The SIMPLE way to CARRY on Kiriko

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now I'm going to demonstrate that aim bad aim look look look look look look how much value I didn't even do anything perfect demonstration today I'm going to teach you the most simple yet the most effective way to play kiriko you've never seen anything more simple than this before it doesn't matter if you're bronze 7 all the way to top three in the leaderboards I promise you you can make it work but awkward he did it and ranked the J1 kiriko why do you do it again because I came up with that four-step plan to win more games than you lose all right locking kiriko and I don't care if they ban me they could keep Banning me I'm gonna keep getting accounts they're gonna IP ban me I'm gonna keep buying computers doing everything I can to educate you guys first things first change the settings water I change the settings too oh first of all my settings but I go to kiriko I changed a sensitivity to this I move remove those I don't like them I don't know what that is but I'll just keep it and I switch my right click with my left click that's what I do I should have changed my Crosshair I will do it the next game usually when I play kiriko when I play kiriko I would speed people out of Spawn what I will do the four step plan guys engage close the distance do it from an off angle and disengage number one engaging clicking W into the enemy team closing the distance trying to do it from enough angle and when things go bad I disengage one thing go bad I disengage and now I heal the run because he's low step number one engage close the distance do it from enough bingo when things go bad disengage now I do not want to engage the respawn because it would yield very low rewards and it has high risk so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna patiently wait when they cross and what will I do next step number one engage then close the distance which is this and this engage when things go bad engage things went bad I disengage now what did I do wall climb they keep engaging as you can see it's a foul proof plan it doesn't matter if you're a bronze player doesn't matter if you're a GM player yes it will not hit the same shots as I would but you don't need to because the power of this four-step plan is the distraction even if you miss your shots and the enemies are distracted your team can easily capitalize on the fact that they are distracting the enemies okay again engage close the distance do it from enough angle this engagement thing go bad maybe I shouldn't have used my ulti but might as well engage engage engage close the distance oops all right now again hiding not engaging to respond because I get slipped and I will die it's a little bit too risky so what I'm will do again set up on my off angle fight starts engage look they're expecting me already I don't want to TP yet now if you want things go bad I'm healing the run because he's in danger of dying but now he's not in danger of dying while I'm walking I'm healing engage close the distance it's coming off angle let's go engage look distance things go bad disengage perfect simple right it's the formula that it came up with to teach every single one how to play kirika properly so step number one you engage step number two you close the distance step number three you do it from an off angle and step number four if this engage when things go bad and I will explain and I will explain every single step along the way and why do I do it how how did I come up with what are the strings strength of doing so and what are the weaknesses spoiler there are no weaknesses so again when I play kirika with damage most everyone out of Spawn but the sake of this challenge I don't want to swap to Lucille why do I damage was because it's speed boost sorry simple because you can just dip it to something engage close the distance do it from your finger which is this disengage when things go bad it was a little bit of danger again engaging engage engaging so instead of engaging into the spot I'm gonna patiently wait until they cross and when they cross what I'd like to again engage close the distance disengage yeah sorry do it from nothing at this engage when things go bad I don't know is now a good time let's try engage things went bad I'll disengage not gonna risk it in the meantime there's nothing I can do besides shoot that's what I will do he's just standing still so might as well you know but again engage close the distance miss the shots do trimming off angle which I did I tried to suit him and try to help him engage engage engage all right engage close the distance do it from an off angle disengage when things go bad again no fingerling off fingerly engage but I killed this guy he's dead engage engage close the distance engage load the distance good from enough bingo and disengage when things go bad the four step plan when does thing go bad when you're gonna die if you don't get out and notice how I use my suzu selfishly it's not for my team it's not to save my tank it's to save myself it's to save myself when sometimes I will be able to sometimes I will be able to suzu my friends when they're in danger of course assuming I have it I'm not doing it selfishly on purpose I mean I kinda am but I'm not gonna not use my Isuzu if my friends are going to die does the old step plan apply to all ranks yes even if you're a top 50 player I promise you you're not doing the four-step plan you might have gone top 50 but the reason why you're not top 40 is because you're not doing the four-step plan if you are more active do you think you need the suzu TP it depends sometimes you don't need to Suzuki if you're not in danger don't suzu if you are in dangerous Zuzu it depends I usually rather be safe than sorry so and now what I will explain each game why do I engage why do I close the distance why do I off angle and why do I disengage when things go bad what if you're not good at hitting shots as I explained even if you're not the best at hitting shots you create a lot of value by distracting and trust me it doesn't matter if you're a bronze 5 player if you move to the enemy's face like this you're not gonna miss a lot of shots you might miss some but not a lot it's not hard it's not hard to hit shots like this what's most of you are doing are they see an enemy and they shoot from far away and then you ask yourself why am I not hitting shots well because you're shooting a projectile from far away I didn't change my uh settings unfortunately same thing not gonna engage in the respawn and ah okay maybe my team is engaging in the response so I might have to what I'm gonna do I'm gonna engage close the distance while I'm while I'm running I'm healing okay these guys do nothing I can do about it engage close distance disengage one thing go bad I believe engage oh I was about to tip you out but I engaged close distance from an up and go TP when things go bad to change some settings here just the Casual like the normal ones this side would like this okay nice all right number 23 spawn it is what it is right but my tank is feeding that's why I'm losing no this happened one time we'll see what's next okay engaging closing distance do it from another Fango and I gotta disengage when things go bad distracting distracting everyone's looking at me everyone's looking at me things go bad keep you out all finger engaged look at the distance engage close the distance do it from enough angle things go bad disengage same thing same thing again and of course I don't forget to heal I heal when people are about to die things go bad taping out again engage close listen do it from an off angle oh things go bad well things go really bad I'm alone I have no one to tp2 why are we holding in the respawn that is the question here same thing gonna do it again four step plan number one engage number two close distance number three dude from enough angle number four disengage when things go bad engage off angle close distance kill surprise the distance closing the distance off angling look he's not even looking disengage one thing go bad notice how I didn't need to heal anybody why did I not need to heal anybody because they're all looking at me all focused on me all trying to run away from me so nobody took damage gonna set up pretty quick oh I'm gonna engage on them from enough angle oh now what did I do I did number step number one step number two step number three but step number four I didn't do and that's why I died in disengage when things went bad I got too greedy I tried to go for a kill even though I should have just left I tried didn't work out that's it not a big deal no need to get the kill you just need to distract Ed the same thing setting up patiently waiting I'm not I don't want to engage in the junker Queen yet because well I cannot kill so I'm gonna wait for something I can actually kill like they just they don't even pay attention but I'm gonna engage a little distance dude from it nothing right now I'm gonna off angle I'm gonna distract I'm Gonna Make Them Look At Me things go bad seeping out I'm not gonna make the same mistake twice okay these guys just did [Music] I didn't have my TP I got altered by two people and that's okay if I had my TP in one more second I could have tipped it out and just not die did this and get disengage when things went bad I liked my wounds let's go all right let's go gonna engage close the distance actually I'm gonna ulti from here engaging what I didn't even know this place existed engaging from enough angle distracting distracting distracting look they're all looking they're all looking things go bad then go bad I keep you out engage in closing distance dude from enough angle okay my wrists are just clicking buttons things go bad well distracting distracting things go bad DPF but constantly engaging constantly engaging what am I gonna do engage from enough angle closing the distance things go bad PP out and use my Isuzu just in case welcome to the new to a new world we're gonna win significantly more games this doesn't get any more simple than this doesn't get any more simple than a four-step plan so why do I engage well that's how you carry damage you engage the enemies you may you try to kill him that's how you win why do you close the distance because it's significantly easier to hit shots from close range compared to long range look at me look at me look at me shooting and engaging from enough angle things go bad DP out how many was that engage off angle closing the distance engaging okay he manages to run away I believe what does he not yeah engage off angle close the distance engage all fingers close the distance oh I jumped and I forgot I didn't have my teacher that was my bed if we lose this one it's on me I probably do because Irish is probably gonna be on the Dragon no okay no I'll come back with my ulti come back with my older we should be able to win this right I'm gonna make sure she doesn't die and then I engage I'm sure she doesn't die here engaging from an off angle and go bad oh that was a nice shot that was a nice shot I'm not gonna I'm not even gonna lie that was a nice shot by him was looking at me the entire time why was he looking me the entire time because I'm off fingerling shooting him he has to look at me I'm actually gonna be patient am I gonna kill here I can't tip you out to somebody so I don't engage it if I cannot tip you out of anybody I'm not gonna engage nah I'm engaging let's go okay oh nice silicon TP out my bad oh that's unfortunate my team is busy uh typing why are you not healing instead of uh you know moving so I can take you to them they're low I'll help what will I do now before I engage okay thank God using my wall climb okay I'm not sure what happened here but I'm off angling engage engage engage engage engage things go bad I DPF again to the off angle to the engage do they engage do they engage do they engage your finger keep you out when things go bad and Susan my friend nice works so as I said why do I engage because I want to damage I want to do damage that's how you win right that's why you engage how often do you engage every time that you can ideally every five seconds every seven seconds right Second Step you close the distance why do you close distance because as I explained it's really easy or rather much easier to hit shots close range than shooting from far away I'm sure most of you try to shoot from far away and Miss like 10 shots in a row it's not because you suck it's because it's really hard to shoot from Far Away Now number three why do you off angle and this is the most important part one when you up angle you find enemies that are not looking at you which makes it much easier for you to get a kill right and also if they do turn around to try to shoot you you're making them move to your Crosshair from your teammates to you your teammates don't have Isuzu and ntp but you do and if the hands it looks at you it means that your teammates will not be taking any damage you understand and if you are in danger you will DP out you take the pressure off your team not by healing but distracting the enemy team and number four when things go bad AKA when you're in danger of dying use your Susan TP out or TP without using your suzu depends on the situation easy four steps so I'm going to apply it every single time looking to engage close the distance do it from enough angle and when things go bad I will TP out exactly like what I'm doing right now engaging surprise I got a Kill closing the distance closing the distance distracting distracting distracting distracting things go bad keep you out and I do not gonna lie I do have a feeding tank but you will see how we'll win this game even with a feeding tank doesn't know what he's doing engage then go back DPR I've noticed everyone was looking at me engage thanks go bad I'm not I'm not tipping out yet but things will go bad enough closing distance off angling off English all right not gonna cap the point I'm gonna go in my team can cap the point I'm gonna engage close this in from an off angle again kill off angle find a kill look after strapping they're unsure who to look at they don't know who to look at they look at me and if they look at me my team's not taking any damage they're all good setting some heels in between look what oh look they're unsure what to do constantly engaging constantly closing the distance making sure nobody dies here doesn't seem to be working don't want anyone to die okay I have to keep you out somehow I can't they're not in range I tried the sarisa look my tank listen I'm gonna I'm not gonna lie I'm not even gonna pretend like he's doing good he's absolute garbage my tank is absolute garbage but I'm still confident I'm gonna win this game this tank is really bad like really bad why because I'm doing the four step plan then go bad dipping out engaging closing the distance uh oh gotta float engage closing distance oh okay this guy's here engaging closing the distance closing distance things didn't go bad don't get for uh tpf for the Lord Lord of God or something wow wow guys wow hard watch look at this guy never seen anything like this in my life look at this let's look at this like things go bad ltps no I try I try to distract them away from my teammates in cdb working whoa I'm gonna win I'm gonna win I'm gonna win okay I'm getting old they're trolling me on purpose that's okay can I touch can I do something no they just AFK and spawn apparently I cannot win this game some games are Beyond me to win that's okay but I still think I did pretty well but either way either way let's go rip 15-0 most definitely I was so confident in the 15-0 so easily but hey you know happens and they blame you for the loss yeah because we don't have healing that that is why it's not like it's not like I can't heal look I tried to heal that Orissa let me show you well I mean I'm not healing you know what I mean like you know it just like look at this do you see what I mean bro exposed the Academy's teachings for free at the end of the day guys this is what I teach here the fourth step plan is like one out of a hundred things that I teach in my Academy and every every time I learn something new you know every time I learn and teach something new and simple simplified as much as possible that's the crazy part so yes you I am teaching this for free you're correct some some people in the academy they pay for the academy and they get it but they get 99 other things outside of this understand people on Twitter are so upset about the things that I say but let me tell you something guys if you are upset with the truth or the truth makes you angry it's time for a change it's time to make a change in your life all right gotta do engage close the distance do it from enough angle disengage when things go bad it's the first step plan survival yes because what you're doing with the four step plan you're actually distracting them is look I'm not gonna shoot I'm sure you're gonna shoot one time for the purpose of this demonstration look never mind he's standing still I I could I couldn't give it up you know it was standing still sorry thing go bad I keep you out sorry sorry I want to demonstrate without but he was standing still mad and if and if you miss people that are standing still it's a it's another problem engage close the distance no sorry sorry now I'm going to demonstrate how me not even hitting a single shot I will just shoot one time make them look at media we'll see how distracting I am without it getting the kill with bad aim bad aim look demonstration okay I'm just gonna miss it oh look everyone look at me look at me look look look look look look look look look how much value I didn't even do anything I didn't even do anything look how much value my team is winning I think he's a single shot sorry I wasn't attaching my screen I'm glad it worked out the way [Music] welcome Reinhardt everybody look at me and now Divine is by himself because everybody's looking at me uh am I no no okay he thinks he's smart but he isn't look what's gonna happen to this guy no no nothing he will die he will just kill me because I suck that's what will happen you know man look at this level Masters people hit their shots what can I do all right gotta engage close the distance dude from enough angle look he's not looking he's not looking he's not looking everybody look at me look at me this guy just decides to run away okay gotta catch them from the off and go over there making sure this guy doesn't die making sure he doesn't die and again they all think oh he's doing from the right and from the left and surprise dude that demonstration was so perfect because now nobody has an excuse you understand my aim sucks everybody look at me guys don't look at me okay die then look at me you're dead oh Fango engaged close the distance off angle engage close the distance oh thank you look he cannot kill two places I'm learning a lot I'm I'm glad you're learning faster you're a very good player I'm sure that you can watch for one minute and understand the concept you know what's the sad thing about players in top 500 you know like supports in top 500 you will see them be top 500 and you ask yourself how did they get there because all they do is just stand behind the wall and just heal give it now hey there I'm just starting to blend in with the boys look and the crazy part is right you ask yourself how do they get there so there's two reasons that I can that I can you know give out one boosted optional two play with a duel that carries them all right gotta engaged let's listen to it from another thing let's go use my wall climb of course to get to these angles fast let's go engaging they see me distract pretty cool look he's charging why is he charging on me like you see what I mean and now they have they don't have a runner this guy is just dead engage close the distance heal when people need healing again engage close listen do it from enough angle look look at this guy what is he doing like I just trying to figure out see what I mean this is exactly distractions that I'm talking about getting engaged close the distance dude from enough angle University you're all good stop getting lucky that's what he's saying to me hey there guide of movement guess everything that you want I have in my Academy everything movement all that stuff all right let's go three two one engagement off angle let's go okay what is happening over here not cool not cool not cool not cool okay I'm gonna patiently wait I'm gonna make sure he doesn't die this guy's trying to do what I do that's it it's over it's over why because we didn't win the fight five on five we just begun let me just do it oh all of you but but awkward you don't get your consumers that the win condition is the kituna if your win condition is your ultimate you're just bad and you don't understand anything about the game how can you have a win conditions happens that happens once every minute on tops how is it possible that's like such a dumb take that a kitsuna is a win condition so if you don't have if you get three two kitsunas in a game it means that you can win the fight only two times that's such a stupid thing all right let's go engage from enough angles close the distance look at this guy just going in he doesn't care nope no no why did I TP why did I why did I go to save my teammates it's not working and I just keep dying for it let's keep making this mistake just let him I just let him die man I don't let them die I'll just try to heal them and throw a scissor but it's the best that I can do instead of tipping into the danger of myself all right let's go I can do some damage before the fight because I have somebody Tippy to look they're distracted they're distracted they have no DPS things go bad I TP out and again going in this guy doesn't pay attention and he dies made no ice blocks he will die never mind kirikou okay look what is he gonna do nothing they just did they're just dead why because I engage I close distance I do it from an off angle they're either distracted by me or they're distracted by my team and I kill them if they're distracted by me my team kills them if they're distracted by my team I kill them look at me boys look at me look at me look at me look at me look look they're all here they're all here they're all here doing nothing Absolute Air when they have to touch the point things go bad keep you out gonna do this because I like this play I suck where did this guy come from I messed up should I just want to kill a soldier with my monkey there's a soldier shooting everybody and my monkey's killing the Reinhardt wait team don't die my monkey's dead my monkey's dead right yeah he's okay this is so desperate to just get away clutch flasher kick flasher kick gotta engage oh things go no that fire strike was not even meant for me if I killed a soldier we'll win that's unfortunate nice try uh who said who said win the lottery look you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna piss the soldier off a little bit like I'm gonna piss her off the mental Warfare Starts Now that's sick if they want I could send them some stuff too all right gotta engage gotta close distance gotta disengage ten minutes in 6.4k damage I'm impressing myself sometimes as soon as they cross okay they're not going here even should have just went I didn't realize they're gonna go there so what I'm gonna do look at this look at this look at this look at this look at this three two one oh man I was late everybody look at me look at me and go bad and I keep you out and I just wait what is this guy doing wait wait how did he how did he almost how did he die that's the question but he noticed as soon as I went in everybody's looking at me from her perspective they're looking back all of a sudden monkey jumps on their head power of distractions I couldn't I didn't even have to hit a single shot that this guy's AFK this game what is he doing move move go away surprise surprise then things go bad damage damage attractions distraction look the rain cannot Shield two people and we'll win look he's so angry how do I have no doubt thank you I'm so angry it's crazy and at the same time I'm not gonna Engage The spawning gotta wait for them to cross and then I engage close they send it from an off angle which is this this is the off angle but they might know now okay things go bad I'm not gonna risk it he's gonna shatter this is thank you that's the point monkey for the love of God it's so bad I TP out monkey touch the point use your ulti what is going on okay I have somebody tp2 right hey TP to me okay well this guy just jumps into my team one and four and then he asked and then he thinks that it's my the telephone you want to shatter then also obvious oh my God I gotta engage my middle finger which is here they're okay nothing I can do about this gotta engage okay the soldiers above me so what I'm gonna do already thank you look the distraction distraction they're all looking at me and now break comes from behind distracting them they're unsure what to do they get sandwiched super simple stuff guys here dead maybe not dead maybe I suck from behind I'll finger from behind he doesn't know what to look it doesn't work to look where is he looking nowhere he's dead no wind y never thought of using kirika this way I just found right like if you spam right you're only heading one way and that is gold the red kirika said Nerf kiriko when she plays like that you see what I mean like instead she's playing the character but she's not playing it right so she thinks it needs a Nerf because she's just been healing that's the crazy that's the thing you know but I do agree when you play kiriko like this she's extremely strong that is true so chat what am I gonna do here on defense please tell me exactly how you would play this I would like to hear we're starting off it's a map with the big train the first point what are you gonna do wait in spawn for 14 15 seconds the two switch hero is good against their comp you're right that is what I'm gonna do what am I gonna do I'm gonna go over here I'm gonna set up I'm gonna wait for them to cross and then I'm gonna engage those decision from an off angle and keep you when things go bad check this out persuade patiently you don't understand behind your team in heel everything is going to be okay somebody's coming here okay they're not even paying attention and um okay if they don't pay attention they will just die things go bad I just DPF my Genji I missed some shots but it's okay I still got the kill at the end all right what where did my Isuzu go that again hello I don't give up that easily can I Bastion is dead probably yeah I'm losing to bugs anyways moving forward closing the distance like this guy thinks he's smart uh no no how did I miss the second one that was bad all right let's go engage let's listen to him enough angle TP when things go bad right now I'm feeling but it's only been a minute so it's not a big deal all right engaged close the distance let's go let's go why did oh man he killed me I thought he was gonna run away and he just dashes in what whatever is everybody clicking W in this game okay if I make it maybe I'll save them but I'm not sorry does this guy live hope so this Kenji is dead no not dead I gotta engage what am I doing why am I sitting AFK doing nothing it's engaged dude from nothing go close the distance let's go acting distracting thank you then go bad ATP out distracting though okay this guy just feeding no problem can I hit a shot okay oh my goodness that was so bad what is happening hello engage engage engage thank God DPR oh wow this game is so bad okay let's keep doing engagement from nothing engage it from nothing go heal while I'm moving gotta distract this guy and go bad atpi again engage from an off angle wait this guy's killable this guy doing nice okay this is getting better okay third point is my point third point is my point all right why is my bowl in their spawn all right what am I gonna do engage from an off angle correct then go bad that I will DP out and we'll climb to get away and again and again and again and again and look surprise it works things go bad TP out heal while I'm walking heal while I'm walking distracting the support all right we should lose this can I TP out I sure can bye I want to use my tuna here things go bad I DP out all right let's go where's the damage can I hit a headshot why am I not hitting headshots thank you everybody look at me if they look at me it means my team is not taking any damage which I'm okay again all fingerling oh fingerling oh fingerly oh fingerling oh fingerling things go bad if you add all fingerly creating engaging closing distance engaging closing distance off angle let's go what is he gonna do nothing he got nothing he got nothing on me and I uh okay look the third point is going significantly better though so at least I'm happy about that because we were getting rolled on the second point over here cover I think Mana is doomed I'm gonna distract him away from Diana and hope she lives okay engaged do it from enough angle engage close this is different enough angle no problem let's go get engaging somebody off angle not sure what did I TP to but I'm all climbing to get out of the danger the wall climb is a really great tool to get out of dangerous spots again engage in closing distance shooting what am I gonna do now I'm gonna hide and when they cross I'm gonna engage close the distance do it from your finger which is this and tip you when things go bad patiently wait probably now is a good time yeah foreign and now they're distracted and now I can go again to the off angle while I'm walking I'll send a hill or two no no no no no no no engage engage engage engage heal him because he's won engage engage engage engage engage engage engage boom we held them with like five and a half minutes why because I engage I close the distance I did it from enough angle and I tip it out when things went bad four step plan again I'm gonna repeat why do you engage why do you all finger why do you close this since when you engage because you want to care you want to actually do something meaningful you don't want to sit behind a ball and just heal because it doesn't do anything number two you close this and swipe because hitting shots from close range is significantly easier than hitting shots from far away if you find yourself shooting from far away start moving closer what are you afraid of you have a TP enthusi to get out of jail free chords don't be afraid why do you do it from an off angle as I explained if you have bad aim I explained it on the Oasis map right you distract when people move their Crosser from your teammates to you or distracting and then your teammates I can jump on them shoot them from the sides engage on somebody that is alone that is not looking at you you split their attention and if they decide to not look at you and you know nothing well you can just kill them because they're not looking at you how it is to be to go like this and number four when things go bad you use Susu and you TP out or you just TP out without using a fuzu not gonna lie this is exactly why I don't play off angle curriculum Isuzu offensively still didn't have it in time for Rampage old and Soldier died because we aggro yeah the soldier died well you use your system to protect your teammates and the soldier doesn't die and you protect him from Rampage yet you're gold I don't use my sister to protect anybody and I'm a rank one and I can get to gm1 which is something you're probably never gonna get with this mentality in less than three hours you understand all right engaging doing from middle finger engage engaging things go bad I keep you out that is the difference between you and I my friend got engaging going from North angle hey look at me then look at oh okay thank God I keep yeah distract distract boom boom look at this engagement look at this closing distance look at these off angles my ball was low HP why didn't he die because I was distracting the cast if the jacket is is distracted who's going to kill my ball all right it's boom engage w w oh I I was so out of TP range for just a second but I get distracted but I didn't distract I did what I was supposed to do they got arrest unfortunately I should have TP back a little bit earlier all right let's go thanks all right who am I keeping to these guys this didn't go bad I just distract distract distract look the garage stopped shooting the enemies because he shoots at me distract Ed he's not looking boom I wasn't dangerous I took it out of the way and again off angle engaging WWE I was in danger again off angle off angle I'm sure he doesn't die distract distract distract he will be dead okay I'll Chase engage engage dude from enough angle this yeah and close the distance of course again things went bad I keep it out again I have my cooldowns in a second should be okay look distract new school dance on me I don't care I'm wasting their resources for nothing distracting distracting extracting engaging closing the distance hello good morning close the door okay closing the distance trying to distract an off angle uh I went a little bit too deep yeah I have I'm dead I'm doomed I went in too deep I didn't Plantation where my team was it was my band and then I tip it to the ball instead of my teammates should have TP to my teammates this guy is gonna ulti Reaper is gonna ulti yeah at least obviously ruled on the planet all right let's move forward try to engage try to do my thing here trying to find an engagement trying to create enough angle will do let's go actually let's do this off angle oh wow okay he smoked me foreign that was nice Shots by Diana though I will I will say that making sure nobody dies somebody still dies and that's like you the power of your healing I mean you can heal but it's still gonna die right so you should try to heal when people are gonna die and it is what it is you cannot heal more than this I gotta engage him enough angle let's do it fast because I'm taking a little bit of my time here you can go bad I TP out but look at this engagement look at this distraction boom boom okay now he needs healing because he's gonna die if I don't now they don't forward engage I tip it to my Genji because if one HP and I could Sizzle him and I could help him as well gotta engage I have somebody Tippy too never mind and we win surprise surprise who knew that the four step plan is just Opie foreign stay here I'm gonna do on Rank 2 GM on Genji as well everybody else leave everybody else leave you stay I'm gonna do unrank the GM on the NG but guys Havana is not a good map it's like good for procoms if they have what do they do to have snipers and what do I do with that shut up dork listen there's no such thing as bad map for kiriko mikiriko is like the most versatile character in the game understand can play her everywhere actually very good I can't even think about a place where she's bad where could the kiriko be bad Against full die fair but even then it's not that bad all right let's go gotta engage gotta close the distance oh they have snipers guys what will I do I don't know how about close the distance look they're all distracted like they don't even shoot at me okay you know what from here it's actually a good position to go off angle let's go extract distract distracting go bad boom keep you out make sure this guy doesn't die but I can't and go bad again if you have that worked engaging off angling that was nice I think he stopped so I'm gonna go top and I'm gonna kill him he's gonna occupy this guy's here I'm gonna make her there helping helping helping helping helping we'll win they cannot touch why because they did some damage for the fight engaged engage engage w stop being a coward like what is he gonna do to me this guy nothing he will just die and I will tip you out not a big deal same thing I have my TP in two let's go look he's dead what is he gonna do hey oh man I was too late to my TP nice try the turrets are gonna wake him up that isn't one monkey versus symmetra and lasers beams and microwave notice how again I had the most damage in the game make sure she doesn't die make sure she doesn't die and now I go in again going with him he already dove what will I do now you're correct I'm gonna engage sliding on the roof oh no what will we do okay I did but you know what I am dead but I'm occupying them in spawn which means we kept the point they couldn't recontest why because I'm in their spawn what's this guy doing in between the heels I'll do some damage is happening thank you keep it away when things go bad but again I engage I engage constant damage here in a second also a difference the difference between my awesome and my ultimate GM I used to say that you should use your suzu as soon as the ulti begins now you don't do that because they buffed their nerfed they cool down the cooldown is now much much longer so it's not even worth so I don't use my shoes as soon as I pop my ulti so it's old news I gotta go engage he's okay gotta go engage on the off angle one distract DP out again engaging engaging engaging engaging engaging can't go bad keeping up in between the hills I'll throw between them she'll throw some heels I'm gonna wait here officially they engage and I will just off angle them damage damage nobody's healing this guy needs a little bit of healing and I need a little bit of healing this guy needs a little bit of healing again that's it and it is over and that is how you play character ladies and gentlemen and consistently engage consistently close the distance you're consistently off angle you don't do it once every three minutes you do it every single time guys I got some bad news I got some bad news got some bad news for you we'll have to wait until the game the game is over for the bad news guys bad news anyways gotta engage from the off angle close the distance that I patiently wait until they show up and then I can go all right let's go let's have a widow maybe I can catch the Widow never mind let's abort Mission there's no damage there dude what where's everyone okay again sitting on the off angle gonna look to engage gotta try to distract at the very least here's my mole right to somehow survive in one HP but again I did engage I did off angle edit what it's supposed to do okay let's distract this guy let's make him punch me let's go punch me punch me out gotta help him oh at least he punched me outside okay engage engage engage engage save my my friend he lives look they're all looking at me I'm distracting him constantly engaging coming off angle boom things go bad I tried a DPR but my dude was just in front of me so I couldn't easily gotta help it fair oh why did I throw it like this I don't know but I'm gonna go off England I'm gonna engage I'm gonna close this and gonna do what I'm supposed to do destroyed then go bad idpf no okay live again engage engaged did you get to get damage damage damage never give up what am I gonna do sit here on the off and go make them feel distracted look they don't know they have to look at me I'll get these guys babe this guy's coming from here I think he's flinking he thinks he's smart don't pay attention bro I want the soup isuzued him I assisted him into the bomb Oh that was nice that was a 500 IQ let's be honest here that was 500 AQ that booped to the above afraid it was gonna die he's dead engage engage engage good from enough angle good from enough angle distract hello everyone keep you out look the demo use the boosters on me they use cooldowns this guy will die then go bad I DP out I live with one HP look he doesn't know where I am because I use wall climb he's so mad engaging engaging engaging let's go let's go let's go I don't give up no ah okay he's the one HP and we win guys as I said after the game got some bad news foreign why because the system the system keeps Banning people who get Mass reported so when a lot of people report to me because one I don't do healing apparently and two because I'm smurfing so the system bans me again it's just a little bit ridiculous yeah blizzard is uh cocking you from education maybe blizzard just doesn't want you to get good at the game right it's a it's a possibility The Matrix is real where's Dio and Morpheus when you need them okay now know how to carry on kiriko and as I said these are all stuff that I thought my Academy like the rank up Academy months and months and months ago every day that goes by you miss out on opportunities you're just an ego God bro [ __ ] off oh look at this dork he's so angry he's so angry he's like sitting behind his PC and he's so angry he had his keyboard typing yo you ego ball ego God man what a dork at the end of the day guys I teach you the fundamentals in the most simple form four step plan now what I expected to log into the game you pick kiriko you do the four-step plan and you win your games and blizzard is going to ban you for winning your games reason of ban recent activity shows various and continuous actions deemed inappropriate for OverWatch these actions violate our code of content contact and create unacceptable detriment to our players due to these violations we have permanently closed your OverWatch account blizzard will not transfer or compensate any purchases in-game Valley loss or result of this closure and you want to know what is funny guys it doesn't matter how many times they ban me it doesn't matter how many times they banned me I'm gonna keep making these videos I'm gonna keep doing and rank two GMS I'm Gonna Keep teaching you how to play they will ban my PC I will buy another PC they'll buy my second PC I'll buy another PC understand they cannot stop my education from now on every time somebody says kiriko starts doing healing you just you respond with what chat you tell me NPC uh four step plan when you take accountability will start understanding what can I do to be better we need to send what you can do to be better you will be better people think that I bash onto metal ring players bronze gold I don't bash into these players I bash into players who take don't take accountability you could be a top 500 you could still be a loser you want to know why if you blame your teammates it doesn't matter a bronze the blame his soul mates and the top 500 players you see they're both equally losers I don't make fun of you if you're bronze if you made it from bronze to silver or respect to you if you manage from bronze to gold all respect silver to Diamond respect ambassadors of GM respect and then when I'm playing for fun if you play for fun why why are you so triggered when I call you a gold player why are you so triggered me calling gold you play for fun why do you care about your rankings versus why do you even play ranked in the first place it's all cope no one would take offense about me making fun of their rank when they don't care about Rings If the truth offends you it's time to make a change in your life that's a hot take imagine calling the truth a hot take that's crazy anyways guys it's been a pleasure to stream to it's been a pleasure to teach you to educate you I'm humbled to see all of your comments all your positive comments the negative comments I couldn't care less they're losers anyways if you would like to join my Academy you know where where it's at less than 50 dollars for one month and if you tell me it's too expensive and I will tell you something some you know something that from the bottom of my heart generally like not even a it's not even an insult but if you don't have fifty dollars for one month and you think that you are like you could not prioritize that's fair you don't want it that's okay but if you say that it's too expensive if 50 a month is too expensive for you you need to worry about other things rather than improving in OverWatch you understand everybody have a great rest of the day great at this tonight it depends on where you're from time to hit the gym time to do some push-ups time cool for a run time to go to your parents or your brother or your family tell them you like them sit with them have a coffee with them hold yourself accountable and I will see you guys next time goodbye everyone [Music] [Music]
Channel: Awkward
Views: 282,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x6cIbRv5DJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 14sec (4334 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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