The Sopranos - TONY raging (Part 11)

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never should have raised my hands - I'm sorry long as you realize that he was wearing a motorcycle outfit like the guy in the Village People with the leather hat and the vest chaps - I don't know [ __ ] its land arrest me let's take this in the back yes what Vito did yeah you can go I never said it but I knew now get the [ __ ] out huh enough for this rush to judgment phoners [ __ ] shot guys got a hard-on for Vito oh you think this is funny huh I could care less basically yeah maybe you're a flambe [ __ ] nauseating it's up to me I drag Vito behind my [ __ ] car right now will you take it easy over there [ __ ] judge Roy Bean ate nobody's got AIDS I don't want to hit that ward here again government is just completely [ __ ] this family over once I start you to use that kind of language in this house with immunity telling mom about these people that came into the office yesterday I guess was it a crack [ __ ] trying to get her kids back for the welfare money or actually it was a family from Afghanistan and fled the Taliban and sweated out visa lotteries in a refugee camp and hold down three jobs okay you think it's funny you want to chill out about some of this come on breathe all you gotta do hope you don't want a phone [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] what are you sucking his dick come on I better kick your ass you [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah that's right telephone tough guy put Vito on the phone look ain't no Vito man I found a fall on the side of the road what [Music] lick your fighter phone hello hello [ __ ] you tell me what is the issue he's a [ __ ] and now what am I supposed to do a lot of your circle must have done jail time they can't be strangers to male-male sexual contact well you gonna perish for that well it's nice what are you gonna do tell him what you saw [ __ ] video to share hard work turn himself into my best earner I don't even know if I'd have the new boat without him he should come from behind kind of guy [Music] what it's 2006 there's pillow biters in the Special Forces Hawken Phil pommy says the guy can track some money from the corn in his ship yeah I showed him do that on CSI was a business obligation 100 last time I heard that I had to call the fire department well maybe need another fresh start - [ __ ] off you lost your [ __ ] mind [ __ ] you're in with that kid would you put on yourself brought on myself oh I suppose you'll let a certain element into your world you're asking for it oh jesus [ __ ] christ Tony how could you pull that scam at my place come on you know I never let that happen if I'd known I'm gonna take him to that warehouse in Paterson and drive [ __ ] nails into his balls I know I heard you the first time I'm gonna tell you this once it's over you drop it no frankly you should be very happy I'm not gonna tax you I mean besides the fact you know I grew up with the man you know should we eat and you really don't [ __ ] where I I know I'm sorry nobody wants to hear you talk they're trying to eat out there and you come along which is corny jokes and yes stupid stories just stay in the kitchen I bet stop you won't believe what these people in the business get totally [ __ ] absolutely gratis yeah I hit the streets are paved with handjobs right I'll let you know alright thanks for your amigos with the baggy pants hope you kept them away from the show oh jesus they're musicians alright they saw an ad for the drums hey mrs. Conte Costa how's the hip hey Andy I need your help what those nikka [ __ ] [ __ ] they play that music so loud no that's not nice and those are for de Ricans mrs. Gandhi I asked them nice to turn it down they tell me to go [ __ ] myself I'll see what I can do back Hey I'll soon you tell em I said alone yeah kid spends every night in some [ __ ] club in New York sleeps till noon put you in a couple hours at Blockbuster that's it he dishonored me personally what do you I'm gonna do put out an APB on a guy cuz he takes it up the ass huh you put Shabet you know what time it is huh okay could you just give me some practical advice for once stomach hurts you realize what could happen to you we didn't have connections some cop goes by the book and I charge him with attempted murder you hear me attempted murder than what then one till he shot you you just gonna let him [ __ ] get away with it I told you that's my business not yours and what did you do nothing zero a big [ __ ] jerk-off [ __ ] you play a little put your [ __ ] dick stop crying stop crying Tony hi let it go what does it take to get your [ __ ] smoked turkey this house huh what I bust my ass all day long like a momma what else my turkey is that too [ __ ] much to ask what the [ __ ] is your problem everything [ __ ] turkey in here [ __ ] you been anyway know what I think it is you are now looking at a newly married man what the [ __ ] was he shot is it from the store coming up it's long but you never heard of pulling out Pittsburgh what the [ __ ] was supposed to be headed east we point seven miles past route 62 yet I gotta take a piss [Music] you see this [Music] [Music] the [ __ ] for the [ __ ] are you guys that's who I am you a [ __ ] under the well well either ground I'll blow your greasy [ __ ] heads off you guys cops how's your incision lieutenant therefore you're [ __ ] with the Vipers here [ __ ] really what's that your Girl Scouts true but shut up [ __ ] douche bag ah [ __ ] you okay t [ __ ] ankle I guess I sprained about that pretty face will be sorta gat Grizzly Adams [ __ ] Oh Bubba whoa take it easy don't no way with the Y please Jesus Christ what do you do now no poetry [ __ ] your milk huh let me talk to you a minute what do you need oh just presume there some leftover sesame noodles tofu would make you doctor happy you can bet the locals will be parading in with their lawsuits mucho pesos leave it alone got it they are entitled to damages obviously there was negligence good should all have excuses when I can't go to work they swim they yell what do you think that is they're bored about having headaches I'm afraid maybe the thing man stares deciced Jesus will you listen to yourself huh what all your weird [ __ ] [ __ ] about your body in a germophobia s-- you don't know [ __ ] yet it's true I read a face 10 guys with shifts that something I can't see exactly you're too susceptible to the psychics and the dream messages and dirty [ __ ] toilet seats what's a buyer she got a grip we're with the ripened one night [ __ ] a homo take it easy cleaning it and for Osho was okay when we were gettin you out of your feet so mana problem huh but suddenly short [ __ ] memory I appreciate that Tony don't get me wrong but your selfish prick Sal you know that the husband's in jail don't you think this is the time when mrs. sacrimoni needs you the most oh now I see with this little visits all about he worked so hard for you and what does he get merciless ridicule that his weight about his model railroading they just world man oh but it's okay for Neil Young he owns Lionel that's not the [ __ ] point I've been coming here what I don't know five years now and you still don't understand what it means to tape somebody of my family you still don't [ __ ] get this Bobby's visions [ __ ] now they're hoping a repair will take if he could be a candidate for a cornea transplant should be a candidate for a brain transplant Howard Jesus Christ will you make up your [ __ ] sick mind versus my mother now I want to [ __ ] my sister it's normal she laughed at all this [ __ ] then the trips over and she's back and she's one of us and she wants her piece well let me tell you she gets nothing cuz I got the scars so it's mine Oh mocha mix I was looking forward to fresh blueberries this morning but mom hasn't shocked honey when you live in insurance some guy you can't admit him to drunk Jesus right talk to your mother about this [ __ ] about the sacrimoni place what about it well not at mrs. sacrimoni is guilty do you think I could maybe take him off my roof what the [ __ ] did you just say so I don't know the [ __ ] Lawnmower Man just said John was guilty t he pled guilty south okay yeah okay we're discovering no [ __ ] trial maybe they stuck tasers on his ball should be the mercilessly with a rubber hose you ever think of that no but of course it makes sense don't besmirch the man Sal so about the yard you believe this [ __ ] guy
Channel: Kenneth Gainz
Views: 2,151,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tony soprano, the sopranos, sopranos tony, sopranos, james gandolfini, gandolfini, tony raging, tony raging series, kenneth gainz, tony rage, angry tony, tony yelling, yelling, raging, hbo, mafia, mob boss, mafia boss, sopranos compilation, sopranos clips, raging videos, angry people, compilation, tony compilation, sopranos funny
Id: hgVwY38t1wM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2016
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