The Sopranos Spinoff That Never Happened

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thank you The Sopranos ended 16 years ago and it left an emptiness in the heart of all the viewers for many people The Sopranos was the greatest television show of all time with the series over what could possibly fill the gap we eventually got a prequel to The Sopranos in the many Saints of Newark though it was exciting to finally get a new piece of Soprano's media the film was ultimately disappointing for most of the community and it just left us longing for a new series set in The Sopranos universe there was some talk about a potential mini-series of the many Saints but it seems like that has died on the vine given the reaction to the movie but when many fans might not know is that at one point David Chase was considering making a spin-off of The Sopranos called the bakalas the series would have followed the bakalieri family Bobby Janice and her children the series would have been a 30-minute sitcom focusing more on humor than the dark and tragic storytelling of The Sopranos this was first brought up in an episode of talking Sopranos a few years back David actually said to me once that he was considering a spin-off called the bakalas that which would be a half hour sitcom about Bobby and uh Janice that would have been their life which I think was uh I think that could have been hysterical right would you have been up for that oh sure single camera a single camera you know like a Curb Your Enthusiasm or something one of those type shows um Janice was such a great comp yeah complex character you know this was also confirmed by Robert Eiler on the eye of the duck podcast David Chase actually the only time he ever thought about doing a spin-off to Sopranos or anything like that was a sitcom kind of show about what was bakala's character's last name uh Buckle Yuri yeah it was because and it was gonna be like a semi like comedy but also like insanely [ __ ] up like just bizarre kind of show yeah we don't know many details about what the show would have been about as I don't think it ever went beyond a simple idea that David Chase had it must have been some time before the sixth season as Bobby dies in a penultimate episode leaving no room for a continuation of his character but given what we know about Bobby and Janice it's fun to imagine the possibilities of what they could have gotten up to in their own show Jody Brown Eyes that's Bobby the [ __ ] is this Julia it's not you it's a TV program movie before we get into the spin-off though let's recap Bobby and Janice's relationship and see where we're starting off introduced in the second season Robert baklieri II is the right-hand man of Junior Soprano his nickname Bobby bakala is a play on his name as well as a reference to the food dish of the same name any of you know what bakala is of course you don't well a salted cod we taught the world how to eat unusual for many of the Mobsters in his profession Bobby is actually a very nice person he's mild-mannered and kind unlike the toxic people around him this is even more strange given his father Robert the first was a brutal Hitman for the mafia your old man was the [ __ ] Terminator my pop never wanted it for me he said there were times with all the worry they wish he could have just stayed in the shop full time just could he be honest I'd rather he [ __ ] shot me to cut my hair unlike his father Bobby actually never killed anyone despite the fact that he was a maid guy this could be seen as a screenwriting error as typically being made requires having proven Yourself by committing a murder though it could also go along with the recurring theme that the New Jersey mob doesn't respect the traditional rules of the mafia listen to me they make anybody and everybody over there and the way that they do it it's all [ __ ] up in contrast to the other mob guys Bobby actually deeply loved his wife Karen and didn't have a gumar this was ridiculed by the other Mobsters who viewed him as weak because of it you know what I heard one time they were laughing at him when Karen suddenly dies in a car crash Bobby is beyond devastated this utter Devotion to his wife along with the fact that he's a maid guy makes him an attractive Prospect to many women including widows like Jojo palmis this is where Janice soprano comes into his life Janice is the elder sister of Tony in an extremely toxic person like the rest of her family she goes through a series of bad relationships in the show she first dates Richie April which ends with her killing him after he hits her during an argument she later seduces Ralphie's siferetto engaging in degenerate sex with him however his crude nature begins to turn her off being neighbors with Bobby she participates with the other wives and bringing him food after Karen dies moved by Bobby's pureness and deciding that she wants Bobby's love and kindness in her life she sets out to make him hers At first she tries to make herself helpful taking care of his family and being supportive of his pain however when Bobby continues to mourn his dead wife Janice manipulates him into believing that his grief is preventing his children from moving on this convinces Bobby to finally let Karen go he and Janice get together shortly after this and they're soon married despite the manipulative way that Janice hooked Bobby she did try to have a relationship with his children she could be quite mean to Bobby's son Robert III but honestly not much more than we saw other moms like Livia be to her children and she was quite protective of Bobby's daughter Sophia even getting into a fight with another parent over it I know this looks bad but on the other hand she called Sophia her daughter I don't give a [ __ ] eventually Bobby and Janice have a baby of their own a daughter named Dominica Janice dotes on her baby spoiling her and dressing her like herself but she could also be very harsh with her when she talked back or showed her individuality something she notes Olivia did as well that when we were babies everything was fine the mom couldn't stand that as her babies got older they separated from her when they started to talk and express ideas that's when the trouble started though Janice can be trouble marrying the boss's sister has several benefits Tony ends up getting them Johnny sacks Mansion after he's arrested Janice also pushes Tony to give him more responsibility in the mob in the end this relationship is what gets bobby the position of underboss to the family you've been a solid performer for some time now plus you're my brother-in-law and from what we can see they also seem to genuinely like each other though they had their ups and downs Bobby is supportive of his wife he pushes her into anger management to deal with her Soprano's temper and is even willing to fight Tony when he insults her over a game of Monopoly not that I have any regrets no no of course not she's a good kid look Bobby marriage or any partnership for that matter is a given I take [Music] of course Bobby would later die in the penultimate episode of the series The Blue comment while he's out buying a model train which is a personal hobby of his he's hit by members of the lubertazi family the first victim in the war between their families however let's imagine a world in which Bobby didn't die if the show ended after season 5 which David Chase originally wanted to do then Bobby and Janice would still be married of course Dominica wouldn't have been born yet but he could easily introduce her in the series as the annoying baby character added in for cuteness hi I'm the baby brand new just out Gotta Love Me Come on Gotta Love Me presumably the show would have dealt with the various family-related conflicts in the bakliary house we saw that there was fighting particularly as Janice's toxic upbringing wormed its way into all of their lives this was a nice house peaceful I don't know there wasn't all this yelling and tension I'm imagining something along the lines of Married With Children a more pessimistic look at the family Dynamic similar to what we saw in The Sopranos I can imagine all kinds of scenarios with Janice complaining to Bobby to stop playing with his toy trains and go out and be a mobster similar to what she did in season four to God I'm throwing all this [ __ ] right in the garbage it's my hobby Janice why you gotta belittle it who knows if we really wanted to lean into the whole sitcom shtick the show could have even had some classic Sopranos characters come in for guest appearances I mean couldn't you imagine Paulie bursting into the bakala house like Kramer on Seinfeld what do you hear what are you saying [Applause] I'm joking with most of this like I said before I doubt the idea was even fleshed out by David Chase and if he did end up doing the show it would have probably been subversive to the genre just like The Sopranos was but I hope this video has given you some idea of what the show could have been about though I'm very happy with how The Sopranos ended it is a little sad that we'll probably never get any new Sopranos content though David Chase is working on a new show I have no idea the status of the series given the ongoing Writers Guild strike as of recording this video but who knows if the series does eventually get made it might just be the return to form The Sopranos Community needed that or it'll be a train wreck of Epic Proportions either way though you guys can expect updates as soon as they come out as well as expect more Sopranos videos coming soon I'm waiting like patience on a monument for a spin-off over here Ops racing media Das J kids Sam cedarland Celery Man Jenna Marie Johnson Brad Smith Studios Uncle Mike Matt Joyce Countess Von zerovich and Luke p [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Pure Kino
Views: 47,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pure kino, kino
Id: qTZRRedgGn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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