This Silver Kiriko has been hardstuck for a YEAR, let's find out why

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all right so today's video I forgot for a second give me a second I remember we got a silver three or no not even silver three I just made up a rank I just I know they're silver I have no idea what silver they are I I just I just made that up we're watching a silver support who's playing KIRO who says they want a main KIRO they had to switch off because they feel like they have to do everything in these games they've been silver for the past year is there potential here or they stuck in silver we'll find out sub to the YouTube that way you know when I my videos go live so then you're like wo and then there's like more people watching the videos and then there's you know how it works let's see how this one goes ATT def a falling AP appy thanks for the 15 months of the preach fin thank you appreciate okay you know just this is a start to the game and Rand rock thank you for the 20 miles for thanks everybody right so far it's you know it's it's so interesting to me hey guys this was your best effort The Point Fall do you think there will be a day where on blizzard world the map isn't played right here in a lot of ranks and I only ask because it's such a like a such a difference in how I play blizzard world now keep in mind when I talk about this I know that like each rank is going to play differently but I see it so much where like the the the fight is here but when you play here it just takes away the the the availability of your team to be able to like hold this point for longer the moment you break through this choke that's it like there's no more hold in that but I see it held here all the time which I get because you're holding the choke like I'm not saying it's necessarily the worst I'm just used to holding back here so much because you give yourself so much more map space and availability and it takes their team time to have to make a play it's always very interesting to kind of see like the difference in that why it works that way I just wanted to complet just a complete side note cuz now like the other team can't even retake I mean they can maybe try but like it just it's just not as good as it normally would be on a retake WS it's just interesting to see y well it's it does kind out of mechanics at that point caps to be honest with you because you're going to run into the same thing when they get closer I I just it's always I'm always curious to that one what are we watching a silver KIRO who had a switch off because they have to do everything and they've been in silver for a year so we'll find out on my sight I'm with you good job tping out of there and not just trying to take the 1 V one or like spamming your cleanse that was actually a smart Play There You Go believe it or not so like I I talk about it a little bit with KERO koo's actually one of the better Heroes to go-kart initially because you can always Swift step into a team fight especially if your teammates need help so like it's okay sometimes for the card out to push a little bit especially if it means you win the team fight so I I think K actually pretty good on that so theide was a bit late but so far it's been fine I don't really look at this and go H you know like this is fine I'm watching still on my okay nothing's happening so far and you got rolled uh yeah okay first of all first of all I I want to start off by saying because you've been pushing the card so much I haven't really been able to give you like def the feedback on stuff one thing I see there is if you get shot at by a soj which is what you just saw like it's okay to TP away and try to make a play after of that like it you have don't feel like you're stuck to the cart as KIRO your movement ability is so key and every time you don't use your movement ability like that and you give them free picks you just not using the kit to the effectiveness at least that's how I see it well that's what I'm saying like I I find that sometimes players feel like they have to be stuck to the cart if they're the only ones pushing the cart but then the problem is it's like it's better to survive and win a team fight than to just force the cart an extra 2 meters and go back to spawn you're going to waste more more time doing that than the time the cart isn't pushing and I think a lot of players including myself at times kind of get glued to the cart because you feel like nobody else is pushing it and but like at a certain point if you're playing kill just TP out of there go to somebody else in your team at least then you have an opportunity to survive that win the team f and then push the card you don't have to just sit on the cart AFK now when you come to the stream and I'm sitting AFK on the cart AFK it's because I and just and just chilling we're just vibing don't use your alers back away remember use your TPO there you go like like that that's an example of like you're getting away from their initial push or going to your Widow that's what you should do consistently in those type of situations of course unless like you just need to get uh ANM so do they have to weave between the heels and the kunai more I mean they've been AFK on the card half the time I say AFK it's not what their action you know what I mean though like there's there's not there hasn't been much opportunity on that and sometimes it depends like if you're falling behind on Heels like for example you can't really time that as much as you would normally time that right so you lost I mean the reason why that team fight was difficult for you is because the other team just straight up played that well your oh I I know I know the timeing on the kakai and all that right but like if you're healing your teammate in front of you and you just start like you don't necessarily have to just do damage to your teammate when there's nobody else there you're not going to you know what I'm saying like I get the idea of it and it's a good it's a good thing to do as Caro is try to find that time between like throwing your heels and doing the damage I'm more saying like if you're just specifically here on your teammate you don't have to just like throw a kunai at your teammate you saying I mean so far this has been pretty chill I'm okay with the cleans I mean you're not really saving any cleans right now taking the off angle they're on your Widow you got a pick you're not healing your Zen your Zen gets rolled out of you know I I actually see something that you do a lot and I just recognize that now you tunnel vision a lot on wherever you're looking like once you see somewhere you want to go every part of the map after that doesn't matter to you so like that's how your Zenyatta gets rolled by the zarya there right like AAR is going to do a lot of damage but like you had plenty of opportunity to keep your Zen alive literally just even a Teleport cleanse quick heal your Zen survives at and it's an easier team fight so like definitely good to turn around it also happened to your ratra remember when your ratra got grabbed and then your Genji went to the backline your team ended up dealing with a Genji just fine you focus so hard on the Genji your ratra gets rolled so like that's what I mean by tunnel vision so you can do a better job of scanning your map as you go but so far like I can't really see much to go off of yet like you're not playing terribly just there isn't a lot going on right now either because you're generally on the cart yeah the payload must be defended that's what I'm [Music] see put them in the ground I'm watching go for that s with your teammate now now don't be afraid to T out cuz your HP got low okay you have a Discord like like if you yeah I was going to say good job tping there even if they get you here what you just did is created an opportunity for you to survive this team fight and you did look it that's what I mean like I I find that a lot of Kos get so afraid to use their Swift step but it's like such a quick cool down that it's like the equivalent of like me saving my diva flank like I like and I don't know if that is like the best comparison but like if I'm playing Diva and I just decide to save my diva Al like my diva flight the whole time and not do anything like it is such a low cool down that like it's good to just use it to make sure you survive a team fight or give yourself an opportunity make them have to overextend like for example the ratra thought they had you you tpd or or was it the the zarya excuse me the zarya they thought they were going to have a free elmb on you they didn't get the free Elm then you had to do like a rotation and it all worked out like they got over committed to the play and then you were fine here we go everybody holds nobody runs holding a choke which we've talked about this part of the map is always interesting you know it's still I will say though you said you feel like you have to do everything what do you mean by that so far he let's just take oh look at the kill feed you're doing everything I I I I just feel like I I I haven't quite seen where you're in the the the concept of doing everything you know what I mean like it's a lot of the time you're just kind of chilling and you're healing which is fine and that's oh charging the Z bubbles that's fair you want me to answer your question is there potential for you to get out of silver after a year yeah absolutely like in theory you're probably really close to getting out of there I wouldn't doubted if like next season's rank a lot of people get to ranks they they think they should be at if it's been fine little bit out of position there same concept of like just use your TP you said they should have posted a a a game where they struggle yeah but like you know I always say this whether it's a win or a loss you can always learn from a game and that's like becomes a part of the problem if like oh I'm only going to Showcase my losses like or a game where you go 0 and 20 the thing is is like sometimes the games where you go like 15 and 8 and it's a close game and you feel like you played okay is good to watch because that's how you're going to improve like you're not going to play perfect in those games so like when you watch that you can fix some of like the the things that you can fix some of the things that also by the way that was another situation where you didn't TP out and you just got too aggressive it's it's like one of those things where you can learn from wins and losses if you only focus on like the games you go 0 and 20 as the best way to improve you have way more opportunity to go look at a game where you felt like you played okay and realize that like oh this is something I can improve on the next thing you know you're getting better at that which is minimizing how much you're going 0 and 20 because you're playing better in your games right you're increasing how well you play in a game overall rather than just trying to like look at like your outlier games where you go 0 and 20 and then go well that's the game where we have to really look at right like you want to look at that game of course but you can also look at other games to get the same stuff well no what's happening now is is exactly what they said in the in the like what we we described they think they have to do too much and now they're trying to do too much so what's happening now the team is starting to get snowballed and they feel like they need to do even more when in reality the biggest thing that changed was they TR they started to change up their play style because they felt like they had to do everything and that becomes a problem in itself right I talk about it all the time where if I'm getting two o ims's Diva every single team fight but we're losing four what is going to be more valuable me going back to my team and help my teammates or getting two oims and going why what are you guys doing right if if my teammates are getting Dove and I'm not peeling for them and I'm able to trade two oims what happens if I just keep my teammate alive teammates alive during their dive I keep them alive then we go pop off and we win so an to now yep off of KIRO which I mean you were playing you were playing KIRO way too aggressive right there yeah your your game play has shifted so remember when I said you weren't really doing much at the beginning of the VOD like you were just kind of chilling and you were playing it safe which is fine you then felt like you had to do way more and now you're actually doing more for the enemy team this is exactly what's happened you feel like you have to more in the game when in reality what you were doing was fine to begin with you're seeing it happen did you feel that balance when you play more I mean yeah that that's like that's why overwatches a lot of decision- making like right there I want to point out your positioning was pretty solid you played that correctly now what what's the problem now what what are you starting to do okay this is good you're starting to back up a little bit but watch your movement you're starting to go forward a little bit I want you to see this like like don't h i want you to Nano somebody so badly here we go I was kind of hoping you would n like your Zen or something to guarantee that but it end up working out I want you to watch how your position and keep shifting okay uh Platinum thank you for the three mon the pre thank you appreciate okay starting off in a good position now what's happening kind of going over peeking The Edge okay so go let go go go um I I you're going to end up in a spot where you're over peeking the top I want to see how this goes before I I comment fully on it all Genji got to pick so what happens is you end up in a good spot up here but then yeah exactly you lose the sight line on your teammate and they have map control and you end have the drop down you survive it but like think about how that would have been if your Genji didn't get an initial pick right get from YouTube start to watch Twitch welcome what you see what's happening here by the way this is good position and this is an example of good positioning right like like you may lose this team fight but you're you're doing this thing again where y why are you trying to see like here's what I don't understand okay is you end up in a good spot all right and and I want you to kind of see like what's happening if you went to the cart there and got rolled I would have been like you know what all right fair enough like I I see what you're doing and you're trying to D in the cart but then you want to get close range to him which maybe you want to heal them maybe you feel more comfortable close range healing maybe you feel but then you run away again rather than die in the cart this is what I mean by like this decisiveness that sometimes will happen where you feel like you need to go and do more there but in reality you can do two things you sit there spam heal as much as you can build your L charge or run to the cart and Dy in cart you do neither of that and then you get less value than you would have gotten even in a lost team fight remember that 15% L charge to be make or break for you having a nano next team fight but focus on good position in here like right here is fine you do not have to move yet you don't have to move yet you don't you see this tendency you have okay and I want I I I think I I I I think I found a way to help help you a bit because you mentioned like is there potential for you to get to gold cuz you've been in silver for a year you do this thing where you start to like slowly move forward in a team fight okay let me show you something stay right here during that time kill your teammates okay if you're if you're if you you feel like oh I miss my Anor grenades a lot I mean truthfully go into the trainer range throw some Anor grenades understand the lob distance understand the range there you go okay going take time but that can help with your accuracy on that just stay here okay you win the team fight then you can adjust your position but you don't have to as the team fight goes start to do this and you keep moving forward you keep moving forward you keep moving forward you keep moving forward okay you make it here but yeah you see what I'm saying you start to slowly get aggressive towards them and it doesn't seem like a big deal but what ends up happening is this is where like you get head shot by a widow now you go well I'll be fine my spawns right there but then what happens if your Sigma then takes a headshot from Widow okay now keep don't have a widow I'm just give you an example now your Sigma has to back up you give up map control because you decided to go and run aggressively to the cart and those those little things can be then lead to a loss even though it's not like a major mistake that that's happening in game like you falling off the map or something right like it's it's those things add up so that's why it's always good to kind of clean up in the areas of like you're playing too aggressive or you're going by good an grenade right there so I just watched you throw that an grenade at the distance it was perfectly accurate why are you running at them in a straight line to try to like grenade of zarya that you can do the same distance from I just watched you throw a perfectly accurate anog grenade see what your Ash did got too aggressive why they were going to a spot where they thought they could okay now I've watched you throw two fairly accurate anog grenades I there's you should not be running at them now I'm watching this Nano Nano and and this is the stuff I talk about you're like oh I'm I have I end up having to do too much I end up having to like do everything like you just you just had an opportunity to save your Sigma with a nano which can which can lead to you holding this team fight because you're going to be able to counter some of their Els what happens you get rolled guess what you have now you have a nano you can't save until next round so if they put three on the card here you know you're going to be naning someone completely random last second and hope they do something here we go you're up get in there do you see that do you see your Nano that's my point so these are the things that you can clean up to improve like those are the moments that you can absolutely improve at and you'll be fine but that's like hopefully you recognize that when you see this because save a nano for next round is a big brain play that nobody expects that's true you're right I actually keep doing that you wish you could actually save ultim rounds we had that in a game mode one time we tried people seem to like it I'm watching actually don't mind that TP I'm I'm really curious to see what happens now cuz there zary's at your choke I want to see what happens don't have time Dro by your team though you took map control nice job looks like you're Moira 1 V one the zarya worked out perfectly uh I know you tried to TP there so I'm not going to comment on that one You definitely tried to TP like I I just watched you literally you try to TP that you can hear the sound and everything too just the timing this is like that that Split Second timeing just wait and spawn you're going to win the team fight just interact you go remember chat you can interact use your interact key if you get stuck in that spot it's a feature they added like quite a bit ago actually enemy move the pad let me balance you out thanks keep backwards I'll see what happens damn gar might be able to clutch this no that's it wow that's that was something that's been an interesting game because like there hasn't been a lot of like like green screen moments for this game it's just been it's been pretty it's best way to explain this and how I see it you just you just need to work on not trying to do too much I I you said it yourself you felt like you had to do everything when in reality when you started to try to do everything it ended up going in the favor of the other team and you were giving them free o limps and like you just like aren't using your cool Downs the way that you want want to use them you fix those you'll climb you'll be at a Sol soon is it Cactus that's great I'm watching that's not your bad that's your Genji getting remed on what was the problem you made though your Genji got remed on but you try to go into their team you see what I mean trying to do too much sometimes if your Genji goes into their team you just got you know be like all right I'll wait a second and that happens with a I've talked about it before where like and I've seen this especially with like um when people are on Mercy is like sometimes you try to go save your teammate because your teammate's out of position but then your teammate being out of position actually results in you get rolled and it's not necessarily on you because you just like really want to help your teammate but sometimes if your teammates go in too deep and go like too far into the enemy team like you're not going to like you're just going to lose that value and get rolled and then you both go back to team so this is [Music] silver this is silver watching still good start good heals here nice job watch your um just for a second watch your Widow remember your Widow had a baby Diva on him okay they got the you're good Valk ASAP you're good to go you should have this yeah you have this 100% there's no way you I don't even mind the battle mercy here just keep your teammates alive when they need to be yeah you're good nice good job but yeah just a summarize you said you you felt like you had to do everything this game but be honestly you did not have to at all there was at no point that I see in this game where you had to do everything you you just didn't there wasn't like any watching this game I didn't see anything where I was like oh you really have to step it up here your teammates were playing fine you were playing fine out of nowhere you're like oh we lost a team fight I have to do everything now and then that resulted in you getting rolled about four team fights in a row and then here you are in an overtime game that probably shouldn't have been an overtime game and you got the win so it's just to give you an idea on that one like you see what's what happened here you just decided that you needed to do everything and then you didn't have to so try not to put yourself in those those spots as much as that like like as much as possible use your coold Downs a little bit more on KIRO and just work in your position and don't run at them in a straight line as Anna you'll be fine you'll climb is there a potential to climb out of silver after a year yeah you you got this all right if you like this video make sure to hit the like button all three YouTubes if you haven't pretty much everyday uploads on all three channels now so make sure to stop by all of them if you have not if you want to subit your own spectator join my Discord in the description below you'll see my Discord uh and follow everything in the description if you haven't we record these live on stream look below the chat right there you'll see the twitch chat those stop by the stream if you haven't we a lot of fun here and with that being said hope we have an amazing day SL [Music] [Music] night oh
Channel: Emongg Two
Views: 62,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Overwatch, overwatch emongg, emongg highlights, genji, emmong, emoong, Ramatra, Ramattra, rammatra, rammattra, emong
Id: 4y_INosPhX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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