Educational Unranked To GM - Overwatch 2 - Rank 1 Peak - Tracer

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I think the reasoning for like us stopping at GM MMR instead of the actual rank pretty much comes from a Justified place of like if I'm gonna be showing you how to play sad game or play the game then you would want to know other climate for your sorry right and if we're gonna go to hire you the lobbies I might as well call my main account and then explain what I'm doing there because the Q times get atrocious and the quality of the games become the same so it kind of Blends together you know it just spins together in the same way so I haven't really thought about what to do I think we also have a lot of stuff to talk about we have the generic the usual maybe I'll spare you guys Maybe not maybe not trash chat maybe you do have to hear me talk about Coroner's resources that but for now we'll start with what I want to do as Tracer what I want to try and do and look for it what I'm going to look for is quote unquote out of position okay what does out of position means I'm a flanker so I look for an isolated Target all right look for somebody that's alone resources or okay we got an insane Widowmaker so this is going to be pretty stomping bro water is isolated I'll come in on her she's now low Asian resources but not low enough and she has insane self-sustaining heal which can be very annoying to do it I'm gonna come back and help my team with the running because I don't want to be in the open and there's some more sense soon did you just pit at me he is we're gonna keep our distance then and not shoot attack too much because shooting supports is more efficient than a guy who's just getting fill up reviews I'm so scared I suck a movement it's a little bit of a weird one is my Widow my world is going insane that was a widow that killed anime okay so like no no think about it like what is your goal or your identity like what are you trying to do again more is really hard to kill but because of the South fuel go around Carnival reloading wait I suck I'm dead yeah I got my uh button rebound uh don't worry about this yet don't worry about it yet I know LOL streamer sucks I got thrown off by this real quick come on maybe Panic otherwise I can keep going your compassion's alive The Bash is alive well then then I have to record so that was a little bit of a spook there no playing Corners I can get headshots that is losable [Music] I think the fighters lost oh God the way he moves his soul oh God it's so cute and wholesome and innocent actually damn it that makes me sad that makes me a little setup online uh but my ball did a really good trouble standing up for me because that's most important I think okay as a flanker or DPS what the hell is what was the guy talking about what who is he talking to I love you is that if I go first well maybe like the Bastion okay I'll put it like this when I died I went first I want internet spawn I put myself out of position I recalled into the run so I still end up being the first focus of the first thing they see so I kind of like created this prophecy and or bad habit to come true I might change my sense again I want to be in open space the whether or not so by not going first I want to be using the map I'll be using corners I'll be using objects but I don't become the focus and I can sit here and I can scout and I can look and I can find [ __ ] out of position I forgive me I'm not feeling the most um warmed up that's not what I want to do education wise right now no sorry no yeah let's correct I think let's go all right we use mines we got uptick which means that they're not looking at me and then we can clean up and think about it like this I was quite literally AFK and then I come back on hero uh I was the JFK came back and then I managed to clean up a half HP cast and a half HP character a lot of people that I've coached or I've seen no cap by the way will themselves like go in dive they'll come back and then run as they're running this healing is insane as they're coming back I don't think I can kill their chat I think that shooting supports first is good nice cleanse in general but I'm always becoming annoying difficult I'm just gonna try and stick the run I was lucky that she tped into that oh my God Mars are so incredibly hard to kill they she heals herself from the damage that she does all right let's talk about mechanics are we gonna get comments about it my back gangster by the way could use a lot of improving remember the cast just from a few seconds ago everybody can understand this remember the cast he's chasing your mercy where's our Mercy okay my Mercy's over here on the red so to see the mercy the cast has to Walk This Way yes ready he has to walk this way so when I'm tracking him and he's not looking at me which again is goes to our beginning they're not looking at me they're distracted by someone else I then just move my mouse to the right because his movement is set in stone his idea is set in stone so no longer does it become like holy [ __ ] this mechanics is crazy which it might feel like to you try to take away the magic but all I did was go well I think that this guy wait is it I just got rolled and it's here uh is that this guy I just read his movement I read his okay that's cool uh I was standing against the wall but I guess shitty piece uh again Maura is actually incredibly difficult to win everyone so is it worth our time maybe not my balls crazy that's not what I meant to do dph melee but all good uh what was I talking about again I shot I shot my shot most of the mechanics and aim are like at the end of the day chat very kind of simple yes OverWatch has a lot of difficult mechanical situations that take a lot of you know stress and skill and fault and whatever but at the end of the day most people can get to like GM at the very least just by doing what I thought about here and we'll get into a bit more sorry I should not be in that spot I was in the open into what I'm talking about in a little bit I'm gonna do a little healing thank you because I'm combining a lot of fundamentals right now playing Corners breaking down his sides uh getting behind them why am I going in who am I going in on efficiency of bullets like for example sometimes I'm shooting the riding going like I don't like this I should be shooting supports right he's gonna rock on me so got it let's move out the way and now I'm gonna shoot hog because I don't have Rico so I'm gonna fall back to my team because after I've made my play and I don't have the resources I'm not confident not confident in myself to stay alive or duel somebody there's a chance of me winning has just drastically reduced so what I'm talking about there specifically is something called resources so yeah I mean we have a lot to talk about today okay we have a lot to talk about which is fun if I had a little bit more planning I would know what I would prefer to talk about or will be the easiest to consume prepare your defenses select your hero so it's a mid Facebook together okay so imagine this right the word resources means ammo cooldowns HP and All Odds and all these things okay and the more of those that you have the higher likelihood or chance of you or your team winning the fight okay and we apply that first to ourselves so that we can maximize our own resources and once we're comfortable and automatic with that then we take it to the next level of like well now I'm good at managing my resources how can I help my team how can I help my team pop off or how can I find when they're weak because let's say you were going into a a boxing fight getting dizzy okay it's a slider like a Fallout New Vegas and if you don't have your recall and you have two blinks and you're half HP you're like all the way down here the chances of you like hitting somebody like you're as skinny as me you're a skeleton like you're gonna punch do no damage but when you have all of these beautiful things together then boom now you punch and you kill them because you actually get value and do you know why that's so important chat this is something that's not discussed enough do you know why it's so important to make sure that your punch hits like right because why well Ethan I can just keep fighting the reason that their punch hitting is really crazy important is because in this game you want to think of it like turns it's his it's my turn it's his turn it's my turn it's their turn it's my if we go back and forth so if you screw up your turn it can actually have drastic consequences on the outcome of the fight like a big big uh consequences that's why when people start to sort of like improve their punches in a way right they start to make their oh what's it called they start to like make sure that when they go in it hits hard though like see a big big increase in uh in quality or timing or like wow this really works so if I sit here and I know someone's gonna walk left to right I can then do that thing we talked about earlier if he saw me because I know what he wants to do if he sees me he wants to go back correct so it's like well then I change my tracking Direction so first left and he saw me then right Adam gold flow and so that's what I mean with that sort of like it's not it's not bad mechanics it's bad decisions and once you know the movement speed of someone who repetition and practice like really truly truly truly truly mechanics are decision making and so let's go back to my original Point here the idea of like the team with more resources wins a fight that kill like that Lucia was dead what's the chance of us winning 100 no we get so loose that they increased in our favor so now if I go out and take a risk or make a play you know do I want to like maybe do something stupid or Sydney or Rush hell no because then I equalized then I give it back to them and just because he died he died really early like hug no hook pass half HP in the open I could go for him but he's got the mercy next to him then they counter all so not the solution inside of our team oh let me go for him let's see where he's going again we want to go left or right he's going right Mercy in her Buck is a lot worth shooting at that's just a little freebie it's too much time it's too difficult she's too fast it's a literal fighter jet and it reach ends its HP as it flies it's not it's just insane it's not worth your time so they beat that means that they have a ton of HP which means they have a ton of resources which means I go back and so we'll go later into why that really really matters but for now you need to focus on yourself so I'm gonna peek out look my team is dead one two three well are we gonna win no oh look sober hey five people we have two I don't need to be a genius to know I'm not gonna waste my time so I'm gonna come back I'm gonna wait it out and I'm gonna maintain my resources and look for weaknesses or isolated targets of theirs for them to become weak they need to interact with these people otherwise that hog is Never Gonna hook will that Hawk ever use his cooldown or his resource without somebody actually being there when I go into the building break down aside I don't have links do I want to touch not basically I see somebody isolated oh he dies for it I'm gonna peek again hide behind corner I see someone I shot and the idea is the more we but never mind we're back rack on pause on pause [Music] oh we could talk about that as well real quick melee recall melee kill him again we know where he's going to I that was if that was a bit more mechanical but I just want to end the game because we have so many things to talk about Jesus Christ these people are toxic as hell so we'll break everything down okay we'll talk about everything that I'm talking about now we'll make it really clear and easy to understand we'll apply it to like in-game situations and we can focus on mechanics and we can focus on uh decision making and why they are so I'm going to speak a lot because I want to fill up the time it's really difficult to get all of this information in at the beginning during the games be a lot more down time but if we think of an identity of a hero right if we go like a tracer a tracer wants to flank okay she wants to get behind but what does thanking mean how do you think well you have to use the map if they know which angles and escapes you can get to you have to have a good timing with your teammates because if you're flanking they're stacked together well there's no one to go in for it and what is what is somebody's out of position how do you recognize these things and why would you want to flank in the first place okay the simple answer is in a way that if for example someone's playing the ash or Hanzo and they're like sniping they're focused on shooting this map right now somebody comes behind them they're gonna Panic turn away from the back and have a door with you and if you set that up correctly by using your resources playing around corners which we'll get into and having good timing and yes UD mechanics by the way shocker let's get this one out the way real quick what the damage roll requires mechanics the mechanics based role requires mechanics this is unforeseen okay so obviously I know I have I don't even have the most the same mechanics but in this situation I'm gonna focus on the game real quick and setting up a few things that's a low HP Target he uses raw he came forward to me I know where he is he's bottom left I can see the kiriko now she sees me I don't want her to see me I don't want to be first I want to be last week wait I just got my ass eat uh anyway I got pings I mean that was me I I have nothing I was just clean though he like flicked up he didn't have a good cross replacement his positioning and decision making is awful so I'll show you that remember that though that guy's got the mechanic she's gonna fade away hopefully again and when I looked at her I'm thinking to myself where she's welcome to there same thing for the right she's gonna fade here no he's ballsy am I early absolutely so I'm gonna disengage I have no cooldowns I played my hand I played my card did I get a pick no I'm coming back to my team I'm defaulting I'm recouping right there's a half HP Mario as you guys saw oh I should it's like my mouse left too late so this is probably lost voice you can use this time to like blank set up on I think this guy will be dead [Music] oh my God I suck again one second here one second here what was I gonna say I'm sorry there's so much going on it's not that I don't know what to say it's that I forgot which one I wanted to say I'm gonna get the hell out of here I didn't know the echo was there I didn't keep track of her I am dead by the way yeah uh I think what I was gonna say before I think what I was gonna I kept about it I think what I was gonna say was specifically related to um yeah we played our hand when I went on to the wasn't Moira whatever I still thought about what movement are they gonna walk into and then drag my mouse that direction so combining what we said previously I could see but if someone's alone or not she looks like pretty alone to me because I'm on The High Ground right which is a bunch of buzzwords we've heard before and I'm com that's halfway there I need healing we're so screwed hopefully they're not coming back from Spawn if they are though I'll show you guys something we know what direction they're walking in who's that was Mario wasn't it [Music] yeah it's it's a bunch of like I'm making wrong decisions because we can't win this should be winning this absolutely don't give me one oh please I'm fixing my husband I mean if I go on a now chat The Soldier's gonna shoot at me was gonna come healer but we waited we got our time okay perfect perfect and we're gonna have games like this she's walking to the right we tracked to the right he's walking to the right we track the right okay we're sorry sorry even though I got scattered out even though I was behind them even though they were like whatever right she knew I was there as a matter of time then we come in we find low HP targets my team cleaned them up like listen if I'm not clean at getting there in the first place what I always say is like you don't vote review for mistakes everyone knows how to make mistakes or know how to make mistakes but you look at the rules and you go look at good place do the opposite go to the exact opposite and go look at the place that worked look at what and then go break it down say oh this this one I got wrote go look at why something works right because you'll see wait I was in a high ground oh wait my teammates got their HP low oh wait uh like in this situation right I'm going late and then what was it uh rematch for some reason it's deeper bomb I'm tripping I mean dead people bomb but people got low people were running away she's switched me she has her resources she's looking at me because she's not distracted but there you go my plan isn't working as well because I gave away my position I'm gonna like fall back to my team which is good because this team is out 100 ending I'll get both of them I'm not thinking forward he's walking to the right I'm not gonna die here but there you go she made a mistake she was winning she was chilling we you know we're already in there for it to go and again not using my mouse too much there that was a mouse woman two predict their movement and see where they want to go a Reaper's half I'm not for HP I don't have recall I'm just here at the scout and see where it is again I didn't really move my mouse I kind of kept it still he added into it himself so we're trying to minimize that sort of mechanics but again I'm not here to absolutely minimize mechanics again I don't know why I'm saying like I am talking a lot I'm not fully like boom boom ready 100 so if I do weird stuff or make mistakes it is what it is so you can hear that right echo's coming she's gonna walk right left all right just the world that's gonna recall if we lose this it's my fault I didn't know that the um was there but we're in a really good spot there to mess them up I just died stupidly like I was just gonna hold my mouse still and show you guys what that looks like good to see that's also insanely strong in the sea though but my team is that and I don't want to be first and I want to be thanking and I want to look for people slow okay oh no hex I I made it very clear that the other one wasn't for YouTube like I said that before I started this one's for YouTube and as you can see there's a bit of a difference between YouTube and on YouTube anyway let's see so now she knows I'm here maybe she'll fly into me I don't want to fly into her because we're down our tank which means we're less resources but maybe she overxends and to be fair the what's it called what's it called it's called the Divas are tendency to overex Center going maybe sort of even slice into me here maybe not she just got hit so she's low perfect he was isolated from a back line we can go on here okay let's keep going group some stuff sometimes there's too much to talk about and it gets crazy man the deepest is getting fixed yes absolutely which is what I'm talking about right now like I'm saying wait what no you're asking two different questions your way oh sorry I will explain the the the problem you have with your before you look at the game soon which will help and make it more clear hopefully throw TP out right yeah with my tank I got my recall trying to make the movement a little loopy I'm moving out the way I don't want to see me be on me I'll let him touch the point guard on the side he's out of my effective range who's easier to kill you are is there behind them oh you sure should die here she's alone how she definitely oh I see none I'm technically I see now not took too long to get the kill I take responsibility for losing this game I one million percent this is on me this is one more percent of me uh okay I think I figured out what to do let's look for people out of position or weak targets okay situation I am struggling in this game obviously I died quite a lot uh you know it was hard to get picks took us a while things like this so what I'm gonna look for in my list in my checklist is have my resources like we talked about why'd I say the targets like this guy here but he's going on him so I don't necessarily want to and come around the other side Echo will probably fly up and you should have HP so perfect oh my God healing shoe tank remember you come back to your team after your loan resources we solve our resources kiriko hitbox is [ __ ] by the way I agreed I ever said that I'm gonna not do this because I'm in open space and this is int as hell let's keep running you see how when I break line aside with this guy to shoot me here he has to come right around the corner so I instantly hug the wall get my blink back instead of standing in the opener in the middle I'm not high ground but look resources yeah HP Eureka up sorry I was thinking not looking there check I've everything checked and again I am the mid fine that's good to know I need to know [Music] I need to never post again hard work shooting tank they're chasing me I don't mind taking your attention again we're not gonna get anybody shooting tank but we do want to protect our backline we know where the echo is going and we know where the supports we're going again this is not worth my time there's a pharah wait I probably room whatever anyway that was done by me I knew she was shooting at me but at slow reaction time or add spatial awareness or hello you know famous yeah maybe she would kill me though it is it is punch blink punch blink punch link so anyway the idea of looking for somebody to position is two things know where Corners are and the distance between those two corners is when a Target is the most out of position it takes them the most amount of time to get back to safety okay that oath is absolutely insane so for example right if we're looking at here or here this is a common spot the person's here this is the furthest amount of time between this corner this corner which means safety like if they come back here they're still in the open so that's fine by us if we apply that to this right here if they're on the corner they're safe but if they move towards the sense of the billboard that the furthest point from any safety so now that I know that because I know where the corners are I can wait till somebody walks into that my honest out of position so she's probably gonna nope that was an issue I don't want I don't want this to sort of like happen I'm gonna try I don't mind doing that I thought it was gonna be further away I didn't think you would um walk at me or directly at me so I don't have my whoa cool he's not Shatter Me uh so I wanted to go back to my team don't do the path that I took that path was awful by the way and she's zoning me out from thanking but I was gonna die I was scared if I look at things right I See Echo half I see this guy kind of sensible rocket is half HP I have nothing to shoot at so nice sleep nice auntie again we came in behind we're never in the middle oh God he jumped it's lost it's lost it's lost yeah that shop I need to Blink there again uh uh what am I talking about okay trying to think if there's anything confusing so far I don't think there's anything crazy right now that's like too confusing it should make all sense like I am expecting you to sort of quote no Maps but again when you now look at content creators you will be looking for when do they engage in someone were they far from a corner was there time to kill based on your mechanics that number literally just changes by the way oh he's coming up around so he's doing a really good thank you the number changes based on your attempt to kill you have bad mechanics takes longer to kill them right that's um helping the jungle out so then Derek quote unquote not as over extended and what I was doing is disengaging through this open space feels really bad so Reaper no rave is low HP even though he's getting killed did you guys understand it's it's obvious and easy when your team gets openings or you're sitting there and you can watch okay and you can see hey he's low or he's done this or he's dead and then even better you start combining it to like if Reaper is here and he's running that way look how much open space there is if I come at this angle there's nowhere he can hide so do you understand that like it's combining those pieces which makes the game easy obviously I understand it's very stressful and difficult to you know get yourself a situation like that if you get into a habit of going or up you're gonna walk left I'm gonna come up here and left all right it's combining the idea of like sorry sorry and the rotations yeah yeah so if you go down the middle or stick to the middle or go first or go early those are going to be your big big issues as flankers if they see you they're gonna find a plan they're gonna look at you they're going to shoot you're gonna wait waste your resources and a good way to tell is like when do I want to give away my position because you go right here yeah my healer's next to me so I can trade a little bit if I wanted to a worst case scenario if I go all the way up here and into this tunnel and I look behind me please don't be here anyone perfect and I can go oh no no healer can see me so I don't want to peek now because I can't get healed up very easily but I play behind wall catch him off guard come late to the fight oh GG victory we caught him off guard because we surprised him we made him mess up uh yeah I think learning how to set up for catching people out of position combines a lot of fundamental basics knowing when to engage combines a lot of fundamental basics right and then knowing what direction they're going to walk in based on Corners combines a lot of fundamental Basics so when I create content that talks about fundamentals do you guys see why I create that content you guys see why I talk about them so much OverWatch is literally a bunch of really simple things okay a bunch of really really simple things you combine together that make something complicated and overwhelming that's why you focus on this okay so uh just to answer your question real quick about like how do you deal with a situation with stalemates another team is getting picks okay uh in a situation the best answer is yes somebody is getting low HP somewhere at some point you want to be ready to get them always there will always be something like that okay you can see my sense in action walking out of the open no distance from anything his team isn't even there so if he disengages probably back to there you can hear his footsteps nice job oh he will come up as well maybe she might be isolated if I get to HP I can go try him on the runner because I might recall I don't get Discord because you can see me but the sun should be walking through open space assistance coming back another flag didn't open nice so in this situation right I mean I feel like we should have won that one million percent of the time anyway but obviously I guess it's just too broken nice really good heels thank you very much how was it still made or like we weren't getting picked or like we had pixels still losing because I stayed alive because I didn't take bad quote-unquote bad tools like that Genji I think I misplayed quite a lot by even you know uh tantalizing the idea of sort of hey I want to do you when I shoot at those distances okay we don't have to do anything here it's just one already uh I just said on haigon stay behind them trying to be on the Target and boom boom nice is really bad we can move this get it out of the way you know whatever you guys want to do house exactly and how do you do that how do you get the pounce by having resources so not panicking not being first right which is what you're doing by being patient and So eventually unless it's a turbo stump like this is like very rarely there will be no situation to do anything but there you go you made a mistake he went in they're not looking at me maybe I want to go for something find us at a Target I suck don't know what to say uh yeah eventually someone will mess up or someone will do something I mean I got my ass speed what who's not aiming there I show up though we're trading The Killing support no you probably died around yeah especially if it's like a nano blade all right but look look at me dying me dying means that we lose this by the way 100 my fault I don't know what to do with my team I was first that's bricks but one of my first rules as a flanker I was first I don't want to be first he was first he was incredibly first so he dies it's not a coincidence that like have a SIM I suck morning she's a zoning postpone guys clearly oh I don't think we needed that should be last fight 85 is slow it will be us uh what we're talking about people being at a position commanding fundamentals thank you no that was just a straight uh missiles let's see I could have rebuilt you describe some more what does it means yeah I mean there's Niche situations okay so here's a lot of okay some people again OverWatch is simple okay OverWatch fundamentally it's really complicated but simple it's complicated because of the amount of information not the complexity of information right there are abstract Concepts such as like having to give space or like space I'd say is the most abstract concept that is the hardest which we could talk about more of the future of the control space or why we engage or me knowing that space rule means like when do I want to go and do something right and so I mean I'm just gonna recall here I [ __ ] up her shooting me means I don't want to engage it at all I don't have the resources anymore Hey Hey Hey Joe uh what was I saying yeah most of them are not that complicated like how often is it truly going to be a stalemate where nothing happens how often is it truly going to be like oh I can like Min Max's value like all of this [ __ ] is useless I'll tell you if the fundamentals down check out the fundamentals like every complicated decision stems from that anyway right so it's like what that's why I tried to really really highlight focus on the basics which we haven't really even gone off we haven't really made it easy we talk about a bit more advanced stuff so now I'm going to do a little bit more things even without hand come on am I moving my hands to explain things okay what I'm not moving my hands I'm not doing like this am I no I have not if I am then yeah sure but I don't even realize I'm doing it if I'm doing this explaining it that's for you um anyway let's say okay my power is going in which means I want to maybe go in so bye yeah but am I looking at my care shangles why am I positioning where am I positioning okay and where I'm positioning is truly listen here listen listen it's so simple sometimes middle left right where's enemy team gonna go once you figure out where any team's gonna go you don't go there because you don't want to be first so you have a bunch of time I can wait here will my team pop off maybe did the cat see me yes I'm gonna reposition I don't want to be here I'm gonna chill Crouch up I'm not in a rush I'm not in a hurry my team can lose my team can win you can find someone squishing we're gonna get a Mega so she'll come out walk right and we can get behind her and then line it up I'm scared she's gonna post one by the way that's why uh I'll post one like a name I don't want to be caught in that so Cass is coming oh [ __ ] no bar just faded so we can catch her and I'm gonna die here probably so okay let's talk about that like quote-unquote mechanics from Maria and break it down with a bunch of other things okay I imagine the enemy teams having I then intercept it from a different angle than they are going yeah that wasn't mechanical shut up that thing on the bar was automatically not mechanical because she was walking in a straight line she essentially is walking into my bullets because I'm combining those two fundamentals together okay this is gonna be a hard one oh my president tank I'm first we're not distracted by my team I can go back kind of distracted by my team I'm gonna stop the passive support healing come back around go to the side no this fight's less true yeah and especially the situation what I combined with Crosshair placement with like being in his face because of well you know some basics oh much better I just want to say yeah she used fed which you might have also heard add so like okay where are they now they're holding here they're shooting at my team someone's Above Me Maybe sure so I'm gonna come out and look confirm my beliefs yep there's another but no something's missing oh she's over there oh she's looking at me which means I'm first which means you can come to the side I mean maybe maybe this situation where I want to take her attention Service is like really annoying I'm gonna keep going around again now we're behind them we look for it I heard more of it for example oh wow she really this is okay she really really want me want me 19 fortnite card so she made a mistake I'm gonna tickle her up now because we don't want her to Rez so we're gonna HP low as possible again we're not gonna waste much time on I I should have played by whatever you know this is [Music] afford a person can focus her down but you'll notice I mean so it feels so easy to explain but it feels like I'm missing something which is what I hate like well there you go I'm walking around the outside now I was on the left I got zoned out did I approach Point again I just went around the right side you know what I mean chat right left right left so it's like easy to almost oh she's gonna shift that's what I aimed up easy Thomas it's like it I don't want it to be like forehead it just hit the mercy lol like that post by the way was good the one that I missed the numbers he was [ __ ] up good I don't want to clean like yeah but it was a correct angle correct that is just timing so it's that's the timing is a much easier mechanic to fix it's important to know as you said you have more top 10 accounts [Music] and it was where I would also have to get crabs it was so difficult and there's that massive open space you have to walk through to get to like point in the high grounds and stuff over here and so it's like when we brigit alt we get through the space and we get on the point we get to the middle then it forces them into these corners and then when I touch point I grab and I kill if I'm all the way stuck back here and I tried to grab back here nothing dies like you know what I mean there's a lot of ways to that's how I learned hey it's important for me to have another utility so that I can pop off and I can utilize my conditions sorry it's good against people that are Club to punishing and find a way to Clump the enemy how do you count the enemy chokes down on resources fall back but chat where do you think I'm gonna go this map is quite literally let's think about the map real quick let's talk about the map I like talking about the map I think it's fun it's by Og stuff Arnie all right map Theory talk about the map let me know if you guys wanted to get rid of the webcam thing as well I'm gonna go under you can go left middle right it's fundamentally left middle right a Call of Duty the Call of Duty map style right so I'm gonna come in wait already here but I can go all the way behind get all of my cooldowns you could go right you could go left as long as not the middle and now I come in behind them and Anna heard me whatever she does and on this current patch 275 which is quite a lot but I'm first and early and I thought my blank so I'm gonna peek and check you can check yeah there's three people there she knows that I'm here which is fine again that's too far to my zones on a bully the brand a little bit scare him from behind do you have HP Target again come to the side nothing can do there we're about to wait because I don't want to be in the open maybe he went too early so there's a no get the point nice under to my right I don't have 4 HP and I'm low resources two to the side and she's on let's see what the guy said Tracer question mark question mark question mark let's see what he wants what's wrong am I supposed to heal the Mario should I shot my bullet sometime to heal him all right pause the Crusaders right that two two man double I stopped by my team again the outside we're showing the stream uh oh yeah maybe moving I mean my bar is giga aggro she's probably getting some resources low and now they're gonna be chasing her focus on her like the hustle uses jump which is on the Escape tool he's zoomed in with his bow so he's slow I blink at a distance where I'm not too close and that way I don't have to really move my mouse and I can move alongside him oh anyways I can't see me and so map wise I'm constantly sitting around the outside waiting and hearing and there's a sonar you can hear it by the little thing it's on but for example I can go like this oh they're moving kind of aggro we know where the N is now there's a surgeon on the right they got shattered Animal book to my lab she's dead Who Behind the pillar ptps where should it be too low probably out here I don't need to take this fight and I'm not going to take this fight I cut that Anna coming in here so hi Anna drop down break line aside again sight means that they can't see me anymore we grab the next Mega I run if he chases me he's dumb from here because he's in a corridor and that's that works for my favorite and now we can either come back this way or to the side I mean the options are Limitless now we see Peak what do I see I see a house or something I thought I saw three post one but maybe not sure she came into me I did not want to take that battle I'm scared I think the Cure goes here oh she died looking like again same ideas earlier they're walking out a spot on the straight line okay one so it's I don't think there's something I quote-unquote haven't mentioned one yeah I've kind of like uh fan timings Corners cooldowns resources team resources are resources of timing like identity value not going first safeties are right using Maps I feel like I'm gonna in some games it's much easier to execute them in some games it's harder so as we get those issues I think I can try and break them down and solve them or see what happens but again I truly think this is my favorite way of learning and teaching and improving okay those those one clips that I got that are like really juicy on the trace for the Han Solo okay most people here know so I know you guys know why why okay why they weren't like insanely mechanical but truly think about it break it down okay oh nice oh they were low resources right the Hans will use his jump he's slowed down because he's shifting okay that's another thing he's walking in a straight line and he's focused on someone else okay so that Hanzo was focused on someone else he didn't know where I was he had no jump so he couldn't escape he was slowed down by something else and we knew the exact path he was walking and we knew that if we blink at a certain point I just hold our Mouse and move with him very low mechanics that he would guarantee die that's why I think looking is why something works is good because then you'll be like wait why don't I do that every time instead of like this is what I should do again same thing she's there she walks I track she's there brake line aside nice I'm gonna get spirit and probably die thank you for the prime let me get the distance away because I was too close to her which made my personal aim not that good and it becomes a cleanup crew so a nice sleep unlucky that they trolled it they should have killed me uh Tony thank you for Tony Auto thank you for the prime appreciate that okay it's always about why does something work and why does something not work it's easier don't go too deep you know the fundamentals you start copying those fundamentals because you probably have a bunch of bad habits oh you guys you have a lot of learned bad habits from like and it's not even your faults to be honest a lot of concepts are abstract and they aren't taught well by people okay again why did that work let me think about it I know stupid silly standing still but think about it okay I'm on the flank I have all of my cooldowns I'm running uh oh that's uh what's it called uh let me break it down real quick yes I was on the plank what did I do chat I went like this I didn't go like this uh okay you know no I went boom I saw somebody okay I was like wait is she okay I die calculated my blink distance I shot at her face and it worked had I approached from the left had I approached even from the right one of her teammates could have been shooting at me that would then distract me that wouldn't let me get this it's it's not an ego it's not Flex isn't it easy yes it's easy to get somebody standing soon thanking them okay so again to reiterate we applied some good fundamentals where we then find something lucky and something easy but that's your goal your goal is to do the least amount of work possible I let the enemy do everything for you identify out of positions targets follow basic rules and then go from there okay how to practice distance oh no training I would find a wall or get up against the wall so like this usually has like zero meters to 10 meters which doesn't help me let's say I stand on the Zero meters and I blink okay eight meters does that mean anything to you to me no absolutely nothing I cannot visualize this kind of stuff at all so I just learned the feel but I would get against the wall and I would blink and I would spray it down at the ground and I would go walk around it I'd go visually see oh that's about that far away okay and then then let me try and execute it let me guess let me go against this chain like something that's standing still or whatever okay now now I think this is the perfect distance I'm gonna hit the edge I want to like is this the edge and I start asking myself and questioning you know will something work or won't work and that's how you figure something out by questioning and working because like at the end of the day it's so funny in a way because improving is just like losing and making mistakes and getting better losing making mistakes getting better I made a video on it it's not popular at all it kind of goes over some of this stuff and the ideas are that like you truly everybody automatically ingrains information when they play to some degree automatically not automatically and then they had a wall and they stop remember what we're fighting if we realize that process or you break down a process and you realize that actually this doesn't mean that I can like copy but it's it's easy to implement or why did I stop doing that it's when you see real progress and change and improvements so again specifically okay I'm going on the outside I'm moving towards The High Ground I'm getting behind them ever Bastion Orissa okay what do I want to do well I want to catch them in a quarter or someone walk up take a risk moving my tank if they walk to where my Winston is standing right now I'm gonna blink at them and try and kill them I'm getting shot out so I'm gonna back away my monkey goes in oh I was pressing e uh anyway really really nice shot I suck yeah that's just a nice shot either way AI movement for me I wasn't really going for the kill I was going for the kill until she moved if she was standing still it's like literally my goal was to aim for like the guy that standing still if he moved I was like okay I can't kill him anymore whatever reaction time but there I'm fine with my execution what did I do come from the side what was my mistake well it was being too far he dropped down for me for some reason it was being two she fortified something to break down the side again just being too far in the open I was down in the open I went past a bunch of people a try and killer oh there you go I missed my winter since again I'm in the open I don't want to be here it's gonna think behind cover go behind cover nope I'm the HP I need to get healed throughout the way she might have both go for the support because as we all know I don't know what ELO you guys are at the chat we can all agree that orvisa is one tanky tanky tanky thing nope I'm moving out the way I'm super large feet but I'm not panicking I trust my healers aren't gonna die here that was please hear me I'm so scared kiriko no okay I well that was a mess I say the loose all right that was a goddamn mess I didn't get healed am I listen it's fine you can maybe help in upward on something here I'm not gonna pulse him or try to care why am I going back because I'm first look here could just spawn maybe I can be like yo please kitten please thank you I coach him off it's a mercy player pretty funny pretty funny I'm gonna move out the way oh that's so cringe well played to him I got up later can you switch oh damn all right we gotta show this guy what we can do thank you nice so thank find Mercy we shoot at her is Mercy Heart hit while she's moving yes extremely lucky by the way so we shoot at her a little bit she's floating in there when she's following there then we commit the end of our weakness the two second cooldown right there was a tracer let me rematch I can't do much into you I'd say just play normally like for matcha sucks into into tracer not worth it I can not wear it I'm gonna help this guy out luckily we didn't get our ass rolled again because we have been getting you know I don't want to get hooked here I'm kind of scared I don't know you know I think around the Pokemon first so probably out of the way check that I'm safe and then I'm territory he kept going in away just so you guys know I didn't know this he uh the mega oh I put my arm stuck up I literally got my arm stuck sad we could have killed them I'm just bad it's where um so even sure she hit us was not that otherwise okay Jesus Christ that scared the [ __ ] out of oh she's so I was about to say she's like a demigod or something you saw me God damn that was not it man I was I was like oh hug I should run away and then as I gotta run away oh God this guy does he have a hooker he doesn't it's a lost fight either way I think it got way too good at positions yeah everyone said here let's move back join me did I know I'm here oh we'll let them walk into us because if they're walking to us they have to be in open space they could shoot at the top of the staircase just way too much distance to cross back into and if she doesn't then we're good to go and if she's not and she's looking at the wrong spot she's below it's weird I want to start the rest that's why I'm juicing up the mercy ahead of time this is gonna put oh God I could have died there I'm gonna Point here is there a job to do something no he's so good what ELO is this they're actually hitting that I'm okay okay to be fair I thought my body wasn't exposed but you know I thought I hit behind the engine of the car but I don't think I did so never mind either way respect I messed up why did I die I was in the open uh I should have died for the hog either way that was an awful play and expect them to be there nice feeling you want the mercy to come rest don't need to juicer up keep track of her see where she's going so my idea was to try and get like as close to her as possible shoot one he saw me darn it you guys want me to get rid of this mousecom or no I feel like it doesn't do much as a little scuff one attackers incoming stop the payload okay again I'm gonna stay away from my team sticking next to your team's called defaulting the reason it's bad is the first thing you see is a tank I don't want to see a tank I heard traces coming this way let's actually drop she's going to drop onto me or most likely blink so no she won't like the soldier so I'm gonna go up there now I've linked to the right I could have died the release that should have blinked move towards whoever's on cards let's get behind here nope she died the match are going crazy nice job that's looking like my tracer and for some reason am I happy about that I played that no not really two honest guys or like a more mechanical play just sitting next to my team and [ __ ] time mechanic you know what I mean like to me that feels like it's more yeah I'd say it's more mechanical to just sit next to your team and get close range fights and coming in behind them can I get a little yes oh you have to keep it thank you so now we can sit behind them hopefully not get seen you see that all right assassin strike that that's what I want to do come back to my team she'll blink up here for sure let's pre-prepared for that it's gonna be a bit of an issue even though it's very tanky you want to make sure we get rid of that guy because he's very annoying to play into same thing here come back chill out move out the way he's gonna come High Ground maybe so I don't want to show myself which is really important if I show myself you won't come with the staircase if I let him climb you know a question without let them climb he'll be in the open now as he's now that means no blinks in the open if you recalls he's got one blink but can't you come up behind me so we can rule out ourselves but they don't have DPS over here so I'm not to play like a little but uh a little more aggro I guess just because they don't have the resources right now and or deal with me I'm not putting myself In Harm's Way I'm staying at the back my elbow really hurts right now ow I'll fix it nice my keyboard hand let me move that out the way and so again choosing angles that are kind of awkward and uncomfortable for her okay gonna work in a matter Anonymous yes sir oh love it it's fine I'm kind of you set up in this point this is suicide I mean I I I I do what I was doing sometimes you want to be a little bit of a monster you do a little funny that was pretty funny but now can we chat rough yeah out of sync here you're the kind of guy that smells like pie on the table and starts floating towards it bro oh I'm not looking I was on your chat that's not good that's maybe luster actually which is fine I don't mind losing this or I feel like wow I feel like we deserve to losers we got the minis and uh book bags because I was dead but the first time I said that by the way you die or you make a mistake and your team loses yeah that's on you even if you play Insane which I'm not saying I did but I'm saying I'm filming somebody else's head even if you played insane the other three minutes right it's just one death one mistake that gives them the confidence or you were putting down pressure or scaring them or there's so many ways that like it can go in your favor you think he saw me probably not I think okay I attracted I think the different way oh I just ran out how sad I'm gonna have plans for it it's not an angle that I want to be at I'm sitting next to my team it's too far in the open they've got a neck openers next to them so I'm not gonna encourage that behavior and I'm gonna fall back I'm gonna look behind get a different angle so we're down one but let me see if I can equalize no I can't I fall back I don't really choose an escape path then breaking that aside just keep running away go into the spawn they can chase me if they want to use a mini and to check the C and to go easy peasy and we try again we Scout we look for out of position corner to corner I know it talks about it once ready and it's in the corner soldiers at a corner because I'm not peaking them maybe they come back into me but again okay this is their Corner this is that safety boom you guys smell me you know what I mean I was AFK I left the fight my team lost my arrest had one Spirit there's one no Target on there I think we lose this by the way yeah my team's gone rinse out could have carried it absolutely I could put down more pressure there's something different but I care more a bit more about talking right now oh my God my elbow um we might have to call this one early today because this really genuinely hurts maybe I could play RuneScape and watch reality TV which I know is based business [Music] I really don't want to approach him from the side oh uh from the front always from the side so like okay chat ready if somebody's standing in the doorway in a corner like this let's pretend you're on the other side I'm safe because I can move out the way all right like a wrist is safe right now if I shoot at her or trade HP when I don't have any he was next to me I'm ending so how do I get out of position well she goes from here to here because coroner goes to open space goes to the corner so I want her to be here aka the enemy right so we want to wait for them to be there and then come in on them like this photo is right now they'll be coming through the door but most of my team is dead he's gonna bash me by the way nope I'm worth it let's get the minion 20 hp so now we're behind them to the side we don't need to check who dance we can just speak like this look we're not too HP though so I'd like healing I think I'm not exposing my body they're at the corner that's safe bad safe bad safe he's safe he's safe I'm not going in wait wait Arissa wait just wait just wait like a reason he said wait versus the wait just wait okay this is look he's down with open open open now he's in a bad position so now he can go and I can go for example come from the side and yep there we go one cooldown down for nothing I jumped over the rock a bit got into one HP it's fine I tried to play my hand but my car wasn't off the mobile cage come back up around here I could die here they have olds coming up so no way anyway my mechanics building no so for example if he had his rocket there I couldn't blink at him like that because he wasted his corner on the example I was giving you earlier he wasted his rocket right like all the worst ones possible when I'm behind the wall so then when I blink into the open he doesn't have it we do lose this there's no way we win especially my Anna runs at the point I guess a patrol the ball's already touching but whatever foreign oh it hurts I'd rather not leave the game I'd rather not leave the game three to three missionary playing on uh yeah I mean I'm not tracking any of their cooldowns unless I see the music I was over it no I couldn't kill Soldier when he was low sorry I've been doing more working out because I'm sick of being really skinny the wrist so usually I don't get like things of pains like this badly I'd say uh I think it's part of the process that's fine it means that streaming will be a little bit less but road to the recovery right My ultimate is charging uh it does if you have my conditions so you have to put some pain in definitely does hard to explain but like imagine you have a broken leg and then you try to walk on it let's say okay you know what I mean like way less extreme version of that like of course it's gonna hurt but if that's the only way to make your muscles strong again I guess you have to stand on that leg a little bit obviously broken way more extreme bad example okay let's go play oh my team is going in in I think my abdis would kind of die here maybe not covered 30 seconds oh my God [Music] yeah like it's it's it's it's pretty I'd say very very expected truth no she got away smooch I think also got shot he died I shot I don't recall so I'm not trying to thank her or do anything crazy unless I'm low HP and the ratio come on get it um I mean my researchers hard carried that full credit true to her I have to do that as a kid for two days it wasn't fun I that sounds absolutely awful you have to walk on a broken leg I'm assuming they didn't know it was broken or something uh either way that sounds absolutely awful I'm getting a little distracted uh what did I do wrong I think my engage timings are off I didn't kill stuff fast enough uh for example here's a really good one and it was a while ago but when I uh when when I was flanking at the end of the second the last fight on third I didn't kill the soldier I decided to get I know you sleep around me it was in the open like we discussed and I was like oh soldiers next to Anna next to kiriko and decided to go in I was like I just did a random like I'm going to go in he wasn't low I don't know what was wrong with him I was like I think he's gonna walk this way I could maybe one clip him like I was that was you know maybe I could do something it's a bit more autopiloty it's a bit more but that's what I want to highlight it I think it's really important maybe not but then I didn't get a kill and then it's a RICO Out and because of that right because of having to recall out that then meant that for the next 10 seconds 11 seconds I can't really do anything crazy I can't do anything risky I can't drop from high ground and go in I can't rely on these healers this whole game by the way I think that these Heroes have been like awful for whoa whoa have been awful for being able to rely on so I just got world uh either way it's a free win I'm doing I died because I'm first I mean children look at me Reaper looked at me kiroko looked at me there's three people looking at me which makes it infinitely harder I should be more patient Eric ruins these close range duels can force Brave out perfectly sounds to go in I don't want to shoot her I do want to shoot the sojourn I shot by my Soldier for not focusing on the tank oh I suck I see that on High Ground we could go rid of her or get rid of her yeah we're not have my people coming up my team's got this one in the bag guys thank you for watching today's stream I've been your host A10 I'm gonna play RuneScape and watch too hot to handle wish love Island was back uh take a break at these poor little hands dressed up uh uh yeah I think so far we went over a decent amount of good stuff lots of mistakes lots of good stuff it is what it is RAR X3 how much other one could be a bit of up and downs because I have not played in a little while but it'll be interesting it'll be fun and it sounds like a good map like okay so like but I mean yeah but the thing is there's so many paths that you could take so there's so many things that you can try when you pick on Sim holy good [ __ ] good [ __ ] there's so many things you can try right so it's like congrats try them on so for example right here's the middle you see this literal line I mean do I have to go this way no I can go left do I have to go this way well no I can go right have this coming there's options all around us here's the choke where can you go for the choke now there's this you might think initially look at the red line well you have to go here you have to go this way right but no actually actually there's an option on the left to come around the side and you get this really really wide angle which is not very good for most Heroes but the point is there are options you can go to this pillar that right foreign so let's see what my team wants to do I have no idea what ELO we are in or what's going on here but like I do know that Winston which we can hear she's coming High Ground I think that's a sojourn as well and he might be coming over to the side I suck that's something to do I'm gonna need a lot of healing but nothing I could do here no they're too far away so my goal is I see the hunters isolated my goal is to try and get them to come in like they are now and then play into them so playing the long distance shots like up in this tunnel is not really my thing or if I play there as Genji or Tracer or anyone in the Winston jumps in I don't want to be there because that is bad what I do know is that they're gonna walk from right to left so they're gonna walk past me and now I'm to the side and I'm not poking or doing anything but I'm just gonna sit here and wait in the same way what do you do an attack and attack you would do the same thing you were just sit and wait underneath the gas station or do whatever D hansels have HP no looking at me he's got a really nice pick it may be on the hide now if I look for mercy here we look brown eyes it's lost as [ __ ] you should get the resin I can't stop it because there's a passive but the idea is right still fine now we're alive we can maybe retouch I doubt it though no no Cisco Soldier died there no definitely no we need to go back now same thing here no I was I'll wake her up it's not the end of the world if you just set up that I mean they're using two olds for everybody wait stop oh okay this is a this is a funny [ __ ] show because the fight was already won for them considering we lost a soldier I was like oh okay as well like that that was close mess that one up a little bit okay my whole team keeps on dying he says T I love that guy he runs in and dies himself and he goes team what the [ __ ] and he needs to go back as well because you don't have any DPS with you it's fine I mean the good news is you know I think anxious what the fire should sleep no no I'm taking so much temperature [Music] she has our equivalence back monkey sees me he might jump with me no now we go oh we just did a combo I didn't hear him use advisor there we go I am uh so even though our team's getting snowballed and we're getting rolled right and people are like uh what's it called oh dude my team's losing and they keep dying it's like yeah put it mine put in mine and it's okay it happens I don't hope that someone doesn't see me and uh I wish I could stop that rest but it's fine though I know they'll be coming up the staircase because I know what way they are pathing then I make a plan around that such experience dude I'm almost 120 thieving let's go did you just use their [ __ ] oh bro please I don't mind you can drop down and get the mega as well uh so we won the fight I think the island went low ground there which was her mistake and I know it's sojourn hopefully doesn't have a charge real gun she will get rest because Mercy comes back and I use the animals low ground so the mercy was isolated so even though my mechanics on her were not like I you know sober for me I pressed e By the way one million percent there you could take my word for it or not but it's what it is even my mechanics were good because the Anna was there I wasn't pressed right it was my decision like as in like if the Anna was next to that Mercy that would be a really like difficult decision I think it would be like a more stressful thing I don't know what the hell she's doing now instead of immersion also pushing here sojourn she didn't go high gone because they're all below he got knitted which is pretty fast sojour jumped in and she's already sent it probably behind my Sonar I'll come out the side C9 don't Focus tank either pocahanzo first then go for a tank then recall and hide because that's how we're fighting you can body shot do some [ __ ] right so yeah my mechanics are feeling really nice today how are you guys working out eating a little bit of food uh a little bit of cold shower helps as well but like the reactivity feels kind of uh there not worth his Career Connection we could fall back let them come in we want them to cross as much space as possible rather than us having to cross space again I'm predicting where he's going which is here please don't check behind your shoe well he did check behind but they did drop down so then moving blinking anytime that I think she's gonna do something crazy we move out of her way [Music] oh good my team should have it by now a good luck to them I didn't cry I have no idea yeah first game no we're Fiverr right now this is uh we're continuing the account from last time uh monkey alt oh wait am I hey you know I think it's still going through as well hit the little melee okay that was close I mean we could have lost that could have gone either way so you're nothing too crazy nothing too new I don't really remember what I talked about previously on this two days ago right but I'm feeling refreshed yeah probably we're probably in flat I would assume my my guess talking through adoption so now we got to look at attack which Genji player you know was asking about earlier what to do and so I mean there's fundamental rules like don't be in open space I mean she's got a more next or you saw the Mario thing not work we're just full back here we're gonna do one of the things that does but Anna was in the open because she's at the furthest point between the truck and the corner we pick here no res so then we'll be looking here there's more uh Mario maybe doesn't see me going Anna I line up my crosstalk nana and she helped her so we fell back let's go into the tank more faded on me I could die there oh not worth look at my tank with my team if I go in now we're too early again oh my God oh my God I just got really hard I played I should have clipped them on the door yeah it was a 50 something I missed like half my clip on him so I just have to die hello there 75 I think it's fine look at him look how fast that is though I mean that's because you don't have a sky pad in the same skates but look how fast that is in my opinion that's fast as [ __ ] um extra support uh anyway the main thing to take away other than the funny you know funny dad was that that I didn't rush it like I didn't go first like I looked at my tank I did a teammate track I played the corners I went around the outside Lane someone made a mistake I tried my play then I go back [Music] so now we again have a flank we know where the team is it sounds like they're below doesn't it chat I really thought they were below a good job for them going high we're down somebody do I want to give up my position well dancer can be no and yes the answer is no by the way Echo said he died but I lost both my supports miss my pulse I'm going out I think the play is gone none of my recall so I played my hand you know I played my card the monkey jumped in without any support so he did not do a teammate check which let us get an equal trade again we lost our Echo this guy's problems jump up use a separate little pop here Rico maybe kill him not worth it I'm trying to fall back here right here our objective is to push part anyway we're getting killed up monkey will be back uh hammer might die because he's gonna open good good let's just push it'll force them down wait there's another box I think he saw me I'm sure the transplant camper then I run away now here's the important thing like it doesn't matter where I want to like even though yeah protocol you're not supposed to play this part of the map just yet this is not a good spot don't do not I don't vouch for the spot okay now we have the good flank remember Target acquired again playing Corners he's good I press link I was gonna blink back left there run away just run away because now I can go again imagine I was here imagine I was there to kill that cast oh no that's the worst one he oh the sigma just lifted the old thing cast into my Anna gosh darn well we had a really nice opening pick there I said it could have been the win um knocking at the monkey bubbles there I should have won more billion percent been dead I need healing please I'm getting healed up big it's a long quarter so it's a high like the chance of me being spotted for thanks yeah probably checking right now because Mike Reaper isn't here yet I don't care to push it when my Reaper gets back I'll go in ready go oh if I went earlier or rushed it I would have never found that guy AF King which would have then screwed me out of this sort of like whole thing nice job and that should be a game guys let me go touch card no it's not something minister again they will get a touch so where are they coming from chat bronze so we don't want to be there where do we go on the side and that's what the Anna should have known but monkey will be on cart going around the corner and a bit more than I thought and that really is truly should be it and it should die or touch GG well played okay good fundamentals good day now I won't I won't lie my wrist is kind of icy it hurts a little bit but I like I like the vibe so far I think it's good and I'm looking to do the Wilderness Elite diary okay remember it's the best movie ever yeah let's get three but you're never going alone what do you do with Team stalls uh well they did and what we did is we wait my team will also eventually and then their team will still or for example if they're if they're stalling which my team was staggering right that we're doing first where they just walk in and die baby okay well she's on London on one card why you didn't finish around to gym the account got and account anyway so we finished it let's go this map is one of the weird weird Maps because this and forskaya was the two maps that had like a left and right lane and the middle of ground if you guys want to make her please go left side way more important don't shoot tank look I'm not shooting her look I'm not shooting her not worth my time I want to get access to the back liner to the Squishies or how about gonna work out could have done it better I know honest behind me here no way get a free pick maybe you should be scared to rebez now this is not the place to be and I had an insane nade on the Widow I wish I could kill her so I actually rushed the third shot you see especially since I already knew when that information told me that so I'm just coming back late from Spawn that's what kind of [ __ ] me up anyway this is too rushed for me really nice job at the end operating really nice things there come back no I forgot you could kill me now she's at 75 instead of uh uh whatever it was okay what was it before was it just 70. I forgot you could kill me two shots guys I forgot I forgot okay there uh anyways what's it talking about yeah yeah I rushed it like think about what happened after that ah and I got killed right and I got killed I could have canceled the rest the Widow was scoped in I could have waited for a delayed I could have waited for somebody else to tick or damage her and then I could have hit The One Clip so legit all I'm doing is I didn't shoot the Arissa because I didn't shoot the wrist Iris isn't planning to peel me foreign oh he saw me like that yeah respect respect if you saw me I barely even saw me I honestly barely even saw me in the kill again did we have to wait for our team again what this guy is controlling left side very well plus oh my God dude how are you hitting that how are you hitting that he's insane he's a better defense player enemy that's for sure my God I mean I I mean listen that was insane well done man come over here again I know oh my God I'm so red all the time with this guy now it's kind of in my head I'm in the open so I'm gonna go behind again so where do you go I thought he would climb up okay get him straight talk first round hello Starlights score oh wait I know where my desk who's weird because I lowered it now I remember I lowered the one playing I was like leaning back in my chair Ah that's why my okay again all right much better plenty maybe mine will be worse like this okay that makes a lot more sense hi deserts thanks so let's go round capture the object I mean you already know the formula but now go around the outside find something to go in like what defines out of position what defines resource or cooldown for Tracer or recall is what defines her her ability oh that makes a lot more sense you can see me for the wall anyway what if I tracers is there recall and so like if you don't have it you're you are that very squishy scared one more blink one more blink one more blank don't kill me Ted one more thing no they got a tour that's a really good match up here it finds I'm not gonna go in first for sort of like ability to play so because I don't have Rico oh oh I'm sorry about that one Diva uh I don't really feel comfortable to go in um no the turret is gonna make it a little bit annoying but one of the issues or the reasons that I was panicking since I was first again this is annoying no way I thought you guys would try to cut me off sorry man my team I'm afraid to do anything here I won't lie because we gotta pick on Orissa they were a little bit slower than I wanted to do I think team has now secure the bag oh there's a warrant behind me I mean I'm getting outplayed Taste of Poison we try 67 kind of like the death sky too high made my aim slow too low made it fast I didn't the reason I'm losing right now is because I'm not being patient enough we're not being slow or that doesn't help though nice job for killing it thorp's an annoying matchup does he have his e he dies I thought the man I would kill him personally down for a melee Eve [Music] yes yes ma'am yo this monitor sorry this death card is crazy all right whoa I didn't even see that they're taking really weird paths I thought it was the top right so I got caught off guard [Music] nothing to kill here dude I mean he's just better no joke okay oh wait I it to be fair if you're playing at the hustle you shouldn't a d crash like I did you should be going for like long Traves so that is my bad don't worry guys don't wear a door [Music] how you doing coach I'm doing good man I'm looking forward to today talking about a little stuff a lot of things to teach and learn well maybe I gained a little too push your limits nothing breaks there's no way this is Klaus right nope five four three one um [Music] don't worry it is okay so the slow play yeah doesn't work too well let's play yeah it works we just need to like find an isolated Target of course and I started play so for example I can poke shoot move away folks should move away like torches uses e that is uncomfortable because that was not the right I died so that kind of ruined it my hog is dead somehow um okay we got both the DPS so we should win this one I get back help me I know that's a fat finger by the way I did not press right click there which screwed me because I was gonna use that link to get behind that turret is like he got Giga annoying that Mario no okay um okay not sure what he's doing I cannot One Clip this guy is it that I felt like that was an okay angle I'm kind of screwed he is one HP we can kill Hanzo first and then finish Thorp and then finally no deserves here triangle playing and then hide okay one second sorry guys hard game [Music] very very hard game but if we have a little bit more confidence I think we can or swampy once in the Hanzo because the head guy is feeling confident which means he's more likely to you know do something so let's wait I don't like this position here now especially I don't like what I'm seeing oh my good job okay okay holy I guess you guys have to I'll talk about what I did there I played it slow I shot the Bastion so he wouldn't shoot the Devon point because I know that the diva isn't having a good time so I distracted him by hiding behind the tree then I recalled out because I could have died to Thorp there easily found the torp isolated by going even for a further flank came in behind and cleaned up uh went for the new show which I didn't like I shouldn't go for Bastion and then now we play again same thing let's run the [ __ ] away because we don't want to get killed or messed up by anything which looks like it's happening especially if they have a SIM trying to do the melee my time I don't know which way he's gonna go pretty cool just yet there we go [Music] I don't want to die I finally go right now for the love of God these little turrets were scaring me because they made half of the point like unplayable if we didn't see Niners would have been GG holy and if it is chuchi you guys could have put your best in why does my wrist hurt gotta put your bets in what's happening I'm just gonna play in the middle open we cannot stop the rest of them coming in at all even if we wanted to right no that's not really worth focusing right like Mario today for example is way more interesting now he's pretty low I don't know where he went to trying to have gone for the hardest person to stick in the game probably lasting out yeah hey we have one more fight it's unlucky the blue shouldn't get finished off if he did I think we could have won or if I hit my pulse oh no no they're staggering so hard no no CG oh that's something I can do about it nah 85 the cutoff if we were 79 if you died 79 we could have uh okay hey not sure girls nah I mean it's kind of impossible hey well played Tower repair how are you gonna use snow expected from teammates because I don't I really really don't I also don't expect well if I say to GM doing a as well to say like [ __ ] it I don't like saying that I'm surfing because then they'll be like [ __ ] Smurfs I don't mind playing other Heroes we could play a little [Music] Widow Maybe a little funny uh we could [ __ ] around the sojourn you can mess about him passion he's fun we could try out Genji I mean I'm about to try a little Genji that's weird let's go capture the objective let's move out okay because he's still flankers still open Her Style right this treasure just like me for real I bought these tracers what's up to be purified [Music] a tracer is like suicide enough no I'm no knuckles I don't play this character oh God I don't know what he's doing with the repair he's an AI I hate how much I'm jumping because the more time you spend it they are the the worse I know he knows I'm gonna be here so I'll let him come into me because playing closer to me is bad for him for panic that's it I mean I have the Better Tax Center uh thank you okay I will take that I think okay I guess thank you Smiley guys were very aggressive like the level playing is the night and day by the way between bro what are you doing on my head then [Music] searching fine by me I mean I should be the one touching but like I said 85 is the colors [Music] oh you swap yeah we can go now we have the Nano play coming up obviously I want to be the one to touch but I sleep foreign sure oh this is a close round score one two zero all right now we can get back into the good stuff okay holy let's go I was not mentally prepared for that one that's for sure I mean just so you guys know I just defaulted that entire round to playing distance waiting for mistakes going I mean I also made a lot of mistakes you know 2bh you want my gym yeah we did it'll be on YouTube soon this kind of sucks I didn't realize my team would die so much oh lee that's sexy but I'm this guy's Mighty well one minute because he is way too what I was 52 HP there's no way you can kill me there sorry let me check I checked I was talking about the thing 52. even have land inside of me if you guys were shouts I'm not getting too excited for it time for the Reckoning now with himself by the way since it's not worth my time whatsoever he's gonna rock up me around corner I got stuck it's kind of [ __ ] up I don't have any cooldowns do I just die fast I'll keep running uh my team's regrouping coming out Soldier Will Come bottom left he does see me wait leave the drunker Queen saw me I said if they're calling for me or what I don't have any things wait wrong button hold my desk go up well I'm done I'll be the one who touches well that's unlucky I don't think these guys realize that they are part of the problem kind of funny Walter flanks they might try because weren't they the ones that just Perma died every fight aren't they like always dead like shrimp I have nothing to say I'm just I I paid so little attention to what they were doing that I actually don't even know I just know that they were Perma dead but it's generally shocking that they don't have the awareness even realize that maybe go High Ground if you're stuck at Joe capture the objective hello there big star luck and we have partner they're going through white looks like they are which is an unusual rotation for anything to make Oh my days that was not good because he has we got if he dies it's a good thing for you move on HP okay it is what it is nice shot man the way these guys are playing I'm guessing Platt maybe probably uh is everybody running it down 24 7. I met up the enemy team is on which is my team I'd say gold for how the enemy Trace was playing almost dead I think I could really do that but the mercy pocket I think I really do there the more it does not so fast [Music] not worth it I can't aim anymore by the way I changed my desk height I changed my setup and I I'm so uncomfortable so I need to get my mechanics back a little bit get comfy again maybe the arm pain is kind of filling me out of the zone as we were doing so we were feeling so good and now I don't feel good [Music] it's kind of frog yeah I mean yeah I don't think they're playing you know super super well this is nerfed this is supposed to be in um a plant here [Music] like I'm not pressing right okay the amount of times that I'm fat fingering right click right now is out of control it's actually getting on my nose a little what's up excuse me I mean well done that's pretty big for them if she saw me in kind of sucks looking for the mercy TBH that's why they would walk into it but I can't end [Music] yeah true okay anyway looks like my team's got a down kind of I won't lie guys my left wrist is hurting super super super super much it's not icy just it's pain the lower desk is better for my aim but wait oh no no see Hey listen you're like I was terrible enough though [Music] he's doing right now I personally need to figure out my posture situation there we go I mean they were playing bad then they were playing good right after actually actually completely forgot about this the uh last game kind of threw me out of the Zone a little bit I won't lie so I'm trying to get back into that for you guys no worries of course uh Diamond five the highest I've ever had is platform that was seven wins in a row with turbo thumps we are seven one I'm gonna guess gold three or two that's a gold too that's two not possible tattoo not possible you guys just all right so 7-0 absolute stomp is platform Max yet Plateau is still not possible I think it's part two as well now both one yeah okay that's what I thought that's what I thought that's pretty good I think that's pretty good prepare for battle number 60 hertz any Heroes uh yeah am I going to no I play conference room for the first time it's GM oh I see I see yeah I mean yeah it depends on the MMR you should come back up actually it used to do that at the beginning of people like didn't like that it doesn't really do that anymore it worked the same way I didn't know which one but then they changed it forwards to after the first season because a lot of people are getting confused I swear we played against that ah I love sensible okay I wasn't I don't think I'm ready to stream God damn it all right I'll persevere for you guys all right I won't complain too much but my wrist is icy that hurts so let's go straight and a bad boy out and go around the outside of the map we've got a kind of a fast team comp which is more my speed on what I'm really looking forward to so open up our eyes start to focus a little bit look for some targets isolated people even though this is not to frustrated sorry one sec I read the butcher's gonna die about me when I heard the clicking noise I mean this guy's like impossibly thank you but we can go behind I can wear this thank you don't want to be in the open which I really am could have died there like for something come around the side under back no way she actually killed me there I just got destroyed I didn't make sure oh she met him never mind that's that's bad if she did mainly me I was like I have time to react you snuck that bad boy in all right same old same old but I think my goals right now is to feel like a human being with my right hand but yeah hello whoa whoa whoa whoa he's catching up here as well I mean I kind of give an awareness where I am unlucky drunk equivalent thing too early fine if they want to open me or absolutely no ones also fine I don't know why teams still go again don't take no space no way we're killing Himachal please don't jump on that please poop up okay fine we'll just wait a little bit I mean I don't really like the way I'm playing right now in this position I'm so confused go look at okay sorry but if I look at the way I was playing at the beginning of the stream I am for Christmas move and there I miss every bullet because I changed my okay guys posture doesn't matter by the way for sure for sure yep it's it's like copium or Placebo or something yeah guys when I change my setup and my posture and the way that my aim is literally as it's different as it can get it is not different guys my aim is the exact same sauce hi Mo how are you doing boss I was doing it [ __ ] amazing I had food I did exercise cold shower mental stuff now I'm losing it it's draining slowly and it feels like my whole world is crumbling down on me how are you let's go [Music] citizens in Spain I won't lie my left hand is a lot of pain right now like a lot of pain a little bit annoying I was gonna waste recall on it what am I doing I tried to go onto here but for some reason I dropped down we're trying to come through here that somehow hit me why is he shooting at me and not his team oh how do we go [Music] yeah but my goal is not just to sit here and play and unfortunately the only way to be play like a human being right now is to sit here and play you know what I mean so I guess I have to sit in silence and explain afterwards sorry but I do rather mainly do wrong right now nothing 's dead nice try guys let's see I have to go fast more quick with the force an opening Force to play I think and go for a poster too close I think oh nice bubble she saved the [ __ ] out of me but if that hit me I forgot Rico I won't okay well what I did wrong there guys is I missed my postpone I did not try to angle it there I tried to you know get behind them at 90 degrees then I didn't have my recall so I messed that one up and I also blinked too close to the ash which let her get away as well uh so if I didn't think that closer I could have killed her I think more is making a little troll no orbs no nothing but a tree is blocking our tree will now fade didn't work so not on my recall anymore so he that is now lost because I can't really make a play not a full HP this will get to HP okay finally gotta pick Randall play 95 I have Rico I don't apprecially though I Got the Touch look at the other side follow me break on the side okay nice job probably one of our games where we make the comeback I think no cap look up I appreciate the nice words love you guys but the pain is a lot the pain is a lot on my left hand I'm not gonna lie let's play Widowmaker so I don't use my left hand we have pulse now we hit the fattest pulse in my career like how cancer annoying is or more by the way I'm sorry I'm trying to not lose HP before fight and then a random orb comes my direction okay yeah yeah he's aware of what I'm trying to do these are whatever I'm trying to do as well [ __ ] a truck I'm so annoyed because I'm getting zoned out we lost again yeah nice awareness and patience so my movement well this was I mean let's go another streak yeah but I thought working out would help with it I'm not supposed to work out my hand it's fine hello bonjour but I already took a day off yesterday oh somebody breathing into the microphone unfortunately blizzard broke their game so you can't really see ah uh yeah it's really annoying like if you breathe into the microphone by the way I hate you please don't it's just a very it's like a basic human rights it's like the 101 okay you don't breathe into a microphone I mean what's the point somebody everybody would rather have you then so let's see oh I do quite like push Maps I'm gonna play fast now way faster I'm gonna see if I can force and fight so somebody like what is that nice man your aim is insane good job you're for sure gold it's fun my bad she really wasn't shooting at me but she hit me because she missed the Genji and I have to go back to my team get some healing got the healing couldn't come around for the side now we can finally play the game not worth it doesn't do anything for us break that inside come back around our matcha went so far back but I just have to shoot mirrors I guess she won't push up to me I need something to happen that doesn't hit that is insane for some reason I lose all my HP again we have QR codes that could just cure a cold here and win okay and now we can't win anymore because we lost our opponents got lost there all the random Pope that I've been getting and you know yeah I have to grab a mini or Outback but I'm not even trying to Peak them so join me they got one here where'd he come from get it guys I I shouldn't have done that by the way I just want to say I shouldn't have done that but what oh okay I guess they're back here I guess we're still in spawn no that's fine nope no problem I'll make it work guys too high oh step brother well I think this is just the Sun personally I'm playing off I'm playing Batman just let's get this first thing straight I am playing bad I went from playing really really really comfortable and good at the beginning I felt like a demig you know I felt like insane my best game I've ever had to I can barely leave do anything so that's on me I'm throwing this game not the reason I'm ending stream my hand hurts so I think it's more of a there's a static AFK man okay Jesus Christ oh boy we got circuit Royale as our welcome back now this is uh this is uh a bit painful wait Circle data this is my first time seeing this oh teary me I was so Christian daylight listen this map is cursed from the get-go okay this map is curse that it even exists in the first place Imo that yeah this map is so bad and sentence how many games are you uh ten ten on a fresh account no we started it a while ago dude this this wasn't green was it that was for [ __ ] absolutely it leaves no blanking room leaves that's fine probably I'm probably gonna run it down a little bit maybe we can get juicy my only strategy is going to be get behind them and get really far behind them and Hope they Panic let's have a little Gander they might fall back here they even have a pharaoh even worse just go all the way behind right okay oh I didn't expect an Anna to come back late though and we got a lot of space created almost I'm dead now handed an open no dude and the mercy was what I greeted I greeted absolutely I was going for that Anna there by the way that one that was Happy Tree she was low the mercy left Anna I was like you're trolling what are you doing went for the Anna and then the fire put on me so I didn't keep track of her well fine if I just kept waiting you saw the mercy was Happy Tree shot I could have gone for her and I will go for her nice I'm gonna recall because I'm gonna open here four seconds wow I suck I could have maybe blinked up and that was in the open space I would have tried to live there if it wasn't for being done for teammates by the way no cap no cap s completely over extended here and dead and bull behind uh yeah I mean if I just stayed back more played oh it didn't explode earlier if I can come into the corner if she's in a small on the side like that you don't want to be in close corridors talking with them not true though [Music] read it a little bit emergency Michael for the rest here wait how did he fly oh dude she pulled me she pulled away from my post I was so confused wait he went uh sad sad I mean I could have hit an easy post from there okay I mean this game's going pretty good I think things this off give us the opening on what to do I know he's above me he's gonna drop in but this is one not a step in them nice job these explode way faster now in this patch though a little scary and we touch can't kill him [Music] oh my God this is terrifying and we got it eventually oh my God yeah the ball takes forever ever ever ever ever ever ever to kill and I should never get you into the cast because he um at the pocket from the mercy so luckily one of my teammates who stopped the mercy we could swap our attention from shooting the Target because it's a pocketed Target right and as soon as the support fell everybody else fella so everyone relax let's take him to the Wasteland I don't mind changing ball it's coming to my Lane I can match him I can bully him bigger than I'm from setting up we can deny him from scouting nice one by my Jungle Queen uh I'm not gonna chase him here just because I think he went way past we're not going into the first Target which is a cast yeah am I a cheeky little position I'm gonna get rid of the ball here oh no the burn oh good though just get the card pushing A little pressure down hold the enemy team come in I push point I don't want to take space I don't want to go into the open I don't see anything so I'm not gonna assume anything I'm not gonna go fast that's why oh another queen could ironically die way so got another again for the mercy no we actually lose this oh good hey a little bit of a scene that's kind of surprised that yeah I mean I shouldn't picked our opinion [Music] oh nice job move around the side go hike on get behind them be patient look for targets there is a chance they'd come up here but you can hear that they're coming or are they are not with the balls up there foreign [Music] I mean I just didn't even see her if I'm honest oh my God not a shot I mean that was that was nice ball party Tracer and get randomly one shot both quite literally one boy wait up all right drunker Queen is insane okay I mean I'm kind of screwed here I'm gonna move like I'm out and screwed down especially screwed I wanted to go High Ground maybe they come chase me maybe they move into the space I'm dead lost gonna make my Escape I mean I should be going for I mean she's here she can shoot me she's there I'm so screwed much better nope nope nope in the bushes chickens packed me up no this guy's just he's got me a number he's got my number I didn't do anything crazy it's aims clean what the dude this guy's flicks are insane I mean respect respect first ever stop to anyone thank you so much man appreciate that it's me that's a really good push or Circle real I mean I'll take that I'll take that switching sides okay incoming stop the payload all right I'm playing for my team's playing maybe you want to control the ball let's go help up he's dead she doesn't have cleansed excuse it on herself because she wasn't open oh good nothing I don't want to play close I'm gonna give space I'm gonna play patient this Vincent might overextend or something you know you never know like we wanna we wanna keep going back here maybe we want to go back in now yeah especially because of stop walking in oh God that scared me I'm gonna move back if I can please don't get poop thank God that's Bob or go further hey behind cover got my HP Rewards oh hey I think the ash came from one little cheeky let's save by the glass but I respect I mean it's a cool little spot I don't want to get burnt I don't think I've [ __ ] up I'm a little low the peeking for me is kind of scary I know we're going for the reserve so if I can cancel the res I'm waiting no way that just that went okay I guess I didn't go through I just really want to stop the rest killing her blink behind them going to the mini room fake line of sight break them back Wards two okay yeah I was just wondering if they did it again oh obviously wasting my oh it's not good but the more important part is that when we disengaged oh that guy is this oh no way I don't wanna look at them I press right click but whatever uh there's something I could have done here I should have gone in it was just for fun but one sec but that guy just hit me so nice insane um we just need to wait a little bit yeah anyway so what I was trying to say hey good fight oh everyone I'm just worried about over here right now okay we'll play to the side we're not going first we'll play off of her engage in her damage almost killed her almost I'm gonna Focus both because he's the only thing I can focus here and then Mercy on the nope that these way out dude this map looks better in the day I know that's probably not a popular opinion but I it feels nice for my eyes I like the brightness I don't know it just feels nice like like I'm not a fan of nighttime that feels tiring leak at least during the day it's like it's pretty it's just nice you know gives a good vibe yeah again we're playing slow here if I'll pull you the ball I'll play at the back I don't care I will wait for an opening which is now fine by me I'll try for mercy need a hand hey I feel very washed up right now so I'm gonna make a lot of mistakes I'm gonna be running it down a lot maybe we'll get better maybe we won't fine by me I don't mind I don't mind I'll keep going over my mistakes adds over to Matchmaker you never know I think somebody was turning left side I think drunk is coming here so now I wanted him to walk left when he's looking left I jump out and one clip him in the head I went too early yeah no I went too early if he was like once or one second out I think that does work so I don't mind I do recommend that catch people off guard when they're focused on you know some ow something else or distracted by something so I'm trying to hold me up I don't know if the ashes up here or down below I'm assume down oh Revenge oh no don't walk into the junk up please thank God I mean that's terrifying the better one slow so slow play for reload no sense yeah but I think there's the bug where it's on foreign [Music] I mean it's kind of awkward to get an angle here so my goal or my idea of what I want to do in Tracer right now is get behind the enemy and then strike when like my cast like hatch off the mercy and then be there point or that Anna alone scoped in like triple blink uh pulse or something like okay now we can cancel res nice torque unfortunately no no no no I'm just gonna die unfortunately it's a counter toss I wonder because I was like oh you're resin maybe I can quickly go for a um trade kill fun the emergency finisher that's way faster than I thought I did which killed my play being forced into this sort of once the back is not good someone get rid of that thank you okay so now we need to find an angle what I always try to teach people when I coach is like where do you think they're coming from like in your mind Pudge look like an arrow okay so like I think they're coming through the middle down the middle down down here maybe Ash comes up here but you know what I mean I'm gonna go this way to cart so if I peek this out I could get hit which is really bad and so America okay he's not gonna heal me we can grab the minion find the ash on a riot and then you can be like okay now now I know which direction they're going in just over here something come behind I'm just gonna be scoped in hopefully I'm here which is annoying I don't want actually to be focused on me first you will apply through oh we're going on we can come back but this time again I want to come from the same side not get scattered out because the ball kind of does win against me early on [Music] she did see me way too much HP I'll just record this and go in I mean when you use Rico you don't have much it's huge [Music] dude I'm terrified but we won it doesn't work about my team third well good job guys I played hold on to my team good job I think it was a nice first game welcome back learning experience I know I do let me see here profile Tracer A3 champion no it's a joke like if you're egoing someone you know it's like thing you can say Phantom really interesting I mean I'm expecting your wrist is still to be good Paul is probably really good maybe Ryan Bap comes back I doubt because kirico's broken hello all right same thing here my team goes right I push with them I hear May and chunk rat so that'll be fun he was burning so maybe it's low HP which he's not out Mario wins this 1v1 because they gave her a lot of cell feel as you can see my HP is already being destroyed as we speak so we have to weave in our recalls at the damage guys we're C9 into one more thank you that is terrifying I don't think I can Peter doesn't drunk Queen she's fun done they can actually touch again now I should get another go again all right so where are they I hear main I hear here my team goes in let me bully you for no reason or the cast attack HP because rewarded because we came around the side still come from the side just like the reaper man keep moving you are such a scary Hero please go away I'll move High Ground come around the side come in behind then we can drop down in here and nothing to see get hit by some balls not complaining I'll move away though we have to re uh pause one not Rico though and she'll probably see him if she comes this way but I'm hoping the cast comes this way that's fine by me cast will come main I don't have recall but again we can wait is that oh there you go you really wants to rob me you realize it's too late whoa what his options were so again I know where they're coming from Maine both going top right so I can come underneath him so again Marvel walk out here we can throw in her it's not chilling the walk into us if not we walk into them again the coming men we're assuming they don't come in this way I don't hear more I think I heard more of Faith so I'm not I'm not even gonna check yeah now I'm gonna go now because the balls passed I know that means like they want to move up banners here last no three of my teammates with that even if I got a trade code here it's not gonna do anything let's just take a show they have a good position for when it really matters like if I went in there that's kind of want to do on Circle rail as well the previous match just just died you know so just wait how y'all doing you can look through the walls to your teammates see they're taking damage you can hear steps you lose you can aggress repeat if you want to just do it just dude oh get us a pic out it hurts online I don't know the more is but she seems like a much more important priority two a ball perfect and we came in from behind again background to our team I love the Synergy that they have going right now who's next ball dead 85 is the cutoff they will touch I mean they have like one of those comps which is like impossible for them not to touch Button as well and they come from left to right so much they Walk This Way everyone HP because we know what directions he's walking in where he's coming from then all I did was poop score yeah something easier but like obviously my team is doing good they're getting Andrew frag so they've the funny Mario doing weird stuff I will say DPS oh greetings I'm with you holy I'm so glad I kept the recording on I'm let's go oh my god let's go let's go that's that's a dub right there that's a dub nice way to start the ground again outside Lane let them push in from whatever direction we have Lucia together first so tofu will come in that torp is giving away my position so drag attention I don't want to be in that position wait for it wait for it you're a widow hey we can kill Tom if he doesn't have his load or is he no they're looking for me that's crazy they can have me or think they can I mean at the end of the day we're just creating a bunch of space I'll hide here I know it's worse because the animals see me but don't you there thank you well we created a ton of space I mean it's insane oh what a spirit even a tank up that was that a Mario fade noise or do we have a Mario now oh they're more just faded in don't want to focus our Visa you're dead nice that was her fate as well it's a bit of a roll this one I'd say more Fades and way too aggressively we're peaking we're combining some good fundamentals we're not assuming anything we kind of are if you think about it sorry we're assuming but predicting it's assuming in a different way when I set up a position I'm like I think they're gonna go this way and I think they will do this and then do they do it this game yes right so we're just gonna let our team run past us again we don't get hit by the turret um wait I just got pooped on I mean this scouted me out I was gonna go do for another setup where we go behind them got the isolated Target I'm happy that's my first yeah but I did die a lot less games consistency only comes through Mastery chat but she's going to open position it's really wonderful just kept point just kept point and kill Mario first he is focusing supports over whatever the right place right time again I'm never the center of attention I let them do something uh I could have gone I could have played a differently as well I don't mind it is wait there's a turd here I'm just getting double heal so it's not working is he old thing behind her for it's to have HP and should die and I welcome the point for no reason ladies and gentlemen hello I played depends it's time to save the world her mother's work is never done yeah you're saying it as it's like I don't even know what you're trying to say I'm sorry what I I have the answer and you're saying the answer changes now that's I don't know whatever okay like that let us see to it you know what I mean like what five four three two one attackers incoming kind of a weird thing to do it do you think little greedy I think I can get pushed out from this situation dude kirko's so oh God I mean we've all been smoked is that the Mario from last game does anyone know s God punch to safety [Music] no I had recorded one I completely miscalculated that that's for you all right that's the first point [Music] I need assistance no he got saved that's why not too much experiment to do much I don't want to see an idea with it dude these supports are feeling like such a clean way for each other get that like a second earlier and I've been sick on me nice it doesn't look like my name in Target is so that I repositioned requires me to hit less bullets I can reposition myself mess them up instead of sitting in the open and then also hit list but let's even way too early my tank wasn't even there so now he's got out he can't go back in this kind of about the way we're playing here hey I can't see anything they just kill each other I'll just die in car help no did this Reaper is running it down and says can you swap Doom oh my god dude OverWatch players are not real they are not real they're they're not real people nope I refuse to believe it runs it down pre-fight alone can we swap the Doom sure yep it's gonna fix it I just showed myself I heard Genji zombie or someone for sure yeah I'm just trying to like blink around the uh deflect yeah I could have killed him there if I didn't if I didn't Panic thinks that one time I could have set it up for sure also you notice I stopped shooting it's because I knew that like I don't need to panic I he's guaranteed that I miss somebody might not have upset that before that but that's fine uh there's gonna be an annoying one to try and flank we're still trying to go in somebody he's gonna get defect here he has the flag type thing so I'm not gonna go with anything crazy for him nice job very clean at all sequence win now yes sir Mario yes sir it's been a long time since I've played though so consistency maybe we got away with this criminal position I'm scared I don't want to Blink into that can I blink over maybe maybe not not really sure I heard the cast you guys hear that where's he I hear the hear the loud footsteps who knows no we just marveled into the death combo that's crazy where's that cuss was he believed me like in the tunnel Maybe they're desperate I don't know if we can retouch these yeah I doomed running along and I got this disgusting character on me oh they are pushing me I'll leave I'll let them do it not trolling we killed two they should push Wireless them grow up dude oh ah people get too bad TBH do these supports are aware I'll give them credit okay trying to stay away from the Genji here come to the next side new Subs out did that here are my ears bro I don't need that guy hell no I don't need that guy right now gonna blink it's gonna go on the other way not through open space okay Doom go on pop-up King oh this is a continued account I can only blink here and end in open space now right I mean I could no if I pushing down to suicide yeah we will do this they pushing to me that's good no I was setting up a plan in my head I kind of got panic I was gonna go okay I need to like set up a blink thing see that that cast right there I could have killed or been ready for absolutely possible it is tough it is really tough it is really tough though okay team carry me carry me don't touch up I don't know why they're getting stressed out [Music] she's nice tomorrow prepare to attack [Music] one attack commencing yeah oh no I don't want to be more I don't want to be that's the thing I really don't want to be okay okay what's my fault my fault I am Noob yeah I personally don't I don't want to be I'm addicted to RuneScape so I don't mind uh I don't want to put in the time to maintain I know this engagement to me I can go pick it but like obviously we're way too early stopping card so it's kind of like my team's so far away even if we're going right now she gets screwed oh never mind oh this especially good we didn't go then as if we went then on his team okay we'll have to wait for them it's no big deal hello you hear that watch out for this one I panicked because again you saw me I'm gonna double blink Franklin aside come back up on The High Ground yeah maybe we should have gone back left to cut them up here we can do find job okay I don't want to be seen he saw me but I don't care enemy here [ __ ] you hello hello he's very low now I am no baby with that I'm gonna drop down just go directly belong a little annoying [Music] you can [Music] move around the cider nice okay so the reason I didn't Focus service has obvious tanks are tanky my Doom is getting space they're not looking at me so that precise me of a condition to go on surprisingly condition to go in definitely a difficult game but you can see like it's about patience almost patience and choosing targets that you think are isolated so if I keep in my head Anna's here or there here again she's flanking let me go get the Genji before I push in it's like a day are presenting me the option I am merely waiting for them to present it I'm not forcing it I can if I don't have a dive tank I will force it more but because I have a dive tonight I'm feeling more confident to kind of like be next to him go crazy she saw me which is not good enough I think it's so retake though untouched we know it's probably gonna come to the right thank you for the prime by the way I appreciate that um and they have none of that and stuff right so I need to go kill the Anna or bullied Anna or even if I don't kill her I'm gonna stop her from coming back is my goal oh wait they're not none of them get swapped that I'm just being incredibly annoying we can grab the knife I'll just read top up again get the hell out of here even if we're in this wait if I still going okay it's great I didn't know the fight was still going on so we can get the free win hey nice job am I thought nice little connection so you won't die what they well played or wouldn't play hey you can come relax here you know just chill out catch a little gameplay of me not on the drunk rats nope that is not what I want to be some random screams not on purpose just some stuff is terrifying what can I do about that you know what I mean nope she's dead Dragon Ball Z and GG that's a nice game okay this will be an interesting map to Flame five four oh is that the same doomfist I was just a lot of doompas now because of the dive I wonder if Doom is good into player wait another's we gotta do in almost every single game I mean I'm not complaining I'm down for this boom sounds like really fun to be meta I heard wouldn't make sure she'll probably walk up the staircase let's take her out and uh would always pretty interesting no way for a good fight you want to say Juju that just mean like that's like the point lost yeah I caught her at a good time no way they're letting me come in that's right we'll just play behind again all I have to do is not mess up the blink punch and she would have died and we would just stumbled onto the Widowmaker uh opinion I see a way to make on High Ground she just went in I'm gonna search a new Chrome uh what is our worst player is like human just got me how do I just tap to find out who that was tab shy Raptors hey good night can they say not worth it nice job let me just walls up and they're so loud fire in the house and if he died to the junkrat mines that would have been my the best state in the world I would have loved it I would have loved every minute of that if he died to the junkrat passive oh my God I would have been probably a highlight of the year damn we almost came close to witnessing a miracle for real what does bottom right isn't she she probably had to Blink yeah but pink sounds like he's two here jumped out went back in peeked in 13 minutes to go in first oh I suck up we go I mean it should be back up I'll grab the mega instead welcome to open we take her out I'll go for Widow here if you don't have HP I'm crazy like that too hard for me to track when I'm not close to the Target thank you Father Metro yeah but a man can dream I wish he did that would've been so good I do want it alone and very early they have the characters [ __ ] if you just use like grenade and walk it straight time all right good I'm just doing a little bit of his chilling around their spawn I'm gonna walk out wherever little Gander you know what I mean oh I don't want him to see me guys they'll probably check the staircase now oh yeah oh I really think owner hi guys yo what's good hey incoming they want me but they can't have me I do need to get healed up though but please thank you hey by the watermelon in the face and now it's a snowball but it'll probably run out of High Ground again if he's on Widow no he's changed so he probably goes low ground if he's cast yeah are predictable I'm a bit early here it could be a sigma doomfist main secondary dude he's scouting me no way that's insane he's in staircase is it Bob he's gonna drop down then you don't go the wrong way but we know where they are I thought of you beautiful you gotta say I'm feeling pretty good forever not playing FPS games that's what I got for complimenting myself good job right feels nice let's see let me turn down the voice chat before you because every time they speak it hurts my soul let me turn on some music since select your oh [ __ ] it I mean I'm done let's play some music oh yeah I feel like I should OverWatch one with the long queue times was the fact that the you know there weren't that many players you know what I mean there weren't that many players so it's like yeah you have longer queue times OverWatch two and I mean I think we can all assume that there's a lot more players now so why were the Q times so much longer but I guess they weren't for some roles but at the higher ELO they were so much longer and I really think that has to do with the the new Matchmaker if you have more players longer queue times and of course you know like specifically the idea of like well tank is still low without that I didn't have that a tank is solo so you need more players but I don't know sucks have you guys been enjoying OverWatch 2 or would like Walter flanks I'm not saying I want to watch one back okay but I'm saying like there's something off about over 2 that I want them to fix or Dead game yeah I don't think it's that dead right now what did I say real using I don't have my tab keybound one are we gonna Seasons wait are we actually gonna season nah surely not right like I can't press tab using six imagine on the diamond One account have you ever played in season that is crazy it's a ball meta as well absolutely mess it up and I'm gonna go early if I go first now that's the first thing they'll see like they're expecting us to take space because we have Advantage right so obviously the more update I have a tour I hope everything now I can help you Maybe compound dude oh my God wait look I mean I feel like pretty what hmm what recall is wait is it ability one oh It's ability one isn't it no no no wait is it no I'll try wait give me a sec okay we're playing face with our recall down here but just kind of whack uh scoreboard got it you you who said that you're my hero thank you another change I need a little healing please and then we got both the sports as well I'm worried about the turret here I don't know if he's low or not I'm gonna hide down cover get away and it was like really overextended so let's chase him down I don't think we can kill him because you know oh Buffs are craziness come on oh my God dude if they were on carts the junker Queen got off for fun for XD I'm lucky hey lucky hey actually oh for sure I assumed on the card they didn't even touch okay well that's kind of game losing unfortunately we can still win but you know the flank opportunities on Circa real considering they're in a straight line ahead of me right now it's very limited power of seconds nice I don't know if you guys ever have this but like losing a game like that because of like a simple thing like that is the worst feeling in the universe in it I got my ass beat I hate that like that's I was so scared we're gonna like oh here goes all the hard work wait can we cut them up here I don't really have any blanks plus they're too far away the turtle give me away it's an issue members coming to you so Mercy still being played with the rework or Nah looks like it I mean it's one game the enemy doesn't happen oh my God I mean I'm just gonna say Carter or bully bull honestly nowhere come from got him I mean I was trying to see what which was going so two for two cup their tank I mean what Chad I have a question what a date why did they come into us you know what I mean they were over extended we didn't even I didn't force anything I would oh my God she had to check her Twitter so completely understandable I don't know what to do here now try and get them a little bit low I don't want to Blink up the card that's [ __ ] terrifying boys I really despise this map so I'm pretty happy here my mistake I was going through the doorway because look look I didn't mean to go in the doorway but it makes my positioning really linear and I had to walk out yeah if I kept walking I wouldn't got killed oh yeah dude I'm not gonna lie we're not playing for two weeks feeling a lot better now I thought that actually is using I'm playing against music on my diamond account that's great now I can't tell what matchmaking like when I'm a gmr if like everybody I don't really wanna [ __ ] it watch out for this one there's way too far away for me to do anything here I think we can push cart you know it's Ryan's dad no am I still alive right over top 500 Jesus then uh we'll see guys because remember if we are gmmr this Challenge and so we go to the next one uh interesting I got outskilled and I've played and that guy's just on another planet okay if we don't have third I'm not upset I mean my backline's dead here so maybe I should have gone I got to do the Funko but it's fine I was wondering or not I mean I'm gonna go hike on and oops I'm gonna go hack on and clear out the echo I think that the soldiers should take the sun go because it's much wider but uh if the soldier like comes tough right takes The High Ground goes behind them instead of sitting at a Depot it'll be much more efficient for him I'm saying is never die they all extended honestly it's going wild you know the thing is like I think that it used to be more mirrored for one simple reason when you're like how you learn tank your crew time was like atrocious it was two years long and the only thing he would face is like another uh like contenders or owl you know what I mean like only another person that is really really High ELO and so they obviously like got rid of that button oh my God nope not picking that because God damn that at the before I got sick before I left they made a patch saying guys we wanted to be more uh we want them to be more mirrored like we'll make sure guys we'll make sure that like everything's mirrored don't worry about it and somebody said uh we're just head off [ __ ] it all right yeah nope you missed your shots so bad God you got my HP help them as well please okay the Romantic prodigy nah for real like it's so whack what they've done to the uh I know dear I'm just gonna keep spamming here because I care only about the uh Sombra that's gonna get past they're gonna have you impede soon okay don't die you think would only be up here alone right uh I tried no lucky no no no no we can't can't hear me for walls man oh he's the one who's in control they jump up with his Nano let's go probably not the best move to jump out when you're in nanode I think personally that's just my onion though I'm gonna guess that the Anna's like sculpting AFK somewhere what doing why is everybody playing so atrocious it's great I love it though I don't know guys I love this like I'm so lucky Scott and oh he's going nuts yeah go on that like the other design and Anna both walking in here after being shooting Winston like fully giving away my position the Widow being on me getting pushed out by me this is insane I love it though it's very um yes now it's something it's something that they have walls up right now so now they can see me I don't wanna now my team's going back I'm not staying here boys and girls I'm feeling much better no idea much much better what is somebody's Mercy doing I don't care so for fun I just finished 30 seconds left yeah fake Deku and fake isn't in one game just so weird oh oh like oh my God oh my legs you know I'm so lucky fans you went a little bit too crazy you know I'm gonna play my team on that one for not helping to support the kid I'm probably pre-dynamite is the issue which sounds like and he'll push out this way seven minutes no what a nice shot nice racer what a nice shot I love it all right listen we're I am saying is this hey hey we're gonna get screw by matchmaking soon enough I mean we'll go around the outside trying to push up the thicker space looks like they're giving this for free though um I mean I want to go for a little bit of Hanzo or his hands on a lot more juicy is that that's not a stoner you just missed I think console stands on a lot more juicy if that was a sonar no let me what should we play I'm watching I'm watching I'm watching because that looked like it was sooner than a chat that's bug that is hard bug sonar's supposed to make a noise and I heard the console hit the walls like oh he missed because there was no ping that's legit bug s and I'm absolutely incredibly surprised that the game is bugged guys I'm I'm shook it right now that there's another OverWatch bug currently in the game that is wild to me sorry silent ah not usually no no especially if he hits right in front of you should be I'd say pretty loud I mean is that the morning I finished up there or I love on my I love what my Instagram is doing you guys expect I respect the hustle protect me no it makes a loud noise but if it's silent then it's [ __ ] okay go to the gamer out in the open already doesn't have it though all right well I love you I don't have ever heard of noise oh yeah no it's super super obvious we can go in a custom game but we can also watch a replay and see if it's like not plugged in replay it's like I gotta deal with a golden gamer I love that my game just fully throws better I really thought you were further into the wall then she actually was huh perfect no reason can even control this if I better end no she's not gonna bug me thank you who's that Mercy yeah we'll pick up the mercy then like if I'm crouching and I'm walking around it makes full sound chilly that's great that's great well that's well go to gamer off of the Winston to the Doom now okay for sure no I'm gonna say that like oh he's coming up from behind I didn't expect that I was gonna blink around the side but I was worth it they would see me I love the way my stick was playing like he's playing really aggressive and I don't recalls he's playing like they're giving in him space and he just keeps going like he doesn't stop so it's really impressive play as soon as we won the fight he came up for the flank without a high gun like those are the things that you need to do to sort of you know pressure correctly we can keep up pressuring them and not dying for the house for no reason we will win because there's no way that they can retake the only thing we care about is that pushing the car so Winner's cue as always I guess to prepare my signals playing beautifully third Havana like now the game begins American band is on my mouse now the game wait is break over here sorry I know you guys are thinking with bricks but I've not seen many breaks no she doesn't I thought they removed am I crazy let me think over here was kind of busting so I'm not complaining really Inspire got pushed down okay I need to stop over here maybe you should come in for the rest and we can get the Doom his Happy Tree are we kill him for mercy didn't really said he would go into the uh widow's line inside there so that's pretty lucky no I'm sure that was their best move someone attack the punch [Music] that's crazy I thank you guys but he's he's crazy thank you dude what a snowball are all matches like this there's not even much to say our own match is just turbo stumps on either side probably not right nah good job dude I love this like this sigma's play was really really impressive like he constantly took space uh for my coaching sessions what I learned yesterday when I when I was coaching people is that I think something that lowly the players struggle with that I didn't realize before is that when somebody gives space you should be taking it as in like you can look at their movements and you can see if they are running backwards it is maybe saying I'm I'm disengaging so instead of you like shooting at them they come around the corner and then you move to like reposition you recognize he's giving space so I'm going to start moving with the person so they can't break line aside and to be able to like delay like let's say you remove that step in between that is at least a couple seconds safe which is massive in a roach because let's say I'm safe behind the corner now I'm in danger and now I'm safe again that's like what ready one two so if you save two three seconds maybe four you can already see that that's massive don't think about how many players like are running away when the enemy team's running away 20 seconds are wasting by jumping up a high grounds uh by not reading body language and things like that so when I see the sigma like constantly takes space and just run into people that are not respecting the fact that well it's actually not guarded it makes me really really happy as a coach it makes me really really happy so I really respect that I mean so let's see if she can hear me crouching I mean I'm definitely contestant because there's a Genji knives and the kiriko no I'm not under I'm an undergrad I mean my break is feeding his face right now oh schedule coming corner like he does win close corner but Big Son by the goats situating the barrier you just made it oh uh couldn't disengage right like double blinking behind him but he got killed by super anyway that's like some Ninja [ __ ] you know first first uh knife just into my face love it kind of slime because he's a bad Bowl unfortunately people from away but we do have a counter for him so golden gamer is kind of getting uh smoke right now like make sure that he can't really save himself safe for real they got the Genji and the ball but unfortunately like they need to realize that yeah I don't think you want to be diving in alone especially into a break hi chicken butter shot kill me she was looking at me I'm gonna oh oh now you can't rest I can post it nope not shot by my house I was two centimeters away I just wonder how they get so many bugs like this I mean if you have to put down an ultimate and then chase out of me you're doing something wrong you know what I mean if you use an old and you're the one that's running after people then you are for sure doing something wrong Chad I mean I'm not gonna be able to kill him this is hey for fun no damn it you get you guys know what I was doing though nice job nice job you guys know what I was going for a little little bait cheeky little bit first day no I've been trying to finish it for a while and just got caught out by a little bit of shingles I'm lucky though man is what it is though gotta deal with the life the cards life views those are my cards that's I'm curious do you guys enjoy kiriko because I really hate her for the game like the feeling that all of a sudden like if I'm playing against an atom and I'm Mercy right now or I'm playing against like like any even a brick I'm like okay you're annoying to me but I can kill you but Kirk was like what what okay I mean I don't mind that but like hey you can TP out you can tutsu like I can't engage you if I'm thanking a Reaper like you could just like TP out what options remain for me I'm gonna try and keep them yeah again made her also like a little far back he's gonna go for the best Maybe I don't want her to so I'm just gonna pretend that I shoot it they're obviously like shooting at somebody that's like impossible to kill did he just uh wait why did you want to try again my Mercy came out the sky with the Glock love it love it all right I mean it's fine where's some more cringe I really don't think so because you could still kill Mercy you could still track her you know what I mean but kiriko like literally cannot she has an invulnerability button right absolutely buddy great requests this guy really really popped up oh yeah they changed it to um change it to five it's our masters for now pretty much Tracer just looks to control some outside uh options that the enemy team has or take outside space that the enemy team wants and by doing so she can you know outplay people or immediately blink towards squishy low HP characters and uh clean them up so if you save your code on some resources you will have the ability you know the pounds and targets that maybe are weak like if I were to attack Force I mean now as a monkey or me stronger like well funky but I'm gonna get my resources fold back because he wants that space he can have it that's not my duel you know but he gives away and I take it back and then I keep looking right I'm like what would I like what I see I have a teammates that can help me I mean you know monkey maybe jumped in here alone there maybe I want to go on that now oh that was an awful link angle though so hopefully we don't die we're dead I can see that yeah awful thing I blinked forward instead of like um wa which is like left for controller please was that Anna was isolated and the mercy at the res switching she couldn't get healing it's like I spent that entire time waiting there because I didn't want to get my own position I had my cooldowns obviously if I didn't accept that sleep that's part of you know let's go fishing that's the idea right like that's tracer's play style for me like if I try to work I'm running back I can but now he uses rocket so maybe maybe I can I'm dead my Windstone died I tried to help him but I mean she just got a new Mythic skin so I doubt that they're you know gonna be like oh it's Nerf or not they want people to buy battle passes and stuff like that so maybe afterwards um oh oh my God that was the barrage oh we forgot to check the um sonar is Soldier out here look he's gonna walk to the right oh I missed my building I suck it's like I'm just in my chair anyway getting coffee you got the idea so like in that situation for example I'm a cooldown so I mean by recoil but we saw somebody over extended in the open and what do you need to learn is like how do you define something that is out of position like this time okay she said you know she was still for too long thank you what did I die to I I know Anna but like the tick didn't go through which is the extra fight damage I think it is that not too HP I really thought that would be for HP considering I went into um yes because can you create a mistake like think about it like this zero can can I make the anagoda position can I make that soldier that stood here over Center yeah you actually can by the way but it's doing the opposite of what most people do which is like play aggressive like the way you make somebody make a mistake is by you know the whole thing I just spoke about so remember that example like the monkey goes in so I go back remember that so why do you think that right so stay online with that so if I'm gonna go back because the monkey's there what if the monkey isn't there then I'm gonna go forward right so what if I don't show myself so that the enemy team walks forward out of position same thing the exact same thing so the does that make sense if I were to like shoot at them and show like hey I'm here guys I'm here and they trade me right oh hey they're not gonna be out of position if I don't show myself I can save my cooldowns or I control like this in an area then Anderson will pass me now can I wonder no she's got really good pure doesn't look like my anesthetical work but you know I tried I mean that's crazy no offense to our team but I really thought that they would you know a little bit more forward and not next to her Anna but that's the idea right like I caught her smoked in because I didn't shoot at her yeah you can ask whatever question you want man now obviously this one awfully Divas behind me I have no either next to me so I want to trade HP have a feeling um a lot better man a lot better thank you ready to uh to try and play some OverWatch I'm scared I'm terrified now I'm really low HP I don't think you got healing but I can get splasher this is don't do this at home yeah I'm gonna get it back on I just didn't want to see nine just in case the for example now Winton over Rock no clue Jeff I think she's on an omnicore anyway so Divas over here as well I mean their baby's a little weird so pretty much what you need to do is uh guess or know which direction that somebody's coming from and when you know that direction I've messed up Miami we know the direction then you make a plan around the outside of that by looking at the open space like we discussed earlier [Music] thank you Jesus that was a long wait guys those are the seconds that I'm talking about not a good plus anyway okay my aim is messed up no she got her in time that sucks low and then yeah we don't attack anymore oh yeah that's that's how that matchup works like you have to give space until you're stronger but Ryan is stronger we did have to play high grounds or uh you know different spots on second I would play on top of bar for example because then we have high ground so you've gotta fundamentals from our aggro uh I think more acros fine obviously within you know opening like right now if I pick them up so how can I play aggro like if okay if I go Acro right now what happens I don't win against soldier that area and uh you know that sucks oh they're leaving anyways so I need to have sort of like some window of opportunity to do going but what is reverse season going AFK by the way it's unreal I mean I'm dead I don't get mine grip back oh exactly zero and you can't really Force somebody out of position right like now my teammate goes in he got them low but he Dash you know I don't know why he does because I don't know how to explain it other than like whatever it's fine so I know this help I need help maybe get disorder that sucks I'm one HP literally not worth all right I feel like we played it okay obviously we shouldn't have said that long enough doomed game going to this feels pretty good okay no mercy just got back in time there you go now I don't want to be on the TV here nice Sweden one that's crazy a job crap I forgot to record I don't know how much I missed did I miss this whole throttle game that sucks they might be too close oh don't I don't die don't die come on down you come down down you come this ash gonna be here probably not I can maybe shoot monkey making no all right come on buddy this is the time please don't bubble and jump like oh God oh God the worst outcome you guys oh [Music] no that also so oh wait it's the north thank God was asleep nice oh another tour yeah this last time which is really annoying we were pushing here for free I don't get like that works that's close you had more like a fear of playing or like ranked anxiety which is fine that's another thing but I'm talking about like played Behavior like you do an action and you get a negative result so you feel like oh I have to like Matrix here because I'm afraid of like like oh no then we lost the fight and that feels bad and I don't want to feel bad it's a part of it for sure but you know like learning how to accept risk behavior or things like that we made them go tracer on this map crazy you know actually it's great that Wrecking Balls meta I mean we've been through different patches we've been through different matchmaking we've been through different metas on the soundtrack to gym and uh it's good that the meta we're in right now to finish it off Is AO what's it called like a wrecking ball one this [Music] hello yeah man I think I'm gonna upload that session probably to YouTube because I think help a lot of people maybe both maybe not let's see I think it's important too sort of uh maybe give people that option but I can learn or seeing TV and stuff for them prepare your defense we're gonna get a lot of new maps it feels okay uh-huh no but you're on the list aren't you like on a Discord like people who redeem you just get put on the Discord list they'll keep track of who hard to defeat remember what we're fighting for yeah you have to DARE me again I've got a good face I get a lot of a lot of DMS for coaching so I can't remember but then I can help you and see if I can get it resolved our drink expired milk hell no it expired orange juice oh yeah charging 53 pounds which I think is super super super super fair for the price personally I mean this fight is over ground or that should mean the thing was changed three or three months ago by the way from from quarter views doesn't it that was changed a while ago that was changing over two for sure unlock your team died what's up nice it didn't really have any engage timings right now because uh team died a little hmm don't see me don't see me though [Music] nope I'm not gonna hear him nice not him interesting run against it hello I think too early oh he still got the kill I don't think Hulk is that bad I mean that's just my take though my wild wacky take oh if you got no no you have to go if you get that out you just have to go oh help me and she's back in the game I really don't think Hulk is too bad now I really really don't I think the way that I envisioned the game being played that he fits in there mighty fine he can absolutely just like run around like yeah you don't want your one shot but like you can almost one shot like you know not the worst thing in the world oh that's so great like even just being in the back line alive being annoying or whatever running to the side that's crazy I wonder if she had to afford like a fortified plus the um what's it called other things oh yeah absolutely no especially not being that thank you at the floor if you feel any difference since coaching foreign [Music] [Music] way too early there Focus after my favorite YouTuber sets off what who's that after dude I need to watch some tear that's the react so I'm gonna I'm gonna react to this after this grab a coffee grab a little water or something because that's crazy guys I'm not gonna lie the coffee I have at home I hate the taste but ordering coffee is so expensive what would you do be honest would you treat yourself like you know you do a lot in life what do you guys feel about that how do you guys feel about spending money like you work like do you do you treat yourself ah my head and you're like yeah I mean I don't mind buying coffee even though it's like not efficient I enjoyed the you know daily thing in life Hannah's coffee at home that's what I'm saying though I agreed I can't do that right now buddy 30 seconds do you guys have any uh trailers oh that was a nice shot man they're 26 pounds what the hell I'm not even a coffee I just want like that hazelnut syrup in there you know what I mean like a good coffee is a coffee with a lot of hazelnut syrup really too inverse crazy is that like permanent flattery shoes or C9 C9 little c99 guys C9 completely so don't you have like a a bed to be in Forever please what is your is it Charles sleep together like disgusting now now it's good to see you soon though I appreciate it and arrow press making coffee not airplanes get it guys I really worked out on that joke I was like uh sympathy will love you die I did my job yeah your schedule's [ __ ] are you dealing yeah ah this is just a rolling score I won both of them but I have pretty good teams attack extremist franchise the seven economy no he's not sure and I want to invest into your fish collection oh you literally lost you're not made money on one rare fish ever wait even my push me which will be really annoying oh I mean most of us are like zoning this as long as we're pushing card I'm happy you know what I mean if we're pushing car we're winning in my mind no way that's so lucky did he just got us killed no you're gonna be killed man hi guys I'm watching Metro through this afternoon it was actually the wall because I was hoping he would hit him into him but then you hit them away you know what I mean I mean they have their also fight back now for that those children doing what time are you getting up I'm gonna boost me on the start all right did you you're staying up you create
Channel: A10
Views: 867,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A10, A10Nerd, Unranked to GM, Top 500, Top 10, Zarya Top 500, A10 Rank 1, A10 Overwatch, Educational, Unranked to GM A10, A10 Unranked to GM, A10 Unranked2gm, Tracer Unranked to gm, Tracer educational, Tracer overwatch 2, Tracer Gameplay, How to tracer, overwatch 2 tracer guide, Overwatch 2 guide, tracer ow2
Id: mXi6fbNbHmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 0sec (14040 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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