The Party: a virtual experience of autism – 360 film

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[Music] how are you Leila I'm fine how are you loads of people people invading my house expecting me to act like them parties on my worst nightmare my headphones dead everything sounds everywhere now people also don't wanna talk to them people would be correct sounds now mixing together spinning out spinning in all around me tangled tinny tumble sorry famous brain is processing please leave a message after the tone leave what are you talking about I want to do this for mum I don't know if I can they don't like it but it helps me feel calm here comes the invasion how to play smiling don't stare remember the five things look all that food touching other food put biscuits really be friends with a pasta salad maybe this is why I don't fit in I'm the biscuit they're the salad we don't belong on the same plate I'm fine here thanks maybe young people don't seem to like them very much am i staring I literally no idea of what my face is doing no what does everyone else know how to act I wish I could have come in fancy dress then I wouldn't have to be here as me I'm not deaf you know you're invisible you'll always think special to me I don't know why we give people Labor's everyone makes such a fuss of these things don't they but you're just you know unique make it go away focus on some things I can do this no it's so happening the champagne I can't move I'll never get through all of them need to keep calm remember the exercise five things I can see what things I can touch things like in here whoa I know I'll pile meat out five things and I nice things by touch hey you can't see you how're you doing right some cake I ruined it tonight my waste room things I think Dad got a bit carried away there you know it's like I don't think he realized how hard it would be for you but you know what it's gonna get easier for us to help you now now that we know no more surprises it's a deal happy birthday mom oh thank you darling you take as long as you [Music] at least mum gets it I wish it could be easier but it's exhausting I'll be recovering from this for days I want to fit in but sometimes I need to fit myself out just leave escape I'm here where I need to be where it's safe it'll be okay and maybe sometime in the future it'll be Xia [Music] I don't think you didn't know and I was autistic until you put me in a birthday pie setting [Music] I practice conversations so I practice what they might say to me how it introduce myself or how if they introduced themselves what I'd say I consider facial expressions before I make them because a lot of its practicing being your typical when I'm anxious my brain flashes things at me like really fast my head will go will fizzy kind of like when you're in a tube stop and you know when the tube goes past really quickly it's kind of like that he seems to build up and up and up and then it's like you can hear everything you know you can hear it in seems like it's in layers and it's so overwhelming I just go into shutdown and just just wouldn't be able to do anything if I was that tired from a social scenario I would literally just have to crawl under the duvet and put stuff on it you know you try really hard to come across as being very typical and then it just means people don't realize that you actually do struggle with things
Channel: The Guardian
Views: 755,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autism, mental health, autistic, autism signs, what is autism, autism spectrum, signs of autism, the party, 360 video, autism vr, autism virtual reality, autism test, autism kids, aspergers, autism documentary, 360 autism, 360 autism video, what is autism like, spectrum, autism simulator, autism simulation, autism experience, autism pov, what autism feels like, autism simulation video, sensory overload, sensory overload simulation, guardian, visual perception autism, autismo
Id: OtwOz1GVkDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2017
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