The SMART way to Load Revit Models into Twinmotion Tutorial

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what's going on guys balkan architect here and in today's video i'm going to be showing you the best way to import your revit models into twin motion or the smart way to do that now if you don't know what twin motion is i suggest you check out this video that they have created i'm going to include it up in the cards and then also in the description below the video uh now that's just a kind of a little overview video of what twin motion is uh it's basically a real-time rendering software which you can use with numerous different uh modeling software in this case we're obviously going to be using revit because this is your revit channel but you can use others obviously and then it allows you to add elements to that model to make it look more realistic you can add materials and much much more in the end you can export either animations renderings uh vr so it has many different outputs and it's it's really amazing when it comes to creating something that looks uh realistic really quickly and easily now in this particular case i'm going to be showing you or in this particular video i'm going to be showing you how to export your revit model and load it into twin motion and i'm going to be showing you the smart way to do so by using the uh data smith plugin now this plugin allows you to create a live link so to speak so what this is it's basically a link between your revit model or your revit project and your twin motion project and once you load the the project with this link it's live so any changes that you make to your revit project those changes will be transferred then to the twin motion project so you can kind of work on both at the same time which is really useful you can make progress on the kind of the twin motion part but if you have to make some changes in revit you can always go back to revit and then just synchronize the model it's just one click and you're done all of the changes has have been transferred into twin motion now for uh this video i'm just going to be showing you kind of the whole process and also how to load in uh multiple uh models so you can have multiple revit projects and you can have them running in twin motions so just in one twin motion project you can have multiple revit models which is really useful when you have these big projects where you have multiple people working on different segments of the project you can bring it all together into a motion for the kind of the presentation side of that project now full disclosure this video is sponsored by twin motion obviously i'm not going to doubt and tell you should you get it or not i'm just going to be showing you some of the features and how it works and then obviously you make the decision on your own now what i'm going to be doing now is just quickly jumping into revit and then i'm going to be showing you how to use the data smith plugin but before that uh first we have to cover well how you do how do you get it well you can actually get it quite easily by following the link which i'm going to include again in the cards above and also in the description just below this video you go there you download the the plugin you install it it's a very simple installation process just kind of a few clicks uh you hit finish and you're done you have your data smith plugin and then that appears in revit so let's go to revit and let's see what that looks like now here on my screen you can see that they have a revit project a project opened up and here on the ribbon we're currently on the architecture tab but when we install the data datasmith plugin here we're going to get that data smith tab now this just has a few tools here that you can make and it has this connections option and let's let me just drag this over it opened up on my on my second screen so here it says no connection found uh the reason for this is because first you have to go into twin motion and kind of tell it one motion to search for revit projects and then you can connect your revit project so for that uh let's just quickly open up twin motion here as you can see now we're in twin motion and then let's go here to the import part or import section and click on the import button now here you have the option to import geometry now this is something that they've covered in that first video so we're not going to be going over this we're going to be talking about the direct link which is just over here so here as you can see we have uh the project that has been opened up uh currently here we have the option to collapse it either by material or keep a hierarchy or collapse all now in this case i'm just going to keep it at collapse by material for this phase and then i'm just going to click ok and it's going to appear over here as you can see revit and then here we have that project now if i go back into revit and now if i find connections let's drag this over again here we here we go now here we have this twin motion connection so it is connected so now i can just click synchronize wait for a few moments it's now sending or synchronizing that model into twin motion or with twin motion and then if i go back here into twin motion uh if i just look around here it is it's kind of hard to see at first because we're standing directly above that but if we look at it like this as you can see here we have that house in twin motion just loaded in now i'm just going to look around a little bit perhaps select that house orbit around yeah there we go now if you have watched my previous video i have shown you how to use that kind of quick uh quick approach to loading your model in we didn't use the data smith plugin well in that case the model appeared completely orange and it looked really weird now in this case as you can see well we don't have those issues so the model looks exactly how it should look and i'm quite happy with that also something that uh that when you use the data smith plugin something that happens uh is that it accepts uh the material uh the glass material from revit and then it converts it to the kind of the the higher quality twin motion glass material which is really really useful so now we have that model loaded and obviously you can make some changes or adjustments if you want to make some adjustments to that model in this case i don't want to do that so i'm not going to be making any changes right now but now it's time to load in a secondary a secondary revit project so we can do that by going back here into rabbit and as you can see here i have this second model opened up so this is actually the surroundings for our house the house is supposed to go right in here in the center and then here we have a little pool in the backyard we have a little patio we have some trees a road here and so on so this is something that i uh i want to use for the surroundings for uh my model and let's say that we had perhaps a separate person or some somebody else uh modeling this while i worked on the house which is something that's really common uh in uh in large companies when they're working on large projects so what i'm going to do here is just go to this model and then uh let's go to the data smith again when we go to connections it's just going to say that no no connection found at the moment but if we go back into twin motion here we can go to import uh import direct link uh here we can find the revit terrain which is now the current opened a project now this one i'm going to collapse by a hierarchy not by material and then i'm just going to click ok and as you can see now we have uh that project uh linked up now obviously we have to go back into revit again go to the synchronize button and then synchronize that wait for a few moments for the synchronization go back to twin motion and now this is what we have as you can see it's really exciting because it is loaded in the whole model we have the revit trees if i just orbit around let's see perhaps if i could select the house here okay here we have the pool and the backyard now i can select the pool here i can bring up the materials for example find materials fine let's see can we find some water okay here we go here we have some water and we have multiple different waters but let's use the pool water and then assign that and i can assign that and now as you can see we have water it's actually kind of moving around a little bit yeah it just depends on the on the angle i guess but as you can see here it kind of has just a little bit of movement just to make everything look nicer and now something else that i wanted to show you something that you can do when you load models in like this uh is the option to actually exchange existing revit families or model elements from revit for different uh twin motion elements so let me show you how that works here as you can see we have many of these trees and for this uh you do have to use the collapse by uh the collapse by category so you cannot use collapse by material so just keep that in mind uh luckily we did already set up the surroundings as uh just categorized by components so now i can just come in here and i can just select these trees and once you select them here in the upper corner upper right corner you can see that here we have kind of the categorization of all of the elements so if i select one of these as you can see it's just going to appear there so we have these kind of planting categories and we have multiple uh trees here so if it's like this it's we can just kind of analyze where are all of those trees so we have that one that one yeah so those are kind of all of the of the included trees so what we can do is just select all of these so just all of the all of the the trees that pop up so let's see here if we can find all of them okay i'm just holding the ctrl key to add the selection and i think we have almost all of them there we go okay so once you have selected all of them you can just right click uh on one of these and then you have the replace object function so once you click on the replace object function then what happens is you have this ability to drop a new trees in here so you just go here let's go back back to materials okay here we have a vegetation and landscape so let's choose that let's choose trees and then you can choose multiple different trees so i can go with i don't know let's drop this one here and then you can just choose a variety of different trees that might look good there so okay this looks too large okay this looks nice perhaps this one and then let's i don't know let's include this one as well so we have these four trees and then i'm just going to go here to start a replacement and then as you can see what it is going to do is just it's going to replace those trees now it looks a little bit odd right now i think we need to increase the age or the scale if you're kind of kind of from modeling software so i'm just going to drag this out and as you can see it's going to make those trees uh much larger and of course if you're not happy with some of the trees uh how they've been kind of set up you can always select the trees so for example this one in the back here i wanted that to be a little bit larger or a different tree so what they can do is just select that one uh let's see so that's this one here and then i can replace that object with something else so let's see let's use something different perhaps this tree and then let's replace that one okay it's a bit larger let's increase its age there we go so you can play around like that you can take revit existing gravity elements and then you can uh or and then you can replace them uh with twin emotion elements which obviously look much more realistic i mean these trees are now look quite amazing and there is also one little trick with these uh twin motion trees which is really cool and that is if you go here to uh let's see to the settings and here for the location lighting and so on so for the weather uh we have the ability to set up the season so as you can see it can be winter it can be autumn summer and so on so you can play around with that and as you can see the trees will actually change color according to your settings so you can uh you can kind of use this slider in order to get some perhaps some autumn colors or something like that so if you want to change that that works and this is something that you definitely couldn't do with a regular uh revit uh trees uh now also uh when it comes to using the uh using this smart link function uh or or just the live link function uh it's the ability to update the model so for example in this case i have this whole driveway where you can kind of enter the garage but they don't really have anything to kind of come to the entrance of the building or the house which is as you can see here is the door so i can actually go back to the rabbit model and i can update that so i can go back here if i just open up a rabbit back up and then here i can just take a look at what this looks like here if i select this this is typography this is just going to be the surface that has been kind of a subsurface and then i can just use lines and then i can kind of do something like this let's see let's just create a little a little walkway towards the entrance i think this looks good enough uh then let's go to the uh split element tool sl is the shortcut split here and then i'm just going to use drum and extend to corner to fix that up okay so once you've done this i can hit finish and now just because i have made the change if i go back here into 20 motion you can see that nothing really has changed here uh well the reason for that is obviously we do have to update or synchronize the model uh so we go back here into revit we go to data smith uh tab we go to synchronize we just click on that and that synchronizes the model so now if i go back into play motion as you can see it's going to look like this and now we do have that uh kind of uh just a little walkway up to the door so you don't have to walk on grass which does make some sense and there you go that's how you can use the data smith plugin for revit in order to create this live link between revit and twin motion and it will unlock all of these cool new features uh and abilities that you didn't have if you used kind of the uh more simpler way of exporting from a rabbit into twin motion i hope you have enjoyed this video and i hope you like these twin motion videos uh i did get a lot of positive comments and feedback for the last one so i hope you have enjoyed this video as well now if you want to get twin motion you can actually find it by following the link just below this video in the description and then also up in the cards i'm going to be leaving a link as well you can get like a free trial version and test it out for yourself uh now um for the next video for twin motion i'm planning uh to create a video where i'm going to be showing you how to create this uh really cool animation for your revit model so just show you how to animate revit models create some uh well video or because well video is always better than pictures at least that's what i believe and that's why i'm on here on youtube okay so thank you for watching and make sure to like this video and make sure to subscribe not only does it help me out a lot and it helps you not miss any of my future videos but more importantly it makes the alpaca happy and that's why we're all here okay guys thank you for watching and have a nice day thank you for watching guys make sure to check out my website for more uh revit courses there i have over 120 hours of content and i'm adding more each week make sure to subscribe for more videos and also i've added a video over there that might interest you as well
Channel: Balkan Architect
Views: 20,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twinmotion, real-time rendering, revit twinmotion, revit export, revit import, Twinmotion tutorial, revit tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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