I Ordered T-Shirts From Printful & Printify! (and this is what I got) - Printful vs Printify REVIEW

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- Hey, everyone. So today, I'm gonna be doing one of my most requested videos of all time. I'm gonna be reviewing and comparing the two most popular print-on-demand apps, Printful and Printify. Yep, after I did this video here, which turned out to be super popular, where I compared Redbubble, Printify, and Teespring, a lot of people noticed that I didn't also talk about Printful, and the truth is is that if I had included it, that video would have been well over 30 minutes long. And so unfortunately, I cut it out of the video while editing it. And so since I couldn't answer that question, Printify or Printful in that video, let's answer it in this video here today. In this review, not only am I gonna be comparing their features and how they work, because yes, as you will see, they both work very differently to each other, I've also ordered lots of different t-shirts. I've ordered t-shirts in both white and black using both of these apps, so I'll be comparing the samples I received against each other. And you see the picture printed onto them? Well, in my last product review, I used this incredible picture here that I purchased from a talented Etsy seller that I printed onto the products that I reviewed and then chose which one I would give as a gift. Well, it turns out that that incredible, talented artist saw my review, and then they kindly went ahead and painted an another amazing picture for me to use for my next product review video. Wow. How nice is that? That was so, so lovely. So thank you so much. And yes, I used this picture for this review product sample comparison, but that's not all. I'm gonna be doing something else. Yep. Something else. I am gonna make sure that I do not forget to thank everybody that takes a moment out of their very busy day to give my video a like and to subscribe, because seriously, every time you do it, genuinely supports me. So thank you so much to those of you out there that take a moment to do so. All right, so now that I've taken a moment to express my gratitude for your support, we can move onto the review, and as you're gonna see in this review, it's probably gonna be quite different from the usual comparison videos you might've seen with different print-on-demand providers before. And that's because in this review, I'm not just gonna be comparing the two, I'm also gonna be explaining something which I haven't really seen explained clearly in a way that beginners understand in other videos, and that is the reason why Printify and Printful on the surface look the same, but are actually extremely different. To put the differences simply, you can think of Printful as like your favorite pizzeria down the road that you love, whereas Printify is the Uber Eats of print-on-demand. And that analogy is hopefully gonna make a lot more sense as you continue to watch this video. So let's get started by, first of all, taking a look at Printful, because in my opinion, it is the easiest app for beginners to understand how it works, and we're also gonna be reviewing the t-shirts that I got from there. So then, here is Printful. Now, Printful revolutionized the way that people are able to create and sell products online. So let's say for example that you have an empty Shopify store and you want to create your own t-shirt line to sell in it. Well, previously, if you didn't have your own DTG printer, you would have had to spend thousands of dollars to order these t-shirts in bulk for each size, color and print you wanted from a print shop. You would've then had to store those t-shirts in your garage and then listed them in your store, and then every time a customer came and purchased one of your t-shirts, you would have had to pick it off the shelf in the garage, packaged it up, and then shipped it out to the customer. That's a lot of time and effort, along with a lot of upfront starting costs, just to open up your own t-shirt line, am I right? Or at least, that's what the co-founder of Printful thought so. And so in 2013, he raised funds and launched his new venture Printful to fill that gap in the marketplace, and to this day, Printful is a merchandise company at heart. Printful has factories all around the globe that make and produce millions of items each year on demand as you and your customers order it. And the catalog of items that Printful can produce is, well, extensive, to say the least. In the years that I have been using Printful, they have released tons of new items, so it's always growing. The most popular items overall, I think, are the clothing, but they have a huge range of all sorts of accessories, like phone cases, bags, jewelry, scrunchies, and my personal favorite accessory to sell, stickers, and they have a wide range of homeware products like mugs, pillowcases, blankets, posters, and even a bean bag. So, you know, they have quite a range of products that you can customize and sell, but yes. Back to that example that we were talking about earlier. So remember how we had an empty Shopify store, right, that we want it to turn into a t-shirt store, but we didn't want to have to go and purchase a bunch of t-shirts in bulk and install them in our garage in advance, so what we can do is we can come to Printful instead and just install this app in our store. We can then come here and choose which of the t-shirts they make, and once we've done that, we then just upload the artwork or the slogan that we want to print onto the t-shirt that we chose. Printful will now store a digital copy of this t-shirt in its computers, and you can go through and update the settings for it. So for example, you can choose which t-shirt colors you'll sell, such as white, gray, or black, and you can set the price that you'll charge for each t-shirt and choose your profit margin and your mark-up. Printful will also let you choose mock-up photos that it automatically generates that you can use to market and advertise your t-shirts to customers. And once you've chosen your new settings, you then just push this item into your Shopify store. And boom, within just minutes, you'll have gone from having an empty store to having a store that features your own custom t-shirt that customers can actually purchase from you, and now every time that somebody does come and buys one of these, Printful will see the order, and it will create an order page for it and go, yes, let's make this t-shirt. And so, depending on where your customer lives, one of their printing factories will print your design onto a t-shirt, package it up, and then ship it out to the customer, all on autopilot, all without you having to do anything. Printful is really simple and easy to use. I find it extremely beginner-friendly. So then, the question left is, how good are Prinful's prints? Well, unsurprisingly, my t-shirts came out great. I personally use Printful, so I knew the quality would be good. This is the white t-shirt I ordered from them. A close-up on the t-shirt shows how the details of the watercolor art in the image came out beautifully. It also shows that the text features sharp lines. The black t-shirt also came out great. I know my filming of these t-shirts isn't amazing. It's honestly pretty hard to get it to show up exactly how it looks in person on camera. The black t-shirt was especially challenging to show on camera, because it's very easy for prints to print poorly onto black t-shirts. And so the process they use to print the designs onto black t-shirts is different, and the result is that, as I discovered, it makes the prints a lot more reflective, which makes it much harder to get the lighting right to film this to make it show up correctly on camera. But yes, at the very least, what I can tell you is that, in person, this design looks awesome. And there's a reason why I ordered two t-shirts. It's because when you're running your own merch line, you don't want your merch to just be sometimes awesome. You want it to be consistently awesome. Consistency is the key. So then, Printful, it gets a massive thumbs-up from me, and I strongly recommend it. And if you'd like to know some of the items that I personally sell on Printful, you should be sure to download my free ebook, "The 6 Steps that 6-Figure Online Stores Follow to Make Over $10,000 a Month," and you'll find a link to download my free ebook in the video description below. But anyway, back to the video. And so, as I said, Printful is an app that's really simple and easy to understand. So then, I think it is time to move on to the app that confuses a lot of people, Printify. Yes, we're going to compare the quality of the t-shirts that I ordered using this app to the t-shirts that I ordered with Printful. Now, as I've said, on the surface, these two apps, they look very similar, and it also has an extensive catalog of items. In fact, it actually has more than Printful. And why that is should make sense soon. But yes, they also have a big range of clothing items, and they also have a big range of homeware items, mugs, posters, clocks, blankets, pillows, and stickers, and, of course, they also have a wide range of accessories. And the process of choosing items and then customizing them and then adding them into your store is very similar for both apps, except for one crucial difference. So just like Printful, you come here and you select which of their products that you want to sell. But then what happens is that a lot of people get to this screen and they're like, wait a minute. When I select my t-shirt that I want to sell with Printful, the t-shirt page only has one Start Designing button to click, whereas on Printify, I have lots of Start Designing buttons to choose from. What's up with that? Well, it's because, as I said earlier, Printify is the Uber Eats of print-on-demand, and lots of people don't realize it. See, you know how if you wanted to order a pizza with Uber Eats, and even though you pay for your order with Uber Eats, and even though you track it with Uber Eats, it isn't actually Uber Eats that's making your pizza, is it? It's the pizzeria that you chose. Uber Eats is simply the app that lets restaurants sign up to offer their food to sell and for delivery. Well, Printify is the same. Unlike Printful, who have one option to design and sell with their print factories, Printify doesn't have any of their own factories. Instead, they let other print providers and print shops sell their items through their app, just like how Uber Eats doesn't make any of their food and instead lets restaurants sell their food through their app instead. That is why if you were to wander up to Printify's headquarters, instead of DTG printers, like you'd find it Printful, you instead find office desks and computers exclusively. And that's because Printify was founded with a very different goal and vision in mind. You see, here's the thing, right? Print-on-demand, it isn't exactly something new. It's not something that either Printful or Printify invented. Nope, there are lots of print shops which have been offering this service offline for years. This company here, Monster Digital, otherwise known as TSC Miami, has been producing merch on demand for over 20 years, well before any apps like this existed. The quality of their merch is fantastic, as you will see when I review it. However, that's the thing. Merch is their focus. They don't have app developers or web developers or the millions of dollars required to create, develop, and maintain an app that lets you integrate their services into an online store. And so that is when the founder of Printify, James Berdigans, realized that there was an opportunity to make an Uber Eats for print-on-demand stores, and that's how Printify was born. And so now, Monster Digital uses Printify to sell their products without them having to spend the millions of dollars it would require to make their own app like Printful did. And so then, remember how on that t-shirt page that we had lots of Start Designing buttons to choose from? Well, that's because on this page, you have an important choice to make. All of these factories here are entirely separate printing companies, but they all make and sell this specific t-shirt, the Bella + Canvas 3001. So you can now pick which company and which printing factory you want to make and sell this t-shirt for your store. So if you've done your research and seen that Monster Digital was well-reviewed, you could have come here and selected that one, and now, it will be them who is making and shipping your t-shirt to customers. But as I've said, the truth is is that a lot of people don't get this about Printify. They just kind of assume that it's Printify that's making and shipping the products for them, and so if you read a lot of reviews online that are negative, they'll say things like, "The item I ordered from Printify was badly printed," or, "I ordered items from Printify, and they came late. Don't order from Printify." But just imagine if someone ordered a bad pizza on Uber Eats and then left a review saying, "Uber Eats makes bad pizza, and they took longer than 40 minutes to cook my pizza. Stay away from Uber Eats." You'd be like, "Mate, Uber Eats didn't make your order. It's just an app that lets you order pizza from other restaurants that don't have their own delivery app. So can you tell us which restaurant you ordered from with the app and then review that one, please?" Because here's the thing, right? Just like how with Uber Eats, we all understand that the quality of the food is gonna vary from restaurant to restaurant, so too does the quality of the print providers on Printify. So to give you an example of how the t-shirts you can receive are very varied, I went ahead and ordered t-shirts from three different print providers that you can buy from within the Printify app. And those three were Monster Digital, Dream Junction, and SwiftPOD. And it's important to note, though, that before we check out the t-shirts that I received, that no manufacturing process is perfect and no manufacturing process can be perfect. So keep in mind that the quality of the t-shirts I received may not be indicative of they're usually like. Remember that this is just one set of t-shirts that I ordered and they may not reflect their usual quality. So please do keep that in mind. But yes, let's take a look, first of all, by checking out the quality of the t-shirts that I received from Monster Digital. Both t-shirts were very nice, vibrant, detailed prints. Monster Digital easily has the biggest printing area out of all the print providers in this video, including Printful. If you check out the details on the shirt, you'll see that just like with the Printful t-shirt, the watercolor details look fantastic, and the lines are sharp as well. If you place the two t-shirts side by side, you'll see that the Monster Digital t-shirt features strongly yellows. In all of my samples I've ordered, I find Monster Digital prints stronger colors. In the surveys I've done, about 50% of people prefer the way that Monster Digital's t-shirts prints and about 50% of people prefer the way that Printful's t-shirts prints, but what both sides agree on is that both still look excellent, and that'd be very happy to receive either/or. And as I said, the black t-shirt I ordered also came out great as well. Again, I'm not sure if my camera will show it because of the fact that the design process makes it reflective, but this was a great print, so please believe me. So then, let's check out the t-shirts that I received from Dream Junction. The difference between the white t-shirt and the black t-shirt from Dream Junction was pretty big. The white t-shirt arrived washed out, and it had a fuzzy print. The lines were not as sharp as the Monster Digital t-shirt, and the watercolor shading was not blended as delicately. If you place it side by side with the Monster Digital t-shirt, you'll see what I mean. What's interesting, though, is that... and again, I hope the camera shows it... the black t-shirt had a much more vibrant, detailed print than the white t-shirt. And so now, let's take a look at my next set of t-shirts I received, this time from SwiftPOD. I see a lot of new entrepreneurs starting t-shirt lines choose SwiftPOD, and I understand why they do. If you take a look at Monster Digital, you'll see that they offer this shirt in 29 colors with their smallest t-shirt that they sell being a size small, whereas if you go and compare that to SwiftPOD, you will see that they sell it in 51 colors and that they also offer an additional size, extra small. So you can see why that for many new store owners, these additional features make choosing it over Monster Digital seemingly a no-brainer. So then, onto the t-shirts. Well, if you take a look at the tips of the flowers, especially the flower pedals on top, you'll notice that they have a bit of a green tinge. The colors were therefore not as close to the picture as Dream Junction, but the print comparatively was sharper. If you take a look at it side by side with the Monster Digital print, you'll see what I made by those flower petal tips. And in terms of the black t-shirt, the t-shirt I got was quite washed out. It was also cracking a lot as well. In-person, they look like little black specks on the design. And so out of the three different print providers that I purchased t-shirts from for this video, the best ones were easily the t-shirts that came from Monster Digital. This didn't surprise me. They are the provider I use on Printify to print my t-shirts as they have been very consistent and because I've found them consistently great. It's also the Printify print provider that I recommend for clothing inside my premium e-commerce training program, The Ecomm Clubhouse, which is a Shopify education partner-approved course. If you'd like to see if my course is right for you, I have a link to it in the video description below. But yes, hopefully you can see that answering the question of, "Which app can your customers get the best printing quality from? Is it Printify or Printful?," the answer that question is, well, complicated. Because Printful print mostly in-house and work very closely with their international print partner providers, their quality control is excellent. With Printify, you can't bank on the same consistency across all of their providers, since they are individual companies, so it's necessary to research each in advance and read and watch reviews for each of the individual print providers. Although there is an interesting advantage that Printify gets for the fact that it's just a network of different print providers rather than printing in in-house, and that is that you can get some rather niche items on Printify. For example, while Printful does have a range of mugs, they can usually only justify adding the most popular styles because it's expensive for them to stock and sell niche mugs if only a small percentage of their customers will buy them, whereas Printify can source print providers like Printed Mint that specialize in niche mugs already, such as their metallic mugs that are super cool, by the way, for birthday and wedding gifts. They are effectively crowdsourcing products, which means that they have a wider range to choose from. And so, as you can see, neither app is better than the other. They just each have their own differences and their own advantages, and different apps are gonna serve different people and different stores, so think about what your needs are and which print-on-demand app suits your needs the most. And actually, as I said in this video here, I don't just use one, I use both. I use Printful and Printify for different reasons. And so if you're watching and you're thinking, well, I like the sound of using Printful to create and sell t-shirts, but I'd also like to add a cool metallic mug into my store, then you can add both apps into your store and use them for different items that they have and make the most of the unique advantages that each of the apps offers. So then, which app is right for you? Let me know in the comments. And if this video helped you, please subscribe and click that little notification bell, so you don't miss out on any of my videos, and if you'd like to learn about how I use both Printful and Printify in my e-commerce business, you should be sure to watch my video, "Five Apps That I Use to Earn Income Online on Autopilot." So go ahead, watch my next video, and I'll see you over there.
Channel: Wholesale Ted
Views: 34,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: printful, printify, printful vs printify, printful review, printify review, printful t-shirt, printify t-shirt, print on demand, print on demand review, print on demand app, pod
Id: lG4_iu0SUiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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