate tonight a new circuit begins tonight that now that can be a pathway for some of you that can be a movement for some of us i know god i just got a text from new jersey because last week i had a word of knowledge and you know you get so knowledgeable you can't have a word of knowledge i mean honestly you know and that isn't how word of knowledge works a word of knowledge all of a sudden it's like lightning and it preempts your thought processes and you see it and it's it's something you didn't know you didn't know anything about it and i had a word of knowledge about someone who had a strange strange disease and the lord said you're going to say that and then i'm going to heal him well you know i have resisted the lord in certain areas but now that we're safe here in tennessee the middle of tennessee i think or somewhere out here uh he's gonna redo us i remember one time the lord showing me this intersection back at the back of this meeting we were in and he x-rayed it and i knew everything that every person had in that section and i said lord i i can't tell them what's inside of them like that it'll take us off track from where we're what we're here for and i got back to my room the lord said it wouldn't taken it would not have taken them off track for what they came for so i got a text from new jersey it was this morning they said god that person went back to the doctor they it was about white blood cells it was a strange disease and they had and their child had it and they had given their child no hope in it they went back and they had no account their white blood cells were totally normal now i'm saying this for a reason we're being recircuted and it's going to thrust us on a path we haven't been on and that's a word for us in this nation it's going to throw us into a path we haven't been on and we're going to have to be ready to walk that path and move on we've been all over the u.s many many times together and this is the first time i've ever done this in all the times we've been together i'm prophesied when i know god saying something but tonight a new circuit start from this area from this meeting you might have a dream you might be if you are in your 80s you're if you matter of fact if you're 82 here you're in a good place there's something that's going to come alive in you and you're going to you're going to have this energy that rises up in you and you're going to say lord i'm going to have to prophesy this see it doesn't matter how young you are it doesn't matter how old you are god started something today i i was supposed to been in dc last week and i told chad the day before i said i am not supposed to go to dc i said but i cannot control my own life i said i'm telling you i'm not going i don't have a prayer for there i don't have a thing to pray up there i don't have a word that they want to hear i really don't want what's up there to get on me because i've been with the lord you know it was one of those crazy rants you do you know sounded real good and he's just saying okay but what are you going to do i said we're going to go to d.c and we i because i you know when you've been all over the world you don't control your own life and that's what god's had to do with all of us and so we head to the airport early the flight leaves at five i think or six in the morning we get on the flight and i said you know we get ready to go and they said we've got a little mechanical issue it will it will probably take 10 minutes to fix it we get off that plane at 11 35. in the same place i said i told you we were not going to washington dc he said why did i have to waste this whole day i said because god had to do something in us to let us know that he is resetting our clocks he's resetting our times and tonight he reset our circuit so let's stand up now father i know you father there's something so strong about your hand tonight father there's something so strong about how you are replacing part sentence there's something so strong about how you brought us back here because something has happened here that was so important for you to reset for all of us now just for a moment before i pass this back to randy something is being reset in you greg god brought you back here you two to reset it tonight now there's an empowerment going on in the resetting it's almost like you're moving from 110 to 220. it's almost like things you've seen now you'll see dutch the lord says things you've asked you don't have to ask me again i'm going to start showing them to you father i thank you for this place some way this place which i know nothing about is conducive to what's being said right now they've stood they've watched but now they're going to see it's not going to be used for what you thought it would just be used for father thank you for the circuit that is forming it's not something being redone in you it's like a part you didn't have that's being inserted and it'll come alive it'll come alive in you you saw it once but now it's being inserted father we commit and we submit to this night as you begin a work that we have longed to see but we didn't have the right circuit board or power level to see it but lord tonight you have started it now put your hand on somebody and say get ready something's going to come alive wow go ahead and be seated everybody we want to give you an opportunity to sow into the moment well everybody said amen go ahead and you can you can make your checks payable to riverside church there are envelopes in the seat back in front of you or in your seat if you're on the front row and you can give online at you can go to and you can get through the website amen and designate it to fire on the river and amen i'm a little overwhelmed anybody else what do i have announcements what are they nine o'clock in the morning doors open at eight eight fifteen do i hear 8 30 have a divided even evidence we have book tables um kingdom university the hoods um school stuff is set up out there go by and check that out we've got chuck's books dutch's books jackie's book gina's book i'm the only one that ain't got a book and he wrote one in eight days i've been i've been thinking about writing one for 12 years that's the difference i'm thinking about and he's doing it anything else i'm supposed to announce nine o'clock in the morning man i wouldn't miss that amen we are honored to be able to have you guys in this room with us tonight all of you we have just had a knowing on the inside that this was an appointment on the calendar of god this is something that he orchestrated he's got a purpose in mind that's way beyond any purpose that we think of we know that this is a significant a significant happening a predetermined happening and that the consequences of it are very broad and we're honored to have chuck and dutch they don't get together in ministry all that often from what i understand anymore so wow they're here amen so [Applause] and we just uh we we took a little field trip this afternoon to the red river house just uh they and a couple few others and i can't even explain what happened in that room it was but god does you know he doesn't always feel obligated to explain it to you either does he like most of the time he doesn't explain it to you he just orchestrates it sets it up we yield he uses us and it's also amen all right so hold your offering up to the lord father in the name of jesus we thank you for what you were doing in this room what you were doing in this place what you were doing in these people although we thank you that you brought them here so that they could receive the necessary recircuting and equipping so that they can go to wherever they're from and be who they have been becoming so we give this we sow financially into this but we're sowing this into the moment into the kingdom and into the happening by faith in jesus name amen cope you stand up guys that come we've got places for you we don't have ushers doing this you come up put your stuff in the bucket and then um hallelujah and on your way back high five or fist bump or handshake somebody sometimes i say hip bump just to throw people off amen but you don't have to do that and nobody really laughed at that but it's just a solemn moment amen i was in prayer the other day and i saw dutch and chuck standing shoulder to shoulder and they had on military uniforms decorated very well decorated they had straps or i don't know what you call them if my son-in-law could see him he could tell me but whatever generals with the stars you know what whatever that is james what's that called okay that and is four-star general like the highest general is there a five-star general i saw five stars on those whatever they are on these two men and i heard the lord say that orders are being issued this weekend through these two generals amen how many of you ready for that so general dutch sheets you ready to come i'm not going to talk about anybody before you come up put your hands together thank god for dutch [Applause] well what a night i know some of what i want to say i don't want to talk very long i think this this word that chuck gave just needs to simmer for a while i think it's a very profound word and for some of us for me a very very moving word i almost feel like i'm coming to the end of a journey i'm about to start another one and for me that would be about a 30-year journey and then you get re-circuit circuited right i mean what an interesting way to say that to us tonight and you know god's timing is just so incredible you know i've wanted to go to red river for years but it's a sign you know he saved that in my life for today because of what it represents it represents an awakening in this nation and so going there today and him saying what he's saying tonight is it's just reinforcing in me the profoundness of the timing we are in right now and for him to say you don't have to ask me for it anymore you're just going to see it now i'm not sure what else that could be than a third grade awakening in this nation [Applause] there's just nothing else that would have the significance for me that that would have if you don't think that's it you can tell me later but by his response i think he's agreeing with that that's probably what it is we're moving into this revival we've been asking for it's not not just for america it's for for the nations but we're moving into this and you know what i felt to just encourage you with tonight was to talk about timing somewhat i've been talking about timing on the posts for those of you that watched the 15s but that's not why i felt to talk about it but just because it's been on my mind i felt the lord wanting to say wanting to encourage us that he really can do what he says he can do when he said he can do it he can he his timing is never dictated by what the enemy is doing his timing sometimes is influenced by what we do if he can't find a people that will cooperate with him then he's had to wait a generation at times in scripture but that's not going to happen now because he has a remnant that that are following him and it's not a tiny little remnant either so he's not going to have to bypass this generation but his timing is never determined by the enemy so he's he's had me in joshua chap the first few chapters when it was time for the great shift and i think sometimes we lose sight of the fact that this is more than a generation of israel that gets to go in and take the land this is the fulfillment of what he spoke to a man four and a half centuries earlier i don't know if the weight of that hit you but but when he showed up in joshua chapter one it said it's time it is not just a generation getting to go in it is the finishing of a phase of what he started four and a half centuries earlier with abraham which was phase one of redeeming the planet this is the people through whom messiah is coming so when he shows up at at this point in joshua chapter one it's a big deal and he he can just do this stuff so he shows up to joshua and he says moses is dead i know it's almost humorous passage to me because the passage says moses died so then he came and said moses died it's like you know he's gone and joshua was probably going thinking you know because because god took moses off by himself to take him to heaven so he comes to joshua and says it's done he's dead now you're going to go in can he keep this can he keep moses alive and let him be the last of that generation that is going to go that he said would have to go well evidently he did and then he he says to joshua and see this is what i think we miss you're the man now everything is shifting don't be thinking about moses anymore because everything i've trained you for is about to begin and it's your time now but you're ready i have prepared you that it's like that year for chuck god say it you're ready i mean i'm not you know it's kind of it's unusual to see a person that has reached the stature in the kingdom that chuck has reached i don't i'm not exalting him in an inappropriate way he just has he just has become a leader of the body of christ around the world but to be able to say to him which i can tonight i can say to him you are different you have graduated to something new and different think about it so i think the lord this re-circuitry thing what he's saying to all of us is get ready because i'm about to do this and i can do it and i can have this done right on time i was thinking about the dream that gina had of the red river meeting house and where where it reminded the geyser that sprung up there out of the ground with that picturing that the that the well was springing up again the revival water that it reminded her of old faithful and she found herself thinking it it's it's it it erupts in a rhythm of time and an audible voice spoke in the dream and said this is set on the rhythm of heaven's time clock and it's time and i felt like when we were there today the lord said it's time it's time i have you here today because it's a sign to you that it's time what you've been asking for is now here i've been i've been telling people everywhere i go you must start thinking differently because the i the isaiah 40 dreams that we that have been coming i think there have been seven or eight dreams to gina and greg and maybe others in the last few months significant dreams about i-40 for going from east to west all the way to california and everybody knows among other things he's saying to us in the dreams everybody knows it's a part of the dream is about isaiah 40. but isaiah 40 begins with prophesying the ministry of john the baptist which is to prepare the way for messiah prepare the way for the glory well if god is saying if he's taking us to isaiah 40 and saying i want to remind you of john the baptist then he's saying that because some he prepared the way for for the lord to come and do do what he did so the end the end res the end of the process is not john the end of the process is jesus coming to bring the glory of the lord to the earth again and it's it's interesting to me that the passage begins with the word comfort and he says comfort my people which you would never think of the word comfort to describe the ministry of john the baptist but that's the context but the word not only means comfort in in hebrew it also is one of the words for repent so he came with the message of repentance but we know in the new testament repent doesn't mean be sorry for your sin repent means think differently and once you think differently then you can turn and go another way but repentance in and of itself doesn't mean turn and go another way that's a different word entirely in greek repentance is what happens that enables you to turn and go god's way so literal greek translations of matthew 3 where john was preaching repent for the kingdom of heaven is a hand literal greek translation say think differently and keep on thinking differently because the kingdom of heaven is here what we've been waiting for is here so you need to start thinking differently and i think that was just significant to me when he told the story of god sticking his finger in the brain and saying i can do this and i think he's got his finger in the in the brain of the church right now saying think differently i'm here stop even saying it's coming start saying it's here revival is here awakening is here miracles are here deliverance is here signs and wonders are here i'm here i'm trying to stir your brain up so you'll start saying what i'm saying because it's time and the old is gone now and the new is here and he says in three days you're going to cross and if i'd have been joshua i've been thinking we've been sitting here for 40 years and you want all these hundreds of thousands of people and animals and all this stuff you want us to get ready to cross that jordan river in three days couldn't you give us a week or two what's the deal but god had him on a time table because he's going to get him crossed and they're going to eat they're going to he's going to get him across the jordan and they're going to eat the fruit of the land the fruit of the promised land on the very day after passover so when the first passover came and god delivered them from egypt and the next day pharaoh said get out of here and they left and start on their journey the day after passover god said you know what i can do i don't care if it's 10 years 40 years 50 years 100 years 200 300 400. i'm good enough and i'm smart enough and i'm powerful enough that i can do four and a half centuries later and i can still time it down to the very day when i say well on the anniversary when they came out they're going to eat some of the fruit of the land and then he says it again in in the fifth chapter just to let everybody just to let us know he's really talking about this he says on that very day and what he's been saying to me all day is son i can do this don't be don't be thinking just because the giants are still in the land that i can't do this don't be thinking that because you haven't seen the change you want to see in some of the government agencies and positions that i can't do do not think that my enemies dictate to me the timing of what i'm going to do giants don't dictate to me timing idols in the land don't dictate timing the fact that the jordan river's flooded and a mile wide doesn't dictate timing to me i said you're going to cross it in three days so how do you get across a jordan river that's in flood stage and it's a mile wide and god knows how deep with logs and whirlpools and you've got to take men women kids livestock animals how are you going to get across that thing well there's only one way is it god's going to have to show up and do what only god can do but he's not at the mercy of the giants he's not at the mercy of the idols he's not at the mercy of the flood he's not the mercy of rivers he's not at the mercy of impregnable cities jericho he just goes out of his way in this first section of the book of joshua to say i can do this you just need to know i can do it and i can do it when i say i can do it and if i say it's shift things have shifted and there's a new circuitry being plugged in and by october 18th everything changes moving forward from that day if he says he's going to do that you just need to know he can do that he doesn't need an election first he doesn't need all the committees and all the churches of america saying well are we going to are we going to get on board with this he can just do what he says he wants to do when he says he's going to do it i like all the play-on words the double meanings he hides in in the first chapter of joshua every place on which the soul of your foot treads i'm giving it to you and most people think in terms of everywhere you walk and we do a little jericho mart or you marches or and we sing every place on which you fit and we walk properly and say every place your foot treads it's mine but the real meaning of that word and that verse the rock is to load your weapon in that day it was the word for bending the bow knocking an arrow and bending the bow i was teaching this at christ for the nations once in a student from israel raised his hand he said still today in the israeli army when the commanding soldier is ready to take us into battle when his the word for load your guns is darak load your weapons god wasn't just saying you know everywhere you step is is it's going to fall on your lap he's saying there's still going to be a battle but i can i can give you victory in every battle it's time it's not just time to go in it's time to possess and if you're willing to if you're willing to take your bow and arrow and go fight i'm willing to give it to you and i just say to us right now we just we we need to start thinking differently we need to start thinking okay now we're not on the defense anymore we're on the offense we're crossing over and we're going to start reaping we're going to start possessing we're going to start bending the bow we're going to start loading weapons we're going to take the sword of the spirit we're going to set the captive free we're going to cast out demons we're going to heal the sick we're going to march through campuses and start declaring jesus the name of the lord and we're going to see students come to jesus government leaders come to jesus we're going to see demons cast out we're going to see religious spirits broken off of this nation we're going to see harvest come in because he said it's time and the recircuting has begun i tell you when he shows up as as the captain it's a new season he wasn't showing up at that point as the guide at the fire and the cloud he was showing up as the captain with the sword drawn the word possess i'm giving you the land to possess it joshua yaresh it means legally in air it's yours it means military invasion i'm giving it now you could take it that does it what does that mean to us it means start reaping we don't war the way they ward we're not talking about getting weapons and going and and fighting people we're talking about going and taking the land that means we're going to go take spoils of war we're going to take souls we're going to get the harvest we're going to see jesus glorified in all the earth we're going to see the glory of the lord cover the earth like the waters cover the sea we're going to see the greatest outpouring of holy spirit in history do you hear that the greatest in history we're going to see the great outpouring of holy spirit in history we're going to see nations shaking under the power of god we're going to see nations born again in a day we're going to see entire groups of people come to jesus entire governments bow the need to jesus we're going to see nations healed of poverty disease we're going to see god show up and transform entire nations and they're going to be they're going to be trophies for jesus in the earth and we need to start thinking differently i guarantee you i'll be thinking differently after this meeting and when he said i'm giving you the land he used the word nathan nathan which doesn't mean necessarily giving in the sense of ownership it also means giving an assignment he was not just giving them that land he was assigning them to possess the land this is yours now go get it because this is a part of the plan i need you as a nation and on that territory and you don't know it yet but this is all about redeeming the planet and i need you right there and this is your inheritance yes but this is your assignment that's the way i feel about america my my passion for america is not so we can be rich it's not so we can have everything and be the most powerful and this and my my my vision of a restored america i don't even go there although i'm all for that it's it's the it's the purpose of god in the earth it's the harvest he needs this nation it's our assignment i tell you he's gonna you know as we start moving into this re-circuited season we we will have no choice but to think differently he's not going to give us a choice the only choice is just to be left out he can do what he said he can do he can do it when he says he can do it he is the god who changes the times and seasons he can shift things he can come to a hundred a hundred year old and a ninety-year-old say next year this time you're having a baby well that's impossible not with me next year you're having a baby three days you're crossing over october 18th some things are changing today some things changed when he says it he can do it and so lord we we step forward tonight we step forward as as your voice your voices and we boldly prophesy and declare to this nation we we are we are filled with faith to say what you say we are not afraid of the powers of darkness and what they have done we are not intimidated by demonic strongholds giants systems religious structures government structures germs viruses we are not intimidated by these things we are we are bold to step forward and say what you say and when you say i'm going to do this i'm going to do that this and that this and that and jeremiah says how's this going to happen he said i'm going to tell you what to say and you're going to say it and then i'm going to do what you say you said the same thing to isaiah you said it the other prophets i'm going to tell you what to say you're going to say it and i'm going to do it and so lord we're saying it tonight we are saying that the re-circuiting is has begun in this place tonight we're saying that something happened at red river today you took us there because you you wanted to say to us again i'm about to blow the lid off of all of this it is time it's set to my time clock and i say it's time i say the well is open the geyser is springing forth now start acting like it and so we prophesy to the church of america you will come out of your slumber you will come out of fear you will come out of intimidation you will come out of lukewarmness you will burn with the fire of god [Music] you will be baptized in the holy ghost and fire again there will be a baptism of fire in the pulpits of america you will be you will be as it were reborn you will come alive in your spirit we prophesy to the leaders of the body of christ and we say wake up we say stir up that which remains and get it burning again and we say it is time and this timing will not be aborted and it won't be changed three days are crossing over the day after passover we're eating fruit from that land that you told our great-great-great-grandpa 400 and some years ago you can have it and we exalt you jesus you can do what you said you can do and the father the father said that the nations of earth were yours and when the rulers of the earth took counsel together as they do every day now on planet earth and say he is not going to rule over us you laugh a mocking laugh of derision and you said this is my son and i've already given it to him and you give them two choices kiss the son or experience the rod of his judgment so in our intercessory role tonight in our prophetic role tonight in our apostolic role tonight we prophesy to the church of america and we say you are going to shift we say to the remnant we say to the apostolic prophetic praying church of america that hasn't bowed the knee we say you are now going to cross over into your inheritance that which you have asked him for you are now going to receive that which you have labored for you are now going to reap we we we prophesy over you we declare to decree to you to the north south east and west all across this nation we say your weariness is over your betrayal is now broke the betrayal is broken off of you rejection is broken off of you hope deferred is broken off of you unbelief is broken off of you fear is broken off of you complacency is broken off of you [Applause] you are not a part of the generation that must die in the wilderness you are a part of a generation that is going to be refired you're going to drink from the well that burns that that that gushes up fire and water at the same time you're going to be filled with azusa cambridge red river wales tenet fulton street you're going to be you're going to haystack you're going to be filled with all of these anointings all at the same time you're gonna drink from every well of revival that's ever ever flowed in america [Music] the dreams from your past the vision is going to come alive again you've been in the wilderness just waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting going out get some manna go away go out and get some man away go against but he's saying now your weight is over i need you to stir up that vision and that passion again because in three days you're gonna go get your land so i prophesied to the ecclesia in america and i say get ready sharpen your sword get your bow ready fan the flames of the gifts of holy ghost [Music] expect words of knowledge [Music] expect miracles gifts of healing expect him to stir your brain so you think differently you're going to be able to do things you couldn't do before you're going to know things you didn't know you're going to operate in gifts you didn't know you had you're going to preach in a way you've never preached before because the finger of god is in your brain [Music] you're not going to operate with the old circuit you're going to operate with a new circuit [Music] the fire of god is coming i'm telling you the fire of god is coming the baptism of the holy ghost and fire is coming to the church and then it's coming to the harvest but i'm telling you it's coming to the church first [Music] the fire of god is coming to his people [Music] [Music] [Music] but we prophesy to this nation we say your fire is coming you're cleansing fire your healing fire your passion fire your ministry fire we say the fire of god is coming to this nation fire fire fire fire fire is coming to this nation fire fire fire fire fire is coming fire's coming to the pulpits fire is coming [Applause] fire's coming to the homes the businesses the universities the government buildings fires coming fire will not be stopped fire is coming fire fire fire fire fire fire fire [Music] fire fire [Music] fire fire fire fire fire fire fire [Applause] fire fire [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fire fire fire [Music] [Music] [Music] we just reach up through that portal right now [Music] we just reach up through that portal that's here the pull would pull into the earth realm now this circuitry we pull the fire from the altar in heaven down through the portal into this region and into this nation we pull azusa fire right through the portal right down into the atmosphere of earth [Music] pull miracles power signs and wonders through the portal right into the atmosphere of earth [Music] [Music] i saw a vision of the hand of god reach and get a hold of the python spirit that's seeking to choke the life out of this nation and as he did what happened was he stretched it out and what had been the python became a threshold to step over into what he's preparing and i hear the lord saying right where you're at take a step forward right where you're at step in to the now for the lord said over the next 10 days until october the 18th there will be testing says the lord but those that have the eyes to see and ears to hear will know that the python has been stretched out and they'll know that they've stepped into that which is not that which will be and by that they shall move into the place that has been prepared for this nation says the lord i heard the spirit of the lord say that revival is not where you left it it's where i left it and i've reached my hand in this nation even this night and i've picked revival up and i am sprinkling it across you and this nation tonight you'll not find it in the structures that you've left and you'll not find it in the systems that you've built but you'll find it within me says the lord for i'm not only changing the way that you think but i'm spinning you around and i'm causing you to look into a different direction this night says the lord for there will be things that you walked out of to get to this place that you'll begin to lose your way trying to find it back for i put my hand in front of those things and i will begin to hide them from you in this season that you do not return to them some of you will begin to go and you will turn your keys in you will lay them on your desk and you say i am done with this structure the spirit of the lord has spun me around into a different direction for you'll not find these things of revival says god in places that you have declared that they would be but you will find them where you find me says the lord so let me spin you around tonight and let me show you a different way a way outside your religious structure a way outside the things that you built and you put my name over it that i never visited let me spin you around this evening god says and show you a way that will begin to cause the fear that has been deposited in you to be uprooted and you'll no longer tiptoe around those that have held your pocketbook around those that have held your fame around those that have said that they hold your destiny for i the lord your god and spinning you around this evening and i'm beginning to unveil to you things that my hand has held that my hand is shielded that my hand is covered in this nation concerning revival for i am lifting my fingers and i'm beginning to show you what i have said within your heart i would do so do not expect the things to work that you've worked before and do not expect me to fit in the things that you've built for i have built this nation in my name the lord would say and i am unveiling my presence in you and through you and in this nation in a way that you've never seen so expect to see the unexpected things and begin to expect to say things that you've never said before for your entering into a season that the pharisee would like to have your neck in a noose but know that i am the one that controls your life i am the one that speaks to your destiny and they may slip a noose around your neck but i will slip you from the new says the lord for i am bringing you into a place of a fresh baptism of boldness i'm bringing you into a place that you are repenting of where you've been and you are rejoicing and where are you coming into for this is the night that i shifted you do not look back do not look back do not look back says the lord for i am spitting you around to show you what i have hidden in my hand is now revealed to you this day says the lord i heard the lord say that there are those who have written a sentence of death over this nation there are those who have written a sentence of death even over the church but i the lord say i have heard your cries i have heard your surrender i have heard your trust and this day i say to you go check again they're living again go check again they're living again go check again they're living again and i declare in decree that out of that they're living again there is no residual lack from the past that we've been in we are moving into the fullness of life [Music] [Music] so daniel daniel 2 20 21 he changes the times and seasons we have moved into one of those moments in the earth he's changed the time and the season we thank you father we thank you we knew this day would come we knew there would come a time when we said we've crossed over we're in it now we knew that would come and here we are we honor those that paid their price for us we honor the red river revival cane ridge the nameless faceless no one knows today their name but heaven heaven knows and we honor them we honor the intercessors in the hidden places in the middle of the night [Music] in the closets [Music] [Music] we honor that cloud of witnesses [Music] if you're allowing them to listen tonight we say to you cloud of witnesses we honor you thank you for the price you paid [Music] thank you daniel for writing those words thank you joshua for showing us how to war thank you caleb for teaching us how to take out giants thank you david for teaching us how to worship father we thank you for our brothers and sisters that have gone before us thank you for that great company and if they're not listening pass that on for us father [Music] he changes the times and seasons he changes the times and seasons [Music] hallelujah we've just experienced a moment this is a real moment this is a history moment hallelujah well we don't know how to end a thing like this so we're just going to say go home or go to the hotel or go get you something to eat fellowship with someone before you get gone amen thank you for being here nine o'clock in the morning god's not done come on look at somebody say god's not done look at somebody else say there's more to come amen we love you all thank you for being here [Music] okay [Music] you
Channel: Riverside Church
Views: 3,176
Rating: 4.9157896 out of 5
Id: _sylf7YuJl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 25sec (8425 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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