The Sopranos: Jackie Aprile Sr - The Forgotten Boss

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thank you this video is sponsored by ReSound one of the best podcasting tools I've ever used if you have any interest in creating a podcast or editing audio stay tuned to the end of the video for more information we all know Tony Soprano as the iconic boss of the north Jersey Mafia the show is about his rise and fall over the course of the show's six seasons however fans will remember that he didn't start out as boss in the beginning of the first season that role was filled by Jackie April Jackie April senior was the acting boss at the start of the show while the family's actual boss Eric Lee De Mayo was serving what is presumably a life sentence in Springfield however Jackie isn't around long as he's only introduced in the second episode of the show and dies in the fourth from stomach cancer Jackie's death then sets off a conflict between Tony and his uncle over who would take over the position though Jackie is a relatively minor character in terms of his appearance on the show he's also one of the most intriguing he's portrayed as a highly competent mobster with deep relations with other major characters but his short screen time has left many fans wondering what to make of him so in this video Let's examine everything we know about the man maybe I should name a successive day and age who wants the job Giacomo Michael April known as Jackie for short was a childhood friend of Tony's he and Tony got into trouble together growing up and it's implied that Jackie was more of a leader in these situations Tony seemed to really respect and idolize Jackie and Jackie was actually the one who had the idea for them to Rob each lamanna's card game and I gotta give you five credits he had balls as big as an Irish broadcast when the boys reached their early 20s they formed their own crew along with Ralph ciferetto and Silvio Dante they did little scams like we see other younger guys do on the show Havert not satisfied with this Jackie suggested that they rob features card game in an attempt to win respect after taking it down a sit-down was held and some of the money was returned however thanks to Tony's father and Jackie's older brother Richie being made guys they face no serious punishment and actually became respected as serious players Jackie and Tony were then on the fast track to getting made we know that Jackie did a few stints in prison during this time Fabian petrulio the informant that Tony sees in the episode college did time with Jackie and Louisburg however it doesn't seem like any of these counts were long and Jackie was able to maintain his position within the mob eventually Jackie and Tony both became captains in the family Tony took over his father's crew after he died and we can assume that Jackie took over his brother Richie's after he went away to prison we don't know much about Jackie's early days in the mafia but it's stated that both he and Richie moved heroin to make money I moved a lot of HV when your brother and you guys made the Lion Share when the boss of the family Eric Lee De Mayo was sent to prison there was a conflict over who would take over for him we don't know how Jackie was chosen specifically but we do know that there was some fighting between him and Junior who believed that he should have the title due to his seniority so there's a line to be boss now he's got to take orders from somebody used to fetch him in sambuca hey him after a short conflict they were able to negotiate a piece and Jackie became Act ing that Tony supported Jackie against his own Uncle this is probably due to him and Tony being friends since childhood so he probably knew he would rise fast with Jackie as boss however it is still strange that Tony cited against his own family and the seeds that this sowed would eventually lead to fighting between the two that we see in the first season as boss Jackie was well respected by everyone in the family he was considered a Fair leader and he was never greedy with his captains I mean when Jackie was acting voice no one minded because it all even died at the end of the day but your uncle Maron does he eat alone he doesn't even pass the salt unfortunately Jackie did not get to be boss for long after a few years he was diagnosed with stomach cancer and despite treatment he eventually passes away his death is devastating for Tony who has to watch one of his oldest friends fade away but Jackie to see this strong beautiful man just wither away to nothing overall Jackie is a very intriguing character his rise to power is unusual for someone his age and it just makes me wish we knew more about him what was it about him that made him so successful why did Tony a man known for his pride and contempt for Authority follow Jackie so devotedly and it doesn't just seem to be him of the few times he's mentioned he's practically worshiped I gotta tell you brother Jackie was like a God great leader have her as successful as Jackie was as a mobster his biggest failing was as a father Jackie has two children his daughter Kelly April and his son Jackie Jr not wanting his son to follow him into the mob he encouraged him to go to medical school and become a doctor you're dead at me you know how close we were he never wanted this for you he wanted you to be a doctor Howard despite pushing his son towards academics he didn't seem to realize how difficult it was for him Jackie Jr struggled with school and maintaining his grades something his father wrote off instead of addressing Jack tried to lay off all Jackie's problems on a learning disorder but well stupidity would be a learning disorder wouldn't it this putting off her problems instead of addressing them seems to have been a trend when it came to his son Meadow says that Jackie Jr's father never paid attention to his actions or punished him at all for his mistakes when you would ask him like aren't you afraid what your parents are going to say about I don't know whatever and he would just go they don't give a this resulted in Jackie Jr being extremely spoiled and lazy though he went to college to make his old man happy what he really wanted to do was become a gangster like him my brother told stupid pathetic dream was to follow in our Father's Footsteps Tony tried to keep Jackie JR out of the life like his father wanted but he continued to push his luck with his Petty capers this culminated with him attempting to emulate his father and rob a card game like he did unlike his father though Jackie Jr and his friends ended up shooting up the place due to being high on drugs though he escapes his life is basically over because he wounded a made guy though Tony and Ralphie who is dating Jackie's mother Rosalie both claimed to want to spare him due to his father in reality they're both just trying to push the responsibility onto the other in the end Ralph has Jackie Jr killed and it's actually Jackie's cousin Vito that ends up pulling the trigger the whole Jackie Jr Affair demonstrates how little these guys care about each other even when they're supposedly best friends despite promising to look out for his family Tony's eager to have Jackie Jr killed when he becomes a nuisance for him even Uncle June talks about how few people show up to Jackie Jr's funeral an insult to the family that had once ruled North Jersey you know if Jackie senior was still acting boss would a child passed away this place would be filtered or Rafters flower cars up and down the block no matter what the boy had done we should also talk about his relationship to his wife Rosalie we don't know much about their marriage overall we only have one scene with them together before he dies though it does seem like she's supportive of him while he's getting his treatment however their marriage seems to have had problems as well Rosalie mentions to Carmela that she was having an affair with a guy from her gym named Steve she broke it off after Jackie got sick but we can see that there were problems between the two from what we saw with the nurse it's likely that Jackie had gumars as well Rosalie also says that after Jack died she found out how much money was left for her and there wasn't as much as she was expecting this is something that Carmella fears as well that there isn't going to be enough for her to live on if Tony dies or is arrested now Rosalie does not seem to be living the High Life After Jackie dies but she was able to stay in her house and doesn't seem to have worked an actual job now some of that might have been from Ralph who dated her shortly after Jackie died but that also brings up another interesting point it seems a little weird that Ralph someone who was apparently close to Jackie growing up would date his widow I mean could you imagine someone like Silvio dating Carmella if Tony died it just seems a little disrespectful to the memory of a man that everyone loved and respected so much I know it's tough fun yeah I'm the guy that state your mom Dayton don't get filthy about but again I think it's a statement about how much these guys actually care about each other no matter what they say on the surface underneath it they're just doing whatever is best for themselves despite the supposed friendship between The Sopranos and the aprils Tony actually oversees the almost complete destruction of the family but that's a topic for next time for now I'll leave it at this if the show has one big missed opportunity it's Jackie April senior his backstory is fascinating in the relationship that he supposedly had with many of the major characters on the show is something that should have been explored more I would have loved it if we could have had more flashbacks with Jackie or more stories about the other character's relationship with him I think it would have given a show that much more depth to explore this really fascinating character I may be acting boss well the old man's a guest in a government but it was somebody tell my bells because they don't obey again special 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Channel: Pure Kino
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Keywords: pure kino, kino
Id: ZJ5nHKYfx9k
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Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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