The Seventh Hand | Jentezen Franklin

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what an amazing conference what an amazing crowd and I don't know where all you people came from but I'm delighted to be here with you tonight I love this ministry I love this family the Stockstill family carries something that our nation desperately needs the world desperately needs it is truly a blessing on their household on their family one of the brothers up here leading worship one of the brothers you know apostolic place at Gateway Church in Dallas Joel one of the brothers of course pastoring this great ministry Jonathan and his wife and I don't forget the wives they're the most important part and and then the sister sister Stockstill that I don't I don't know your last name now but the one that's pregnant so she better have a different last name amen but but boy they're pastoring a church and are there more socks nails that I don't know that young uns the children and there's there's the old patriarch brother Stockstill stand up I honor you my goodness I didn't know you were here I didn't know you were here that's a great man right there that's greatness right there and to God be the glory for what he is doing and I so honored this ministry Jonathan I'm so proud of you the touch of God on your life well can I preach just a few minutes I think I will if you have your Bibles I'm gonna ask you to open them with me for just a few moments to the old testament book of ezekiel i'm gonna go to the old testament book of ezekiel chapter 43 and i want to talk to you for just a few moments about how to build a successful church family home life dream business how to build what it takes to build what god has called you to build in the secret is found in Ezekiel chapter 43 and I'll begin reading with verse 12 will you help me preach just a little bit tonight I found that it helps if this is the pulpit and sometimes you feel like you're the reason they called it the pulpit is because it was built up and they had to pull from the congregation but I want to feel you pulling it out of me tonight and or at least we get in a tug of war in Jesus name Ezekiel chapter 43 verse 12 this is the law of the temple everybody say the law of the temple this is the law of the temple of the whole area surrounding the mountaintop is most holy behold here it is again this is the law of the temple twice two times in one verse he's letting you know this is very important this is not something to just pass over the double announce iation Saul Saul verily verily anytime you see God in His holy word repeating something it means pay attention there's something here you might miss next verse these are the measurements of the altar in cubits the cubit is one cubit and a handbreadth and we'll stop there I want to talk to you and I'll give you my title in just a few moments but I want to talk to you about this phrase and this this restoration of the temple that Ezekiel had a vision of God told him that he would restore the temple and he said you were to measure it in cubits the word cubit is a common measurement used in Bible days Noah was the first to mention cubits Noah was given the dimensions of the ark by God in cubits in the book of Deuteronomy there is a giant that the Bible said was nine cubits high the reason that this term cubit in in he it's a ma a mmm aah a ma the reason that they were given this particular measurement to use to build things it's very common throughout the Old Testament to measure things out in cubits is because they didn't have modern technology like we do today engineering and all of that they didn't have tape measures they didn't have rulers so they had to use something called the cubit that everybody has a cubit measures out to six hand breaths of a man a hand breath and when I ask you to participate in this for just a moment just hold your hand up put your fingers together take your thumb and fold it over and the hand breath is the measurement from this finger to the pinky finger and it takes six hand breaths to measure one cubit so I'm gonna ask you to measure something with me I'm going to ask you to measure take your hand everybody do this and start at your elbow where the break in your elbow is and go with me are you ready one two three four come on help me count five six amazingly unless you have a really weird arm that if you measured that out it is the length six hand breaths is one cubit and it's the length from your elbow to the tip of your middle finger six hand breaths is a cubit in in Jewish teaching the rabbi's teach that this part of the arm the lower part of the arm the part from the elbow to the hands it's considered the mother of the arm because it's this portion of the arm that that gives birth to whatever man can imagine now if that is the mother of the arm then I just want to throw in there that this part is the father the arm amen come on help me preach right there the mother of the arm because it's the part that creates it's the part that fashions man dreams man imagines man conceives ideas but it's not until the mother of the arm the six hand breasts of a man which equals one cubed or the cubit of a man's hand goes to work and begins to fashion in form and create and shape what the mind imagines it's amazing what they did even in the Old Testament with the cubit of a man's hand six hand breaths they built magnificent temples they built towers and shields and swords and weapons and clothes and pottery and all kinds of beautiful cities it was all done man dreamed it in his mind and the mother of the armed the six hand breasts the cubit of a man's hand began to create form and fashion with the cubit of a man's hand he builds he carves he invents he makes instruments of war these arms these hands this part of our body is extremely skillful it took fifteen hundred years from the time of Jesus to Leonardo da Vinci for knowledge to double then knowledge doubled next in two hundred and fifty years then knowledge doubled in just 50 years then in 1960 knowledge began to double every 10 years in the 1980s knowledge doubled every two years because of the invention of the computer was beginning by the 2000s knowledge doubles every six months the latest statistic every three months the world knows twice as much as it did three months ago your technology that you think is so awesome and so your brand-new iPhone in three months there will be in the lab they will already have something so much better that it will look like a pogo stick compared to the new invention this coming think about what I'm telling you from the Garden of Eden to where we are today the world is a tribute to the cubit of a man's hand the giftedness of man the creative ability of man to dream something and begin to form and fashion with his hands it's amazing what the intellectual ability a man can do to create to engineer to build to unravel the mysteries of DNA to split the atom to go into space to send rockets to land on the moon and satellites to shoot image from here to any place in the world I can be transported and be live here in be live in Nigeria are all over the world through the internet with man's genius there they operate on hearts and brains with computers and and cure diseases and make musical instruments modern technology every three months makes everything you have obsolete man does all of this with a dust frame and a dust body and a dust mine he builds airplanes in the last hundred years he builds he builds space shuttles and cell phones and computers and robotic surgery that operates on your eye and your heart GPS satellite Siri you can ask her anything she's somebody dreamed I'm gonna put somebody in everybody's phone and this woman you can ask her directions you can ask her anything and she will talk back to you and give you specific answers and their correct answers and all you got to do and this is hard for me is follow her directions it not amazing somebody come on get real with me somebody dreamed somebody said oh well we wait there and I don't know how they did it but they put her in my phone and she can talk to me it's amazing it's amazing what man can do all of these things done by six hand breasts of a man's hand somebody gets an idea and the hands go to molding and shaping and creating bridges and cities and skyscrapers in New York City and bridges and amazing technology and all that you see everything here somebody dreamed the seats are setting on the watch that you have on somebody dreamed it in the hands went to work and start forming and fashion and before you know it it's real man is gifted because man is made in the image of God man is gifted when you look back where we have come from from the Garden of Eden to where we are today but sometimes this giftedness this genius can rob us of our need for God and we fail to remember John 15 and 5 without me Jesus said you can do nothing now wait a minute you just use half your sermon to tell us how genius man is and you didn't never mentioned God but Jesus said without me you can do nothing he meant nothing spiritual nothing moral nothing eternal that will last for eternity can be done with the six cubits of a man's hand we try to do it without God but we are not capable of doing spiritual things eternal things with unless God comes and helps us and that's where I want to be right now because when God gave Ezekiel a vision of restoring the temple he really shifted things and you'll read right over he said now I'm about to give you the blueprint plan our building me a house and he said this is the law of my house this is not something that I will overlook this is a law and it is fixed if you want to build me a temple where my presence will be I want you to use did you get it the cubit of a man's hand plus one hand breadth you can build everything else with six hand breaths but if you're gonna build me a temple if you're gonna build me a church if you're gonna build me a family if you're gonna build me children who love and honor God it's gonna take more than human ingenuity and talent and giftedness it's gonna take a seventh hand you got six hands equals one cubit but he said in that he said in that last verse that I read and a add an extra hand breath you're gonna need the seventh hand and he said this is the law of my house the law of my house is that you can build everything else you can build a successful business with your genius and your brilliance and your hard work you can build a house but you can't build a home you can build you can get somebody to marry but you can't stay married unless the seventh hand comes you can build a building but you can't build a church until the seventh hand comes on what you presented to God it's not until I put my hand with your hand it's not until you feel my hand with your hands I put my hand on your effort it's gonna take the seventh hand to build everything that God wants you to build everything else in life can be built with six hands but nothing eternal nothing spiritual and nothing that will last eternity can be built with your genius and your ability my hand God said it has got to get behind your hand Ezekiel and my seventh hand will bless everything you set your hands to do you give me the six hand grits you do everything you can do and after you've done everything you can do I'll come with the seventh hand and do what you can't do take a praise break and thank God for an extra hand could you use an extra hand at your church could you use an extra hand after the practice and after you've done everything you've done after the preparation and all the discipleship we still need the hand of God the anointing of God the presence of God to build a church take a praise break and I'll keep reaching just praising come on come on let's go you can put on you can put a spaceship on the moon but if you're gonna try to build a church you better get the seventh hand involved cuz he said I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it not your program not your cool jeans not your slick lighting all of that stuff I'm for it I have it I do it look at me I'm 55 and I got white tennis shoes on and skinny jeans sort of skinny but the day that we start thinking we're so smart we're so sharp we're so brilliant we're so programmed we're so that we don't need the seventh hand it's not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord of Hosts your genius is not enough your brilliance is not enough hey singer your talent and your cool licks it's not enough you may be able to sing like a bird but it's not until the seventh hand comes on that voice that man that melts the heart that demons start running for the doors oppression lifts because it takes more than talent it takes the anointing and the seventh hand why are you screaming I don't know this is what my generation does poro Antichrist you know what his number is he wants to be God so bad wants to be like God you want his number is six six he's let me try it again six I want to be God I want to be God I want to be God he gets up to 6 and goes back down I want to be God I need to worship me like he gets his hey devil you can't do it without the seventh man he can turn a devil into a saint [Applause] come with me now there was a famine in the land it had not rained for three and a half years the old prophet Elijah felt a nudging in his spirit to go to the top of the mountain with his servant and the Bible said that he put his head between his knees and begin to groan and moan and pray and he said to his servant you run over to the cliff and look out over the ocean and tell me if you see a storm brewing and the boy ran while the Prophet prayed and he looked out and he came back and the Prophet said what did you see and he said nothing he said go again one two and he goes again what did you see nothing go again three four he goes five times he goes six times comes back what did you see nothing go again and this time he goes a seventh time don't quit too soon don't give up too early after you've done all you can do the seventh hand is coming to your rescue [Applause] somebody needs to hear this tonight you're weary from well doing but the Lord said tonight I will put my seventh hand oh no you've tried to do and together we'll walk on the water come on and give him a shout of praise somebody give him a shout of praise and and the Prophet look or the servant looked down and all he saw was a cloud the size of a man's hand this is in your Bible everybody would do like this look at it don't look like much you had had rain or Dew in three and a half years and all that he sees is a hand the size of a man's hand a cloud the size of a man's hand it's little but it's loaded little is much when God is in it some of you only praise the Lord when the miracle is complete and you probate your praise waiting on bigger things to happen but if you had ever learned that when you see God start something he always finishes it anything he begins in you he'll be faithful to complete if you've seen any improvement if you've seen a little change if you've seen a little breakthrough you ought to give God a shout his seventh hand is coming to your need [Applause] he runs back to the Prophet he said what did you see he said I saw a cloud the size of a man's hand and it's funny if you ever read it it's funny Elijah goes berserk run for your life a godly Watchers coming run and your Bible says in the next few verses and he outran the horses of Ahab off of the top of that mountain and all he saw was a cloud the size of a man's and when the seventh hand starts coming he said get your expectation something's about to happen that you couldn't make happen that your talent couldn't make happen that your connections couldn't make happen but God's hand will make it happen he opens doors no man he saw a cloud and the Bible said he outran the horses they have I love that because they have was wicked he represents the horses of the Apocalypse looks like they're come into our city into our world to our nation but don't you ever think that the horses of Ahab or the horses of the Apocalypse are going to outrun the power of God in the last days there is a generation that the seventh hand is gonna come on and if the devil's really amping up his attack against the world there's gonna come an anointing on the sons of Elijah and we're gonna outrun the horses of Ahab and the horses of the book of Revelation greater is He Who is in us than he who is in the world does anybody still believe this book makes us victorious the end times are not happening to us we're happening to the end times a cloud the size of a man's hand I can't get past it it's the fivefold ministry the Apostle because he touches all the ministries that's the Apostle right there he touches all the ministries there's the there's the prophet the Lord says there's the Evangelist he stands out he's always telling people if you don't get saved come on we need some evangelist I wish somebody would start preaching that again I need to be careful we're probably on the Internet but we need to preach the whole counsel of God we need some evangelists to preach heaven real and how hot and you better go to one or the other fruits you'll only get to heaven through Jesus come on take a praise break I'm on I'm over I'm over but but but seriously evangelist stand out not everybody who thinks they're an evangelist is called to be an evangelist if your ministry doesn't stand down a little you need something that makes you a little different Billy Graham stood out Reinhardt Bonnke stood out right that's how you know I've always been an evangelist I'm a pastor and an evangelist but I have always for seven years on the road every night I had five and six week revivals we didn't take we didn't do it on the weekend we did it every night for six weeks I've seen four or five 600 people in one revival get the baptism in the Holy Ghost everybody in the Baptist Church come over and get baptized in the holy I've had those kind I've seen them slain in the spirit but we don't like this stuff anymore with you soon but this is what I'm preaching about we need the seventh hand to come back on the church thank God for the progression thank God for all that he's doing thank God for brilliant leaders but we need the seventh hand too [Applause] you gotta be let me keep moving so you got the Apostle the thumb he touches everything he inspires everything he speaks into everything you got the Prophet he got the Evangelist you got the pastor he's married to the church can't get away from it tries to go on vacation how was it today why are you laying out on the beach [Applause] don't worry about your pastor getting big-headed or something the more God blesses and because if he's really called he's married to you and even though he may be preaching some word Hillsong or somewhere all over the world his heart is with that church and those precious people and then there's the teacher small enough to get in year and he said there's a revival coming and it's the it's the seventh hand it's the seventh hand and when that hand comes what you cannot do on your own now let me let me let me preach just a few more minutes I think it's so important to understand that the six hand breasts are have to be done let me explain it this way one of the hand breasts is the precious parking lot crew out in the parking lot parking cars and one of the hand breasts is the praise team spending hours and hours and hours to make what they did up here look easy but it sounds better than any music in any club in Baton Rouge or New Orleans I guarantee you that's two hands breaths and the greeters and the altar workers and the people who took vacation they're all laying down the hand rests the children's ministry the nursery it's all and you think of the seventh hand won't come until everything is in its place Moses had to put all the furniture in its place then the glory came not when things were not in its place so don't you minimize your ministry don't you act like it's some trivial common thing that you're passing an offering bucket or you are picking up behind the stage or you've got a walkie-talkie in your ear on security looking for weirdos it's all part of the hand breath called the body of Christ and when God sees that we get to the tip and we've done everything we can do he says well it's time for me now to stretch forth a hand that's a little bit different cuz it's got a covenant mark right in the middle of it and put my hand with their hands and suddenly the church starts growing and it goes from 200 like mine did from 120 to 200 and I remember when I dreamed of 250 people boy we did it we I got on the radio I did everything I knew to do I taught I had a I had a sign that was so ugly it was one of those glass signs I took a church that was that was from from a wonderful man he died he died on an on a Friday but--my nine months in advance to come preacher revival died on the Friday night the only pastor they had had most of those people and he died on Friday night and I had to preach that Sunday morning and anyhow he left a beautiful little building but the sign was so dated it was one of those brick signs and it had glass on both sides and you know the kind of bulbs that use that I don't know how to describe them what are they called y'all don't know you're too young but I promise you they were not LED he I promise we're not and I got with I got with the I'll never forget his name was jr. and I said brother but jr. he was a custodian that we paid part-time I said you know right now if if I tear down that sign it'll split this church cost a lot of these people just checking me out and they're just looking for a reason I was 28 years old but could you have an accident I said you with me aren't you he said pastor you know I'm with you I said well you got an old pickup and it's got dents all over it and I noticed you parked real close and if you don't mind just put it in reverse instead of forward and take it out true story he within minutes he was in his truck and he didn't just take it out he ran completely over it before the Sunday I didn't acted like I was ignorant cuz back then they voted on everything and I put a big old sign up with with lights and in a new name and everything and the people came and said what happened I said brother junior tore the whole sign down and I had to tell people we're still here and they bought it seventh hand stuff [Applause] we bout had a church split over moving the piano from one side of the blip thing to the other now cold my dad and I said dad I wanna Mon do this they bout to have a fit he said move it two inches of Sunday come on if you determine you can get there just don't give up maybe that's somebody's word don't give up the seventh hand is go found away leave the timing in God's hand you're gonna grow you're gonna take your city the seventh hand is upon you and nothing can stop you somebody give him a shout of praise if you believe I know we're yet tithes and offerings of fourteen hundred dollars a week everything everything fourteen hundred dollars a week but I just begin to pray just begin to work just begin to fast just begin to assemble the people teach the people give them vision give them dreams and it grew and it grew and it grew I remember breaking through five hundred a thousand I remember three thousand I remember five thousand just dreaming dreaming dreaming and the things that I've seen God do the things that you see this ministry has done we'll be the first to tell you we did it all that we knew to do and some of it worked and some of it didn't but it wasn't until the seventh hand came and it changed everything I close with this there's a John in the Old Testament that was nine cubits high and the Bible said his name was um ish big enough ever read about and he almost killed David by the way he almost killed day read it it's a I have a sermon I preached on it sometimes about how that David a lot of people know about Goliath they don't know about that he was one of David's brothers and he almost killed David he hit him so hard that if you read it and study it David went into a coma and the Bible said he was lying there helpless and one of the mighty men of David open to that point nobody had killed a giant in the entire Bible except David but one of the mighty men looked across the field saw his hero laying in a pool of his own blood and saw that old giant with his sword raised barely laughs and I got in my goddamn my goddamn I got my mighty some psalmist of Israel I've got the king of it I got David and suddenly that something came on that young man and he said I don't know if I can do this but here I go let me tell you about him the Bible said he had six fingers six toes I mean you couldn't even play this little piggy went to the market and it worked out rough six toes let me tell you I don't care what kind of Giants you're facing when the seventh hand comes on you you can say you come to me with a sword in a shield but I come with the hand of the Lord in the name of the Lord and nothing will be able to stop me and this is what I feel had to say in closing God said to me tonight to tell you he wants to put his hand on your house he wants to put his hand on your ministry he wants to put his hand on your children he wants to put his hand listen on your addiction on your weakness if you will do the six hand breast I need help god help me I repent I'm gonna get help I'm gonna get accountability if you will do everything you can do the seventh hand will come and set you free you say you don't know how much money I'm worth I'm worth a lot of money see how that money helps you when you got teenagers it's gonna take the seventh hand to get those kids to heaven it's gonna take the seventh hand after you've done all you can do and they go off to LSU or wherever they go it's gonna take the seventh hand and unseen we sing a song in the church called the unseen hand and it's gonna follow them and just when they start to fall in love with an idiot the hope how many of you own the seventh hand own your children and your children's children get up on your feet I dare you to reach up and take the hand of God and say Lord would you touch my hand with your hands I need you I need you I need you more than I've ever needed you in my life I can't go back without the seventh hand God wants to put his hand on your house this is the law of the temple then he says it again I'm telling you this is all all the temple you do what you can do and God will do what you can't do so lift your hands up all over this room turn the Voicebox volume up to about four and lift up your voice and begin to pray in the spirit all over this room begin to pray like you need the Holy Ghost begin to pray like if you didn't have him you couldn't do it begin to go back and reconnect to the one that calls you the one that prophesied over you the one that's brought you so far that you can't believe it and now you're questioning can I go to the next level reconnect with that hand and it's going to speak to you reconnect with that hand and it's going to guide you reconnect with that hand and it's going to anoint you with fresh oil yes says the Lord I annoy you with fresh all this night there's coming a fire in you that's coming and anointing on you that's coming a prophetic pitch on you like you have never had before for such a time as this since the Lord yes I put my hand on your house I put my hand on your life I put my hand on your ministry and now it is my ministry and I will bless the work of your hands says the Lord now rejoice Church rejoice rejoice rejoice rejoice
Channel: Bethany
Views: 8,532
Rating: 4.8757763 out of 5
Id: vpWPFKemeDI
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Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 05 2018
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