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even the way allah gave us the gift of his name is to tell us you are dealing with someone like as no one else he's like nobody else he will help you like nobody else he loves you like nobody else he cares for you like nobody else he remembers you like nobody else he's always with you like nobody else everyone else will leave you everything else will leave you allah will never leave you that's what he reminds you and me of that's what he reminds you and me of when you say bismillah rahim are actually asking allah's help but human beings need different kinds of help when you're sick you need someone to cure you when you're tired you need someone to help you you know when you're confused you need something someone to clarify for you when you don't know you need someone to educate you when you're lost you need someone to guide you it's not one kind of help if you're hungry you don't need to be educated right now you need to be fed it's a different kind of help so when you ask allah for help then at a different occasion you need a different kind of help and of course every one of allah's names provides a different kind of help when allah calls himself al-hadi the one who guides then of course the help he will give us that he'll guide us when he calls himself the provider the one who provides over and over again then obviously he's in that name he's going to be giving me provision when he calls himself the one who has extended might extended power then i need strength i'm weak and i'm going to call on allah's power to grant me some of that power myself so i can accomplish what i need to do so every one of allah's names gives us a different kind of help but when i wake up in the morning and i'm just getting out of bed and out of my mouth comes just like that just like that i just say i don't think about which name do i need right now do i need allah to give me the strength to get up do i need allah to guide me this morning do i need allah you know to help me plan my day do i i need allah to provide me risk do i need allah to provide me peace in my family and security which name of allah should i call on and it is the gift of allah that by using just the word ism it is all of the names of allah all of the unique qualities of allah all of the beautiful things about allah that you included just inside the word ism whether you thought of all of those names or not this is the mercy of allah i could not have thought of all of the things that i need from him because i don't need one thing i need too many things i'm in too much need and so i can't even think of all of those names but he gave us an incomplete statement on purpose because what you do next completes it in the name of allah i eat in the name of allah i get out of bed in the name of allah i wash my face in the name of allah i get in my car everything you do is actually completing this it is as though this beautiful gift of allah was waiting to complete everything you do it's the other way too now and now you know what you understand there's lazy man zoom if you do anything without bismillah it's incomplete this was a part of it when we say bismillah we're acknowledging something about allah that every one of his qualities everything that he does is something that's unique to him it cannot be confused with anyone else the way allah shows mercy the way allah guides the way allah provides the way allah plans the way allah does anything that he does is unique to him it cannot be compared that is his unique mark that's the first thing but the second thing also is that everything allah does whether you understand it and i understand it or not has beauty in it everything allah does has beauty in it and that's just inside when we just use invoke the name ism but now let's take this a step further when we say in the name of allah instead of just saying you're just mentioning allah just calling on allah but actually invoking the name of allah and actually by invoking the name the uniqueness of allah and the beauty of all of the qualities of allah we're actually what like that you are asking allah's help the old arabs before islam they used to have 10 degrees of love the lowest of them was hub the lowest of the degrees of love was hurban they would have 10 degrees and the 10th one will kill you you love someone so much you become so obsessed that you can't even eat you can't even sleep you you know it just kills you it's unhealthy the ninth one the ninth one actually is called or allah from which the word comes and the word wallah means a kind of love that when you have it you don't feel pain when you don't when you have it you don't feel hunger you don't feel sadness it has taken it this love fills your appetite so much there's no room left for anything else there's no negative emotion left in your life because this has filled it for you when we call upon allah by calling by saying bismillah we are expressing our love for allah and acknowledging that if we truly have love for allah all of our problems are going to feel like nothing incredible two names simply means three things it means that allah's love and mercy and care is extreme means it's beyond what you can imagine it also means number so it's extreme that's the first thing the second thing is that it's immediate the second thing is that it's immediate which means you don't have to wait for it it's happening right now and the third of the meanings of when you when you use that's the scary one it's actually not permanent it's extreme it's immediate but it's not necessarily permanent when you say for example in arabic is thirsty thirst is not permanent when you say extremely hungry it's extreme it's immediate but it's not permanent when you say extremely angry it's not permanent well for some people it is but yeah for most people it's not permanent you know but the the beauty of the arabic language and the beauty of how allah choose to describe himself this is a kind of mubala even if it's temporary it doesn't go away on its own if you're thirsty the thirst will not go away on its own until you use water if you're hungry hunger will not go away on its own until you eat food if allah if is is excessively loving excessively caring excessively merciful that extreme love mercy and care will not go away ever until you remove it until you don't want it allah will never take it away people don't want it sometimes rasulullah one time told the sahaba strangest things sahaba are sitting there and he looks at them and he says so all of you are going to jannah except the one who refused and even the sahabah asked the same question that came in my head who's going to who's going to refuse why would he refuse to go to jannah he says whoever obeyed me whoever came to me because he's the he's the he's the merciful messenger of allah whoever came to me in obedience wanted to go to jannah whoever forgot about me disregarded me he didn't want to go you and i can remove ourselves from allah's mercy allah will not close the door we close the door and sometimes you close the door for many years sometimes you close the door for many many years and then you open it and when you open it allah doesn't say why did you close it get lost i don't want you anymore he doesn't do that the door remains open the doors of allah's mercy and his care and his love remain open there's a father or a mother even and she pours her love out on her child she takes care of this child even before the child is born this kid is inside her stomach causing her pain you know destroying her body from within and all she does is make dua for him when will you ever find another human being all you do is cause them pain every day goes by the womb gets heavier and heavier now she's throwing up even more and more and more food starts tasting like paper she can't even sit down straight her back hurts all the time she's even hurting when she's sleeping she has to con and she's worried about her and she's hungry all the time because the baby takes all the food and it doesn't even taste good for her to eat this creature causes her pain upon pain upon pain weakness on top of weakness burden on top of burden and yet all she does is her love keeps increasing her love doesn't go down it keeps increasing it doesn't say enough already child i had enough i've been dealing with you for six months there's three more months to go she doesn't do that her duas start increasing she comes to the imam and says what surah can i recite so my baby can hear it you know and then the baby comes out and almost kills her almost kills her she bleeds almost to death and instead of when will you ever have someone that bleeds you that almost kills you and the first thing you want to do is take care of them and hug them and feed them that's your mother that's what she does and that's just what she did at birth what the love that she's given you the support that she's given you even when you're an adult so many of you there's no one you can talk to and you'll talk to your mother there's no one who will understand you your mother will understand you there's no one who will feel your pain your mother will feel your pain that's not just when we were babies even when you're 50 years old it doesn't matter and that mother somebody goes to her the son goes to her and says mom you're so great you make such good roti please help me and the mother's thinking that's all i'm good for i've done nothing else for you but make roti that's the one thing that came in your mind all the other sacrifices i made i took you know five different trains and three different buses to get a job so you can go to college and all you can thank me is you made roti the other day that's all that came in your mind how ungrateful are you she doesn't say it but she feels it he doesn't say it she still loves you but you know you and i no matter how hard we try we can never acknowledge the goodness of our mother we can't do it if we were to call on allah with one name imagine you called on allah bismuth you know i just call on allah the name that's it you know then allah you're only appreciating what about allah that he provided for you but you didn't appreciate that he guides you you didn't appreciate that he protects you you didn't appreciate that he you know he secures you and gives you good people in your life you didn't appreciate that he gives you knowledge he didn't appreciate that he gave you he made you a muslim that he gave you your health that he gave you your you didn't appreciate any of those things you just reduced everything about allah to one of the things he does one of them and allah kept us from reducing allah himself subhanahu wata'ala because that's offensive we wouldn't even know he taught you what you couldn't have even known we would have even been praising allah and it would have been offensive because it's just not enough so he gave us bismillah you know i go to my teacher for knowledge you know i go to my parents for support and when i'm young for provision you know i go to my spouse for emotional support in my love i go to different people for different things but to allah you go to him for all things you go to him for everything there's not one thing that is missing when you and i turn to allah so that's the first part of the equation bismillah but then allah didn't stop there even actually i want to share with you some things about the word allah the old arabs before islam they used to have 10 degrees of love the lowest of them was hub the lowest of the degrees of love was hugo they would have 10 degrees and the 10th one will kill you you love someone so much you become so obsessed that you can't even eat you can't even sleep you you know it just kills you it's unhealthy the ninth one the ninth one actually cut is called or allah from which the word comes and the word means a kind of love that when you have it you don't feel pain when you don't when you have it you don't feel hunger you don't feel sadness it has taken it this love fills your appetite so much there's no room left for anything else there's no negative emotion left in your life because this has filled it for you when we call upon allah by calling by saying bismillah we are expressing our love for allah and acknowledging that if we truly have love for allah all of our problems are going to feel like nothing we we all have problems some of us have marriage problems some of us have problems with our children some of us have problems with money some of us have problems with health some of us have problems with extended family friends we have all kinds of problems when you call on allah with bismillah know that allah will remove the tension from your head he'll get rid of it and it will replace it with a with a reliance on allah and everything will get sorted out everything will work out because you have this gift that came from the heavens this this thing you recite and i recite bismillah rahim is not cheap it's amazing you know when it's used in a context all of you know it's used in the beginnings of surahs every time but the one time it's used in the middle is in the story of sulaiman inaudible ever think about that is going to transfer the throne of another queen thousands of miles in the blink of an eye and he says this is because of bismillah what is allah teaching you and me if allah can do that when someone truly believes in bismillah then you and i have no reason to be pessimist left a muslim is not supposed to be depressed because he has this gift the last of these names is and as i leave you with abraham two things i want to share with you ar-rahim actually fills the void of him in arabic something that is permanent so don't you worry allah will take care of you right now immediately and if you're worried about tomorrow he'll take care of you tomorrow too you know it's human nature if you if you're really hungry and your wife says to you what do you want to eat next week you say forget it woman what do we have right now i don't care about next week are you starving right now once you start once you finish eating and your stomach is full then you say so what are you saying about next week you don't think about the future if you have a problem in the present once your present problem is solved then you start thinking about the future if you haven't paid the bill yet then you're only thinking about the bill right now the moment you pay the bill you start thinking what am i going to pay next month's bill you think about the future what did allah do allah took care of your immediate need when he said and he took care of your future when he said he took care of your future both of them and in the right order because human beings you love to rush you love the things that you need right now you're obsessed with them doesn't he know who he created he gave me first then he gave me he gave us an incomplete statement on purpose because what you do next completes it in the name of allah i eat in the name of allah i get out of bed in the name of allah i wash my face in the name of allah i get in my car everything you do is actually completing bismillah it is as though this beautiful gift of allah was waiting to complete everything you do it's the other way too now and now you know what you understand this lazy man zoom if you do anything without bismillah it's incomplete this was a part of it even in a muslim community is it possible our iman goes down is it possible that we don't feel as close to allah in one generation after the next after the next that we're becoming further and further away from allah is it possible we're becoming more materialistic of allah that we don't cry in salat anymore that we don't feel like we feel like reciting quran much anymore our duas have become empty we just recite some words and say them we don't even know what they mean and we don't even care does is that possible is that problem possible when the community when a muslim community has that problem how can they fix it again how can they get back on track these are the ayat these are the ayat which means these ayat will be relevant for you and me not just as a nation even as a person think forget about the entire country forget about the entire ummah just think about yourself aren't there days where you have become so far from allah that you need to get back and you don't even know how where do you begin i feel so distant from allah it's been so long since i cried in a salah it's been so long since i felt a connection with him how do i feel that connection so many people ask that question it is indeed ayat that the answer lies step one yet he recites unto them what his ayat we have to engage the word of allah we have to recite the word of allah we have to stop and think about the word of allah we have to think about the fact that every time allah is speaking he's talking to me he's talking to me directly wallahi the greatest gift you will ever ever have in your life is the gift of allah's speech allah chose to speak to you allah chose to speak to me in this book no other religion gives you this kind of direct access to allah that allah is talking to you and me but some people say no no no but allah is only talking to the prophet sallallahu alaihi he's not talking to me this is not a book for me this is a book for the for the scholars this is just i just recited with tajweed but i'm not supposed to think about it in it allah is talking about you that's literally what he says in it is your mention it's about you first thing you engage this book first thing we have to do in every muslim community in the world and we have to do it constantly is revive this sunnah of rasulullah what is that sunnah yet now you tell me there are millions of us all over the world in billions even we get together in ramadan and we stand and we listen to the quran being recited but the vast majority of us the vast majority of us have no idea what just happened you
Channel: TheProphetsPath
Views: 36,583
Rating: 4.965652 out of 5
Id: 7UPIDfirG9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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