The Skyrim Mysteries Iceberg (Part 3)

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[Music] foreign hey how's it going guys it's Nate here and welcome to part three of our Skyrim Mysteries Iceberg by now you all probably know the drill about these things so I won't bore you with too much Preamble but I think by virtue of being our final episode this will be our best one yet part 3 consists of the remainder of tier 4 as we didn't manage to finish it in our last episode end all of tier V these are the absolute most juicy Mysteries yet the cream of the crop the most under discussed and abundantly fascinating stuff we've tackled so far thus without any further Ado let's do further well maybe just a little further Ado because speaking of mysteries you never know what you're gonna bump into on the internet from geoblockers to hackers to unwelcome trackers cyberspace is littered with threats to your convenience and more importantly to your privacy that's why today's video is being sponsored by nordvpn the gold standard of virtual private networks I've personally been using nordvpn for over four years it offers a layer of encryption that protects your data when on vulnerable Wi-Fi networks which is to save most Wi-Fi networks and by allowing you to change your IP connection to any one of 59 countries you'll be able to consume content that otherwise might be blocked in the region you're at I recently took a trip to Germany and nordvpn gave me peace of mind while browsing Shady airport Wi-Fi and allowed me to access a certain otherwise blocked streaming service well at my hotel and if you head over to Epic Nate you can try it out risk-free with a 30-day money-back guarantee and four months entirely free with a two-year plan that's epic Nate now back to a regularly scheduled programming starting off tier four or what really is number seven or eight of tier 4 because you know we didn't finish this one last video where does roon come from so roon for those of you who aren't familiar is an imperial member of the Thieves Guild who spends his days Meandering around the cistern and socializing at the Ragged flagon he's a rather generic character who plays no significant role in any of the factions quests and at face value seems to be more of a filler character than anything you know just one of those NPCs Bethesda created and gave a couple radiant lines a dialogue to make the place feel more alive without much effort that is until we do a little digging you see well he tends to keep to himself and doesn't offer much in the way of dialogue or conversation if we approach him after completing the quest dampen the spirits we'll be able to have the following exchange with him take a listen I've never seen anyone with skills like yours I just wanted to let you know that if you need anything you can talk to me my father told me he found me as a young boy in the wreckage of a ship that sank off of the coast near solitude only found in my pocket was a tiny smooth Stone inscribed with some sort of strange runes no one does I've even taken the damn thing to the College of Winterhold I must have spent every last coin I've made with the guild trying to find out what it means perhaps they could be nonsense he named scribbles done by someone in idle boredom but if not if they actually mean something they might tell me where I'm from what ship I was on everything actually the fishermen who found me the man I called my father gave it to me thought it was fitting I suppose I never changed it because it never felt right to do so I appreciate that so roon was discovered on a shipwreck by some fisherman with nothing but a stone in his pocket with strange symbols carved on it the fishermen took him in and raised the boy as his own naming him roon after the gem while this is all the thief will reveal to us personally nearby on a shelf in the cistern is a letter titled no word yet apparently written by a private investigator roon hired to unravel his past it reads quote roon I've used every resource at my disposal and I still can't find a trace of your parents whoever they are they've completely erased themselves from history this is Quite a feat considering the quality of my sources if I come up with anything else I'll be certain to contact you signed athel Newberry so as you might imagine this mystery has spawned quite a bit of speculation within the community some players are convinced that this story is attached to some sort of long-lost cut content others argue that maybe the language found on Rune Stone was a lost Nordic dialect we know that the ancient Nords of Skyrim used a still undeciphered viking-like script that was eventually replaced by dova zul perhaps that's what was engraved on the rock nonetheless whatever this poor thief's true Origins may be only Todd Howard knows and Todd Howard isn't talking next on our list who is Amon motier working with so during the events of the Dark Brotherhood questline Amon motier is the Breton man who offers the guild an astounding twenty thousand acceptance to take down Emperor Titus Mead II long story short the Brotherhood accepts his contract and we do indeed succeed though not without complications however amon's exact motivations for calling the hit are deliberately left a mystery by Bethesda though they also provide some thought-provoking hints for one shortly after our first meeting with the man as a sort of deposit and proof of Goodwill Amon will give the Brotherhood an amulet of the Elder Council this is an insanely rare and Priceless piece of jewelry only given to members of The Emperor's Royal Court this highly implies that amon's cause had some powerful supporters either someone on the Elder Council itself is working with him or they somehow managed to take it from a member either way it's proof of his connections the motier family actually made an appearance in the Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion where we meet a distant ancestor of amanza named Francois motier Francois is not an especially important character in tesfor and in fact is defied by his cowardice but characters in the game remark that the motier family is an ancient and Wealthy Clan going back hundreds if not thousands of years so by the time of the events of Skyrim it's likely that they retain some of their connections to tamriel's high politic when blatantly asked about his motivations Amon will say the following in the year 3 e41 Emperor palagius septim was murdered in the temple of the one in the Imperial City cut down by a dark brotherhood assassin his killing ushered in shall we say unnecessary change in Imperial policy there are those now who wish for a similar change I am sorry but that's all I'm with Liberty to say necessary change to Imperial policy this could mean anything from getting a new emperor who's more aggressive toward the Thalmor to one who simply favors his weird political faction more than another in the council either way whether Mr motier is working on behalf of some Grand conspiracy to completely change the course of history or is just a pawn in some minor squabbling between obscure internal factions only he and his allies know the truth coming in at number three falian is an unusual Red Guard Mage living in the town of Morthal evidently he was once an esteemed professor at the College of Winterhold but due to some unexplained falling out with staff and an odd infatuation with the local swamps he recently moved out here where he's been conducting some secretive research falian's presence in the town is extremely unpopular with the locals they're skeptical of all things magical and suspect he's practicing some dark forms of Witchcraft some residents even claimed to see him sneak out into the marshes at night as a matter of fact when we first enter Morthal we can find a small assembly of citizens outside the town hall demanding the yarl kick him out if we speak with the yarl Egret ravencrone Shula even ask us to investigate falian's presence in the town and report back to her beginning The Quest thalian secret when we first attempt to speak with the man for ourselves he'll be rather short and hostile with us assuming we're just as closed-minded to his presence as everyone else in the village but after easing his concerns with the correct dialogue choices he'll eventually warm up to the player and reveal a bit more about himself though not much apparently despite his cold welcome by the locals falian decided to move out here because he believes his skills are needed to quote keep Morthal safe and that Morthal is a deeply troubled place and it's his duty to protect it so that's kinda ominous but he doesn't elaborate any further evidently he's keeping a lot to himself if you stand before me to accuse me of sacrificing children or eating the hearts of the Dead you may save your breath I have done no such thing nor do I intend to I simply wish to live my life in peace [Music] the people of Morthal would much rather weave their own horrid tales about my life than simply ask me for the truth if they choose to fear me in their ignorance that's their choice but it will not change what is true [Music] as anyone will tell you morethal can be a dangerous place my talents are useful here I help maintain order even if it goes unnoticed the marsh is treacherous you would do well to not wander at night another interesting fact about this guy is that he has an adopted daughter named Agni Agony won't directly offer any dialogue with the player but if we hang around their house we can sometimes hear radiant conversations between her and failion where she alludes to some very mysterious dreams have you been working on your concentration good good concentration is Paramount when dealing with magical forces why because an unfocused mind will almost certainly be obliterated destroyed by the forces you attempt to control and yield oh I had a bad dream again last night attempt that you went away you made monsters it was scary it was like it was real I think no more of it should we stick around felian's house past 10 pm we'll see him suspiciously exit the home and head deep into the marshes eventually arriving at a strange Stone ritual complex where he'll idle around and occasionally enter a Praying animation what the heck when confronted about this the Mage will refuse to explain what he's doing but will beg the player to keep his actions a secret offering us a generous bribe from here we'll have to choose between accepting his offer or revealing his actions to the yarl who will order him to stop either way though nothing more will come of this as if falian wasn't already a mysterious enough character though he can also cure vampirism if we approach him while infected with the disease Hill offered to treat our condition if we can get him a black soul gem for the necessary ritual and some coin for his trouble this unlocks some additional dialogue where he elaborates on his expertise and boldly claims to have met Daedra and Dwemer while walking through Oblivion take a listen morethal is a troubled PL please remain indoors at night it is dangerous to go outside I know many things I have studied things beyond the reach of most humans traveled the Oblivion Plains seeing things one should not see I have met Daedra and Dwemer and everything in between and I know enough to see a vampire where others would see a man I met several of your kind during my studies of life extending Magics I even considered becoming a vampire myself in the end vampirism would endanger my ward Agony which would defeat the intended purpose it is possible I know of a ritual but have never performed it it requires a filled black soul gem you will need to kill someone when you have a gem and have filled it returned to me and I will perform the ritual I will bring life to your dead body vampire this series of claims only creates more questions about the red guards past funnily enough once you've retrieved the requested items for the Cure he'll lead the player to the same Stone ritual site we found him at earlier and cast some kind of spell restoring our true mortality overall our experiences with failion are some of the most mysterious in the game and to this day over 10 years after its initial release falian remains one of Skyrim's most interesting NPCs 404th spot what's up with olava the feeble so olava the feeble is a seemingly very ordinary and very insignificant elderly NPC living in Whiterun at first glance she seems just like any other shaky old Lonely Woman she spends her days Meandering about the city and sitting outside her small rather modest home in the plane District however if we play our cards right during a certain Dark Brotherhood contract we'll learn that she's anything but typical you see during the quest breaching Security will be tasked with hunting down and planting false evidence on a certain penitus oculottis agent who's been traveling around Skyrim while all that's required to complete the quest is to Simply do just that fellow guild member Gabriella will offer us a quote unquote bonus if we liquidate him in a city in front of a large crowd so as to inspire fear in the populace again this side objective of carrying out the contract in public is entirely optional but if done properly when we return Gabriella will say the following I know as does Astrid you have done well and have earned both a reward and a bonus as I have mentioned she Awards us with this mysterious token to exchange for some kind of psychic session with a lava and sure enough when we visit the elderly woman the following dialogue will play out where she correctly predicts the future of the Dark Brotherhood quest line and directs us to an otherwise unmarked location with some neat loot yes token you say let me see oh goodness me you're a friend of Gabriella's then well I guess we both know why you're here well yes yes I I surely can it it's not something I do lightly mind you and it's it's not as specific as you might want but yes I I will do this for you please relax free your mind yes that's it there's a cave no not a cave uh home a place you feel secure you will find safety there sanctuary I see snow lit by the star of Dawn and you are not alone there are others a Child Of Night stalker of his hands oh but before you our family There Will Be Blood such blood wait there's something else a potential for adventure and wealth it is a ruin ripe for the plunder deep wood breathe out far to the North West through there is hagg's end the last resting place of an Assassin of Old dark brother who bequeathes his ancient Earthly possessions to you no no that is all now please I find myself very weary all of a sudden such an accurate reading where she correctly predicts the final moments of the Dark Brotherhood quest line and our relocation to a new Sanctuary with a young looking Babette and Nazir highly implies that olava possesses a mysterious Supernatural gift unfortunately the woman offers no further dialogue nor can we inquire for an explanation from our fellow Brotherhood members so the trail is rather cold although it's worth pointing out that at a small Bandit Camp just Northwest of the city called Smuggler's Cove we can find a letter where the bandits discuss severing ties with a fellow tribe and seem to reference oh lava it's pretty short so I'll just read it for you quote akari you can take those prices and eat them we found our own source of skuma now the real stuff not that watered-down third-hand trash you've been selling and don't even think of ratting us out one word to the guard and all make sure they know what that Seer of yours is really up to end quote this document implicates our lava in the skooma trade as well and she seems to be working with someone named akari a very Khajiit name so maybe she's working with the kajidi Caravans to supply skuma or something either way between these guys and the Brotherhood olava the feeble has quite the connection to Skyrim's criminal underground furthermore some players have raised the possibility that maybe olava could also be using skuma in some capacity to gain her insights though that requires a certain interpretation of the text no matter whatever the source of her powers it's clear that olava the feeble is far more than initially meets the eye next on tier 4 it's not exactly a secret that Astrid the Femme Fatale leader of the Dark Brotherhood is quite a dishonest fellow aside from literally murdering innocent people to death for money she also iconically betrays the Dragonborn to the Empire at the climax of The Guild's quest line for her own selfish reasons however there's reason to suspect that we aren't the only person who astrids betrayed you see while she's married to the Brotherhood blacksmith arnbjorn who also happens to be a werewolf there's a rather undeniable proof that she's also had a relationship with Delvin Mallory a high-ranking member of the Thieves Guild in Riften there's very little dialogue within the game that confirms this though during one mission where Astrid sends the player to seek aid from the Thieves Guild she does mention Delvin having a quote history with the Brotherhood take a listen and there's only one man who can give us what we need Delvin Mallory his offense a private operator works out of the ratway in Riften give me the letter bring Mallory the amulet find out everything you can and sell it if he's willing he'll offer a letter of credit that's fine Delvin Mallory and the Dark Brotherhood have history he can be trusted when we finally meet Delvin as a part of this same Quest he'll immediately ask about Astrid and tell the player to invite her over for a drink so they can catch up oh oh I see well now how is Astrid doing these days huh tell her to stop by sometime or you'd have a drink ciao yeah but we could discuss that later yeah what does the Brotherhood need though neither character ever explicitly confirms a romance the Skyrim official game guide written by Bethesda elaborates on the dynamic between these two kingpins a bit further in a small paragraph it has about Delvin quote Delvin grew up in riften's honor Hall orphanage he was taken in by gallus but Delvin accidentally killed a man while on a robbery gallus arranged to have delvin's day with the Dark Brotherhood and he remained in hiding in their Sanctuary for a year wow there Delvin gained a new respect for the shadowy organization after the death was long forgotten Delvin Mallory returned to Riften and the Embrace of the Thieves Guild but never forgot his friends in the dark brotherhood and his lover Astrid so there you have it once upon a time Delvin was put on probation with the Brotherhood and developed a romance with Astrid before eventually returning to the guild however this still doesn't prove that anyone was betrayed or acting unfaithfully it's not clear whether or not Astrid was already married to or had even met her husband armbjorn yet maybe he didn't enter the picture until later on well it may not have been armbjorn who Astrid was betraying after completing the Thieves Guild quest blindsided the Dragonborn and Carlia call for a meeting with all Guild members in the cistern where the two of you reveal that Guild Master Mercer Frey has in fact been a traitor all along if you approach Delvin during or right after this meeting he won't enter a conversation but will say this brief line of dialogue stabbed in a bank schleid the dog brother it all over again cultural blog go to keep my eyes out for Mercer hold your thoughts until after we had tag all this mess stabbed in a bank schleid the Dark Brotherhood all over again I'm going completely out on a limb here given our fundamental lack of sources but maybe Delvin was romantically backstabbed by Astrid perhaps while they were a couple she decided to betray him for her current partner arnbjorn it would make sense there's nothing else we can think of that could have offended Delvin in such a way and it would explain how he still seems to have a fondness for Astrid no matter perhaps we should let Skyrim's deadliest love triangle keep its own secrets and finally speaking of treachery last on tier 4 gorm is the personal bodyguard of morthal's yarl igrid ravencrone while he initially looks like any other loyal Nord house Carl looks can be deceiving should you bump into him at the local moorside Inn he'll reveal that he's losing confidence in his yarl and request that the player deliver a letter to Captain Aldis the commander of the guard in solitude gorm will explicitly demand the Dragonborn not read the contents of his note however there's nothing stopping us the letters contents are simple they read quote oldest you know what we've spoken of in the past it is time change is needed something must be done I await your response gorm end quote when we deliver the note to Aldis he'll reward us with the promised coin and to say the following for me from whom well now that is something hand it over please oh no I hadn't heard from gorm for a while so I'd hoped he'd given up his little scheme the last time we discussed this issue was before the standable war broke out things were different then now what he's asking it's just impossible even if it worked the questions and accusations it would cause well I'll take it under advisement thank you it seems blatantly obvious that Gorham is plotting to overthrow his liege but why and replace her with who Aldis seems to have at one point been open to this idea but with the onset of the Stormcloak Uprising he's no longer interested so clearly this plan has been in place for a long time why barely move now also isn't igrid supposed to be somewhat psychic you think she would have seen this coming between morthal's vampire problem its mysterious Mage and is such a disloyal court it's no wonder why its citizens are on edge right now alrighty so that about does it for the remainder of tier 4. now we finally descend into the depths of our final tier tier five this one serves as a grand compilation of my favorite most obscure Skyrim Mysteries that we've ever covered normally I'd warn you because many of these topics are a bit on the longer side requiring more Preamble than usual to explain but looking back on the script that was also true for the first half of this video so without any further Ado you know the drill starting off tier 5 we have what may be my favorite Skyrim mystery ever what is yarl balgruff hiding from his family okay so at first such a question sounds Preposterous like yarl bulgraf is one of the most honorable and honest characters in the game he's one of the very few yarls who seems both genuinely intelligent and interested in the well-being of his people he's like a Skyrim Ned Stark so the idea that he could be lying about something or have some sort of dark secret sounds absurd and yet it's also quite likely you see during the quest the whispering door we learned that one of the yarl's children nelkira has fallen under the influence of mafala Daedric god of betrayal and deceit she has apparently been whispering to nilkir from behind a locked door in the dragon's reach basement and filling his head with all kinds of horrifying suggestions when we speak to nokir for ourselves he'll admit to befriending the evil spirit and tell us this so the disgusting Pig sent you to bother me one day I'll tear his face apart so he can leave me alone my father doesn't know anything about me but I know about him and about the war more than he might think I know that he still worships Talos that he hates the thalmar almost as much as the Stormcloaks do that he worries about being chased from Whiterun but he that I'm that I don't have the same mother as my brother and sister that I don't have the same mother as my brother and a sister what you're all bolgruff has three children frothara Dagny and of course nelkir and there are literally no references in the entire game to the mother of these kids like none at all no characters talk about her there are no letters nothing we're just kind of left to assume that she's not in the picture perhaps she passed away or had a falling out with her husband but this little quip from nalkira alludes to the fact that he came from a different woman than his siblings and that's supposed to be a secret so this leaves us with two questions one what happened to bolgraph's original wife and two who is nelkira's Mother well a look in the game files gives us a sort of answer to one of those questions believe it or not in Skyrim's creation kit nalkira unlike his siblings isn't actually flagged as bulgrath's son no instead nilkir is tagged as baldruth's brother roll tide now it's not clear to me whether Bethesda is genuinely implying some sort of Oedipus complex here or if this was just an accident made by the developers because it's just such a random thing there's no reason to think baldrup's mother was even alive by the time nalkir was born let alone capable of burying children so it seems rather unlikely that the yarul and nelkir could be brothers more likely some radiant dialogue that can be overheard between balgruff and his counsel seemed to indicate that whiterun's ruler has a fondness for sneaking out into the town and drinking late at night take a listen did you slip out again last night for a drink at the Bennett Mare heard about that did you yes I went out for a pint or two what of it these secret visits to the tavern will make you an easy target for an enemy assassin you should have told me first damn it woman I'm the yarl of Whiterun I won't apologize for talking to my people you can't protect me every moment of the day that might be so but it will never stop me from trying it's quite possible that during one of these spouts at the tavern baldruth once got carried away and made a mistake ended nine months later this mistake was named nelkir still though we're left to ponder the fate of the yarls first wife did she pass away leave him when she found out he was having an affair Bethesda doesn't give us anything to go off of here really it is worth noting that once we complete the whispering door Quest we'll find that behind that door is mafala's Daedric artifact the whispering Blade the whispering blade is said to communicate to whoever Bears it and give them dark thoughts of betrayal how did it end up here behind this door Daedric artifacts don't just spawned in randomly they're transferred from owner to owner someone in whiterun's court must have possessed it at some time next to the blade is a unique book called admonition against ebony it's a little on the long side by the standards of what I normally read but I think its contents are important so I'll go through the three paragraphs in their entirety quote to anyone reading this beware this blade it is hoped that the only people having access to this room should be the yarl of Whiterun and his trusted wizard if anyone else is reading this please understand the magnitude of your Folly turn around and never speak of this room or this blade to anyone it is corrupted and perverted the desires of great men and women yet its power is without equal to kill while your victim Smiles at you only a Daedra most foul could have concocted such a malevolent and twisted device but it appears that all who wield it end up with the crazed eyes of those wild men who roam the hills shattering with rabbits it is not to be trifled with not even the hottest fires of the sky Forge could melt it indeed the coals themselves seem to cool when it was placed within we cannot destroy it and we would not have it fall into the hands of our enemies so we keep it hidden dark and deep within dragon's reach never to be used woe be to any who choose to take it so clearly balgruff's court is very very much aware of the device and they've even tried to destroy it how did they come into contact with it could it perhaps have fallen into the hands of the yarl by accident maybe he made a horrible mistake with his original wife whatever the case the history between this blade and the Royal Court is only the yarls business next in tier v as you may have noticed every single Dark Elf in Skyrim and indeed the entire Elder Scrolls franchise has dark red eyes this along with their ashy skin is said to be the result of a curse placed on their people by a Daedra thousands of years ago however there is actually one dunmer we can meet in the Elder Scrolls V who for some reason breaks this rule meet Carlia she's a former high-ranking member of the Thieves Guild who serves as a major protagonist throughout the faction's quest line evidently long ago she was accused of murdering her former Guild Master to death and forced into exile during the events of the game however we learned that she was actually framed for the crime by Mercer Frey who wanted to seize power for himself following this Revelation Carlia essentially becomes our partner as we try to prove her innocence and bring the real traitor to Justice something we ultimately succeed in doing nonetheless what we're interested in right now is the fact that carlia's eyes are actually purple rather than typical dunmer red why is that oddly enough this is never addressed in the quest line and we can't ask her about this unique feature it's just passed over alas Bethesda did leave a few hints you see there's this famous love affair in Elder Scrolls history which took place roughly 400 years ago between a dunmer monarch named Barenziah and a bosmer wizard named jagar tharn now this full story would honestly require its own full hour-long video to explain it but I'll do my best to condense it into just the spark notes Baron Zaya was the famously promiscuous queen of Morrowind ruling in the name of the emperor and jagar tharn was the emperor's Chief battle mage this whole event is elaborated upon heavily in several books and the Elder Scrolls Arena's main quest line but long story short jagar Thorne was secretly plotting against the realm and devised a plan to take the throne for himself to do this he needed a certain staff that was in Queen berenziah's possession so he ruffled over to Morrowind seduced the queen and after a few nights in her bed chamber stole the staff and ran off kicking off the events of the first Elder Scrolls game and earning a name for himself as one of the most cunning and nefarious men in tamrielic history okay Nate cool story but what does this all have to do with Carlia well well no official biographies or court records mentioned berenziah giving birth to any children as a product of this affair the multi-volume book The Nightingales which explains the history of a powerful faction of nocturnal worshipers in the Thieves Guild blatantly claims that through this brief fling carlya's mother was born and promptly abandoned by the queen thus Carlia may be the granddaughter of Queen berenziah and jagar tharn Arena's main antagonist her direct lineage from these two characters seems to be the cause behind carlia's unique eye color and indeed Bethesda sort of confirmed this in 2019 with the Elder Scrolls Legends card game where Baron Zaya's card also depicts her with purple eyes so case close right well kind of it's still not obvious how berenziah herself ended up with lavender eyes while she was a queen there's nothing to indicate anything special about her blood as she was born to non-royal parents anyway furthermore many sources dispute whether it was actually jagar Thorne who she had the affair with as the nightingales's book author actually argues it was just a random Thief who seduced the queen and she lied and pretended it was jagarthorne four more street cred so this whole thing is really just one giant mess my personal theory is that perhaps Carlia and berenziah as well may descend from a certain bloodline of dark elves that was somehow spared from the totality of the Daedric curse but there's nothing in the game that gives us evidence of that in either way perhaps we'll meet another descendant of this family in the Elder Scrolls 6 or maybe an ancestor in a future ESO DLC but right now we can only hope mysterious matriarch refers to the fact that in various force-worn camps the player can find hidden letters from Richmond which mention a mysterious feminine character known as The Matriarch there are several of these notes we can find scattered throughout Skyrim's Western provinces this one example comes from Serpent's Bluff redoubt we can find it laying on a table guarded by a force-worn briarheart it reads quote The Matriarch grows weary of your hesitation our people control the entire Eastern Slope of the reach all save Sun guard take it and the Invaders will be cut off from all retreat but we must do it now while its defenses are still weak summon the tribes do what you must but if you do not act she shall find someone who will you can see how this matriarch figure is clearly referred to in a leadership context and again notes like this can be found all around the map alluding to her in this secret Puppet Master fashion sadly though despite all the hype we never seem to actually encounter The Matriarch herself nor is she even mentioned casually in any quests this is especially odd given the fact that during the sidna mine quest line we meet a character named madanak who claims to be the leader of the Forsworn Rebellion himself and there is no mention of any matriarch figure throughout this questline this exclusion could imply that the woman's existence is meant to be kept a secret from Outsiders maybe madanak is only the matriarch's puppet or just the figurehead that she uses or perhaps the force Warren are more divided than they seem maybe there are different factions jockeying for superiority over each other interestingly while as mentioned above we never get an opportunity to definitively encounter this matriarch figure in one location there's a certain hagraven that seems to fit the bill at hag's end or deepwood redoubt a massive Forsworn occupied Fortress in southern hoffengar after fighting our way through an onslaught of Richmond barbarians we enter a temple-like dungeon structure where we'll have to face off against several hagravens one of these bird women in particular will consistently elude us using some kind of teleportation spell to disappear away every time we get her hell flow only to reappear in the structure later on she often spawns in standing in front of Thrones and other Royal symbols before we finally get a chance to defeat her once and for all at the end of the dungeon it's possible that this hack Raven in particular could be the subject of all the correspondence we've reading she may be the matriarch this fits in well with what we know about the force warn at Several of their camps hagravens can be seen in leadership-like positions why wouldn't the whole organization be led by one so maybe just maybe at this entirely unquest Affiliated dungeon in the far north we actually have the ability to take out the leader of the force warn in an unceremonial fashion or maybe the matriarch is still out there next let's talk about the suspicious circumstances surrounding Septimus cygnus's disappearance so Septimus cygnus is a deranged Nord Mage and a researcher who resides in a small glacial outpost on the Northern edges of the map while Septimus may be an absolute nut case in the present era he was once so rather esteemed professor at the College of Winterhold until Legend has it one day he tried to read an elder scroll and it drove him mad following his untimely psychotic break the elderly Mage went on a hunt for various Dwemer artifacts that he believed could one day perhaps be used to unlock the secrets of the Elder Scrolls during the quest Discerning the trans mundane he'll request the player's help in cracking open an ancient dwemer's safe so he can loot whatever's inside long story short we eventually succeed in Breaking open the vault and discover that in it is the agma Infinium an ancient text imbued with the magic of Hermes Mora Daedric god of knowledge Septimus will at first approach the book with disappointment and confusion before attempting to read it and and well I'll just let the gameplay do the talking what is this it it work see Burns in my mind it's marvelous with the sudden disappearance of Septimus the quest will automatically complete and we ourselves will be able to open and read the agma Infinium and gain a level up to several skills Hermes Mora will then appear thank us for our help and that'll be that however this whole interaction begs the question what the heck happened to Septimus well at first glance it's easy to assume that Hermes Mora just Minecrafted the man when he had outlived his usefulness he did the thing he needed to do so Hermes Mora just made him go away however the problem with that theory is that Daedric Gods usually aren't supposed to be able to do that kind of thing at least not in the Mortal realm you see the deities of the Elder Scrolls Universe are generally forbidden from direct intervention like they're unable to just snap their fingers and eliminate Immortal or drop an anvil on somebody or whatever instead they tend to rely on their followers to accomplish those objectives so according to bethesda's own rules Hermes Mora couldn't have just made Septimus disappear well it's possible this is just an oversight some fans have suggested that cygnus zero summed it's very difficult to explain what zero summing is the whole concept of it is still being hotly debated in the community but here's my best try so the whole Elder Scrolls universe as we know it is allegedly not real well obviously it's not real but it's like Canon lore that the entire franchise and all of its events are actually Just a Dream by a mysterious unknown entity this entity that's dreaming up the whole universe in which we're in is sometimes referred to as the godhead and if you want to get a bit meta the community often jokes that Bethesda softworks is itself that whole godhead but no matter every now and then a character within the games actually realizes this fact realizes that what they're in is just a dream a somewhat meaningless exercise and some things imagination neither the person having this Epiphany nor the fabric of reality itself can quite process this properly and as a result the individual is simply deleted from reality it's like sorry you can't handle the truth and the truth can't handle you so you just disappear that's zero-summing and it's what some people think happened to Septimus the way he calls out the world Beyond and it burning his mind seems highly notable to me in this context still without any solid confirmation it's impossible to understand what curious event really took out Septimus sickness for his fate is now between him and Hermes Mora for number five on tier 5 at the climax of The Dark Brotherhood questline will be sent to board the emperor's personal ship the katariah and take him out once and for all fulfilling Amon motier's contract after a short battle with the bodyguards will ultimately make our way into Titus meets quarters and complete the job however did you know that we may not have been the only assassin on this boat in several rooms within the katariah's cabin oddly placed bodies can be found belonging to both penitus oculatus agents and sailors in one room in particular the bodies of two guards can be found lying on beds being watched over by a sailor while it's possible this could be a sick Bay or some kind of infirmary the ship is at Port so you would imagine any human remains or sick Personnel would have been moved off by now furthermore this isn't the only room where there are bodies and furthermore again hidden behind a door in this room is a potion of prolonged invisibility what on Earth If This Were an infirmary you would expect healing potions and Rags not nefarious potions so many people believe that the Dark Brotherhood may have had a competitor aboard at number six we head to Dawnstar where Silas Vesuvius is the Imperial who runs the Museum of the Mythic Dawn the Mythic Dawn were a once powerful faction of daedra worshipers who served maroon's Dagon during the events of the Elder Scrolls IV where they functioned as the game's primary antagonists until their defeat now over two centuries later Silas whose ancestors were apparently members has decided to open up a museum in the Mythic Dawn's honor so that their deeds may not be forgotten well one of the artifacts on display in the museum is a page from the original mysterium Xerxes an ancient Daedric text supposedly written by Dagon himself in the dawn era note that the mysterium Xerxes is really a fascinating subject in it of itself as it contains all these bizarre Daedric symbols and illustrations but that's for another day what we're interested in for the purposes of this video is that if the Dragonborn breaks open its case and decides to strike the Xerxes page with a sword or just inflicts damage on it in any other way like a spell or something it will spontaneously transform into a wooden bucket this frankly impossible alteration is given absolutely no explanation Silas doesn't elaborate on it and will just pretend it's still the normal mysterium Xerxes leaving us and the community entirely dumbfounded the prevailing theory is that this must have never been the original mysterium Xerxes in the first place that Silas or someone else used an illusion spell to disguise an ordinary object like this bucket into looking like a page from the book and when we interact with it the spell simply falls apart this makes the most sense to me the Mythic Dawn museum is clearly a tourist trap and them possessing a counterfeit copy of the Xerxes would be infinitely more on brand than them having the original but still though you'd expect more elaboration from the game than bethesda's writers it's worth noting that the makers of The Unofficial Skyrim patch seem to believe that this whole mysterium Xerxes thing is actually just a glitch as the mod removes the text's ability to be transformed if you have it installed however I'm not quite sure what the rationale is for such a choice seems more like a feature rather than a bug to me all right so I know this is rather sudden and anti-climactic and I promised this would be the last episode but I think we're gonna need a part four I'm looking at this video's timeline and we've already hit an hour and there's still another 30 to 45 minutes for us to go just to finish off tier five on top of that I've been thinking throughout this episode there's a couple of mysteries that should have been included in earlier tiers that I just frankly forgot about When developing the scripts so maybe what we'll do is we'll upload the final for reals this time part four uh in a couple of weeks and that'll include the remainders of tier V and a sort of epilogue where I hit on the few ones that I missed no promises for sure when that'll be out I've got a couple other videos in the cooker that I would like to get out first but definitely before the New Year we will get the final final Skyrim Mysteries Iceberg and wrap this whole little mini series up um but yeah with that I really hope you guys enjoyed it's been an absolute blast working on these videos you might have noticed that this time this is the first video I've uploaded in like years where I didn't just have the Skyrim uh background theme on Loop repeatedly I got a lot of heat for that in the earlier videos a long time ago that used to work when my content was like five to seven minutes long I could just Loop the theme a couple of times and no one would care but I've I've realized that when you have hour-long content people notice that and it drives him absolutely nuts so hopefully you've noticed and appreciated the change let me know if you have any feedback on that if there's uh some something you'd like me to do with the tracks if they were too loud if you'd like to be more quiet whatever it is but yeah thanks so much for stopping by everyone and uh I hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everybody [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 1,157,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Skyrim Special Edition, Skyrim Anniversary Edition, Skyrim Mystery, Skyrim Mysteries, Skyrim Theories, Skyrim Iceberg, Skyrim Tiny Details, Ten Tiny Details
Id: baQfeYJJkWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 25sec (3745 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
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