Wood/Timber Roof Construction in Revit Tutorial

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what's going on guys Balkan arctic here and in today's tutorial I'm going to be talking about wood roof construction in rabbit and I'm actually going to be showing you that on two examples not one so when it comes to creating groups in Revit it's actually quite easy the roof tool is really intuitive and really functional and you can achieve some amazing results when it comes to creating roofs but taking that simple or rabbits roof and adding construction to it can be extremely difficult so in this tutorial I wanted to show you a couple of approaches to creating roofs in Revit a wooden roofs to be exact but you can pretty much use the same approach for let's say some sort of a steel or roof or something like that so I'm going to be showing you the first approach where I'm going to be using a structural truss or actually multiple structural trusses to create a roof and the second one will be more of a traditional typical roof with rafters okay so that's what this tutorial is going to be all about now before I get into that I would just like to ask you to like this tutorial it helps me out with the YouTube algorithm and also make sure to subscribe I make useful Revit tutorials each week I make multiple tutorials and also I make one advanced vulcan architect course now all of my courses over 50 hours of content can be found on my patreon first a link in the description and there also you can get access to all of my rails like these roofs that I'm creating right now and plus like 500 more Revit project files okay so without with that out of the way without any further ado let's get into the tutorial okay so let's get started here we are in rabbit and I'm just going to start off in your model project just click here and then I'm going to be using the architectural template for this one I'm going to open it up and before we do anything let's load in the components that we're going to be using for this construction so for that I'm going to go here to insert and then let's go into load family and here in the u.s. metric library I'm just going to scroll all the way down and find structural framing open that up and here let's go to wood of course this is going to be a wood destruction and I'm just going to go with the timber option open that up and here we have to choose some sizes so for this let's go with something like let's see so we have the 140s here we have these let's go with a1 one of these larger ones and then I'm going to choose another smaller option here as well so something like this perhaps okay so once we have chose this shows the these options I can just click here okay and now those are loaded into the project okay so once we have them loaded into the project it's time to start constructing a horror construction and for that we need to go here to structure and then here we need to go to truss now when I open this up you're going to notice that we don't really have any trusses loaded in so I'm going to load one and we have to go back a few folders to go back to the u.s. metric library scroll down and now we need to go to structural trusses so here we need to choose one so let's go with the one of the simpler ones let's see what do we have here yeah maybe let's go with this one hit open and once we've opened that up we can place one immediately so let's place one like this over here in the center of the screen and then we can maybe go inside of the 3d view just to see what we have so as you can see here we have a timber truss now before we start playing around let's adjust it a little bit so I'm going to go here to the properties panel for this truss scroll down a little bit so here we have the truss height one so that's this height over here and then we have the main trust height which is this one at the middle so the one in the middle I'm going to leave as is and the one here at the edges I'm going to drop down to 1,200 millimeters hit apply as you can see now we have the face deeper roof the next thing that I'm going to be doing is changing this truss just a little bit so if I go over here and let's see let's just select one of these one of these timber elements so I'm going to hover over the truss hit the tab key once to make a selection and as you can see this is a 140 by 140 so that was the one that was loaded in here perhaps first so that's the one that this trust adopted but that's not what they want to use so what I'm going to do is just select this truss go into edit type and then let's change the top chord as well as the bottom chord to make it a bit thicker so for the top chord let's go here to structural framing type set the framing type and let's choose the thicker one same thing here on the bottom chord hit apply click okay and now as you can see that is a bit thicker than the ones that are on the inside now also I want to make the the ones on the address thicker so for that we have to do that a bit manually so first let's unpin all of these elements you're going to notice that if I select one of these they're pinned in place now it takes a long time to unpin all individually so what I like to do is to select all of them go into filter and then just on track structural trusses hit apply ok and then I just go here to the unfinished a p-- on the modify panel just click on pin or use the U P shortcut and there we go okay so once we have this I'm just going to select this one here so just hover over it hit the tab key once make the selection and then let's go over here hit the tab key once hold the ctrl key to add to selection one and while selecting and then here in the properties we can change it for the wider one okay so once we have all of this done now we can start playing around with it and just fixing it up so what we need to do is just select it and then fix it up like this we have to extend it here extend it here we have to extend this one as well maybe like that extend the bottom one to kind of cover the whole thing so you basically have to go all around and just adjust all of these it takes a bit of time but you will have a better thrust and also keep in mind that once we do this for the first one we can just copy that one and there's no need to repeat this whole process again so let's like this one extend it a little bit and so on and so forth now once you've done that for the whole trust what you need to do is you need to go here to the modify panel and then go to the geometry panel and then go to cope now we select first D accord and then the top and now as you can see it gets that cut same thing here so we select throws this and then this and then it gets the cut then this one then the cord this one and the cord and then this one and the vertical one and it kind of fixes it up like that same thing here you want to do the same thing and also here there we go looks a lot nicer to basically want to repeat this process for the rest of the of the trust now I'm not going to show all of that because I don't want to waste your time but you get the point so you basically just want to repeat that okay so now once I have applied coping or basically adjusting all of this of the whole truss I can select the truss go into level one perhaps and then here I can go just to the copy tool and then I can copy it multiple times so let's copy it by the interval of four meters so that's four thousand millimeters maybe one more and there we go okay now let's navigate here and this 3d view okay so once we have all the trusses down now it's time to place some sort of view wood construction running lengthwise here so to do something like that what we need to do is we need to go here to the structure tab and then we need to find the beam system tool so once you select the beam system tool the next thing that you need to do is you need to go here to properties and make some adjustments so first the spacing should be a lot smaller so let's go with something like 60 centimeters or 600 millimeters also here for the beam type I'm going to go with the smaller one which is 140 by 140 hit apply and there we go next we need to set up our work plane so the work plane isn't going to be horizontal it's going to be sloped as you can see over here so we need to go here to set work plane and then go with the pick up line option click OK and then you want to pick this slope plane over here and now it's time to sketch out the beam system which should look something like this so you want to start off from this corner and then go all the way to this corner so once you have that the next thing that we need to set up is the beam direction so go here to beam direction it can use a simple line go from midpoint to midpoint there we go and now we have our beam direction and now if you just need to finish there we go we have our we have our beam system now of course this beam system should be aligned on top of this so we need to fix that up so what I'm going to do now is we have some sort of an offset here we don't so in that case what we need to do is go back into level one create a section so just go here up on the quick access toolbar find a section tool and then create a simple section like this hit the Escape key a couple of times and then just double click the arrowhead okay so in order to see this a lot better we need to switch it to the final level of detail there we go now select the beam system so make sure to select here on top when it says structural beam system select it and then you can use just the move tool and basically move it from here upward okay it seems to be locked in place okay so we do have that problem so what can we do in that case is just disassociated from the workplane and then go to move and now hopefully it will move there we go if we're just going to thin lines yeah it's aligned perfectly so we have our beam system there then we need to mirror it to the other side so we can select it go with the Peck access option mmm is the shortcut find the centerline and mirror it to the other side and now if you're just going to 3d it looks something like this at this point it's a good idea to add the actual roof so what I'm going to do for that is just go here to the roof tool choose roof by extrusion I go with pickup line option click OK and then pick one of these planes over here like this one then you can choose the level either a level 1 or level 2 doesn't really matter in this case it's just a demonstration now for this I want to use let's say this generic 125 millimeter roof so what I'm going to do is go with pick lines and give it a 125 millimeter offset and then you just need to pick this line here click this line here just make sure that it's offsets above and then you can just use trim and extend to trim to extend to quarter like that and then you can extend it as long as it's necessary I'll just extend it make sure you're just extended in the same direction and now once you have to finish as you can see this is what you get now of course we have to extend it a little bit to the other side just like that extend it here and there we go we have a pretty good looking roof with a and accurate roof construction underneath now let's move on to the second type of construction and this one is going to be a lot simpler and easier so what I'm going to do now is go here into a level one scroll out a little bit if we can create it somewhere over here now this one is simpler because we already start with a roof so I'm just going to go here to roof by footprint let's leave it at level one and then just create a simple rectangle just like that now I'm going to hit the disk a couple of times to escape out of that then select the top one and the bottom one these aligns and then here we have the option to uncheck defines slope so as you can see this little triangle is gone over here and now once I hit finish and go into 3d this is the type of proof that we get so once I have created this if I just select it and go here in the properties panel if I scroll down a little bit you'll notice that here we have the option to control the slope so I can maybe set it at 20 degrees and as you can see that's what it looks like so now we can use this roof in order to place our beam system on it so for example if you just go here to structure go to beam system and then I can just go to set workplane go with pickup line option click OK and just select this plane on the bottom and then if I just go and place a simple rectangle from here to there there we go the beam direction as you can see from these two lines is already in the right direction for this type of a roof so I can just hit the finish and there we go we have a perfect beam system maybe I can select this beam system and maybe change the spacing too 800 millimeters I think this looks maybe a bit better now of course we can select it go into an a-level - there we go use the mirror option with the back access and there we go go back into 3d and this is what we have now at this point you can just leave it as is but usually you are going to have a few more elements in your roof construction so what they like to do is I like to add a horizontal connection between these two beams so for something like that what I tend to do is the simplest option I found so far was just to go to architecture and just model it in place now once you do do this make sure to pick the category correctly so I want to categorize this correctly so I want to keep it as structural framing so make sure to check that click OK and then here we're going to go to set workplane go with the pick complain option click OK and then just pick this face over here the horizontal one next we can just go with a simple extrusion start off from somewhere over here make sure it's horizontal go here then follow the slope of the roof a little bit go down a little bit and then we can go the other way ok so once we have this let's select both of these lines go to mirror but this time with the draw access function find the middle point and just mirror it around and then here we just need to use driven extent if ik stopped now once I hit finish going to notice that here it's just extruded but it's way too large so let's drop it down to 40 millimeters there we go looks a bit more realistic and now also I want to mirror it to the other side so let's go maybe in level 2 turn on wireframe as well as fine level of detail there we go okay so now if you lose selection and here we can select it because this is just an underlay you can right click and then go to select previous and there we go now it's selected now also I'm going to mirror this again using D and draw access tool so just find the midpoint and then mirror it like this okay let's go back into 3d hit finish there we go or actually before we continue let's go back into edit in-place and just set the material so here or the material let's go into the material browser find the timber okay so it's only this gray so let's try wood so let's go with the lumber for this one okay let's see have to finish there we go okay and now the only thing that we need to do is just our rate this across the board so for that select it go into level 2 and then here we need to count how many instances we have so we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 okay so you just go here to our a it's going to be a linear array number is 15 move to last start off from somewhere here and then just go all the way to the back and this is what we have so we have a perfectly good looking construction maybe we can go here turn on breathing or realistic mode there we go I think this looks really good okay so those are the two approaches for creating roofs in the Revit or creating the construction for roofs and rabbet if you want to download these project files as well as all of my other Revit project files check out my patreon first a link in the description there you can also find all of my advanced courses I've got over 50 hours of content ok so that's pretty much it thanks for watching and have a nice day
Channel: Balkan Architect
Views: 51,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Revit, tutorial, english, learn, BIM, building information modeling, easy, fast, quick, how to, autodesk, modeling
Id: viYsZgyTFRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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