Educational Unranked To GM BAPTISTE (WORLD RECORD)

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welcome back ladies and gentlemen today and ranked GM Series where I show you how to go from unranked which is your rank to GM which is going to be a ring anyways Shall We Begin [Music] those of you who are asking how do you carry webtis your assessment is probably correct the answer is damage and just damage not healing not clamp usage not clicking your shift damage the closest answer would be to use your window why because it's an amplification Matrix what does it amplify your damage of course I'm gonna do it out of voice out of voice chat because you know all of you noobs in bronze saying my team doesn't communicate with me and that's why I can climb it has nothing to do with communication you just suck I'm not gonna say single word I'm not gonna listen to a single word and I will still win significantly more games Thanos where am I going to go do I look where my team is going do I look where my tank is going no I don't care what they do where am I going I'm going to damage so I have to ask myself where is the damage and the great thing about that is you can find more damage opportunities because of this jump there's the hunter there's a widow don't want to be in front of two snipers move a little bit to the left and from there we will oh guess what we already found this in now hands isolated damage and Hanzo is dead Sigma oh I see and I actually heard a Nana okay he forgot to take the health back damage before the fight damage is not only in the fight you can actually damage before the fight to get some old charge to maybe get a fake to occupy the enemies to do a bunch of stuff who is going to kill me no one oh and when they push forward I will move back yes you guessed it right they push forward I go back where do I go back to enough to not die the great thing about baptist is that it can also heal while doing damage I see an isolated damage damage heal damage damage heal damage damage yield I don't know I want to click my ship oh nice one and he's dead because well I sh white is the Anna dead because Genji danced on her because she was one HP why was you one HP because I was shooting now if you're playing Baptist if you're playing baptistian you're the average player I promise you you would be healing about 90 percent of the time and that's why you lose other games right now I have the most damage in the server and I'm again doing damage before the fight yes he gets it correctly damage wasting time wasting Shield but Alfred You're Building old charges who cares doesn't matter do damage he's charging I keep wasting his time and I'm not only on wasting your time they all chase me my team is capping and now I have an isolated Zen to shoot and we're fine damage damage damage but this guy's out of position this guy's dead this guy's out of position this guy's dead notice how much people out of position in a game of plot it's flat if you're below plant people are out of position even more often like look damage damage oh always damage I barely have any heels I only did heals enough to people who cannot die I would have saved the ramacha but he got purple they cannot yield purple all of you would probably do they were shooting the heels on a purple or matcha do not do that just damage look I understand why most of you heal it's because you're afraid or people might be screaming at you for constantly not healing Baptist I have no healing blah blah blah we lose because no healing no we don't lose because you have no healing it was because you have no damage I'm gonna use my window over here on the corner I'm gonna talk about window usage in a little bit but why did I window who am I windowing for my team no if they want to join great if they don't I don't care it's to amplify my damage and if my team would like to use it they're more than welcome what am I doing this entire time yeah shooting damage damage by the time Ryan reaches here that's no Shield okay I am dead for the first time and they had to use 15 ultimates how was the am I able to not die in the middle of the fight because I keep my distance I'm close enough to cover when I get shot I use cover I jump through the hydron which is a vertical cover this cover I keep my distance from the enemies if they push forward I go back they push left I go right a regular but what am I gonna do now yes he gets it correctly I'm going to do damage jumping really high to do what damage jumping really high gives you it's a great opportunity to damage it gives you a great angle okay let's see what happens Ryan is isolated and he's isolated They're All Dead why because I'm doing damage I tried I did heal my my raw match right there but they still died through my healing there's too much damage for him what am I gonna do now damage before the fights close to cover him no walking outside like this and shooting no I'm playing cover why and keeping my distance people she pushing forward I move back he's pushing forward I move back and I shoot him the entire time and I almost beat him again this entire time he put forward I went back kept my damage numbers they're rolling out in open space no I managed to run away I should have healed this guy that was my bad oh wait where is the guy coming from again using my jump to do what take cover I'm gonna jump off of his charger I got a headshot anyways I was kind of confused this fight it was my bad now because it wasn't confused I was not paying attention it's a better way to board it hello but they push forward I go back I use the hagrance I use my EXO boot to jump above Ryan charges of Ryan fry strikes above the Reinhardt in general to get the diagram to place that he cannot reach why to keep my distance okay I gotta do damage now everyone is dead everyone is dead because one was purple that I could not heal and there is one the Hagen well I was not there ready to heal them and he is dead why is he dead because I am doing damage I hear Reiner pushing keeping my distance and because I do damage I managed to get a Kill there's a widow maybe I can shoot her with her let's see yeah I can oh I got stuck on the roof but I'm gonna go for the chase Widow is definitely killable Widow is dead why because I am doing damage this guy's not moving so I will shoot him gonna be ready to use the wind over here okay no damage because they had behind the symmetra shield but now they don't and now they're very terrible now they're in open space and now they're dead foreign ERS inside the room I'm gonna kill her inside the room maybe no I'm gonna create enough angle I will speak about our fingerling a little bit more in the next game hey device killable okay while I'm healing I'm doing damage while I'm healing I'm doing damage and between the heels doing damage well he's pushing I'm healing him because well I cannot do damage that moment I'll just have a diva over here I'm gonna wait until she pops out and I am going to do damage more specifically but no notice I'm keeping my distance keeping my distance keeping my cover making sure nobody dies in a nine minute game I only die two times I killed 29 enemies and I did 10.6 K damage but awkwardly healing is low who cares you're healing is high and you lose games my healing is low and I win all of the games and that is exactly how you carry as Baptist now of course I'm gonna go more into detail in the next games about off angling about how I keep my cover and how I keep my distance from the enemies I'm on like two and a half hours of sleep I would like you to pay attention to one more thing how I utilize off angles what is off angles I basically am seeing where my team is shooting from and then I create another point of pressure the great thing about baptist is they can instantly pop a note on off and go by doing this if you're not jumping and not using EXO boot you're not maximizing your potential if a rhino is shielding I can just jump above his shield and shoot and then he's forced to look up and my friends can shoot him down my team is shooting from the left I'll shoot a little bit from the right what am I doing of course you're right damage in between the damage I'll throw some heels the dark Ness I know Genji's on the right side so where am I moving to the left side to do what distance throwing a lamp over here to help my ride so it doesn't help still doing damage oh try to do damage but I died that's okay as you can see my other support is also doing a great amount of damage and that's why he's probably winning more game than he loses [Applause] anyways back to the damage notice how I'm gonna try to off angle again Genji's just dashing into their back line Genji's gonna get punished again where's the damage where's the damage I can jump above the shield to shoot the island a little bit the pressure of course using my cooldowns I'm not forgetting about my shift I'm not forgetting about my life when my friends are dying when my friends are below how felt or I'm below half Health automatically I click shift automatically I never forget about that cooldown winter gonna die I'm just gonna lamp but what am I gonna do now you are correct damage yes I was not a health felt and I still use my because I want to continue shooting and they can do 110 damage pretty fast when they're gonna be in an open space over here I'm going to use my window when they're gonna be close like right now where am I gonna jump away from everything to the height wait it could reach me there what is that what is the range on that was my bad to pick I didn't know I didn't consider that it would reach me here but anyways why did I jumped up to distance myself and take cover that is why I did it but apparently referrals they can hit you all the way over here when he's doing it from down there that is that is good to know anyways gonna do some damage for the fight gonna do damage distract them be annoying I know the represented me what oh that's not a Reaper it's a castle was my bad like shift he too tapped me was my bad should have I should have went back earlier I'll just use my lamp too rather be safe than sorry anyways let's try to help my Anna if not still gonna do damage before the fight where is the damage over here wall jumping gas is moving up of course you see my ship because I see my dash of critical and a shoot shoot waster cool down Lucia was killable there for a second I was shooting him gonna go off angle they're gonna go back from here where am I going shooting from the lift from behind where's casinary can always jump notice just jumping away and they're still all dead again jumping jumping all fingling my my team is pushing from the right where do I go to shoot them from the left is what would be considered enough angle gonna continue shooting before the fight as much as I can maybe I can kill him no man the stability I forgot about it I was greedy but I did get the pick I was greedy but eventually I did get the kill which might help us win the fight or maybe not all I don't know I got greedy but I should have jumped back up and I messed up my coulombs it was my bad regardless still doing a lot of damage my run is dead he knows that's nice I'm gonna help my Rhine with the window he's fighting I'm gonna shoot they go forward I will go back to where to where the cover is or uncover excuse me I put a lamp what what just happened it locked on the symmetra and it destroyed my lamp okay they go forward I'll move back I'm gonna help him with the damage while I'm healing him I'm doing damage you want heal to damage one heal two damage off angling shooting anyways this guy's decided to kill to push and I capitalize on it the enemies go back I go forward to do what yes you are correct do damage I like it they go back I'll move forward why are they going back you're probably asking yourself well because they are dying why are they dying because our Tracer pulls one of them if I Tracer process one of them they're gonna be four and five they're not gonna push five four and five right they're gonna be moving back anyways 945 damage 45. using my shift When I Get Low that is good enough going back in the ultimate he misses everyone that's okay I'm gonna put the window here in open space in a second anyways doing damage while I'm healing the sigma doing damage while I'm healing the sigma now I just try to shoot through my window why did I win over here over here because first of all they're using a bunch of ultimates and they're all gonna be in this open space the window here would be covered covering the entire open space when you window and the enemies are not are just going around cover really quick it means that your window was in a bad position while I'm running away of course what am I doing I'm shooting oh we lose this fight because I overextended their spawn my bad another goal Maybe no actually gonna go through the right side because the soldiers over here maybe I can find him he did almost find it but now where am I on an off angle off Angling because I'm all fingling they're all dead they're looking at my team they're occupied with my team now that he's jumped he's shooting me automatically I jump up to get distance so he cannot punch me when I'm in the air distance reminder turns around to shoot me boom dramatically back up I jump I move out of the way to cover and why am I winning because I'm doing damage I'm dying a little bit more than normal and it's my bad but regardless distance cover off angle distance it's that easy yes it is wanna know why it's not easy for you probably because you're just spamming heels because everyone is shouting Baptist we have no healing I'm thinking we have no healing and you a plot like them taking advice from Platt and not taking advice from a rank one player because you think they know more than me your guides help me go from low plot to Masters supports good luck on the background appreciate it and good job but again pay attention to the off angles my team is shooting to the right side I shoot from the left side I tried to create another point of pressure it's very easy to find picks and kills that way because the enemies are going to be focused on your team and if they're focused on you they're not going to be focused on your team and they can die to your team you glad you anyways where is the damage where is the damage breaking the shield of course shooting The Shield is better than doing nothing while I'm doing damage I am healing okay I gotta head to some sort of enough angle in a second now okay I gotta go help them fight them Mercy's killable why because I'm in an off angle okay this guy's by himself now this guy's gonna die why because I often go him through the Tracer the enemies go back I of course push forward I'm gonna cut them off by using enough angle cutting them off notice how I'm gonna find the cast in open space why because I cut him off from an off angle you guessed it correctly Moira is over here gotta do some damage before the fight and now I'm gonna back off work two nothing I'm already gonna set up on enough angle then I'm gonna push here to an open space lift him up I'm gonna try to find damage on them this guy just kept get caught in open space no problem keeping my off angle keeping my off angle who am I focusing the Moira that is low HP and more killable or the sigma that is getting healed by Moira of course the Moira more damage before the five gonna kill this Soldier how by doing damage I can win him against most players in a 1v1 like Cass I'm just gonna take the fight against him I have my shift I had my I didn't have my lamp but I did have my shift and was ready to run cover to go back at any given moment doing damage before the fight again they push forward I'll move back I'm still back enough to still continue doing damage they push forward and move back around cover still doing damage though who am I shooting the more of course why would I shoot a sigma when a motor is bucketing him it makes no sense I'm gonna win around the corner here when I get it which would be great because they will not be able to back out from it notice they're all stuck in an open space they're all stuck in an open space here that's why a window around the corner not before the corner this guy's going back I'm gonna catch him maybe if I hit some shots it'll be great now I know the Mercy's over here emergency is also dead jumping video high in the sky to do what take some distance but until they're not the damage not in danger of dying my Anna can heal me no I don't have cover it's a problem but now I do have cover notice they push forward I go back around cover now I'm gonna off and go by jumping really high off finger by jumping really high got a lamp for everyone the enemies push forward I back up to where somewhere with cover maybe I'm actually gonna window yeah I'm actually gonna win this hurry up they want a troll okay no problem bye fine by me gonna kill them one by one with my window why because they're all stuck in open space that Mercy thinks you can run away from me but you can't because I'm using my jump and now I'm not fingering the sigma and I'm still doing damage and a lot of it all fingling the bridge she's fighting my team fighting against the cast with a lamp and I'm beating him because I'm using a lamp 15K damage in 13 minutes but there's also something that is important to notice about how I'm using my lamp where do I use my lamp around the corner so they they cannot destroy the lamp when it's around the corner yet it is protecting me if your lamps are in open space they're gonna be destroyed in a second and then it's almost like you didn't you only left when you put your lamps rule number two use them around the corner so they will not be able to be destroyed sometimes when the lamps are there is no option to put it around the corner and you're somehow in open space put it away from the team's Direction so they have to focus either you or your team or the lamp so they they have to move their Crosser to distract is that the best Jack of all trade supports vanish I've seen you around in my in my stream sometimes please what is that MPC question what the hell is Jack of all trade Sports next time you're gonna be on my stream you're gonna be asking me what do I think about the new Roblox skin who cares what is your opinion of the season four battle pass Roblox skin NPCs guys NPCs anyways where am I going do I care where my tank is going do I care my team is going oh no let's wait for my tank to go in so I can heal him like this or be a Chad start bumping damage and while I'm shooting I'm gonna while I'm doing damage I can also heal when I put the lamp again notice around the corner so it cannot be destroyed shooting this the cats over there taking cover helping my friend over here the sigma is overextending you know what I'm actually gonna go for nothing go actually gonna go make a stupid play but hopefully he's gonna be distracting if I can hit some shots it will be even more amazing putting the window killing everyone why did I put the window because the fight was not lost yet we're five on five and we could have won damage jumping up hanza is up I'm not afraid to fight him he's gonna go up and fight him if he were to kill me I would just drop like if I would lose a lot of health and I feel like he was about to kill me I'm gonna I could have just dropped why because I'm always ready next to cover dad wants to push me okay I use my shift a little bit too early but I'm gonna do damage anyways he's in cover dropping down where is everyone I thought I was gonna die because of the I'm gonna go jump again maybe he's killed maybe he was he was killable but he had a nice shot I'll give it to him he will hit a nice shot I was about to jump back up using my eggs to jump to find more damage to find an angle to get a Kill anyways moving forward help Miana lives my Anna lives oh man that sucks and this guy's dead cannot help him or maybe I can help him no just keep fighting can I hit a heel so this guy wants to take enough he's going to fight him I'm gonna kill him he went to troll he's trolling anyway jumping to create enough angle this guy damage damage forgot about Hill there for a second but to my defense I was reloading I was ready to heal but I was reloading so I could say it was my bad but there was nothing I could do that moment what's good have I done do damage and almost killed the sigma the sky is upstairs I'm gonna jump up and shoot him and then he almost dies because of it jumping away as soon as I'm in danger why because I don't have and finding damage finding damage finding damage jumping up fighting not afraid to fight now it's time to take push back I push forward what the hell is that let me live trying to run away using the lamp of course you guessed it correctly around a corner what am I gonna do use my window over here of course notice they cannot hide my window catches them in the open space that's how you know your windows are good when they get caught or am I gonna go probably high ground to set some sort of enough angle and shoot them in the middle of fight I'm not gonna peek yet I'm just gonna wait because that now they have a widow and the Widow grapple and I'm gonna kind of wait to flank them now I can pick I don't like this position check the check out this lamp like okay gonna drop down because Widow has a lowest on me and I can kill this guy how can I kill him by all fingling him okay I need to heal this moment making sure the Widow cannot kill me using the cover against Widow using cover again Soldier and shooting down the mercy because she's flying in front of me and now I'm gonna go off Bingo go for the kill I'm jumping up to create another thing on the Ryan now widow's over here somewhere okay this is too greedy I'm gonna walk in the stone okay no more Widow but I can see the Lucio Lucy is most definitely killable he is killable now I'm shooting shooting doing damage I'm actually going to window from here in a second he's gonna find a bunch of kills from here or at the very least brake Shield oh Sonic what oh man the lamp doesn't catch me there was my bed I put a lamp so I can continue shooting without worrying about dying but the lamp doesn't get me there it's too much around the corner it was my bad but where did I window for myself why to create enough angle and shoot I don't care that my TV is not using it nobody was close dying so I didn't need to heal anyone no one is dying because I don't heal them I healed them enough so they don't die okay this guy is just unhelpable okay maybe he's helpable notice I'm healing enough so they don't die and I'm continuing with the damage what is the damage doing winning me the team fight notice look at this save my Sigma by healing him enough and then I continued doing damage I'm not just spamming 10 eels on a sigma damage before the fight of course you're correct always damage before the fight there's no such thing of me just standing and doing nothing damage I knew I had a I had my thoughts that he had shattered Mercy's killable I'm gonna shoot down the mercy goodbye my friend and we win why because I do damage I do not die by using cover and keeping my distance and I about 100 cheater and I'm off angling to find more damage opportunities to find more picks to find people that are isolated by your fingerling I'm I'm waiting for the comments already that the only reason why I'm winning games and Baptist is doing damage is because I'm at top 500 player hey guys um you know this top 500 players is give is showing how to rank up by doing the things that got him to top 500 but it only works because he is top 500. stupid what do you think I'm gonna do this this game to win it hide behind the tank and heal yes this would be great advice if I would want to stay in silver all right this this drunkard is if somebody dies that they deserve to die for that really they deserved for their PC to actually explode and they will never have to touch OverWatch again if somebody gets cut with that one the Pharaoh almost got caught with that why did I click shift I don't know moving to the off angle why because they're spamming on the left side I want the right side jumping high ground why because it is an off angle okay there's no chance I can kill the Bastion through double Pockets what am I gonna do shoot the park if there's a anaising open space and I might die is not dead where's the doomfists yeah that I cannot heal oh that was late jumping to The High Ground to the off angle the Santa is not paying attention the sun is dead I know that Zara is coming up Where'd I go down away they're going back I'm probably gonna move forward in a second shooting damage gonna win around the corner there in a second I wanna see where my team's going left I'm gonna move right to open up an angle check this out and they're all hiding okay I gotta switch my angles okay it might be a little bit too far forward and now I'm gonna go back but I did try pressure somehow Mercy always damage always think about damage jumping away because they're pressuring me using cover anyways gonna still do damage okay this guy is feeding to kill me and he still doesn't die that is crazy they go back I'm gonna push forward to do what to do damage correct friend is dead damage where's damage damage over here gonna cut them off from enough angle to do what exactly damage I was afraid that I'm gonna die for a Bastion so I'm by the way but I did do damage is pushing me I'm in danger of dying I push back damage from enough angle I would probably use my window here but I don't think anyone would die that is low killable thanks for help Anna is killable Anna is dead they're pushing me forward I will move back still gotta kill oh the bubble nice bubble they push forward I'll move back of course it's only the only way of life zarya is driving pretty positive so I'm gonna go off and go we're gonna put the lamp around the corner he still destroys it I should have put even deeper on the corner so zarya would not be able to destroy it as easily my heart's still beating so let's go I got you anyways gonna find an angle to the damage amazing is definitely killable maybe not anymore you can try to find some angle to shoot but they're pocketing and double pocketing and it's gonna be really hard for us gotta kill the Zara so I have to find a different angle so I'm going on my off angle okay now sorry scalable she's by herself Lord yeah that was good anyway they go back Where'd I go forward and jumping to see Tiana better to find angle for damage I'm gonna do damage for the fight where over here I got you select them up then I hit a shot probably not gonna fight him why because I have my shift again why did I start a fight top left okay nothing I went out from there because they're all in open space I just missed all my shots that was the main issue where's the damage damage over here I'm gonna fight zarya 1 HP is very skillable and not only killables are eight days I use my ship because people are low still shooting still shooting doing damage almost have another window if you notice okay maybe I can I'm able to survive Maybe sorry it's almost dead by fighting me guy overextended and he's dead this guy overextended he's dead but I put a lamp so I can fight him properly and now he's low I can fight him and he's dead I'm Gonna Save My Window here for a second yeah we didn't need the window to win the fight automatically shoot the guy behind us that is shooting us if because if not we're just gonna die for the window they're both in open space it's good enough for us to win check out the soft angle check out the soft angle check out this juicy off angle I wanted to jump really high up top I'm gonna create pressure support is dead wait this guy is shooting anyways creating nothing though main noise block I'm gonna shoot the mate I'm gonna make sure he doesn't die and it's worked and they cannot touch and they die I want it eight minutes one death why distance cover up angles and enemies are pushing left eye move right using my lamps around the corner these are my cooldowns when I'm in danger and 11.4k damage in eight minutes what do you think I'm gonna do this run in defense not attack on attack you have to be attacking you have to be dead to do damage but now when you're on defense what do you have to do what do you think you have to do cabbage guys but we're on defense we're supposed to be defending healing is defending you know I have to be the defender of the team by healing them walls thank you so much for the prime of course not I'm gonna damage before the fight couple shots one two they pushed forward I move back Jumping to The High Ground to create enough angle ah they have a pharaoh great I didn't mean to fall down it was my bad I'm testing the pharah shooting down the pharaoh what is my rhyme doing oh wow anyways gonna cut it off and go over here and it's gonna try to solo damage in between Reaper is killable a race is killable why because you got charged I'm gonna go off angle from the top notice pattern from behind they go back I go forward the damage get the kill notice that my run went from the right where did I jump top left to do what to create enough angle catch him from behind none of this and damage before the fight by jumping but I think the ferry is over here pretty positive actually highlight it's gonna still shoot oh what is that okay my Ryan just going in not gonna use my lamp yet why because it's not really in danger of dying yet could have waited a couple seconds and then use my limb I'm gonna do damage and then run away with my jump where's the fair gonna fight the Pharaoh by jumping creating a good angle for myself anyways oh that was a nice one gonna go up again to do what create enough angle oh you can pay attention to that one but the pharah is feeding where is the fair they use kituna Rush while I'm healing I'm doing damage to save my friend putting the lamp around the corner okay no pay attention was my bed I got tunnel vision there for a second they use kituna they're about to rush they're gonna be in open space so he's my window to counter and no he do not deserve window to counter ultimates but that specific situation would put me in a pretty good place to win them while I'm healing the Ryan in the window I of course do what versus in front of me okay still doing damage still doing damage doing damage from the off angles Mercy's killable Mercy taking damage segment is killable Sigma is going to die if I try to save him with the lamp doesn't work I'm gonna go off angle anyways gonna try to create enough angle but apparently they can my bad I shouldn't have dropped it from The High Ground or rather I should have moved to the other High Ground to create a better off angle I don't know why Mercy just flew to me like that but you know what do lambs go through walls no that's why when you put them around corner you have to make sure within a lower sub clamp anyways gonna dance before the fight this guy wants to fight no problem I'll fight him discussion is uh forgot to get healed and he's very killable he wants to fight I'll take the fight he will lose it anyways damage continuing doing damage finding who is the killable Target in this target I'm going to shoot he's getting pocketed nothing I can do about it they go forward I will go back I'm Gonna Be Ready to use my window though again so enough angle using my abilities I thought he was gonna go there I like it I know the soldiers in the left side actually I'm gonna go catch him like that thinks he can run away he ain't gonna run away he's just gonna die I know that I heard the soldier go up so I just you know pushed him a little bit killable I'm just jumping and shooting jumping and shooting jumping and shooting using cover oh okay I died that was a little bit too greedy but I did use cover there and I get a rest so it's okay I've got a whole deer I'm actually my window from over here no promises okay gonna be a little bit more patient okay I'm not gonna use everything here okay using cover how did I not die to the soldier visor by using cover okay maybe that window was not the greatest it was a little bit too late because everybody backing up it was a little bit too late notice how as soon as I put my window they're back up back around the corner that means that it was a little bit too late or too early in some situations selecting my shift because that cooldown should not be safe for special occasions use it when people are around you getting getting dropping HP well I mean while I'm doing damage I am healing while I'm doing damage I am healing it's not that I forget about healing again people around me taking damage not yet in a second I'll lose my ship trying to create an angle between the people that are in the sky helping my Soldier not die shooting the mercy because the mercy is more killable than the soldier because the mercy is healing the soldier but the soul is not healing the mercy 14.3 minute game almost 20K damage every single game that I won I got a compliment from the enemy team either because I'm cheating or caring why because I'm actually doing damage when was the last time anybody called you a carry when you were healing zero percent of the time your account gonna get banned oh no please don't buy my account what am I gonna do to Shiro please don't ban my account I was called the kiriko Smurf yesterday probably for the first time you're teaching is really hoping yes once you get taught by me you're gonna get cold Smurf you're gonna get called a cheater you're gonna get cold Aimbot you're gonna get called a carry these are some uh side effects of being coached by me so good job your point about using all your cooldowns is Anna has really helped me make an impact people who only healers and are not doing a team a favor exactly what crossword is your for Bap just like any other character character DOT number four sorry thank you for the two months thank God appreciate it where am I gonna go forward to do what damage who cares about where my tank is going where my team is going I'm not gonna wait for my attack to wait for my team just gotta go forward in the damage and if I'm gonna be then you're gonna use cover and distance okay I'm gonna off angle here because it's gonna shoot a shield okay putting a lamp because he's in danger of dying okay this guy just feeds so I just go for the kill all fingerling all fingerling off fingerling noticing my shift yet it's missing my shift now because it gets critical sorry the remote was killable so that's why I shot him the mercy did heal him but we did a lot of damage like three people shooting him and he was low HP so he was killable I didn't want to switch to Target yet again damage with 45 damage for the fight always doing damage using my shift because there's no reason to hold it using my lamp because I was afraid that my merch is gonna get bursted down damage damage damage they're all on the floor afraid to fight why because my teammates are around me and the enemies are dead again doing damage while I'm walking away to safety I am shooting look at this ramatry he's half HP because I was shooting him as soon as they're gonna push outside to an open space I'm gonna use my window if I use it now they're just gonna take cover within a second I used it because I thought we're gonna push it with the Metro ball my friends didn't at this point I do have to heal but now I can do damage because he is healed enough yes he's not full HP but he doesn't need to be full HP to be held enough to not die he healed people enough so they don't die so I can continue doing what chat what do you think I want to do doing damage I don't want him to die so I'm gonna put the lamp you get correctly around the corner they use a lot of ultimates they push in we lose that's okay they use a bunch of ultimates and now we come back with our ultimates and we are more likely to win because they had to push through the choke with us using the ultimates again keeping my distance from the zarya beam range okay this Sombra made a big mistake when I put the window just to get the zarya the zarya was out of position I used it to get the zarya but they all the rest also made a mistake I'm gonna off angle The Soldier's fighting over here I'm gonna fight over here he's from the right side of the wall on the left hand door that what is called off Angling and good job to my team but notice when the sunrise healing healing my tank I turn around and shoot to force de Sombra away great great first round 4.4k damage in three and a half minutes one death which was because they used like three ultimates I have 13 elims which means that I am doing well not that I have to look at the scoreboard to know that I'm doing well most of you have a lot of damage because you're just 24 7 spamming the tank you don't realize the reaction need to get killed with your damage and not to the Fortified Arisa for 10 seconds in a row that is cell phone HP so make sure that you're shooting the targets that are actually killable at any given moment so what am I gonna do of course you are correct gonna off angle gonna off angle my monkey's on the left side gonna go to the right side my friend okay actually now I can maybe catch the kiriko I have to shoot down the Sombra so she runs away the enemies are gonna push forward why because two of ours three of us are dead while I'm running I'm shooting I'm not turning my head away while I'm running I am shooting and I'm jumping to safety and because I shoot the Sombra she dies damage they go back I go forward doing what doing damage exactly for me shooting down the turrets of course using the window because the fight is still no one maybe I could have saved it but I would rather be safe than sorry instead of holding my ultimate for 10 years I'm going to jump to the window to do what exactly are correct damage okay oh man that was mistake no maybe it's killable keeping my distance from the beam range now they push forward nope notice how I just go back but I'm still shooting Mercy's killable I should down the mercy they might have Drive which I don't like to see making sure nobody dies and damage you are correct I am doing damage again damage the monkey's Not Gonna Die he's okay I'm clicking ship just in case notice how I don't even though the monkey's critical he's just fighting him Moira instead of bubble he's not gonna die fast I have a lot of time to work with so I shoot and then who needs actually needs the healing I'm going to do the healing damage before the fight losing the window notice they cannot stay covered from the window they do but they die that window here was amazing an amazing time I'm gonna go a little bit forward to do some damage because I know I'm not gonna die because they're all dead and now I'm gonna go back why because they are pushing forward and notice exactly when I push around the corner they're gonna push around the corner I have grabbing I don't want to be here and get caught in the grab don't need to use my lamp yet not yet why because nobody was in danger they couldn't follow up on it gonna help my monkey with the damage I fight with a corner around and uh why because I do damage by constant shooting by constantly up angling by constantly jumping in the sky creating off fingles distracting the enemies as well by extension of just doing damage from off angles not dying how by using cover by doing damage no sorry not not by doing damage but also I'm not dying by doing damage because well when I'm shooting them they're forced to back off they cannot push me they move back I move forward life Weaver challenge next laughing face 5-0 what are your guesses I personally think like high diamond mid Diamond mid diamond diamond three not bad traveling to new Queen Street oh my God push map what am I gonna do on a push map still the same you're gonna do damage from off angles you're gonna distance when the enemies are pushing forward or the right or left doesn't it you're gonna distance yourself it's in a safe distance what is a safe distance enough so you don't have damage fall off but not close enough so they don't so they kill you sick distance and use cover boom I don't know I'm struggling a new Queen Street it's the same freaking map everything is the same I struggled in Havana I don't know what to do this discover damage how do people not play Moira on every push map because they are not absolute Bots anyways where am I going through damage do I care what my tank is going no do I care is going no I'm just gonna go to the regular angle damage I know somebody's there but I hear some footsteps over here Anna's over here maybe I can catch her almost one is dead fire is behind maybe yes and pharah is dead where's the mercy okay Mercy's over there and mercy will die I'm gonna catch them from enough angle why am I able to catch them because I cut them off my teammates are fighting them they're right of course they're gonna go back so I catch them from the left and how did I catch the pharah by doing damage oh okay he wants to fight no problem he will die again and damage before the fight of course they they will push forward I will move back but in the meantime damage damage still damage yeah correct if I will die now fantastic I'm gonna shoot the pharah again hey push forward I will go back no okay got him gonna go around the corner they caught me on my angle I'm gonna swap my position no let me hit that shot wants to fight I'll fight Johnny is cover from the high gun while I'm fighting this guy is dead I wanted to kill the fair and now I'm gonna try to find more kills not the best window but it's good enough okay they just push into my window again damage killing diva I gotta focus on the support because shooting me okay I'm impressed gonna go back because they're gonna pushing forward okay now they're pushing forward he was holding the high noon I was stuck around the corner I couldn't have pushed because it would just kill me look how he's holding the high noon anyways moving forward to do what you guys correctly do damage let me go to the window because it will be enough angle what extent is your other support you will have to heal more obviously you can still do damage but you will be forced to heal more often and I have my friend over here hi of course continue doing damage holding the window where they cannot catch it now I'm gonna go to nothing go I did use it but they're spamming the entire joke and I want to be there I actually want to get an off angle notice nobody's looking at oh that was juicy oh my God that was a juicy one gotta help my friend power is dead why because I'm running to do damage what was the question let me see what if your Zen is your other supportive will you have to heal more no body doesn't matter what your other support is you always play the same you do damage wanna jump and get him oh man I love this ability yeah fair is behind wait wait sorry it's trolling power is dead it's gonna go up great enough angle start shooting and that's why I get the kills versus killable Mercy will die hopefully watch out for that energy now Anna will die now Pharaoh will die because why because I'm on an off angle their fingers are so strong notice everyone is fighting my team but they're not paying attention to should I meet and again going forward to damage why because they're all dead in just a cast worst case scenario can just click shift and I'll die and now I'm gonna sit on enough and go over here pharah has barrage and prepared for it I'm gonna shoot him before the fight so I don't die and again controlling the off angle they know who to Nano and I know the right person that is five minutes 7.4k damage one death 22 eliminations Bap can you DPS more well he knows he knows what's right your aim is insane yes but even if you don't have aim like me you will win more and then you will lose when you start doing damage and it's also going to train your aim by actively trying to shoot the enemies because it is harder to damage than to do healing and thus you are challenging your aim when you heal your aim is never going to be good because your healing doesn't require a lot of mechanics in it you're not being challenged so yes you will not have 100 win rate like me but you will have 55 which is good enough to win and to rank up if you're serious about ranking up you know where to find me about my Academy if you're not don't care stay in gold is it for All Rolls yes and for all characters would love to see awkward challenge himself with Heroes with less damage or range such as brake Moira Mercy and all of these characters have already done rank to GMS with on OverWatch 1 and it's not gonna be different in OverWatch too you can carry on any character moving on chat what do you think I'm gonna do this game to win the games he'll heal correct anyways don't care where my friends are I'm just gonna do damage where is the damage here are some damage without just standing oblivious oh I go for the cat I was greedy but I eventually got it okay I'm off angling the diva and it's working I don't know how I got there to the flank but it is working I'm just killing everyone well I just killed everyone just on a fling I I got here by accident because I dropped in front of everybody and I was forced to use my lamp but then I cannot back off so I just move forward to find cover and I ended up just being behind them and just you know I know the widow's over deep over there so I'm actually gonna jump up and do some damage before the fight I'm actually gonna go over to the top left of course off angling doing damage why did I click shift I actually have no idea I didn't not take a single damage it was my bad again doing damage Mercy's running away Mercy's gonna get caught Maybe okay grabbing the megas I don't have to use my ship you know what he wants to fight I'll fight using my way just you know they get some kills he's using hook I'm just jumping above the hook that's one of the great things about jumping using cover distance cover and now when he's about to die keep shooting don't let the damage before the fight it would not be an awkward stream if I'm just not spawn camping them you know anyways moving forward doing damage for the fight oh I'm actually gonna go all the way behind them forcing to chase me oh somebody is chasing me anyways doing damage okay the the soldier does not get pocketed he ends up dying are fingerling the mercy Mercy's dead now I'm gonna go for the kiriko and kiriko is head ah that is fun anyways doing damage they're swapping characters they're unsure what to do against me ah the soldiers hitting some nice shots I'm gonna lie and for him but now the fair is dead putting a lamp around the corner I'm pretty sure they have visor and they're gonna use visor against me because they're tilted anyway the rodak is shooting my friends I'm going to shoot the road look they just swapping he doesn't know what to choose actually gonna go kill the soldier I'm gonna wait for my foreign no problem let's fight I brought them into an open space middle of Thursday's window to kill them both following up on the sigma ulti what is the soldier over here maybe I can fight him a little bit yeah I do and recap with four minutes left why because I was doing damage and I didn't give a single is our Bap legit oh my God bap your defenses put the link of your stream now it's all good they'll eventually see it on the YouTube channel doesn't really matter and really I couldn't care less about proving my innocence for cheats because I can't I'm actually shooting my brain thinks ahead like five seconds I know I know what's gonna happen five seconds in the future so of course cheating but I cannot turn it off because my my brain is so advanced everyone's like Baptiste like he's cheating and this guy's just like 10 seconds later reporter tank please anyways what am I gonna do sit here be ready to jump up to do damage before the fight damage would they have a widow maybe yes they do we're not moving out there with his weight Rod is pushing forward where do I move back to outside of his hook range oh this guy use fade good for me and I'm gonna kill him because he's paid and I know that he's under me I always have to heal the sigma here if I can hit a shot Maybe what I was just chilling over here I'm gonna jump for a second and then drop down okay and I decided to scope and try to shoot me okay this guy's coming and shooting my team I'm gonna fight him with a lamb of course Moira is killable Moira is dead of course making sure nobody dies with my heels gonna go bottom right for a second to find maybe a pick on the Widow really quick now I can find a pick on the window where's the Widow don't care you're gonna jump and shoot these damage before the fights okay now they push forward what do I do move back correct and damage of course however not to do damage my Sigma would have been dead I don't know why I click shift that was full HP it gets out of panic while me while I'm doing damage I'm also healing in between that's the great thing about Baptists you can do that I'm sure my Widow doesn't die actually where I'm gonna go is I'm gonna go over here to the top left since we're from camping them so what I'm gonna do I'm already not peeking This Guy's in open space this guy will die anyways gonna jump up because they're hiding from a window he's my window to get two kills on people that are in open space oh again this guy just fixing it to an open space and he's dead he's in cover by dropping down a vertical cover okay I'm not gonna fight him because eventually we'll get the hits and I want to be too greedy I'm just gonna jump up and down here and there I think they kind of gave up again of course gonna shoot and try to kill whoever is killable where's the Widow dumping up discover the Widow cannot shoot me here anymore shooting the Hanzo to take off the pressure for myself to force him to go in dodging the hook by jumping I think I might get Ultra here so I'm gonna jump up to make sure I cannot die makes me cry don't die by using the lamp around the corner look at their lamp nobody can destroy it's around the corner anyways jump and get back up doing some damage I know the Hobbies over here the hog is going to die in a second let them chase I don't want to be exposed with my whole back so what I am going to do it got destroyed and it will win seven and almost eight minutes 11.6 K damage zero deaths 41 eliminations damage damage damage okay what are you again I have never reached Diamond but I'm much better than these players geez no you're not my friend no you're not and that's the crazy thing you know what's the crazy thing that you think that these players are bad but you're lower ranked than them so what does he say about you you're like abs like you're incredibly bad like imagine you're calling them bad I witnessed pocketed Diamond players getting and I just witnessed a diamond Widow failing to kill a support like what am I watching yet you are gold and you are beneath their Rank and you suck they are in the Widow that cannot kill a support is 17 times better than you but I know maybe you're the reason why you're gold or like you're silver and you know maybe it's because of your of your teammates I think your team is holding it back and you're losing because you have teammates like these Diamond players that you just saw you know I think that is what it is you know that's that's the the things that I don't enjoy about twitch you know there's some great people in here who are here to learn which is like 95 of you you know see a lot of people in the chat trying to actually learn but then there are people who are legit Bots and NPCs and ask these NPC questions and give these NPC statements I think what frustrates me the most is not knowing how to solve problems in lobies like compensating for a struggling tank or support Etc so it's either to deflect and to reflect you should never deflect deflecting does nothing even if you have a fifth three people jumping off the map on purpose well it's pretty obvious that they are losing because three people are jumping off the map but even if you say I lost this game because they were jumping off the map how does it help you it's a waste of time try to do your best and then ask yourself what could have I done better 215 215 how could have I done better at this two on Five situation that I had here at the very least this little little thing could help anyways don't care I don't even know what my tank is I haven't been paying attention to the screen don't care I'm gonna go for the damage oh they have Sigma okay where is the damage over here so I am shooting over there starting from The High Ground switching my position shooting Diana because she seems to want to fight me Echo is high in the sky by herself no cover and she is dead I guess it correctly Anna open space why she's in open space because I'm off angling traces decides to shoot me what do I do I shoot back force her back and it's very killable no that was unfortunate again creating a very strong golf angle shooting down this the rig they go back I of course go forward off angling the sigma he's focused on my team of fingerling the Genji maybe I can catch him can I yes I can now this all right die taking a lamp very quick Tracer wants to touch and of course what I do I shoot to make her to prevent her from touching this entire time what have I been doing damage Anna is over there I'm gonna try to catch Diana let's do some damage for sure a little bit I actually might use my window over here in a second just because I have it really quick foreign help me okay I overextended I overextended I wanted to fight them with a mercy pocket but I did overextend I would stay too forward for a little bit too long that was a great rest like there is good race again gonna jump really high up to create enough angle in the meantime of course what am I gonna be shooting shooting shooting doing damage and I was trying to run away I of course will chase and catch him gonna be fighting a tracer and you'll have to go back I think she will pulse me which I'm okay with but now I'm gonna go through The High Ground to create a very strong angle so I should have used my lamp I try to get a kill then work out and I have to go back because the enemies are pushing forward fighting the Tracer shooting her back when she's shooting me killing the diva as well right and now it's wearable actually because we have a lot of pics making sure I don't die and of course shooting back oh we can they see nine because three people are focusing on me why are they focusing on it because I'm doing damage I'm shooting they try to damage they try to shoot me back and they without paying attention to you Cena easy and now they have they don't have a pool spawn because they did use it to get some kill on some guy I'm gonna jump to the top right because why it would make a shortcut and create enough angle oh my goodness I got stuck on the roof was could have paid more attention but I did use my lamp against the blade oh yeah he's in open space Hannah is getting shot at gonna move away from this where's everyone okay just off fingling down really quick gonna go jump up left because it would be enough angle and a great one actually just left shooting the diva now diva is very coolable I didn't have to use my lamp but I'm gonna help them fight over there with a huge hits okay I gotta create enough angle from over here what is enough angle separate point of pressure another point of pressure everybody is on point I'm on the top left the Genji was forcing here the character was focusing here trying to run away from my team and I caught him because I'm in an off angle and went around four minutes 40 seconds edit I was on my team because I did overextended here and there but still did a lot of damage so even when I die a lot I still trade it for damage even when I mess up I still try to do as much damage before I die do you consciously think about your decisions that does it come automatic for me it comes automatic why because I've been consciously been thinking about decisions for a very long time until they became automatic just like everything in life you might have answered this already but when do you decide Anna versus VAP team comp if you think about team comp as to what character is your pick you truly deserve to stay in gold the enemy composition your team composition have nothing to do with your pick you play what are you enjoying what do you think you're good at you can beat top 500 or top one on any character in the game anyways damage fortified oh wait there's a trace there I want to deny her angle kind of a little bit a little bit I'm just gonna shoot I'm gonna drop down why because I can jump jump back up trading off angles yes it's shooting me I have to shoot back because if I don't shoot back Jesse just gonna keep shooting I did drop down to kill the support from enough angle because they were not paying attention to me but I was ready to jump at any given moment oh no that was a bad jump that was a bad jump that was a bad jump that was a horrible jump they jumped way too high for than to just shoot at me they're shooting the Genji before he engages anyways they push forward I'll move back of course natural reaction before he dashes in what am I doing ready with my jump I drop down jump back up and I standing still Ana is going to die why because he was standing still and she's easily killable when she's standing still and of course damage damage damage shooting down the Genji maybe he's killable should be another Tracer to another setup not using my shift yet oh fangling this guy by jumping really high above and now he cannot decide who to shoot my friends or myself using my window they're all stuck in open space using my lamp of course making sure nobody dies okay healing's not gonna help here against the pool's bum but okay a nice standing still and it's going to die Anna just stood still on decided to die to me no problem I'll just do damage capitalizing the adventure it gives me an advantage I'll take it again against you overextended again you will die Mercy's flying in open space Mercy will die oh they have a widow okay this up to Widow trying to kill me Goji dude he's like saying dude getting annoyed again doing some damage before they fight now we have a shield we can safely shoot the Widow hey push forward what do I do go back of course you need to oh that was late [Music] I look for the Widow made a very big mistake I'm in danger of dying I click shift and now I get bucketed and then I'm gonna kill him and shoot him back notice how I'm shooting back to Genji notice how I'm shooting back on the Genji because if I don't he will just kill me 100 of the time okay damage before the fights constantly thinking about doing damage worst damage oh he's gonna be shooting oh he's gonna be shooting anyways gonna put a little window over here because you don't have time to work with Genji's jumping killable no the baby diva is killable I'm gonna go for nothing but I don't want to be in the front line at the at the end there I was frontlining and then when I'm frontlining and everyone around me I can easily lose track of where the enemies or so what did I do jump up go to nothing go and from there every kill was much much easier and that is the power of off angling and keeping your distance within the safest and not being the front line thank you does that have damage drop off yes and that's why we don't want to play from far away like you're playing Widow hello after what I started focusing more on damage as Anna but I often get flame for it in plattlob is how do you deal with that kind of pressure oh no plaid people are flaming you amazing pressure who cares this mute who cares about these Bots plot players if you want to be above above plat why would you listen to plot just mute it's not as specifically you like I'm not trying to make fun of you or anything itex but generally speaking guys you're on the internet every time you hear something you don't want to hear you click mute you click block stop crying about it that people are flaming you the people are talking about you mute and block muting works but we should expect better from people no you shouldn't expect better from people you want to know why because you're on the Internet it's a cesspool of losers who try to make themselves feel better by making fun of other people Johnny thank you for the prime even if I mute them I'm still aware they're talking about me who cares why a bunch of gold players that are talking rent free scaly's think of it a prime you have to understand that the first step of improving it always starts with the mindset your mindset is the only thing that will change the way you play all right gonna do some damage for the fight I'm not gonna hide always looking to do damage gonna do damage from safe distance and next to cover they push forward I will push back and I got picked why because I was doing damage before the fight again doing damage for the fight of course oh okay okay this guy just dies but I'm still gonna do damage he jumped top right yeah but I can shoot it then should die and Zen is dead why because he got slowed so I decided to pick him why can I pick him because I'm next to cover plus I have my life still shooting still shooting the enemies go forward I move back ball shooting foreign that was my bed how did I survive this by jumping and I'm jumping and I'm jumping and I'm jumping they push me they fight me I shoot back and okay is over here I'm gonna shoot down the Kirito use your jump very frequently not only to dodge the enemies and get to cover safely but also create off angles damage somebody's here trying to do some battery for the fight it's all right because I'm about the way to cover oh that was a good right click that was actually very very good but I still might be able to come back and pop a window and we might be able to win this approach should be okay should be right yeah we should be okay no we should not be okay okay maybe maybe ultimates why did we win this or not win but oh no why did we almost win this fight because I was doing damage I I spoke too soon because we did a bunch because I did a bunch of damage from the window I kept the ramatry alive at the end it was not enough because they still had more damage but notice it was not for healing it was for damage it killed two we could have won the fight actually we can still win the fight Bowl maybe touches here grabs the mega nice with that I have nothing I can do but I am going to hope but I am concentrated off angle and continue shooting this guy is actually trolling and he's going to die they're all going to die because they're trolling creating a nothing on the Rhine and eventually he's going to die because there's no chance no no that was such a big mistake I got greedy I got greedy but I got a risk anyways all fingling all fingling all fingling shooting coming up angle my team is left I'm moving top right with the water the damage from another point of pressure anyways damage before the fight goodbye they're gonna charge and I'm gonna jump to my off angle of course I'm gonna keep jumping to do some damage and I'm gonna actually do this now I'm no not yet I'm gonna wait for the middle of the beginning of the fight we do this I'm gonna break the shield because I'm not gonna get a kill anybody I might as well I Stood Still was my bed but I did help win the fight by killing somebody with my window and then helping my friend with a lamp when it was critical followed by a reaper now they killed him so by the time they come back I will come back as well so then we will lose on anything but I did die because I was standing still against okay using cover not afraid to speak I'm picking for a second using covered remember all of your not all of you sorry a second some of you are hiding from visors like it's a One-Shot ability there you guys here visor and just like hiding like this no you can just do this pick it's not a one shot I feel like you just speak here and there and when you're low HP just go hide anyways doing damage okay oh I didn't pay attention to that one anyways that's the great thing about office oh about off English again using cover when I mean danger you think everyone in danger he's gonna hold you in a second I have to guess so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna pop a window in their spawn because they will not be able to put and boy marriage to hold him select your Heroes I always like to pretend like I'm innocent like I don't know what is happening like what do you want from me ah good luck with Aimbot I like to follow along with the with what they're trying to say and then it even makes them even more angry I'm winning by with the mental Warfare you understand how you doing oh my God six creatures anyways thank you for the six months Andy Andrew not Andy do you know what happened to the last man you know what that's fine chasing me uh guys I'm shooting aim lab's balloons to be able to shoot tracers instead of just logging in typing backs to intruding traces anyways then he's over extending then he's going to die he was trying to do what I do but that is the difference he was overextending I was playing from here where I could back off and go cover damage damage damage they go back I go forward to do what exactly damage no fear okay nice shot Kane Anna is just standing still okay again jumping away using cover using my jump to avoid dying okay wait wait this is dangerous it's dangerous maybe not anymore wait wait wait wait using cover I'm okay now I repeat when I have HP wait no okay I live and we'll win eight minutes nine ball 1K damage four deaths 25 eliminations probably select him up they took the play of the game that is like the worst aim ever it's like the worst game ever I couldn't hit a single person so I'll definitely of the game I like the new rank changes that allow me to finally not be in gm1 lobbies when I'm plot four arriving at watchpoint Gibraltar now let me ask you a question Chad playing watchpoint Gibraltar those of you who know the map or even if you don't know the map why do you think Baptiste could be let's say a little bit better on this map than a map like another Battlefield new Queen Street for example verticality High Ground correct High grounds correct because every time I'm about to die I can do either this right enough or just this and this will create enough angle my team is playing from here I'm just boom over here what am I gonna do damage before the fight and then walk in I'm not gonna overextend by walking this bridge I'm gonna be next to cover I'm gonna shoot and then whatever later cover where is everyone why did he drop his shield bro I overextended because he used the shield but then his drop his shield as soon as I got shot but you know what and that is why I don't depend on anyone on my team I should play like I don't have teammates and then I'm not gonna get disappointed like that and not gonna make sillo mistakes like a bot ah all right forward using my jumps to maneuver on the map make a scalable Greg almost dead Anna's in open space okay wait ah Levi's killable wait what I can't move the brick is blocking me I can't move yes granted I am playing a little bit too far forward but I can't move look at it some Perma block what is that character anyways I'm stupid I should have pushed her but I got greedy my Reaper top right I'll actually move to the top left okay we got cap we'll move back bring his killable most definitely gonna fight this guy in skillable very killable and he's dead I don't know I'll try to Tracer because more killable than uh Eva and it ended up working but where am I gonna play on top of a plane why on top of the plane because it gives me really good field of view on everybody on the enemy team not gonna let them walk in for free they don't have hanza anymore I cannot get one shot but I can fight Diva tries to get me off the high gun it's actually a good idea by her and I just move into an open space Diva can die I didn't mean to fall down like that if I don't want to die I have to shoot the diva back she's in cover against the bomb moving so repositioning where's the diva device killable device they're all pushing the ashtray I'm actually gonna go back on the plane again because again this gives me a great field of view an off angle damage all the time good position to do damage on any choke I have to wait here I want to fight I'll take the fight I'm not sure why you shipped it was my bed I tried to lamp my friend over there I I keep getting blocked by random things like I was about to trap what even happened why couldn't I jump oh because he pooped me for like half a second the break blocks me the diva blocks me they're inside of the game these enemies sure anyways moving on to the damage soldiers over here I'm gonna cut him off by moving damage damage damage they're so good with the blocking their diva in their break oh wait there's a grand master ball Challenger dude the soldier these are GMS at this point okay again on top of the plane on top of the spaceships whatever you like to call it why to do damage and now I also have a good window opportunity from here okay and I got this started and I died break is out in open space Brig might die I almost died so I go back okay jumping high ground to create a bit of an off angle we're able to kill a soldier and I do it it's working nice I had to go back to help my zen they were fighting on the right side they cannot see anything so I rotate to where I can see something again I'm gonna stand on top here now they don't have an ash but they do have a Hanzo which I don't like to see Cass is very killable that's an open space 12 hp oh that was a nice shot I always got Beauty I thought I could fight him we have Zenyatta ulti which is good so early too early I was an old team but we might get Sigma ulti because of it so it's good I'm gonna go bottom right to find an angle for a window and the top right what am I gonna do contest him of course I'm sure people can fight on my heels and I do damage I'm actually gonna go top and open up a window because I think it's gonna work I have a good feeling maybe it's not going to work so well a nice feeding going off angle the right I know the hunter is trying to shoot me but I'm constantly dodging him by using some movement and moving if a sniper is enhances are shooting you and you're not moving you're playing the wrong thing but again often but I try to do like a set up a nice play before the fight with a window didn't really work because the Ryan just blocked most of the damage they had no run probably could have worked they have to cross to an open space for 10 seconds I might get a pick but even if I don't get a pick they come back to the fight like one HP so that's why I did anyways moving on again notice that when I click tab what do I see bunch of damage actually the most damage in the server more than DPS more than tanks idea thank you so much for the tier one appreciate it what do you think I'm gonna do on Attack foreign off angle by utilizing the high grounds making sure I don't die by doing one distance cover dropping from high ground and jumping onto The High Ground using my cooldowns consistently I'm not holding on to my lap not holding onto my ship if somebody challenges me I can fight a 1v1 why because I'm baptized I can click shift I can click e which is a lamp when I click e and I cannot die anyways where's the damage probably somewhere on top okay look at this lamp almost worked gonna create enough angle okay there may just decided to jump I'm gonna try to shoot down the Anna because she is definitely killable I'm gonna push forward to my team because it's over the damage is added by herself and if I die they actually have no healing so I'm gonna push forward my friend was about to die I used my lamp not holding it for not holding on to it for no reason main nice block again gotta jump on the hiking to create enough angle actually gonna probably go here set up go for a setup on a window and I speaking and I will die jumping onto the high gun to create enough angle or if he's trying to jump on their High gun enemies go back Wards to do what to do damage you're correct you gotta get the kill over here don't want to get shot one shot by a nanome I probably still die I still I should have jumped on a high ground got too gritty the hands are hit a shot on me got too gritty but I still believe it actually no we don't win that fight but it's okay all right I know the hands is on the top left so I'm actually what I'm gonna do I'm gonna kill him and fight him with a lamp exactly I have a lamp main ice block main noise oh man good cut at the end whereas killable shooting down the Moira listens myself to work to cover and don't want to die to some random stuff like a dragon Hunter is moving back I'll move forward he's in cover when I'm about to die helped him healing him making sure he doesn't die so let them up oh man that was great that was good I shouldn't have done that I was greedy but I will try to create enough angle in my defense and that was good yeah that was uh overextended over extended off angle which is uh not good but you know what I like to experiment I'd probably win this one yes we do fantastic I did not play the greatest this game but did I play Bad most definitely not 9.2k damage six to 21 eliminations still the highest damage in the server all right what are you against the chat boom what from Diamond 3 to Masters one what the hell dude I've only been streaming for two hours and two hours like I've been only playing for two hours what wow you know what I like it I like this update how would you try to counter a bat like you on the other team what do you think like if you had to guess damage yes you're not wrong just sick 5K thanks I'm flat but but how how is he winning all of his unranked GMS my team they just die all the time they they need healing they just die on time by the way I'm silver and my team needs healing and I can't win because they just feed all the time and I'm communicating but no one is talking and I'm losing because no one is talking losers get good stop blaming your team you bots helps himself accountability think to yourself what could me silver gold black player due to win games that has nothing to do with my team the answer is everything you are not a loser if you're a silver you're a loser if you're a silver that is blaming his team that's what you are being not high rank doesn't make you a loser blaming other people for your lack of competence is being a loser anyways damage dropping from The High Ground why because there's no damage on the Hager on the traces it's like kind of low HP versus low HP shooting them all down I see about this guy's in front of me I'm just gonna shoot and of course what am I doing damage it is gonna do some damage before the fight Maybe please one shot thought I was gonna nice fire strike anyways damage I put my lamp around the corner again a lot around that corner I'm putting lamps not around the corner thanks for the help that way I can make sure I'm not going to die because the lamp is not gonna be broken anyways gonna put myself in a position to do damage shooting the Tracer before the fight to maybe Puerto Rico they push forward I pull back probably gonna put a window in seconds I think it was two early again that magana is in open space is on me shooting down to Tracer of course what else friend is not going to die putting a lamp for him helping my Ryan shooting while he's charging going after The High Ground to do what yes he gets it correctly damage okay so moving left side I'm moving right side it's kind of dodging them with a jump damage before the fight and the Damage before the fight got me a kill again going up fighting against 1v1 why because I have lamp who am I afraid of and I also have ships fighting why because I'm forced to take a fight versus blinking into me I'm not gonna turn my head away and run like a bot actually take the fight moving a little bit back window fighting oh that was a nice one I I mean I just stood still that was like my badge that was 100 my bed I just stood still and let her pulse me anyway first round three minutes three point six K damage 11 eliminations one death and because I just didn't move at the end High grounds low grounds cover left side right side always on the Move always figure where the enemies that are dangerous to me are and moving the other way using cover when I'm in danger if they start shooting I'm leaning or uncovered but even when I am getting chased I shoot back because it's the only way to stop the damage make the flankers go away I don't know I think every game until now I played 10 games I believe nine of them have been called a cheater anyways gonna jump to find maybe some damage before the fight I know Nate is coming where's the damage okay I want to off angle for my team so what I'm gonna do I don't know why I click shift it's a bad habit I'm doing damage of course he's low HP I can chase him and I shouldn't be afraid oh my goodness I almost died killable okay one HP one HP means he's dead why enemies pushed back I push forward why did I push forward because the enemies pull back why are they pulling back because I shoot them and that low HP healing damage damage heal damage damage heal damage damage kill damage damage deal now I don't need to heal because everyone is full HP but I'm not standing like this hiding but guys take healing take healing please carry me I'm gonna try to off angle from The High Ground over here I think it will be a much better position almost died we're gonna move forward I'm actually gonna put a window around but I didn't want to put it there it was my bed I want to put it more forward damage he's dead 100 maybe he's not dead he's getting healed what am I doing you are correct I'm doing damage I don't have bullets I said trying to run away I messed up I got booked and I overextended I was actually too late to walk back didn't keep my distance and that is why I'm dead oh anyways moving forward not waiting for my team to push doing damage before the fight there's no reason for you to wait for your team pointless to damage where's the reaper I think he's over here I'm gonna chase him because he's killable moving back using cover using the lamp to not die to the sticky bomb and then after the sticky bomba you shift and then I discover and then I just continue doing damage because I managed to sustain myself with both of my abilities and I standing still and I might die I get slipped that is unfortunate but I don't think I'm gonna die using lamp using corners using the corner to dodge if I hit a shot maybe it'll be fantastic do you think that jump to get to The High Ground you stupid to me keep it to me okay I'm gonna go off angle again Reaper hassles you have to be careful about that one I'm still gonna do damage foreign [Applause] and these high grounds I'm gonna stay inside the room and isolated 1v1 instead of trying to run away because the cast is going to be able to help him if I drop down and now he's dead because he made a mistake now I can take the fight how would it land off angling with a window this guy's dead and we'll win why did I stay in a 1v1 because if I would push to either one of the sides the cast can help then Lucy or the reaper can help loose if I stay inside with just a one-on-one so I as soon as I was forced in a position that it was like three on one I managed to isolate myself into one-on-one and that is really good on one-on-ones because of his abilities it's all about practice it's like you think people are born with the ability to do 100 push-ups all right where's the damage try to jump a little bit on top to find some damage oh that lamp was juicy and now they messed up that was nice shots I was too greedy jumping in the open it was my bad but I can get arrested but it was definitely my but I shouldn't have jumped in the open it was good for a kill on the children okay they got booped passion in front of me damage your mattress in front of me now I have nothing to do so what am I gonna do here I'm gonna do damage before the fights oh man I cannot jump I cannot jump on my boat anyways doing damage from this side I guess and I found some damage from this side fighting I have lamp I have shift I was waiting until the last second to use my lamp and I do end up not dying why because I use my cooldowns when I'm in danger [Music] Reloaded stay alive jumping away from his jump now he might probably I was half a second to use my lamp if I use my lamp here is dead the monkey's dead or maybe he's gonna win a fighter on a window that was a good shot by the ash anyways moving on damage damage where is the damage over here shooting down the monkey away from my team I'm gonna use my jump so he'll have a harder time winning against me I mean sorry pushing me away okay go back I'll go forward is my window why because they're all stuck in open space giving up by my window because they're already backed off enough and the Damage wins the fight who would have guessed that doing damage will win the fight why is the window so strong because you do double the healing or amplifies your damage what do you think okay anyway it's gonna do some uh damage don't want to be the payload guy where is damage where is the damage oh my goodness damage killing the Bastion using my coolants when I'm about to die how did that Miss what how did that Miss no shooting I try to shift for my health using cover from the ash shooting down the monkey he's in the lamp and killing this guy doing damage of course what else actually gonna jump on top this my window monkeys little monkeys going to die fashion is low monkey is going to die Sergeant's getting shot I'm gonna help actually I'm gonna shoot the mercy because Mercy is more killable than Ash Mercy's pocketing in Ash but Ash is not working their Mercy therefore Mercy is easier to kill if she's in open space assuming the mercy will be behind cover I would not try to shoot the mercy because she's behind cover I'm just gonna shoot the ash where am I gonna go I think I heard some footsteps over here I'm gonna block that angle for a second until they show up shooting the monkey so he doesn't jump as easily you can jump to avoid it okay let him take me no problem gonna jump if nobody dies monkey's gonna jump I'm jumping away from his jump s he decides to jump she will die no no I didn't have bullets I didn't pay attention maybe I should bring back the automatic reload I thought I can clutch this window they're all North in space and I could have shut them down unfortunately my Dash made a good play and he killed the fair the Pharaoh would have stayed alive I think would win this anyways moving on still have a lot of damage foreign I've been going to the left side this entire time I want to go right side but now my team is going right side so I'll go to the left side to create enough angle and see how that works out those were nice shots I'm not gonna lie the enemy team played well it was a really bad Comfort bap wow NPCs NPCs everywhere the NPCs are everywhere it was a bad Comfort bath that's why I mean you're losing it's a bad gun for Bob oh my goodness no guys no flaming don't don't flame him what the hell it's my toy Channel I'm allowed to say whatever I want but you don't anyways damage what the hell is going on okay where is the damage so confused what is going on oh I'm so confused about what the Genji is just doing there anyways damage damage damage getting all the kills why because I am doing damage not afraid I have my lamp I have my ship oh buddy the ash manager to tap me there at the end to tap me but now what is happening monkey killable monkey will die maybe not okay doing damage again doing damage doing damage they go back I'll go a little bit forward enough not overextending the respawn they have to do some damage I'm probably gonna go oh my again she's destroying them said I wasn't sure what he was doing while he was cooking something I'll tell you that shooting damage before the fight oh nice Genji God damn she is doing something he's insane hey anyways a lot of damage before the fight looking where the damage is another hiding guys but to take my heels damage where are they just swapping comes here they have diva shooting shooting shooting shooting the diva before she engages he cannot fly up that easily I mean I did myself oh turn it away but he ended up dying will the mercy ran away from my shift I was scared for a second but I didn't manage to kill and again healing people enough so they don't die and doing damage and it works again where's the damage where's the damage damage was damaged with damage boost exactly look at this look at this juicy damage what can they even do against me nothing and I'm gonna go back because I'm not greedy I'm just gonna switch my positions because the widows tell me but now I'm gonna again pick and now I'm gonna Focus what is on the point and we should win and we'll win 10.7 K damage in less than 11 minutes 30 limbs five deaths Grand Master by the way Grand Master and you will not be able to play like this in GM you're playing differently in Gold when you then you're in gym no I don't and I still win every game all right I gotta play off the game what did I even do oh I smoke the kiriko well what is that play of the game moving on log into the game and be higher rank feel better about yourself and when you feel better about yourself you can say you know what I managed to climb up the Rings and manage to be good at something why can I not be good at any other thing in my personal life as well outside of Gaming any thoughts on life a weaver I think he's a bad character or rather I think he's a weak character let me put it that way so blizzard Developers will not feel bad about themselves anything anyways anything anyways moving forward to where to the damage not hiding not waiting for my tank none of that stuff okay if I didn't even start I couldn't even make it to the Stadium I was afraid I was gonna die and I moved back for a second I gotta grab the meal why is he grabbing the mini for me I don't know anyways doing damage jumping high to do what exactly damaged exactly the damage who am I shooting anybody that is killable again jumping really high to do what correct damage notice I'm always doing damage and I have my window why because I did damage I didn't heal I did damage nobody followed up in the window because it was my bad anyways gonna move back from the danger exactly if you do what to do some damage within the same distance and it's a cover okay [Music] another damage or actually try to okay that was some nice Shots by the Adam I I got greedy I keep forgetting that you know these players are jamming they and they do the Anna does damage you know keep forgetting about these things the Anna the Anna is shooting me okay gonna go High Ground as fast as possible nice damage damage nobody's dealing one heal between the damage okay okay probably gonna move from here so what I'm gonna do is gonna do the damage for the fight damage before the fight I'm gonna block them inside oh that deflect killed me but it is going to help my team I don't think it is winnable unless the soldier really pops off it's not available maybe it is audible I'm coming back and it's most definitely killable if I can hit some shots Maybe okay I got Chase but I did get Diana which is a very important pick [Music] um can we time for a good reset time for our resets still gonna do them before they fight though I think I'm gonna give up on them for the fight all right oh we did get the ball now I saved the Anna and our Diva has no fear which I like to see a gives you a second chance huge huge my team popped off I'm gonna block him do damage of course what else am I gonna do if no damage to win the fight I'm gonna move into The High Ground because they might touch very killable then I try to shoot me I'm just moving and shooting back and just shooting whoever tries to touch the point basically doing damage within a safe distance when I'm in danger next to cover when I'm in danger and off angle of course rotating on the Move always making rotations always being on the Move reacting to what is happening awkward what is a good map to play on Busan what is a good position to play on the Busan Maps nothing there is no such thing as a good position there's such thing as a good position would it compared in relative to where the enemies are standing enemies are standing left good position will be on the right enemies intending on the low ground maybe a good position would be on the high against enemies playing on The High Ground maybe under them would be a good position what have a plan Tilly lose them no anyways I'm going to where the damage is jumping above this guy and when I get booked off the map okay damage where's the damage damage is here the echo is moving back I'll move forward why to do what exactly damage and that's killable I'll go for Jana the ball is killable or go for the ball always damage you see on isolated no cover open space echo's shooting me what do I do good back of course shooting the bolt is to prevent him from setting up that easily again shooting the echo to not cover going that easily I'm ready with the jump against the ball that is engaging okay Rico just standing in open space so isana thank you oh man that sucks can I live I almost lived how did I live how did I live against a Genji Bowl how did I almost kill them both by using natural cover can we touch hopefully yes okay that's a huge pick by opposite I'm gonna shoot the ball why shoot the ball because it is killable because kiriko is healing the Genji but the Genji is not killing the kiriko oh my God here I have to heal of course okay and again she played I do die okay okay what how did how long did blade last there Tatiana was gonna be able to nade or like when I want to be won the blade lasted like 10 years anyways damage before the fight I know I'm alone but I'm playing within a safe distance and I'm gonna shoot a little bit where's everyone I work to be found it's always probably going to try and book me on the left side to create enough angle to find some damage I'm stuck I am stuck thank you somebody please touch points I'm gonna pressure the ball do not make him engage in the middle of the fight so my team can have an easier time fighting and he's gonna try to touch but I'm gonna kill him because he's one HP here we go next one by one gonna take him why did I shoot the ball well the first thing I couldn't see anybody else 3D on the screen there was nobody else on my screen both have HP killable I want to pressure him so when he engages he touches point he's gonna be less than half HP and we're gonna be able to kill him anyways 13 and oh I need two more wins to get to the next brackets average rank Masters four Masters for Grandmaster four I'm gonna go as fast as possible to where the damages which is Main and what am I gonna do I'm gonna shoot do I care who my friends are going no just damage there's a diva over here shooting Rockets moving forward shooting while I'm running forward going main to do damage exactly fighting the Genji device out of Mech why is she out of Mech because I've been shooting her of course he's not a mix another Trace is over here I'm gonna help my team really quick no treasure is gonna touch I'm gonna set up here is he gonna touch the second I'm gonna use shift do not die gonna utilize The High Ground and the off angle to shoot down the Zen break is by yourself break is going to die what am I doing exactly off angry oh thank go and that's why we win and I do damage of course and now the Zen is going to die because we all shoot him the enemies go back what they do to go forward why because I want to do finish the sentence I heard people hi John so I just shoot this up to zarya oh my bad fighting the Tracer because if I don't fight a tracer he's never going to die that went that window was a little bit questionable I got pushed off the window pretty fast because the brick make a nice play by using Shield bash to get to me and just shot me away not every day gives you a second chance making sure everybody's healed up before the fight and then I push forward to do what exactly all right damage I have Beats I'm Not Afraid shooting down the break this guy's completely out of position I'm trying to hit a hill because he's one HP and getting shot of course I am doing damage but I'm not letting anyone die because I'm doing damage and it is working as you can see moving forward to the damage why because the enemies go back [Music] again going to do damage probably gonna stand here if they push more forward I'm going to open up a window that that was bad they just discovered really quick I'm gonna jump maybe to see the trace a little bit better the window was questionable they have grab I need to save land for it I'm gonna jump up pretty quick to use cover oh that was close I almost killed the Caster again if you want to do damage before the fight no waiting not AFK ain't doing nothing let's get up okay we gotta pick huge moving forward doing damage all right I want to put a lamp around the corner which I do and when the killing the enemy tank and now he's being pushed back so I will move forward the lamp again do an open space if I jump over here tester one HP and he's out of position 1v1s Chaser was by herself I was full HP with my um you know with my cooldowns she's in a position with no recall I try to force her back or into the point and possibly get a Kill but again about the damage how did I know Die Why did I die one time when everybody else died two three and four times and even five times because I use distance and I use cover and how do I use my windows when the enemies are in open space where it's really hard for them to go back around the corner if they if I use my window and all of a sudden they're all around the corner it means that I use my window either too early too late or when the enemies were not in a position so I could cut place with a window is there any player in red you're afraid of no I'm not afraid of any player anyways gonna do damage for the fights even from here you're gonna shoot a little bit different objectives you are completely healed behind the answers man I don't have boys I forgot I know which I said behind I'm ready shoot enemies going back I'll move a little bit forward with damage maybe I'm a little bit too greedy Maybe but I think Doom is dead because of it to my lower that lamp was so juicy again gonna create enough angle I think if they go top left I'll play right side because it'll be a really good off angle one HP tracer to let them up I use the window just to get the kill over there maybe it wasn't the smartest idea I heard Tracer somewhere but I'm trying to block them where's everyone I'll move a little bit away might have to move away oh my God playing it in my lab playing in my lap doing damage using cover damage off Angling isolated to go for the off and go kill way the echo is shooting me I am dead but I think the echo is dead and gives me a lot of time to go back hello very low that's actually playing really good why doing a lot of damage keeping my distance he's in cover when I'm in danger jumping from Logan to High Ground doing all the right things gotta find damage they made a big mistake putting my window here in open space to catalyzing whoever is trying to kill my friends the enemies go back leaving my window to go forward because if I stay with my window I'm not going to find any damage and that window with no damage is worse than no window with damage should probably go do some damage chest is under okay I'm gonna find in this position to do some damage oh man thought I was gonna die see my lamp that was got discorded waste of a lamp but it's mostly because I'm trying to do damage but I should off angle find an angle to do damage of course one HP found some damage damage okay maybe it is not winnable okay just doing damage whoever I can kill and it's working who could I kill the cast that was one HP [Music] oh what am I still doing a bunch of damage you're correct I'm doing a bunch of damage including the Tracer because if I don't she's never gonna back up and because I shot back he actually died okay the enemies go back I go forward why did they go back because they just lost their tank shooting down the support because support can heal and DPS cannot heal so it'll be easier for me to kill a DPS that is not sorry supported he's not getting healed by ftps but in DPS that is getting healed by support oh lift him up using the window when they're all in open space and just killing everyone with my window because they're all stuck here in open space leave a bombs behind them they're all running here like headless chickens and I just do my shoot my shots enemies move forward I of course go back foreign [Music] to create an off angle and to take cover from an ash that he's trying to shoot me from the respawn instead of sitting here Ash technically cannot shoot me but I still prefer this position because it is enough angle they have a widow and I believe the Widow is going to head shot me that was a nice shot truthfully it was a nice shot if I don't get headshot there I think I live and then I kill not only I live but I just kill it I think the wood is gonna pick from here pretty positive okay where's the Widow Widow it's not that there are an open space there did thank you but in the window around the corner putting the lamp around the corner around the lamp and you see that zarya could not kill me why because the lamp was behind the core I'm not killable with the immortality I put it around the car so it blocks the line of sight and sorry I cannot kill me in the graph and I'm shooting back while I'm in the ground and we'll win at least some hills here unfortunately boom I remember ranking up starts with a mindset all right what am I gonna go I don't even know what tank I have I think I heard a sigma but where am I gonna go to the damage where's the damage I don't know over there on The High Ground Maybe well I'm shooting and I was healing shooting that gonna find enough angle actually almost got a Kill oh that lamp was so juicy that lamp was super juicy oh I forgot to kill him okay that was a nice shot nice shot helping my friend putting lamps around corners when they need it making sure my friends don't die and now it's damage time the enemies pushed back I of course move forward by extension I got greedy I tried to fight try to get a kill because I thought I could get a Kill I got the greedy seem to be struggling I just wanted to do some damage okay still gonna do that before the fight completely I'm gonna try to deny the rest oh it's killable is actually very killable Anna is just kind of hiding around cover I'm gonna go kill her she's dead we should be able to put this to the end I'm gonna do them before the fight I know the ball is gonna spawn here and I want to shoot him before he engages oh he's a sigma now gonna shoot shoot ing to the window not ready to touch I don't want them to touch I know they have a blade and one don't want to have to have it now I'm gonna cut them off from the off angle dropping down jumping back up to do what exactly damage nothing my friend this guy's definitely killable and this guy's dead attention okay no I tried to jump back up when he went down oh that was this with some nice headshots oh this killed our entire team fortunately coffee guy just popping off surgeon but again our fingerling shooting damage using lamp when I'm in danger my friends are in danger using any angle I have it is look at this oh man that sucks you're still doing damage I live Genji's dead actually I'm probably going to window here thinks I'm gonna pick but I am not it's gonna do damage again gonna wait for him Landing gonna shoot out there again gotta shoot down the Genji because he is killable again damage damage damage making sure nobody dies off angling doing damage lamping my my zen because he's about to die to against you so I lamp I help him out he's a moving payload I move forward the what exactly they're correct damage shooting shooting doing damage not overextending for the damage though clapping my friend that is about to die of course I'm probably gonna Swindle from here when they start pushing forward to an open space I'm gonna help push the card because it's still a good position for me let them out shooting him from enough angle and we managed to cap five and a half minutes 5.5 game that 5.5k damage oh man my chat went up because my phone died a lot of balloons very low death sound easy cover keeping my distance using the wall using a lot a lot of extra boots jumping really high to create off angles to find damage to dodge the enemies by jumping logo Into The High Ground to the low ground constantly switching and mostly off angles after this game some final words I'm gonna show my stats of course my damage my deaths the important ones I mean I hope hopefully we will win yeah it might be talking too early I've lost games like this you can win every game the enemies could make a comeback but I am going to do damage before the fight always looking to do damage where is the damage over here okay oh damage you that Widow gonna go off angle from The High Ground where's the Widow there's sort of wood over there okay shooting down the ball while I'm taking cut from the wrist I actually should have just went up to kill him I don't know why it took me so long to do that oh man enough anyways doing damage they don't even have a widow anymore and there's a fair over here and the fire is going to die why is she going to die because I do damage I challenge her in this guy shooting off angle off England shooting the hog because it's discordant and killable swapped and gonna shoot gonna do damage Trace is on the right side I know I can hear it if you don't have headphones it's time to invest in headphones watch here oh all right everyone okay my word I was just killing everyone but I am going to find some damage to you okay now they're on sojourn again gonna back up why because the enemy is pushing forward I will go back I'm gonna go back around the corner and probably use my window from there damage damage damage damage oh okay my team is doing God's work right now but I'm also doing a pretty good job keeping my distance using the cover making sure I don't die over here and continue continuous damage notice how I don't die because I'm using cover I'm allowing myself to push forward because my Sigma is in between us and I'm still using this one I'm not all going here you know I'm gonna shoot before the fights the enemies push forward I will move back they're all in open space they will all die okay I am dead yeah okay that's fair he's a lot of oldies to kill me so I'm okay with that I'm doing pretty well no complaints I use the window because they're in open space but they use carry quality and Nano Sigma so it was really hard to find a kill there and I also missed some shots in the Kirito but it's okay it's not a big deal I think my some heels kind of the damage before the fight of course breaking chill is better than doing nothing [Music] foreign damage damage gonna have to damage the animals to make her back off because if I don't we'll just lose okay Sigma is killable shooting down the Genji because he he can kill us ladies and gentlemen and rank to gml baptist 100 win rate 15-0 I did not lose a single game not a single one I did not use voice chat I did not talk to anybody I did not ask anybody to swap I did not try to communicate with my teammates and most importantly I did not say we lost or we won because the enemies because my teammates were bad if we lose it's my fault if we win it's my fault as well let's see what rank I got because it is not gm5 boom God damn it gm1 damn whoa GM one in less than three hours of gameplay the lessons man Rod God appreciated thousand bits less than three hours of gameplay from unranked to gm1 you are here you were here how is this possible first and foremost mindset I take self-accountability with everything that I do if I lose it's my fault if I win it's because I played well you understand that is the difference and if I was not happy with the way I played and if it is my fault I always try to look for ways to play better why did I die here why did I lose that fight why I couldn't do damage here what about my window over there take self-accountability win more games now let's look at the stats 100 win rates deaths per 10 minutes 3.48 hero Damage Done 11.35 K damage that is a ridiculous number that is a lot of damage which proves my point the damage is scary has nothing to do with healing your bad teammates now gentlemen if there are any questions that you would like to address what do you think about any Sigma skin on the battle pass a NPC either way gentlemen I have to head out I will be rating somebody you know what to do shoot me DM on Discord by my Academy 49 less than 50 dollars for one month of coaching join my Discord regular one it's really fun out there follow me on socials follow me on Instagram I'll post more I'd like I try to I'd like to give you some glimpses into my perfect personal life hold yourself accountable guys the fact that you are here watching me means that you are one step closer to becoming better holding yourself accountable goodbye [Music] Above All the Rest not enough
Channel: Awkward
Views: 938,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SoFiKFP1ujc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 49sec (10369 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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