The Life Of A Beaten Homeless- Law & Order

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these are more than just customers mr. prosecutor them his friends mr. prosecutor looking at conspiracy charge here based on what answering the phone he acted his lookout for Harold Morrissey it's enough to make him an accomplice but I didn't do anything on please I can see a light touch doesn't come naturally to you what are you offering that depends on what he says tell them I saw Morrissey do it he came back from the hospital he grabbed a rebar from the construction site he went in the alley and you're gonna degree of the rebar before he went into the alley yeah and the next thing I know [Music] para Laura say you're under arrest for the attempted murder of Bullock you have the right to remain silent anything you say can be used to get you you're right - one of 2050 we reviewed that right now he's hiding behind a justification defense now listen been a lawful use physical force determining a larceny always a good reason to beat up a mugger mrs. Morrissey was mugged two hours before the beating after three years of harassment the jury's not gonna start counting minutes it is a clear case of premeditation he walked in that le with the rebar he knew that Roland Kirk was violent he was preparing for the worst it's called self-preservation it has also called vigilantism oh man for a chorus of amazing grace I didn't know that he had time to cool off an hour earlier Kirk was fair game I'm not saying that I'm comfortable prosecuting a man that before the grace of God could be me the Almighty looked away for a half a second you could also be rolling Kirk my wife and I were returning from a dinner we saw mrs. Morrissey get out of the cab she had a shopping bag on her arm mr. Kirk pushed her grabbed the bag and ran away I went to see if she was alright and then mr. Morrissey came out of his house and did mr. Morsy say anything to you he was furious understandably Kirk had had scratched her face I told him his priority was getting his wife to the hospital that's what he did they got into a cab and I went home did there come a time later that evening when you heard a disturbance in the alley yes I went outside prosti was there Kirk was unconscious his breathing was labored he was in obvious cardiac distress so I administered CPR what time was this around 12:30 and what time did you see mr. Kirk take mrs. Morris his bag that had to be 10:30 that's a full two hours earlier correct that's right thank you yes no doctor after you administered CPR to mr. Kirk did you wait around for the paramedics to arrive no did you do anything about the blood gushing from his head he was breathing when I left there was what had the paramedics been delayed he could have bled to death isn't that right it's possible true or false six months ago mr. Kirk pushed your 11 year-old son in front of a moving car that's right if it been my son I sure as hell didn't want a guy dead objection sustained mr. Morris he called again from the hospital he wanted to know if Kirk was still in the alley I told him yes did you see mr. Morris he later that evening that was after midnight I was closing up I saw him get out of a cab and head towards the alley and what did you do this guy Kirk is dangerous I didn't want anything to happen to mr. Morrisey I followed him into the alley and what happened next guy deserved it it wouldn't let us live our lives mr. Bronski please just tell us what happened mr. Morris he started hitting him where on the legs anywhere else and then the head with what his fists no the rebar and where did he get it they're fixing up a building next door they have him flying around and he armed himself with that before he entered the alley right yeah sure did you see mr. Kirk trying to give a shopping bag back to mr. Morrissey no did you see mr. Kirk attack mr. Morrissey before he started swaying a rebar yes sidebar your honor approach this witness has sudden recall he never told the police I am saying that witness is lying credibility is left to the jury counselor if you wanted to spread it him call another witness then I am amending my witness list I'm gonna call mr. Kirk to the stand demand certifiable he's not confident have him in my office 9:00 a.m. yes mr. Kirk becomes delusional but typically the delusions are drug-induced he's been under medical care since the incident your honor when he was high as a kite the issue is not whether he can stand trial but whether he can bear witness he was there he saw what happened he remembers and he can communicate that to jury with how much coaching Ben he certainly won't purge himself that's what you mean well ignore that counselors mr. Kirk how old are you I'm 44 next January do you remember where you were when you were beaten I was in the alley I often sleep there I assume there won't be any trouble with the oath Finn I'm a very religious man your honor that's good enough for me I like to sleep in the LAN let's go ahead I was there there like mr. Marcy beating out well tell us what you remember I was asleep oh all of a sudden Mike my legs are on fire what do you mean I was in pain I opened my eyes and I saw mr. Morrissey standing over me you get a metal bar in sand and what did you do I said you want the damn bag so much take it did you take it it kept hitting me how often and again can thank you it's a cart when you first spoke to the police did you tell him his same story no why was head I was out of it I was high on crack but I remember now and when you get high you have no idea what's going on around you is that right no is that why you were involuntarily committed to the Freeland Psychiatric Center at least a dozen times in the last three years when I'm feeling better they let me go and when you get out of the hospital this time were you gonna go my sister said I could stay with her Oh but things didn't work out with your sister the last time you were there was it her fault when you left your sister's where did you go where I live Bedford Street you see there's this sonic convergence when you go there you get high don't you sir yes hi I have to I feel better and he by the crack with money you won suing the residents of Bedford Street isn't it right they harassed me oh they say they're the victims I'm the victim he tried to kill me I may never walk light again you can assume again mister did you put her bully but I'll get enough crack to last me a lifetime and every time that son of a [ __ ] comes out of else you'll see me sitting in my rolls-royce wheelchair getting high and getting in this 20 little face no more questions all I wanted to do was to get my wife's things back mister prosecuted me Kirk was in the alley sleeping the bag was next to him what happened when you entered the alley well thank God I had the rebar to protect myself as soon as I got near him he was all over me I made sure I hit him what would you do I thought he was like mr. Morrissey you testified that you were scared of that's Kirk right everyone is he's dangerous that's why I brought the rebar and that you would use physical force if it were necessary yeah if I had to at the slightest provocation you come out swinging right well I'm not a wild man I defended myself only when he attacked me did he injure you did let him get close enough you mean that you broke his kneecap is that right that's right and did that stop him sir no so you hit him again in the legs yes did you have a reason to hit him a third time yes where on the head why he kept coming at me how could he you just broken his legs he couldn't walk oh I remember I mean you know what happened too fast too fast mr. Morrissey he has by now two broken legs and it's all him they do fast isn't it true that you crippled mr. Kirk with a surgical strike to the knee while he was asleep no and then you proceeded to beat his brains and so that he wouldn't bother you or your wife ever again not true look I am NOT the animal here he is he should be locked in a cage that's right but you people can't seem to do that you let him ruin our lives we're responsible for mr. Kirk Tim right you'd want to come out here and beat our brains in right don't think I haven't [Music] [Music]
Channel: Law & Order
Views: 394,674
Rating: 4.8575101 out of 5
Keywords: Law & Order, Law & Order Full Episodes, Law & Order Season 3, Best Of Law & Order, Law & Order Season 1, Law & Order Season 2, Max Greevey, Mike Logan, Detective Logan, Detective Greevey, Donald Cragen, Ben Stone, Michael Moriarty, Paul Robinette, Richard Brooks, Adam Schiff, Steven Hill, Law & Order Original, Law and order original, Law & Order best moments, Law & Order official channel, volunteers, season 4
Id: TqcS8kBrk_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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