Law & Order - Negative Peace Over Positive Peace

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Your Honor as the evidence adduced this hearing clearly establishes defendants were served subpoenas 10 days previous to notice date of grand jury appearances they have as the evidence shows willfully and deliberately failed to appear the people request immediate determination of contempt and ask the court to impose maximum sentence provided by law mr. Gaines the defendant stated position has been clear on this issue for some time your honor the DA's issuing of said subpoenas was a clear attempt to break the resolve of this girl's stance on racial justice spare me the diatribe counselor this is a hearing not a trial while there is unfortunately much truth in the stated position that minorities in this city often fall onto uneven terrain within the court system there is not reason enough for your clients to ignore the lawful mandates of this Court is it your intention to show any pertinent information in the defense of this contempt citation apparently none that would do any good your honor as it is becoming readily apparent that the courts mind has already made up tread lightly mr. Gaines I'm becoming annoyed given the legal document submitted by the people and the lack of any substantive defense this Court finds both defendants guilty of contempt you are hereby sentenced as followed mrs. Thelma Crawford 250 dollar fine along with 30 days incarceration miss Astraea Crawford 30 days in a suitable juvenile facility at the end of that time or before if they wish to cooperate I will see them in this courtroom Your Honor request incarceration be delayed until immediately after the next grand jury date so that defendants can reflect upon the court's decision so ordered oh yes mr. Gaines congressman Eaton would like to make a brief statement your honor with all due respect to congressman Eaton he has no business in this court mr. Gaines just as silence is justice denied your honor congressman Eaton go ahead sir Your Honor for the record I'd like to state an overwhelming sense of disappointment at the courts handling of this affair and I would excuse me sir yours and mr. Gaines clear implication is that I have been sitting here oppressing black Americans and I will not have it and while I'm on the subject this Court would like to advise the defendants in my legal opinion you have had reprehensible and irresponsible advice from their retained counsel I hope you take what time has been granted to fully examine the situation and purge the contempt citation this Court does not relish having you spend one hour in jail for what it perceives to be the self-serving actions of others why me because you'll see you just your presence will diffuse the situation I'll do all the talking Paul I just know the man from the rubber chicken said look I know I can cut this short he's got to be feeling pressure at this point if I can provide him with a graceful exit he might take it all right eat you for lunch hose her up to the press as a as a Tom messenger sent by the white establishment so what so what we sit back and watch him tear the city in half he's already set back race relations 30 years I work with these people I know how they feel there is no cover-up you know me you think I'd be a party to it some believable I've become a lawyer turn down Wall Street go on to the one area out there I can help it everybody thinks I'm a damn Oreo excuse me Father maybe there's another way have you talked to the mother Eden's got his hand in her back she's talking but he's pulling the strings on the gravis at parishioners if I can get her to talk to you alone I'll take the one at her mr. Robinette you okay yeah while the Warrens said you wanted to talk to me how about we go get some coffee I can't stay long this thing has gotten I don't know what to do it's gone too far did it happen did any of it happen she's pregnant the Hellboy but we're Catholic she was terrified how daddy he has a terrible temper she wanted to have an abortion she thought the thing that white cops raped her that you'd let her have it I never thought it would get this big this is a part of it I had to tell him the truth that's not the point yeah you give me the view from where you sit mr. jive da and you tell me I got no reason to be up behind this I'm saying there's no reason to go on with it I'm giving you an out the city will drop the cross charges and the gag order will work both ways no quotes no finger-pointing from anybody including us and it'll just disappear from the papers no fuel no fire mr. Crawford the press will print other people's speculations but they're not gonna print their own look I don't know what you need me for Steve's already agreed to it won't work unless everyone's in agreement and Eden that'll be my problem fine I'm sending a social worker by look we don't need any more help from you that's not an option Lister you beat her again I'll come at you every way I know how if what you're telling me is true you may be the most simple hearted down the river [ __ ] ever to wear a tie you want to call they won't pick up the phone don't you have any sense of connection to your people cut the crap congressman they're no cameras here the thing was a hoax it's over let it go you know that now I know that now but does it really make a difference what do you think the point of all this madness was besides the obviously self-serving aspects how long do you think it will be again before the entire society is focused on an issue of racial equality ends justifying the means you look me in the eye and you tell me this system is just this system is equal at times the system stinks Eden I know that as well as you do but don't for one damn minute tell me that you're self aggrandizing polarization is gonna solve the problem don't tell me to tear down a 200 year old justice system no matter how flawed is gonna alter the consciousness of a society it would past the separate drinking fountain stage we're past legal discrimination we're at the hearts and minds stage and believe me there's no quick fix your intentions might have been good but your execution stuck another zombified so casts his vote for order rather than justice negative peace over positive peace paraphrasing Martin Luther King's thoughts won't lend credence to yours King walked with the Angels you slide and slime on your belly to get what you want [Music] [Music]
Channel: Law & Order
Views: 422,023
Rating: 4.9136167 out of 5
Keywords: Law & Order, Law & Order Full Episodes, Law & Order Season 3, Best Of Law & Order, Law & Order Season 1, Law & Order Season 2, Max Greevey, Mike Logan, Detective Logan, Detective Greevey, Donald Cragen, Ben Stone, Michael Moriarty, Paul Robinette, Richard Brooks, Adam Schiff, Steven Hill, Law & Order Original, Law and order original, Law & Order best moments, Law & Order official channel, black, negative peace over positive peace
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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