How to sing really high - Voice lesson on how to sing higher

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hi guys Madeleine Harvey here and thank you so much for joining me on my channel today hey if you liked today's video please be sure to give it a thumbs up or click the subscribe button below I would love to see you here more often in today's video we're going to talk about how you can sing really high right now so if you've ever had a goal for being able to sing a certain pitch or those high notes that are in songs but couldn't quite feel that you could get there it's my hope that by the end of today's video you're going to be singing those notes effortlessly and easily okay today's video is relatively quick I'll try to make it quick for you but if you'd like to learn more about range extension I have another little nifty video called how to increase vocal range so I'll be sure to leave a link for you below it's chock full of goodies and best practices to keep your range extending of e to the cosmos okay so let's go ahead and get started in today's video we are going to sing really high but we're going to emphasize one thing we're going to draw all of our attention to that one thing which is vocal chord position so our entire focus of our experience is going to be right here we're just going to be there with our sound okay so vocal chord position what what I'll explain okay inside of your larynx which is right here consists of bone cartilage and muscle if we were to put a camera down your nose and into your throat it would be kind of upside down diamond or like teardrop shape or kind of like yeah like that anyway okay and your vocal cords are little like rubber bands stretched out in a V across your larynx as you sing low your entire lyrics contracts okay it thickens and shortens your vocal cords so that you can get those low notes as you sing high it extends and lengthens the vocal cords and they then out a little bit a lot like a guitar string so you see the larynx is always shifting and changing in shape now of course I'm making a little bit more dramatic it's not as like big as that but it's always changing shape in the duration of any given song it's going to consistently move like this and this is why I'm always always always talking about relax relax relax and hopefully with that visual you can see why if the muscles surrounding the larynx are relaxed well it can move it can change shape it can be flexible and quite easily if any muscles surrounding the larynx flex well now it can't quite move and the whole mechanism is kaput so you see it kind of makes sense when we think of it like that our best job the only thing we can really really do is just stay out of the way and that's exactly what we're going to do today we're going to play with varying degrees of changing vocal cord position but I want you to think of it two words engage release engage release engage release okay so that's what we're going for engage release so take two fingers or one but I like to I put them right on your larynx and we're going to focus you know all of our attention right there we're gonna calm all that fussiness that we might feel inside here we're just gonna comment right down and we're gonna feel how Hollow we can feel right there go ahead and take in a nice breath feel all the breath going all the way in just how much space we can create and now exhale it was pretty good right nice and calm nothing should change when you go to sync okay it should feel just like that nice and easy so again we're gonna calm all that fussiness down and we're gonna feel what engaged feels like before we feel released we need to feel engaged so try for me please this pitch here and we're gonna do what's called a glottal stop which just means all all under our sounds we're gonna go uh uh uh notice how I'm not really doing a lot of shape up here again not about tone today vocal cord position so try this with me uh uh uh do you still feel all that stillness that you just felt when we were just breathing good that's what we're going for so try out more time uh uh uh ah very still not a lot of action no fussiness so let's engage that's what engage feels like don't go for finish not like oh oh vocal cord position now we're gonna go from engage to release so all release is is just kind of sign letting the breath move the voice okay so engage and sigh and release so we're gonna go it's gonna be pretty ah ah so engage please ah ah ah just keep trying it with me ah ah ah we're engaging that bottom note but can you feel how we're engaging it without a lot of weight we're not going uh and we're not attacking that higher note either we're not going ah ah it should feel totally still ah ah ah okay so take a minute pause the video really feel what this feels like and try a couple times keeping going keeping going engage release engage release keep going back and forth that's what I was trying to say so we'll go ah ah like not like a yo-yo I don't want to give you the visual of thinking up and down I want you to think it's all happening right here uh uh really stabilize your legs keep it very still keep trying that with me now ah good now if you feel if you really have mastered what that feels like and you're ready for the exercise continue to listen but if it feels like there's a lot of holding on a restrictive nough spawns a video and come back to it later okay but here's our pattern for our exercise we're going to start here we're gonna go okay do not emphasize top note go completely for a clean engage but without weight bottom note and keep striving for that clean bottom note even as we sigh through that top note let me explain here we go let's do it together ah feel stillness on the inside here not a lot of fussiness just changing core position rapidly don't wanna breath either just nice and steady okay pausing right here just to say business should feel just as relaxed and easy as this one the one we started on so if as we're here we do not as we I'm sorry as we are ascending in pitch we don't want to increase pressure we don't need it it's all about vocal cord position engage please engage please so really strive for that clarity that's specificity in the engage uh-huh and then just sigh upwards let's continue okay pausing here still because I can just feel you may be freaking out try not to again right here's not as much action as right here okay it's just clean engaged and then just released like it's no big deal like we're just gonna throw it up in the air like confetti uh-huh that's how it should feel kind of like a small child like oh not a lot of fussiness not a lot of action just engage and then completely release very high and that's what today's video is all about but we're gonna take it down now again don't get too excited we're all we're looking for that nice comfortable vocal cord position but taking you up to high e above of course high C now let's take it down here we go go ahead and try that as you're engage and then of course release it and let it go nice and loose so about that first note no fussiness on the inside at all ever this entire exercise ah so we're gonna keep going and see how low we can go but try not to oh don't push down for it just like we wouldn't reach up for the high note just kind of let it extend from natural speech like uh uh uh or you know how you know that sound we make like when I'm really tired we're like oh so tired uh let it feel like that okay they're good I hope you enjoyed this exercise it's really wild it's really crazy and it's really fast we need to make it fast so that we do not hang on the I meaning like like we need to make it quick right now so that the voice kind of gets used to staying flexible and it anticipates those quick changes so it becomes more adaptable changeable moldable shapeable flexible but it's all about engage release engage release all high notes are released anyways okay so this really gets you in the right attitude and that frame of mine of a really nice clean approach without wait no wait we don't have to go ah because then again we can't change from there because you can hear that flexing it's all about staying out of the way so that we can make lots and lots of different changes and shapes with the larynx and with the vocal cords I hope that you've enjoyed today's video it's really crazy but I hope that you've enjoyed it please be sure to check back often for more singing tips and best practices hit they what does that thumbs up or the subscribe button below I would so love to see you here more often and please be sure to leave any questions or comments that you have in the comments portion of today's video thank you so much for joining me and I can't wait to see you next time you
Channel: Madeleine Harvey
Views: 4,413,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to sing really high, how to sing high, sing high, sing higher, how to sing, sining higher, madeleine harvey, voice lessons, vocal lesson, vocal exercises, west palm beach voice teach, voice teacher
Id: 9lRRF6lJtJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2015
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