D&D Chaos 1 | Brennan Lee Mulligan Aabria Iyengar Mica Burton Becca Scott Danny Quach Game 1

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- Welcome, to Roll20, the preview of Strixhaven and the brand new Roll20 mobile app. You're welcome. We're here for you, we're doing it. I guess we'll do this up top. I did that bad. I'd like to do it again. - Who are you? - Because I panicked in the moment. - Who are you? - I don't know. (laughing) - So far. - Hi, I'm Aabria, don't cut any of the other part out. This is what we're doing. I am your DM for the day, Aabria Iyengar. And with me is the dopest table to show you a first look at this beautiful curriculum of chaos. So, why don't we go from my left to right and introduce yourselves. - Me first? - Yeah. - Hey y'all, my name's Danny and I am the community manager for Roll20. - Oh snap, you work here? - What? - [Danny] Yes, I work here. - We got a narc in the group. - We do have a narc in the group. - I'm one of the good ones. - Okay. - Oh, okay. All right, all right. - [Becca] He is, I feel it. Feel right? - Welcome home. (giggles) - Who, me? - Yeah! - What? Hi, I'm Becca Scott, and today I am playing Conflegra Cerise. I took your French. (crosstalk) - Well, I don't know, I don't know. You know best. - Well, I'm Rootie Bega. (cast giggles) - Rootie and Conflegra are the best of friends since childhood, I imagine. - Maybe a little more, maybe a little less. - Oh! - Oh! - Rootie, I said don't tell anyone about that night! - Whoa! - Yeah, I'm a fire genasi glamor bug. And that's it. (cast laughing) - This is going so good. Mica, help. - Hi, I'm Mica. Uh, first of all, you spoiled my name. - So spoiler alert. Wow, that happened. - Take it back. Cut all of this out. - Nope, too late, we're going forward. My name is Mica Burton. I am going to be playing Sigrid Silverfeather. - Ooh. - She has a horrible French accent. She is an owlin, a wizard, and only dresses in the finest of clothing. (insects chirping) - I don't know how to like cue you without spoiling your name, so I'm just gonna make eye contact. - Should I go now? Where's my camera, which one? - All of them baby. - Hi America. (cast laughing) Oh, this is international, right? - Yeah. - Hi, there world. My name is Brennan Lee Mulligan. I'm the creator and dungeon master of Dimension 20, and you may have seen me- - Oh wait, we say where we're from? Oh, we're supposed to say what we do? (crosstalk) - Start it all over. - You might've also seen me in a CEO video maybe, that could happen. Oh God. I'm playing Professor, no wait, it was too (Aabria laughs) - You can't make yourself a professor. - I'm playing Colonel, uh, doctor. Doctor, citizen doctor. - What is a citizen doctor? (cast giggling) We're rolling with it, I'm playing Citizen Doctor, Abraham Mehermblur. - [Aabria] I have to change my notes. - How do you spell that? - It's Mehermblur, spelled M-E-H-E-R-M-B-L-U-R. (cast laughing) Abraham Mehermblur. (Mica mumbling) Artificer, warlock, and grandfather of the study of necronautics! - What? (cast laughing) - So, no, I'm gonna stop you right there, and we're gonna come back to me in hope that I can do anything good with this. (cast laughing) For whatever reason. - Oh, good Lord. - This is the motley crew that is here to fundraise, we're actually here to raise money for Code2040, which is an awesome group that provides mentorship for people of color in the tech industry. So there's a tilt, please, please let that graphic be there, or I'm pointing to heaven. There's a tiltify link. Go, please. - Is that what that is? - Go, everyone point down! - Straight down. - Straight down. - Wherever heaven is. - Both the devil and (indistinct). So I've made a terrible choice, and we'll see if it gets edited out. I've decided just right now that if we in this game here and now raise $20,000, we're gonna switch to the daddy ending. - What? - For this one shot. And I promise you, I don't know what that is. - I do! - I just said a word I like a lot and we'll figure it out. - Here's the thing, you've teased us with the daddy ending and now we need this daddy ending to happen. - Give us the daddy. - Give us the daddy. - You, you can do it! - Bird's-eye View, there's two endings. The regular endings, and then the daddy ending. And we only get the daddy ending if you all pitch in to an amazing cause. - And like who wants the regular ending when there's promise of a daddy ending? - Here's a promise of daddy, I promise you there will be zero daddies. - What? - Unless the daddy ending- - Oh, okay. I thought you were gonna say there's gonna be zero daddies in the daddy ending, and I'm like, cancel your credit card payments, everybody. - You almost walked out. - I almost quit. - I felt your soul leave the studio. - You can't say, "daddy ending", and then not give me daddies. - [Aabria] Yeah, that was impressive. - Are there gonna be zaddies? - Of course. - Oh, guys. - Oh, that's at $30,000. (cast laughs) - What's a? - What's a zaddy? - Do I dare ask? - We don't have the time. I'll get the PowerPoint out later. - We've got like eight hours for this episode, right? - Okay, well in that case, so a zaddy, it's like a daddy but with a Z. Which means he's like a super extra buff daddy, usually a little bit older, probably going gray. - No, zaddies are younger, what are we doing? - No, no no no, no. - You know in Digimon where they... (crosstalk) - Get out! - No! No Digimon! - We all know Digimon! - No one knows Digimon! - Digimon, digital monsters. - We can't sing that. - Why not? If you love Digimon, hit up the tiltify link right here. - That is not how we make money. (crosstalk) - It's Digi-daddy? - Yeah, I love (beep) - Whoa. - What? (cast laughing) - [Aabria] I will see myself out. - That is my favorite type of daddy. (cast laughing) - [Aabria] Girl, same. - Yeah, right? (indistinct) a little bit, what? - You've just made the comments go off. - This is either very good or very bad, and I don't care which it is. - Oh, man. (crosstalk) - Everyone shut up, I'm trying to start the game! (cast laughing) Welcome to Strixhaven University. Our mission here, as you find students, well no, is to discover and preserve magical knowledge, to disseminate said knowledge from one generation to the next, and to promote free and open study of magic in all its forms, and to enhance the lives of people through the use of magic. But we all knew that, I was saying that because it's a thing we all knew already. Coming to the close of your vigorous first-year studies, the four of you must be deep in contemplation of which of Strixhaven's five colleges will attract and hold your vibrant, nay, vibrating young minds. (Aabria mumbling) - The vibrations. - Young at heart, perhaps. (cast laughing) - Will it be Lorehold, the college of archaeomancy, Prismari, the college of elemental arts, Quandrix, the college of numeromancy, Silverquill, the college of eloquence, or Witherbloom and its college of essence studies. Y'all fates, great and glorious, lie not in the cards. (Becca gasps) But in yourselves. So let's see what you all dare to become. The four of you find yourselves, as you often do, standing in the lush, manicured gardens and ornate statuary of the Archway Commons of the central campus. You all stand in the imposing shadow of the Biblioplex, a blue domed library complex haloed by a massive floating stone formation, a star arch known as the Dawnbow. I'm using Roll 20. - Whoa. - That's what it looks like. - Whoa. - Welcome to where you are. - That's gorgeous. - A crisp early morning breeze clears the fog from your minds, as you find yourself standing the besides what is arguably the most important building on campus, the Cozy Fire Jolt Cafe. The side of the wooden building boasts a mind-bogglingly intricate carving of the collision of worlds that birthed the five dragons that formed Strixhaven and gave the colleges their names. The Prismari students that are responsible for this carving also enchanted it... (Becca sighs) Okay, calm down, first year. - I will be Prismari. - Maybe. (Becca breathing fast) They enchanted it so that the five dragons are actually like flowing and swooping around this central nexus of magic, or they did, because now the carving, as well as the rest of the cafe, is utterly ablaze. (fire roars) Students and faculty patrons alike look on in horror and accusation as the four of you run out from the back door of the Fire Jold Cafe. In this moment of confusion and consumption, let's take a little snapshot and find out what those odd and horrified onlookers see. Brennan, can you give me a description of your character? (Brennan breathes deeply) - Abraham Mehermblur, is a reborn human warlock artificer. The reborn are the species, the sort of meta species. Any creature can become reborn simply by defying death itself! (cast laughing) Citizen Doctor Mehermblur looks like- - Citizen Doctor! (cast laughing) - No, I'm not calling you that. - I think he's wearing like a black, long coat. He has a wild shock of white hair that looks like he's been electrocuted, as he has many times. He has bolts, it's Frankenstein-esque bolts in his neck, and clearly has one wide, bloodshot eye that is a good 50% larger than the other eye. Big mustache, and he's got a lot of... He's an artificer and a warlock, so he's got a lot of mad science gear, but also is an undead warlock, having made a pact with a creature from beyond the grave. Myself! (cast laughing) And I have an imp named Paddles that's my familiar. - Yeah. - Come on, Paddles. - Paddles is in front of you, giving you the like, "We gotta go!" - You are partially resistant to fire, paddles, I presume, let's get in there! (cast laughing) - And yeah, we move the camera a little farther over. - Sigrid, she is a beautiful... I'm not gonna do this all in the stupid French accent. She's like this beautiful owlin, which is a owl person. - Those are new for this book club. - Those are new. And the cool thing about owlins is that they have like human arms, but bird wings, which is dope. So, she's actually flying away from the scene. This beautiful kind of like a snowy owl, really sleek feathers. She kind of looks like, you know Stuart Little's mom and the "Stuart Little" second movie, that she's like way too pretty for a mouse? You didn't watch it? Okay, well, somebody... Thank you, you know what I'm talking about. So she's like way too pretty for an owl, and she's dressed only in like fantasy Versace, like sleek, black, cute little plaid skirt, black plaid and a sweater vest on. And she has a pearl necklace on and a little scarf tied around her neck. And she's just zooming away from the spire. - Yeah, beautiful. - She does not want to be involved in this. - Amazing. Conflegra. - Conflegra Caliente Celise, is a fire genasi. And as such, when fleeing from a fire, she sort of like buoyed behind because of fire resistance. It makes her look even hotter than she already is. - [Aabria] Oh, I get that joke, that's good. - Like drama queen. (laughs) - Take inspiration for the first part of the night. - Whoa, I don't know what I'm writing. (cast laughing) She is wearing flowing black... Roll black dress with big flowy arm sleeves, and has contraband color in her outfit, because first years are not allowed such things, but she knows. She knew from day one of stepping on Strixhaven campus, that she would be Prismari. And therefore, it's like a sleeve under my big flowy sleeve. You see red and also blue. - Oh. - Whoa. - Kind of like an orange ish tint to her skin tone. And the hair is just flame red. It's an actually flames, but like you might be in the right light. Oh, and this is her buddy. - Oh, really? - Hi there, I'm Rootie Bega. I am a known Druid. And Rootie is kind of, just kinda dodging people as they're running out. And he's just trying to tend to the flowers. That's his job for the day. And he understands that there's a fire back there, but the flowers also gotta be taken care of. So he should have taken his time, just watering some flowers. - Just vibin'. - Just vibin'. He has this big old gardener's hat on, probably hitting other people. He's just mad that people are knockin', and he's just trying to shoulder them off. He's about three foot six, but he, he talks like he is six foot six a little bit sometimes when people tell him to clean up himself, 'cause he's a little dirty. - Little dirty boy. - Little dirty boy. He got gray overalls on, no shirt underneath, big old belly just kind of sticks out. And the short overalls and work boots. - Amazing. - We love a short thick king. - Yes. So if I understand that correctly- - We found our daddy? - There's our daddy. (cast laughs) Hope we made it. (cast laughs) We'll wait quietly until that 20K kicks in. So three of you are fleeing. One of you has stopped the smell and, or water the roses. And in the middle of this commotion, Mina Lee, she seems to always have a shift at the Fire jolt. She's a human female. She's got like Southeast Asian features, but with beautiful long gray hair. We can show her. - Ooh! - Mina. - [Aabria] There's Mina. - [Mica] Wait, wife! (cast laughs) - There's daddy's and wives in our games. - We can have a mommy ending. - Mommy! - Mommy endings is 50K, let's go. - Let's go. - So, Mina normally, like cavalier and joyous, she's a first year Silverquill student. She runs by just bobbies and picks you up by the back of your overall- - Now, Mina these flowers- - It's on fire! - But the water it's for the flowers. - On fire! And she's just a running way for you. She has tucked to you under her arm, and is just full Heisman moving you to safety. And, kind of gets you and follows the group over to a clearing. As you see, the manager and proprietor, Alina Tanglewood, this older Elvin woman, emerges from the Fire jolt. She's also a fire genasi. And you see her starting to cast some very low level water spells. Try to put it out, you can tell, she was like, "I leaned in the fire hard "and I did not prepare the spell slots "for putting out a fire. "Because, I didn't think that was gonna be my problem." And, a bunch of other students are chipping in and starting to put it out. So, you have a couple of minutes of cloud cover before the heat comes, and Mina just kind of drops you and turns, "What did you do in there?" Why is it on fire? What did you do? - It started because Abraham wanted to show us a death, I think. - Yes, I actually... Now that we have made it back to my equipment, I will be running back into the conflagration. - [Cast] Please, no, no, no! - No, you're not the right time, huh? - You know, you guys are gonna get in trouble, right? You are first years. You can't just burn down buildings. That's like, third year stuff. - Well, technically I was not there. I was just sitting afar and I have nothing to do with it. - Are you part of this group, or not? - Maybe. - I need you to make a deception check; because she has just a little bit of doubt, that in this panic, that maybe she didn't see you all sitting at your table. Ah, I wrote the Nat 20, but it's minus one. So it's 19. - Amazing. And she gives you a little look like, "But I could have sworn-" - I mean, maybe I was there, but I did not let anything on fire, it was him. - You guys need to not throw each other under the bus. You guys are gonna get expelled for this maybe, I don't know, I don't wanna say, um- - Mina, you saw nothing. - It is true, you saw nothing. - I am trolling perform her. ♪ You are with us or you're against us ♪ - And I do like a cool, sexy dance around her. - Yeah, she's for sure, like body rolls. Keeping up the, "Oh, okay. "What's (indistinct) safe from me?" - [Brennan] She does the body rolls even if she makes the safe? (cast laughs) - [Mica] She's just vibing regardless. - Listen, this isn't working on me, but I do love it. (cast laughs) Well, I'm with an 18. Um, she makes the wisdom safe; but, she kind of gives you a little bit of a look. She actually looks down and catches the little flutter of red and blue in your sleeves. - Shh, hoo. - Yeah, well, maybe I'm not gonna tell on you guys. I do like you. But, I can... How about this? Um, I didn't see you back here. I'm gonna run around the front, and you all go figure out who actually did it. 'Cause, it wouldn't have been you, you wouldn't have- - Mina, can you put me down? - Oh, I'm so sorry. (cast laughs) (crosstalk) you're so tucked in there, tiger was really nice. - Those were good body rolls that you did. - Thank you, oh my God, you were there while I was dancing. I am so sorry. - It's fine. - Now it's really sweaty, did I sweat on you? I am- - It's okay, I like a little sweat. It kinda, cleans me up. Uh, can tell me what you saw. You said you saw something of us, doing something with the fire? - Well, the way I... Yeah, you were all sitting there, and then you leaned in together, and a fire erupted from the center of your table. Do none of you remember that? - I can barely even- - I need all of you to make a history check for me. - First one to get there wins. - 19. - 20, 20. - [Aabria] Oh, shit, okay. - Wait, twenty six. - [Aabria] Holy! Okay. - Whoa. - So that would be 21. - Okay, well everyone rolled incredibly. So you all think back to that moment and you realize that, yeah, you reached the outside and you felt that breeze and that's the beginning of your memory. You remember waking up, you remember leaving, 'cause you all knew you were going to meet at the Fire jolt Café, and then everything sort of forms a tiny little blank, until here and now. - I wanna cast detect thoughts. I wanna fly above the crowd, 30 feet to be precise, and just read everybody's individual thoughts and see if anybody's thinking something nefarious. - This is very fun. Now detect thoughts, should be a singular target. - It says I can change targets every turn, but I'm not in initiative right now. - You know what? I love it. - So, I'm gonna guess that, that means- - I think you're good. - At will. - I was gonna let you do it anyway. - Oh, okay, and then I was convincing. - Then you rules would it mean, I love it even more. - [Mica] Yeah, boy! - So, uh, yeah. You kind of take off and fly overhead and he was like, "No, wait, I was helping. "Why did she leave?" - And even before you hear it, "I will be back." - "Okay, I don't know why I feel the weird need "to respond to cracks." And you fly overhead, and you start, uh, cherry-picking thoughts and you see, uh, there's actually a cluster of faculty at the center of which you see a woman in like these really ornate red and white robes. You know that that is the Dean of order from Lorehold, who is a bit of a catholic monster. And she, you can see without, like, hearing her 'cause you're so focused on like, trying to grab these thoughts without hearing what's going on. She is working herself up into a grand standing speech, and it's sort of starting to pull attention, and you start moving around and listening to those... What you notice is that everyone just seems sort of shocked and surprised, and a little worried for their beloved café. And then you hear one voice. What languages do you speak? - Celestial, Common and Elvish. - In a language you definitely don't know. - Ooh. - But you can recognize it's guttural and growly. And I'm sure there are plenty of dragon-boarding students, though most people speak Common here, but this feels like old Draconic. It is barking and snarling. And you scan the crowd trying to pick who it's coming from, but you don't see anyone that would match those thoughts. You detect the thoughts, but not their origin. - Can I also read the thoughts of grandstanding robe person. - Yes, you know that that is a Augusta Tullus. I am gonna throw her up there. - Oh. - Oh. - [Mica] Oh, she's beautiful. - She's beautiful, she is Lorehold. - [Danny] Lorehold. - [Aabria] She's beautiful, and a problem. - Oh, great. - You wanna push in a little deeper? - Um,- - 'Cause you know I'm gonna make you roll for that. - Yeah, yeah, maybe not. But I can hear what she's saying, right? - I mean, if you stop using the spell I will let you hear what she's saying. - Okay. - If you want to push in and hear deeper thoughts and then make you roll for it, it's gonna be dope. - No, they have to make a wisdom saving throw, so I'm not gonna probe 'cause she's probably real wise. - I can't imagine that- - I can't imagine that I had master's wise. - [Aabria] Yeah. - Then I'm gonna end my detect thoughts and eavesdrop real quick, before flying back to my friends. - Perfect, and you hear her just in the middle of a, "Whoever is responsible for this, "and I'm not saying I know who, "but I did see some first year students fleeing "from the back of the café. "But whomever is responsible for this "will be worse than dead. "They will be expelled and exiled "from the magical community forever." And you see the other professors who are just like, "It's a cafe, we're all mad, we can rebuild it." (cast laughs) And she's like, "I said, what in the fuck I said! "I didn't get my coffee! "And if coffee doesn't appear in five minutes, "I am going to kick everyone out of Lorehold, "then it will just be me!" (cast laughs) - Our café just burned. - I wanna land in front of her, really quickly, and as if I just now heard this. I'm going to use my unseen servant to fetch a beautiful cup of coffee from the cafeteria and bring it over. - This is the closest café. - This is the closest, how far? - So I would say the next place would be the cafe inside the Biblioplex, the big library. That's gonna be like a 10 minute jaunt. - Then for the next ten-ish minutes, I would like to stand there and kind of just have- - In her view? - In her view, and just have maybe a gentle conversation and be like, "I understand, as a coffee lover myself, "I would like to say, "I am horrified that someone would burn down, but-" - You're wearing the colors of a first year, and I didn't see you run out the front with the rest of us. Are you one of the students that burned down this beloved institution? - Oh no, no, no, no, no. I flew, I have wings. - What is your name? - I am Sigrid Silverfeather. I flew out of the door, you may not have seen me. I was above all of the students, I flew. - So you're saying I didn't notice you? - I am saying that- - You're doubting the quality of my perception? - You are so busy and you are so wonderful, and- - Get your friends and bring them to me right now! - Would you like to- - Before I do some magic about it. - Wait for your coffee that I have brought for you? - Coffee? - It is coming fresh. - Make a persuasion chapter with this advantage. With this advantage- - Okay. Because she's having a very good time being very angry. - Okay, that's one. That's two. Okay, that's gonna be a 10. - Then 19 would have been nice. - It would have been nice. - [Aabria] It would have been great. - It would have really, really? - That's not what you get though- - [Mica] I know. - Because bring them. We're gonna have a conversation until the coffee arrives. - So, yes on the coffee? Okay. - I thought that was already happening, honestly. - Okay, yes, yes, it is on it's way and I'll scurry off and go fetch my friends. (cast laughs) - And as you're kind of running to the back, you see that she's like, "bzzz" like to other professors who were like, "You know, I don't even like fucking drinks I'm gonna go." And they're just kind of leaving and fleeing the scene. - So, we are in, how do you say, the shit. We are in the shit. - Is she saying the jits? - We are fucked. - Ah, yes. - I understood that one. - You understand, we are fucked? - Well here's the thing, I don't know we actually did anything, because I personally cannot remember exactly what happened before we ran out of the back of the café. - Well yes, neither can I. - [Becca] What? - However, we must present ourselves and we are fucked. - The jits. - The shits. - I'm gonna go, you guys are in a lot of trouble. - Mina. - [Aabria] Yeah? - You never saw us. - You know what? I didn't, I didn't. And I didn't go to work today. I'm gonna go to class. I'm gonna go, to class. Uh, good luck. Boo, huh, hmm. And she just walks away. - Has it been 10 minutes yet? - Uh, do you just hover in the back for 10 minutes? - No, I'm waiting for the... I'm like, we're going to take our time gathering, but I want the coffee to be still on its way. The unseen servant went to go get that coffee. - Okay. - [Mica] It's coming back. - I'm gonna let you know, that if you sandbag for, like, eight more minutes, it's gonna be worse when you show up. - [Mica] It's gonna be worse. - And I know you know that. - Okay, okay. So we hustle, we hustle. - [Aabria] Yeah. - [Mica] All right. - Uh, as we follow this cute little waddling bird, unless you're flying? - No, I'm waddling, probably. (Mica laughs) - I'm gonna ask Rootie, how is it like to ride those body rolls? (cast laughs) - You know, they were really strong. You might be able to learn a little bit from her. - Excuse me? - I mean- - I told you not to talk about that. - But the strength- - We're not talking about- - It's about the strength. - Abraham. (Brennan howls) (cast laughs) - We're gonna need you to be confused, to try and get us off the hook for this. - What are you talking about? - Perfect. - That was good, that was real good. - Paddles is just leaning on your shoulder. - Paddles. - Yeah, you know we are completely, but you might just wanna die. Maybe that, just be a corpse again. I'll bring you back, but don't be part of this. - It's possible that, we did set that fire. Perhaps I set it myself, although, it seems unlikely. There were no measurements tools, no instruments, nothing to find the nadir of the necrotic parabola. I don't think I would have just chosen to die without any of my instruments. - Yeah, that wasn't science, it was just like a weird fire. - Yeah, I know if I had to bet, I would say it's probably (indistinct). - Oh my God, she's looking at me. - [Cast] Oh? - And Paddles just, freezes. Just looking up and looking at you, like just- - Do I see him? I know Paddles, right? - Yeah, Paddles think that they are invisible a lot. - Oh. - And he's like, "Ah." - Paddles you know me. - Ah! - Conflegra. - Ah! - When I do that my hair kind of like, whoosh. - Do the body rolls. - Yeah, my hair body rolls. - Paddles, do the body rolls. - [Mica] Not to interrupt- (cast laughs) - [Mica] Oh, oh. - Paddles it's so tiny, but you do it. - Incredible. - Do you see the spring in those body rolls? - I did hear a draconic. I heard a- - The language of dragons. - Oh. - Dragon speak. - Dragon speak draconic. - Aah! - Huh! - Dynamite! - I've been seeing you! I've been seeing you! Thousands of times. (crosstalk) - We have always been here. - Paddles, crawls into the back of your big black coat. And you just have like a little hunch now. - Honest laziness is a great aesthetic for me. (cast laughs) - Anyway- - You heard, I speak the speech of a dragon folk. - Could I recreate what I heard? - I will love if you tried. Please make a performance check for me with disadvantage. - Frick. - I will give you bardic inspiration. - What does that inspiration look like, sound like, feel like? - Uh. (Becca beatboxing) - Beatbox to help Sigrid retrieve her memories. (cast laughs) - Uh, can I come up with help action? - Oh, how are you helping her recall as she tries to- - As someone who speaks Draconic, as she attempts to form the sounds that she only heard mentally, I will explain Draconic phonemes, and the language, the structure of like sentences. - Ooh. - I'll allow it. So please roll with advantage and then add what's the di for Bartican's breach. (crosstalk) - [Cast] D-6? - [Mica] Oh gosh! - [Becca] Oh, is that a six? - [Danny] Oh, yeah. - [Cast] Aye! - [Mica] Um, that is for 20, a dirty 20. - It's incredibly nasal, but you're able to effectively communicate. And the thing that you hear through the growling static of her attempt to remember what she heard. - With the bad French accent? - And beatbox?- (crosstalk) (Becca beatboxing) - There is beatboxing, there is a bad French accent. And then, there is like a dog chewing on a toy. It's like, what the Draconic is coming through. But what you hear is good, the first distraction. Now on to the next. - Well, if the inner ear of your mind was able to detect the whispers of this smell factor- - Just tell us already. - What? Tell you what? (Aabria laughs) - Would we just translate? - Translate for? - Abraham. - Yes? - You speak Draconic. - Hmm. - We just beat boxed Draconic for you. - I'm right there with you- - [Becca] Okay. - So far. - And, what was said? - By you? - No, by the owl. Damn it's easy to remember. - What did Sigrid say? Well, she was interested in deciphering this bit of Draconic. - Yes, I think what she is saying is, what did I say? Could you put it in Common? - You see, you all see the hunch move just a little bit, and a little shock to the back of your neck, try to get- (Brennan screams) - Oh, look at that big old eye. (Brennan gasping) There it is. - Is he? - And, we're back, listen. The Draconic speech you heard indicates that the arsonist is amongst the student body in disguise. Here at Strixhaven, time is running short. And I'm afraid that the burning of the cafe may only be the first- (Brennan breathing heavily) of many. - Are you feeling all right? - Never. (Aabria laughs) - [Danny] Good, that means she's feeling good. - You could kill yourself less, and then, maybe, feel stronger. - Frankly, nah. (Danny laughs) I'm good. I would rather die for science, (Brennan coughs) and magic. Listen, is that fire still going there? I got to hop in there, I'd grab some- - No, no, no, no, no, no. - No, no. - I drag him along, by the collar, over to Fancy Robe Woman. - Yeah. You come around to the front and the Dean of Order is just standing there waiting. The fire is completely out, there's sort of just a charred husk. And you see the first couple students, mostly Lorehold students, who are very adapt to and prone to investigation and digging through rubble; are starting to move in and figure out what's going on. - And a very dramatic... Like the wings come out as my arms come out, kind of, prostrate myself. Bow to her and... What's her name again? - I don't hate it. Uh, Dean Tullus. - Madame Tullus, uh- - I don't think that's how you say my name. - We took it upon ourselves to- - You four? - To make sure that our names as first years are cleared. We have information for you, about who possibly burned down your beloved café. - Are you going to continue with this, preamble, or give me the information? - [Mica] Yes, yes, yes, I- - I am not made of time,- - [Mica] I apologize, yes. - And the coffee isn't here yet. - It is on it's way, I apologize. As I was flying above the students I heard Draconic. And as my friend Abraham speaks Draconic, he has told me it is, that possibly an imposter among us. quite (indistinct), if you ask me. - What just happened? - Sigrid, I am so sorry, please continue. - Yes, quick, quick, quick, there is an impostor. Uh, they said this is the first of many distractions. That the destruction was complete. So there may be, something fishy. Something off, happening here. And she bows again. - You don't have to keep bowing. But you four, first years, it's the end of the term, and if you were to continue your studies here, would be expected to show the initiative of your colleges. So, I'm going to give you until the end of the day. When the moon rises, find this supposed interloper and bring them to me. Or, I will assume that you four are responsible for the arson that several people here witnessed you performing. - If I may, Dean, Dean Tullus. (Becca clears throat) Hi, Prismari initiate, possibly Conflegra. Anyway, what evidence do these supposed witnesses have of us, aside from us choosing an exit separate from the exit others chose? - Several people saw the fire erupt from your table. Where, not you, the rest of you were sitting. - Who is to say that the fire was not placed from afar? By said interloper? She bows again. - Diminishing returns. - Oh, yeah, okay. - If I may? I just, if I were to choose fire as the means, it would be a little too, you know- - Obvious? - [Becca] Yes. - Yeah. - So you still would kick me out of school for doing? Like I would- - Again! - Just sink into a hole in the ground- - Look, you're a first year and our pass rate isn't as high as you think it is. So, as I said before, if you are not responsible, then perhaps you would be colleges' proud and find whoever did, before the Mage Tower name the end of the day. Does that seem fair to you? Oh, coffee. (cast laughs) (crosstalk) - Here's what I don't get. What's the interaction at the cafeteria, when your little invisible guy shows up? - It's like a little note that I wrote and handed to my visible servant that said, "This is an invisible servant from Sigrid Silverfeather, "please, if you do not mind, hand me a cup of coffee." And there's a copper attached to the note. And then, they just like- - Have you done this before? - Yeah. - Yeah. There's like a lizard folk that's just like, "Oh, that's crazy, yeah." - It's the most adorable bit of magic I've ever heard of in my life. - It's got the latte art. It's like a cute little feather. - All right. 'Cause Sigrid is always in the library studying. So she never has time to go get her own coffee. So this is normal. - [Aabria] Yeah. - Abraham's gonna look down at the latte foam art and go like, "A feather? You know that lizard folk likes you, right? - Me? - I'm just saying. - Ooh, is that what that means? - Oh, is that, is this the time for this? Okay I'm not- - There's always time for love. (cast laughs) - How old are- (cast laughs) - How old am I? Let's find out. - No, no, no, no, no. - It's all right, he does this once in a while. - I'm 34. - Impossible, you look horrible. - I look good for my age- - [Aabria] You do not. - He takes that as a compliment. - Oh, no. - Rootie! - I know I talk a little slow, but you talk real slow, like real, real slow. Can you speed it up just a little bit? - [Aabria] He gets it. - Sure, if you'd like me to speed it up, I'm gonna be- - Paddles. - Hmm? (cast laughs) - And we see switch, go! - Paddles also has a latte. (cast laughs) - We can get latte in character, right then? - We can all (indistinct) without the pretend latte. (cast laughs) - Love, a lovely adject word. (cast laughs) - And, Paddle is just, yeah. You just see a little. - Listen, here's what we need to do. (Becca laughs) Sigrid's clever bit of psychic archaeomancy unleash not the language someone was speaking verbally, but the language they were speaking psychically to themselves, which means it was likely their first language. That means either dragon-born, or perhaps a true dragon themselves. What that means for us is we must investigate the campus to find any insight into a Draconic being. Perhaps something of the red or gold variety that would be likely to wield fire through it's very breath weapon. - That was enough, take a break. - [Brennan] Okay. - Yeah, you were good. - That was good. - Really good, thank you for asking. - [Brennan] You are most in touch with the terrain and environment, if any of us. Would it be possible for you to glean anything from the gardens or grounds about any sort of Draconic presence? - Yeah, so I would like to cast detect magic. And, I have all these root vegetables in my little knapsack. - Yes. - Oh. - They're like little potatoes, and parsnips, and stuff, and he kinda shakes it up. And Rootie just kinda rolls them, and just tries to see if he can see any auras that- - Oh, my God. - Oh, my God, that's so cute. (cast laughs) - Even Dean Tullus is like, "Ah." (cast laughs) "Okay." The caffeine has her brain and she's, like, calmed down a little bit. And she looks over and watches you take on this arcane process. And here's the problem, this is a magical school. So there's that first burst, like, when you wear night vision goggles, and then you just stare into a lighthouse. That is the thing that you've had to, across this first year of school, learn to knock down in order to narrow your focus to what you care about, because just about everything around you is magical. Students are carrying magical objects. They are doing passive, little camp trips just 'cause they're lazy and drinking their coffee and stirring. No one doesn't not do magic all the time at a magical university. But, what are you looking for specifically, if I- - I'm trying to see which potato rolls the farthest. - Yeah, it's not a potato. It's actually, a little radish. Just the littlest guy that hits and rolls, and finds a little part of the sidewalk, that seems to curve down. And it actually rolls into the burnt ruins of the Fire jolt Café. - You're not getting that radish back. - Well, we can always rely on the radish. So if we find it, we might be able to find something. - Hmm. - Is that gonna look weird? Aren't we supposed to not go back to the crime scene if we did it? - Now, the assumption is that you did it. So, you can go wherever you want. - Well, let's go on back to the crime scene. - Yes, thank you. - I'm gonna wrap up my conversation with Sigrid and just say, "I'm just saying, one copper piece. "And then you get that all with that foam on." - I just think that, maybe I should go back later on. - And also, the café burned down, it's probably gonna be slammed over there, right? - And he took the time to make my coffee. Ooh! (cast laughs) - Love is in the air. - Does the invisible servant wait in line, or that it just goes straight to the front? - We have a little deal that he can go to the back and he makes me my coffee. - Oh, you are right, I've been- (cast laughs) - As the owlin say, ooh la-la. (cast laughs) - And you all enter back into the Fire jolt. You see your little radish has rolled across this burnt wood, and has rolled up to what is known as your guys' table. Like, you have a little booth in the back where you can kind of watch people coming in and out the front, and you're adjacent to, but not on the patio, because that tends to be for upperclassmen and faculty. But, you've got a pretty prime spot for first years. And at your little table, you see now looking, definitely looks like the center of this explosive blast. And what you see on the table, it's a bunch of charred bits. - And also regret a wood-burning our initials into the table a couple of months ago. - Yeah. - Unrelated. - It's actually, the where you carved isn't burned. You threw a little stank on there. So just a bunch of charred black and then the BFFs. What's your guys' group name? I don't know. Don't make me guess. - I meant all of our individual initials, but together obviously there's a lot in common between the owlin, the old man who's falling apart, the vegetable-gnome, and the fire-bud. So our name, The Undead Rutabagas. - I really appreciate that you guys would feature our death in there. It's very hard for people in the continuing education program to come in and sort of blend in with freshman and also I'm dead. So that's helpful too. - You mention it all the time. Everybody refers to us as a group, is that we didn't put that on. - [Mica] No, no. - Other people put that on us, because you talk about it. - Oh, that's sort of a put down? And we've sort of- - And we've appropriated it, it sounds now. - You guys are my besties. - And as you, brush away some of the detritus to look at a U-P carved- (cast laughs) I heard it when I said it. (cast laughs) On the table, you brushing, you hear the clinking of a piece of shrapnel ceramic, and it gets knocked over and you see just like a little bit of a rounded glass that rolls out of what looks like a chard egg-cup holder. And, there's just a little bit of a curved glass covered in some sort of filigree, you can't see, it's kind of blackened, but is definitely throwing off incredibly strong evocation. - When you say egg-cup, you mean those little things where we put a hard boil egg. - [Aabria] Yes. - Like a single eggs- - A single egg, yeah. - An egg cup. - Now, I have a question. - Yes? - Is this is going to be one of those- - Is that bad 'cause you're a bird person, that someone- - No, no, no, no, we're fine with that. I have a question that is, kind of, one of those, "Ms. DM may I's?" - Yes, please. A negotiation. - With my keen mind, it says that I can accurate recall anything I have seen or heard within the past month. Now I may have a gap in memory, but if I can accurately recall what I have seen or heard, I must have seen or heard the cause of this explosion at our table. Is there something I can roll to jog my memory. - I would love for you to roll. Give me an Arcana check and I'll give you advantage because of your Keen Minds. - Okay. - Add advantage. Well, that's 25. - Oh, my goodness. - Ooh. - And that's a nine. So I'm gonna take the 25. - Yeah. With a 25, your mind moves back to this moment, because your beautiful owlin brain is organized in such a way that you're like, I must recall from this moment. - [Mica] Right? And even though there is important magic that is blocking your memory, you can go and sit in the arcane static that's blocking it, and you hear what happened. Then, you hear your friends all chattering loudly about what they're going to do that day. You all apparently had plans to go to the Strixhaven stadium to go see this last big Mage Tower competition, known as The Battle of Strixhaven. You know, a couple of you mentioned that as you were walking from your dorms, you heard people beginning to pre-party already; and you actually heard a little Rootie get up, and he me makes his excuses to go water some of the plants outside. And then you hear footsteps, and the light clink of something put onto the table, and then a massive explosion. - In this memory, did I see what the hand looked like, that put it on the table? - I'm not giving you visuals on this,- - Okay. - [Aabria] Very specifically. - Just hearing. Okay. So I heard. Do the footsteps sound heavy? - They don't sound heavy. They sound humanoid. - [Mica] Okay. - But the cadence of them would suggest, and I'll just give you this for free, someone who is trying to sneak and doing a bad job. Like, both of their legs are asleep and they don't really have a good cadence to it. - Interesting, okay. I will share all of this information, so I do not have to in French with my compatriots. - Love that girl. (cast laughs) - I'm gonna look at Sigrid and say, "Something about the cadence was off." The legs felt clumsy or uncertain. Perhaps someone who had had a series of heavy books on their laps and their legs had fallen asleep, or perhaps a creature unaccustomed to walking on two legs. - Aah, the dragon? - Precisely. I'm going to take out some little artificer glasses and cast Detect Magic. Paddles, my instruments and going to- (cast laughs) - Paddles crawls around to the front seat of his front lump and then just, glasses shoot up out. - Yes, hold them in place in your little impibion. - Impibion! - I don't like the way you said that, but I'm gonna do it 'cause I have to. - You're such a little sweetheart. - Don't paddles me, I don't wanna enjoy that. - Pad, pad, pad. I'm going to ask for a- - I'm gonna kill everyone one day. - Would you ask, not to kill everyone. - Don't look at me! - I always see you! - Don't look at Paddles, he wants to kill you. I'm going to try to get a help action on, whether this is Arcana or Tinker's tools, and would like to also use knowledge from past lives. - Oh, that's fun! What does that mean? - I think for me it's like, all the many times I have died, and glimpsed the other side, and wrenched myself back. It's visions of weird life ref, like, my life has flashed before my eyes so many times. That I'm just a very good student of my own studies. - That's amazing. Like, every book I've read, I've read 20 times 'cause I reread it every time I died. (cast laughs) - Insane. Oh God, what a nightmare. Okay, I contemplate that personally, and that's gonna keep me up forever. - As if he has a mental breakdown, okay? - Okay. - I like my life. (cast laughs) So, yeah, you kind of think back. There's no role associated with what you're doing? - Well, yeah, whatever the skill check is. And I add a D6 to it from knowledge of past life. - Oh, got it, okay. Let's call it an Arcana check. - Cool. Coming up, whoa! That is a natural 20, and I'll throw the D6 on there for 20. - I mean you don't have to. - But I wanna. (cast laughs) - [Aabria] Okay, well then. - [Mica] It's an extra four. - Okay, a 29 is plenty. So, your mind kind of flows back to this information in what you know. And you think back to the place you go between places, because you die and you've sort of learned via your bargain with yourself, this that stretches both forward and backward in time. You're a little older than the other students here, and you're a little more attuned to the strangeness of the magic that's here. There is someone at Strixhaven that's known as The Oracle. They are chosen by the five founders, these five dragons that form Strixhaven, as the most learned and morally sound, and wise, and kind, and long sighted to sort of look over everything and make sure that Strixhaven is uncorrupted. And there's a truth to the Oracle, and that process, and that cycle, that you've seen in the place that you go between death and life over and over again. That, when the Oracle reaches the end of their life, they die and their mind, and essence, and soul are sent back to the beginning of time when this place, this entire world was formed and they become what's known as an Archaic. And you guys are all aware of Aicaics are these massive elemental creatures that are incredibly wise, but super cryptic and not very helpful, just big, big Mage Nexis of power that sort of roam outside of Strixhaven and move across this world trying to understand magic and the deeper mysteries of existence. And you know, because you've seen the cycle that death moves in both directions. And once you understood that secret, every time you died you learned a little more, as you went back. And you have seen with your own eyes, some version of the creation of this world, that there were dragons that came out of it. And some of them chose to invest themselves in magic and spread that throughout the multi-verse. There were those who saw the power and sought to use it for other ends, and were banished and fled from Strixhaven, and are kept at bay. But, for how long? And you know that the thing that those dark dragon seek is at the center of the school, the center of this campus. The place that you've all spent the majority of your time, because you don't go to the satellite schools yet. The Biblioplex and that massive Dawnbow that sort of in circles it at the very center, at the very heart of it, is a snarl of magic. All of you know that magic, this is the thing that you work on the fundamentals before you pick your places to go. Magic is a weave. And the order of that comes from weaving also has its opposite, the chaos of tangles and snarls, strong, messy places. And this, the center of Strixhaven is one of those messy places. And if something dark, and mean, and vengeful was coming, you know where it would be headed. - I just got chills. Oh my God, oh my God! - Whoa! - So, Oracles are KX dragons. So the school has an Oracle, the Oracles become, or can (indistinct) time became Aracaics? - Yeah. And then, unrelated to that, there is this influence through seeing that, that I understand the difference between the five dragons that founded this place and dragons that philosophically were not aligned with them? - Yes. - Do I see any relation, to those dragons in particular, through the item I'm inspecting, through this egg cup, or whatever? - Yeah. As you sort of focus in on it, you know that you don't have enough, this is an incomplete item, but you know that this is very strong, very old magic crafted by hands that understood magic before it was as specific and precise as it is now. So even though it is a piece of a fragile small thing, the magic of it is raw and very old. - This egg-cup will be the death of us all. - I can't tell if he's being serious or not- - Is he joking? - Is he gonna swallow the egg-cup? - Normally the egg-cup- - [Becca] I don't know who- - No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I snatch the egg-cup. - Who is going to read the scientific journal about death by egg cups? - And let me be very clear, you're holding the egg cup. It's the little bit of glass inside it that's the magic thing. The egg-cup's just an egg-cup. - Oh, somebody put an orb in the egg-cup, the egg-cup itself was not the magic item. (crosstalk between cast) - Because if you are trying to carry a magical, round, small thing and you don't want it to look like- (crosstalk between cast) - Yeah, I'm sorry. This is my first day y'all. - I would you say it is possible that you did try and eat this thing, and yet you weren't dead when we left the building. So I retract my supposition. - I'm gonna say, a little piece of Draconic and be like, "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust." It just sounds like me going, (Brennan speaks Draconic) - He is here Paddles, was here. (cast laughs) - Thank you little guy. - So, we are looking for a dragon, but not a dragon? - Yes. There are draconic forces in the world that do not share the outlook of the school's founders. There are nefarious forces at work, draconic in origin, perhaps one of the ancient beings cast out from this place at the dawn of time has managed to find its way in, and is creating distractions for it to move upon the snarl of magic at the center of the Biblioplex. - That makes sense. I mean, if it were me and I got left out of the group of all the other dragons that were starting a school I'd be angry. - So we're looking for a busy dragon? - They could just be having a bad day, but I don't know. - They tried to burn down a bunch of students. - To be fair, when I have bad day, I also try to murder. - You do? - I just look off. (cast laughs) - No, no, I get it, I do. - Well, Rootie bends down and takes all the little magical pieces. And he's just like, "Well, I'm gonna put this in my purse knit bag." - Again, the only magical piece is just that one tiny bit. - He still wants all the other bits, but- - [Aabria] Yeah that's fair, go ahead. So, can we use this thing to try to find out where we we're gonna take it to the Biblioplex? And then we gonna, what are we gonna do with it? - I think, look around for dragons. - There are two roads diverging from this point. There is the pursuit of a dragon, an entity with unsteady legs beneath it. Or, we may attempt to beat our quarry to its next target. If you were to create a distraction, where would you attack on campus next? - DM. - Yeah. - What time is it now, and what time is the game? - Yeah. It's about 11:00 AM now and you know the game is at like, 5:30 - 6:00. - Are there any other focal points, other than the "la Biblioteca", (cast laughs) - [Aabria] I love you. - I love you. - Inspirational, that was great. - Thank you, I'm gonna put one of those there. That would be a focal point on campus, where a next distraction? You said the cafe was the place, and then the Dawnbow is another place, but that's what the snarl is. Is there a third place, since the game isn't happening yet? They probably won't attack the game yet. - Yeah. It's very obvious that they probably wouldn't attack the game yet. If you refer to the map in front of you, (crosstalk) see it's also back there. - Whoa! Whoa, look at that. - That they seem to be circling the inside, like the central commons. The Biblioplex is definitely- - [Mica] That's the next place. - It's a place. You don't know how quickly that would be,- - Right. - But you have a strong sense that all of these things in the center are up for grabs. So you have Bow's and Tavern. There's an Aerojaunt Field. There's this big, beautiful Manor on to the north and a little bit to the east, that is a palatial villa of a cherished member of the society named Captain Dapplewing. - Mr. Dapplewing, that's a- - Mr. Dapplewing? More like Mr. Daddywing, right? - Daddy, daddy material. - Or a lady, just kidding. - Ladies can be daddies. - Ladies can be daddies. - But I don't think we're at 20K, so don't go there. - So, don't go there. - You can go there in, a thousand dollars. (crosstalk) - 20K is daddy ending and, I believe, 50K is mommy ending? - [Mica] Yes, 50K is mommy- - Now, if we get both of these, do we end it twice? Is it sort of- - [Aabria] Yes, it just keeps happening. - Director's cut? (cast laughs) - We release- (crosstalk between cast) - [Mica] Daddy, daddy alert! (crosstalk) (cast cheering) - Daddy alert! (cast cheering) - Captain mama-daddy. - [Aabria and Mica] Captain Mama-Daddy. - I'm gonna look everyone and say, "Pursuing the draconic being "feels like one very fruitful endeavor." The other may be to, I think the Bow's End Tavern is also another likely place. Said one of many distractions. So, I feel that the heart will not be next. It needs multiple distractions. Does that make sense? It's not going to go for the killing blow after only the café. So perhaps- - But not everyone is in the Biblioplex. Naturally, they will all be at the stadium later. And maybe, I could get down to performance before, if we needed a different distraction before the distraction. I just really want Dean Tullus to recognize us and how important- - Have you put on tap shoes since the last time we- - I've been working on it. ♪ Buffalo change, buffalo change. ♪ Did you see that? - Buffalo change? - It's a buffalo. - A big minotaur walked by and is like, "Rude." (cast laughs) - All right. Well, what do you all want to do? Should we split up and try to pursue these different ends, or should we all pick one and go together? - There is an old Owlin saying, "Never split the parts." - Hmm-mm. - Sure. (cast laughs) Because that would be dangerous and we all want to- - No, no, no, no, no, never split the party. Right, because then we might die. - We are not all going to try and die. You can't have measurements on all of us. Don't you care about your friends not dying? We don't, we're not reborn. - I don't see how you can be so against something you've never tried. - Look, if we are successful, I promise to kill you later. - You're a good friend. - Thank you. - Very well. - We'll watch and take measurements. - Yeah, yeah. I guess, let's go to that Tavern and just see what's up over there. Maybe we can try to listen for some heavy feet? Heavy, slight feet. (cast laughs) You know, the feet sounds that they- - Hmm, go on. - Yeah, we can learn about the feet. - Very well. I shall endeavor to create a ruse to perhaps out our would be destroyer. And I'm gonna use mask of many faces to disguise myself as a red dragon-born wearing a t-shirt that says I hate Strixhaven. (cast laughs) - Perfect, so subtle. No one will see that- - This will endear to our would be draconic conqueror. He will see the t-shirt and know that I am philosophically aligned with him. - Flawless. - Yes. - And I'll make sure no one knows we're investigating their gates by just tapping with my tap shoes the whole way into the tavern. - Yes. (Becca shoe tapping) - Ooh, these Strixhaven sleuths are on the case. - So you walk, led by a woman in tap shoes across the campus. You actually pass close enough to Strixhaven Stadium to see that there are scores of students who have set up beautiful, little blankets and stuff on the lawns outside of the stadium. And they're waving and they give you like, "Oh my God, you're gonna wear colors next year. "Woo! "Freshmen! "Love you!" And they're, sort of, very drunk and cheerful and just remarking on these sweet undecided babies as you pass by. - The pre-game parties. - [Aabria] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh, I miss Colin. - I'm just blowing kisses to the obvious Prismari color-dressed people. I'm like, "I'll be with you soon, don't worry, I'm coming." I'll be Prismari, Conflegra, is my name. - Give me... oh God I gotta get a check for this. Make it either persuasion, or- - I think I'm gonna use the shoes. I mean like if I could- - Use the shoes. - I will do a little spin, but with correct footwork. - I think you're making it a performance for me now, and I respect commitment to tap shoes. Please make this performance check with advantage. - And, I got a 15, but with advantage, we've got a 13. It's a 15. - Okay, you are. Yeah, you just doing a little, you're just performing for Prismari students. - I'll be in your group soon, I'll be in your group. - Yeah. They're kinda giving you a look and they're like, "What is..." And as you, kind of, do a big- (Becca performs) yeah, the shuffle of the buffalo, the red and blue inside your sleeve flashes. And they go, "Oh my God, baby is gonna be with us." And you see a bunch of Prismari students run up off of a blanket. They come over with little light hand drums and begin like performing along with you and surround you. (cast reacts) - Does everyone just carry these hand drums? - Yeah, we do, this is like our whole thing. - This is heaven for me. - And another male, another fire genasi, steps forward, and you recognize him. His name is Zanther Bowen. I'm gonna put a picture up of him 'cause he's a full cutie, and y'all to see this good boy. - This has been the day of cuties. - Everyone in here is a cutie. - Aaw. - Cool. - He plays discuss in the quad. (cast laughs) Like, hello. - Hi, he does. He's actually, he's a Mage Tower player. Incredibly popular, well liked. You guys have seen him all through the central campus. He's actually one of the Prismari students that still lives in the central campus. He didn't move on, because he has explained very loudly at lots of hacky sack parties that he's going to do some cross curriculum study. So he's like, "I don't wanna be like, "'Cool, I love Prismari, I'm not let it like hold-'" - Zanther. - [Aabria] Hey. - Hi. - [Aabria] Hi. - Conflegra. - No, I know you. - You do, what? - Yeah, yeah, there's not a lot of us around, right? I know you. How are you? - I'm excited to initiate. (Becca clears throat) - Oh, you mean, uh- - I hope to be in your school. - I see you tapping, and- - I'm still tapping, I did not stop. - Oh you could, oh well, I'll just talk a little louder, it's fine. Now I feel like I'm doing a thing, staying on the beat with you. Can you stop? I'm sorry, it's a little- - Sorry, it's just a nervous... I'm not nervous. - Hey baby girl, there's no need to be nervous. I can't imagine any reason why you wouldn't be with us next year. You've got all the makings of the best Prismari students. And he kinda pushes a little- (crosstalk) Yeah. - I might get kicked out. - What? - There was a fire. I don't know if you've heard. It wasn't me, uh, this time. - The way you said it would suggest that maybe... Obviously I'm not trying to say it like, all fire people will start fires or anything, but like- - Isn't that what... Don't say that. - I don't know. - I would never say that again. - Uh, look. If you hear of any dragon born that are unfamiliar, not students wandering around, could you just single them out. - Here, there's like thousands of people. I don't see everyone, just, you know, the important ones. Oh, but I do- - Do you see artificial illusions of flame, pop through her hair as it does when she gets excited. I hope you do really well in game tonight. I'll be routing for you. - Oh, uh, speaking of dragon. Well, there's like a rumor that the founders will actually be there. - What? - Yeah, they're gonna do, like, the battle for Strixhaven that's like every three years. It's a big deal. - Galazeth Prismari, yes, I know this 'cause it's a magic card, will be there? (cast laughs) - I didn't see that one coming. Yeah, apparently, dresses. The dragons don't walk around as dragons. Like, there'll be- Do they wear t-shirts that say ironic things like, "I hate Strixhaven", because I think I see one. - Oh, shit. My guy, are you a dragon? Are you a founder? - I am opposed to the sharing of knowledge. - That does- (crosstalk) - It wasn't meant to trick you, it's an illusion what's going on. - Oh wait, are you blowing my cover? What's going on? - We're not even- - Wait, are you in disguise? - Um, Conflegra. You're talking to a total hottie, what's going on? - I can hear you, thanks. - Oh, no. - Hey, I'm sorry, do you- (crosstalk) - Poof, I come out of my disguise! - [Aabria] Hey, it's so nice to meet you. - Citizen Doctor, Abraham Mehermblur. - Oh, what is a Citizen Doctor? - Do not ask, it is long- - I already asked, but I do, I'm sorry. - Oh, no, it's too late. - Legally speaking, I'm required to not call myself a doctor anymore. - Citizen doctor is negating doctor. It's saying like, a- - Why don't you just not have a title? - [Becca] Common law doctor? - Because he wants to still be doctor, and this is just going to take so long. He has a long explanation. But, hello, you are very pretty. - Oh, so are you. - Zenthra, this is Rootie Bega. - And Rootie has just been pouting this whole time because he saw Zenthra flirting with Conflegra, and everybody's complimenting him. He kind of puffs up his chest and he's like, "You know, I could have played in the Mage Tower too, "but I didn't want to." - Can first years even be on the team? - I mean, you can't really be on it. I get your whole- - I was being recruited by everybody. Everybody. And looks over at Conflegra. Everybody. - Do you do know where you wanna go? - Well, yeah. I mean, if Conflegra is going to Pickmori, I'm going too. - Oh, are you- - Oh, no, no, no. (crosstalk) I nervously start tap dancing again. Yeah, oh. And we're back, and I'm gonna talk on your beat. - I don't know if you know if- (crosstalk) - And leave this handsome person all by himself. - It's gotta be hard living in that bubble of everyone saying you're attractive the moment they meet you. - It's a little weird, but I get by. This is my struggle. Like, you know, not bad. - People compliment my root vegetables all the time. - No, I've seen you garden. Like, the flowers outside of the Fire jolt which- - I hate that you're nice. (cast laughs) - An incredible thing to say to an attractive person. (cast laughs) - I didn't get hot until, like, three years ago, so I had a good personality. - Rootie just kinda mumbles his way and wattles, and waits for the team. - Okay, bye, I was gonna- - I'll be wearing your colors and cheering you at the match. - I hope to see you there, but in a platonic way! - No, it doesn't need to be. - For your friend. - We're not a thing. - [Aabria] Okay. - It can be whatever. - Well, if you come to Prismari and you do wanna be on the Mage Tower team, like, I will look forward to see. Is it weird to being continued to be, like, I can be mean if that's what you need in this moment. - I can't hear you, I'm looking into my baggy. (Becca laughs) - I don't really know how to do that. - He sees a green dragon born with a t-shirt that says, "Boone knowledge" on it. (cast laughs) - Oh, where'd the other guy go? Okay, well, if you see your other friend, tell him I said bye. - We'll do well. Well, you really are a paragon of what it means to be a Prismari. - Thanks. And you just kinda body roll. - I body roll away. - When did we get body rolls? - Sigrid yells at him, "Take her to Indian food, she really likes it!" - I can't tell if you want me to ask her out or not! - You should ask her out! - Do you wanna go out? - Yes! - Cool! Okay. - I guess, don't get kicked out or whatever. - I make eye contact with Rootie and I'm like, "I know, we'll talk later, I'm so sorry." - Sigrid, you are an amazing wing-woman. - And she flatters her wings. (cast laughs) - Well, that is what it means to be owlin. - I guess I have a date. We didn't set up a time and place, but I will just be waiting in his dorm room. - We have to not get expelled first. - Rootie. I want you to know, I think you have so much to offer and you are such a sweet, generous guy. You're gonna find someone- - Abe, are you hitting on me? 'Cause you're not really my type. - First of all, Rootie, I was trying to be a good friend. And number two, no, I'm not hitting on you. I'm an old virgin, okay? (cast laughs) - Well, I'm a young not virgin. So, I don't know what that means. - Well, let me say, I'm interested more life, great. (indistinct) celebrating our bodies. Why? Why would you do that? Anyway, let's find this dragon. - Rootie can we just be cool about this? Can we- - Yeah, I'm always cool. Look at me. - I know you're cool. And that's why you're my best friend. But, you're just my best friend. - That's what I was trying to tell everybody else. - For someone who cares so much about root vegetables and plants, it's surprising how- - Can we please not talk about my gardening when we argue. - Okay. We'll let it go. You said you're a virgin, did I hear? - Yes. - Good for you. - Thank you. It's both by choice, and also probably would be true anyway. - No, that's, I mean, it's great if it's by choice. You could, there's lots of reborn people also. There's probably one other person that really is into- - Rootie! - And, through the crowd you see a massive ogre shout to you and wave. And you know that this is, The Bulk Tusk Tooth, the proprietor of Bows, and who's very cool with you. - Hey Tulk. And then, we do like a little belly bump. - Yeah, he's like, "Big jump, big bump, yeah!" - Are you trying to come in and get a drink before the game. - Yeah, we- - It's like seven hours away. (Aabria growls) - That's what a pre game is, right? So let's start drinking. Have you seen any suspicious activity up here? - You're gonna have to be way more specific. As behind him you see just this, sort of thin waifish very dark skinned elf, just picks up a half hawk and bodies him out the back door. Like, they're gonna be doing that for a little while. There's duding in the back and business has been good. So, define suspicious, 'cause everyone is drunk and fighting right now. And I don't know if that feels normal to me, but I'm an ogre. - Well, I would say maybe whoever isn't doing that would be the strange one then. - That would be the four of you. Who are you? - Hello. I'm Crown, and I'm the dragon-born student of the school. Strixhaven. What I need is- - That's suspicious to me. If I see something I know to say something and that is something. Oh, hello, how are you? - Oh. - It's so good to see you. - Hello, I am Sigrid. - Oh, I know, I know baby girl. What's up? - Please do not pay any mind to our weird dragon friend over here. - Is he a problem? - He is not suspicious. Do you want- - No, no, no, he's with us. - I can take him out back and deal with him. - And if I was a problem, what would you do about it big guy? - No, no, no, no, no, no. - Beat the breaks off of you. - Oh, you would? Give me one second. (Brennan beeping) Section number five says we expect simple number (indistinct) - Wait, why does he sound like Abraham? - Why don't you make it my day, buddy? - It is Abraham. - It's Abraham. - Abraham. - Come on, kill me. Please. - I can't, I can't not fulfill your request. And he's gonna turn and grab you between his forearm and bicep and just suplexes you back. And all of you just hear a sickening crunch of his neck crack. And Tulk, kind of, gets up, "Oop, noo hoo." Going backwards. "That's not good for my back, but your friend's dead." (Brennan lip skatting) - I have a little artificer stone that (indistinct) every time I die. (cast laughs) - You see very angrily, Paddles gets up. Their little ears are all crooked, 'cause they were on the wrong end of that suplex. - Oh, no, Paddles. - Paddles is like, "We're down there when he does that thing. You know what, no, I'm gonna wait a minute." And he just sits down crisscross applesauce on Abraham's corpse and just waits. - [Brennan] Great. - No go ahead and do whatever you need to do. I'll do this on my time. I got, like, a minute. - Paddles. We are kind of looking for someone who may be kicking us out of school. And if we are not in school, you do not get your snack cakes. - You cannot see me right now? - Paddles we can all see you. - And you see that he was going to reach for his little paddles and he's like, "No old fashioned oracle." And he plunges his hands into Abraham's actual chest. And you see this jolt of dark enervation as he goes straight for the heart, like that scene in The Matrix, and I hope I'm reaping this off- (cast laughs) And just grabs you by your unbeating heart and says, "Get up! (Brenna screams) "Your blood's too thick." - I know, I'm making a note of that right now. Thin blood more. Well, interesting little jaunt into the liminal space between life and death. I disguise! And I put a... And now it's just a blue dragon-born and it says, "Hey", long, lots of A's italics, "The Founders", on it. Okay, we're back up, incredible. There are lot of notes to take. That was a good one. I really felt the nerve sever in my spine. - Tulk, you're a good friend. - Thanks. - I hand paddle a snack cake. - Paddles is just, "Thank you." And wipes extra blood from Abraham onto it, and then just, (Aabria growling) just goes to town on it. - Oh, you freaky little freak. - You know me boss. - I love it. - I don't know if I would call you a virgin after what's happened before my very eyes. - Just because it feels good doesn't mean it's sex. - Kind of. (Aabria laughing) - Tulk, we were looking - - No, I understand you're looking for something suspicious, and I'm letting you know with everything in me, this is not the place to ask that question. - We were leaving now. - No, you can post them if you want. Like- - We feel that someone with nefarious intent, may have their terrible will burnt upon, destroying the Bow's End Tavern to cause destruction. - Someone might burn this place down, (mumble) just go boom, and then it's. The cafe went, boom. And then we were like, we gotta find out what's happening. That's what he's saying. - The hot fiery flames lacked at our back and it felt incredible for a moment, but then the getting kicked out, that part. Less so. - Wait, did you do it? - No, but I admire the work. - You are not helping. - We only need to prove it to the Dean. - Sigrid, it seems that some are playing their cards close to the chest. Perhaps a little bit of insight into who may be accompanying us here. - Sigrid just scoots over a little bit, kind of creeped out by the gasping. - It's not sexual. - It is, it is. - It feels a little sexual. - Oh, sex is the only thing that feels good in your body, no one has ever taken a big poop before? - He makes a point. - He makes a good point. - He makes a really good point. - We cannot do like that. - Dying is a lot like taking a great big poop. - Look, I would like to exit whatever the hell is happening here. So I'm gonna get you all a drink, on the house, so that you will either get drunk and keep drinking, and make me money, or go start a fight in the back. But, if you see anyone threatening to burn the place down, don't know. - Same trick twice. They probably will try something else. Maybe we'll sit separately so we can all watch different parts of the tavern. And I think you look like bait right now. - I shall play the carrot and the rest of you, prepare to wield the stick. I also wish for the downfall of Strixhaven! And then start wondering around the cabin. If anyone has a big evil plan, we'd love to get it on the ground floor. - Hey, Abraham, turn it down a little. Turn it down. - A little (mumbles). - I feel generally positive about a minor downfall occurring at the school. - You make eye contact, at eye level with a giant, bipedal brown bear, that's just deep into a drink and pauses and stares at you. You recognize, 'cause there is only one bear on this campus. This is a Ruxa, the Quadrics, a professor of Quadrics, that's just. Excuse me, son. - I'm gonna lean in Draconic and in Draconic say, "Do you, because I might have a solution" - What house are you in? - Yours, if you need me. - Are you hitting on me? - Is that what, are you a secret dragon? (cast laughs) You can tell me, I'm also a dragon. (cast laughs) Secret's safe with me. Speaking draconic. - You should just be in the woods and would eat honey. And I was like, "No I'm gonna to do math." And that would be nice, and then all of it was great until literally this interaction. I'm not a secret dragon. - Our friend, Sigrid, heard your stubby little legs thumping (crosstalk). (Becca laughs) Your secret's safe with me. I know, it makes sense you're a bear, you guys are adorable when you walk on two legs. Like that? (Mica laughs) - I need you- (cast laughs) - I can't. - I need... Hold up, I gotta lock it up. Oh, my brain just died in that moment. - Y'all ever see a dragon fuck a bear? (cast laughs) - I need you to make a wisdom saving throw. - Huh, got a plus four to that. That's an eight. - You find your way that's absolutely frozen. This bear puts on a tiny set of spectacles, open-made situation in the front. I don't know how to say it, pin-nez? I don't know. - Pin,- - Pin-wa? - Pin-snez? - [Aabria And Becca] Pin-snez. - Pince-nez, I've only ever seen it- - [Lady] Pince-nez. - [Brennan and Mica] Pince-nez. - [Lady] Pince-nez. - [Cast] Pince-nez. - Amazing! I only have seen it, thank you. - Yeah. Pince-nez. - Pince-nez, on his nose. And, he is speaking aloud, and this whole person is being cast as he is just counting off digits of PI. - 3.1, one, five, nine, two. - Six, five, three, five, eight, nine, seven, nine, three, two. We can't do this forever, we don't have that much time. - How many PI? - I can go to 50. - Wow! - Uh, thanks. And you, your body freezes. What is your deal? - What's the? So you're not a dragon? - I'm a bear. I am a bear that does math. - Hey, listen. I'm really sorry about all that bear stuff I said a second ago. - Yeah, I've been working on... It's hard to walk on two legs for a really long time, but all of the blackboards in my office are high. So I can't really walk on (mumbles). It's fine. What? You didn't hurt my feelings, I'm a professor. - For what it's worth, I also have a hard time walking. - What, because of? - A big chunk of one of my hip joints is dead and won't come back to life. - What school are you a professor in? - Quandrix! - Very well, just crossing that off the list for me. (cast laughs) - What dump the take that makes me lose feeling in your hip? (cast laughs) - You know, you out there- - You know. - Becca's asking, you know, you know. Everyone, everyone go absolutely... Give me a big old P in the chat. Give me a P in the chat. If you know the kind of poop that makes part of your leg die, go donate $10 on tiltify, right now. And write down in the comment that you get it. Write it in the comment, "I get it." - And here's the thing, everyone does get it. 'Cause it's that kind where you gotta take off your shirt. You know, you know, when you- - (mumbles) Unlike when you wear a romper and you have to be naked, but you don't wanna be. - No, no, no. - This is the one where you're like, this is good. This is better. - This better, you know? - No socks. - Oh, no socks! You gotta get a grip. - Oh, my God, put your socks on! - You gotta get a grip. - You open the shower on your way into the bathroom because you're, like, "We're gonna to go straight from one to the other." - I feel this will be powerful. - Yeah, I can't go back to my normal life. - I'm different after this. - I'm different after this, yeah. - I've changed. (crosstalk) - In the chat, Tiltify (mumble) - And before he leaves, he leans in and sniffs you and says, "If I ever see you again, it's on site." And just walks out of the tavern. - [Mica] So fair. - I look to the group, like, how are we gonna unstick him? - Rootie's already at his leg, just trying to turn them around so that you can see the shirt at least. If you can just turn him around. We just need the dragon to see the shirt. - Maybe the rest of you should, scan. I think, Sigrid, you have ways of reading crowds like this that's- (cast giggles) - Subtle. - Subtle, I will- - You know we know you did it earlier today, remember? You know what I'm talking about? - And as that, the whole person drops on you and you begin to regain feeling. I need everyone, before you do whatever you're doing, everyone give me a perception check. - Can Paddles give me the Help Action? - Yeah. - Thanks paddles. - That's a 17. - Eleven. - [Aabria] Eleven. - Fourteen. - As you guys are coming back together to use the one trick that keeps working, and I respect that. Rootie, you're a little lower to the ground and you feel vibrations, and there's lots of people moving around. This feels different, it's stronger. And that sort of root sense of you, where you literally pull your magic from. These things that live below the ground. It's almost as if you hear them, the things that grow and move up, that seem concerned. And they send that vibration from outside through to you, and you can feel it too. Something galloping, something large, and you are able to look through the windows just before they hit. These two massive feasts crash into the Bow's End Tavern, and roared into (indistinct). And that's where we take a little break. - [All] Aaw! - My heart. - We didn't get to see a bear and a dragon fuck. - Yet. - Yet. - 40K! - 40K? ♪ Donate ♪ ♪ Donate ♪ ♪ Donate ♪ ♪ Donate ♪ ♪ Donate ♪ - Daddy alert! - [Cast] Yay! - [Mica] Yay! (machine fiddling) - Okay. So I practice beatboxing from my bard, so I wouldn't have to sing. Turns out, it's really hard to learn to beatbox in two days. (cast laughs) - You need break me offs, boots and cats baby. ♪ Boots, cats ♪ ♪ Boots, cats ♪ ♪ Boots, cats ♪ ♪ Boots, cats ♪ - That's a symbol. - That's a high hat. - That's a high hat. - Let's go. - And then I worked on the zipper. - Oh. - Yeah, it's like, um- (zipper zapping) - It's just you eating you fucking lipstick and (crosstalk). - [Cast] Tiltify! We're in the back half. I'm about to kill the entire party. It's going to cost 10K to keep them alive. I will end this combat here if you don't do it. Two giant, terrifying beasts. - Two? - Yeah. Why would I just do one? There's four of you. I don't like being outnumbered. Pop up. - Oh. - You recognize these large, arachnid kiteness, monstrous figures as mage-hunters. - We're mages? - You're all mages! - Shit! - My goodness. - Oh boy. - Rootie hold my hand. - Rootie turns beat red, and is just like- - I'll be- (crosstalk between cast) I love that. And I need all of you to roll initiative. Two mage-hunters crash in, and Rootie, you saw them first, and you're up first. - [Mica] Would you like to? - Just yell. Undead parsnips we got some things to kill. - I forgot that that's (mumble). - You beat! - You beat! - No. - Are they mean, what are they doing? They just crashed in? - They crashed in. You recognize them as the stuff of, sort of, legend here. mage-hunters that seek and destroy mages. Can't imagine, that they're just waltzing in for nothing. - These could be a little different. - They could. Would you like to find out, you want to take an insight check? - [Danny] Yeah. - I'm gonna make that a free action, it doesn't even have to be part of your turn. - Okay, yeah. No, that's all right. I'm gonna just shoot a fireball at them. - Well, that's a coward's choice. - That's a coward's choice. - Does a 14 hit? - A 14 does not hit. - [Cast] Ooh. - Yeah. So, Rootie reaches into his bag of root vegetables and pulls out this massive parsnip, carved into this beautiful wand and tries to cast a fireball. But top of the parsnip just snaps off, and the fireball just hits, or misses, and just go straight to the corner and maybe start's a fire. - Yeah, so it kind of skitters over its head and the mage-hunter clicks, and slime drips off of its massive maniples as it looks at you like, "We could have been friends." - Oh, I missed somebody helped me, please. - Do you wanna move or stay where you are? - I'll stay where I am. - Okay. Next up is Sigrid and one of my bag voices on deck. - I'm gonna cast burning hands at level one. - Okay. - How close are they to each other? - They are within 10 feet of each other. - Oh, this is a 15 foot cone? - Yes. - So, I would like to char both- - What's the range? - It says from self. Oh yes, then I would like to- - So why don't you come a little closer - I'm gonna come a little closer to your animal boys. - Yes. - I'm gonna do that, I would like to move up to them. - All right. - It's a dexterity, it's a DC 15. And I think they take half. - I love this. Ooh, they both fail. - Hell, yeah! 11 points of fire damage for both of them. - Amazing. - Instead of using her hands, she uses her wings. And so her wing tips kind of close around her and form this point, and burning flames erupt from her wings. And then when it's over, she flaps them backwards and the tips smoke a little bit. - Amazing, and this beautiful gus comes forward and sends this burning hot cindery air at them. And you hear both of the mage-hunters scream, and the one in front that took the brunt of it, because they're very close to you, sort of chitters. And you see that some of the heat swirls around it. And as it's reaction, it's going to send, I need you to make a DC 14 dexterity safe, as it sends half of that damage right back at you. - Wait, what? - I see a 13 for your next safe. - Sure, I'll take that. - Okay, it is under the floor. So, how much damage did you do? - 11. - So you're gonna go and take five points of fire damage, as this thing chitters and sends half of that energy right back at you. - Hmm, don't like that. Do you have any movement left? - Uh, no. - Cool. You're there. - Love that for me. - All right. That's a fine and good, and one of my bad boys is up now. - No, I don't like that. - As the second one is going to leap forward and, oh look a delicious owlin. - Nope, nope, I'm not there actually. - No? - [Mica] No one's home. - No, okay, well, in that case, I don't know who it's going to hunt. Does a 26 hit you? - You know it does, hypothetically. - Yeah, you're going to take 16 points of slashing damage. - Oh my God. - Wait, hold on. I have to be toast, hold on, wait. I'm bad at math 23 minus five is what? - [Cast] 18. - I have to hit points left. - [Aabria] Cool. - Okay, I'm at two. Sigrid's looking, how you say, fucked up. - Uh, not great. Now I'm gonna let you all in on this, because if you get this on Roll20, you'll see the mage-hunters have multi attack. But in lieu of the second claw attack, that will absolutely wipe the floor with her. They're going to attempt, this mage-hunter is going to attempt to grapple. - [Mica] Okay. - So I need you to make a strength saving throw, as it just tries to pin you down, and we'll finish you next time. 'Cause it doesn't seem too worried. It has fried this chicken and it is totally (indistinct). - Ooh! - All right. - [Mica] Nice, nice. Describe for me how you managed to evade this massive creature lunging at you. - Singed, instead of looking like a beautiful, white snowy owl, Sigrid looks a little bit like a raven right now. She looks, kind of like, a little dusty there. And as she goes to cough up some smoke- - Yeah. - singe some charred feathers,- - Full looney tune, I love that. - Full looney tune. She coughs and dodges as the claws try and grapple her as she sits up and she goes, "I meant to do that." (coughs) and she coughs up a little more. - And as this thing chitters like, (Aabria chitters) like, in a weird mockery of your cough. And it's going to very excitedly finished the job on its next turn. - [Mica] That's really rude. - But now we have Conflegra up. - Conflegra, loves her friends dearly. And sees the sweet little bird with singed feathers and says, "Fire comes for Conflegra!" And I will shuffle ball change, we're gonna paddle turn, we're gonna tap-suey our way over and brush, and brush, and boomerang Maxi Ford Turn fire bolts. - Wow, amazing! - Amazing, which one are you targeting? - The one that is graply, oh, try to grapple. - Okay, perfect. - Good to know. - And we got a 19 to hit. - 19, absolutely hit. - And nine points of fire damage. - Love that. - And I would like to step in front of Sigrid to make sure that the next, oh, the next attack can not get disagreed, like, would have to come through me. - So they're in Melee. So how do you plan on interposing yourself? (Becca laughs) - Well, uh- - I would love to let you do it but- - Buffalo tern, Cincinnati times, step to the triple. But I want you to be in front of, not the one, fuck, I would like to place my body in between the other one that hasn't acted yet. - That feels like a stretch on your movement, but I like this 'cause you've taken the work out of my hands. Cool you did it. You have successfully interposed yourself. And now it's the other mage-hunter's turn. - Right? - Who was looking to lunge at Siegfried, and then watches as a delicious, little, fiery meatball appears in front of him. - Meatball, that's how I like to be described. - Yeah. And is going to also make a call attack. Those are 20 hit. - A 20 hit. - Or 16 points of slashing damage. And we'll attempt the same thing. So, you take that. Do you have any reactions that trigger? - I don't think so. - All right. Then they're gonna use their second attack in the multi-attack to attempt to grapple you. So please make a strength saving throw. - Oh, okay, I see. 33 minus 16, that's 17? - Yeah. - Mm, good math. - It's funny, I didn't finish the math. Carlos just nodded so I trusted (crosstalk). I need an athletics check, give me 23 or you will be grappled. - I would like it to be acrobatics, as I tumble my leg. I shuffle on in there. - I'll allow it. - Yes! - Who am I? I'm gonna kill all of you unless we're at 10K. - 30, 20. - Amazing, not high enough. You are grappled. As this thing slides forward, it doesn't even have to lunge. It just reaches out with this arachnid leg and pins you down by your very voluminous paint. And then another of six legs pushes you down from the shoulder and it just sort of slowly walks over you, And it's just growling into your face. (growling sound) - Haar, and then it's like a puff of smoke comes out 'cause I was trying to do something fiery, but I got terrified. - A little like circle of smoke just kind of goes around its face, and it goes, (coughs). (all laughing) - So far away seeing you get pinned, Sigrid is like, "This is why we told her these pants are too puffy "and we need to turn them down "they get her in trouble." - [Aabria] Every time - Every time. (laughs) - I hear you Sigrid, but I like the flow. - I'm just saying. No capes, no poof. - I am wearing three sets of robes right now. - And what did we say? Three too many. (Becca laughs) - All right. - Abraham, you're up, Rootie you're on deck. - You're looking incredibly injured. - I'm dying. - And you're dying. (crosstalk) - Are you terribly injured or just grappled? - Grappled, and I'll survive. - Okay, I'm gonna look at the one closest to me. - Let me be very clear, my guys look fine. - All right, I'm gonna look at the one that is... And I'm gonna say, "How dare you attempt to kill anyone here but me! And I'm going to send Paddles invisibly flying over the nearest mage-hunter to give me the help action on my first attack, rolling around. I am going to bonus action form of dread. - Oh. - Which, you manifest an aspect of your patrons dreadful power. I'm my own Patron. - [Aabria] Amazing. - So I go, "That's right. "I've incorporated myself with archian rituals "beyond mortal can." (Brennan gasping) And I'm going to form of dread. I gained one D10 plus four temporary hit points. - Amazing. - And something happens on the first attack where I hit. And then I'm going to heightened level, second level casts, ray of sickness at the nearest mage-hunter. And I have my help action there. And that's an attack roll. Only a 10 on that first attack roll was if I'm gonna roll- - Wait, but you rolled with advantage - Rolling with advantage, yeah. - Oh, snap! Let's go. - Okay, incredible. So, with a plus six from my attack that would be a 17 to hit. I have 14 temporary HB. Abraham's looking chauncey. - Ooh. - Ooh. - He's got 52 hit points right now. - Oh my God. - Wow! That's a chauncey, chunky man. - Okay. - And now I'm gonna roll damage. - Yes. - Right? So, it's 13 poison in damage and I'm going to need a constitution saving throw, as per the spell on a failed save, it becomes poison. And as part of my form of dread, once during each of your trends we hit a creature with an attack roll, you can force you to make a wisdom saving throw if it fails that, it is frightened of me. - Amazing. I just go full (indistinct), (Brennan screaming) - [Mica] That is so terrifying. - Cool, I rolled a six on my con save. So, how am I doing? - You're poisoned, and now you roll a wisdom save to see if you're also frightened. - This is cool and fine for my bad guys. Is this what it feels like to get walloped? I don't care for it. A nine on my wisdom save. Hey guys, what's this? - Wow, welcome. - Yeah, you hate to see it. - You hate to see it. - All right, cool, so frightened- - He cannot approach me. And what I'd love to do is run forward and just try to occupy the same square as Sigrid. Like, be in front of her so that he can't advance on her without also advancing on me. - You know what? I'm gonna allow it. - [Brennan] And I like it. - Power friendship. - I think power friendship. - I don't know, that was a psychotic turn. You just walk forward. And like, one foot just scoot her back out of the way. She's like, "Okay hold on, you're fun." And you've sort of transposed yourselves. Cool, anything else? Was that enough? (cast laughs) I love D and D and I'm not mad at all. Rootie! - I see the other way. I think you deserve it. (cast laughs) - I'm gonna kill your character. (cast laughs) Hey, Rootie, what you got for me? - So, Rootie just starts barrel rolling down and sees Sigrid on the floor and is like, "Sigrid, you're usually are real, real pretty, "but right now you are char, "charred looking delicious." But not in that type of way. - This is a complicated emotion. I have never been... She can't even say it. - And he's like, "No, no, no." And he puts his hand on her cheeks. And I wanna cast a cure wounds. I think this might be one of them distractions with the thing. I don't know if we wanna be fighting these people. - No, stay, fight. - (chuckles) Yes, nothing can go wrong. - So, you heal nine. - Opposite of damage. Nine on damage. What does it look like? Paint me a word picture, with your healing. - So, his grubby little hands become bright green, and it has this aura. And right where he touches her face you can start seeing like the char going away. So he just starts revealing that white again. And he's like, "You're still beautiful. You're just a little ugly." - Sigrid starts to cry a little bit. - At least you're not wearing three robes. - What? I am grappled right now by a mage-hunter. - But yeah, I think we need to get out of here. So what's around? Like, did they just like destroy the door? - They burst in through a window and landed on some of the tables that are in that area, and completely shattered them down and crumbled them away. Like anything under foot or around them is being quickly rendered into wooden shrapnel. - I wanna try to move as far away, just barrel roll as far away towards an opening, after I heal Sigrid. - [Aabria] Yeah, okay. - With as much a movement that happened. - I will say you still got like four squares of movement. Which way do you want to go? - Are those doors there at the bottom doors? - [Aabria] Yes. - Doors out? - Doors out are here. The next up is Sigrid. - Currently chard, Sigrid, less, less charred. - Yeah. - If I move, since there are people in between me- - Yes, no opportunity attacks. - Dope. I'm going to take all my movement, and get as close to the door as physically possible. - But you can get to the doors. - I would like to be at the doors. - All right, so I'm going to say, you can get out of the door without dipping into your action, like a dash action. - [Mica] Okay, perfect. - So you still have your action and bonus. - My wings are currently propping the doors open just in case we need to make a fast, fast dash. And I'm going to cast from afar, guiding bolt at the most hurt Spiderboy. - Okay, most heart Spiderboy is the one in the front that was absolutely eating your dinner. - Yes, yes. - Cool. - I'm going to specifically him. Oh, okay, there we go. - 18, absolutely hit. - [Mica] Wonderful, you got before me? - Yeah. So, you do 14 points of radiant damage. Do you wanna describe for me what that looks like? - Yes. This time it actually comes from Sigrid's hands and it's like this beautiful... It's almost like you see feathers, like white feathers, kind of cascading, but very quickly towards the spider. And then the feathers turn around. And it's like the pointed barbs and it's all the barbs like stab into the spider in a very beautiful, vicious way. - Amazing, and as this may hunter, it gets lit up by your beautiful radiant feathers. Guiding bull is going to give advantage to the next person that attacks our sparkle boy in the front. - And quick question, I have a reaction. Does that have to be on my turn? - No reaction can happen off turn whenever the triggering. - Incident love that. I'm going to just keep that to myself. - Yes, and you see that front mage-hunter kind of makes that same like rumbling chittering noise and the purple spikes behind it, raise up and begin to vibrate as it tries to do the thing it did before, which is throw your arcane damage back at you. But it's not as certain yet. And it didn't refresh its reaction. "Cause you just gonna take it, and he's real sad about it. - Good. - This thing just reaches forward and you see jerky hesitation in its claw. And then another one of the claws comes up and it's going to puncture in your soft side and you feel it pushing up through your ribs. - You are fascinating! And I'm calling Carlos. it's good. Don't shake your head, Carlos. It's good. How was rebuke? - Oh. - Oh, I'd love to see it. All right, I gotta save, correct. - Gotta save, yes. - I can't imagine these big lanky boys are very dexterous, right? - The 20 sessions. - Oh, so it's still gonna be half. - [Aabria] Yeah. - Hold on one second. - I just really should stop, here. - You're so dextrate. - [Mica] Why? - You jumped in through a window, 'cause they're killing wizzle. - That's true. - Ooh, that's a nice chunky bit of damage, 16. - Oh, snap! - Have to eat. - I love that. I mean, I don't love it, but I can still shop. - Chunky, chunky. - That's the far I can go. Don't go rooting around when you don't know what's in there. (cast laughing) - God that's upsetting. Please make an intimidation check. (cast laughing) - Oh, I'm so excited! - Like the other attack. I think it like me, doesn't enjoy what just happened. - He has a basically like, "Oh, I know it's." - You know what? Maybe, I- - We're on dead. - Huh, it's a 19. - Amazing, yeah so it's- - And he's so frightened. - Yeah, he didn't want this smoke and soon does it. And instead of lunging forward to do the grapple that you've seen it execute so many other times, it pulls its appendage out of you, and you see it look down and you see the parts of its tightness form that are blown off and scarred and still glowing with a magical effect. And there's nothing in its eyes that you connect with. But you know, he's done and he's actually going to retreat. - Aaw. - Abraham and Conflegra, you have opportunity attacks and this guy fully did. - Oh yeah, okay. (crosstalk) - I love it. As the assays pulls away and like it looks bashful, I say, "You've done already. "You've done with your investigation? "You're lack of curiosity is so disappointing." (cast laughing) - Horrifying. - Horrifying. This is the first year. (cast laughing) - That dude's a freshmen in no color. (cast laughing) - But can you imagine the students watching this, that don't know him. All of a sudden he's gone excesses. And like a major hunter is fleeing from him, they will be like, "Who is he?" - And that's important to note. There are a lot of people in here that I didn't populate the map with that are like, they immediately moved out in a way and you all rushed forward. And in this very interesting way that they're all looking and watching, but they have learned a healthy fear of mage-hunters, but they are watching that you have sent one running and all of the eyes in this bar, dozens of students and a couple adults who should not be as drunk as they are, 'cause it's still school year, are watching it with awe. Did I get a opportunity to- - I haven't realized that I've used my reaction in this. Do not get an attack of opportunity, but also there's a guiding bolt, means you'd have advantage on this. - [Mica] Yes, you do. - Ooh, it does need to be manly? - Yeah, it does need to be manly. - Okay, I pull the rapier from beneath my three robes. (Mica laughing) - [Aabria] Why do you have so many clothes on? - Slice into this thing. Okay, my first role was a seven. We don't love that. - [Aabria] We don't love it. - [Becca] But you do get advantage. - Also a bunch of you... I think everyone at this point has a point of inspiration. So you can just have a straight 20 reroll at some point. We're just like not liking the way things are going, but that 15 will hit. - I get 15. Yes, all right. And then my first piercing was five points of damage. - I'll let you use piecing from the first one. That's fine. - I was ignored. I already planned to ignore that. - Okay, okay, okay. So you do a little shuffle ball change, like catch this thing in between a couple pieces of its armor as it slides and skitters away. And you hear it just give a (screeches) as it fully throws itself, back out of the window, continues out into the day. - Get back to tap one on one! I don't know, I didn't have a cool thing to say. (cast laughs) - Amazing. Trying to think about it now, 'cause it's your turn. - And the other one is still here or they're both kind of- - No, the other one's still here, 'cause the other one hasn't taken that much damage yet. - Hmm, I turn to it and I was like, this would have been way cooler if I was still grappled, because my somatic element is my tap dancing. And I do a shuffle ball change into a thunder wave. - [All] Oh! - Amazing. - What level? - What level? Yeah, we'll go on level two, baby. And that's gonna be a constitution saving throw DC 14. - [Aabria] Oh, that's all right. It's a 19. - That's not what I wanted. - Oh, I'm so sorry. Would you like to burly inspiration to use the disadvantaged number that I wrote in the event that it's low enough to get inspiration? - Boom, yes I would! - All right, okay. - Inspiration blown, but I will come up with another pun someday. - [Aabria] Someday. You could only hope. - 12 points of thunder damage. - Uh, so this sweet boy has had his reaction the entire time. So I need you to make ADC 14 dexterity saving throw, as this shock wave from your tap dance, catches it and you see it begin to vibrate at the same frequency as it attempts to send the damage back at you. - It's a mage-hunter. - It's good at killing spell things. - I was like, "Wow, should we hit it "with some things that are physical?" And then we're like, "Wait, we're majors, "it's a mage-hunter." I see what you did there. - Yes, thank you. - Okay. - I should be throwing fire, because I'm resistant to fire. That's a 13. - Aw. - Aw. That's one under. - Yeah, so how much damage did you do to me? My guy, and I'm not taking this personally. (laughs) - 12. - Six points, I'll point the damage back at you. - Okay, okay. We're still at 10, that's fine. As a bonus action. (humming loudly) We've a mantle of fair energy. And you my allies who are so just inspired by this incredible noise I produce along with my tap dancing that they each get five temporary HP and each of my allies... well, three of them and I choose these three (cast laughs) They can use their reaction to move up to their speed without provoking opportunities act. - Ooh. - Not me but my allies. - [Aabria] Okay, so what do you wanna do? All of you have a chance to move. Do you break for it? - I will look at kind flavor I am and let's say, is this something that you want, do you want us to flee right now? And that's why you're doing this? - I look at Rootie. Who's never steered me wrong before rolling with his little barrel belly towards the door. And I'm a little scared of this attack of opportunity, but I'm just gonna bolt an answer to your question. - Yeah, you still have your full movement. Yeah, I'll take a clot to a 16 hit. - Yeah. - But you turn and run and this, sorry, before this results did the rest of you run? - Wait, I'm gonna use my reaction. And I'm going to cast silvery barbs at the spider, which means that I magically distract the triggering creature and turn its momentary uncertainty into encouragement for another creature. The triggering creature must reroll its d20 and use the lower role. You can then choose a different creature you see within range, which is going to be Conflegra and the chosen creature has advantage on the next attack roll, ability check, or saving throw it makes within one minute. - Amazing. - Incredible. - Thank you. - Oh, five, 10 HP too. - Oh, hold on for the 10 HP. - So what happens is I actually take a feather out of my head and I throw it like a ninja star towards the spider and it's so taken off guard. That's the attack, the disadvantage. - Amazing. So my question remains, did the other two of you... Did you run? - Yeah, I better roll right to secret, I'm- - At the door, y'all. - Yeah, you're done. I'll take my movement towards the door. Not through it, but I'll be at the door. - You can be at the door, as you see the mage-hunter goes to swipe as you turn and go to run away. And it hesitates as that feather hits it directly where you know, it's ocular organs are, even though you don't see like a strong eye game. And then it finishes, follows through... The strike is at 19. - That's your disadvantage reroll? - Actually, no, the disadvantage will be at 16 still. - 'Cause you have to take the lower. - Yeah, there was a 16 and 19. - That's a hit, yeah. Tiffly 12? - But you should be very, very grateful, because I'll use the lower damage as you take 10 points of slashing damage. - That's all my HP. - So Abraham, you get to the door and look over your shoulder just in time to see your friend fall. A little flutter of her red and blue- - This should have been yours. - Red and blue sleeve. As she loses consciousness on the ground. - I am gonna look at this mage-hunter and I'm going to form (indistinct) again and I'm gonna say, "I was pretty fucking clear!" (cast laughs) Who should die here? And I'm going to once again upcast- - Well, here's the thing. - Oh, no. That was an opportunity attack that wasn't you're turn. - Oh, noooo! - I should have stayed put. - You're down, but it understands that you are spinning up something. You are a problem, so it's gonna step over your corpse. It's not worried about you anymore. You're down and it's going to move it's full movement to you when like let's get into the medley. Like let's make something fun happen. - And then we all move to the door to be safe. And now we at the door are unsafe. (cast laughs) - Amazing, 19 to hit. 13 points of slashing damage. As it brings a call down your face and rakes across from each other. - I take it. - Okay, same thing. Give me a strength, save or acrobatics, shack or dexterity. I truly, whatever you wanna roll to avoid- - Is this to resist the grapple? - Yes. - Oh, daddy pick me up. (cast laughs) I don't wanna resist. That mean and that big, special mouth, what's going on? I wanna know about it. - So much worse. It was doing the muscle up to like catch you as you were trying to go away and then you just go with it and it's now holding you almost romantically and it's a little concerned. - Oh my God. - [Aabria] Your grapple, demits unhappy. - I'm unhappy. (cast laughs) - (indistinct) because I like it. - Daddy alert. (cast laughs) - It is in fact a daddy alert. - Incredible, okay. I'm gonna form a dread again, so it's another one, d10, plus four temp, HP. - Beautiful. - And then I'm gonna have my amp do help action, we're gonna up cast ray of sickness once more. - [Aabria] Love that. 15 Hits. - Okay. - That's still 13 poisoned damage and I'm gonna need those two saves again. - Things he's very good at. 22 on the con save, 20 on the wisdom. - [Brennan] That's gonna pass both 10. - Although the other spider failed. So he was poisoned, so he's just running away, still poisoned somewhere. - Yeah, he's not doing great. We're not worried about poor little Jeffy. - I'm a little worried about Jeffy. 'cause he's all of a sudden just gonna die. - Yeah, man. - Oh, okay. - Are you sad for Jeffy? - No. - You wanna go check on the - - No Jeffy can die. I'm just saying like- - You got a perfectly good mage-hunter in front of you. Why are you worried about Jeffy? - Just students walking around, and then all of a sudden they're gonna come up on Jeffy, like bleeding out. - Get a practice killing. (Mica laughs) - They're gonna kill still- - The teachers are gonna take an opportunity to really see kids, perfect. - Chance to learn. - [Mica] Murder him. - 13 in temp, HP for. - Hell, yeah. - This mage-hunter looks incredibly beat up and not very happy to be in melee with you. (cast laughs) You know, whatever. - I have an amour class of nine. I just want people to know I have an amour class. (cast laughs) - And I'm like, "Yes, yes, it's happening again!" - Unfortunate. (Brennan laughing) Okay, Rootie, you're actually pretty. Would you mind if I interpose one of these lovely bystanders? - Yeah, sure. - Tulk is gonna run over him. Now, Tulk runs an illegal dueling club out of the back of his establishment and is thus very confident with his healing abilities. 'Cause you have to kind of patch people up and get them out the door. Let's get like a 44 plus four, greater healing, as we get our sweet Conflegra back up as Tulk, leans down and goes, "Okay, okay, you, got to get up. "It's wild, I know you can't hear me cause you're dying." But you take 11 hit points back. (Betty gasps) - She came back up singing and Tulk lifts you up by the front of your many ropes. And he's going to push- - No, not that one. Don't want that one. - That was a no. Don't run towards that. And he's gonna put you on your feet. Like you're good. - Tulk you've seen enough duels in this tavern, you know. - And you've lost yours. - Yeah, and know I am running for that. - Yeah, okay that's a good instinct. And I liked that for you. And Tulk is going to move and interposing himself just to give you a little bit of cover, and go ahead. - So Rootie just sees all this happen and he's gonna try to work around... And can I try beast bond with this? - Yes, go on. - Rootie again, reaches into his bag of root vegetables and pulls out a... Let's say a celery root this time. And then he tries to feed it and tries to get as close, and then just slaps his hand onto the mouth and tries to beast bond with this mage-hunter. - Is there a role as I see (speaks faintly)? - It says the spell fails, if the beast is intelligent, is four or higher. - Intelligence is 11. How badly do you want this to work? - I want it to work real bad. I need to feed it it's root vegetables. (cast laughs) - Just little wizard shoving it's celery root right into- - Rootie is a feeder. - It's like a dog that doesn't wanna eat it's thing and you're kind of just jamming it under it's lip, into it's teeth (crosstalk). - Doing the finger thing on the throat. - Just swallow it. - Just swallow it, swallow it. - Poop ain't gonna run in that. - But the moment you kind of slap it and make that contact, you realize that this creature is intelligent. That's why it knows how to hunt and destroy mages that are intelligent. So in order for this peace bond to work, I need you to give me something. You have to trade because if this thing wasn't smart enough, you would just be able to dominate it. So what are you willing to give me to make this work? Because I like what you offer. - Give it your whole soul. - My whole soul. (laughs) - Can Rootie, just keep trying to feed it even more? Like all of his prized... His little satchel full of- - Does it attack magic wands too? - All of them. - And you kind of push it in and through and you... It was so resistant at first and then it realizes what you're giving in, what you're giving up. You're like attenuated magic items and it knows to seek and consume and destroy those things specifically. And its jaws are clenching it happily, takes it in as it feels like it's taking your magic. So the beast bond works. So what happens? - So I'm in the mind of this mage-hunter and I'm just trying to figure out if someone's sent it here, or who sent it here, or who spoke to it and try to use it as a distraction or something along that. - You hear peals of thunder and a storm, far away approaching, and your vision goes to black and then news like a smoky misty purple as bolts of massive blue lightning streak down across your vision illuminating an ancient blue jack in. You feel its name, Senoca. - So I kinda mount this thing a little bit and stands up and looks at the chame. And it's like, "Hey, y'all. (cast laughs) "(indistinct) booboo, I gave up a little of my magic, "but look at my buddy." And it's just like riding around on this thing. I only have about 10 minutes with this, but I heard this name SenBarca. Does anybody know about a SenBarca? - I would love to roll about this. - Can I do a history check? - Please do, anyone can make a history check, I love that. 30, 20. - 30, 20. - 16. - Okay. - It's a 13. - But iconic is my expertise. - (whispers) You can make an (indistinct) - 21, baby. - [Mica] Dang - (sings) I sing out to the universe. And the reverberates come back to me with knowledge. - And that's what happens. - Reverberates. - That's how that waves. - Like a bat. - I thought you echo located information back into your body. What a game, I love D and D. And the two of you, my ladies. Yeah, SenBarca is a name that you've read about in like very preliminary history studies about the founder culture of... There were the five dragons that founded the school and SenBarca was amongst the ones that sought to find the snarls of magic and consume them. And in doing so, actively control the creation of this new world. And was subsequently kicked out and cast out, because it was a sheer numbers games, SenBarca was outnumbered and other dragons rose up across time, but none of them were as feared as SenBarca's initial attempt at devouring the snarl that sits at the center of Strixhaven. - Snarl retora. (cast laughs) (crosstalk) - I'd like to know on those happenings, Sigrid was just reading her books? (crosstalk) She was reading and she's like, "Should we elaborate? "I found that Mr. SenBarca will want to devour the snarl "in the middle of campus. "We should let Ms. Dean to at least know "that we should protect this snarl, "and we will not get expelled. "It was not us." - Incredible, am I still getting eaten by this... No, it's a peace bond, it's all- - We should also- - And also holding it gently in your mouth, you didn't give it any sort of instruction. - I'm fully checked out of all these word, come on. - So you're sitting on top of it, having fed it, all of your vegetables. It is holding... It looks like it wants to burp, Abraham in its upper two thighs. - Rootie, that was an incredible piece of magic you did. I'm kind of pissed and I'm not gonna lie. I'm a little bit pissed that you fed it all of those things that's now it's not gonna eat me, it's too full. - I don't want you to die, but you can kill this in about eight minutes. - Okay. (cast laughs) - So what's your plan? You've got eight minutes on this bad boy. - Can we ride it over to- (laughs) - How fast is its speed? - Fast as hell. - We can ride it anywhere, you'll all hop on. - What if we go to Madame Tullus' office? Atop said beast. - Is she gonna think it's weird that we're riding a mage-hunter? - She probably could handle it a lot better than we can. She's very- - If we give it to her as a gift, say voila. - We're halfway there. - Our schools have not been selected yet. Is there anything that's completely bad as riding a thing called a fucking mage-hunter as a group of majors and being like, "Listen up, we have saved Strixhaven today." - I think we should come back as- - Seven minutes. (crosstalk) - Pep it up step. - Keeping you sane in mouth. - You know me so well. (cast laughs) - Okay, so you come outside of the Tavern. People are screaming. - That's right. (laughs) - You see over to the side of the just absolutely stomped remains of the other mage-hunter, because the- - Jeffy. - [All] Jeffy. - You see just like a Jeffy jam. - Ooh. - We're on Muffy by the way. - [All] Muffy. - And you see some students upperclassmen, who have finished taking down the other Jeff, I'll just call Jeff. That took down Jeffy and they turn and they scream and see you all riding out triumphant. I assume you rear Muffy back. - It's like a cool thing. - As it were just rag dolls Abraham in his mouth. - Swing my robes and flamey hair all around. - And Sigrid will yell, "Do not fear, Muffy is our friend. "We must ride Muffy." And then slaps Muffy on the ass, trying to make haste to Madame Tullus' office. - Okay, so- (cast laughs) - [Mica] You know, casual. - Rootie, are you all right? All of your precious roots vegetables, you potatoes, your radishes, your legumes? - Are we still having this conversation on top of mage-hunter? I'm in it's mouth being like, " I care about you I want to know if you're all right." (cast laughs) - We won't talk about that right now, 'cause I gave it a lot of my magical items and I don't even know if I'm magical anymore, but we can talk about that afterwards. - Sigrid will take your hand and say, "Rootie, you are one of us. "You will never not be magical. "And if you need us to help you tend your garden, "we will be there for you." - You know that's all I want. - The potato was inside you the whole time. (cast laughs) - All I can do is keep flames but I'll do whatever you want maybe that- - I told Muffy just to close the- - Oh yeah, that's it. That's the (indistinct), yeah. - I got asked, you tell Muffy to finish the job. - Not yet. We're not there yet, right? - No, you've got like a new guy. So I'm gonna break a little something off for you. You guys are standing in the center of the commons. Let's move you over. And I'll just show you a loose understanding of the campus map. So you guys are in this beautiful central commons, but you have to ride out and a way to get to the Northwest to where Loreholds college campuses. It is like built into this massive chasm in a dusty plane, it feels very Indiana Jones. Everyone's like completely up there, but with their theming. But you know that it's going to... Even on Buffy riding full speed, it will take longer than you have. So do you... You can go to Dean Tullus' office or you can try to track Dean Tullus down, hoping that she's still somewhere in the commons. - Okay, pitch, pitch. We send a note on Muffy and direct Muffy to run as fast as they can to the office, hoping that she's there and it will say, "Hey, here's what we think is happening. "Protect the snow roll and now kill Muffy." - Counter offer, I use sending. (cast laughs) - Look there's no bad pitches, that would not have worked. (cast laughs) Not bad in judgment. - You will not believe how much shit we talked about Sigrid. - I know, I talked so much shit about Sigrid. We talked crazy shit about Sigrid. I would like to send a message twenty-five words or less. - [Aabria] God accountable. - Madame Tullus, we know oooo- (cast laughs) (indistinct) - Can't help it. - We know who is- No, no Madame Tullus we know who is your- Okay, just checking. - I'm not gonna get you. - Know who is plotting against us. - I can't do that, we're at nine. - Where are you, (Danny laughs) we have six minutes until a mage-hunter... That's one word, type unaided. - [Aabria] Okay, sure. Kills us. Four more or less. - Four more words left. - Please don't expel us. - Please come help. - And you have one more word left maybe that should be SenBarca. - SenBarca. (cast laughs) Yes, you were so right, thank you though. Thank you though, thank you though. (crosstalk) 'Cause I thought she needs to know. I thought she needs to know. SenBarca, you're right, you're right. (crosstalk) (Mica laughing) - I love you. Can they can respond? Yeah, they can respond. Yeah, that likely matter. (bell ringing) Oh shit! That's it. (cast laughs) - So, are we're still in school? - Yeah, you guys are still in the common. (crosstalk) Dean Tullus perhaps we should head to the snarl ourselves and defend it against the dreadful SenBarca. - I'm interested in a nap in between now and then. - We can nap at the snarl. - Okay, we can nap at the snarl. - I would like to nap at the snarl. - [Aabria] Yes, amazing. - [Mica] I too would like to nap at the snarl. - What are we doing about the Muffy hand off? - Oh yeah, can we just all- - We can try just to kill it. - Does it- - We're standing in the center of a commons with a bunch of majors who are like (screams) just staring at you all- - Attention, everyone! - We were already looking. (cast laughs) You have our attention. - Good, we are the undead parsnips. We are sort of vagabond on troop of performers. - The puppet's very good and I was scared. I peed a little. - You should be afraid of our puppet, because though Muffy is very beautiful and can tap dance... - Mmh, mmh. - Yep. We should all work together to step in with our rare beards or whatever is handy at this very moment, as part of the acts. - Sigrid kind of flies up a little bit and it's like, she may haven't noticed as art, this is a real mage-hunter please kill it. Thank you, and then flies off. - Wait, I need to (indistinct) quick. (Brennan shouts) - Your body goes lifeless and Muffy just sort of (growls) lets you roll. Like lets your corpse roll out. And poor, poor Paddles. - Poor Paddles. - Covered in slobber. - Why is this... This is so many times in one day. What is it, you can look at me, I don't give a shit. - What's changed? - I was inside the mouth of a mage-hunter that sucked. I don't like it, like he likes it. And that's bad for me. - Paddles, if you were to hang out in satchel, you are welcome. - Are you trying to make a warlock tale with one male? - I mean, I could multi class. Why not, I would love that wars conversation. You got crisped up real good. - Really good, yes. - I could help with that, probably. - Paddles. - If you die, just let me know, I could probably bring you back, I don't know. - Paddles, I like this. This is a good friendship. - Oh, this is really nice. - Oh, he's also still dead. We should fix that. - Yeah, I know. (cast laughs) (crosstalk) - If Abraham is really putting you out with all this dying, you should talk to him. He should know. - That's like a really enlightened response. However, I'm an embounded in service to a warlock, who is his own patron. That's shit is wild. (cast laughs) So I didn't think like my HR claim was gonna get a lot of traction to a dude with bolts in his neck that keeps killing himself for science. Maybe, he's a freshmen. Like, you know, like what if you showed up with like too much energy to school? Now I get that I see your sleeves. Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to drag you on that one. - No, it's fine. Whatever he does to you is fine. (cast laughs) Gives you a little pat on the way. - Can you just wave Abe up real quick? And then we can just do some big finale and kill this thing and then get on to getting on? - Yeah, that's fine. - I fully stabilized, I- (cast laughs) - [Aabria] Did you, or did you (crosstalk) - I counted out every six seconds and I was like that's a round, so I'm just like- - He goes over and looks over like, "Oh, well it's not done anymore. "We can wait it out and he can wake up on his own, "or I can help." - Just a little bit, maybe not full force. - That will be nice of me. - Well, I don't like to tell her what to do 'cause she can do whatever she wants to do. - Yeah, so 'cause I. And we can wait here for a D four hours- - Can you be nice to that thing, that little amp. - (shouts) I produce flames in my hands. And I lean in really close and I say, "Don't you ever drag me (indistinct)." (crosstalk) I apologize. - Not that I'm sorry too (indistinct) that was really scary. (cast laughs) That was really good. This is over on the side, like gently slapping, Abraham, she's like, "Wake up." One tap, "Come on." - That was deep that time, really deep. - He just climbs back into your front pocket. - A Liminal space between life and death (gasps). A host of psycho pumps beckoned me to the far beyond. Where's my general? - It's like this (indistinct). We're gonna have a conversation as you die too much, and it makes me tired. - Oh, do you need bread and brakes? - Then he starts to cry. - Oh Paddles, no Paddles. (crosstalk) - Turns invisible. - Oh you did it, we can't see you! (cast laughs) - I whisper, I say, "Listen little guy, "if I can be my own patron, you can be your own union." "Do you want to unionize and get some breaks?" - And you just get a little pat on your chest through your jacket. - (indistinct) my little guy. - (whispering) 'cause I need comforting. We got to stop doing it. - Well, yes, but I love you. - I love you too. - Did we ever talk about his tiny lab coat? - Oh, yeah, Paddles has a tiny lab coat. - Paddle's got a little tiny lab, yeah. - And there's a little int himp in his little tiny lab. (cast laughs) (crosstalk) - It keeps going to the microscopic level. And the more you donate, the more levels we go. - Are you willing to impsetia. - Impsetia. - No! - Hey, should we slaughter a mage-hunter? - Sweet. - Yeah, so by the time you guys have finished this, there's just a circle of students and a bunch of them are like, "No, no, no, don't use magic. "It's gonna come back, it's gonna hit you in the face." So you see just a bunch of a mob. They're like, "I found them, I found a Pitchfork." Oh, I found a Pitchfork. So if you guys move out of the way we got this, if you wanna move on. - You can be a part of it if you want. Some of you look really messed up and we were fresh. We've just been vibing and hanging out before the thing. Do you wanna- - Cool, tap out. - You don't wanna use spells 'cause it'll reflect them back? - Yeah, that's how mage-hunters. - Oh is it? You wanna live forever, I guess? - Yeah, I'm literally... I'm a Witherbloom student whose entire thing is about not die, like subverting, the cycles of decay and the life. (cast laughs) - That's fucked up. Honestly, your whole deal is fucked up. I don't stand for that at all, I need to go. - Bye. - I don't stand for that at all. - I dunno, I feel like I shouldn't have been the weird one. - No, you're not, it's not you, it's not you. - Listen, death is beautiful. Life is a part of death and it is an incredible thing. It's a gift to die, and- - You sound like all of my professors. - I'm gonna need a disclaimer at the bottom, every time Brennan talks. (indistinct) just to live kids. - So let's be real for a second, here. I was running. (cast laughs) - This kid looks at you and she's like- Rufus, tell him. (cast laughs) - I had a name and now it's Rufus. Rufus, how do you know me? - Ah, you are on the tower. - The taggle and you ripped off the name tags and threw those away. Wait, are you lizard folk that works in the cafe? - Okay, calm down. I'm not that, we all know about Wintrich and like I'm not him. I know we folk look alike. (crosstalk) - No, I would never think that. - Are you friends with Wintrich? Don't you know Wintrich personally? - We all hang out, we know each other but we don't all look alike. - Well, that's an okay assumption. - You don't get to say that. - [Brennan] Wait, so let me ask you a question. I don't confuse you without a hot guy that's always in the quad playing hacky sack, do I? - You couldn't though. Once our bodies in tango, you won't. - I hate this. I hate this quo. - Listen, you don't like me. When I'm talking about my fascination with necrorotics and traveling in the rooms beyond. So now I'm trying to talk about cool coed stuff. So Wintrich, because here's the thing, my friend, Singrid- - Now, we know that. - That's an interesting (speaks faintly). - He talks about her all the time. - He talks about me? - Oh, the other girl that he makes coffee for her every day and charges you a cup? You know, there's a menu listed and that's not how much a latte costs. - [Mica] I know. - Has Wintrich ever seen your face or just your invisible service? - No just the one time. - He said it wasn't enough. - Wow, it's really romantic. - Do you think he may want to sit next to me at the Mitch teller game? - I think, I would literally kill him, in the best possible way. - Really? (cast laughs) - Oh no, it's bad. - Immeasurable way? - Dude, where are you gonna go next year? - What's that? - I'm sorry. (crosstalk) - Where am I going to go next year? Well, I suspected. You were saying that you studied Witherbloom to prevent the cycle, but I assume that there are some... You said your professors disagree with that, that they just stand to see rear and strange beauty, on that final journey to dark shores. And then come back in their final journey again. And then wimping back, and then a third final journey. - This is bad for you. - Beside what? Witherbloom, girl Witherbloom. (cast laughs) - I was really hoping you were gonna say, any other place. - Well, I was thinking Quadrics, but the professor River killed me. (cast laughs) No, no, no. He froze me with the freezing person's spell and that would be bad to be alive forever trapped there. - You would do so well and Witherbloom. And I hate that for only me. - (laughs) Great. - Girl y'all got a foot. I'm gonna go, I'm gonna tell Wintrich to... - He can call me on my sending stone? - Oh yeah. Well I get it, you're just kind of kicking off an order. (indistinct) okay, and he's just gonna back off, I was going to kill the thing, then I don't want it. It just backs off as everyone else has absolutely bludgeoned to death. - [Becca] Perfect. - Can I try to harvest something from my field that feels- - Oh my God, yes. - 'Cause I feel like I had a connection with Muffy and I was still trying to hang out just to the very death. I wasn't okay with people bludgeoning them, but I was just hitting Muffy on the head while they were doing... I mean it's a mage hunter, it's okay. - But still. - It's still nice. A little bit. Can I grab a fang or like some guts or something? - Yeah. - Or just like roll in its guts or something? - Just give me a straight intelligence check. - Three, so 16. - So 16, especially once Muffy very quietly shuffled off a mortal coil. You're kind of looking around and inspecting it's crepes and you notice that instead of the symmetry of teeth, there is one central thing in the middle of its mouth. It seems a little bigger. And as you kind of reach for it, you wiggle it away from its gum and roots and you pull, and you actually see like the back purple spike from the back of its head, like a thing that goes into a unicorn horn projecting on the side, you actually pull this through its skull and it passes through where the brain was, and you have this sort of thing ended long. For you, it'd be like a long sword size, like this massive purple spike that terminates in a big thing. And without even having to cast your magic ford's technique, you can feel the form of intense arcane power in this deeply unnatural creature. - And I just waddle over the team, I'm like, "Yo, look, this is Muffy now." - Oh, Muffy! - How extraordinary! - Rootie, that is incredible work. - Thank you. - All right, we should probably go somewhere before something attacks, right? - We should defend the snarl. - The snarl. - And we should wait here for Madame Tullus. - I think she knows what Simbak was after. And I think that snarl needs us. - I agree. Before we embark for the snarl, I want to subticiously go over to Muffy's corpse and dig. First of all, just digging around a dead body, which I love. Look at all this stuff. And I wanna drew and craft, which I secretly know how to do. And I don't like to do stuff about living things. You're going to do a little from the corpse of Muffy, I'd like to drew and craft some root vegetables (crosstalk) and tuck them away. Having come from the rotting, arcane detritus. And I wanna - - [Aabria] There having wang a little bit. - Oh, I go to the weirdest, where I'm like, "Now this is the counter spelling gland." And all the weird, reflective stuff. And I try to grow the potatoes, out of the nastiest, most like... Oh, that smells like viscous bile and some sort of strange organo chemical mixture. Mmh, ooh a little bit, you know like... (cast laughs) And just try to grow it out of the weirdest, most magical parts of the creature. - Yeah, not going to make you roll for you, absolutely do that. Just give me a slight of tan check. See if you can kind of secret it away. - I'll do that. - And while that's happening, may I ask if there is... As this is a college for the magically inclined, like a resting area where you can get back everything without having to take a long rest, like one of those meditation gardens or nursery, nurse infirmary areas are, have you? - A pool full monster energy, drink. - A pool of monster energy drink. - We're gonna make it be that stupid. (cast laughs) I was gonna like... How do I describe a Dean will show up and cast a mat? Now you all just... As you were walking away from the slain mage-hunter, you pass a group pre-gaming and they all just toss you cans of monster energy. It's monster with two O's, moonster. - Oh, moonster. - Gross. (chuckles) And yeah, you guys can slam, - Can we shot at him? - You have to shot at him. - Oh, yeah. - Let's keep it frosty brewed. - We don't even have a pull tab on top. They just have like a key here. (cast laughs) - I need to take (indistinct). You have two main vectors in front of you. You can head to the... God, did I call the Biblioteca. (indistinct) - I'm so sorry. I did that. - You can head to the Biblioplex, head to the center of the hall of Oracles and stand in defense of the snarl. Or you can head to Strixhaven's stadium where you have heard the rumors that the dragons in human form might be. And you know, that SenBarca could also reasonably be headed there. So what do you all think is the most important thing to do in this moment, as you are fully refreshed and funky fresh, once again? - That moonster really hit the spot. - There are many vulnerable people at that stadium, but we know that that is only a distraction. And the crux of the power that SenBarca wants is in the hall of Oracles. But what did we do? - Elavou, that disease ancient dragon, and we are freshmen. - I think we have got it. (cast laughs) - Let us not listen to the man who loves to die. I think, we go to the stadium, we talk to the dragon, they can help us protect the snarl. No? - The entire school will be there. - We all rally, I'll say as troops and we protect the snarl, and then later I will struck you with lightning as a job well done. - You drive a (indistinct). (Mica laughs) - Yes, I accept. - Well, as I do want to be a part of this school, as the words, I know how to make a good argument. - (chuckles) Let just put this out here. If SenBarca did destroy the universe, there might be some interesting information We could agree- - No, no, no. - Oh my God- (crosstalk) - As you all make your way across campus, and you are able to enter the stadium, and you see that it's probably a third of the way field, just full of humanoid creatures. How do you... Aw, look at that. - Oh, we were supposed to go here. (cast laughs) - It's color. - There's two colored maps and... It's fine. So how are you attempting to get the attention of these ancient dragons in hiding? - Ancient dragons in hiding. - Oh my God. (cast laughs) - It is kind of my thing. - I'm so sorry. - No, you're not. - Friends, I'll need all of your power, as I step out onto this field and make an extravagant show. - As she steps up to the stage, cast, little sacred flames, like fireworks to try and gather attention. - Everyone, please put on this tap shoes. I've been carrying them for you. - I'll put on the tap shoes. - And I want to waive my Muffy in there. "These mage-hunters, head fang," just yelling out loud as hard as I can. - So, oh, Bart of mine, bolstered, given inspiration by your friends, the undead Parsems, what a name. As you're walking you breeze past the security guards who are finishing setting up this massive sort of brass Eiffel Towers for this big, important game. You just blow right by and hit the center of the pit. What do you do? - As I step into the pit with my friends, I cast pyrotechnics to create this non magical flame, in rainbow colors. It's in reds, and blues, and greens and purples, and we step into it and I call to the ends of the stadium, "Dean's!" They're not deans, what are they? - They are Deans. - The dragons. - They are the founders. - The founders, I call upon you. You that have brought this school together, you that fought against that, which is surely to make it all weavy, works with friendship. As we freshmen have you today, we call upon you to kill this piece of shit dragon, SenBarca. (cast laughs) I want it to make them show themselves and listen. Like they never listened to any student that ever spoke before. - You walk into the center and there're eyes of thousands upon thousands of people looking at you. The stadium's, only a third full, but you've never been perceived by an audience this big before, and- - Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap. - But as you speak, you are beginning to tap dance at your heart rate. And as you get into this moment and the gravity of what you are asking, these five founders that work in secret, and haven't been seen to this campus in centuries, you are calling to them, calling them out, demanding their presence. And with your friends beside you, this is the performance of a lifetime. I need you to make a performance check with advantage. - Friends I need you. - (indistinct) here for you. I don't have stage freight, stage freight is a state of mind. Stage freight is the mind killer. (Brennan laughs) - 25! - Yes. - Amazing. - And you tap. And everything seems to fall away. The people, the crowd goes silent, and you're like moving in this big, beautiful circular pattern and the color can't help, but run out of you. Your sleeves burst forth with like red and blue energy and the losery flames in that same red and blue lake out and lash out. And you see that everyone in the stadium, that's looking at you and everyone's looking at you. They all sit, excepting five random individuals that remain standing. And just slowly begin, to move to the exits and descend the stairs, and come to join you on the grass. You see in front of you, five human-likes, completely normal and mundane looking. And they line up, shoulder to shoulder each of them, 'cause they can't resist a theme wearing the colors of their houses. And even as you dance... What's your birdic college? What kind of bird are you? - Glamor. - It's not story... The illusion of them falls away. And you can see as your losery flames, cross their face, the faces, the dragons that live and eat them. And you know their names, Lorehold, Vela Mockus Loreholds, Galazeth Prismari, Tenazier, Quandrics, Shadricks, Silver Quill, and Bella Dross (speaks faintly) give you a little knowing nod. Look at all of you, "Okay, you have our attention. "We would speak to you. "We will handle SenBarca as we always have. "But he does not require all of our attention. "The four of you are the future of the school. "So we would ask now you choose where your studies will lie. "Maybe not forever. "We have been known to put up "with a sharing of a student or two. "We argue about it in our private goals." Where would you begin? Whose four beautiful mages and all five of their attentions turn to you, Rootie? - I think Rootie kind of waddles up right next to Conflegra and grabs her hand. - Aaw. - Brooda takes, Conflegra takes. - (laughs) And says, I mean, if she's going to Prismari, I'm going too. - I turn to Galazeth and give him a knowing nod. - And Galazeth gives both of you a bow and reaches forward with their hands, and this massive burst, where yours looks like illusory, flame, theirs is like rushing wind full of color, and sound and smell. All of your senses are assaulted. It feels like the prickling of skin that's been touched by cold and like the warm caress of your mother's hands, everything all at once. As you are suffused with energy and lights, and you look down and your clothes are colored red and blue. - Did you feel that? Look at us. It's just like we had talked about. It's just like that one time. (crosstalk) My robes underneath, they're all black and gray. (cast laughs) - I would just kind of switch, oh sorry. What dorm room thing. What's the dorm thing? Galazeth just kind of looking like, "What's the dorm room? - Hiltify people, hiltify. (crosstalk) (cast laughs) - I'm gonna look at Rootie and say, "If you're into Prismari, "and not Witherbloom, you'll need this." And I'm going to toss the bag of very colorful, weird arcane potatoes over to Rootie. - Sigrid. - Mr. Civiquill, it would be an honor, and she does her deep bow with the feathers flourishing to be one of your students. - Shadricks crosses to you faster than you can see, as you even begin to bow and grabs you by your chin, lifts you up, you will never bow again. - Sigrid blushes like crazy. Like her white feathers turn bright pink. And she's like, "Aw, I will be the happiest little bird." - Always speak your mind, represent me well. And you feel like a- (cast laughs) You feel like a rushing of wind and look down. And your freshman's robes are gray and black and white. And you see the gray pouring off like dye running away and leaves only the Christmas black and the purest unadulterated white. - Ooh. - And Shadricks steps back. You look good. - This is Versace? How did you know? - I love Versace. - Aaw, we must talk, we must go shopping. - Okay, here's the thing. I don't hang out with people, but you have something just don't help it, keep it on the deal, but send me some time. - Very down low? - So that's, what's up. (crosstalk) - Wintrich's window went closing rapidly. (cast laughs) Kind of scared to make a move, the full mark not cutting it, Wintrich. (cast laughs) - And finally, the five of them turn to you, Abraham. And you hear a little piping up of your imp. Paddles as he comes out and he's like, "Okay, so here's what I love, "this is your moment, I'm gonna... "We're good." - Paddles, Paddles? - Yeah. - I'm afraid you're wrong. It's not my moment. Neupro founders. Yes, there are many brave students whose Strixhaven here, but a school as great as this, rests not only on the achievements of its shining academic stars, but of each and every member of this campus that contributes what they liked, battles, long my assistant, I submit deserves consideration of the highest honors that this academy has to award upon those who have served faithfully in good stead. And I'm gonna kneel and hold Paddles up with one of my hands. - And as you kind of hold him up, Paddles turns and looks at Tenaziar and Quadrics and gives a little nod. And you see that his coloring goes blue and green. I could do like a night class thing. Like it was all good, we're good. Do you sleep? I don't know. - I don't sleep, or eat, or breathe, or drink. (laughs) - (indistinct) Runs back down your hand and gets back in your pocket and just gives you a little pat, "That's wild buddy. "Okay, your turn. "You're up, thank you." - Where he rests is the only part of me that's warm. (cast laughs) - You see five ancient dragons that were born when time began here, who've seen so much go, "Ooh." (Mica laughs) - Mind a strong cup of tea for you? - No, we're fine, go ahead. - Very well, having 30 minutes Witherbloom, come on, who's- (cast laughs) Let's not drag it down- (crosstalk) - Those worms are like, "I knew that, what's up?" - Belladros, huge fan of your work. - Yo, honestly, your vibe, whoa. But I like it. You smell like you are dead and not dead and both. And either, what's up, dawg? - Oh, I'm for sure dead. Let's just say, I- - Is that good for you? - Oh, credible, yeah, absolutely. And the smell thing, Ache, actually, while we're here, if I ever smell weed, my nose hasn't worked in years. So please feel free to tell me I won't be insulted, Ii it's getting a little rank, just feel free to shout out and say, "Hey, Hey man, how about a shower?" Oh, you know, I don't remember, because I am so firmly detached from my material corpse. - Okay, buddy. And he just pats you on the cheek and you feel a strange sensation across your skin as a moss and lichen grows up from your flesh and covers your clothing and goes through a cycle of growth and blossom and rot and falls away. And every place on your clothing that was white or gray, is now left with that deep mossy green. That is both life and death and decay, simultaneously held perfectly in union. - Thank you, Belladros, and just rather if you ever wanted to kill me, that would be great for me that you could do whatever, whenever you want but I don't wanna push that right up. This was forward, I was being forward, but later. - I appreciate it, sure. Kravitz snaps her neck. (Brennan shouts) (cast laughs) I wanted to (speaks faintly). - We all want to at some point. - You can use it in the smell though. (Brennan laughs) - It lingers. - [Becca] It does. - Like I don't have nose hairs very often. I don't have a hair there often. - At least he looks a little better now. He doesn't look like he smells, but he still smells. - [Aabria] I give him like a tight five down there, 'cause he's communing with like powerful- - [Becca] Look at the joy on his face. (cast laughs) - Go, buddy. And you see Witherbloom just sort of like sweeps their hand and you get tucked in by like grass and moss. - [Mica] Oh yes, that's awesome. - Anyway, you guys are gonna do amazing things. We look forward to seeing the ways in which you change the world. And for now, we're gonna go woop this dude's ass. So we'll be right back. - Oh, before you go, do you mind reviving Abraham? - He'll be back in a second. Oh, okay. - Yeah. He's communing with the RKX. It's like a whole big thing. Ask him about it, when he wakes up. - Will do. - All right, get the first one, and they all like disappear, they vanish off to go beat SenBarca's ass. - It's almost like we beat that dragon, that super dragon. - [Danny] That was all us. - Yeah. - All us. - [Mica] SenBarca is a bitch. (laughs) - Can we make t-shirts? - I was gonna say if we change the group name ever, that could be it. But just the t-shirts. - Huh! - Hey. - How was the archaic? - Oh my God, how did you know? - A little dragon bird told us. - (laughs) It's Spirus. - Oh, no, I've read that comic, uh-uh. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. And we're done. And we're done. Before we go (indistinct) we are done. - [Aabria] I don't give them a different anger but that was (indistinct). - But what if we don't know what these referenced, is that bad? - We don't know? - Hold on, let me finish so you can talk about genjee eater all you want. So we kind of pull back from this group who have just ripcorded on the conversations you were having. As we push up into the sky and see massive spiral - Yeah! - Of storm clouds centered over top of the Biblioplex and the faint sounds of just a shitty kid brother. Absolutely, Luli getting what was coming to him by five older siblings who have had no more of it. No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Okay, I'm fine. It was just (screams). On those choruses of songs, we pull away from Strixhaven university as youthful, are now college attenuated and ready to begin your real adventure in the world. So now here's the... Here, hold on, come back. I know you were like pulling away to like a credit pushing on me. Let me, did you do it? Did you give us the daddy ending we want and deserve? 'Cause if so, I'll have a treat for you.
Channel: Roll20
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Keywords: aabria iyengar, roll20, roll 20, mica burton, strixhaven curriculum of chaos, roll20 gm, becca scott, dungeons and dragons, brennan lee mulligan, dnd, critical role, best dnd campaigns, dimension20, dimension 20, roll20 tutorial, how to use roll 20, roll20 dm, magic the gathering, dungeons & dragons, best of dnd tiktok, dungeon master, hyperrpg, hyper rpg, dropout tv, Dimension 20 shorts, Carlos Luna, how to play d&d on roll20, how to play dnd, how to roll20, fantasy high
Id: mesxOPMO4f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 16sec (10396 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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