No Sir, I Was Entitled! - Law & Order

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she filled up the syringe she asked me to inject her a few minutes after she started having a seizure I didn't know what to do I called mr. caiman and what happened as a result of your call he came right over but by then her eyes were rolling back in her head I tried to revive her but mr. caiman told me I should leave he said I would get kicked out of Yale if anyone found out I was there I never should have left did you have any communication with mr. caiman after that yes he called me the next day he told me Katie was dead he made it sound like it was my fault he said he'd keep his mouth shut to protect me and what was your sister's condition when you left her with mr. caiman she was alive mr. Blanchard why would you call my client does he have some special expertise with overdoses ever since we were little whenever we got into trouble we knew we could count on him for example when you were expelled from Choate yes he let me stay with him until he could talk to my father and why were you kicked out of choke gentian goes to credibility your honor overruled the witness will answer they found marijuana in my room so you're a drug addict I'm not an addict I only smoked heroin once or twice a month on the weekends but if anybody found out your little secret you would be in big trouble isn't that right yes and if anybody found out that you had injected your sister with a lethal dose of heroin you would be in very big trouble isn't that correct I already admitted what I did and if anybody has a reason to move your sister's body to hide the circumstances of her death it's you isn't it I didn't move her mr. Kamin said he would help her Jerome came and held full discretionary authority over the joint trust account but I gave him specific instructions not to give any money to my daughter every dime she got her hands on went to drugs he knew that of the 340 $6,000 withdrawn by mr. Kamin were you able to ascertain how much of it went to the children to the best of my knowledge only 33 thousand dollars were spent on my children I haven't been able to account for the rest thank you didn't you forbid Katie deliver the family home or any of the other houses that you own you make it sound so easy the psychiatrist said that it was best for her and for my other children she was a destructive influence on them she only really hurt herself didn't you also forbid her to contact any other member of the family except through my client I had to protect them Katie could be very manipulative so it fell on my client to shoulder the sole responsibility for your self-destructive drug-addicted daughter is that right I was at my wit's end cutting her off was the best thing I could do as her mother no matter how much I wanted to I couldn't work a miracle but what's his excuse he stole from her he bought her drugs oh he bought her food and gave her shelter or would you prefer that he be as cold and heartless as you and let your daughter die a miserable death on the streets yeah she doesn't have to answer that the money was there I had discretionary authority I gave it to her simple as that nothing criminal about but I can understand why mrs. Blanchard blames me for Katie's death can you explain it to us she disowned her daughter Katie's dead as a consequence but it's easier to blame me to cut me off in a way that's how Merrill deals with everything she finds unpleasant the night that Katie died did you receive a call from her brother I was home most of the night I went out to get a bite to eat when I came home my answering machine was flashing but no one left a message and did you see miss Blanchard that night no and if I had I certainly hope I could have saved her thank you why did you lie when the police first interviewed you about miss Blanchard as I explained I was concerned about my professional reputation and not because you were present when miss Blanchard overdosed I wasn't there and not because you transported her in your car maybe I didn't say it loud enough the first time I didn't see her that night then how do you explain the fact that her vomit was in your car Jackson Your Honor I'll see counsel in chambers this is grounds for a mistrial not to mention sanctions your honor suppress this evidence settle down mr. Pollard mr. McCoy I'll bet you with a kind of child who touch the plate even when your mom told you it was hot mr. Kamin is on the stand lying about moving miss Blanchard's body I have every right to challenge his credibility well sure well I let a little thing like the Fourth Amendment stand in the way especially when you can sneak the evidence in through the back door the Constitution says I can't convict your client with the evidence where does it say that I can't use it to prove them a liar jury isn't gonna make that find a distinction and you know it I'll make sure they do mr. Pollard I'll charge the jury accordingly the evidence is admissible to challenge credibility but will not be used for liability the question will stand and the witness will answer we'll resume after lunch Jack your office 10 minutes you may get the evidence in now but you know it never survives an appeal I'll worry about that after the jury convicts your client of murder this is nuts Katie was a junkie junkies died anyone who knew her could have predicted that nothing is inevitable mr. Kamin except your residency at one of our correctional facilities you're a liar and now the jury knows you're a liar I've made my case man to minimum sentenced to cover all counts of the indictment man 1 8 and 1/3 to 25 what kind of a deal is that you expect him to serve the max yes and after that he does two years for larceny you have a minute to make up your mind I can't believe this I was driving it to the damn hospital and what hospital was that mr. Kamin I can't recall well I didn't do anything wrong maril didn't care about it if it weren't for me she would have been dead months ago even if she survived this overdose it was just a matter of time till the next one she was in pain she was killing herself she wanted this somebody had to make a decision it wasn't your decision to make it was my decision ken Blanchard was my friend for 35 years I was the only one he would entrust with his children that family can't survive without me I pay their bills I invested their money I clean up the messes they make I damn well run their lives and Merrill dares accused me of stealing from them Elsa I wasn't I'm not gonna waste a minute regretting anything I've done you'll be regretting it for the next 25 years if you don't give me your answer right now we'll take the deal send me the paperwork [Music] he's convinced himself he did her a favor by letting her die he did himself a favor 10 years in prison and make your him of his bad habit arrogance [Music] [Music]
Channel: Law & Order
Views: 578,924
Rating: 4.9006662 out of 5
Keywords: Law & Order, Best Of Law & Order, Mike Logan, Detective Logan, Donald Cragen, Michael Moriarty, Paul Robinette, Richard Brooks, Adam Schiff, Steven Hill, Law & Order Original, Law and order original, Law & Order best moments, Law & Order official channel, law & order season 5, Claire Kincaid, Jill Hennessy, Jack McCoy, Sam Waterston, drug overdose, heroin addict, drug addict, addiction, manslaughter, trial, courtroom
Id: eJn5uhlM4LE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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