Facing Calamity with Iman - Khutbah by Nouman Ali Khan

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Facing Calamity with Iman - Nouman Ali Khan (10/28/2016)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/OriginalPostSearcher 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2016 🗫︎ replies
Charlize Audrey where Sydney MD Waialua rock that I'm Melissa Nicole evil on my fabric narendra modi be la ilaha illallah allahu la jolla Mennella Deena a Menino sorry hurt what I was or what I was of a sub a mini rabbil aalameen the first thing I'd like to share with you and this whole ba is the meaning of a word that is commonly translated as calamity or difficulty the qur'an's word is ma Seba some of you that are from the Southeast Asian subcontinent a lot of people use the word mercy but and use it for a terrible thing that's happened it comes from the Arabic verb asaba which actually means to hit a target or to correctly hit a target and the Quran is very strategic in using this term as opposed to carissa which means tragedy tragedy or some terrible event or something like that it strategically uses the word mo Seba to suggest that whatever thing has struck struck right on target and right on time and it couldn't have hit anybody else so whatever calamity has taken place is not an accident there's no question why is this happening to me it could only have happened to you it couldn't have happened to anybody else why is this happening now it could only have happened now it couldn't have happened at any other time because it's right on target it's the thing that hits on target that's the term that's used for difficult circumstances or situations that we find ourselves in in life and life is full of them allah azza wajal says the khalaqa linsan efika 'but we created the human being in the middle of a lot of difficult labor toil so that's just part of human life sometimes they are and by the way what are the nature's of these calamities we're not just on the one hand talking about things like earthquakes or volcanic eruptions or tornadoes and hurricanes and rainstorms and things like that right so that is a reality and that's why allah says ma in another place ma al sabah can be muslim button fill out ly no calamity that strikes to you on the earth meaning earth related calamities you can even argue here but that's not the only kind of calamity it's not just the earthquake that happens on an island or somewhere it's also the earthquakes that happen inside of ourselves or fee and foo Seco you know fill ugly and fussy come inside of yourselves there's a huge tragedy or calamity taking place between a husband and a wife or between parents and children or between someone who's stuck in some you know awkward or very difficult family circumstance or situation there are people that are stuck in a very difficult financial situation there are people that are stuck in all kinds of traumatic problems and this could be related to your you know your emotional health it could be related to your physical health it could be related to all kinds of things but the thing here that I wanted to highlight is what is the role of our Iman the fact that we're believers that we believe in the lives of each other and our ability to deal with calamity and how are we supposed to respond to calamity as believers I'm you know for a lot of people who's and this actually depends on our level of understanding of what it means to have a relationship with allah subhana wa ta'ala on the one hand the first thing i'd like to explain to you that the quran is very wise about is to make a separation between two different kinds of bad situations there's a bad situation that looks like a bad situation that was completely out of your control you could do nothing about it you got stuck in a flood you didn't cause the flood you just happen to be living there there was no way for you to escape or you happen to be traveling you had no idea it was coming it wasn't on any reports or anything else that's not you that's entirely planned by allah you had nothing to do with it there was no way you could have gotten out of it this is not the same as someone who reads the news report and says hey there's a there's a major storm coming please evacuate the city and it's there's a tsunami heading our way and somebody says you know this is a good time to check out the beach and they head towards the beach and then something bad happens to them they don't get to say oh god allah what can i say allah had decided that i was going to run into this you don't get to say that and allah is very clear about that he Subhanahu WA Ta'ala says Maha Sabha Ghulam lomasa become a militant fabbi Marcus Abu tayi calm there's there's not a calamity that strikes you and it is any manner of calamities that strike you or something that hits you is because of what you earned with your own hands you brought this on yourself now that's if you only thought of it that way that would also be a problem because if you're going down the stairs you slipped and you fell then you start thinking to yourself I must have done some sin and that's why Allah made me fall down the stairs this is a sign from Allah that I have committed some evil and Allah is teaching me a lesson by you know breaking my arm on this in the hotel lobby or something you know you start reading into things that happen to you and you start thinking there's some lay cause and effect and that can go into an extreme so the the thing that I'd like to highlight here are human beings believers in allah can go into two extremes one extreme is everything happened because of allah i have nothing to do with it whatever happened i can't you can't blame me this gutter of allah ma Saba coming we'll see but in her behave Mila whatever calamity strikes to you it comes to you because of Allah students he said that intro total hablan he said it directly it happens my last permission this was a lust plan what do you what are you going to do so some student can not study for their exams and not do any of the assignments and get fail and fail and be kicked out of the school and until what do you want me to do God or Allah they get to blame Allah on the other extreme there's the believer who blames everything on himself Allah is doing this to me because I'm a terrible person this happened to me because I'm a horrible human being and then there it doesn't help when other ignorant people around you and sometimes a lot of ignorance comes from your own family they come and tell you you know why this happened to you because you're a bad daughter you know why this happened to you because you're a bad son you know why this happened to you because you're not good to your in-laws or whatever no I just got in a car accident cuz a truck came and hit me and he crossed a red light that because I argued with you know my wife or something you said something that's not the reason but other people will come and tell you this is happening to you Allah is doing this to you because of that because of that like they got an email from the Labe that told them that this is the reason why this happened cause an effect so there are these two extremes that are possible what does the Quran do the Quran and everything gives us balance in everything we understand in life it gives us balance and by the way if you don't have this balance you lose a lot of peace in life you know it gives another meaning to Allah be decreed I hate Optima in Danube by remembering Allah hearts become calm if you either the ultimate remembrance of Allah the Vicker Allah is actually the book of Allah you know and the book of allah clarifies how allah deals with us in this life so I would argue that if you're just saying subhana Allah al hamdulillah and your understanding of what Allah wants you to under you know how Allah deals with you is flawed you still might not find peace even though you're insha Allah you will if you're sincere but the intent here is to be clear in how Allah is that what your deals with us so I'd like to share some things about that with you as far as blaming myself is concerned and you know where do we draw the line between this is from Allah and this is my fault where do you draw that line you know in the physical world it's very easy to understand what do I mean by the physical world in the physical world if I put instead of putting gasoline in my car I put water in my car and it didn't work then you don't get clearly you don't get to say this was a less plan that was you so physically speaking or if you're eating junk food and you're constantly eating all kinds of sugary foods and then you get a diagnosis for diabetes at the age of 45 then you don't get to say hey Allah this bottled has come to me I don't you know it's a test from Allah know it's a test of your VAD appetite you don't eat cucumbers you eat Swiss rolls or whatever you eat you know you've been downing junk and that's why this happened to you you understand so that in the physical world the cause and effect there's an effect it's something that all human beings with common sense understand in the moral world you missed a Salah you woke up late you didn't pray pleasure now you're praying it late and then that day you had a job interview and the job interview didn't go well and you're like this is because I miss Allah now the answer to that is it may be and it may not be and there's no way you will ever know there is no way you or anyone else will ever know but the thing that will help you is an dB the thing that will help me is that Allah says I will be as you assume me to be if you're assuming a lot oke revenge from you and put this on you because you miss Roger then that's what lies to you now if you assume no this is better this dis job I tried my best I did a good job at the interview but this was not a good job for me had it been good for me Allah would have let it go Allah would have given me this job if you have that attitude that that is who allows to you despite all of your mistakes despite you missing waking up late our job when we make mistakes is to make a stack lot not wait for a lull revenge please understand that our job is not oh I messed up now Allah is going to get me somehow it's going to happen no no no no no no that's not what Allah does which is why Allah says maja become a say become mimosa bitten Fabi maka Sabatini comb whatever calamity struck you whatever difficulty you find yourselves in a lot of it has to do with what you did yourselves with your own hands you brought this on yourself and even in the spiritual sense sometimes there are difficulties that come on us because of our deeds if you are for example continuously horrible to your parents and then bad stuff comes to you in your life that probably there is some connection there is some K and then in those kinds of cases what does Allah do well ya fool I'm Cathy he says he pardons a lot too in the physical world if I jump off of a second-floor building they are going to be consequences Allah will not say no this time I'll forgive you I won't break your leg no no you it's gonna have what's going to happen it's going to happen when you put your hand in a fire it is going to burn well that's not going to well you too prayed fudger this morning so no not for you it won't burn for you that's not going to happen but when it comes to spiritual consequences he says well yeah for I'm Cathy when you do a sin then alice has actually Allah lets a lot of it go he doesn't just avenge immediately he doesn't just take you know immediate account and then make you suffer in this world because of the mistake you made he doesn't do that that's the nature of allah azzawajal with us well Yahoo and Cathy this is something you have to internalize for yourself I would argue the reason that I brought up this particular subject is because um one of the greatest crimes spiritual crimes that occurs every day in the Ummah is at the hands of loved ones - loved ones parents spouses husbands we have sometimes the most the worst things to say to our loved ones and sometimes we say those things in the name of Allah Allah will punish you for what you just did there will be justice on you Allah doesn't Allah will not forgive what you you know and mother can say that to her child wife can say the husband siblings can say to each other like invoking like Allah some angry weapon that you can invoke because you're upset Allah must be upset and you can just use a lot like that that's not our place and you know for a lot of people they have heard this kind of thing so many times over and over and over again that they have become far away from Allah Himself they heard from their loved ones they heard from their a child heard from his father or his mother all the time Allah will punish you if you don't pray I was going to get you if you don't pray Allah is going to you know Allah Andrea you because you ate that cookie like constantly their allies angry allies angry and lies angry when that young boy becomes a 16 17 18 years old 18 year old he was nothing to do with Allah and when he hears allies merciful and Allah is forgiving he has a hard time believing it because that's not what he grew up with he did not grow up with a when a lot within Allah who is forgiving or an allows merciful as a matter of fact every time he got in trouble is because of Allah he got in trouble that's how he got in trouble and then those same parents say we taught this child about Allah from the beginning I don't know why he's running away from Deen yeah but which Allah did you teach him about and angry Allah and Allah that seeks to punish my afraid Allahu ba da be calm Allah says what's a lot gonna get out of punishing you that's what Allah says himself what is he what ways in just the business of coming after you going at you so what happens with people they are in a difficult situation and they do they're constantly thinking allies getting them allies hurting them Allah is doing this to them you know I was reminded by a colleague of mine I was just when I was coming here to Malaysia out of nowhere this has never happened I developed this crazy bacterial infection thing in my in my tonsils and it swelled up and my half of my neck was completely blocked and I felt like I was drowning in one nostril and I'm still on the plane and I get halfway through Bubbe on the way here I run over to a clinic and say you have to you know take these heavy medications I come here the recommendation is I should go to surgery I'm like what is going on this is and even told me this never happens like this is really crazy this is yet I've never in my entire career of 30 years I've seen like one other case of this and I'm lying there in the hospital bed waiting for a surgery to take place and I'm thinking and I was reminded by a colleague this is the best place you could have been like there's no better place than this hospital bed for you at this moment that is a las plan for you Here I am thinking I have to cancel this program I can't go over here I can't go over there how are we going to manage this situation that situation that calendar that meeting all this way I came all this way and now look I didn't get to do this that or the other and then all of a sudden just that little reminder it's like yeah this is the best place I should be this is just there's no better place because this wasn't planned by me this was planned by a bla so again this is entirely planned by Allah we have to have a closeness to Allah that when he planned something for you and me even when it's painful he doesn't do it for anything except love that a la razón loves his knee bad that he loves what is best for them he loves us more than we could ever love ourselves he cares more for us than we can ever care for ourselves he provides us more than we could ever provide for ourselves when we forget that when we forget that guidance goes away Allah says while McMinn billahi Deacon ba who in surah taha one on the same issue whatever calamity strikes you it comes from Allah it came by Allah's permission and whoever can have Iman in Allah at that time you have your Mountain Allah anyway you believe in one God but when or when you're in a difficulty well that's when you start questioning why is Allah doing this right that's the time when Allah puts the words women yo min billahi whoever can truly believe in allah then yeah you always say a lies on man but do you really feel allies on Rahman right now now right now he's probably don t come right now he's probably the one who takes revenge right now it's probably Jabbar not a lot man right now let's see your iman when away your imagine the rock man went away when you were in difficulty Allah says if you can have Iman in honor of man at that time the best of Allah's names the best of what is Allah is to you what he described himself to you at that moment then what gift will Allah give you and this is the conclusion to Michael but what is it that Allah will give you I want health I want recovery I want a job I want money I want a better family situation I want escape some people just want to escape I just want this other person to stop hurting me I want people to stop talking about me whatever it is there's something that's bothering you and it's eating away at you and if you think if that problem went away you would have peace every one of us has some problem that keeps us up at night we're thinking about everything man if that went away I'd be all right guess what when that one goes away it's gonna be another one and when that one goes away there's gonna be another one and when the other one comes you're like the last one was easier did where did this come from this is way a bigger problem what does Allah give you when you can trust him he doesn't end your problems this life problems will not go away if problems were going to go away they would have gone away for Yahoo bar they said I'm a lot sooner than for you and me if the problem if no problems would have come because we have Iman that Maryam said I'm gonna die should not have had problems masuo asylum should not have had problems you study the people that are closest to Allah and all your studying are problems really big ones their entire life that's all you're studying you're just learning about one problem to the next to the next to the next to the next that's all you're learning use of holidays and I'm a great profound messenger of a line I mean from childhood there are problems from childhood there are problems so what I keep asking that question what is it that Allah is giving you what do you get when you completely put your trust in the law in the middle in the thick of a difficulty when everybody else is telling you a lies on the one hand people are telling you a less angry at you that's why this is happening Allah hates you that's why this is happening on the other hand you start thinking of Lies punishing me that's why this is happening at that moment when you can have the best impression of a line maintain your love and Reliance and bond with allah that allah has not let you go he hasn't what does he give you yeah Nicoll bajo he guides this person's heart he gives their heart guidance I can guarantee you when your problem goes away if it's a money problem if money comes in if it's a health problem and health comes back if it's a family problem the family problem goes away none of the good things in this life are worth anything compared to that one gift that one gift is you handle on bajo he'll guide his heart your heart will be at peace no matter what is happening in life there's still a smile on your face and people are looking at you and saying why are you smiling why are you okay look at what's happened to you look at what's going on yeah it's okay it's fine it's cool when you can develop that there are people that will have all the money in the world and they still can't sleep there are going to be people that have everything you ever imagined will bring happiness they have it and they don't have peace they don't have they are not happy with themselves they drowned themselves in drugs and alcohol to get to escape reality they can't face reality and other people watch videos about how amazing their crib is and how sweet their ride is and they're looking at anything I want that yeah later on I miss la magia qarun I wish we had what colin has malleus that's some boss life he's living and yet on the other hand all all Allah will give you if you can turn to him he'll give you the one thing that no amount of money no amount of popularity no amount of people not arguing or people liking you people appreciating and none of that will give you what this one gift that can only be given biological bajo a level guide is hard a lot will guide this person's art this is the ultimate gift of Iman this is the ultimate gift of Musa Dagh so now let's finally let me conclude I started this club by talking about difficult situations people are stuck you're stuck I'm stuck in some situation we don't see a way out those difficult situations are actually a laws way of giving us the most valuable gift we could ever earn his way of guiding our hearts if we can just use those situations to find a lot in those situations to talk to Allah in those situations and you don't have to know Arabic to do that you don't have to know a lot of Quran to do that you just turn to Allah and you say o Allah you are the best of planners Ya Allah nobody loves me like you do nobody cares for me like you do I know this situation is best for me guide me I need your guidance there is no way that you will turn to Allah genuinely asking him for guidance and he will turn you away you will ask Allah for a car he may not give you you can ask Allah for a house he might not give you you might ask a lot to cure your disease he might not maybe he will maybe he won't because he knows what's better for you but one thing guaranteed he will give you when you ask him sincerely is his guidance that he will give you and when he gives you that everything else is solved everything else is taken care of may allah azzawajal make us people who truly genuinely beg for his guidance and may allah make all of our difficulties all of the challenges we have in our life a means by which we draw closer and closer to him and earn his priceless guidance barakallahu li walakum Coronel Hakeem when a finally we are compliant with the cracking al-hamdu lillahi wa kafa salatu salam o allah i body ladina stafa ho so Sanada of wali him Ottoman Navy in Mohamed El Amin WA ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in Col Allah Azza WA JAL vegetable can embody an Akula arulu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim in allaha wa barakatahu saloon Allah Naevia Ujala dina amanu sallu alayhi wa salamu Taslima Lahoma salli ala muhammadin wa ala ala muhammad commence Allah Ta'ala Ibrahim was earlier he muffuletta mean in the commitment allahumma barik ala muhammadin wa ala ala muhammad al mubarak ali ibrahim hala al Ibrahimi l-'alameen in Nagahama lumijean IBAD Allah Rehema come ooh la la inna llaha ya'muru bil-adli Hassan by ETA evil CORBA van hollen fashio evil one car will add accrual logic where Allah we are Yamamoto's now an alchemist Allah in the Salah take an Italian Millinocket abandoned Buddha
Channel: Nouman Ali Khan - Official - Bayyinah
Views: 729,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nouman Ali Khan, Arabic, Quran, Islam, Bayyinah, Bayyinah TV, Bayyinah Institute, Koran, Islamic, Education, Muslim, islam, muhammad, muslim
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2016
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