02 - The Signs - What To Do When They Appear

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[Music] [Music] we're talking about the signs before the day of judgment when you're talking about the signs before the day of judgment you're dealing with the unseen so you're talking about things that will happen in the future things that sometimes we've been given limited information so the perfect knowledge is with allah the perfect wisdom is with allah so because we're dealing with the unseen and people love conjecture and guesswork and they are taken by you know the mysterious so they try to come up with explanations and they end up sometimes being ridiculous sometimes being harmful and they end up with estimations to the point where they put themselves in the place of someone who knows the unseen and for that reason it is very important that before you just jump into the signs or read the signs you have to understand some of the guidelines that come with dealings with the signs before the day of judgment we know that the day of judgment itself only allah knows when it will happen the angels don't know and doesn't know it is fruitless to try to even come up with an estimation of when it's going to be so here are some guidelines don't stop dunya related hair if you're doing some good whether you live during a sign or you feel that a sign is near you keep doing what you're doing this is a beautiful hadith narrated by imam ahmad rahimahullah and said if it is the day of judgment and in the hand of one of you is a seed then he should plant it it's an exaggerated way of saying keep doing the good keep doing good even if it's a day of judgment that seed that plant does it have any chance of growing and into a nice tree or plant or bearing fruit the earth is over why plant it so it's a way of saying keep doing the good imagine now someone says i'm not going to get married why not get why should i get married and start a family the gel is here he's going to show up after a few years so why do i have to put my children through the dajjal and stuff like that and going to kindergarten with the jealous children you keep doing good and you keep living your life also no matter what's going on within reason of course right that was the first guideline the second point is to increase in worship of allah this is this is how to deal with the the signs before the day of judgment so you don't stop doing good you increase in the worship of allah azza this is a hadith narrated by abu hurairah it's mentioned in muslim and nbc there are some fit and some tests and trials that are going to come they're going to come down like the black pieces of night so he's saying do a lot of good deeds before these things come to you do a lot of good deeds now before the day when these black tests and trials fall or come upon humanity then the prophet continues describing it a man wakes up a believer and then in the evening he's a disbeliever or he's a believer in the evening and he wakes up a disbeliever so he sells his religion for just a small morsel some little bit of this dunya so the hadith is saying do good deeds before any kind of fitan is not talking about one specific one versus another al-fitan in general you're supposed to put effort into getting closer to allah especially at times when there are no fitan because the fitan will come whether they're severe whether they affect everybody or just a personal fitness in you and your personal life then what is interesting is the hadith is saying if this is how you're supposed to act at times before the fitan come and excel in the worship of allah so then what about when the fit and do come even more so we're supposed to excel in the worship of allah subhana ta'ala number three you remain steadfast some fit and you have to stay away from people from society from individuals for a long period of time the duration can be quite long now we'll move on to the next point don't test yourself and that's the golden rule with anything like you you're not supposed to test your iman you're not supposed to test anything that is dear to you everyone has some kind of device some kind of screen that they love their phone their tablet and because you love it you don't test it like i'm not going to take my iphone or or my galaxy or whatever it is and leave it in the park in the bench and say okay let me leave it here and come back tomorrow and see if it's still here let me test if it will still be here you don't test something that's dear to you in the same way the scholar said you don't test your iman you don't put yourself in near danger or borderline near danger to see if you're strong enough to withstand to make it or not when the dajjal emerges how do you deal with that sign the prophet said run away don't go test if you're a believer like the jail is out well this is exciting i want to know if i'm a believer or not and i knew that i'm going to withstand him prophet specifically said that in hadith said a man would go to him thinking that he's firm upon his religion and then when he gets to him he's this like he is persuaded by the judge to follow or to believe in him to follow him so you don't test yourself you don't you know let me talk to the try to persuade him try to get him to change his mind it's a waste of time you can't make him change his mind just like you can't give da or shahada to iblis or your kareem your shaytan that's with you the whole time number five you have to behave based on the instructions given by the prophet sallallahu alaihi if the dajjal comes what are you supposed to do pro salam said run away if you hear that the mahdi has come out the real one not the crazy ones what's your job what do you have to do what did the prophet instruct he gave you these instructions so you can follow them and act upon them the process spoke in detail about his uh assassin the events leading up to it who behaved according to the instructions given by the prophet sallallahu alaihi so what's the value of the prophet i'm telling you what to do when the mahdi comes if you don't do it prasadam said when the mahdi comes you go to him and you make baya to him even if you have to crawl over snow so the signs were put there and the descriptions and the instructions from the prosthetic so that you can act upon them the euphrates river one of the signs also one of the minor signs is that the euphrates river will dry up and it will uncover a mountain of gold now as we speak and you can google this the euphrates river is drying up as the navy mentioned but it will dry up completely and it will uncover a mountain of gold then the prosthetic described what will happen to people trying to retrieve that gold he said out of every 100 99 people will die trying to get the gold and one will make it but then the hadith says but everybody keeps going thinking they'll be that one what is that what does that tell you that means there's a one percent chance of survival but people are still going to keep going act upon these instructions that means don't go okay how about this before the dajjal comes out there's going to be starvation worldwide it's going to be really bad it's not going to rain this is on the third year not a single drop will fall on earth and not a single plant will grow and said all hooved animals will die except all allah wills so the people then asked allah how will people eat and he said that their nourishment their energy will all come from saying subhanallah when they say that that will be the equivalent of eating now if you don't know this hadith and if you didn't follow the instructions how would you survive at that point and that's why cathedra and he died about 800 years ago or so he said this is from the importance of teaching the signs of the day of judgment to your offspring and they teach it to their offspring so that whatever of your your your progeny will be alive at that point they know how to behave because they read their hadith then we have some other points here not all events will take place in our times not just us but every era every century people who are alive at that time have the tendency to explain the signs or to ex expect the signs to happen in their day or their lifetime but it doesn't have to take place in our times and we don't have to interpret every sign to mean something that is happening in our current world then moving on to the next point which i've mentioned before but it's a very important point all the descriptions have to match if someone comes to you and says my name is muhammad abdullah but what about all the other descriptions that would make you the master that will qualify you for being the mahdi let's go to the next point here guidelines for studying the signs of the hours so the first board was how to deal with the signs of the hour this is guidelines these are guidelines for studying the signs of the hour number one number one understand that some signs are detailed and others are vague and it's not an accident purposely some signs are detailed and some are vague so that's how allah intended them that's how nabi sallallahu alaihi intended them so number one do not try to fill in the blanks this guy starts filling in the blanks explaining what the beast is allah purposely kept it vague and kept the rest of the information with himself subhana ta'ala and now you try to come and let me you do some of this infinitely and sometimes allah doesn't give you the details so you don't meddle remember what i told you imagine we knew where you and were trapped imagine we knew the exact location let's let's keep it real what do you think will happen we would not leave them alone true or false one let's go give these people freedom and bring them democracy and now show them our world america first one would be like oh is there oil there and then you go in there and you open that thing you open that that barrier and guess what happens they're not gonna be like oh thank you for freeing us why do they come out so angry because you're the ones who trapped us here for thousands of years that's why they come out steaming mad i want to free them and show them iphones they'll show you iphones don't meddle and so that's why certain things were kept vague imagine we knew the exact location where the beast will be some genius will come with a shovel all right let's get to the second point here it says gather all the narrations together to get the full picture the the the gel there are numerous hadith under the you put them all together you get a complete picture of when he emerges what he looks like his physical description his height his build his hair where he goes out in the beginning who follows him all that stuff but it only there's no one narration that has all that you put them all together it's very important when you just look at one narration without the others you don't get a complete picture let's go to the next point it says interpretations of authentic narrations can differ and even some of the companions sometimes differed on how do i explain this there can be multiple plausible explanations for a hadith and this is not just today but even back then and here's where the red flag comes up if you're listening to a lecture and it doesn't matter who it is the speaker or how big the beard is or how well spoken if they start to pinpoint with accuracy dates times and locations that's a red flag and that's one to stop listening to that person it's the unseen no one's going to tell you in exact detail and anyone who excludes all the other plausible explanations no it's just this one that's a big red flag some of you know what i'm talking about so that's why many intelligent people will be like oh did you listen to this he said some amazing things okay maybe in history maybe in politics but in hadith nothing was amazing in what he said it was nonsensical it was garbage it didn't make any sense all right next point for the most part you take the signs literally when the sun will rise from the west the sun will rise from the west a beast will come out of the earth guess what a beast will come out of the earth and nobody speaks like this and say oh there a beast will come out of the earth oh by beast he means the sins of people when have the sins of people ever been called beasts makes no sense language is literal okay if i say turn off that light i mean turn off the light i don't mean stop reading the quran because the quran is nur who speaks like that number five you are not to make rulings out of the signs before the day of judgment so we know that there is a mahdi coming so we go looking for the mahdi or we go appoint amadi you know we've had it nine people sitting there unemployed it's a rough time so you know what i've had it with this we've had it with all this injustice on earth let's bring the mahdi let's either go find him or let's go and just appoint someone as the mahdi you can't make a ruling out of of these signs before the day of judgment and it's very similar to the next point which says the signs before the day of judgment if something is a sign it's not necessarily evil or haram it's not necessary why these arabs still building skyscrapers don't they know this is one of the signs before the day of judgment one misunderstanding is that by building these tall skyscrapers they're disobeying allah because this is one of the signs before the day of judgment the other misunderstanding is that by building skyscrapers they are bringing the day of judgment closer don't worry about that no one will ever do anything on this earth that will bring the day of judgment closer no one is going to change its appointed time its appointed time is with allah subhanahu ta'ala imam said this is concerning not everything is evil or haram he said not all that he mentioned from the signs of the hour is prohibited or disparaged because the competition between shepherds in constructing tall buildings and wealth increasing is one of the minor signs before the day of judgment and the fact that a woman will have one 50 men will have one he said is without a doubt not haram rather these are mere signs and signs are not necessarily leading to the halal and to the haram towards the end of times the prophet said rarely will a believer see a dream except that it will come true is that bad is that evil is that hara so not everything from the minor signs is about and then we get to the last point that the fact that something is from the signs of the hour is not a reason to create or initiate it and i kind of mentioned that that the mahdi is a sign is not a reason to look for the mahdi or to look for the beast or to do anything to cause it to come sooner everything has an appointed time with allah subhanahu wa the next point is that there can be many plausible explanations there can be more than one manifestation of a sign before the day of judgment and nabi salallahu salaam said towards the end of time wealth will increase will be abundant amongst you so some scholars now look at this and tell me if any one of these three explanations doesn't make sense they said number one some scholars said during the reign of omar some the wealth increased so much that the tariqah when the what they leave behind of gold silver had to be broken with an axe whereas you know someone's poor you just okay that's for you this little piece is for you but they had to break their whatever they left for inheritance with an axe so we did see wealth increase a lot during the reign of here you go it was manifested and happened it took place during the reign of umak another group said this will be after the mahdi comes he will fill the earth with justice and wealth so can that be plausible and it's absolutely plausible that wealth will increase when the mahdi comes and then the third group said this is after the return of isabna maryam when jesus returns there will be so much wealth and blessing and barakah you won't barely even be in need of wealth so is that plausible all three were plausible there can be more than one plausible interpretation of a sign and the sign can take place sometimes more than once next point says beware the garbage yes don't deny a sign because you can't comprehend it here's an example of that rule and garbage at the same time there's a speaker on youtube okay and don't try to guess because it's an arabic speaker who sells himself as the science and you know very rational very scientific based speaker and he says oh some of the most ridiculous he's not even a young man's an old man and he always has a picture of him like you know looking like smart and stuff like that and he always speaks in a way that is that says you are just fools that's the look he has on his face the whole time i'm not saying that's what he means because i know the intention people are going to jump in he said how can the jail be alive this entire time because if he is he if he was alive since the time of the prophet salallahu sallam and we have an authentic hadith mentioning that then that then time would have taken its toll on his body that's he's i'm not making this up he says there is no such thing as we've got so many hadith but you can dismiss them like this with a smirk on your face here are his logical or realistically intellectually bankrupt arguments number one he said he's been alive for thousands of years when he comes out he's gonna be an old man cataracts hunchback shaking number two he said we've scoured the earth and we never google earth he said you can look at every spot on earth there's no dejad so you're telling me allah decides and decrees that he is going to hide something from humanity until an appointed time and you expect to just google map it and find line just zoom in and find him we have not even come close to exploring the earth then the scholars responded to that a long time ago they said that there are other examples of of people whom time did not take toll on their bodies here's one of the famous examples that we read every friday in surat al-kaff the young men in the cave they slept for how long for 309 years but when they woke up they looked exactly like they did 309 years ago what's the proof when they woke up the first thing they said is they said how long were we sleeping and one of them said we slept for a day maybe part of a day now this is proof that they did not look any different their hair did not grow their nails did not grow they looked exactly the same 309 years took no toll and had no effect on their bodies anyways here is the worst part going back to the point about garbage it's garbage but if you look at the comments on youtube people are like he's a genius brilliant and this guy says his garbage and you're impressed by it thank you very much for joining us you
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 55,705
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Id: tOCgwfCH7Y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2022
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