the secret to singing super high notes

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so find that place of release where the where the sound just feels like it's almost rolling out of you everyone my name is Adam Michonne I'm a singer songwriter and vocal coach and today I'm gonna teach you all how to sing super high notes singing really high notes is one of the most sought after skills in singing it's required to be able to sing basically anything that's on the radio today gone are the days when a singer could sing in his low range and still get away with it it's important to know that when it comes to singing high notes we don't want to push into strain this is one of the major issues that a lot of people find as they're trying to sing high notes is that they will try to reach for those notes so you'll have a singer who goes ah and they're just going its straining to get up to that high note what you need to do is take a step back and try a different approach this approach that I'm going to teach you here is a foundation for singing high notes to be able to sing really high you need to first learn how to sing quietly so what I'd like to do now is to give you guys a few exercises that you can do to try to build into your high range so it's important first to know that you have somewhat of a chest voice because we need to be able to sing down low strongly in order to then go up higher so first we need to start with an AA vowel now we're gonna go into our lower range and as we move up we're gonna move up into our high range without getting any louder so this is the key let's try good ah and as you're singing this vowel you need to make sure that your jaw is opening nice and relaxed it's not keeping closed a lot of people will sing and it's very caught in the mouth we want to try to allow the voice to come out and project so we're gonna open the jaw it allows the larynx to relax that's this part in your throat so once again ah good and continue singing with me ah okay now that we're getting into our bridge range I hope you guys are keeping up with me what I want you to do is bring down the volume so we've brought up our chest voice to a comfortable place but now we're gonna find those high notes at a very quiet volume [Music] nice and quiet I'm not going loud at all [Music] very good find that nice balance where you're able to allow the sound to relax into that place and you don't feel like you have to push to get there so find that place of release where the where the sound just feels like it's almost rolling out of you sometimes it can help to put a little bit of a vocal fry' at the beginning you guys don't know what vocal fry' is it's that morning voice sound that you have and for more information on how to produce vocal fry I have a singing program that goes into all the detail about how to do that and many many other things in the voice but moving on forward [Music] Oh Oh keep it nice and easy don't push if at any point it's starting to break apart for you [Music] and you're getting some of that type of stuff don't worry about it don't sweat just allow it to be what it needs to be right now so if you're not able to go that high with keeping the vocal cords together then what you need to do is bring it back down and each day try to go a little bit higher [Music] keeping it nice and soft I'm not pushing as I go higher I'm not going and trying to sing it louder I'm thinking nice and easy nice and light just like that so the keys to remember is that we need to make sure that when we're doing making this sound it's from a closed corphish in' so when I'm singing this I'm not singing that's called falsetto we don't want to go falsetto we want to keep the vocal cords together and keep it at a very very quiet volume so the quieter you go the more you have to go to head voice because I I need to give a certain amount of volume in order to get falsetto it's like almost not gonna come out if I go too quiet so I need for falsetto my vocal cords are open so we will need to get those vocal cord closed so that we're getting the high notes and we'll be able to build pressure into there so if your vocal cords are wide open while you're singing this it's time to stop at that point bring it back down the scale and then try again each time increasing one milk higher than you did the last time so just going one semitone above don't push it too high so again it's the difference between falsetto and head voice [Music] so we want to make sure that we're more in a head voice coordination and not in all seto because that is not going to strengthen the voice when I'm doing head voice oh I can get louder with that sound I just get breathy ER with falsetto great job you guys practice with this and if you want more details and more exercises and more things to work on please be sure to check out the link to my new singing program transform your voice the fundamentals of singing it covers all of these things and more so I hope this video helped you guys if it did please leave a thumbs up if you want to see more videos like this hit the subscribe button and next to the subscribe button hit the bell so you get notifications when new videos come out with all that said I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Adam Mishan
Views: 1,336,527
Rating: 4.9528103 out of 5
Keywords: Belt, singing high notes, how to belt, belting high notes, vocal exercises, singing exercises, how to sing, singing for beginners, learn to sing, how to sing high, how to sing high notes, voice lessons
Id: v0Aq6AhsjFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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