Educational Unranked To GM REAPER (100% Winrate)

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hello everyone welcome back the unranked GM Series today we're going to play Reaper lot of you might ask why Reaper well to be honest I have no idea I just felt like it I like the hero think he's always been good and I think that not a lot of players know how to play [Music] him hope you guys have been doing well there is a possibility you you will guys hear a siren or you will hear some booms in the background this just means that I will have have to evacuate to a safer place that's all there is to it do not be afraid that is all I'm saying about no I don't want to get into a political debate I don't want to talk about these things because this is a stream of OverWatch so let's begin without further Ado this account I played someon rank to GMS but the DPS is unplaced so in Reaper what do you think he's played similarly to K absolutely correct four step plan guys four step plan on Reaper as well what what do you think the number one thing Reaper players struggle with positioning that means a lot of things engaging off angle do is it hard to off angle do you think perusi is absolutely correct my mod is absolutely correct up time people ask themselves how can you have so much op time as Reaper because Reaper you have to be close but you don't want to be close to an enemy correct no incorrect you do want to be close to enemies but you want to be close to enemies from specific positions and specific ific ways that are going to help you wait this is my first game on DPS and the match rank is Masters 4 what no there's literally zero hours on DPS and the and the match rank is Masters all right as always the rules up time with DPS I I believe they renamed it in OverWatch 2 to damage right in OverWatch one it used to be called DPS and not damage right I'm not I'm not mistaken correct me if I'm wrong DPS was damage per second they change to damage because not a lot of people understood what that DPS means well DPS is damage per second blizzard literally told you hey guys in order for you to win games you will have to do DPS damage per second the more damage per second you have the more likely you are to win so how do we do it Shall We Begin so Reaper is played similarly to K in the four step plan you engage you close the distance do it from an off angle like I'm doing right now and when things go bad and also when I go off angling I also do it for distraction sometimes like here I know I'm not going to get the kill but I'll shoot from the side I messed up didn't realize there's a Sombra behind me that was my bad but I was trying to distract the reason why you want to close distance it's because of two reasons actually it's one reasons to make does a lot of reasons shot this time if you shoot from far away you have no damage the damage follow from Reaper is ridiculous let's keep doing damage up time up time damage and when things go bad we click shift and get out all right when I have my wrath I will go again engage again from an off angle specifically let's see ifp behind them without them paying attention oh here we go one and that is how you off fingle ladies and gentlemen and when things go bad I don't TP out I use my ship to get out it's a little bit different but it works you see I engage I keep my up time I keep shooting doing damage doing damage doing damage a B I might have troll a bit they're chasing me that is fairly distracting they have no DPS which is fine by me they have no DPS my team should not lose this okay I can say you know what I was not even in the fight but I was super distracting two DPS were chasing me can get better than that right my team was essentially fighting four on three and the enemies had no DPS so how could we possibly even die okay let's just get out with my TP no reason to fight one on three but I'll go set up again because I want to have up I want to continue shooting I want to go and shoot but spe specifically from positions that are off angles and distracting and annoying oh man okay they use nanoade should be losing this can I get out yeah probably lost the fight I got slipped in the back well I tried to desperately get out I couldn't get out that was my best so up time off angle yeah I wanted to shoot from close range because if you don't shoot from close range you don't do any damage and if you don't do any damage not very distracting again going as fast as possible to the fight no time for an off angle really actually we do have some time to up fle keep pushing keep pushing up time damage using shift and being very careful because I do not have health right now but when I have my rate I'm going to create an off angle quickly like this oh distracting made them use coold Downs good for me going to keep doing damage got to create an angle and now angle here surprise off angle hello when things go bad I use my shift to get out ah that anti was nice and that ulti was good should used my ulti but I can easily get slipped but I should have used my ulti I've been holding it for a little bit too long that's that is not a Reaper mistake that is a general mistake most of you hold on to your ultis for your dear life for no reason flanket need healing ah almost let's go set up in the position that I can shoot because I want to have some up time I want to shoot I don't want to sit AFK do nothing this guy is trolling no problem I'm going TP behind them really quick and we found a pick because we constantly have up time constantly up time constantly shooting how do we constantly shoot by using my TP this is my cool down to move forward close the distance so most of you don't understand how do I close the distance well by using your TP your TP is a close distance pretty much immediately have the most amount of damage and keep in mind this is not a plat Lobby I'm going to go set up on another already from the get go there's no reason for me to engage because it would be too early okay I let them use a blade it's not like they're going to do anything with it right okay they killed too so what it didn't really stop us from doing anything in particular haven't used my UL yet that's pretty bad I should but there's an Arista spear Sombra hack asleep so many things let's just go into the position with some up time not position like close distance I mean do some damage not up time up time is all the time look I'm just constantly shooting constantly shooting I'm going to try to set up on an off angle here my TP in a second like this okay I killed three that worked uh things didn't really go bad and I should have not use my shift because I was full HP but that's fine constantly having up time constantly shooting constantly close missing and notice off angle never I'm never like behind my tank like this hey guys look at me no I'm always the sneaky angle always making the enemy turn around always distracting always shooting from different sides if they look at me my team kills them if they they look at my team my team kill them here I'm getting up fight starts I'm going to engage distracting distracting hey guys look at me look at me use my shift to get out but I did distract yeah got got damage got a damage no I was about to click shift that was my bad I should have it was too late so up time means basically constantly doing damage as I said DPS damage per second the more damage per second you have the more likely you are to win as you can see I have a lot of damage per second because I have the most damage on my team hey not even going to bother touching because I'm just D not a bad push not a bad push could have played better but considering this my first game of the day it wasn't that bad so let's go over it again how do you win this reer number one you have up them you constantly shoot number two you do it by closing distance because if you shoot from far away it doesn't do anything it doesn't do any damage you need to close distance in order to have maximum damage from far away you don't have damage even if you're trying to distract you want to be as close as possible because no damage is no distracting when you shoot at somebody and you do one HP he doesn't care about you you can shoot him 200 times and may then maybe you will kill him but it it doesn't distract so you have to get closer you have to show presence so how do you close distance well as you can see pretty simply use our teleport that's that's what your teleport is all about your teleport helps helps you set up in an off angle so let's say the enemies are there you just do this automatically you're a lot closer Plus or an off angle how do you not close the distance like this into the enemy team your wraith is your only get out ability and so many players use it to reload so many players use it to uh engage and also many players do this and then go in an ultimate as if it's not the most obvious thing ever I always speak about doing damage before the fight a Reaper doesn't do damage before the fight why because Reaper doesn't have damage before the fight if they're on the bridge I cannot shoot at them I mean I can but it's not going to damage so what will I do as Reaper I will set up I will hide so I can do an assassination as soon as team fight begins as soon as my the enemies are going to make contact to my team I'm going to go in like this for example when things go bad I use my wraith to get out not get in get out I'll keep control of the off angle from here want to force them to use some cool ons I'm going to TP behind them really quick oh forcing some dashes forcing some cool downs and going back to the damage up time going for a quick flank don't want to take too long I'm not sure why I did that I should have not used it really I'd rather be safe and sorry right sometime this guy is dead keep shooting keep shooting keep shooting go behind go behind actually that's not behind I messed up but you notice I constantly do damage and then immediately I go for a flank what do I I mean by go for a flank I mean just create a quick off angle I cannot do this play if my team is fighting over here and they're low but because my team was holding the corner with full HP they we're fine I didn't do anything extra so either way instead of damage for the fight I'm going to set up I'm going to shoot I'm going to annoy them a bit make them use a spear and go back to safety and again I got to TP to my off angle quick flank distract the support distract the support they have no healing the tank has no healing keep doing damage keep doing damage instead of instead of dying using my shift to disengage again back to the After Time want to keep shooting right keep shooting keep shooting keep shooting TP to close distance immediately keep shooting and again what do I do I set up instead of doing damage before the fight why don't you do damage before the fight again I repeat because there's no damage before the fight you have no damage from far away so you rather set up as soon as they cross oh well they kill me throughout my explanations that is uh unil that's not very civil isn't it we're coming back to the fight as quickly as possible no what man how did this happen want to protect my friend over here uh do I get out somehow no I go off the map I tried to go on the boat and maybe TP out but just died no chance of survival so how do I close distance again I use my TP how do you use your TP you use your TP simply to close distance and get to an off angle it's really that simple you do not use your TP for any random purposeless reasons where's the Sombra he B me so let's TP to an off angle okay when things go bad I will get out pretty quick I'm ready to be above them behind them possibly yeah let's see be behind them create an off angle immediately close this and get cre an off angle I use my ship to not engage but I want to dodge the sticky bomb I thought he was going to Sticky Bomb that's what I did there and again keep up the up time keep up the damage we can possibly hold them on the bridge I'm going to set up instead of doing damage before the fight I will set up there's one sees me which I do not like but yeah he was throwing his sticky bomb I just get out it's too close for me to play there so I deci disengage there's no point to stay there my team is not even nearby to help me if things go bad so I would rather play let me figure this out this swap to Hanzo and they're using a window let's flank the orisa what is she going to do there's one to cover notice again closing distance is he killable yeah he is I got him and now I get out what are they going to do I'm bubbled I pretend to go back but now let's kind of TP back in and make them use a spear and let's distract let to be annoying can they heal me somehow okay let's keep out the offinger let's keep shooting though right let's keep distracting let's keep being annoying oh man that was a good spear I should have I should have expected that was a good spear though uh I hope we don't use grab if we don't use grab we just win the next fight so TP is to close distance my shift is to get out I'm going to try my best to protect my zarya not that it worked so again my TP is to close distance my wraith is to get out let's see how can I set up before the fight Dodge two cool Downs great going to TP quickly behind them and use my ulti to kill two and we win the fight hopefully a man we don't win the fight okay we do win the fight here I use it to reload but just because it's the last fight and they only one there but as you can see what did I do there what did we do there I use my TP to set up behind them but not too early as soon as my team made contact that was my time because the enemies are busy with something else I TP behind them I use my ulti kill too and from there I immediately create an advantage used need to reload yeah because we were 4 in one of course there are exceptions to the rules but for the most part I will never use it to reload so constantly shooting constantly shooting from close range constantly doing it from an off angle how do I close the distance and off angle number one I can walk number two I can TP and when things go bad I click my shift and I get out do you see a lot of similarities to how I play KIRO I constantly shoot I close the distance I do it from an off angle and when things go bad I TP out it's almost the same thing def so let's follow again constantly do damage constantly close the distance to be able to do maximum damage and not have damage follow off Reaper has two shotguns shotguns are not a far away far away gun it's close the distance get close do damage from up close even if you're trying to distract the enemies if you shoot from far away it's not distracting one damage is not distracting well so constantly try to close this and when things go bad in a click of a button you can just do this and you get out TP is to close the distance and to go for an off angle races to get out and in the in between you constantly need to be shooting how to use your ulti well when people don't pay attention and you can when you can kill one or two you don't need to go for a five men it's all good and also what's important what is the timing of these off angles and these flanks you cannot do it too early because if you do it too early people are going to turn around and shoot you so when the enemies are busy with something else you go for it like right now would be good let's make him turn around look I'm distracting I'm distracting so many people here distracting distracting distract me do I need to TP out not yet I do get healed that I'm not going to get healed but let's keep up the damage made him turn around I'm almost I was in danger of dying click my ship go out let's go for a quick Flink because that's what off angling is all about and we get a kill surpris let's get out before I die and go kill the r because TP out because I'm in danger so usually I use my TP uh to get in but here exception to the rule I was in danger I could use it to get out instead of doing damage before the fight what will award do on Reaper he will set up because I do literally one damage before the fight I will set up I patiently wait when they make contact with my team I will go right now would be a good time surprise and when things go bad awward tp's out do you see what I'm talking about I have my RAID maybe I can TP behind them somehow PR off angle immediately close the distance now we get a kill why am I not afraid have my wrath what am I afraid what should I be afraid of let's CP out cuz they don't see me anyways right but you see that I'm constantly shooting constantly offing and constantly distracting constantly forcing enemies tooling constantly surprising okay let's go okay that was a little bit too much in their spawn you know what let's let's just go here surprise H some might say I was trolling a little bit and it's possibly true I know that you might have I don't think they understand that I can be here I hope the Widow doesn't pick here let's surprise the widow look wow is on top okay this doesn't do anything but it's distracting her to shoot it my team right ah that was a bad TP it all angled them but uh okay okay things go bad L just TP out me staying and fighting me staying and fighting the Widow was a really bad play I thought I could kill her but I could should have ignored her because she was in spawn so when I think about it who am I really distracting four if she's in spawn she's not really shooting anyone right why not get the mega because they were chasing me I just keep an off angle here and then things go bad you see how distracted he was he didn't pay attention to my Sigma my Sigma just went in and killed him because he wasn't paying attention do you see what I'm talking about with distraction PP behind them really quick off angle off angle boom do you see how quickly I close distance and off angle my TP a dark step now I'm setting up you want to fight I have no problem just going to jump in them from I was getting shot from behind if I'm being honest tpping out okay just died well just keep shooting from the off angle up time right don't want to sit AFK and do nothing there's a guy here getting low I'll just shift up keep shooting though keep shooting keep shooting how didn't he die there what keep shooting just sitting above the roof on the off angle like what can they do against me keep mind the match rank here is Master these are Masters player where are they TP to the other side so they don't pay attention now we got two let's just keep up the up time let's keep shooting keep shooting don't AFK over here constantly shooting look how much damage I have 6K in 5 minutes because I constantly shoot I'm waiting for them off angle let's go they they can't leave spawn not going to hold the door and shoot at them because I won't take damage what I'm going to do look he's panicking he's like okay let's go to the other side I have to really create a good off angle here once they look Le the spawn boom an off angle good back TP to close the distance on the Bastion constantly shooting constantly pressuring from the off angle and when things go bad I simply use my ship to get out things didn't go bad so I didn't to click my [ __ ] it's not to reload it's to escape like a k TP probably stay here because this is at least close two angles the are they okay why are they not leaving spawn let just use the ulti really quick here go back to The High Ground as we don't want to drop it it's a very good position for us not because it is high ground because it covers both of the doors not high ground is not always better if we could read their team chat yeah I I I can assume what is going on I can't can't let they can't even go out to the doors just get destroyed do you see how effective playing Reaper like this works some people play Reaper like they're some sort of a Reinhard they just sit behind their tank and shooting that's not how you play Reaper that's what most of you get wrong Reaper is not played as a front line you's played as an off angler as a as a what you would call a flanker I don't like to use these buzzword that mean nothing but you want to constantly force cooldowns divide their attention surprise them focus on targets that are busy with other things so before we talked about when should you go for an off Engle awkward off angling doesn't work like if you go to myo uh four-step plan you will see so many players like bro but I do the four step one my team dies yes because it takes you like 50 years to get to the off angle notice that when I go to the off angles it's quick boom ITP 3 seconds I'm there 3 5 seconds I'm there most of you who do this things like take you 20 seconds to get to the fight you need to do it quickly TP behind them TP to the sides TP to High Ground behind them you have to close distance really fast you can't take things slowly because if you do it slowly your team will just die another mistake that a lot of players make is going to die well When I'm Not Looking they they simply engage too early when you engage too early from the off angle you're going to just come across four enemies they're just going to do this and kill you the whole point is them doing this when your team is shooting at them you have to wait until they make contact with your team when they make contact it's time to go because that's when the enemy team is busy so look how quickly I'm going to get to the off angle here boom going over here immediately got a kill just just like that in a second and now again CR an off angle do you see how quickly continue doing damage continue doing damage let's go set up behind them again quickly close this off angle I use it to reload because they're not going to punish me for it it's that simple guys now I'm not going to pretend as if it's easy but it is simple okay my TV is not capping I don't want to waste time so just enemy Spott let's keep shooting though let's set up an off angle how do I do this with my TP boom oh he used the rock good for me now I'm going to off angle him because he thinks that I'm running away and he's dead that is it guys Shadow I need to push the cart I don't know what they're doing get in there push forward the W is going to pick and she's going to get off angled no oh I don't know what they're doing just push the [Applause] card why do people do this waste everybody's time let's finish the game I have arrived Victory if you were the enemy team they're trapped in spawn what would you do asking in case I'm in that situation why do you think the enemies just the first I the first question you need to ask yourself what to do against it is why are they stuck in spone why are they getting spone cem and there's a very obvious answer to it because they're all all five are trying to walk through a tiny door so how could they leave a tiny door when five people are stopping and spamming Coons into a tiny door if they wanted to leave the spawn The Simple Solution would be to split between the two doors three go there two go here and now they split the attention also what they could do is very simple grab a Sombra go invisible go touch the payload now we're all Force to turn around and go away from their spawn oh guys we're playing Reaper on on a map that is for snipers how can you play Reaper here they're going to counters and then I'm going to lose so chat what am I going to do here exactly you set up because Reaper doesn't know how to do damage before the fight so you set up how do you set up you go here you wait until they make contact with your team and then you drop from an off angle stand in front of the sponder yeah that is also an option see like there's there's no point for me to go and shoot hello how did they know I'm there okay now I have to to do the same thing and go for an off angle quickly oh shoot I thought it was a little bit of Danger get out but I need to keep shooting because I saw that he was low and I'm going to O that was a nice shot but he noticed that I used my shift to get out because I thought I was going to die but when I looked back at it I was not really in danger of dying I should have but I was with the back to the enemies that I don't feel comfortable with my back to the enemies so again what am I going to do set up wait there you go like did they know that I'm here do they have Wall hacks or something like what is going on here things go bad I TP at that was not great TP but now I have to use cover because I don't have my ship anyways got to keep doing damage can be AFK over here let's switch my position because they think I'm there let's just go here now switch my angle switch my angle oh w w where's the monkey okay he's dead uh there's a wood in front of me I don't like it I'm going to move away and I have my RA in about 5 Seconds by the time I get there I'm going to close to it let's distract them let's distract them let's distract them look three people are watching me three people are watching me get the monkey get the monkey monkey three people distracting boom getting out I think so bad DP away quickly using an ulti okay that was a good pick why did I use an ulti I see an opportunity to get a kill or two they were not paying attention but DC constantly switch my off angles left right right left constantly switching it around and when I have my shift I engage when I don't don't have it I obviously don't engage because I will just die are there any drops yes I don't type it down because I'm not a sellout streamer I can't go I can't press let's sneak than go bad just shift out and distract them in the meantime distract them not sure why would a k want to fight me but I'll defeat to the next Mega mini sorry keep shooting keep shooting distract but I don't have a lot of HP but I still need to be shooting right even though I don't have a lot of HP be shooting but I want to create an off angle my my friend is dead nothing I can do but the only thing I can do is get a kill oh things go bad look how look everyone is looking at me they're distracted keep shooting around the corner I have no ships I'm going to shoot around the corner enem keep shooting keep shooting keep shooting distract this guy he I want him to look at me I don't want him to look at my team using Dragon good for me love to see it surprise surprise they use the this Ed that's good for me I'm going to set up behind as soon as they walk out of the DOR they're going to get ulted check this out guys but they play poke comp they play Sigma they play zenyata they play Hanzo they play Widow in in Havana how is it possible de playing Reaper SES sellout if you enable drops no I said I do have drops I just not gonna use every clickbait that I have in order to bring viewers here are you are you stupid on purpose or what is it yeah what's what's you guys favorite method that IAT but do you see how I constantly shoot how I constantly maintain up time how I have the second most amount of damage in the server the second most amount of damage in the server when I play Reaper on a long range map how I constantly use cover create offing use my TP to maneuver between positions and when things go bad I click shift back to cover and shoot from cover leave no one alive why I'm the only one with zero death drops on guys please watch me guys drops on please please watch me is it does dad know you like long yeah what what uh VV sim said pretty much hello either way back to the damage back to the damage let's go to an off angle why can't I take a long walk well pretty simple because no one is fighting wait these guys are not paying attention what is this guy doing I want to grab the mega and I can fight him oh never mind well I I I can say that I'm pretty distracting right I I have to be distracting because they're all looking at me I'm constantly I mean that that was a a hard one four on me but I survived how did I survive by using cover I I I mean I I didn't survive at the end but I was distracting so much I forc so many cool Downs that make them go back but even then while I'm fighting doing damage what's with old assault in the chat if you don't like him what he talks about he can just leave he does uh yeah that that's exactly that that is true I way I didn't say you're absolutely right like the funny thing is that you have to understand that if you if you don't like me and you still watch me what does it say about you you're still my fan right I want I know you want to be like me the person who comes here every time to hate in the chat I know you want to be like me desperately we want to know why because nobody wants to be like you because what you do with your life is go on twit chat to hate on people nobody wants to be like you no one likes you and that's why you do it if you were a likable person that people want to be like and respect you would not go on to other twitch chats to hate on people for no reason and even if there is a reason why would you hate on them do don't you have better things to do with your life oh yes no one likes me because I choose chose having a life and going out R and sitting in my room talking to a monitor who who's going to tell him that's that's what he's doing right now who's going to tell him what ah man your defenses is that a gm5 Lobby I played three games all right so what are we going to do we're going to to their do we set up there no probably not the way around why don't I want to set up there because the if I use my my w it's too long my Ra's going to cancel here and I might die so what I will do is I'm actually going to hide over here because my rate my rate yeah this what I'm going to do I'm going to sit here because my rate I can get out from there it's too long rate you have to make sure that you actually get out when use your ra I'm going to wait until they may contact my team they're going to be busy with something and I'm going to go no re to shoot a do because he's not going to die let's go oh prise things go bad bye-bye as you see surprised he was busy with something have my R in five let's keep shooting there right oh man I didn't mean to TP over there let's keep shooting let's keep shooting let's keep applying pressure from here right an off angle great an off angle things go bad I click my ship God I sit here and CR oh again I click on the carment like what's wrong with me H the STX top of I'm trying to get inside the room but it keeps keeping me in top of on top of the taxi that was my bad but why am I keeping to the right at is because I want to create an offing I don't want to sit behind my team because if I sit behind my team we lose we just lose no off angle they just watch five people in front of them it's so easy to push want to go and help him let's get him need to reload here because I need to kill him quickly okay rally let's create a quick off angle over here boom off angle close the distance immediately did you see that quick off angle they use the pp there how did I Manch with that because I use my TP I use my TP to close this off so what am I going to do I'm going to do whatever I did at the beginning here you know what he's by himself I think he noticed me no he didn't pay attention what am I going to do here whatever I did at the beginning let's see if it works again no way this guy is isolated I can kill him and I go for it the only reason by the way why I engaged my shift is because I heard that the Genji scream now on me so I assumed he was going to go in with a blade if he goes in with a blade I can just follow up on his damage L TP into a position that I set up I don't do damage before the fight I set up this guy is actually feing sure what he doing there keep pumping damage the enemies go back we go forward the enemies go back we go forward awkward rule number one actually it's not number one but it's one of the rules again got to set up no damage before the fight got to set up they're going to be under me they're going to be busy with my teammates and I'm going to go drop on them from the off angle and close distance not Reaper is okay Reaper okay oh I TP away TP away from the danger nice okaying off angle ring off angle oh hit I was afraid to get shots I just click my shift there saw there Mo out right whoa that was nice I should have used my shift I didn't I didn't expect him to just kill me like that I'm going to be honest that was a nice by the doom and being being honest here I think he was uh he 180 me in this uh that was nice maybe we can win this with an ulti somehow I have to get out get one get one kidding me man I got punched two times out of my ulti touch touch wa my oh my Doom is insane okay that was crazy that was nice that was really good but you know what on the on on a bright side I can say my ulti was distracting right they forced to use a hack there and then the Doom chase me which created the space for my team to walk in if you actually look at the replay of this game you will be able to see how the fact that Doom decided to chase me and kill me there and the Sombra enabled my team to walk forward from Spawn to the point to the choke no problem and that is the power of off angling off angling if you don't get a kill you get a lot of distractions you make people chase you make people use cool Downs on you proof that stuff awward talks about Works in any rank yeah I keep saying this but for some reason people don't believe me because I do the I play in top 500 I do the same things that I do in bronze and gold and it just keeps working what season are we six or seven the lower the rank the easier it is you can't escape death I can't believe I have to work with criminals a great leader but the reason why many people struggle in Reaper is plain and simple they play him wrong Reaper is a very strong hero if he played correctly and I would say that 99% of Reaper played that do not how know how to play him I actually I don't think I've ever I've met only one player that I would consider him to be a good Reaper only one person that was back in OverWatch one many many seasons ago but outside of that people don't don't play Reaper really well generally speaking in my opinion right in my in my humble opinion all right how do we set up off angle here let's first get healed before we engage we get healed no all right as soon as I create an off angle you will see what happens check this out okay we got a pick rting an angle somebody's above me I don't know let's go look people are focusing me people are focusing me I don't want to engage with my uh shoot from far away do like two damage but did you see tor turn around and doom kind of turn around for a second and panic rating off angle Sho not going to reload because I will need to get out like right now point please off angle off angle go go go ah I'm in danger I sleep nice using the cover using the cover look he's chasing me he's distracted he's distracted and he dies did you see how I used to cover the the car but the Bastion keep shooting at me and if he shoots at me he doesn't shoot at any any body else and if he doesn't shoot anybody else my team has an easy time and that is called a distraction by using an off angle by using the TP not going to lie my team play pretty well what about Ricky's Reaper he's uh he's getting there he's getting there I'm teaching him to the best of my abilities and he's showing a lot of talent and potential one day he's going to be the best Reaper in the world I can't cover usage like that he takes too much mechanics yeah clicking control is uh very hard when you when you see a yellow car so chat what are we going to do here on Reaper any guesses be passive exactly shoot from far away exactly play with team and ask for healing yes by the way if you notice when did I ever in the the past four games that I played when did I play with my team when was I sitting behind my tank and shooting and I Ricky thank you for the prime Ricky is here guys my uh my Reaper P let's go all right closing the distance I'm going to create nothing with my TP in a second how will I do that you will see in a second distraction distract look I'm behind them distracting distracting distracting stuffing them the CH oh man distracting keeping to an angle this guy is left alone he died keep shooting up time keep shooting up time keep shooting keep shooting where's the damage right that's how we do it did you see how I I off angled and I constantly was shooting and I found when you off Engle we find people on on their own so what happened here L was on her own you know let's go kill her and from there I set up so what I do I don't do damage before the fight I set up because Reaper doesn't have enough damage to do damage before the fight so I'm just going to chill actually I'm going to go now find the kill shot why did I engage there well to put it simply it's because um my team was fighting and I want to fight when my team is fighting I'm taking a very long rotation not good using my ship to get out things go bad I use my shift but if you see that how I use my ulti I saw an opportunity for a kill or two and I just went for it a killer too boom quickly got a kill I see that Doom is killing me I use my shift to to to get out my rate is always to get out I'll go use my rate around cover so I can play around the cover wait where is everyone there's a doom there want to fight okay I'll fight but now I'll TP because I don't want to be left alone they use bus bomb somewhere I'm going to see where they are and then will set up on enough angle in a second in the meantime I'll set her on cover this guy is actually trolling I don't know why he went in like that let's quickly go behind them if they're trying to run away great I know where they're coming from so you know oh man he went up I didn't even notice I know I know their spawn is there so what will I do I'll go set up here why as soon as they may contact my team boom surprise oh they see me from here unfortunate okay things go bad I will shift out and run cover wait wasn't that using wraith what happened did he just killed me out of R am I am I imagining things it didn't seem like it was over okay I'll go set up before the fight I'll go set up they want to fight it'll show up boom close range oh man over there I'll start sneaking up I'll start sneaking up they have an Anna behind which all think considers a little bit odds I'm going to do this I'm dead but they did use a nade and I was distracting because the Hanzo and Anna were chasing me so just by me existing there it allowed us to kill a Sombra as she had no followup let's see how it works man like what is that somebody chasing me all of these things okay my my team can win I believe we can touch surely no we can't but it's okay we will win it's go time we're using ultis on a fighte that he's already lost appears not going to shoot his block now I'm going to kill him because he messed up and he decided to fight a Reaper for no reason there's a Hanzo over here wants to fight I'll fight we're not even fighting on the point I don't think they realized that they kep the point I don't think my team realized a GM that we C the point anyways moving to the point as quickly as possible not using my raate because I have a feeling that I'm going to need it soon they got in a second oh I just went behind them in a enough angle I distracted the Hanzo a bit maybe we can get a kill maybe not probably not though I do my my bash is dead no nice I don't like the fact that we're fighting here I don't think that's very good but it's working oh he decided to chase me he's dead I can use my uh rith to reload here because I know I'm not going to die the only exception to the rule in The Wraith to reload is when I know I'm not going to die we're F four on one and I'm full HP I'm dead I'm not dead actually I'm going to go set up behind them of course death appears actually you know what I'll just flank right up the bat because my team is not really fighting let's distract let's distract wants to fight I'll fight we got the point that was pretty distracting I took I took down their DPS both of them they were both looking at me and if they don't have DPS they don't have enough damage to beat my team it's that simple but do you see how I'm constantly shooting up time constantly shooting up time constantly shooting over there where's everyone over there I have arrived where did this guy come from but he should die surely right yeah my basion got flanked no the crazy thing is that we're taking fights that are not even on point but I got to help my friend br okay heading out before I die boom T it out away my te's coming from there I didn't even realize all right got to set up on nothing we going to distract going to make them look at me I use my shift quickly before I die see an opportunity for three kills and that's what I do going to TP behind him really quick again how did I get close to him with my TP immediately TP to an offing go see him by himself escalate Target I go for it I see three people here goom I go with the ulti instead of hiding right instead of doing damage for the fight sorry I will be hiding as soon as they make contact I'm going to Flink them assassinate them uhoh oh he's check this out and they all turn around and I'm out and now I won't go here because they think I'm on the other side I'm not engaged without my WTH now I have my w so I'm going to go use my shift look how distracting I am here distracting Hanzo is dead why because he was looking at me check this out check how well is working I'm not going to let her he from the side I'm going to go and kill her I might I'm about to die use my ship to get out and doom now has to touch and he's dead again got to go behind them quickly or at least distract di do you see how well the distractions are working do you see how well I'm using the cover do you see how well I'm constantly shooting do you see how well constantly off angling you see the power of these things yes even on Reaper against Cassidy and Hanzo and all the counters and long range Maps against widows this ends now I I considering I'm playing these high GM lobes and low GM what what rank do you think I'm going to get should you use race to dodge a sleep Dart well if you're going to die from that sleep Dart then yes all right I guess we're done guys I appreciate everyone who watched like what I done five I I finished five games chazen thank you for the host man appreciate it I just did the rank to GM and I won five games and now I got this world record indeed let me see how long did it take me 44 minutes to get gm5 is it normal I don't think think it's normal this an unranked DPS account and it took me 44 minutes to get the gm5 so what did he learn from this un rank to J from these five games what did you learn up time yeah you constantly shoot that is true you constantly shoot but how do you constantly shoot from far away you constantly shoot from close range and an off angle how do you close distance and go for an off angle it's pretty simple you click your TP behind them to the right side above them to the left side anywhere that they can see when do you engage you engage as soon as they make contact with your team because you don't want to engage too early if you engage too early you will just die you also do not want to engage too late what most of you are probably doing wrong with Reaper is that you guys decide to take a long walk on the beach instead of shooting the enemies when they're fighting you cannot take a long walk when people are fighting no long rotations quick TP quickly did you see I quickly go TP I shoot I get out quickly go DP I shoot I get out use your rate how to use your rate not to reload but to get away from a dangerous situation and where do you go to a around cover it's that simple until you have your rate again or it's close like 3 seconds left and then you can re-engage in close distance withp that is how you play Reaper ladies gentlemen how do you get your Smurfs I have an bunch of underground elves working for me either way let's set up they may contact my team over here I go attack in and when things go bad I'll rate up have a widow I'm not going to shoot the tank though I almost killed him okay I don't like this position I'm distracting them look they have no DPS I'm fine with it things go bad I TP out uh not TP out I mean shift out and I keep fighting here because my team is around can't support me and I have another race again oh he's dead a I thought I was going to die but I didn't I'm not going to engage with my [ __ ] but I'm going to distract I'm going to shoot from here and make them Panic a little bit oh I didn't mean to fight there but I was playing on the cover oh no I got pulled what am I going to do it's not like I'm going to TP out or something like that I R out I mean just keep fighting let's distract them when things go bad I will just do this they want to fight me I have no problem okay okay closing distance de beinging de beinging dude they're killing me through wraith it's the second time this is happening like are you seeing this enemy VOR on Hanzo it happened and now I happen it happened again I'm dying through ra enemy over there no one can hide I I knew that was not imagining either way let's create a quick off angle here the Widow thinks she's safe but she isn't look boom he's not safe I want to ulti them so bad this guy's pissing me off so I'm going to UL him let's this I shouldn't have gone out take care less than three keep shooting keep shooting up time up time up time up time up time keep shooting let's go for the Widow I'm going to quickly set up Oh I thought he was looking at me over here I'll just click shift here so I can play around this position I know he's going to chase me so I'm going to create a quick distraction I'll distract that works look they have no DPS now really what is that rail gun I took too long though I took too long to engage I think the initial setup was not good that was my bad but we do have another fight they cannot kill me in a way that matters I I keep telling you guys I'm I'm not I'm not imagining things I promise you I I just kept dying through right there where's the Widow so what am I going to do against a widow go shoot I get okay oh trying to distract but I'm in open space Oh truth be told the Nano there was not the play forced me to do something that I don't want to do and that's why I always say Onana please do not use your Nano to force people to go and it's like the worst thing you can do all right think go bad I will just go away he thinks he can chase me but he can't okay he ulti fine by me I'll keep fighting them if he PED in I'm just going to kill them both no problem I see an opportunity for one two kills I'm going to use my ulti but do you notice how I'm distracting like do you see that the junker Queen is just chasing me 24/7 do you think this is normal it's not I got to go set up sorry going to sit here at the corner not let them cross easily keep applying pressure up time right things go bad uh I'll just use my CH to get up he's dead keep up the damage I have my ra I shouldn't be afraid I mean I should be no I use my TP got out ax you say you say something like this one more time I'm going to ban you you degenerate it's not something you let you you make fun of got damage you doing damage from the off angle distracting distracting have to use my ulti here two people can die to win the team fight and that's what I do vict is nearly ours what did he say I'm going to explain to you something oh wait actually he wasn't kidding score guys have to evacuate be right back all right guys I'm back I apologize for the rush I live with my friend and he was sleeping and I had to wake him up I also apolog there was a guy who said there's a siren and I thought he was kidding and I was about to say that I'm going to ban him but apparently he wasn't joking there was a siren so it's not it's not something you make fun of guys when there's a siren don't troll me and say there's a siren in conclusion Reaper is very viable if you play him correctly we finished at 100% win rate close to 10K damage around five deaths per 10 minutes as you could see Reaper is played very similarly to the four-step land that I teach on K you engage you close distance you do it from an off angle and when things go bad you disengage use your wraith to disengage to get away not to reload not to engage with your ultimate because that is obvious use your TP to close the distance and go from an off angle ideally in the middle of the fight when no one is looking as for your ulti doesn't have to be big not five not four if it's an option it's an option option but just one or two kills would be enough for you to secure a team fight if you're interested in learning more about your favorite hero and how to play it correctly you're more than welcome to send me a DM on Discord about rank cup Academy and as always wish you guys a quiet great rest of the night great rest of the day depends on where you're from stay safe and don't get into trouble goodbye
Channel: Awkward
Views: 413,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: p7D_iSQSX68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 30sec (4170 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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