How To BELT (Without Hurting Yourself)

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hey guys how's it going I know it's been a while since I've put out one of these singing lesson videos but now I'm trying to do this more full-time as far as vocal coaching and working on my artistry as well so I am interested in doing more of these videos now connected with that I wanted to introduce you guys to my patreon page now I have a video dedicated specifically on my channel to patreon so I'm not going to belabor the point but essentially it's a place where you guys can go to make sure that I can keep on putting out this content you guys go there and you can support me with as little as a dollar as much as $100 per creation that I make whether that be music video or singing lesson video and I'll keep on putting this stuff out and I'm going to keep on trying to improve it put up better content think of different things maybe meet up with different people find different vocal coaches as well throughout YouTube and kind of collaborate all these types of things are things that I'm interested in doing and stepping things up and bringing it to the next level so without further ado I'm going to be talking about mix today now this is the Holy Grail if you will of singing most singers want to be able to develop a very strong heavy mix and they feel like if they're able to do that then that's it they finally mastered their voice and that's all that you really need to do and to a certain degree it is true we need a good mix to be able to sing most of the songs out on the radio today most top 40 stuff as well as rock country jazz RB all these different styles still require a mix whether it be a heavy mix soft mix and balanced mix basically the whole singing world right now revolves around developing a good mix it is definitely without a doubt the nut one asked question of any vocal coach how do I develop a mix how do I sing high notes with power of chest voice well this video is geared to teach you guys step by step how to develop a mix first of all I want to demystify the idea of a mix a lot of people have a mix built up in their heads and I was no exception when I was learning I thought a mix was a special place in my voice that I needed to find in order to be able to sing high notes properly and it would just be like this magic switch that switched on I'm really sorry to tell you guys but it's not a magical switch and it's not like a light switch that you flick on it's something that develops with time part of this is understanding what a mix is now a mix is really just exactly that it's a mix or a blend of the different registers of the voice so we have head voice weight we have chest voice what I'm talking to you with right now is chest voice ahhh-ahh-oh can feel the resonance in your chest when you're talking when are we seeing any note in our range or even when we speak there's a blending of these two registers if we were to isolate anyone registered then we would end up with an unnatural sound so in your natural speaking voice you already have some form of mix because there's head resonance happening and chest resonance active if you had all chest resonance happening you tell like this oh God what's going on I'm not that big though residence is happening above but it's not phallic it's all coming out of about kind of sound like you have a cold or your nose is stuff that is a very unnatural sound as well head voice talking all the way up here always talking up here um isolating your head resist doesn't really sound normal you're kind of selling Mickey Mouse but the idea is to blend the two registers so when we sing any note we have a blend those registers happening if it sounds natural and when these resonance chambers blend all we have to do is learn how to shift that blending of the registers to the right ratio as we move from our low range to our high range ah that's a mix right there blending from the bottom to the top seamlessly without any break in the middle there is no magical voodoo going on I'm not doing anything special all I'm doing is not getting in the way of my voice from shifting resonance from my mouth to my head so if you if I were to sit to the side and you would think of my resonance cavities as a seat right I would have more mouths residents on the bottom but I still have the existence of head resonance on the bottom so it sound like this uh that shift of resonance has to happen for you to be able to go up higher in your range nice you're probably saying to yourself Adam that does not sound like the mix I'm going after well to be able to develop a good mix you first have to develop it like and here's the secret a mix can be developed from a very very very quiet volume all you need to do and actually where I found the blend in my registers was that the quietest volume possible so I want you guys all to try is to do some slides from the bottom of your range to the top at the quietest volume possible holding back your airflow as you're doing this is key because if you don't hold back your airflow then you will definitely be in falsetto and then you're going to be getting a break in the middle but if you do this while holding back the breath and as quite as possible you're going to feel an amazing transition happen that sounds like this and you get this blend of your two registers and there's no break in the middle and it's so simple because we're not getting any big musculature involved by doing it very very quietly we allow the inner muscles inside the larynx to do their work because essentially those are the only muscles above your chest line that are required in singing all these neck muscles should be remain off you shouldn't be using your neck muscles to sing all those muscles should stay off so that is step one in order to tap into what a mix is that blend of registers okay for exercise number two I'm going to need this keyboard here and basically all exercise number two is is a balanced mum and the key with the mum exercise and this is one where I really found my mix in kind of a medium volume is to keep the mum quieter than normal but not quite as quiet as the last exercise but keep it speech level meaning keep it as simple as the way you talk so how would you say mum mum mum just say it say with me mom mom mom go ahead it's that easy that's all you got to do and now you just speak it at different pitches so we're picking our pitches like this just go mum simple right mama mama-mama ma-ma-ma-ma-ma mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mum a boom there we go we're all right we're at the high seat before you know it you're you're completing your whole ring now obviously don't start as high as I did I just wanted to do for demonstration purposes that this is something that you're you will be able to use to connect your voice at a medium volume from the bottom of your range to the top and this is how you develop that mix now make sure that you always know that you have to have both resonances happening basically they need to constantly be mixing and we're shifting that ratios as we move up the sound has to thin out and we have to drop vocal weight so it's move the sound you'll feel it shift up into your head cavity don't fight this don't resist it don't try to make it bigger go with it allow it to happen okay secret number three to developing your mix and this is a big one and I'm probably going to get a lot of flack for this but allow your voice to break believe it or not your mix is found in your brain what do I mean by that when your voice is breaking and you get a UH all that is is a sudden shift of the resonance what should be happening gradually is happening very quickly and you get this automatic uh-uh it's going up to your head voice so when that release is happening somewhere in the middle is going to be your mix so that balance and allowing your voice to relax into that when you're doing an exercise let's say mama-mama ma-ma-ma-ma-ma allowing it to break a little at first it's much better to break than to push physiologically nothing bad happens when you break the only thing that's going to hurt when you break is your ego when you strain physiologically the wrong muscles are being engaged and it's actually hurting your overall sound and your production of sound so better to let your voice crap and find that balanced place from that very very vulnerable place in your voice then to push and force bad habits into your voice so again let it just break up there mama mama mama mama mom ah so if let's say here ah trying to try to sing that but I'm breaking oh it's in that break you hear that it's right in that balance it's right in in the middle between those two where my voice relaxes into that place where my mix is found that's where that power comes from this is something that people want to avoid like a plague but at the end of the day this is really what's going to drive you to get into your mix probably for the first time if you've never experienced it and this type of release will help you experience a freedom that you've probably never experienced on notes that you probably have never sung before the last exercise I want to give you guys for developing a mix is one that will help you to develop a strong mix this is an exaggerated exercise so please do not apply this directly to singing it is an exaggeration this is not how you should sound when singing but in order to get the right vocal board coordination and engagement that you need of the support system you need to gain some sort of understanding of this by going too far and then we're going to take it back and balance it out but first let's take it too far what do I mean by that so we're going to take a sensation something that you can visualize imagine you have a sore stomach for your moaning that moan put into an OU sound shaping your lips into an O and making sure that it comes with a very low larynx so this has to be from a deep place because if the larynx is high then the vocal cords will be over squeezed and it will come out like oh that's going to be too much squeeze we have to lower the larynx and create that pressure that bone that cry that's going to be underneath all of your singing maybe you guys get that into your head underneath all of your singing there is going to be a slight bit of a cry no matter who except for falsetto other than that you're going to have this cry underneath so this is not going to sound pretty because it is an exaggeration but it is something that will help you guys get the power out of your voice that you want so the other exercises are to help you develop freedom in your voice and have you experienced places in your voice that you've probably never experienced this one is to take all those to the next level by experiencing the real power your voice has to offer and basically we can start this exercise on the simple three tone scale starting here I want you guys to go oh so it's going to be low larynx with cry underneath Oh Oh need to make sure you keep that like oh my stomach hurts oh that's for the power comes from listen that oh that's where the power comes from and as you're moving up here into this range because we're coming up right below the bridge we want to make sure that we shift the resonance properly by showing your upper teeth and by dropping the jaw comfortably we don't want to keep it tight oh oh want any of that want to make sure that the jaw drops comfortable oh and back down good go along with me make sure that you're engaging your lower abdominals make sure you have that moaning oh good that's it awesome okay so that's it those are my three exercises that are going to help you relax your voice enough to be able to get into the mix and then be able to start to develop the power of the mix and that's really what it's all about is developing the freedom that your voice needs to be able to shift resonant without being held back by outside musculature and being able to develop the inner muscles of the larynx and the support muscles of the lower abdominal muscles that are engaged when you have this mode because oh that comes from proper support if you have these two working together then you will definitely develop a powerful mix so I hope you guys enjoyed this if you have any questions please comment down below and make sure to like subscribe to get more vocal tips I'm hoping to be putting these out once a month and you'll be getting fresh content all the time don't forget to stop by my patreon page please help support me to make more of these videos I will leave the link down below thank you all for watching and I'll catch you next time Oh Oh
Channel: Adam Mishan
Views: 152,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mix, How to belt, how to sing in a mix, mixed voice, singing lesson, sing, vocal lessons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2016
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