The Setup - Law & Order

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we think it's K like Murray the K or K Y or Kate with an e couldn't be more than a thousand variations in New York City that's Kye five boroughs must be 500 more names Oh what do you want me to do stop Manhattan someone was hired to kill a mr. K the hit man went to 315 Jacob's place you live at 315 Jameson place so my husband and I are active in the reform Democrats mr. Robinette we helped found Carnegie Hill alternative school we were once mentioned in passing on page six but I doubt any of that qualifies us for assassination what kind of well did your husband do mrs. Geary real estate what he's guilty of gentrification I'm afraid is going to be much worse than that [Music] a month ago Edward MK deposited 300,000 into his corporate checking account but he hasn't made a sale since August and they can who did the hit said he mentioned 300,000 K Fernet as a buyer of an apartment for English 300 thousand cash it comes to closing K doesn't show up with the money he's shipped a metal stick the drug dealer there's a motive the kid shut up the wrong apartment we're just baby is dead it's a 14 year old hit man went to the wrong place do you understand these people they live better than 99% of humanity and they have to steal from drug dealers Ames will go up for murder one way or the other if mr. Kay decides to test it real estate fraud not much to work with maybe K has a conscience there may be houses the homeless in his basement but I wouldn't count on it I sold a nice two-bedroom on West End Avenue to a young black man that's a crime when you still as money it is what stealing we had a little problem with the closing papers you know this Chamber of Commerce routine of getting on my nerves from 1986 he were arrested for cocaine possession Ingram's your dealer and arrest with no conviction is not relevant here it isn't yeah I do a little coke you figure what the hell it's a victimless crime you use drug money to buy real estate you think that makes it clean look an 11 months old baby died because your sins mr. K if you want to talk about his tests what did you do with the $300,000 you didn't cheat some yuppie banker mr. Ingram's he doesn't sue we hard hit man you haven't mentioned any incentives for cooperation no well how is this if your client doesn't start talking now I'll tear his life apart real estate boards clients skeletons in the closet might add a guaranteed Ingram's came to me with 300,000 you wanted cleaned I was in the middle of a redevelopment project that was dying for an infusion of cash so you used England's money I thought I could turn it around get his money in and out quickly market went soft lenders foreclosed on the project and the $300,000 went to them did Ingram's threaten you no I point my finger at him I'm dead you help us all we'll put them away and if you don't and if you don't testify he'll get you sooner or later I'd rather it was later well you made your pitch mr. Stahr and it didn't go through I'd rather go to a loan shark for the 300 grand then take out on Mikeal Ingram's picking rooms up we have enough to charge it without case testimony come on Paul you lose a maggot we can crush him he doesn't know Kay won't testify we get him to plead manslaughter he's off the street at least Kate lives long enough to change his mind sold people vs. Mikeal Ingram's the charges are murder in the second degree manslaughter in the first degree attempted murder in the second degree and assault in the first degree how does the defendant plead not guilty on all counts your honor I'm serving grand jury notice upon defense counsel your honor people wish to be heard on bail as a multiple prior felony offender and a convicted narcotics trafficker mr. Ingram's faces mandatory life the people requested be held without bail Oh counselor I believe a high bail is appropriate in this case name a figure people ask 1 million dollars our honor so ordered one of the whole package and we delivered so far but this Ingram's hood walks on a technicality all your good work is bupkis offer a man - he engineered the death of an infant for heaven's sake people will be outraged zebra will forget this outrage as soon as the next outrage hits the front page a winter boy isn't the only innocent victim in New York City man - I go for the maximum sentence forget it stone you don't come runnin with your hat in your hand from a position of strength you call this a position of strength counselor we're offering a deal so we can wrap this up but if you wanna play games my games you got the unsubstantiated testimony of a little psycho can't shoot straight let's get something straight here mr. stone I'm not in short pants t-ball's testimony isn't enough to convict me probably not the NED case will knit k he won't mess with my thing I'm going back to my cell okay so it's not an even bet even we'll give you 20 to one so Kay stole his money but does the jury believe he'd kill him Ingram's is a drug dealer it doesn't look like a drug dealer you want me not to go to trial mr. Kay is still a question mark what do you got in his finances sir a federal tax charge the IRS we do not let tax evaders walk if it's major fraud he goes to jail Montana can still make an example no never forget about it go away his money put him in the poorhouse trouble penalties but don't send him to jail what do you get a dealer and a killer off the street okay but I want it in writing in letters eight feet high when they go from my neck I want yours in the noose with me tax fraud mr. Morton and your client goes away for ten years ten years in a federal Country Club I can work on my tennis game it's better than being dead suppose I convince the IRS not to prosecute I'll bite suppose you do they take every dime you don't even keep the dishwasher but if you testify you can move to Nebraska the day the trial is over you son of a [ __ ] you set this up the deal is good for 15 seconds I keep the house in Sag Harbor no you don't 10 seconds Mercedes they take the Mercedes five seconds [Music] [Music]
Channel: Law & Order
Views: 384,902
Rating: 4.8234506 out of 5
Keywords: Law & Order, Law & Order Full Episodes, Law & Order Season 3, Best Of Law & Order, Law & Order Season 1, Law & Order Season 2, Max Greevey, Mike Logan, Detective Logan, Detective Greevey, Donald Cragen, Ben Stone, Michael Moriarty, Paul Robinette, Richard Brooks, Adam Schiff, Steven Hill, Law & Order Original, Law and order original, Law & Order best moments, Law & Order official channel, season 1, the setup, mushrooms
Id: Uprv50YIg7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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