THE SOPRANOS Full Series Recap | Season 1-6 Ending Explained

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season one of The Sopranos introduces the DeMayo crime family of New Jersey with family head ekli de Mayo in prison the current acting boss of the family is Jackie April as Jackie's Health deteriorates due to a terminal stomach cancer diagnosis he entrusts his business responsibilities to his childhood friend Tony Soprano Tony is a captain or Capo in the mafia leading a crew of friends and fellow made men Polly walnuts is an impulsive and smooth-talking enforcer Sal big bump and Cerro runs the local auto shop and Silvio Dante is a loyal confidante who owns the bada bing strip club a frequent meeting spot for Tony's crew Tony also has an advisor named Hesh rabkin a wealthy lone shark and record producer who worked with Tony's father also working for Tony is his nephew by marriage Christopher multasanti Tony had idolized Christopher's now deceased father Dickie as a child and looked at Christopher as a quasi son after Jackie April dies of stomach cancer Tony and his uncle Corrado Junior Soprano become at odds for who will become the new acting boss although Tony relents and allows Junior to be named the family's new head he still makes moves behind his uncle's back to ensure his future succession in turn junior is constantly at odds with Tony and schemes with his right hand man Mikey on ways to take down his nephew one of the many disagreements between junior and Tony comes when Junior wants to execute a former associate at the Vesuvio restaurant which is owned by Tony's childhood friend Artie Buco when Tony realizes junior won't back down from his plan he has Silvio burn Vesuvio down so the murder can occur there and already can collect the insurance money to rebuild meanwhile Christopher and his fellow drug addict friend brynden begin hijacking trucks on Junior's payroll prompting Mikey to execute Brandon and threaten the same to Christopher causing more trouble for Tony is when he gets tipped off by a corrupt up that a member of his crew is a Rat Tony suspicions eventually fall into his best friend who declares his innocence before mysteriously disappearing at home Tony Soprano keeps his business Affairs a secret from his family his wife Carmella is aware of Tony's job but has an understanding with her husband to never know the details of his violent and illegal activities Carmella also chooses to ignore Tony's repeated infidelities including his relationship with his young Russian mistress or gumar Irina meanwhile Tony's children High School senior Meadow and rebellious teenager AJ are reaching an age where it becomes impossible for Tony to keep his role in the mafia a secret Tony also has a fractured relationship with his mother Livia whose years of emotional abuse have greatly scarred Tony this also leads to Tony feeling more protective and loving toward the most innocent of creatures like babies or animals especially a family of ducks that make a home in his pool after he begins suffering from fainting spells and panic attacks Tony begins seeing a therapist named Dr Jennifer melfi who helps Tony realize the negative effects his mother has had on his mental health and the toll his life of crime was truly taking Tony begins developing romantic feelings from Elfie all the while having to keep their meetings a secret knowing that his life could be in danger if word got out and he was deemed a rat after Tony is forced to put his ailing mother in a retirement home despiteful Livia gross close to the petty Jr and the two conspire to exact their grievances against Tony after learning that Tony is seeing a therapist Junior has Mikey hire a pair of Hitmen to assassinate him but the attempt goes wrong and Tony escapes with only minor injuries the FBI then revealed to Tony that Junior and Livia were behind the failed hit hoping to win Tony over to their side as an informant Tony refuses and plots his own Revenge Tony has Mikey murdered but before Junior and the rest of his men can be dealt similar Fates they are arrested by the FBI due to a stock fraud scam junior is offered a lesser sentence if he confesses to Tony being the de facto leader of the family but the petty and prideful Corrado refuses in season 2 of The Sopranos junior is under house arrest while awaiting his trial and while he agrees to claim leadership of the New Jersey crime family to take the heat from the feds it is now Tony Soprano who was the true leader as the new boss Tony makes an uneasy piece with Junior murders Juniors man Philly for spreading gossip about the failed assassination attempt and completely Cuts ties with his mother due to her betrayal this is made much more difficult when his erratic Sister Janice returns home and has her own conflicting opinions on what should be done about Livia and her assets as the new acting boss Tony named Silvio his consiglieri and places Paulie in charge of their crew after a business trip in Italy Tony returns home with a new enforcer named furio and just just as suddenly as he disappeared returns explaining his disappearance was due to back surgery and a Puerto Rican gumar though Tony still has his suspicions but heavy is the head that wears the crown as Jackie April's brother Richie is released from prison and reassumes control of his old crew then quickly begins questioning Tony's actions as boss Richie repeatedly undermines Tony publicly and even begins working with Junior in secret to sell cocaine despite Tony's disapproval but Tony can't do much to resolve his Richie April problem as the man soon becomes engaged to Tony's Sister Janice as AJ begins acting out at school Meadow prepares to move out for college and his marriage to Carmella grows more strained Tony stress continues to tear him down despite the dangers having Tony as a patient posed and even after he makes many threats and sexual advancements toward her Dr melfy decides to continue seeing Tony as a patient but this weight begins to take a toll on melfie prompting her to see her own therapist named Elliot meanwhile Christopher multasanti is attempting to make moves to become a maid man in the mafia while trying to become a successful screenwriter Tony has Christopher become the SEC compliance officer of a local investment firm in order to run a highly lucrative pump and dump scam working under Christopher R2 new opportunistic lackeys Matthew and Sean who become obsessed with winning the respect of Tony as Christopher's new responsibilities grow he begins to fall into a heavy drug addiction causing him to frequently lash out at his girlfriend Adriana eventually Tony convinces Christopher to get his act together and he ditches his screenwriting dreams vows to kick his drug habit and proposes to Adriana realizing that working under Christopher was getting them nowhere Matthew and Sean devise a plan to instead earn the respect of the antagonistic Richie appreel and so the two lackey's attempt to murder Christopher during the shootout Christopher is shot three times and left for dead Sean is killed and Matthew escapes to inform Richie of what he'd done Richie knowing the retribution Tony would be after for the hit on his nephew furiously chases Matthew away Christopher survives the attack while Tony and Tracked Down Matthew and kill him despite his continued loyalty to Tony Richie continues to feel slighted by the business and money he receives for his work encouraged to take matters into his own hands By Janice Richie approaches Junior with the plot to once again attempt to murder Tony Junior refuses and instead tips Tony off but before Tony can take action against Richie Janus gets revenge of her own tired of being abused by her new fiancee Janus grabs a gun and shoots Richie dead Tony then helps his sister cover up the murder as the season comes to a close Tony's worst fears about his friend are confirmed when he finds proof that he was working as an FBI informant with no other choice a remorseful Tony Paulie and Silvio take out on a boat and murder him dumping his body into the ocean in season three of The Sopranos Tony grows more trusting of his Uncle Junior following the tip-off about Richie's attempted hit Tony grows concerned for his uncle when Junior discovers he has cancer and his day-to-day needs are now being met by a loyal soldier named Bobby bakala as Junior's cancer goes into remission Livia soprano dies from a stroke leaving Tony extremely conflicted about his emotions and Tony isn't the only soprano struggling with his mental health AJ continues to get into trouble at school eventually leading to his expulsion as Tony contemplates sending AJ to military school his son begins experiencing severe panic attacks Tony ditches the military school plans and blames himself for his son's struggles at work Philly parisi's twin brother Patsy joins Tony's crew and Christopher finally becomes a made man serving on Paulie's crew with his new money and power Christopher opens a club with furio and makes Adriana the manager this pulls a Adriana away from her Hostess job at Vesuvio upsetting and obsessed Artie tired of Artie's wandering eye his wife Charmaine files for divorce meanwhile Paulie begins to feel bitter at Tony seeming favoritism toward his nephew and begins taking his frustrations out on Christopher demanding more money from his cut in Christopher's Ventures and repeatedly humiliating him publicly this eventually comes to a head when Paulie and Christopher are stranded in the Frozen Pine Barrens after a hit gone wrong and the two decide to bury the hatchet meanwhile mobster Ralph ciferetto returns to New Jersey after an Extended Stay in Florida despite being a top earner for Tony Ralph is Brash impulsive and violent causing him to be passed over as the new captain of the April crew when the new real Captain Gigi dies of a heart attack Tony reluctantly places Ralph in charge Ralph then begins a relationship with Rosalia priel the Widow of Jackie April and becomes a quasi Mentor for Jackie's son Jackie JR this worries Tony as Ralph is a terrible influence and doesn't want Jackie Jr getting involved in the family business this becomes an even bigger worry for Tony when Jackie Jr and Meadow begin dating as Ralph leads Jackie Jr toward a life of crime causing him to drop out of college Tony steps in to try to set Jackie Jr straight unfortunately Jackie Jr is too far gone and he Robs a card game run by the mob with his friends the robbery quickly turns into a shootout with Jackie barely making it out alive a disappointed Tony is resigned to Jackie's fate and gives Ralph the go-ahead to have his surrogate son killed and so Ralph sends his Soldier Vito spadafori to murder Jackie and Stage it as a drug deal gone wrong this season comes to a close at Jackie Jr's funeral as Junior emotionally sings to those in mourning Meadow Grieves Jackie's death Ralph distances himself from Rosalie and begins a relationship with Janice and Tony Soprano Embraces his family in season 4 of The Sopranos the boss of the New York short crime family Carmine lubertazi is pulling back due to his old age giving his underbossed Johnny sack more responsibility this seems like good news for Tony who has a solid working relationship with Johnny unfortunately Polly walnuts serving a short prison sentence for a gun charge has grown jealous of Tony's apparent favoritism toward Christopher and begins positioning himself to join Johnny's crew instead and so when the loudmouth Ralph ciferetto makes a joke about Jenny sack's weight Paulie rats him out to Johnny Johnny becomes enraged by the disrespect and demands that Carmine allow him to kill Ralph but Carmine refuses instead Johnny must take matters into his own hands realizing his underboss has become Reckless and emotional Carmine gives Tony the go-ahead to have Johnny sack killed fortunately Johnny comes to his senses and calls off the hit on Ralph creating an uneasy piece once again meanwhile Ralph is continuing his his new relationship with Janus who soon realizes that she deserves better than this erratic and violent man and kicks him to the curb Ralph then buys a racehorse named pie oh my who Tony also takes an active investment in both financially and emotionally Ralph's young son Justin is then seriously injured in an accident leading to massive medical bills when pyomai is killed in a fire Tony becomes deeply saddened and suspects that Ralph may have caused the fire to collect the insurance money furious at Ralph for killing the innocent horse Tony flies into a fit of rage and murders him with Ralph dead his second in-command veto becomes the new captain of their crew meanwhile Junior Soprano's case is deemed a mistrial and he begins to suffer from dementia Bobby bakala steps up to be his primary caretaker which earns him more respect and higher responsibilities from Tony when Bobby's wife Karen is killed in a car accident Jay Dennis quickly swoops in to comfort him feeling lonely and wanting his children to have a mother Bobby eventually gives in to Janice's advances and the two begin a relationship Christopher's fiance Adriana is apprehended by the FBI where they threatened to charge her with Distributing heroin through her Club if she didn't become an informant with the promise of protection for herself and Christopher a frightened Adriana agrees as Adriana begins struggling with anxiety Christopher works his way up the ranks of Tony's crew paranoid that he can't trust anyone Tony decides to mold Christopher as his successor as he was the only person Tony could trust Tony since Christopher to kill a dirty cop supposedly the man responsible for the death of Christopher's father Dickie Tony also names Christopher a captain while Paulie is in prison but despite Christopher's successes he falls deeper into his heroin addiction eventually forcing Tony to Stage an intervention and send him to rehab meanwhile Tony his home life begins to completely fall apart feeling neglected by her husband Carmella begins an emotional affair with one of Tony's most loyal soldiers furio eventually furio realizes the danger flirting with the boss's wife poses and flees the country to return to Italy Tony's vengeful ex gumar Irina then calls Carmella detailing not only her own relationship with Tony but also his relationship with her cousin Svetlana this news is the final straw for Carmella who kicks Tony out of their family home and asks for a divorce as the season comes to a close a newly free from prison Paulie discovers that there is actually no place for him in the New York family and reaffirms his loyalty to Tony as Johnny sack grows tired of waiting for Carmine to die so that he can become the new boss he offers Tony a deal to help murder Carmine Tony suspicious of Johnny's intentions refuses the offer putting a serious strain on their business relationship in season 5 of the Sopranos several Associates from the various mob families are released after years in prison those released include demaio Capo feature lamanna luportazi Capo Phil leotardo and consiglieri Angelo garepy and Tony's cousin Tony blendetto Tony B had been arrested as a Young Man during a truck hijacking gone wrong Tony Soprano feels a lot of guilt for not being there on the night of the hijacking due to having a panic attack and now feels indebted to his cousin despite Tony's offer to bring Tony B into the family business the newly released Tony B maintains his desire to live a crime-free life and begins working toward opening his own massage parlor unfortunately the financial stresses of life and an unchecked anger problem lead Tony B back into his cousin's arms desperate to find ways to earn more money this newly reforged bond between the Tony's upsets Christopher who suddenly becomes a third wheel both Tony's mock Christopher's new clean lifestyle leading him to struggle with his sobriety when a couple of drug dealers murder someone at Adriana's Club the FBI tightened their grip on her and pressure her to wear a wire to obtain incriminating evidence against Tony Soprano Adriana devolving into a nervous wreck finally confesses to Christopher that she has been forced into turning into an informant despite begging Christopher to run away with her a devastated Christopher instead alerts Tony to Adriana's betrayal and so Tony orders Silvio Dante to murder Adriana meanwhile a newly single Tony Soprano moves into his mother's old house with the also recently separated arti Buco following her and Tony separation Carmella faces the brunt of AJ and Meadow's frustrations eventually Tony and Carmela reconcile with Tony promising to be a better husband and to remain faithful Tony also gets Meadow's new boyfriend Finn a summer job working at a construction site run by Vito spatofore when Finn accidentally catches in a sexual relationship with another man Finn quits the job and wants to flee to California when Meadow becomes distraught that Finn would leave her so abruptly he instead decides to stay in New Jersey and the two get engaged meanwhile Carmine lubertazi dies of a stroke leaving Johnny sack ready to take on leadership unfortunately for him Carmine's son little Carmine makes his own claim for Boss Tony Soprano is caught in the middle of the escalating fight for power which includes Johnny sack ordering the deaths of many of little Carmine's most loyal Associates in retaliation Angelo hires prison friend Tony B to murder Johnny sack's close friend Joey Peeps and in another Act of retaliation Johnny sack orders philiotardo and his brother Billy to murder Angelo distraught over his friend's death Tony B goes on a solo Revenge mission of his own opening fire on Phil and Billy Billy is killed and Tony B Goes On The Run with Bill demanding his head and threatening to take action against the entire New Jersey family if Tony didn't comply with no other choice Tony Soprano tracks down his cousin and murders him himself so as to avoid a prolonged and torturous death at the hands of Phil leotardo while Phil is furious that he couldn't kill Tony B himself Johnny sack keeps him in line following the Bloodshed little Carmine steps back to allow Johnny to be named the new acting boss as Tony and Johnny meet to reconcile their business relationship the FBI arrived to arrest Johnny sack for his years of criminal activities in season six of The Sopranos as Junior Sopranos dementia worsens he accidentally shoots his nephew Tony Tony then falls into a coma with doctors uncertain if he will survive as a comatose Tony has visions of a life away from the mafia his family and friends are forced to contemplate a life without him Silvio is the new acting boss but quickly realizes the stress is too much for him and he's better served as a consigliere Paulie and Vito meanwhile debate whether or not their earnings should still go to Carmella or if they should keep them for themselves eventually Tony makes a miraculous recovery and has a new outlook on life where every day is a gift but that new positive attitude doesn't last long as the realities of being a Crime Boss quickly reveal themselves once again rumors of veto spatafori's sexuality begin to spread amongst the New York and New Jersey families after he is spotted in a gay nightclub Meadows Beyonce fan confirms these rumors to Tony who is conflicted on how to handle the issue the homophobic Phil leotardo demands that Tony have Vito killed as Vito is married to Phil's cousin as Tony debates his options knowing Vito was a loyal and efficient earner Phil takes matters into his own hands and murders Vito himself Tony's crew are all angered by this act and when one of Phil's crew begins mocking veto Silvio kills him putting the New Jersey and New York families on the verge of a war Christopher multisanti experiences several major life updates his new girlfriend Kelly gets pregnant so the two get married and eventually have a daughter named Caitlin Christopher also gets some help from Little Carmine in producing his first movie Cleaver which draws many Inspirations from his actual life but despite these successes Christopher continues to slip back into his drug addiction meanwhile Tony Soprano's new lease on life quickly runs out and he grows overly temperamental and paranoid he begins questioning Paulie's past affiliation with the luportazi family and begins to doubt his loyalty to the point of nearly having him killed when Tony and Christopher get into a car accident due to Christopher's drug use Tony finally snaps suffocating his nephew to Stage his death as being caused by the wreck a remorseless Tony later justifies his actions as being necessary to protect the bay baby Caitlyn from her father's recklessness meanwhile Meadow breaks up with Finn and becomes engaged to Philly parisi's son Patrick while AJ's mental health continues to deteriorate which Tony blames himself for at one of his lowest points Tony turns to Dr melfi for help Dr melfy's own therapist Elliot warns her of a new medical study that suggests Tony might be using Talk therapy as a tool to excuse his actions and practice his manipulative behavior and so Dr milfy drops Tony as a patient for good when Johnny sack dies in prison from lung cancer philiotardo is made the new boss of the lupertazi Family Phil has had enough of Tony Soprano and begins trying to strong-arm New Deals between the crime families that would benefit his crew when a lupertazzi soldier harasses Meadow in an attempt to scare Tony into accepting the New Deal Tony finally snaps and brutally assaults the man this prompt spilled to officially declare war against New Jersey ordering the deaths of Tony and all of his top men Bobby bakala is murdered Silvio Dante is left comatose and expected to never recover and Tony goes into hiding with the surviving members of his crew as the war escalates Phil's closest men began to doubt his leadership and agreed to a truce with Tony if Phil is killed FBI agent Harris who has grown begrudgingly close to Tony after years of Investigation tips Tony off to Phil's location and so Tony's men find Phil and murder him putting it into the war though the war is over Tony still can't rest easy as he soon learns that another of his crew have turned informant and that Tony would soon be indicted as Tony takes restock of his life he makes amends with Paulie and places him in charge of the old April crew finally forgives Junior for shooting him ensures Bobby's children will be taken care of financially and gets AJ a new job to pull him out of his emotional rut as the series comes to a close Tony Mela and AJ soprano sit at a diner to have dinner as a family as they wait for Meadow to arrive Tony takes stock of his surroundings condemned to a lifetime of looking over his shoulder for any would-be threat just as Meadow prepares to enter the diner a stranger walks past Tony and into the diner's bathroom as the diner's door opens the buildings Tony looks up and the series cuts to Black whether it be at this moment in the diner or decades later due to a sad slow decline like Junior there is nothing the all-powerful Tony Soprano can do to prevent his inevitable end foreign [Music]
Channel: Recap & Chill
Views: 276,691
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Keywords: the sopranos, the sopranos recap, the sopranos series recap, the sopranos full series recap, the sopranos series explained, the sopranos explained, the sopranos ending, the sopranos ending explained, the sopranos summary, the sopranos season 6, the sopranos series finale, the sopranos series finale explained, the sopranos final scene, the sopranos season 1 recap, the sopranos season 2 recap, the sopranos season 3 recap, sopranos season 4 recap, sopranos season 5 recap
Id: hxnoASYmLrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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