The Sign - Most Misunderstood Ending in Bluey (Deeper Meanings Explained)

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the sign is an episode that has seen tons of Praise with just about every aspect during its 28 minute runtime with it still holding the number one spot on IMDb to this day however there is a group of individuals in the fandom that believes that although it's a good episode the ending sour the messages told within due to the ending not resulting in the healer's moving I for one am not one of those individuals although I would love for this video to be a way for me to convince others To See It My Way I think that would undermine the fact that this is just a preference that others have Dad I don't like this sign what and I'm going to try my best for this to remain a open discussion regarding the ending but still show a few ways why I find the ending to be really powerful I started talking about blue due to my history of working with kids in a therapeutic setting which has inspired me to start this series and a big thing that some viewers were looking forward to was the aspect of the Healer moving and seeing how the family cope and deal with the changes surrounding that this was something that even my significant other Mrs pugly was looking forward to for the episode to tackle but still remains middle of the road on her stance on the ending he has to one side why so I wanted to quickly offer her thoughts on it all before getting into my own although she doesn't believe it's a bad ending she said she wouldn't have minded the other outcome and thinks that it would have been a good showcasing of how some kids move why did she come to this school and a good way for kids to learn how to adapt to their new lives with Bluey and bingo doing the same I.E showing a struggle that's very common in today's world a struggle we both have gone through with that being said she doesn't believe the ending was bad because she believes the episode foreshadows them staining shrew Bandit's doubts as well as how it parallels with the other characters choices in the episode like frisky and Radley we're staying here but what about your job I'll find a new one are you sure you're not making a mistake finishing it off by saying she thinks the episode would have been powerful with either choice I know personally probably would have cried with either outcome but to continue this topic I wanted to show some other critiques on the signs ending and offer my honest thoughts on why it's not really as bad as others say but before we get into the signs and doubts of the video am I making a mistake don't forget to like comment subscribe you have no idea how much helps me out to get these videos out to more fans like you and let's discuss the mix opinions on the sign before addressing any one particular thing further I think it's best to get the Creator Joe brum's own philosophy on the ending out there and arguably his entire philosophy on storytelling which he addressed on the got to beun podcasts because of the mix opinions the episode has stirred up with others Joe Brum goes on to mention that the role of Art and stories was to be the rare places where we can go and it'll work out and we get a bit of Hope something he keeps as a core for the show in general so it felt right in this ending of the season to focus on a story that has a bit of a weird ending it's not a sad ending or a happy ending it goes a bit beyond endings the sign itself is a story and the whole thing is meant to remind you that this isn't real life it works out for everyone it's ridiculously happy because it's a story we all know the adults watching it know it's never that neat a line I would link the podcast down below for you all to listen to because I think it's really interesting and although he mentions the idea of it working out for everyone what I'd like to focus on is this part where he says it's a weird ending because a big discussion I se it online is why they think the ending is bad and that the story didn't allow the healers to move out because they couldn't allow a sad ending to happen which I feel is a bit inverse of what the episode is trying to say because it's not an ending at all for the Healer family a Core cenal theme of the episode is the will see idea told by clip so true that story book wow said the neighbors that's such good luck we'll see replied the F it's told old Chinese fictional story you can even find online through searching in the entire purpose of that story book is to teach you to withhold judgment on uncertainties in life and to embrace them we'll see said the farmer the reason why I bring this up is because all of these Happy Endings you see in the episode have loose ends they haven't concluded yet Bry you're having a happy ending well we'll see weren't we bluee further being foreshadowed by Bluey asking is that a happy ending or a sad ending with CPO saying it's both it's both I don't understand come here everything will work out the way it's supposed to BL the farmer book ends without an ending and we see lots of fun happy things happen in this episode for everyone but it's not the end for them they will have to see how things work out like instead of us seeing Brandy walking in with a new baby we see Brandy walking in pregnant because we'll have to see if the pregnancy will work out Bradley decides to move into Brisbin for frisky but we don't see the process we will have to see how that works out and yes even the ending Bandit decides not to move but it also means he doesn't have a job now and we'll have to see how that works out in the episode it was everything prior that helped Bandit reach this decision mom please tell dad not to make us [Music] move a chilly but in the end it was Bandit's decision if he wanted to he could have kept a sign up technically but storytelling isn't about technicalities sometimes especially with a tail like this but what's wrong with this city nothing everything prior in the episode allowed Bandit to reach the Epiphany that he reached that he wanted to stay for his family even if it was a bad decision losing out on his new job offer just know that I love you kid and i' do anything for you you can really see his realization that the sign was about to change his relationship with his family forever we see him with an expression that we don't see often which is him biting his teeth and breathing heavily so he's willing to make the sacrifice of not having a a job for his family to be happy seeing Bandit swell with anger and motivation to pull the sign out is unlike anything we've seen before and really captures this drive that Bandit wants this isn't something every family can do so I understand the frustration I see online regarding this aspect but for Bandit this seemingly was something he felt was worth risking for his family which is really beautiful and we'll have to see where this decision leads him in the future [Music] next it might be best to address the idea that others believe them not moving in the end is a copout and I've always found this to be rather odd of a critique because it's not as if Bandit had a sudden change of heart nor is it an answer that came out of nowhere because all the events prior in the episode leads to the ending we have even from the beginning with the sheep dogs wanting a house with a pool doesn't have a pool oh no you won't need one Queensland something's not that hot the story was setting up for an ending where these people wouldn't buy the house all the way to the part where the coin jams that was lucky and it allows them to get the house with a pool they've always wanted there's a house for sale and look what it's got a pool it's tight storytelling through and through and I can't in my right mind label it as a bad ending as for Bandit's doubts you can see Bandit falter on his beliefs throughout the entire episode with one of the first examples is how he responds to an unsure chili oh chilly but the easiest place to see Bandit's doubt is his talk with Radley as his words mirrors his own idea on what's the right thing to do or Not by asking someone who's actually staying despite Radley losing his job what about your job I'll find a new one in the same way that if Bandit stays he loses out on this new job offer are you sure you're not making a mistake you worry too much little brother but another really cool example is when the rules are reversed with bandit in chili from the beginning where instead a bandit responding to an unsure Chile in the end we see Chile respond to an unsure Bandit where we get to hear his doubts Again by asking if this is the right choice for his family am I making a mistake probably but let's make it together a copout ending would imply the story didn't play into how the story concluded and gave an easy solution to allow them not to move but it's all intricately planned on a writing basis to lead into this moment others dislike the episode for ruining the themes of coping with change that was set up in the previous episode Ghost basket which is an important episode to look at before this one because it really sets up the signs entire for sale plot but for me ghost baskets themes of coping with change stays intact since this episode's tale is all about embracing uncertainty in life that's why there's such an emphasis on the we'll see in it this mentality is just another form of coping with change we'll see in fact the episode was originally going to be named wi'll see because of how important this phrasing is in this episode but I really believe that the episode the sign is more than just one theming it's a culmination of so many different things in the series so I don't think the episode can truly be summarized with one particular theme SL idea sure you can look at it in a vacuum but you have to look at everything before it to truly appreciate this one episode for example it takes the core theming of multiple episodes like slide with its emphasis on Lucky versus unlucky I think we're unlucky and it's the bugs that are lucky that's such bad luck they said wow said the neighbors that's such good luck it takes the hints of Winston's dad's Cornelius wanting to get with the tera's mom from TV shops it adds to the episode onesies it gives the wedding we all wanted for rad and frisky it pulls from the memories of the home with BL taking her first steps of course I don't want to leave BL you took your first steps in that house as well as the general deeper meaning of the episode bedroom I guess it's not the room it's who's been in it and although that was a lot this is just a select few example of how the episode pulls inspiration within its own series it's a some of its parts that makes this episode so powerful and what makes it ending so satisfying for me as I said before the episode can't be defined with one theme SL idea but a huge part of this episode is the idea behind the butterfly effect which is a theoretical idea that the actions that happened in the past even if they were small can cause Rippling effects and change in the future butterfly bye flppy it's a sign what sign of course I know where you are fr and everything prior in the series paved the way to the conclusion we had which is a huge reason why I love it so much and why it makes me cry whenever I see it I'm really tempted to talk about the ending song Lazarus drug and its symbolic name being used to possibly represent the Reviving of the Healer house since we literally see the Healer family bring light into the house as they run in but I can't quite Play the song because a cop right and I might want to talk more on that when I deep dive the entire episode but for now I think it's best to reinstate that I don't feel like the ending negates everything we've seen in the episode The Journey of self-reflection and growth is all still there and even though I didn't fully address it we can see Bluey herself grow as an individual by understanding the we'll see lesson we'll see which is something no one else in her classroom was able to comprehend is that it and we can even see her instilled this wisdom to a bingo near the end do you want to hear a story Bingo it's about a farmer who has a horse it's a huge sign of maturity for her and perhaps I can go more in depth on that in another day I understand that this whole thing might have come off as highly opinionated but I really do think that the episode ending works well with what we got and if we did for some reason see the Healer move it probably would have worked with the narrative given as well it just wasn't the story Joe Brum wanted to tell at this moment regardless I do think moving is a hard thing for everyone in the family and I understand others wanting to see a situation that reflected their own I moved out of my childhood home at a young age because of a mix of poor financial choices for my parents and because of us not being able to upkeep the house due to my parents' health so I understand how hard it all is and how impactful and special it would have been for individuals who experience this or even parents who are seemly in the same shoes as Bandit needing to move for a better life to have gotten an ending that perfect L reflected this hardship in life and perhaps they can tackle it with another character in the series in the future like maybe with one of the other characters that are now moving like Winston and Terriers or even Radley but I'm unsure if that's fully the same situation I guess we'll just have to see well we'll see weren't we Bluey and please join me next time as we analyze everything Bluey I'm really tempted to say that my next video will be a deep dive into the sign but that's going to be like a TW Monon long project probably but don't forget to hit subscribe so you don't miss or any new video that I make at this point I just want to show the incredible fan art that was sent to me by The Talented artists in the community the handles will be on the bottom left as in Tradition and the first one is from snowball now snowball was doing a bunch of different OC in the community all dressed up for the sign wedding and they generously did one for me as well with me sporting a super nice white tuxedo there with a little Jack button and even a tie to celebrate me being 50k as well as YouTube button it just looks absolutely amazing I love the expression of Happiness on my face and that the glasses weren't there I'm sure I would be crying and this next one is from gemstone butterfly it's just me and her embracing saying the sign was so good cuz frankly the sign was good and it made me cry on levels that is undescribable so they drew an art piece that would just representative of that this next one is by the Discord user boy with me in an extremely cartoon art style I absolutely love their art style CU it kind of gives like early 2000 cartoon art in a way that I can't fully describe but I hope you know exactly what I mean I guess kind of like Rocky's Modern Life or something I'm I'm not sure if that makes sense but I really enjoyed this piece it's really well done and the final one is by the real NJ now NJ has this really funky style as you can see here they have this really fun use of colors where they have lots of little neonik colors I think it's supposed to represent lighting which is really really fancy looking I feel like I'm doing a bad job at explaining art this video but overall I think this art piece is really good I really appreciate all the artists that took time out of the day to make something special for me and if you'd like to also send me some art please send me a DM on my Twitter here and I want to give a big thank you to the members who support me as little as $5 bucks a month to keep making these videos which are Rick and glacius Hogs me Jonathan tsuga Mr Kitty Zack striker Zachary stwt snowy Tom of Essex Jonathan Pate Enz Goram fluff Paws Tyler from Texas and daon gray and if you'd also like to become a member don't forget to click the link on the top right or in the comments of description and as always don't forget to like com subscribe and I hope you all have a great day byebye bangers we [Music] a
Channel: Pugly
Views: 110,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bluey, bluey analysis, bluey review, bluey season 3, Season 4, The Sign, Bad Ending, Misunderstood Ending, The Sign Ending, Bluey Best Emotional Moments, Bluey Adults, Why you should watch Bluey, Bluey Lessons, Bingo, Bandit, Chilli, Video Essay, Bluey Disney, Bluey Disney Jr, Bluey Disney Plus, Bluey Sad Emotional Deep Moments, Bluey Tiktok, Most Emotional Bluey Episodes Moments, bluey full episodes
Id: bQ1gK9jmNUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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