Last Minute Evidence - Law & Order

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trying to find his safe-deposit box that was my idea I read it in a magazine and told sandy after your sister located at her husband's box what did she do nothing I told her it was time to move to file the papers but she was terrified of my move to strike your honor miss O'Brien it's not a mind-reader and anything her sister told her is hearsay your honor sisters are certainly capable of interpreting each other's moves oh wow that's but to keep mrs. Thompson's words out of it how did your sister act miss O'Brien if I mentioned Michaels name I could see her get all tight ever since she was a little girl she used to twirl her hair when she would get upset a few months ago I noticed she was pulling hairs out I showed her after that she wore her hair up when was the last time you talked to mr. Dobson after the custody hearing I wanted to visit the children you called him he told me if I tried to see the children again he would make me regret it that I ought to know by now he knew how to take care of people who tried to take his children away from him and you took that as a threat of course he shot my sister move to strike non-responsive sustained jury will disregard no further questions so you're saying that despite the fact your sister never took any step toward getting a divorce you could tell that she wanted to because she changed her hairstyle she told me she wanted one I say really miss O'Brien aren't you desperate to see mr. Thompson convicted because you feel guilty no because over his objection you'll ordered an operation that led to your sister's death the doctor said it might relieve the pressure on her brain the doctors advised you not to have the operation I couldn't let him get away with it I see now as for this alleged threat didn't mr. Dobson merely asked to be allowed to live in peace with his own children in peace what did he do to Jessica to make her live right in front of the baby he threatened you know they should know impassion relatives they do impress the jury Gunn helps to suggesting the possibility the Dobson shot her without putting into the trouble of running another ballistic test unless you're unlucky enough to find the gun if they find it it will match Dobson's claiming it was stolen a year ago convenient I think the jury will see it that way I guess detective Logan urgent yeah he was picked up with a knife in Alphabet City after two drunk tourists from Jersey got stabbed last week so he spent the next day at the one-five he got shipped to central booking then Rikers then he got lost for 48 hours until somebody listened to a story and mailed them here what's he looking at a slot one he prefers to climb at downstate go ahead tell it you cut me a little slack I give you a killer are we talking about Joey Robin like Robin Williams you know the guys all the time jokey it's very annoying if one of your customers an acquaintance who likes to ride downtown smack Express when he's not doped up he's a stick-up kid when armed robberies yeah a couple of months ago he has his party at his place heroin for him beer for anybody else at the climb Astaire's told me he was celebrating told me took off some lady and Riverside driving a BMW that ring any bells with you did you see any of this lady's stuff he's waving around a purple scarf told me was gonna save it for after his sex change operation he was talking like hello Joseph annoying your call counselor sir she had on a beige dress what does it matter what she was wearing when your sister left here did she have any kind of scarf yes silk mo oh it wasn't with her clothes the hospital do you have it move that's like purple right does Michael have it to someone else happened we don't know that oh my god I killed sandy for nothing police open up you're gonna have to knock louder than that junkie named Robin not anymore he died Tuesday and potatoes these people don't take care of themselves is all this his stuff mm-hmm what do you do knock off a video store oh you like to D this is my Christmas tip the rest I don't even want to touch I'm getting it clean tomorrow yeah well we get first dibs please what do you got there white jacket how exactly do you get hepatitis kept this nice and clean 32 that's not a Ruger no Colt you don't think we're gonna old ops in an apology do you hope hallmark makes the right card American Express and visa Sandra Dobson [Music] in the light of new information developed by the police the people withdraw the charge against Michael Dobson charge is dismissed bail is exonerated you're free to go sir thank you your honor thank you it's over still not with the money no come on situation you'll get over it well that ends well at McCoy I got to pick up the kids now oh thanks to you no alibi McCoy you gotta see this I found the tape in Robyn's apartment it's a local cable show that's robbing at the top of the bottles and you know they're really useful when you shoot so a junkie community Lenny Bruce never shot anybody I never miss I Drive are we really quitting Oh should we save I've seen worse wait it gets better they taped the show does club' you so mic live is please check phone records Dobson's bank account the store where Robin cashed his welfare checks they interviewed Dobson's friends Robin's friends people at the club it couldn't find any other connection meeting conversation between Dobson and Robin nothing I think it's just a coincidence killer appeared at a club owned by the victim's husband No but even if I could retry him I couldn't convict he didn't leave a trail hmm smart lucky our innocent [Music] [Music]
Channel: Law & Order
Views: 597,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Law & Order, Best Of Law & Order, Mike Logan, Detective Logan, Donald Cragen, Ben Stone, Paul Robinette, Richard Brooks, Adam Schiff, Steven Hill, Law & Order Original, Law and order original, Law & Order best moments, Law & Order official channel, Law & order season 5, robbery, gun shot, vegetative state, brain surgery, fatal surgery, power of attorney
Id: olvbtAOvz18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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