The Shopify Tutorial For Beginners 2023: The EASY Way To Set Up Your Store FAST

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- Today we're gonna build a beautiful Shopify store step by step, the fast and easy way. Hey there, if you're new here, my name is Sarah. I am an official Shopify commerce coach and a trusted course creator. I absolutely love Shopify. And in this video, I'm gonna be showing you the simple, yet easy way that I have developed for beginners to get a beautiful Shopify store live in less than one hour. And this is a preview of the store that we will be building. There are a lot of experimentation. I have developed a simple system that allows beginners to use the free Shopify thing craft and to turn it into a professional looking store while also customizing it with their own branding and theming so that it doesn't just look like a copycat store, but instead looks original to you and your brand. And because I know that your time is important and valuable, I'm also gonna keep this tutorial as quick as possible. I'm gonna be showing you the basics of getting a store set up and running with none of the extra fluff. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a live working store that you can customize with your own apps, such as print on demand apps site Printify or a drop shipping app. So then let's just jump straight into it and get started. So to get started, come on over to Shopify. I'll have an affiliate link to Shopify in the video description below. That affiliate link is gonna contain whatever special promotion Shopify has currently. Right now, it's a great offer. They're giving you a free three-day trial and you get Shopify for just $1 a month for three months. So it's pretty incredible. So just come on over and click on the link and then enter any email address that you want to use to set up your free trial. And then just come and click the Start Free Trial button, and let it load up. So Shopify are gonna ask you a bunch of survey questions. This is just for their own marketing department, so you can feel free to just click Skip if you don't wanna answer these. So next up, Shopify's gonna ask you if you want to call your store a name. Now, if you don't know what you wanna call it yet, that's fine. You don't have to enter anything in here. However, if you do know what you want to call it, you can just come in and type it. I just added in a filler name for this video. And once I had done that, I went ahead and clicked Next. Then you need to choose your location. Your business is located where you yourself are located. And then you need to go in and create a Shopify ID. So I'm gonna come and click Continue with Email. And then I went ahead and I created a password, but I paused that part of the video. And then once you've done that, Shopify will build your store. Now, I've kept this clip and I haven't edited it so that you can see how long it takes. As you can see, it just takes a few moments. You just gotta be patient and then that's it. You're ready to build your store. So we've created our store. Now, it is time to come in and customize it. So come and click on Online Store, and we are going to install a new theme. So what you're gonna see is that currently Shopify are installing its default theme, Dawn. Now, the thing about Dawn is that because it's installed on every Shopify store, a lot of stores have this so it looks very generic. So we're gonna install a new theme. Now, you can come down here and you can just select Craft from the list and click the Add button. But we're gonna view the theme store just in case you want to see what other themes there are. So you can see that some of these themes are free and some are not free. (chuckles) If you find a theme that you're interested in, you can just come and you can click on it to open it up, like, we can open up Crave here, and then you can come and you can click on View demo store to see what it looks like in action. And now, you can go through this demo store and see if you like it. So you can scroll down, see how it looks. You can open up a product page and see if you like the design of that. And you can also see what it looks like on a mobile device as well to make sure it looks good for your needs there too. But of course, for us, we have a specific theme that we want to use for this tutorial craft. So we're just gonna come to the search bar and type in craft to find it. So on this page here, just come and clip the Try theme button, and then come and select the Shopify account that we created earlier. And then come and click the Add theme button. So now, Shopify is adding the Craft theme into our store. And there's quite a lot of files that it's having to add in and a lot that it's having to modify. So the truth is this does take a while. This takes about 20, 30 seconds for it to load Craft into our store. I chose to not edit out the loading times of this video. And the reason why I didn't edit it out is because I want you to see realistically how long it takes so that you don't get concerned when it's not automatically immediately added into your store that you can be like, "Yes, this is normal. It does take 20, 30 seconds for it to work." And once it's added in, you can then just come and click the Publish button, and then come and click Publish again on the pop-up menu. And then that's it. You have now replaced your theme with Craft. So we're gonna come in and customize it by clicking on the Customize button. And now we can customize it. Now, Shopify do make it very easy to edit these widgets. You just click on one of them and then you can go in and modify the content of it or the settings. The thing though is that there are quite a lot of widgets installed already on the homepage. So we're gonna be strategic. We're gonna keep some of these widgets, but we're also gonna delete some. You can keep them all if you like. However, I know that for most beginners, having too much content to fill in can be overwhelming. So I've gone ahead and selected the best ones to keep for this tutorial video. And you can also change it to see what it looks like on a mobile device. Mobile traffic these days is bigger than desktop traffic, so you want to make sure that your design looks good as well on a mobile device. But to make things easy, well, editing our store, we're gonna keep it at desktop. So let's go ahead and update our Theme settings. The first thing we're gonna do is come into colors and we are going to choose a color to represent our store. You can either pick the color from the color picker, or if you knew the color like I did, you can just come in and type the hex code in. I chose a coffee bean brown color because of the fact that the store sells coffee accessories. By coming in and adding this pop of color, it's going to make the store look a lot more custom to you and a lot less generic. So come in and choose it for accent too as well. And then also to keep things simple, we're gonna come to the background and we're gonna select the background to be white. And so I'll show you what our little pops of color look like once it's all loaded, and we come and click save on it so we don't lose our progress. So you can see here that the welcome banner is brown and that down here we've got our pops of color as well. And the footer, it just makes our store look more custom to us and again, less generic. And we can also make our store look less generic by coming and changing the font over in the Typography section. So come and select it. And then under Headings, come and click Change and choose a new font. Now, Shopify have a lot of different fonts already installed in here, so you can come in and you can see what they look like. You can just click on one and then you'll see a preview of what it will look like in your store. So I went through and I chose this one here. And then once I had selected it, I just came and click Select. Now, I recommend that to keep things simple and easy, that you just go ahead and you change your general font to be that same font as well. So I just went ahead and selected it. And then I came and click Save. So now that we've chosen our custom font, we're gonna make a few more tweaks to our Theme settings. First thing we're gonna do is we're gonna head on over to Layout and we're gonna change the page with to be a 1,000 pixels by dragging this over. The reason why I recommend a 1,000 pixels compared to 1,200 pixels is because it's easier to find photos that are a 1,000 pixels wide compared to 1,200 pixels. So it's just gonna make it easier for you in the future when you're finding content. And now, we're gonna go ahead and I'm gonna show you how you can edit and add in social media or icons. Now, I understand that you might not have social media accounts created yet because this is a new store, so you don't have to add these in, but I wanted to show you where you can add them in once you have them. They're gonna show up as little icons in your footer and are gonna look really nice. So once you have them, be sure to add them in here. And then next, we're gonna go in and we're gonna add a favicon. A favicon is just a little square image that shows up in your internet browser tab. So a really common way to create a favicon is to take a little bit of your logo and then to turn it into a small square image. If you have a small square image that is just a 100 pixels by a 100 pixels, then that is perfect. It's gonna get reduced down to an even smaller size. So it just needs to be a little square image that matches the feel and theme of your brand. And then we're gonna edit the checkout. So there are two things we're gonna do. We're gonna add in our logo to the checkout, and we're also gonna add in a pop of color. So if you don't have a logo, you can create a logo with Canva for free, or you can create a logo by hiring a logo artist on Fiverr. I got this logo created for me on Fiverr. So once you've added in your logo, you can come in and change the size of it. I recommend coming in and making it nice and large to help with your branding. And then we're gonna add in our pop of color. So we're gonna come on over to Accents and we're gonna select that store color that we chose before. And we're also going to change our buttons to it. And now we have a nice pop of color on our checkout, which is gonna really help with our store branding, which is really nice. So next up, what we're gonna do is we're gonna edit the layout and design of our store. So I personally think that it's easier for beginners to just start at the very top and then to just go through down to the bottom, modifying the different widgets or deleting them as we go. So let's start at the very, very top by clicking on the Announcement bar. Now, this is a great place to announce a special offer that your store is having. So if you're having a sale, put it in here, or if you have some sort of special deal like free shipping, then it's great to put it here. However, if you don't have anything to add into the announcement bar, you can just come and you can click on the Remove block button. And now, we're gonna go ahead and we are going to edit the header. So you just come and click on the header and we're gonna first of all add in our logo. So come and click on the brand button under Default logo. So on this page here, all you gotta do is come and click Add a default logo. And then if you've already uploaded your logo like me, you can just select it. But if you haven't, you can come and click Add images, and then you can come in and add in your logo into it and then you just choose it and click Done. Fantastic. Now, we have a logo, so come and click Save. And then we can exit our settings, go back to the theme editor. And if we come and if we save our progress, and then if we refresh the page, you will see that our logo is now showing up in the header, just like that. However, it is really, really small (laughs) so you can change the width of it to make it bigger by just dragging this. So I went ahead and made mine bigger, made it 200 pixels, and that looked a lot nicer. (laughs) So once you've got your logo, the width that you like it, for some logos, you might want them smaller, some of them you might want them bigger, just come and click Save. And so now we're gonna go ahead and edit the rich text portion of the top of the store. So we're just gonna click on it and then we're gonna come in and type in our heading for it. And I'm gonna go ahead and change the heading size to be large, although that's personal preference for you. And then we can come and just click on the text section and then come in and update it with a nice little blurb advertising our store. And then we can come back and we can click Save. So we've come in and we've edited our text. Let's come down to the collage and come down to the collection list. So the collage features a big picture and it features a collection. And then beneath it is a collection list. So that's three different collections. So to fill out this section, we're going to need to have four collections, but we currently have none, so we need to make them. But before we do that, I just want to give a quick shout out to today's sponsor, me. Yes, my free ebook is sponsoring today's video. If you'd like to learn how I and others use our Shopify stores to earn passive income online every day, you should be sure to download my free ebook, which reveals our six-step method, which I'll have a link to in the video description below. But anyway, back to the video. So to create our collections, we're just gonna come and click on the Exit button, and then we're gonna come to Products and we're gonna click on the Collections button. And then we're gonna come and click on the Create collection button. Now, I know we don't have any products to add to it yet, but that's fine. We're just gonna focus on creating the collections first and therefore add products into it later. So for now, just come in and create a title for your first collection. And then you need to come and you need to add in an image. I created an image for mine using my favorite mockup creator Placeit, which I'll have a link to in the video description below. And you also wanna come and under Collection type, select Manual. And then you can come and click Save. So remember, you need to go ahead and add in four different collections. So what I did was I went ahead and I added in more collections and I just paused the video while I did that. So I paused the video, I added in my different collections. Now that I've got them, I can come on over to online store again, and then I can come back and click Customize on the theme so that I can add them into our homepage and they're gonna look really nice. So scroll back over and come to Collage. So first of all, I'm gonna come in and edit the collection here. So I'm gonna come and click Select collection, and I'm gonna choose one of the collections that I just added. Gonna come and click Select. And you can see that picture that I added to it is showing up as well. You also need to add in a splash image. So I made a splash image with my favorite lifestyle mockup app, Placeit. So I'm just gonna come in here and select my image and upload it. And click Open. Loading. And now that I have added in it, I'm just gonna come click Select, and then I'm gonna come on over to the Collection list widget. And I'm gonna add in the other three collections that I just created. So you just gotta click on one, click Select collection, and then come and choose the collection that you'd like and click Select. And of course, the photo that you added to it shows up as well. And Shopify also automatically updates the aspect ratio, which is really, really nice. So just add in my final one now. And then come and click Select. See, super easy, just click Save to save your progress. And that's it, you're done. So now, we're gonna go through some sections that are optional, and if you don't wanna keep them, then you can just go ahead and remove them. So you take this video section, for example, I'm gonna remove it because I know that a lot of new stores don't yet have a promotional video. But if you do have a promotional video that you'd like to add in, then please feel free to do so. Same with these columns here. If you've got some information about your store that you would like to add in there, then you can keep that section. And this multimedia collage, if you've got photos that you wanna add in, then you can keep that section. But I'm just deleting the sections of content that are not necessary for the design and that we're just add in some extra headaches for new stores that don't yet have that content. So now, we're gonna actually add something new in. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna break up our design by putting some products in here. So to do that, come on over to the left side menu and click Add section. And then we're gonna come and we are going to feature a collection. And so we need to move this. So we're gonna come and we're gonna click this little button and we're gonna drag it to be in between. So now you can see that it's breaking up the different collections and there, which makes it look way nicer. So to edit it, just come and click on it and then you can change the heading of it to be whatever you like. So I'm gonna call this Staff Picks as an example, but you could call it whatever you like, customer favorites. And you can also come in and you can change the size of it as well. You make it small, medium, and large. Now of course, the problem is that we're featuring products, but we don't have any products currently in the store right now. So what we need to do is we now need to go ahead and we need to add in some products into our store so that we can feature them in the section. Now, for this tutorial, I'm gonna be showing you how to set up a standard product page within Shopify. However, if you've watched this channel before, you probably already know that I own passive income from selling print on demand products. Well, to add print on demand products into your store, not just standard products, I recommend using a print on demand app such as Printify, which is something that I teach in my e-commerce training program, the Ecomm Clubhouse. If you're interested in seeing if my course is right for you, I'll have a link to it in the video description. But anyway, back to the video, let's go ahead and add a stand product into our store. So to make our products, we're just gonna come and click back, and then we're gonna come to the left side menu and click on products. And then we're gonna create a product by clicking on Add your products. So of course, you're going to need to go ahead and give your product a title. So go and type one in. And you're also going to need to give your product page a description. And you can also go in and you can format the description. So I went ahead and changed out the spacing, and I also came and I bolded my special offer here of free shipping as an example. And then you wanna go ahead and add in your pictures. So I always recommend that you put your product ideally on a white background. And then you also have at least one lifestyle photo of your product in a lifestyle context. And because this is a T-shirt, I also added in the T-shirt sizing chart into the pictures. And if you don't like the order of how Shopify put them in, you can just come in and drag and drop them around. And so now this is the new order that I created by doing that. And then you wanna go ahead and give your product a price. So there's two ways you can do it. So if I wanted just to price my product at $21.95, I could type that in. But if I wanted to show it on sale, I can come in and put in the normal price of $24.95 at Compare at price. And now, it will show it being on sale for $2.95. And something else that you can do is you can come on over to Inventory and you can choose either two options. Number one, you can either choose to track the quantity. So if you've got a specific amount of products in your inventory such as a hundred, Shopify will track each time somebody buys a product, then remove it from its tracked inventory. However, if you are making products to order and you have, in theory, unlimited quantity, you can untick the track quantity box. Either way, choose how you want to do it and then save your product. And then you've got two things that you can also add in as an optional thing. So you can come in and you can give your product a weight. This is really handy if you're using a shipping app that calculates your shipping prices based on weight. And you can come in and add in your customs information. This section here, Options. If you were selling a product like, say, a mug which only comes in one size and there are no options for it, you can ignore this. But if you're selling, say, a T-shirt, which comes in different variations like, say size, click this and add them in now. So this T-shirt, it comes in different sizes. It comes in small, medium, large, and extra large. So I can add in these different variations here and then I can come and click Done. And I can also add in additional variations because this T-shirt also comes in two colors. So I'm gonna come in and select Color, and then I'm gonna add in my different colors, black and navy, and then I'm gonna come and click Done. And now, what you can do is you can go in and you can edit these different variations. So I could come in and change the price of it. So I could come in and I could change the price of this T-shirt variation be $22.95, but I'm not going to. But yeah, you can come in and you can update the different quantity so you can update them individually. And something that's really good is to come in and add a picture for each of your variations. So what I want to do is I wanna add in the correct color for each of the variations. So for the black T-shirts I'm going through and I'm selecting the black T-shirt. And for the navy T-shirts, I'm selecting the navy one. And I'm gonna show you why it's good to do that shortly. But yes, once you've gone ahead and you've created your different variants, you can scroll back up, and now we can come to Collections and we can choose the correct collection for it. You can also choose to feature it in your homepage, although I'll talk more about that soon. Either way, once you've done that, you wanna come to online store and you wanna click Manage and you wanna make sure that this is ticked. Make sure it's ticked. And you also wanna make sure that your product is set to active. And then you can click Save. And now, you have a product that's live and can be purchased by customers in your store. So let's come and take a preview of our product page. So it's looking really nice. You can see here that our product's on sale, normally $24.95, currently $21.95. We've got our description. We've also got some extra product page widgets, which I'll talk about more later, but we're actually gonna remove these. Now, remember how we added in our product pictures earlier? This is why, because now when customers select navy, it shows up, which is really cool. So I'm gonna go ahead, pause this video and add in my products. So you go ahead and you add in all of your products too. And we're back. You can see that I added in six different products. Now if we come back to our homepage, which is looking really nice, by the way, you'll see that the Staff Picks is empty. So what we wanna do is we wanna add some of these products that we created into the Staff Picks. So come and click on collections and then come and open up the homepage collection. So what we wanna do is you wanna add some products into it. So to do that, you wanna come on over and you can either search for the product that you wanna add or you can come and click browse. And then you can just tick which products you would like to show up. I recommend picking either your favorite products or if you know that there are some products that sell better than others to choose your best selling products. Either way, once you've gone ahead and selected your products, you can click Done. Something else that you can do is you can also move them around. So come to Sort and then select Manually, and now you can just drag and drop them around. So again, I recommend putting either your favorite products be first or have your top sellers be first in the list. And it also saves it automatically for you so that you don't need to worry about that. And now, we can just come on back to the online store. And now, we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna click Customize again to come back to our theme editor. And then we're gonna scroll down our homepage and we're gonna come back to Staff Picks. But this time we're gonna go and click it and we're gonna actually go and click Select collection. So we're gonna select it and then we're gonna come and click on the homepage collection. And now it is showcasing those four different products that we added into our collection, and it's breaking up the store design. And so it looks much nicer this way. So now we've gotta move down to our footer. So you can keep the Subscribe to our emails as is. What we do need to do though is we need to add in some links to our footer. And to do that, we're going to need to add our footer menu. And to do that, we're gonna need to create our policy pages, which we're gonna add into our photo menu. So come and click Save. So once you've clicked Exit on this page here, you wanna come on over to the Settings button in the bottom left corner menu. And then you wanna come within the Settings menu and find the Policies button and select it. So Shopify have created some default templates. So to create, say, a refund policy from it, just come and click the Create from template button. Now, you've still gotta go in and edit some of the things within it. So for example, you would need to insert your return address. So you would just come in and you would delete that little section and then you would enter in your address here. You might also find that you wanna modify this template and that's absolutely fine. Maybe you don't wanna offer returns for 30 days and instead you don't wanna offer returns for change of mind. Well, you can come in here and you can edit the template as well to match the needs of your store and the policies of your store. So just go through each of the different policy pages, and if there is a template, you can come and click Create from template. For the privacy policy template, for example, you wanna read through it and see if there are any sections that you need to edit. So for example, with a section in there about whether you are disclosing customer's shipping details to other apps, well, if you are using print on demand at, let's say Printify, you'll be disclosing your customer's shipping address to them. And so that is where you would disclose it within your privacy policy. So there is one template that is not available and that is the shipping policy. And that's because there's so much variety in terms of how long items take depending upon what shipping method that you're using. So go to your shipping provider and see what their estimated times are and put that in here. The contact information policy is only required if you were selling to the EU. If you are, you can create this. If you aren't selling to the EU though, you don't need to worry about it. And then you just come and click Save. And now, you have your store policies. So to add in our pages, just come and click on the pages button, the left side menu. Now, you'll see that a contact page has already been created for us, which is really handy. So we can just do a little quick preview of it and you'll see that we've got a really nice little contact box already set up. So that is very convenient. So let's just go back and click on Add page now so that we can create our About Us page. And so making a page is easy. You just come in and give your page a title. For an About Us page, About Us is a perfect title. And then you just type in the content and then you can use the formatting tools to get it looking the way that you like. So you can do all sorts of different things. You can see here that I have bold text. You can see that I've also got bullet points and that I've also updated the spacing of my different paragraphs. So once you've got it looking the way that you like it, you can just come and click Save on it. And now, you can come and view it. And make sure that it's looking the way that you like and that you've got it correct with all the spacing. And once you're happy with it, you're done. So we've got our pages created. Let's go ahead and add them into our menus. So come and click on Navigation and then we're gonna start out by editing the footer menu. The footer menu is by far the biggest menu of them all. So we're gonna be adding in links to all of our major pages in here. So I'm gonna add in a link to my catalog by coming and clicking on products and then selecting all products from the list and then clicking Add. And then I'm gonna go ahead and add in links to the Contact page and the About Us page. So do that, you just come and click on pages and then you select the page that you want to add. So I'm adding in the About Us page here, Link, Pages, About Us, and then add. And then after this I went ahead and I added in each of my different policies. Now, you can choose to potentially put your policies in your main menu, which would be at the top of the screen. A lot of customers though don't like seeing the policy pages up there because they clog up that main menu. So what customers usually expect to see is they expect to see, and they expect to see these sorts of pages in the footer menu rather than in the main menu. The one exception for that would be the shipping information. A lot of customers do have questions around the shipping information. So that would be one that I would say you'd be more likely to consider putting it in your main menu. And there is one page that we also created earlier that you may not need to add in into your footer menu, and that is your contact details. So after I added in my shipping information, I went ahead and I added in the contact information page. You'll see I added in now. This is only a legal requirement if you're selling within the EU. If you're not selling within the EU, remember you don't need to have this policy page set up. So it is optional. And what you can also do is you can drag the different menu items around. So I could come and take this here and I could drag it up if I didn't like the order. And then once you've got it the way that you like it, you can just come and click Save. So we've added in our footer menu. Let's come in and edit our main menu. This is gonna be a lot smaller, as I said, because of the fact that you don't wanna clog it up with lots of different links. So just come and click Add menu item, and then type in About Us and then come to Pages and select the About Us page. And then come and click Add. And as an optional extra, you could also add in your shipping information policy here. So if you wanna do that, come and type in something like shipping information and then come and click on the Policies button and then come and click on Shipping Policy and click Add. And then you can just come and save your main menu. And now, it's done. So we've created our menus. Let's go ahead and see what it looks like in our store. So come back to themes. And then we're gonna come and click on the Customize button again. And you'll see that the links that we added to the main menu are at the top and they look really nice and really professional. And if we scroll down to the bottom, you'll see that our footer links are now showing up as well with the links to our different policies, which is really great. So we've got another little widget to modify in our footer too. So just come and click on the text section and then come and add in a little blurb that advertises your store to your customers and customize it with some fun text. And then once you've done that, you can just go ahead and click Save. And we've got one small change you wanna make. So come here, click on the Footer button, and then come and click the Show social media icons button. And now, we're gonna have links to our different social media accounts that you've added in before. And you can keep the rest of it as is. You don't need to make any changes there. And so now, we can just come and click Save. Yay. So we'll modify the layout of our store. Let's just quickly go in and modify our product page layout. So to do that, come and click on this, and then come and click Products, and come and select Default product. So the issue here is that, in this theme, Shopify install some widgets which are displayed universally across all of your product pages. So you take the material section in this image with text section, the information that you input into these widgets is gonna show on all of your products. So that's quite annoying, for example, if you're selling T-shirts made out of different types of materials. So the easiest thing to do is just to come in and delete these different sections so that you don't have conflicting information on each of your different product pages. So to remove one, just come and click on it and then click remove block. And that is it. So we have now finished designing our product page and we're finished signing our homepage. So if you wanna come and see what it looks like, come and click Save. And then I recommend coming and clicking the full width button so that you can see what the store looks like without the button menus on the left. So you can see it's looking really nice. And we can also come and we can check out a preview of the homepage and see what it looks like. So our store has been designed and is now looking really nice, simple, and beautiful. And we can also see what it looks like in mobile as well. So we can come, we can change this here, and we can can scroll through and see what it looks like on a mobile device. So we're finished with the design. Now, we need to make a few tweaks to the store settings to get it ready to sell items. So just exit out. So the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna set up payments. So come and click on Settings and then come and click on Payments. So by default, our store is actually already accepting payments with PayPal, without us having to do anything. It's turned on automatically. The issue though is that if you don't have a PayPal account set up with the email address you signed up with, you're gonna have to create a PayPal account to be able to collect the money that the customer's paid. It's held for you until you complete your account set up. So you can come and click on the button, and then you can come and create an account with PayPal. I didn't bother with that for this video. You can also turn off PayPal if you don't want to use it, but it's nice to have a method already installed in your store. So now, let's come and activate Shopify payments. So you do need to add in your legal address. I paused the video while I added in this. Next up, Shopify's gonna ask you for what type of business that you're running. Most of you will be running as a sole proprietor or individual, but if you've registered as a company, you can come in and select that as well. And the address that you entered in will also automatically be added in here. So you now need to add in your birthdate. So make sure you give your real actual birthdate. And then you need to come in and add in a description of the types of products that you're selling. This is a legal requirement as well. Shopify need to know what type of products that you're selling so that they can ensure that you are selling products that are within their terms and conditions. So if you're selling a product that's banned, they need to know now so that you can't activate Shopify payments. You also need to make sure that you have your real phone number that can be actually called here. And then once you've submitted that, you're going to need to go in and choose a two factor form of identification. I pause the video as I did it. And once you've done that, you've activated Shopify payments. So now let's add shipping rates into our store. So come on over to shipping and click on Manage next to General shipping rates. Now, Shopify have already installed some default shipping rates for us, which is really nice and really convenient. What we're gonna do though is we're just gonna come and delete them. Thank you Shopify for installing them so that we could start selling immediately. But we're gonna add in our actual rates, so delete them and then come and click on Save. And then come and click on Create shipping zone. So give this a name. It doesn't matter what you call it because customers aren't gonna see it. This is just for you. So I went ahead and called this USA Shipping and then come and choose which countries you want to ship to. If you don't have a shipping rate for a country, then customers from that country cannot buy from you. So that's why it's very important to make sure that you choose the countries that you want to ship to using the shipping rate. Once you've chosen your countries, come and click on Add rate. Now, the rate name is gonna be the name that customer see. So I'm gonna call this standard shipping. And then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna give it a price of $5 and I'm gonna add in conditions. So I'm gonna come and click Add conditions. And what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do it based on order price. So I'm gonna have the maximum price be $29.99, and the minimum price be $0. So if customers order items worth $29.99 or less, they have to pay $5. However, I'm gonna add in a second shipping rate, and this is gonna be free shipping 'cause remember, this example store is offering free shipping for orders $30 and over. So this is how you do it. I'm gonna come and set a condition that the minimum price be $30 and that there'd be no maximum price and then click Done. And now, I have free shipping for orders over $30 within the USA. So now, what I'm gonna show you is I'm gonna show you how to add in additional shipping zones. And that's because, for example, maybe you are based out of the United States and you've got a domestic shipping option, but you also wanna create an international shipping option, right? Well here's how you add additional shipping zones. So come and give your zone name a name, and I'm gonna call this international shipping. And then come in and select the countries that you want to add to it. And remember, if you don't have a shipping zone that includes a country, then people from that country can't buy from you. So for example, if you didn't wanna ship to the EU, then you could just choose to not create a shipping zone that included countries within the EU. And so now that you've created your shipping zone, come and click Add rate and then come and give it a name. This is a name that customers do see. So title is something that makes sense like, say international shipping and then add in your price and click Done. You could also add in conditions too if you wanted, but either way, once you set up your additional shipping zones, if you'd like them, just come and click Save. Now, I'm gonna do something optional. I'm gonna change my store's currency by clicking on store details and scrolling down. By default, because I'm based in New Zealand, Shopify set my store currency to be NZD. But if you're selling to an international global audience, people usually expect to see the store currency be USD, which is why I went ahead and changed it to be USD. And after that I click Save and then I headed on over to Plan. So to set up a plan for Shopify, you're gonna first of all need to come in and add a payment method. So click Update payment method, and then come and click on Add payment method. Now, you can choose to purchase your plan with either a credit card or you can use PayPal. I chose to go with a credit card, I paused the video while I added in my credit card details. And then once you've got that, you just come back over to plan and then come and click on the Choose plan button. So on this page here, you can select the plan that you want. For most of you, I'm sure you're gonna choose the basic $1 plan. (laughs) And then on here, choose how you want to pay for it. Again, most of you are probably gonna select the monthly plan (laughs) and then come and click on Start plan. And then that is it. You have chosen your plan. Yay. So now, we're gonna buy a custom domain name for our store. So to do that, come and click on the Settings button and then come and select Domains from the list. And then come and click on Buy new domain. And then you just type in the domain that you want to purchase and see if it's available. I strongly, strongly recommend that if you're selling to an international audience or an American audience, that you choose a .com domain name. And if it's available, you can just come and click on the Buy button. And then on the confirmation page, just scroll down and click to confirm that yes, you do want to buy the domain name and now Shopify will install the domain name for you. Now, legal requirement is that the contact details that are attached to your domain name have to be accurate. So you're gonna be sent an email that you're gonna have a confirmation button that you can click it to confirm that your email address is correct. Make sure that you do go and do that. You've got 15 days to do it. Yes, once you've done that, exit out. Okay, so next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna come to Store Preferences and we're gonna update some final store preferences including setting our store preferences for privacy. So we'll just come in and quickly add in a title for our store and a meta description, the one that I added in was done very, very quickly. I'm sure that you can come up with a much better one that's a lot more keyword rich than what I just quickly typed in there. You can also add in your Google Analytics once you have it or if you've already got it. And you can also connect your store to Facebook through here if you wanna run Facebook ads. Now, customer privacy, if you're gonna be selling to the EU, I recommend selecting that and then coming and clicking on Save. And then Shopify have created a very easy app that's gonna help us with our privacy obligations within the EU and selling within California. So just come in and add it into your store and let it load. Cool. So Shopify make it very easy to be compliant with the privacy laws in the European Union and within California. So if you are selling to the European Union, you can come and click Start setup on their GDPR compliant banner. And all you've gotta do is come down and add in your privacy policy URL in here, and then come and click Save. Now, again, you only need to set this up if you were selling to the European Union. If you're not, you don't need to add this in. The same goes for the California one. You only need to go through the process of becoming compliant if you're gonna be selling to customers based in California. If you're selling to customers in the United States, then that means then that you'll want to be compliant with California as well. So come and click Start setup. And then you just need to come in and add in an Opt-out page. So just come and click this Add button, and Shopify will generate one for you, which is really nice. And so now you need to go in and you need to add that page into a menu link. Shopify also make it very easy to add it in though. You just come here and you select which menu to add it into. I recommend adding it into the footer menu. And then you come and click Activate. And now, you are compliant with both. Yay. And then once you've done that, you can just come back to your Store Preferences. You'll see that the privacy has been activated. And then we're gonna come and we're gonna untick this box here so that there's now no password protection on our store. And then come and click Save. And that's it. Congratulations. Your new store is now live. Yay. (upbeat music) So then did my video inspire you? If it did, please subscribe and click that little notification bell so that you don't miss out on any of my uploads about earning money with online stores. (upbeat music)
Channel: Wholesale Ted
Views: 124,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopify, shopify 2023, shopify tutorial, set up a shopify store, create a shopify store
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 22sec (2782 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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