The Sonic & Knuckles Show - All Episodes

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[Music] thank you [Music] oh hey tails hi Sonic so I'm going on vacation and I was wondering if you could look after these little guys while I'm gone uh yeah sure where is it you're going exactly that isn't really a vacation though is it uh oh Bernard make sure Bernard takes this one and Bernard takes this one and you get them mixed up they'll have an allergic reaction and die wait which what die thanks Sonic smell you later oh so Sonic and Knuckles have some new pets it seems yeah yes it would be an awful shame if they were to start misbehaving well yes but I'm sure Tails has them well trained no no it would be terrible for Sonic if some outside influence were to make those hamsters cause some Havoc are you trying to suggest something foreign I see what you're saying one spray of this will instantly spell trouble for Sonic and Knuckles and with those two distracted by their problem pests they won't be able to get in my way any longer very interesting yes that is so interesting you're holding the paper upside down interesting no two two [Laughter] what's going on in there what's up with you two huh oh my Knuckles stop my other Knuckles oh I'll never be able to punch again foreign don't worry Sonic I'll sort them out [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I think we need to call a professional no no need Sonic I've got this wait where's my phone hey what are you doing oh no you don't Sonic oh hey Amy I was just thinking I like you you like me maybe we could you know get together sometime why you little okay gotta go love you bye everybody laughing I guess it's just in the timing [Music] hello Shadow can you come to my apartment I've got two Targets that need terminating I'm on my way after this episode of SpongeBob Shadow the Hedgehog professional exterminator At Your Service we do have a doorbell the hamsters they've gone crazy they're destroying everything look what they've done to my hands I look so stupid with these bandages on yeah that looks so out of place like making my arms blue or something ugh hamsters got it you take this Follow My Lead nice [ __ ] huh what the wait what oh well that didn't go well wait is that my rocket launcher and there goes the deposit on the apartment you know I've always wanted an open concept kitchen I kind of like it [Music] this turned out even better than I imagined Eggman Eggman I merely wanted to make an inconvenience by turning those hamsters insane but look at this they've gone above and beyond wait no I'm evil too me friend good job perhaps I made them a little too evil this is fine you'll think of something right Sonic Sonic huh I got nothing come in oh Tails thank God shut up Sonic I've learned something today Society may tell you hey paid off those drugs doing irreversible damage to your body Tails but I'm miles tails per hour and I might oh [ __ ] with my own dreams in my own life that ain't nobody gonna tell me I can't take schedule one Controlled Substances as part of a balanced diet tails the apartment is on fire please help oh hey guys I missed you thanks for looking after them guys I'll catch you later Tails yeah we'll untie us first you know so we don't die sure wait why is your place on fire foreign [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] that Hedgehog I spent billions trying to enslave animals and no matter what I do that Hedgehog always stops me perhaps a different approach is in order a a different approach mental Warfare you know I think you might be right if we can drive Sonic to Insanity I'll be free to do whatever I want hey it's not like Tails will do anything right is that true hello my name is tears and I believe [ __ ] what would drive Sonic crazy what really gets on his nerves hmm three letters starts with c a house pet goes meow meow meow me ow a cow the cow goes [Music] it's not a cow local sex offender Big the cat wait big starts with a B oh I need comfort food what the knuckles how the hell did you get in there I burnt my tongue on my coffee so I tried looking to see that it could down ice cream please how are you doing this doing what you were just in the kitchen and now you're here I wasn't in the kitchen how hey Knuckles oh hi Knuckles what the hell is going on oh yeah there's another Knuckles no this can't be happening no yeah oh this is perfect but I feel like we should increase the intensity Landmark Knuckles coming right up foreign hello hello there knuckles I called you an Uber go to this exact address what who am I ah detailed details don't worry about that this address that's all you need to know it's great when a plan comes together but I think it's time for a victory poop during that and some victory lunch Victory Taco Bell what's an uber foreign [Music] oh whoa you just came out of this machine look watch whoa whoa whoa what what happened check this out whoa [Music] here I come Crawford and Knuckles the best of them tougher than Knuckles you can call me Knuckles unlike knuckles I don't chuckle I rather Flex my Knuckles my heart and Knuckles it ain't hard to chuckle I break them down whether they Knuckles Knuckles unlike Knuckles I'm independent since my first chocolate first caucus Independence [Music] oh no [Music] Eggman hello um Sonic I know we aren't the best of friends but I have a little issue there's hundreds of Knuckles clones in my house hundreds funny you say that I have an extra Knuckles here too do you know where these are coming from no idea so what do you want me to do about it help please no why would I help you [Music] no we sell a beautiful Apple all right fine oh another Flawless Landing who wants to go to Disneyland [Applause] Disneyland oh my God I can meet Elsa I can meet Chicken Little just climb aboard and we'll be on our way [Applause] this is gonna be a long one oh what's popping my cheese welcome aboard this is your captain speaking buckle up and enjoy the ride of course they put us next to the baby hey everyone so which one of you is the real knuckles put your hand down if you were born this morning okay you sit with me the rest of you uh we're going to Disneyland [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hotels Airways please ensure you don't leave any goddamn luggage on the way out have a nice day uh you stay here but I want to be the first to beat Buzz Lightyear okay don't tell anyone but Buzz Lightyear is flying this plane and I wanted you to meet him especially oh my God last one's gone go go go go go go go go go so where's Disneyland do you know the way [Music] you're amazing I don't think this night could get any better I know how it could you could PayPal me ten dollars uh okay oh wanna play 20 Questions okay um do you have more than ten dollars in your bank account yes if you wanted to could you PayPal me ten dollars yes PayPal me ten dollars okay sure Knuckles you're simping you haven't paid your rent for this month and your simping this is a real authentic relationship she's a robot Sonic she has a condition where her arm falls off sometimes and she's very sensitive about it Eggman is that you no I know you're there Eggman the only other guy who can make robots like this is Tails and he's preoccupied what's wrong with him I don't know just don't look I'm not Eggman who is Eggman this guy with a disgusting mustache hey well nothing gets past you Sonic yes yes Knuckles it was me all this time I'd like to thank you for all the donations you're impressively desperate foreign has all your money how are you going to go about paying for your rent this month uh uh I'll have the money by tomorrow promise what on Earth is this welcome to Hotel Sonic and Knuckles for a very affordable price I'm letting a few find patrons Lodge here you're letting random strangers live with us no no no way too late uh this couldn't get any worse it got worse hello it got so much worse [Music] if only I had a big strong step brother to help me out that's very specific well isn't this fantastic we have a demon child a gun fanatic an addict a blob stuck in our doorway and a stalker oh my God he noticed me and 200 cash and a giant frog how many people can that one kill Mr Shadow that could clear out an entire room oh can I have one please hmm you can have this wait how old are you six okay good never give guns to a five-year-old that's irresponsible okay listen up the kitchen of Sonic and Knuckles is open we mainly specialize in Pizza Yahoo what kind of pizza are you after big pizza yay what kind of pizza [Music] it's strange not being the dumbest person in the room pepperoni for me please and a coke too a pepperoni and a cow we have so much in common okay a pepperoni and a Coke each and a chicken and mushroom for me mushroom I want pineapple on my pizza pineapple there's something wrong with that kid got you now whoa [Music] [Music] thank you oh for God's sake here's a bucket please try not to miss I need to get the chaos emeralds for black Doom this is too much I'll be in my room oh hey Sonic you wanted to come to bed it's super comfy and it smells really nice it smells like you get out of my bed oh no don't cry okay fine fine you can have my bag okay thanks Sonic oh wow we had our first bite and you know what I think our relationship is stronger for it and me Oh what now you won't take her away from me you won't I made a promise to Maria to save the planet she loves so much like two misses you're ready people just can't handle their hallucinogenic isn't that right that's right tails hey uh is this the right place I've got your pizza I'm stuck I could use a big strong pizza boy to help me out yep that's for us we have a slight blockage in the doorway right now you could just squeeze those bad boys through uh what's in this bucket oh Jesus you okay there hello straight don't you just hate Eggman yeah especially after he catfished me that's what he did to me we pretended he was he pretended he was Satan that guy is taking a fortune from us why don't we just take it back by force by force who knew shamelessly exploiting people like this could be so lucrative should we order that or Rolex is that even a question of course we should Lobster anyone waited the only money that lost the cost come on guys at least use a coaster I was really hoping to try that catfish too [Applause] Maria where are we and where are my drugs well I'm glad that's over with I can finally relax darndest thing so cream what would it be Eternal pain with me for all who oppose the dark lord kids check out what I just I just please allow me to meet tonight directly into your mouth I don't like it [Music] does it really need the sound effects [Music] a drink well I really shouldn't you know you want to all right fine just one drink I don't want things getting out of control [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] wait where are we first time jail what did we do no idea not sure what happened but I did get this adorable tattoo just on drink you said just one Drake don't worry about it your boy's got an Escape Plan nice more than 10 years and we'll be out where are you even keeping that stone anywhere you don't want to know knock knock happy 10th arrest Tails this is from all the staff at Station Square prison don't tell anyone but you're our favorite inmate oh you guys make a wish Shadow what are we in here for none of us remember a thing hmm let's see trespassing well that's not so bad noise complaints public defecation damages to Station Square Zoo okay that is pretty bad I do remember a zoo now that you mention it oh oh I want to see the animals it's almost midnight it's closed it's fine I bought an annual membership for the zoo online that doesn't just mean you could go in any time you like knuckles Knuckles Knuckles uh oh we're not meant to be here Knuckles wow look at all those chickens foreign those are penguins oh can we have a pet penguin definitely not okay just threw poop it well two can play at that game okay just give me a minute you chill out man uh oh [Music] we need to get the animals out of here right now way ahead of you can we have a penguin now okay that's the last of them the roads we are Sonic Heroes why does it always gotta be about you McDonald's at 3am I really need to sort my life out foreign sometimes I think Karma exists I definitely deserve this 1 000 chicken nuggets please okay that's enough trauma for today we should head back wait where's knuckles ran off again whoa cool outfits the sacred robes are reserved for followers of the Dark Lord oh I love the dark lord his assassins only no yeah I've killed loads of people how many four tea million right this way I solemnly swear I solemnly swear to bring Terror murder and destruction under the name of the dark lord and bask in the blood of his enemies that divided close enough and to complete your initiation you need to perform a blood sacrifice hmm hey no no no no no no no no okay I'll be on amazing I may have told you that I'm a murderer but there's one thing I am definitely not and that is a murderer those who break the oath are sentenced to death uh uh look an angel worshiper of life Knuckles Knuckles you know what I give up we'll never find him hey guys join the kill that explains the tattoo Sonic Tails Knuckles your bail has been posted you're all free to go huh really by who your wife and Knuckles your husband is here too huh hey [Music] excuse me for one moment I can feel vomit crawling up the back of my throat please tell me this is some kind of prank we didn't really get married right uh it's how I always dreamed the big day would be gather here tonight to tonight Sonic you're facing the wrong way ah who are you We Gather here blah blah blah whatever knuckles I hear you've prepared some personal vows for big [Music] love you [Music] who said romance is dead I'm just surprised it went ahead with that restraining order you filed against me well anyway let's get moving wouldn't want to miss our 12 hour anniversary would ya so for baby names I was thinking if it's a boy we could call it Sonic Jr and if it's a girl probably Sonic Jr again I really like that name uh-huh knuckles I have something I need to tell you oh I think this was a mistake we could never work out I'm just way out of your leg Yeah good I would never wait you're out of my league finally back home can't stop urinating ah I forgot to turn it off what a mess well I think we've all learned an important lesson for the last time Tails we're out of alcohol [Music] congratulations knuckles you are a father I leave you with our son Lucas I am not fit to look after him for I live in a bin lots of love that girl who lives in the dumpster behind Walmart well you've really messed up this time haven't you knuckles knuckles okay being a parent can't be that hard what's the worst that could happen I can see a few ways it could go wrong Sonic go along wait and set this to 350 for three and a half hours wait [Music] foreign we do have to feed him right yes yes we have to feed him we're out of milk how about bleach please Knuckles try to make it through at least one day without murdering your child no naughty I am deeply sorry I have seen the error of my ways and for that I can only apologize whoa whoa whoa put that knife down right now mister [Music] thank you I think we might need some assistance um I've gathered you all here today for a very important Mission this dangerous maniacal child is causing Havoc the likes of which the world has never seen as a result I've assembled the world's greatest babysitting army boy Genius Miles Tails Brower the ultimate life form Shadow the Hedgehog uh she's pink I guess Amy Rose a team this strong could never be defeated by a mere child if a babysitter is what you need I'll look after him for you big you know you're not allowed near children uh oh prison again I'm sorry officer we should really lock that door interrupting conversation these are all clear signs of ADHD which is why I recommend a powerful stimulant you want to give a child cocaine I simply want to alleviate some of his negative behaviors you want to give a child cocaine so is that a no ah drugs and guns the perfect environment for a child whoa whoa whoa hold on there Sonic there's nothing wrong with firearms I'll have you know gun ownership teaches many valuable life lessons integral to the healthy development of a child firstly discipline putting a child in charge of a weapon gives them a sense of responsibility leading to more mature and desirable Behavior secondly hand-eye coordination controlling a gun takes a steady nerve and relies on constant practice this ability to dedicate oneself to a skill will also translate into education allowing for more attentive and efficient learning third protection yeah that could have killed me that was even scarier than when I got lost last week man this neighborhood is giving me bad vibes ghosts gravestones kids playing rap music in the street this does not feel like the right way to build a bear it was the right way to build a bear that'll be the play date I arranged for Lucas a playdate okay please tell me this is just a normal well-behaved child sort of would you like some tea Mr Snuffles yes drink up that's right how does it taste are you getting a little hint of caramel or cyanide perhaps oh oh wow look at you Mr Handsome you love your new outfit don't you I think he might hate it say cheese huh [Music] oh poop so young and yet such a refined sense of humor warning low battery huh that's an unusual thing to say good morning low battery warning Eggman low battery warning low battery this is the perfect distraction yes quite Sonic and Knuckles will be far too busy to get in our way a child to look after will be hell on Earth for those two if vanilla's Guide to Parenting is anything to go by Mommy look what I found in the garden no more animal carcasses in the house cream what have I told you sorry you don't have any more of those do you no vanilla's comprehensive Guide to Parenting chapter one never have kids why do I hear Boss music [Music] well I'll shoot your grandma has opened a restaurant at downtown Station Square emergency emergency shut up this is Dr Eggman we're talking about you know something's up no it's true and your dad watched Um well hey maybe he's decided to take up an honest profession your dad is a [ __ ] no chance I'm booking a table right now and we're gonna put a stop to whatever eggman's doing your mom gay your dad gay your sister gay your brother gay do you know the way no but Siri does turn left in two meters Sonic how do I open this thing what the window how do I open the window there's a little button on the door Knuckles what the hell didn't work Jesus yeah Knuckles stop breaking the car how else am I meant to open the window I broke the switch God okay fancy isn't it I feel a little bit underdressed you reckon we're completely naked I'm sure that passes its formal attire oh yeah I can see your wiener yeah I can see yours what the hell is that uh there's the the there's like there's four heads what's wrong with you that's normal for an Echidna that can't be normal for anyone Google it Google a kid in a penis Google Echidna penis Style the Hedgehog a table for two right this way gentlemen eggman's up to something I'm sure of it man I can just smell the evil in the air oh sorry that's just me really gassy recently bonjour can I get you anything to drink just a Coke please a glass of your finest semen [Laughter] just kidding and glossier finest urine please can I just get a refill of this I love what you've done with it tastes like a beautiful metal uh water with flowers sure and food sir uh yeah can I get the frog legs with a side of egg caviar and yourself hmm I'll be honest I can't actually read I'll just have whatever Sonic's having yeah I really don't trust this eggman's probably poisoned this or something Siri is this safe to eat yes the food is perfectly safe for consumption [Music] you know I don't really fancy it now uh don't do that do what wink at me like that this already looks like we're uh you know everyone around us will think we're a thing is that a problem am I not pretty enough for you [Music] okay everyone I would just like to clarify that me and him are not on a date this guy here is a heterosexual you need a proof of that you should see the stuff he watches not a dick in sight it's all lesbians he's actually obsessed with lesbians there's this one video with these two girls and one of them gets a cup then squats down wait hold on look at that waiter why is their tail so big it looks like a looks like a rat oh Jesus do you think he has rats working here is it okay if I speak to the manager uh sure just at one moment Sonic oh and Knuckles are you two no no no no he only likes a lesbians I I don't only like lesbians that that makes sense why you got rats working in your kitchen Eggman well I'll show you and they're all fully trained hey Siri what diseases is this rack carrying albino virus trench fever capillary Isis echinococosis antivirus lactospirosis salmonellosis testicular cancer the Bubonic plague toxoplasmosis trichioenosis tularemia Wales disease and where is your hygiene rating in the window it's state law to display it at all times is simply forgot come on Sonic simple human error if everyone is making a complaint we're a little unpaid to be fair yo are on this place I want him well I'm going to leave a bad review on TripAdvisor one star review coming up oh you wouldn't dare with rats in the kitchen and poor interior design you'll never get the word out Sergio get them that damn Hedgehog will be the death of me look at this down to one star now amazing he called me a butthead icky thank you remember the good times such good times my favorite child my best friend my lover excuse me nothing today we mourn you no more welcome back to the world of the living [Music] this is amazing I can't believe this actually worked oh okay perhaps this works a little too well hello [Music] What a Beautiful Morning the sun is out that cool Summer Breeze zombies terrorizing the city wait [Music] this just in a horde of ciao risen from the dead are attacking the city of Station Square experts have advised that if you live in the area it's best to avoid being killed we go live now to Big the cat on the scene big what's the situation like down there [ __ ] okay how is the response been from the Emergency Services who hired this guy uh hey Knuckles wake up we've got a city to save again I don't want to save the city there's an army of zombies out there people are gonna die if we don't do anything let him die everyone dies eventually [Music] you know zombies are a hell of a lot more scary in the movies [Music] hey this is actually pretty fun we'll have the city saved in no time uh knuckles it's like all the zombies put together that's nothing come on we're Sonic and Knuckles how many times have we saved this city at least like two times hey dumbass yeah you ready to get your ass kicked huh Knuckles what are you doing please we can beat you up no problem I could do a blindfolded even this chow right here could on his own you know what I bet tonight this chow right here could beat your ass into the ground deal or you two chicken this is gonna be the easiest win it's just gotta do a little bit of training foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we've got a huge fight on our hands tonight at the station Square Arena we go live now to Big seriously this guy again [Music] who have you got winning the fight big where am I okay you got this buddy just remember what I said Sonic Sonic all right it was a good clean fight [Applause] and we are underway [Applause] wait where are we rooting for well atmosphere is already looking like curtains okay so what's Plan B well I don't want to fight him he breathes fire are you crazy the fight's not over what but for a child who become the ultimate life form it must consume the ultimate life form Shadow no you can't sacrifice yourself me no not me the ultimate life form nibbles my goldfish nibbles is power incarnate the epitome of chaos he's Untouchable not a single soul has fought him and lived to tell the tale [Applause] today's been a weird day [Applause] [Music] and the dramatic turn of events it looks like the underdog pulled through you've got to be kidding me I guess this really goes to show the best way of dealing with a problem is not with your brain but with matching amounts of violence violence truly is the answer if somebody gets in your way a hammer to the face will usually persuade them to operate and don't forget performance enhancing drugs are acceptable in sport as long as you don't get caught uh you gotta love a happy ending you guys are the best you guys are the worst [Music] they grow up so fast it feels like only last week we got him it was last week oh yeah sayonara buddy wait what about the rest of the zombies [Music] ah thanks for watching what was your favorite moment in the show 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Channel: Fregg
Views: 1,416,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Meme, Animation, Comedy, Funny, Cartoon, Movie, Sega, Frontiers, Tails, Shadow, Amy, Big
Id: 0fWKVe1uQ-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 52sec (3472 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2022
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