The Tails That Bond Episode 3: Trust (Sonic SFM)

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[Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you laughs [Laughter] whoa Tails oh hey hey Tails Sonic big bro look here come on oh you okay little buddy in person remember me your new bro Hey Taylor what's up [Music] oh [Music] hey now I'm still here I promise you've never had to be alone again I was only downstairs making you breakfast laughs [Music] rise and shine little girl [Music] now can you walk downstairs why would you prefer I carry you again how about I kill you now all right oh my God [Music] you like being caring huh come on Tails let it out it's cool if you do like it [Music] all right then that's cool that's cool well here we are [Music] okay buddy just wait right here don't worry Taylor breakfast can get messy sometimes and speaking of here it comes oh what are those I've never seen a pancake before why don't you try one [Music] oh I knew you'd like it [Music] [Laughter] sure thing buddy mind if I have some too I'm kind of hungry today you're still a hungry Tale [Music] oh hey hey it's okay I'm just surprised that you haven't hurt yourself so you're quite the eater huh tails wanna have a race let's see who can finish their food the fastest all right then get ready [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm are you feeling both [Music] that's good but I won the race [Music] oh so you're saying you one [Music] well how have you know I've never lost a race before you know what I'm gonna have to do [Music] I think I'm gonna have to Nookie [Music] all right but only because you were right after all okay Tails now let your little tummy is full why don't I take you back to the living room and show you the TV you do know what a TV is [Music] you're probably too young to watch one before with me I'll show you hey don't worry little buddy just a friendly Handle by your side no biggie now let's go I think you're gonna like this there you go comfy cool are you ready tails you might seem rough at first but it'll be cool I'm sure of it that's a TV right over there yeah it is a bit far I admit but it is a strong one I'll give it that you can always say closer if you want this is a remote it's how you work the TV and pay close attention tails are you understanding a word I'm saying by the way oh what Galen in that case this is how you turn on the power what the TV uses afterwards the channel will be on playing something to watch Define what you want Justice [Music] that's right how did you know that oh hey hey hey calm down Tails no need to get upset I was just wondering how you knew [Music] it was no I thought maybe the channel but if I change it let me see you use it I want to see if you really understand your boys swimming and ease [Music] shoot hello a casino night hey man chill out I'll be there in a Sonic second just let me leave the house you can be saved by me when I get there a lot of time for this better get out of here right oh tails [Music] hey hey there calm down Tails it's not what you think [Music] you said you hate me yeah [Music] [Music] they will be back I'll explain everything then [Music] trust me I love you gotta go I'll be back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah a I've been standing again why did I like it would be different Hello package for Sonic the Hedgehog hey come on Harry stop wasting time up there no no way this is really like the Hedgehog's house don't you want to see one of the biggest Heroes of our time well don't you think you'd already be out here if he was here it'd be the fastest thing to raise I sure got a point Jermaine but what if he hears or hey what are you what are you doing I'm just going to peek through the window come on at least talk [Music] wasn't him don't know I'm going to find out wait a minute wait where are you going go check the bag hold on Harry Potter oh don't be a sour Spirit Jermaine what if someone sees us it will just be a minute laughs foreign all right fine let's find My Mind Playing Tricks anyway hey what it's the free what's the skin [Music] [Music] shut the freak of nature let's yank those Abominations hotels tails you still here little buddy it's me Sonic tails Tails you're still here please respond s cows please tails buddy bro shoot that little guy ran away if anything's happened to him tails [Music] tails is that you oh Tales oh my goodness yours [Music] calm down it's me Sonic oh [Music] yes yes it's real tail fear he really is me little bro promised I'd come back it's okay okay [Music] [Music] remember last night that's the ultimate promise Tales I never do anything to break that might do anything to prove [Music] that [Music] you got it bro [Music] I'm sorry Tails I never meant to scare you like that I didn't have time to tell you why I had to leave then I really wanted too low but I can tell you now let's sit by the couch I'll tell you there now what I'm about to tell you might be a bit surprising so listen carefully see I'm known as the hero of Mobius [Music] the coolest one around anyway I help all the people of Mobius from being taken over from Dr Eggman an evil jerk who tries to take over the world trying to make everyone as robots slaves with my speed I'm the only one who can beat him and make him an embarrassment in the eyes of everyone oh I know I know pretty cool to have a hero for a bro right but at the same time he means that if I get a call and it involves Eggman I have to leave to take care of things so no one gets hurt and Eggman doesn't get his way with the world [Music] yeah they come with you no Tales what I do is too dangerous I wouldn't forgive myself if you got hurt just because you followed me we're not seen by something that tried to take you away from me but tails I need you to know that whatever happens I'll always come back home and I'll always be happy to get back home and see your little face really and why don't I make you some food to eat he must be starving after going through a whole day without eating [Music] laughs come on let's have something quick and then get on board the snooze cruise for tomorrow you're gonna want to sleep with me tonight I have been gone all day and I know I gave you a big scare today but but I can well I'm okay sure hi I trust you always like it's like I do Dave come back and you did a pinky swear that's good enough for me and also don't forget little bro I love you [Music] it's okay Huron as long as you live in this house with me you won't have to worry about anything ever again [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: TailsFan109
Views: 3,349,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0V9uzeh2QQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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